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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1935, p. 8

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THE CANADIAUN STATESMAN. BOWMAXVILLE. THLURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1935 PAGE EIGIET TL j BIRTI-S The Newcastle IndependentFeray2t.aM. RY - At Oshawa Hospital. on Mr. and Mr,. R. H. B:ow.ýn, Orono. cortege to Napanee. Psul bearers and Mrs. Harold Werry. Kedron,. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. here were four boys who ail thought a son Ronald John). Fred Fligg. a great deal o! Clare and wîil sadly RICE-At Bawmanville Hospital, on Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sculthorpe, mi s the littie fellow who was just Sunday. February 24th. 1935. ta Hope, were Sunday guests of Mrs. appraaching schoal age. They were Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. R.ce1 nee W. H. Pearce. Jimmie Lovekin. Charlie Flood. Carl~ Jean Merritt', a son. Mr. andi Mrs. Russel Oimblett, Fisher and Haroldi Hoar. Anong _____ Maple Grave. visiteti her Parents, the relatives present anti accamp- B- Mr. andi Mrs. Luther Barrabaîl. anying the remains ta Napanee wasM RRA E Mrs. Fred Fllgg entertained on Rev. H. A. Mel.ow. B. D.. one o! Mcr. MARRIAGES________ Manday evening in hanor o! Mrs. Mellow's brothers anti a minister of Reid, Port Hope, and Mrs. A. Henry. t1.e Unit-Id Church. SAUNDERS-PRESTON - On Sep- Orono.-- tember l7th. 1934. at St. Johns The Horticultural Society heltia Rectary. Bowmanvllle. Is a bel, successful anti enjoyable card party FATHER AND SON daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. in the community hall an Tuesday B N U TH L Pre.storn. ta Clyde M. Saunders,V evening. B N U TH L son o! Mr. anti Mrs. M. H. Saun- Mr. George Waltan has sa far re- AT NEWCASTLE. ders. bath o! Oshawa. Rev. C. R. coveret f rom his recent illness andi I Spencer off iciated. operation. as ta be able ta get up street occasionally. Some thirty-five dads andi mare B .A., pastor. Sunday, March 3rd.I tabies in the uniteti Church Suntiay Il a. m.-Morning Prayer; 2.30 P. School hall at tnie Father and Son m.--Sunday School; 7 p. m.- Ev- banquet on Friday evening. Feb. OKE-In Bowmanville, on, Friday, ening Service. 22nti. The banquet., aill is en- February 22nti. 1935. Samuel Oke. Mrs. Armstrong, Brighton, visiteti ertaining anti uplifting features i î 9hya.ItretBw ber onMr.Pery Hreant wa anwas the culmination of weeks a! in- manville Cemetery. interesteti spectatar among the lad- tense thought and careful planningiBRSElee nors tOh les in the gallery at the Father's and on the part a! Mr. Edwin Hancac k, awa o-nteMa ny. esruaylt h- San's banquet. member of trie l4th, as he was of.aa nMna.Fbur 5h Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pingle and 13tn, Older Boys' Parliament a! On- 1935. Edward Pollard Burns, soni Betty. Bowmanville. and Mr. anti tario anai the Honorable the Minister o! the late Mr. and Mrs.W.J Mrs .Arthur Gray and Autiree, Osh- o! Junior Programmes as the cabinet Burns, ageti 26 years. awa. spent the weekend with their o! the gaverniment. The event a!- ATTFIELD-At St. Michaels Hos- mother. Mrs. Robt. Gray. focded splendidi testimany ta Edwin's pital. Toronto. on Wednestiay. Prof. C. B. Sissons. Toronto. caîl- enthusiasrn, his interest in boys' February 20. 1935. John Attfiei, eti on Mr. W. E. Beman. who is w n i eei o raiig belaveti husband o! Rasa Martin wtniyarkat i eessfrogng Attfîeld. Orona, in his 65th year. stail aining strength followingland lor eniisting the services ai his oueratin anti is begirîniflg ta get otniers, bathi juniors anti seniors, in TENCH - At her late residence. arounti the village a little.H. tne matter af age. Ca-operatîng Pinecourt Apartments, 418 Fine st. George's Church-Rev.F.H witî i hm in the planning and the Ave West, Montreal. Annie S. Mason, M. A. B. D. rector. Suntiay. contiucting of the banquet %vere: Long. beloved wife of Stanley W. March 3rd, Quinquagesima Suntiay: ±tev. S. MacLean, pastar a! the Tench ant i sîter o! Mrs. H. S. il a. m.