PAGE WELVETHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, toWMANVTLLC, TIt!RSDAY, T RtCIyTy2S, 1311 Over $100 To Be Gi*ven Away on "O0portwiityDa" lzousands of city men look on written by one wbo did not ce !rnirrs wth e:zVv. teniplate the terrible years i I do net think bat rity'- men fammers and aIl others wnt: rc'cl that tlzey could mnake tai- rfollowed the autuma of 19. ing pay. 'Most of tizen recognize Yet 1 arn lncliaed to thlak thi tliat to lie a ssflfarmer. wbat the writer of this hoc one mîust kiiow a vast amount sald 17 yenrs ago las not bec tbout the science of agriculture. mnade obsolete or tals by tt Tlxey do net for a moment tbink passin:d of liniF. Thus be says li1at nature unasslsted or but eraeplnyoId- ltttle ssiste( lqusa larger caritri'n- Tiers apre lntaf mI- ntrt te farmer's incarne tIa ½rming as In everythiag he hmefi. Wapc may -,]se. The iest equIpped wil have been the sltuatiaa la pion- inw aout. One man succseds cci- days,. h. h clearly perceived wîere another talla. îf yeu tînt today It takes knowledge R3 want to arim. for îeaveo's welI as Iadustry ta make tarin- sake tarai! Do not be dis- Iag pay-and a vast antount of couragsd by the obstacles. knowlrdze at that. toi- tiey make the tua. 5ev- 4' +' + enty percent. of city busi- In my banda is a book wlth neassmina ail at some per- title The New Busiatea of Farta- lad et their lite, but ceai- Ing. It is a book vi-itten la 1918 paratively tew tai-mers bave -so It la already old, and Itwa a visit tram the sberiti. YOUR WORLD and MINE JOHN C. ]hIlWOOfl There waý; a Urne wlien city men made* joh-(,7 about farniers ind farning-. Today raost city men are envying farmers and wishing that they were tarming -flot bçcau',e farming ls a pro- fitable nrpi. but becatuse farrning as a way of lite lias tewer anxietiv.s in it t.lau have city employinents. Salai-y and wageý cuts. extensive unemploy- ment. hlgh taxes, and a feeling of insectiit.% Ihvev made tenC ot -.HARDWARE OPPORTUI ELECTRIC CHINA GALVANIZED One Finger BULBS RANGE SETS PAILS LEATHER Guaranteed Sugar, Sait and Pepper. 12 Quart Size 23c MITTS 40 and 60 watt The Set 14 Quart Size With short cuif 19c each ý39c i 28c M% 9c pr. Coupons Given With Every 25c Cash Purchase or $1.00 Paid on Accaunt Lemon Oui ..... 5 CEDAR OIL 15c METL OLSHA NN OUN C EM E N TMachine Oui .. 5c LIQUID WAX DACUUM9 1 Pint .... ... 25ce MASSEY-HARRIS AGENCY VACUUM....35 ZN AH Havine been appointed agent for MASSEY. OTE-5 ZIN WA H AHRIS implement repaira, plow points, etc., we HICKORY AXE BOARDS......25c are in a position ta, give prompt and efficient ser. HANDLES CHI S vice, We are also placing in stock a supply of bar- 2nds .....29c WAGON"eas and harness repair parts. Metal box.. $1 .63 Ytour pa.ronage on these items will be appreciated, VARiht TAINOa STAINLESS As a special we are offering a Iimited $195 Quart ....,49c CUTLERY number of brasa bound Bridies at, each WHITE ENAMEL 6 K iiives andQ u r .....49 6 Forks .......$1.39Qur 49 FLOOR PAINTAL US Light and DarkVAN H Grey and Mediur à el, ~Quart .....49c Brown.HOUSE PAINT Special Value Alclr Quart ...........49c A lclr ALADDIN LAMPS $1 Value, Qt. 70c Special ...... $5.95 12 Quart ALUMINUM ALUMINUM Let Duatan'a supply youra every want for the paint up. PAILS FRY PANS.. 73c 1o7u r Oant a% and Supply prices. tg 57c DUSTAN'S ' - 0'E 74 CASH KING ST. HARDWARE BOWMANVILLE j -. u cludiang werds: "The tai-mer loaa constructive worker. Hic liveli- hood cernes tram aiaking the land produce. He adda te tic wealti of the world. Hia moral fibre la thereby strengtieaed. Moral qualities are the funda- mentais of civilization. Intellect- ual aciievements can be freely berrowed. Agrîcultural machin. si-y may le clsaply purciased. Social etficiency can he quickly developed by an acute aianarcb- lai geverameat. But morality la af alowei- growtb. and the na- tion wbich becemes efficient at the expenseof morallty la3 la danger cf falling Into the abyss. From the days of aiytiology, the toucb of the sali] bas been recoignized as the vital factor la tic advanceinent af thé crorld." Ebenezer EBENEZER. Fel.. 21.-Ser- vices on Sunday were well at. teaded. The pastor takiag charge. Good music was provlded iy the choir. FIai-a Belle Mars-ah aIl contrubutIng a vocal sole at the moraing service. Suaday schooî waa attcnded by 112. The Young People'.