PAeM TEXi THE CANAD!AN ~TATESMÀN BOWMANVILLE, TIUT~.STJAX' W~TA1av 90 lees Hun dreds Good Footwea r of flfl~ATflftheicmoderator Rev. M\r. MTvsrsaid..\lan in asscrtiig ibis frecdom1 said tha missons had becîr arranc- lias dutie so againsr God and lias cd eiroughiout Canada rrud tirat the denivd lbis a;poitrted course anid1 Hmembers of the congregations in stan'd alc'ne, arrogant. defrant, with tis Presbytery, were indeed for- nothiing0 before ini but an iridiffer- UNIT[D G0 11 1H tunate that Osirawva iad bcen se- Cnt fuiture and a trackless Wilder- Iected as one of the centres for ness. it %%as asserted. His w'hole per-2 Illthe visit of the Moderator. l'le spectiveclias beeri at fault and man 1 OPENS MISSIOIN during the Mýoderators visit, thre place of God but no longer canlec C omea i n iniu trh srid , o u cld b e n(, f icae eat un r ctle inrr c. b e i p ra i e o Congegatonsof King St. value to the rel îious llie ni tie the Divine law and truth, the Mod- and Centre St. Churches tu the pjeople. Faith Growing Dimt Brngs Greetings I ocuseon faith i s growing i Join ini Service In bris 0openinz renîarks tire M\on- dini wc nagnifs' our troubles. It erator said it was nu niean pris j- may bc tie enid of ",ur time but rot llie Right Reverend Richard Ro - cge to bringz grcetings frotntthr ;dsrm n lna fi e - berts, D.D. 'Moderator of the Gener- whole United Church, ihiclr ex- gininmnu --otsoniething ness. If we ;il Counicil o:f thre United Cirurch of tended from Nesfounidland to Vai-rIl.-Ive faith il is not tire beginning Canada, opened a special five-day couver Island. and tb 'at while thre of there n, but a new epch wiren mission in Oshaiva on Sunday, the c hurcir was grent ini actualitv, t %vc cari deterîinie tomnorrow's mor- mission to include the United con- waqý still greater it its possihilities. ai1 cliniate the speaker said. greaton i tie siaw anI o- IMe chose the words fourd in lia- Tlirrcucjlr thre centuries we have bourg Presbytcries.1 bakkuk, cirapter 3, verse 2, as tire beeri tryirig to make a riew world ýAt thre openirig service lied in text on wirich thre Sermon was iis -and or' cari make listory and shape King Street United Cliurcliron Srîr- cd: "0 Lord I have ireard Týhv tire w nu (tire w ayWr ' art it, but day morning. at %virich thre c( rigre- 1 ileccir, and svas afraid; O Lord 1 becauise oui faitir is dim and weak gation of Centre 'Street United 1 revive Thrv %aork- in tire nldst ofiwse cease to brii;eve that we have Ciurch joined iitîr King Sircet, tire tire ý cars. in tire inil'l (4 tie '-Car,-'tire ç'owsri-rtu ha'eOurowrides- Moderator made a strong epca for inaice k-n-cu-ti : ciii ri- rnrc)r tiniies, but becue fatalists, Sittinrg tIre people to rerew tireur faitir in mr'rcy.' r uaiiig fo)r solicthiirg to tur ir God and in tlirenselves : t re vive' Struggles of Mankind ip. lire poirited cri'. Ji the people God's rvork in tiere idst of tire TireNiederator qucted excerps irasve not faîtiri (,od, tiiey have no years begirinr witii tireniselves fironi a book "Tire End cf Orur initative. uii OWr11n freed.,'nu, buti and by tirus doing could determine 1 Time" writter b-, a Ruesiar ini if tirev have faitî tirer the know- tire moral tenîperature of tom orr,yv 1 hili ire stated tirat for tire past lcdgc tirat ît is possible to Write tire and write the kind of histr-'r r - 5ff years or so, especially ini p iritorv dcsircd is assrrred. ' desired for tireir courr. Europe, mari lias heen pîttirig mm- Thre danrger todav, said tire Mod- Moderator Welcome self againsrtirhe universe and tra-in.g i-r. ws matien were discov- Rev. G. C. R. McQriade, niniter : tii- r reo.Sic ieR-Cintîlino- lut wcre refusing to of Centre Street Unite'd Chiu-ch naissance m-Ienir tried to break