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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1935, p. 5

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PAGE FiVi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, THUR-SDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1935 I 'g I BRADLEY'S Report for February for S. S. No. 14, Darlington: Jr. V-]Russel Hardy 7'7. Sr. IV-Grace Yellowlees 76. Jr. IV-Donald Yellowlees 81. Rus- sel Hepburn 80, Bill Ashton 71. Jr. III-Doreen Hardy 74. Sr. II-Margaret Hepburn 79, Margaret Prescott 77, Florence Ash- ton 64. Sr. I-Betty Smales, Ross Cryder- man. Figures indicate ; Honours 75 ,, Pas 0 ,' .Helen A. Smale, teacher. SER VICE ACCOMPANIES OUR MRLK When you order Bowrnanviile Dairy produts they are deliv- ered at the saine Urne every imormng by a courteous milk- man wbh isnstructed to give yrou the best possible service when he brings you the best in rnik, crearn and butter. Call and welI start today. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES Proprietor Phone 446 BowsnanVille TY_ __ ___ __ Sorry to report Mrs. Byron Moore Is under the doctor's care. Miss Adelaide Annis, Oshawa, spent the weekend at home. Mrs. A. W. Clemens spent a few days witb friends in Toronto. Miss Ivy Park, Bowmanville, visit- ed her uncle, Mr. W. F. Park. See "in Cherry Time" cornedy, Mar. 5tb, Tyrone Hall, 25c and 15c. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Down spent Sunday with Mr. Fred Moore, Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Virtue visited at their son's, Mr. Charles Virtue, Enniskillen. Cottage prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr. A. W. Annis on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R.osevear, Port H-ope, spent Tuesday with t.beir son, Mr. Gussie Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Warren, To- ronto, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam and family and Miss Ivy Park spent Sunday with friends in Cannington. Quite a number f rom here attend- ed Mr. W. S. Staples' sale of western borses at Mr. Brown's !arm east of Bowmanville. Mr. Brenton McCulougb, Toronto, Mrs. Donald Davey, Keitb and Ray, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCullough. Mr. W. S. Staples. Mr. F. L. Byam, accompanied by Mr. Chas. Brown and son. Orono, attended a Massey- Harris convention at Belleville on Tuesday. Womef's Institute and Ladies' Aidl held a very successful concert and1 basket social In the community hall on Friday evening. The splendid concert which was tborougbly en- joyed by a large number, was as follows: Several selections by Fred Goodman and*bis orchestra; a pan- tomime "Star of the East," by f ive girls f romn S. S. No. 10: monologue, IMiss Ilene Couch: a dance "Sallor'sý jHornpipe." by six girls f rom .S INo. 18; and a pay "Celebrits"b No. 18; vocal solos, by Mr. Allan Knigbt, Bowmanvilie;, and at debate ",Resolved that Modern Labor 5ev- ing Devices have done more to llght- ethe outdoor work of the fermer thnto reduce the drudgery o! the farm bouse." The affirmative was taken by Mrs. Russell Wright and miss Susie VanCamp; tbe negative by Mr. Hl. G. Macklin and Mr. Ross iPooley. Judges gave decision In fa- vor of the affirmative. Mr. Elmer Wilbur auctioned off the manY beautiful baskets. Lunch was served to those not having baskets. Rev. A. m. Wootton made a splendid chairman. Proceeds $36.50. Miss Marguerite Gibson's name, Iwho danced at the Home and School IClub meeting, was inadvertently 'omitted from the report lest week. AUCTION SALES il Saturday, March 2nd.-Mr. Cecil Siemon, Lot 16, Con. 9, Derlington, wlll seil by public auction ah oof bis farta stock, implements. etc. See bills. Sale at 1 p. m. Terms cash. Theo M. Slemon, Auctioneer; T. S. Mountjoy, Clerk. 