% meeting was beld on Monday aigbt, wltb Mr-. Ai-t reund and bis &roup ln ucharge. Tic lesson was taken by Mr-. Ted Barlow and Bile Study byr Han-y Wordea. The tapie was giron by Ai-t Faund. Other auni- bers were: piano solo. Mrs. Will wade; reading, Mi-. Stan Caver- ly; harmonica muais by Dorfs Wade. 'Valentiae's day was obeervel1 at the achool op Friday aller- accu, wien Valentines were ex- changed. Cookles and candy were- sei-ved. Mrs. Cecil Fouad enteu-tained Croup No. 2, ot the W.M.S., of wbich Mi-.. John round la * leader, on Tuesday atternoon. Arrangements were rmade toi- Lhe Mai-ch meeting. The Tuzia BoYé4 were enter- taiasd at tic haine of Mi-. Han-y Worden, on Frlday evening, wien games werc played.- Lunch iras aerved by Mra. Woi-den. Coaceit dae to a pretty girl about wbat castor cil would do ta g oo0d lea creau.-R ose toawn1 (Sask.) Eaile.1 Iwhiel *tonial E! anta newepaper la aOmnething i 1a cussed if It bas an sdi- LPollcY, aad calIed a opina- ellyfisi If it hasn't aae.-At- SConstitution. WiÂNNOT on- saince 1918-probably war-swol. for VssuinginUS len prices-have sadly collapsed In recent years. Just the same '9 there ls Indicated a manner cl hat measuring farin operations, and ?en lwy we need to know bow en to moasure Our respective busi te * nesses. This writer saya that Iwithout sufficient money. the farner cannot even earn Intereat on what he has, let alone a wage ~Ip for himsecl, and he differentiates fariners from city imen. aying that the farmer is neither an empioyee nor a broker, but ia working for himse4f and there- fore muet buzuseif supply ailtbe capital needed In bis business. lu the axea. of t.he country where was made a speçial lnves- 'W' ~' tigation, a single man Who had less than $4000 Invested In lis farm made a labour Incoine of d $100, and only one man made so $800; but wben the farzner' a n r vestment was trozu $4000 to do $6000, one man lu every twelre 'e nmade $3 a day for bis turne and fr work; and when the Investinent se was $15,000. then 46 Ver cent. n of the tai-mers made over $1000 9 a year over and above theIcn- a teret con their Investaient. t,... The bMarchioness of Dutterin and Some more finding by thi Avai bas Jolard the long ]Jet ot writer are as follow: titled Britishers who are current. The average cost for la.b- ly vlting in the Unted States. our on fai-ms la sooeewliere She's pIctured 'as shle arrlved ln la the neigbborhood of 40 New York for a protracted stay per cent. of all costs. wlth friends In the CaroUlnas. on large t armas $100 _________________________ wortls of labour farina tire turnes the area that It will e two mien and tour horses on sinaîl farnss. le busy aIl t.he year. The average farmner. re On a 50-acre farmn one tralned to the work train bis b_ ors cares for 21 acres of youtb, does Dot inake day r culivated crops, but on a wages unlesa lie bas a Cap- re 265-acre tarin. one horse ital of $4000. t- will care for 49 acres of It is better to bire a good Le crops. A mian wlll produce tarai tban to own a poar le twice as much on a 150- one. 2- acre tarin as on one of only The local miarket la al- 35 50 acres. ways the begt 50 tar- as It I. The equlpxnent for 126 goes. à- acres of land-horses,, men The best chance for the ta and toos-will, with vsry Individual ls the cultivation f- littîs additioaal ccost, fartai of personal efticiencY. "The ie 176 acres. mian la 75 per cent. of the a An Investigation In a par- proposition, and tic tarin If ticular area showed that the 25 per cent." average fariner having 80 Fariners as a class are In- acres earned only $370 loi- dependent because tbsy are bis owa labour, whule the so largely self-emploYecl. V one farming 175 acres i-e- '-The boy on the tarai." saya d ceivsd $635 for bis time. thus writer (Julian A. Dimock), sa and the fai-mer cultivating "bas thc Inestimable advantage 5260 acres received a labour or working side by side with bis * income of $1000. Less than ftLer. He le early taken loto e 3 per cent. of the farinera the tamily discussions of ways a baving only 100 acres made and means. The boy learns the a labour incomeo0f $1000, value of money and the ways lu but 33 per cent. of those us- which it can be miade. He does Ill. 200 acres or more earn- not sîmpîy draw an allowaace cd $1000. and concera biaiself salely with I find Vie foregoing findings maing the amount Ia baad last exceedingly Interesting and sug- 0ovi- until next payday. The as- geetive. Probably the figures sociation wth lite la the grow- msy require rexisioa la rela- Ino:; of crops and the brcediag