-Mornicig Prayer anti Holy church; Mvr. T. A. Rociger, S. S. Fee and Mr.. P. C. Soules o! Tor- Communion; 2 p. mn. -Su n ia y Supt.; Mr Stanley Riokarti Ex- onto. Int.erment in Mount Royal School; 7 p. m-Evensong and Ser- member a! the O. O. B. P.; Mr. Gea. Cemetery. Montreal. mon. 1 suckley anti Mr. Jack Hare. also C . -- Russell K. Bragg, Shax's, bought S. E. T. graduates. the highest priceti team. paying $350 The C. S. E. T. movement is IN MEMORIAM at the auctian sale o! Western hors- faunaLet on the 52nd verse a! the es at J. T. Brown's, east o! Bowmian-1 2nd chapter af St. Lukes gospel, ville, on Tuesday afternoan which 1I"And Jesus increaseti in wisdam and WEBBER-In lov îng memory of a was sponsored by Will Staples, Ty- statue and in favar wth God and dear husbanti and datd3 William rone.1 man' and this was not last sîght of Henriy Webber. wha pass-eti Vaw Mr. John Lord and grantison. Mr. in the banquet preparatians anti Feb. 26th, 1933. HowrdCrtirmn.their lease o! program for provision was made for As we lDved you. so we miss yau. the Cale farm, Maple Grove, having 1mind, the botiy, the soul and the In Our mery or er expireti, are moving on March lst[ heart or social nature a!ailI present. Laved, remembereti. longeti for al- to the former Geo. P. Rickard farm, The willing and capable caterers . ways, Shaw's. which they have renteti for the banquet spread were the lad- Bringing many a sulent tear. f rom the present owner. Mr. W. C. î es a! Mrs. F. B. Lovekins graup of Satily missed bsy Wife and Family. Ashton. the W. A. o! the United Chur-ch. As The Girls' Unity Class met Wed- this synaptic repart will include if COUCH-1In loving memiory o! Mary nesday nlght, Feb. 2th. Mrs. Rick- possible the names of ail those who Jane Stapleton, beloved wife *o! ard led in prayer; reading by Marie took a mare or less canspicuous part William Couch. who passedi away Henning: solo by Marg. Harris; in the activities and pragram o! the March lst, 1934. reading by Marg. Toms; piano sala. evening rather than the substance of Oh. heart that hungers love ta Gladys Pollard. The class present- the many fine thîngs saiti, let it be- find eti Velma Watson with a wetiding gin wîith the mention o! the mem- The dear ones hid away: present. AIl enjoyeti recreation antid bers a! Mrs. Lovekins group who sai Goti every broken link shall olnd a lovely lunch. heartily warked hec in the Anti give them back soame day. Mr. W. F. Rîckard. Horticultural mïanagement o! the banquet proper, Day by day we saw you fade. Director for District Na. 4: Mrs. 'in serving the menu o! hot potatoes. Anti gently sink away. Perey Hare. Preýident a! the New- vegetable s, meat. salatis, jellies. anti Yet in aur hearts we oft-en prayetiE caFtle Hortirultural S'cciety. anti i apple pie and whipped cream. in cal- That you might longer stay. Miss Louise Trenwith. delegate. ai- lecting the tickets anti welcoming --Satiiy misseti by Alice anti John. tendeti the Ontario Hort icultural -andi arranging for the seating o! the___ Convention in Toronto. Mca. Chris lady spec tatars in the gallery: Mes- Law was unable ta attend, being onei dames F. B. Lov-ekn. S. MacLean. J. o! Newcastles many citizens ta bc W. Gk-nney. Geo. P. Rickacti, Thes.iNo ce t Creditors caught by the flu epidemic just Bcown. Au tin Turner. Icwin Colwill N tce t about that timie. Jesse Baskecvîlle, W. D. Bragg, C.