take ac'tiou to better cnditioris, and and President of tire Ias- cf Quinte tire bonds of rire ecclesifistical s s- tir(, wiole onîrcome dependcd upon Conierence, assisted in tire service tern and tire Rcformatiori aeiriisidiil actPi, ii-t, but tire ini- by offeriig ftic openinz praver ard I)rrouirht about, tirev brave irot beeri diidrial i rrtiîclieve li God. listen reading tire scripttIr- lesson from satisfied and iri threi'r liireration rr onut r J-lis coiisci and do His bidding. Isaiair 55:1. Rev. Mr. McQtnrade and the fuedal system and later activi- Enduring Faith Ne.ded iis cangregation were warmîv wcl- ties brouglt about tire Frericli reý- i'Tire Moderator declarcd tirere comed ira Rer'. R. L. Mctavism. olution, mreri bave breit struzglirr nz %.' ort c an epidemic of practical minister of King Street Chtîrcir, for freedorn. Sonretiig ri 11111aurd irehsm sweepirig tire countrv wirer wiro also irtroduced Rigirt Rov. zood ruas have corne out of there ren dccîared tirer bclieved ini God Richard Roberts. th icre e'ertu- strueýgles ton make tire wcr-id a ietter but ke,-i on ivinz and actinz as tive officer tri the U2nited Chiri place in niricir to live, but iri cverv tirougi tries- didrit believe. "AIl ive of Canada. TiI is introdtictinc success tirere is danger, Mloderator rreed is; a simple, criduring faitir Ou FROM MARCH let to MARCH 9th 6 HOLE RUBBERS $165 Mn'& heavy six hole Rubbers, with black sole and rein- forced backs. A rubber that wiII give plenty of service at very Iow cost. $I65n1 Samme style as above, ini red with white sole .........................$1.85 MEN'S BLACK CALF OXFORDS $4.50 Here's a shoe fthat any man will be proud to Wear. In fine blackc caif with double sole, bujit in arch sup- A port, and rubber heel. Don't miss this extra value at A s4.50______ S PIH Mviuses' Black CalE OXFORDS, Swn sole, Rubber Heel. A real oDornrilv vaI. ,....Qioo upà»u&uniy vaue, KNOX IONE 120 p 1.'0*. SHOE STORE BOWMANVILLE Will Be Saved This tîrat suill gril) Our ssirole life, arid w%%-uvre îrreparcd to Ict Gr'd use trn, sîrouîd set about lookirIg for a faiir it wvorld be sufficierit to kindie thec 11k-e tluat aI once, ire dcclarcd. Ilii svlrole ssorld" tire Moderator de- every- one afi you tirere is residîre clnred. I conclusion ire made a of faith or y-ou wouldn'î ibc liere. strolîg plea iliat this prayer be us- arid it îs orie of ',our most dearesr, vd tirrorîgirout tîle congregation. anid precious possessions tirat von 'Revive Tiry work in tire riidst of have lefb, and you shouid exerc'ise tire years, beginnirig with me," and it,* tire Modcrator enjoined î'-'e ivien the spirit of revival is heard congregation. About aIl we cari di that tire individuals go cul aird is ta, cry out 10 God ta help our uit- create a avorld of tire kind tlicy1 belief, and if half a dozerirn lrî arted and tire' could write a iris-( begin to prav 'revive Thv work in tory tîiat God irtended, aiid nonet tire midst of tire ycars. beginninz. could resist theni.1 %ithrî me,' and tirose haîf doeriThe ch;oir ufuder tire direction of 1 Mfrs. Robert Holden, orgarnist and :Britlslr iresIco 01tL ffuctr ltiflt"' fuîdiný o îîiinl ira i choir leader, sang tirat splenidid arr prec-iori.s credit :4 l ý!r [;t lt i vrxriîîtr c t i e n , H o l y A r t T hi o u . " a n d a b a . î c i'j J a ' - i t y n t r n C b r - ii ru ri t o f G e a r i tt a i . b and tenor duet was sang by Robcrt 1 nrnirenr anrdl erions irrr-ti Milllrrs rof dollars ar-i, H oldei a rd A . H alerood, "For ev"er ils o wîri chances of borro wrrilrrl er o Ie pr b e î o Witli tie Lord." moriyni on the tir liori ii rof IM A R NG C N D 'S C E 1rernedial a tin for tie salvatti le ;t r o t 00 c n r h JMPAIRING ANADAS CRDIT ]ofdistressed mutiiirrlitip' trou.lrî îtdsrnamu.