8-2 Friday, March 8th-l.30 p. m. et Solina, Alan McKessock and nelgh- bons will seil the f ollowing: Bay Mare, generel purpose: Hostein cow, 4 years, bred Aug. 7; Holstein cow, 4 years, bred Sept. 22; Red cow, 6 years, bred Oct. 27; One-horse wagon; Seed drill, Frost & Wood; Disc; Single plow: Rake; Oas en- glue, 7HF.?. Gould, Sbapley & Muir; Grain grinder; Speed Jack; 2000-lb. Scales; Barrel Sprayer: Buggy; Cut- ter: Stoneboat; 2 Cneam Separators; 2 Churns: Incubator; 011 Brooder, 50-chlck; 60 Leghorn bhens and pul- lets; Quantlty o! aheaf corn, hay and mangels; Lumber and cedar posts: Cook Stove, Gurney. Oxford. Ehimer WlIlbur, auctiofleer. E ,Am.5 t K oLIF ARE cr,1ull>G- SONE prID OUR 01- i-EE.ffER SA'\SG wiL.. 3IE-uFF - ~ »P 0i Mrs. G. A. Ross, Owen Sound, is 1 ' visiting ber sister. Mrs. H. B. Fos- LOCAL & PERSONAL I ter. ----1 Rev. A. J. G. Carscadden, Toronto, Mr. Bradley Honeyman, Toronto, bas been visiting bis sister, Mrs. F. spent Sunday at borne. H. Morris. Mrs. H. Ingram of King St. isvi- Dr. Doris Poster, Toronto. spent iting friends in Lindsay. the weekend with ber parents, Mr. Mr. nd rs.T. . Eersn, sh-and Mrs. F. A. Poster, at Norwood Mw, r and r. TH.Everson, Osh-inPlace. loa. rSsedngsvrateksi . Paul's ladies beld a very suc- MrF . .Weo, urida.Crss cessful sale o! borne cooking on Set- Mr.W. . err, Crre'sCros-urday ai ternoon. A number aiso ing, is visiting bis brother, Mr. John enjoyed the a! ternoon tee. H. Werry. Mrs. Jacobs, Churcb Street, would Mr. J. J. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. C. appreciate it if anyone taking the H. Mason, Helen and Don spent the Mail & Empire would save the Con- weekend with relatives in Toronto. test Coupons for ber, also any new Miss Pauline Wagar, University of subseriptions. Toronto, spent tbe weekend with ber Congratulations to Miss Evelyn parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar. Oke, daugbter o! Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Geo. W. Graham o! The Frank Oke, wbo bas successfully Statesman staff spent the weekend passed ber examinetions for the A. with bis sister, Mrs. A. C. Brown, T. C. M. Degree. Toronto. Regular meeting o! St. Paul's Y. Miss Marion G. B. Warder, Uni- P. 0. was held Tuesday evening with versity o! Toronto, spent the week- an attendance o! 25. It opened with end witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. a sing-song with Chas. Cawker at R. H. Warder. the piano. Program was in charge Mr. and Mrs. R. B.. Arkwrigbt, o! missionary convener, Charles Wellington Street, Bowmanville. will Clemence, and consisted of: Script- be at home to their friends and ure, Helen Norwick; prayer, Sidney neigbbours on their Fi! tietb Wed- Murdock; vocal solo, Allan Knight, ding Anniversary, Monday, Marcb accompanied by Chas. Cawker; lst 4th, 1935, from 3 to 6 and 7 to 9 chapter o! Trails and Tales o! the P. M. North Land, Ray Guves, which Col. R. J. Gi. Brockville, former- proved very interesting; paper, by ly o! Bowmanville, and until re- Charles Clemence: recitation. Mor- cently Brigadier of the brigade of land Anderson, After whicls a hall- whicb the Durham Regiment is a bour was spent in recreation. constituent part, was honored re- Judging from the following clipp- cently when he was elected Hon. Lt. ing from the Bradenton (Fla.) Her- Coi. o! the Durham Regiment. aId the Bowmanville contingent are Mr .and Mrs. T. E. Wasbington baving a glorious time in the sunny i andMr.andMrs L.H. ashngtnsouth: Mrs. Archie Tait o! Bow- 98 Lytton Boulevard. Toronto. wlll be groun o! reOndtara ateranoona hosts and hostesses to t.he Durham at a beauti!ully appointed aentin County Club at their bomne, Thurs- adessetidgeya HoiteDixleGrnd.n day, Feb. 28th, at 8 p. m. A feature dsetbig tHtlDxeGad o! the