- Young Peaples League openeti ils T. Batty, E. W. Fishef, W. J. S. IN THE ESTATE 0F CLARK meeting Montiay evening with the, Rickarti. Miss Ruby Cowan. WILBUR TYLER, DECEASED cloxolagy anti the Loct's prayer. In This gcoup o! ladies hati thoughtý All persans having dlaimns against absence o! 3rd vice, the president ofa evprything inclutiing the table de- the Esiate o! Clark Wilbur Tyler, took charge a! the program. Devo- coratians which featureti attractive late a! the Town o! Bawmanville. in tional was taken by Marjorie Dick- vases o! bath natural anti artificial the Counity o! Durham, who tiieti on inson, Eti. Hancrck, Mr. N. Riokarti lawers anti taîl colareti tapers, while or about the 27th day of December. anti Charlie Glenney. Ladies' quar- lengthwise a! the tables, froam end 1934. are requiredti t sendti t the tette favoreti with a number;. reati- ta endi, ran along the centre C. S. untiersigneti full partîculars o! same ing by Margaret Toms; Topic was E. T. emblematic r'bbonz. on or~ before the 2nd day o! April. taken by Mrs. N. Rickarti. anti was 1935, after which date the estate will followeti by open tiscuFsion. <Continiteti on page 7) be distrîbuteti amang the persons Lakeshare Homne anti School helti entitieti thereto, having regard only their meeting February l9th. with FATHEII DSERICE ta the dlaims then receiveti. Vie presitient, W. Ba-kerville, in th e H IN UNITED CIIURCH Dat f eti a Bymnvl1 eths5.n chair. The meeting openeti wiih o EDda !Fb0ay 95 Canada. Pragrani conssteti o! ceati- Lawrence Courtice Masan anti megs by Myrtie Allin, Audirey Adiams, As a fitting !o'Uow up ta the Fath- Glen Lyle Martyn. ,Olive Brown anti Mrs. G. Martin: er anti Son banquet an Feb. 22nti. Executors muical selections by Manson Sauch came the Father anti Son service in by iheir Soicitor. Wilbur Baskecville: Mc. N. Porter. îng. Feb. 24th, whîch hati been care- 9-3 ®rono, gave an int'eresting adtiress fully planneti. The special speaker __________________ on "Acres o! Diamontis.' A social was Mc. E. H. Devîtt. B. A., o! Bow- bouc was spent. manvîlle High Schaol, who was in- country alI arounti him. He doubt- Wîth feelings o! deepest ,ympathy troduceti by Mc. Ediwin Hancock îess took part. in anti enjoyet i al for Mr. A. E, Mellow. Newca.dle wha contiucteti the service. Mr. boyish. activities. helpeti his mather druggist. anti Mrs. Mellow, in the Devitt saîi he was pleasedt ta lin in the home anti Joseph in the car- tieath o! their fîrst born son. Clace Newcastle again, having been here a penter shop. He was a dutiful san, Dean Melaow. frientis gaihereti at lew years ago. He hati alsa met a ihoughtlul anti obetient. -And rie the home at the funeral scrvire or number a! the Newcastle boys at a. grew anti waxeti strang in spirit, Feb. 201h, in large numbers. Rev. S.j me camp at Lake Scugog. He fîllet i wth wistiom, anti the grade o! MacLean, B. A.. conducteti thc' ser-J hati always atimireti the fine Espirit Goti upon him. vice. reatiîng comfariing paçsages de Corps o! the Newcastle group, The thirti journey wa.s that ta from the sciptuces anti speaking anti he w*as happy ta be o! service ta Jerusalei when Jesus was in bis tender wocds o! consolation foc the them aon this occasion. West Dur- thirteenth year when his parents bereaveti parents with whom twa ham hati been vecy fartunate in the took hîm with them ta participate little sons cemain. He conrludeti calibre o! the boys Newcastle hat i un the !east o! the passover. Hece in with the cecital of the children's sent as representatives of the con- the temple Jesus became interesteti hymn. Sa! e in the Arms o! Jesus. siituency in the Ontario Older Boys' anti absorbeti in religiaus things anti Mr. MacLean alsa accompaflieti the Parliament, !icst St.anley Rickarti, came ta a full realîzation that he ______________ son of Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. S. Rick- mnusItievote