of tion to today-seelng thKt prices îivestock, get the boy la touCli with the revolving wbeels af this old earth of ours, and broad- ens bis foundation until be l3 not Ilke a i-ced la the wind. bending before every blast. He underatands the comparative lin- NITIES Iortance of things. and is not so likely to be carried away by NITIES false Idols." s CURTAIN GOING UP! ! Yes, Sir, the curtain'a going up ons a mightY slaughter of Pricea ii ~ Ladies' Dresses. One hundred and fifty dresses will be sacrtficed during OPPORTUNITY DAYS at unheard cf low pricea ta prove to you Couch, Jobnstan and Cryderrnan aergti n bni cornes ta real values. GROUP NO. 1 59, HOUSE DRESSES, regular values ta $1 .19. c Sises 34 ta 44. SALE PRICE ......... 9 HOUSE DRESSES. Values ta $1.75. GROUP NO. 3 Colored Crepe, Velvet and Lace Dresses. Regular prices up ta $11.95. Sizes 14, 16, and 18. ON SALE .....................$290 GROUP NO. 4 Colored Crepe, Lace and Velvet Dresses. Regular @ values to $14.95. Sizes 14 to 42.' ONSAE GROUP NO 5 ô Black and Calored Crepe Dresses. Regular values 0> to $16.50. Sizes 14 ta 44..........$ ON SALE ................................ $ 9 GROUP NO. 6 Black and colared Crepe an-d Velvet Dresses. Priced farrnerly to $1 7.50. Sizes 16 to 46~a OUT THEY GOAT.................... J~, WINTER COATS-Haif Price 12 Ladies Winter Coati, at EXACTLY HALF PRICE. Sorine priced as law as $7.50. Ail beau tifully furred and every one an outstanding bai-gain. ci Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Limited This man Ilkes figures-and if o a say ,0 most farinerE m8t eaulers, moat inanutactur si-s, most beads et famtilles, d NOT like figures. They aisolute iy refuse ta lie analysts of tisl businesses and persoaal affai-e Thue, tîls writer says tînt aT ltemlzcd capital account of 721 t3pical ai-ms la a particular arei ghowed that Lhs lavestaient averaged. waa as tollows: 2% feed and seed 73 real estate 16%luve stock 7 <1 rachinei-y and tools 1 % pi-educe (unsold)) 1 % cash 100 50 The moi-s capital, he says, thE bigsi- wilIl le the returns; thb lai-gsi-the business, the more eronomnies tlat can lie lotroduî. ed, and coascquently tie biglei Lhe ratuo of profits; the imore heurs cf the men's tuse profit- ably employed, the greater the labour incarne; the gi-eter the diversity of wonk (witbin Iliai its), the b*tter the yeai-ly use of labour; tic larger tie fai-n. the lees per acrec ost of mach- lnery and tic more efficient uts use. Tlese ai-e axions-seli- evudeat proposition. Just the sanie, Itta leoti an easy anda common thiag te torget some, If net ail, o fttesc axiomes of busi- 5iC53 farimng. I rcad this bock witli suai- Interest when t was publiabed and I bave returuied te It this year te re-discover wiat iL says about the aritimetis or the eca- nomica of famming. Soins of the autlior's counsels and comment3 are as follaw: Tic econemic unit et man labour on a tarin le net one man. but two. The economie unit of borslabour Is nat a 2-herse teani, but a 4- bai-se teani. A tai-m ahould have at least enough acres te keep King Street Bowmanville AMessage to The Boys and Gurus! Hcw would You lilce a real Shetland Pony al for, yourseîf. AU you have ta do is save ane hundred coupons frorn Cream cf Barley packages. The firat child in Ontario ta senci 100 coupons ta John Mackay Co., Bowrnanville, will receive this fine SHETLAND PONY FREE, Stai-t savrng coupon8 today. CREAM of BAÀRLEY MADE IN BOWMANVILLE By JOHN MACKAY CO. LIMITED. Phone 104 OPPORTUNITIES at MARR'S JEWELRY Ladies' Watches Gent's Watchos BRE'MEN, 15 JEWEL. BRENIEN, 15 JEWEL. White gold filîrd cases, %tain- Lumînona dial. White gold Iess steel backs. Reg. $12.50 flied. Reg. $12.50 Special $9.95 necial $9.95 Ladie' Baguette WRIST WATCHES. Reg. $15.00. SPECIAL.............. $107 LADIES' AND GENTS' Sterling Sîlver BULOVA DINNER RINGS WRIST WATCHES Set witb M1arquisites Ail sizes $2.50 ta $5.00 $24.75 Up Gent&' Sterling Sterling Silver SILVER RINGS BIRTHSTONE RINGS Signet engraved f rce $1.00 ta $1.75 $2.50 ta $4.00 COMPACTS-yaur choice of any in the store-25,7 off. ELECTRO Slver PoUah WESTCLOX 35c Bottle ALARM CLOCKS SCOTTr GRAHAM From 98c ta $3.95 TOILET SETS Rteg.$0ni CLIP EARRINGS SPE'rIAL, $5.95 $1.00 Up LEATHER POCKET BOOKS .... $1.00 to $2.50 WALDMU CHAINS, 10% off .... $1.00 ta $4.50 il JAMES MARR, JEWELEl PHOý'E 463- NEXT TO KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE£ DRESS CURTAIN GOING UP! ! , a PAGE TWELVE