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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1935, p. 16

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p W v , s Pr' PAE -ST"TEN' T!F E AN'ADTA4 STATMS%!AN', EOWMANY'VLT, rTH DA«f, FrEUTlARy 28, 193g i'I PICTORIAL PAGE 0F CURRENT EVENTS .4 PAG E 0F JNTERESTING PIC TURES 0F HJGHLJGHTS IN A WEEKL Y RE VIE W 0F WORLD NEWS Italy Prepares For War With Abyssinia Prince of Wales in Austrian Tyrol Back Home A gain IL M CE 1 1i i.'e-, tîi.î tî With Fascst Italy shadowed by war cloud,, irernaer llenito Musg~oili (rightîîîost figure, nmunted) t: wion l this receat picture as lie iiiPectc<1 niemibers of the Vul,î"nteer Mililia lit Boire. Ilfhtigli th Italo..Al;yssluîlan risi'. promises to abrite wilhoxîtt an Immediate rcsort to irais, Italy bits an. nownced tliat it ivill send :;,000 trool., ita the dis1îuted tcrritory. New Freak VesseZ Has Been Invented PAID FOIZ MUIIDER .1 Chicago lîodhum svhe grinneil is hc tolM cf taking a $2,00Oo coatrtîct te "'rub ont a guy'" ani ".sublet' bbc job ho another hoccilum, paying 1dim e3000 Io (Ioe bbc lihg, Walter '%Iurplà3,, abios-o, nanicd Irviag Weitzmaa. iveaitiîy baker chaiti 01511r, as i1l14-iman who Iireil hlm. at the trial cr Wetznan for the mur- fier of Elh Daiebies, ChIcage al- s.ertiqlnýg execeuhiso. lîrphîs ad- niitte l le Ihopeci <o escape tii, chair by bis hestimoniy. Daughters Dead PREINCA W INTEIi. sI'OitTS INTIIUSTA-S'i Thew Prince of Valeq carry-ing Ilus own skis as lie ftarts ont 10 le a littie akUing flown the siopes of Kigtzehl, la bhe Aîîst4rian T.l. ii. vre hlie iloycd bhis first iviater sports vacation since 191-1. He wmas to visit Pre-sidcnt Miklas of Austria. KIN 0F ROBERTFLTOiN IXVENTS SEA-GOING IIWiNMIr, Robert Fulton ploneercd steam navigation, but une 'ntfilus fcsenrlaîts. Palmer If. Crary. ntillzeq 01<. fashoncd wind ta propcl this neiwfangied craft rt 4anîi, la. The hrce,ýc turuîs bbc wl,îdîiils, îvhich operate air pump.«, wlîichl compress air ln a tank belon- decks. Thî oee r, 11'il, <uri. ner- ten an englue, whùch turns a propeilor, mlii maLes thîe boat go. Conîplicated, but It vrs -: Pennsylvania Joblesa in Cave Dwellings As bronzed as though heelied been rspending the wlnter ln bahnîy cdmes rather than the bit- ter colci of the Autarctic, Lincoln Ellsworth returned from bis ex- pedition totehebAntarctic ln ssliich hie made many exploraI or>- flights. He's shown on landing ajý bliauni, Florida. Papel Lagate IN PLANE TIIAGEDY lslling to Eagiand from 'Naples, mliere lie is U. 1S. Consul General, Cocî-t <aBols (abor c), soughit te oche flic nîystery surroiuudlng bhe dleall of is uaugiters, Jane aiffl Elizabeh. bkihîcî lu a piîunge frons a London te lParis nirplitne. Thse girls' letters to 1dm iand their nuotler n-cre expertcd te cit Ilibt on ftic tragedy3. 'Uttcring mystericîîs refereuces te a secret plan for flus bascbiil fuitire, Ge orge Hernian (Babe) Ituth returned gobfls ]toute litiN Vork alter thriiling the J' .laaase basebail fan i villi fis home run fcats. Withîfilmîî arc fl.i, ivife and i lis adoptci dauiter, Julia, who acconupanied i lm on bis Oriental barnstorîning tour. Making Fight For Millions Iiack ta the cav e oi<ir <ili- i. < Ifili or iii ',goie s' ia- 5i,i f thle jal i'ss nijll irsa 'id shel %%orkers 0f Fayette co-Itt, l'a. At top iti îg ihuatuehiiilsidle iîî< ClI~îuIIIIMan ýj, a îruîslie '. îs rôor of abandoncd coke o«i, iit Hilti iauîi jhîihavl%%, îi iig. iî<i«*.< are tiie ejObIvss miners betore their cavî ds eiitg<' iiiinhar, licar Cuicls iil'a. .% dicgt bu sscnltt 1<> ,Auîi. lnqton recently protestlig <ieihtii,,ciaimn ii <bainîreds of fbouse îîWIuuct coin- Inanies.that ibave osht down are yTa'rîut. MEiLLON CONt ENTIIATES ON Fl(GHT One if Anerla elliîit'st men-is personai fur-tline v li s 7.Ct1,<b5)-< <1tc-iîalrtgl ýI ntIrew W. 'Mel(a nt on(, lnautlî short @?t 'lisis, h Ih hrtllîîy tl,îîl îlnseif both defeadlant ai plaint iff lui -1 l'ill Uit ]îrgli beariiig lîiîc, carges htl llie cnes $3i,000,000î ln lu. î,tî ass for 1931 to <tie U. S. treasur¶' over w itI holieslvdli I l]( Ilfaîîer aîlmillsfration. NMelban, sion ere Imienaly siîîd3ing paipprx la the case, Insis the geiverumnent owcs hini a rtifitud ofu WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY Bathroom A8k us today about the new beauty and saaitary C0n ve n i. onces that your Iathiroom can have with modern color. fui and glistening fixtures. Plansanad estimâtes given with. out obligation. Phuone 348. We're flot going to let the other merchants have ail the fuîn andi satisfaction of giving Bargains on Opportunity Days. Sa to keep up with others we wil give spec*al reductians on ail contracta rmade ditring- these days for Bathroom Outfits andi new hicating installations. Corne in today and see how littie it wjll cost ta modernize your bathroom or instal a new heating systemi. We give coupons with every payrnent of 25c on current plunibing andi heating work and on every dollar paid an account. LEN ELLIOTT Plumbing andi Heating BOWMANVILLE Phone 348 Enronte te ]Rome from the re. rent Eucharist Ir Congress ln Mel. bourne, Australia, niiere lhe was the P'apal Legate, Joseph Car. (lilial MacRlory (above). primate of Irelanci, visited brlefiy ln Neiv York durlng a stopover. At wcl. coming services lie bestewed the napal blesstng on ail ln St. Pat. rick's Cathedral. Seriously Hurt } ALL PEIIILS ACTOR Ris lite lu danger from Injuries lnuu-sed ln a faîl front a berne, Richard Benanett, aboi-e, Anieri- eau stage and screen notable, la lu On Engli alu hospital. Two ribe %utre brohcen, one piercing a luflg. Blennett, il-2, for years waa as. 8eciateci iiitlsCharles Frohrnau ad lathe tather of Barbara, (Constance, and Jean Beanett. Soviet Dress Reversai (Niazara Falls Revhew) Mocwnuen and women are Iîelng ordereci to wear evening iiress at the opera ln thue Rusaian cApital. Tlsat Is a tremendous chaîuge tfrons the early days when to have a whiole sit or dresa Vag consildered almnost treasonable for a comununist. 1 Bach Home Again

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