bis life ta Goti, bis acti, anti now Ediwin Hancock, son. heavenly Father. But he went tiown o! Mc. anti Mca. H. E. Hancock. with hîs parents again ta Nazareth Mc. Devitt spoke on the sonship Of! anti was subject unto themn ant Iin- 0 £ eJesus !rom the viewpoint of three creaseti in wisdom anti stature anti m x ýZ1ffl jaurneys. The f irst, when Jesus was1 in favour with Gati anti man. Geo. M. Bosnell G. D. Garnett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTII AVE. - GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Vvhere at ail possible kfndly make appointineata for examînatiofla. Brenton Rickard, Rosa Allin, Carli Fisher, Haroldi Hoar, Wm. Rowland,. Albert Pearce, Alec Hientiry, El! ordi Cobbletiick, T. A. Rotiger, Wilbur Blackburn, Stanley Graham, Jacki Hare. Lloyd Hancock, Gea. Buckley. Mc. Edwin Hancock tolti interest- ingly o! the work anti project.s of the Ontario Boys' Work Boardi anti bespoke the interest o! aIl present in boys' work, drawing attention ta, the bond selling campaign now in pro- gress by which everyone hati an op- potunlty o! lnvesting in Canadian youth.___ Mase was in the war. At every explosion he strove for the cear Uine.. His colonel taîkedti 10hlm thus: -You shoulint be afraiti. Mose. 1 Why, what if you do due. Heaven's youc home" "Yassuh, ah knows. But ah-l' lomesick.' Wanted BROODER HOUSE WAN T ED - About 8 x 12. Howell Rowland, Newcastle. 9-1 MAN WANTED-FOR RAWLEIGH Route of 800 familles. Write ta- day. Rawleigh. Dept. ML-140-SA. Montreal, Canada. 5-10* WANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. muýt be accustomed to children. S15 per month. Apply Mrs. J. N. S2nn. Ontario Hospital. Whitby. 9- 1 Agents Wanted# SPRING IS THE MOST PROFIT- able season of the year for 'dir- ect' salespeople. Our Spr in g styles are smarter.' our f abrics more exclusive. Write at once for complete details of a dignified. profitab:e. interesting sales pro- position.* Britt-h Knitwear Limit- ed, Simcoe, Ontario. 9 -1 WANTED IN BOWMANVILLE -A man to repre.sent an old establish-! ed concern. Hard work and longJ hours are required but personal training andi heip is given. Mar-. ried man berwAeen the ages of 30 and 45 preferreci. This is a per- manent po&itiûfl with good re- muneration. Reply confidential. Write "*L.C." Drawer B. Bowman-1 ville. T Lt9-1t HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CO^,VE- lences. central location. posssso Nov..15th. Sheppard & Gi Ltd..ý Bowmanville.__ __ _44-tf TO LET-7 ROOMED HOUSE A L conveniences. facing Town Hall Possessicn February lst. W. T. Symons, R. R. 6. Bowmanville. Phone l6Dr5. 4-tf PLAT TO RENT-SUITABLE FOR living rooms or office. over Seirite Store; conveniences; possession March lst. Apply ta L. C. Ma-,on. barrister. Bowmanville. 8-tf, FOR RENT- 7 ROOMED HOUSE on Beech Avei., hardwood floors. wired for an electric stave. Vac- ant Jan. 31. APPly Mrs. Quick. Phone 226. Bowmanville. 3-tf FOR RENT - 6 ROOMED BRICK house, 3-piece bath. furnace. ail conveniences. and garage, central- ly located. pozseýsion at once. Apply Drawer T. Bowmanville. or phone 30. 9-1* HOUSE TO RENT - DESIRABLE residence on O'deil Street. aIl modern conveniences. including gas. and wired for ellectric stove. Garage and chicken house. W. H. eo, Box 274. Bowmanville.1 Phone 428. 9-tf For Sale FOR SALE-JERSEY COW. AGED 7 years. due March lst. Apply Hilton Tink. R. R. 2, Bowman- ville. Phone 176r2l. 9-1 FOR SALE-CANARIES. BORDER Fancies and Rollers. also pedestal i cages. rery cheap. A. L. Darch. King Street. BDwmanville. 9-1 FOR SALE--SIX ROOMED HOUSE on Duke Street. water and lights. 14 acre of land. Apply Mrs. John Westlake. Queen Street. Bowman- ville, phonie 289W. or Mr. Tom Richards, Tyrcne. 