-j (Edmonton Bulletin) wlolesal, propeivt - conifscationi lita1 r Ottawa may turri a deaf ear ta land barikruptcy. TIr e nore Itrndl.-., -1 ani woriderirg If rîr- the pleadings of municipal court- ie lritisli pre.-rtlunhlrs abli0tt kn ie le fo r r e lie f fr o m th e d e p r e s s io n tr e i n a e e î g" Si t i l n f r i r i l, i to o e x p e nis iv e ' doubied burden of hîgis interest Ion eredit. the lfelIeiit le riati rlternacf rates. B u t O ttaw a w i îî liftte r if th at p ar lan e rt w il i uak - , î es io al cî ar ti s.U- It r there is a ioud blaet from tire tire urgelîriy of trrifl~uiri~ ,ibOUt ni Bell W'night. il DO WMAN VILLE I N I. I ASK FOR COUPONS MORE ~AA THAN IVV A host of' prizes, more than 30 in~ number and valued at more than $ 100.00 are being placed on cisplay this week-end uptown. These prizes wil be given away in the grand draw which will-climax OPPORTUNITY DAYS. The draw will be made by Mayor Ross Strike on Saturday night, March 9th. Full particulara of' the draw will be announced next week. During Opportunity Days, ail Bowmanville mer- chants displaying the Opportunity Days streamers will give ABSOLUTELY FREE, with every 25c cash purchase, or every dollar paid on account, a coupon. These coupons must be depoaited in boxes in the stores where they are given. On Saturday, March 9th, all coupons will be collected and the draw will be made. THESE MERCHANTS ARE SPONSORING Harry Aihin's Grocery Watson's Bakery Mac'& Clothes Shon Olympia Cafe Len Eiliott, Plumber Cawker's Butcher Shop Mason and Dale Hardware Cream of Barley Kerslake's Drug Store Jewell's Big 20 Evlyn Shop Dustan's Cash Hardware James Man, Jeweler Morris Co. Furniture Royal Theatre W. J. Bagnel Nelles Grocery Knoï Shoe Store Corbett's Bakery Edlmondstone's Meat Market The Ca-a--n -------- MORE THAN 30RE CO-OPERATING IN A GIGANTIC Shopping Event WILL BE GIVEN ÀAWAY IN PRIZES Read the merchants' advertisements ini these two sections of' The Statesmnan. Many are offering special prizes if the winni*ng coupons are secured at their stores. Neyer before have the merchants com- bined so whole-heartedly to put across such an out- standing merchandising event. It wiIl pay you to spend a wbole hour reading and studying the advts. and marking down your want list. There are no strings attached to these offers. Every merchant is spending lavishly to mnake this a success. Every benefit goca to the customer, 80 just mnake up your minds to do a big week's shopping fromn March I at to 8th inclusive. A full list of' the prizes offered in this campaign appear on page one of the first section. "OPORTU NI TY DAY S" ChaHis Radio Service Caverley's Grocery Naborhood Shoe Store Couch, Johnston and Cryderman, Ltd. McGregor's Drug Store Nelson's Lower Price Store Groves Flower Shop Walker Stores Ltd. S. G. Chartran, Men's Wear Jury and Loveli, Drugs AtiI Roads Load to Bowmanvil"le for I OPPORTrUNITY Dollars 1 YO UR OPPOR TUNITY -TO SAVE ON- March 1lst to 8th Sponsored by BD WMAN VILLE RETAIL MERCHANTS" iASSOCIATION À Boys' RUBBERS Red Sole ... Rolled Lige -mwmw ý 7 5 c mumn Bluchor Oxford MEN'S BLACK CALF VERY SPECIAL AT s3,oo FREEZ FREE' HOLEPROOF SOX KAYSER HOSE Witb each pair of Men's Shoes priced at $6.00 or miore, sold front Marc list to March 9th inclusive, we will give FREE One Pair of Holeproof Sox, and with each pair of womnen's shoes at $6.00 a pair of KAYSER HOSE Wommen'a KID SHOES. In Black or Brown, i pwnp or tie styles. $2.45 ta $7.50. le Shoe Store of Q uality and Service DAYS -------------- T- LOOK FOR THE STORES DISPLAYINC COLOREO STREAMERS 1 THE CANADIAN STATEMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TlYrRSDAY. PEIBRrARY 28. 1929 Week Be Saved Th les 30 DAYS