evening wiUl be an illustrated The lounge, where tables were ar- adrs n"Rural India' by Dr. Les- ranged for contract and auction, was adess. omn. decorated witb streamers o! Valen- lie C Colman.tine hearts. Mrs. Rice was winner o! Mr. Findiay Sinclair of Mariposa, f irst prize in contract ani Mrs. R.ob- died at Ross Memorial Hospital, Feb. inson received the award in the l4th, Lindsay, baving su!fered a auction games. Mrs. Agnes Gillespie, paralytic stroke. Mr. Sinclair was Bowmanville, was among the list of a resident o! Meriposa practically guestç. bis whole lifetime coming with bis-___________ parents f rom Darllngton in 1860 wben onlY a young boy and spent bis ADVERTISEMENT 0F SALE whole life on the bomestead f arm. UDRAl ) ITEo Palîbearers were Bernard Osburn, UNDERs onAine BnYaVCrtn of John Graham, Tom Reazin, JohnpoesctandiaCranMr- SlmoLevi Sparks, Joe Spars .gage wbich will be produced at the Siemo* time o! Sale there will be of!ered Interment was made in the f amily for sale by Public Auction on Fni- plot, Salem Cemetery. day, Marcb lSth, 1935, at 2.30 p. m., Bowmanvifle Rotarians attended at the office o! M. G. V. Gouid, service in Trinity United Church on Bowmanville, Ontario, by Tbeo M. Sunday evening when the pastor, Slemnon. Auctioneer, the North West Rev. E. F. Armstrong, preacbed on Quarter and the North Twenty-four tbe "Go-Doers" o! the world, bas- acres o! the South Hal! o! Lot 5, ing bis remarks on "Not everyone Concession 8, Township o! Darling- that saitb unto me, Lord, Lord, - ton, containing seventy-!our acres, but be that doeth the will o! my Fa- more or less. ther." Matt. 7:21. Tbe choir sang TERMS: 10% o! purchase price "Send Out Thy Light," and was as- to be paid down et the time o! sale sisted by tbe Rotary Octette-Mess- and the remainder witbin thirty rs. M. S. Dale, F. O. Mcflveen, C. W. days or as may be agreed upon wlth Siemon, H. J. Knigbt, Geo. E. Cbase, the Mortgagee. For furtber partic- W. R. Strike. W. E. Groves and D. ulars and conditions o! sale apply R. Morrison, wbo also sang two sel- ta M. G. V. GOULD, Bowmanville. ections. The Sunday Scboo1 Orch Ontario ,Solicitor for Mortgagee. estre. under leadersbip o! Mr. Fran- DATED at BowmNlanviile this 19th cis Sutton, Mus.Bac. al!oasse day o! February. 1935. by rendering several numbers. 8-3 We are glad to announce our removal to new and In these new commodious quarters we will be better able to more convenient location at the Corner of King and Silver serve your tire and battery needs, and provide an up-to-date IGasoline Station service. We are agents for three of thebest Streets, in the store f ormerly occupied by Marki;s Mayer.1 known and Iargest selling products, Koolutotor Gasoline - Dominion Tires WiIIard Batteries DOMINION TIRES These fine master-buit tires of tempered rubber are guaranteed to give you satisfac- tion. A written guarantee goes with each tire. If it's economy you are looking for, you'll find economy in Dominion Tires, be- cause their f irst cost is low, and they give you more than 20,000 Miles Per Tire service. - And remember we are equipped to take care of your every tire trouble. *miles per lire GUARANTIHO one year againat tire injuries caused by blow-outs, cuts, braises, rirn-cuts, under-inflation and niany other road hazards. DOMINION TIRES ARE SAPER TIRES Extra Specials!f NESTLETON Mr. Fred Veale is visiting in Tor- onto. Many are suffering from colds and influenza. Miss A. Taylor visited Mrs. Sid. Trewin, Enniskillen. Mr. Wm. Brown visited Mrs. Wal- ter McCill, Janetvifle. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Joblin were guests at Mr. S. Jeffrey's. Mrs. Oscar Edwards, Port Perry, is visiting with Mr. J. Forder. League on Friday nigbt will be In charge of Miss Nora Porteous. Mr. Donald Emerson v 1s ite d friends in Toronto on Friday. Mrs. Bruce Freelove, Millbrook, Is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Art.hur Hulbert. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samefls and Mr. Cecil Wilson visited at Mr. John Hooey's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beacock visit- ed their son, Mr. Clif. Beacock, Sterling. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and Miss Ruth Proutt were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Miss Eunice Malcolm, JanetviUe, and Mr. Lloyd Hunter. Port Perry, were guests of Miss Mary Malcolm. Fifteen f riends gave a most en- joyable surprise party for Mr. Jos- eph Forder on Saturday night. The occasion was bis birthday and the evening wa-s spent in playing eucbre. Mrs. Sam McLaughlin is lending ber home on Thursday afternoon for the March meeting of the Lad- ies Aid, Presbyterian Churcb. Mrs. jArthur Hulbert and Mrs. Harry Mc- ,Laughlin will assist. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMullen and Miss Marion McMullen, Lotus, Miss Jean Campbell and Miss T. McNeven, Lindsay, Mr. Jim Brad- burn, and Mr. Howard Stinson, Jan- etville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell. Under the auspices of the W. A. and W.M.S. of the United Churcb, Cadmus Young People again pre- sented their play "Tell the Judge" on Friday nigbt in the C. O. F. hall. Several musical selections were en- joyed between acts and those who gave their services were: Miss Gladys Cobbledick, vocal solo; vocal duet, R.oland Thompson and Alf re d I Thormet; musical selection. Miss L. ýMcQuade: vocal solo, R olan d Tbompson; instrumental duet, Miss iGladys Cobbledick; tr i o, Alfred Thoriiet. Lloyd Thompson and Ro- land Thompson. Those wbo motored to Sunderland on Tbursday to attend the f uneral of the late Mrs. Win. Brown were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hulbert, Mr. Wm. Brown, Mrs. O. Brown and daughters, Mrs. Bruce Freelove. and Mr. Percy Hulbert. Pail bearers were Wm. Brown, Russel Brown, Russel Batten, Oshawa, Gordon Brown, Percy Hulbert and Foster Ferguson. Interment- was made in St. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. She leaves to mourn ber passing ber husband, one sister. Mrs. Arthur Hulbert, Nestieton, and one daugb- ter and two sons. The sympatby of the community is extended to those who are bereaved. Crisco Tin22C Glassco*s Ras Stra Jams Ba .Aunt jeniirna Pancake aspberry, rawberry or .ck Currant FLOUR Croi or Beehive Corn Syrup White It Lasts i11 Toddy FLOUR PASTRY 650 24 Mb. Bag QUAKER XXXX BREAD FLOUE XX i 98 lb. Ram, ~1bo 3 Tins21 Tin 27C 2 b.25Sc .jar 2 c Pkgs. 14 Tin35 1 -lb . T in 43 ' RINSO0 Large Pkg. 9 £Pkgs. I15 LI FEBUOY SOA P 3 Cakes 2 1 I LI ITEt TIME. TO GETA NEW WILLARD 1mPlr ou acte ys97 80 mp o uth 13 Plat 9 12 MonthAdjustmont Policy 7 We CITIES SERVICE*CTESEVC SiKOOLM«OFOR M ThtGod GASOLINIE FREEZE' PHONE 193 BOWMANVILLE D. H JAMESONKINGCORNER De JA IESOKING& SILVER STS. Australian Seedics Bulk Raisins- Bayside Choice Qiali! No. 2' ý Tins Tomatoes Fancy QualitN " Lobster- McCormick's Chiocolate Marshmalldw Biscuits (3 Ut crOb fi 11-*lv 1 . N ERViSS oQNE ý3 1±. V1-1 PASs5E M 13 ECA USE jîM S±-tUDýIN& htifRD -rOES EVER yPA .Lfq1 LE ES- Ht[REE*E7F ri A c, c E sIDIn'Gien Rae nz -)- - TE MILK THAT LEADS TO HEALT GLEN RAE DAIRY Phone 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON MOVES JAMISNNMTO NEWILOCATION. M &fe jetfte CMiPS You'11 find out that we like to work and you'Il also discover that you like our work. This is Heat Hadqu a rt er s. When you Want perfect heat in your house get us on the phone and tell us to hustie. Phone 651. B ER T PARKER Plumbing - Heating Bowmanville PHONE 051 't

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