9-1 FOR SALE - LARGE TYPE S. C. White Leghorn Cockerels. Roe- Tancred strain, blood lines 236 to 312: AtDril and May hatched; $2.00 each. Thos. Bottrell & Son, Box 174. Bowmanville. Phone 2. 7-3* J. B. MARTYN WISHES TO AN- nounce that he has secured small 1 quantities of the finest fiîeld seeds. such as Ontario and Eng- lish grown Red Clover. Ontario grown Alfaîf a and Timothy seed, at lower prices now than they likely will be at seed time. 8-2* PIANO FOR SALE - HEINTZMAN and Ca. Upright. walnut case. Has had best of care, and we can re- commend it ta anyone looking for a good uýed piano. Original cost $685. WMl be sacrificed for ouick sale. Write or phone L. B. Tap- s~on. piano tuner. Box 175 or phonoý 353. Bowmanville. 9-2 FOR SALE-SOTLID BRICK SEMI- detached dwelling hou-,e. 6 rooms. bathrooom and large hack kitchen: convenientlv situated within five minutes walk of churches. public school and busineýs section, west side ScuLog Strp-t. Bownianville. f irst north of C.P R. station. Must he sold to close q n estate.* L. C.. Mason. Solicitor, Bowmanville. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-FARM. 140 acres. Lot 16. Con. 3, Darlington. near Bowmanville. 100 ac re s workable. new seeding, 16 acres rye. mast ploughing done. creek. wood; immediate poFeessir>n. Ap- ply to Mrs. W. L. Law. 71 Albert Street. Oshawa, or Ivan M. Law. R. R. 2, Whitby. 9-3* SHAW SCHOOL GRADS 1 are found ln thousands of _big offices to-dav as leaders and as eniployers. This resuit is found belpful to present graduates who seek position. Head Offices: 1130 Bay Street, Toronto. Permanent Waves SECOND ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS FOR MARCH ONLY $10.00OO OuWave ..............$6.50 $ 7.50 OilXVave............. $4.50 Otheî' Waves....$3.00, $4.00, $5.0 We specialize in Croquinole. Emile Beauty Parlr Regent Theatre Building - - Oshawa Upstairs - - - Phone 1035 SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Suits &1 Light Coats CLEANED and PRESSED 75e each Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone 152 - We Cali and Deliver It's Always Opportunity Days at Knight's LINE COMPANY HARD ANTHRACITE Equal if not better than any coal sold in Bowmanville enly $13*50 per ton VULCAN ANTHRACITE......$1 2.95 COKE................... $1 1.25 Ton Good Hard body HARDWOOD, Cord $3.75 J. W. KNIGHT -Taxi Service - LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING Phono 173 or 98 Fuel Merchant Baby Chicks for Sale tlnrd place in WhiteLeghornsin AND Matinee Saturday at 2.30 P. m. Monday - Tuesday - March 4 - 5 AND The Good Dame With Sylvia Sidney and Fredric March. Matinee Monday at 4 p. mi. Wednesday - Thursday - March 6 - 7 COME TO GAY PAREE -and leave your troubles behind ! It's grand! It's different SEE- the daing Art Students' Bal. the gorgeous Paris fashion show, Paris love, Iaughter! . and Corne on Marines Wlth Richard Arien, Ida Lupino, Roscoe Karnu. Matlnee Wednesday at 4 p. m. COMING EVENTS: "PURSUIT 0F HAPPINESS" Warner Baxter and Myrna Loy ln «'BROADWAY BILL" WIII Rogers in "THE COUNTY CHAIRMAN"I "CLIVE IN INDIA" "LIVES 0F A BENGALL LANCER" "RUGGLES 0F RED GAP#' "LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY"' V ý 1 BUY YOUR WHITE LEGHORN at Ottawa 1934. Electric încub- Baby Chick.s from reliable poultry ator; separate hatcher; prices farm. over 700 blcod-tested two reasoriable. average eggs set 25 and three yrar old hens. aiso Pent oz. to doz. A. H. Clemens, R. R. of wefl, develo:,ed pullets mated tol 6, Bowmanville. Phone 237r3. full brothers of our Pen that won 9t Big Double Bis for Opportunity Days at RloyalTheatre BOWMANVILLE Coupons given with every 25c admission. And in addition two big pictures every, day. Look over this outstanding program.

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