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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1935, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVflLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1935 Why His Headachg Ceased Wife Put Kruschen in H Coffee ,~ecould flot understand wbyt h1adches b e had been subject suddenly ceased. His wife told i b and he at once sat down and wrc the followlng letter:-. ' ýI1arn 62 years of age, and e% since I was a boy of ten years, I w subJect to very bad headaches. 13 two years ago the beadacbes stc Ped-for wbat reason I did r know. I was surprlsed wben c day my wif e told me I bad been u ing Kruscben Saîts in my coffee f over two Years. 1 arn stili usil them, as I know of nothlng finer f the system.'-J. T. Headaches can nearly always traced to a disordered stomach, ai to the unsuspected retention in t] system 0of stagnating waste mnateri whlcb Poisons tbe blood. Rern- these poisons-prevent them forr ing again-and you'll neyer have worry any more. And that is It how Kruschen Salis brings st- and lasting relief frorn headachE Kruschen Saîts aid Nature cleanse your body completely ofE clogging waste matter. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvilli W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail Uts branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubiiee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House Phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equiprnent Ambulance an-d Invalid Car Cal Phone 10 or 34, Assistant. 573 BOWMANVELLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH M&Complete Funeral Service M.ern Equipment- Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smithi Phone Days 58 Nights, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUJTTON, mus-Bac. P.-cCC0. A. T. c. M. diplornas in Piano, SInging, Violin and Organ. Private or class lessns. Pupils prepared for ail examninations. Phone 42, Bowmanvllle 0t Repairs R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repairing Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stltchlng machine. Prices reasonable. King Street Eat - Bowmmffile Special Bar gain EXCURSIONS TO AIL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily March 1 to 14. Return Limnit: 30 days. ONE CENT PER MILE Good In Coaches OnlY Sleeping Car Privileges Passage Tickets also on sale good il : *(a) tourlat sleeping car at approx- limately 11,14e per mile, plus reg- *ular berth fare. (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately 1/c Per mile, plus regular seat or berth tare. Stopovers granted at Port Arthur, Ont. and ail stations west thereof. Full particulars tram «';Y agent Canadian Pacific 8-3 21 SA C KIA CuiEt qdcly wl.n the m. aed by rKidn.ys ME1NPepî;d Vigor iake VITONAL, fauousTemie ~~~j.D7YbuWedr. iii aPPOV.4 tufly md- Iurehtaw1i.wuios It% gl. ouUdui * ?iaitV.aa" ovroe ooua mlt. .douIiU9e.alu MIca im ae.42dbft.St.. WLtm esTHE S "TLI'H ON SPORT GLMETSONBEE irJLIJl VOTE AT NEWCASTLE To the Editor of The Globe: Af- lis B. H. S. JUNIORS corne. The score by quarters was ter listeni"g to the broadcast ad- 4-0 8-0, 8-4, 15-10, with Port Hope dress by Mr. H. S. -Richards, recent- theWIN GROUP TITLE alw'ays on top. A. Armstrong scored ly forced on the people of Newcastle t 0h 112 points for Port Hope, and Dot and district, one wonders what class 1 to WiJl Meet Oshawa ln Next Round Nichols got 9 of the 10 Bomnianville of people belong to the "Moderation1 'Oe For Basketbali Honors points. League" and who sponsors thist In the Senior game the B. boys doubtful organisation.1 ver Wlningth gae tat conte, ndulged in a little comedy act, al I In a last minute effort to stam- r ver innng te gme hat ounedcornxng out for their pi-e-gaine pede citizens into swlnging theirr i-as ai-d losing the other two, Bowman- practice arrayed in overcoats, mu!!- votes beerward, Mr. Richards, likes But ville High School basketball teains lers and gloves. Apparentiy it was sornany other anti-Prohibitionists, ý op-. completed the regular schedule. The good strategy for tbey were sure bot attempts te make black out to bet iot Girls lest to Peterboro 10-8; Junior when within range o! the pay-off white. Ris mainstay Is the worn-I ne Boys kept their record unblemished ring, outscoring their opponents 14-7 out bogy that durlng the prohibition1 us- wit.h a 37-11 win; and the Seniors ln the first baîf andi 12-2 ln the iast era there was an alarxnlng increasea for absorbed a 39-14 trounicing. fi-aine BH.S. line-ups andi points: in drinking Ln the homes and blind r ing As a resuit o! the various sched- Juniors - Slernon (7), Neal (9), pigs. We don't, he saYs, know howa fri ules three o! the four sehools skiaie Spencer, Hooper (1), Ames (1), much was spent ln these blind-plgs. I the spoils. B.H.S. Juniors won their Cowe '(2, McFeeters, Bathgate, Quite rlght. No one knows; andt be group and now take on Oshawa Col- Mcflveen (2), Tighe. there were many o! these places nd legiate in a home and borne series, Girls -- D. Nichols (9), G. Dew- created in the mincis o! those who ýhe Points to count, with tbe victors go- ell, M. Thornpson, D. Dudley, H. wanted to tbink the worst. Few I iai ing to Toronto on March 29th for Mason, L. Cole, M. Birks, Mal. Jones serious-minded people belleve, or )ve the playoffs. Cobourg Girls and (1), Mai. Jones, A. Elliott. E. Ev- ever did believe, that Oui- country I m- Peterboro Senior Boys were the ans. was so pockniarked with blind pigs te other conquerors, and botb. espec- Senior - Williarns (1), Jackman as the wets would bave us think. ist ially the Petes, should go a long way (4) Hooper (4). F. Mcflveen (8).' Who took count o! tbern? ift in the finals. G. MeIlveen (2), Kent (2), Roach The civil authorities? If they didC es. The Girls' gaine, as per customn, (3), Goode, Oke (2), Depew. and at the saine turne failed to act,% to was featured by the lack o! baskets. it but bears up the argument that e ail Peterboro led 3-2 at half-tine, and Midgets: W L prohibition wasn't really enforced or although B.H.S. took the lead 4-3 B.H.S. Wbites 2 1 given a fair show. Citizens whoE shortly after the second hall began I B. T S. 3 2 wanted to throw mud on the temP-a and later tied the score at 8 ail, j B.. Reds 2 2 erance cause? If so, we may countS the Pete-ettes sank a basket iust be-j B. P. S. 1 3 on it that they counted much as the1V fore the end of tbe tussle to win an Bantarns: lîttie boy who saw a thousand cats h' interestlng gaine. Dot Nichols, thie B.H.S. Reds 4 in the backyard. I Pteam's leading scorer. was again top B. T. S. 4 1 There was the usual insistenceA Point-getter for B.H.S. Dot, unlike B. P. S. 1 3 that law cannot probibit and there- t some who love to see their name in B. H. S. 0 4 fore shouldn't try. We are told tbat N the score colurnn, is not afraid te Fiiday's Resuits: B.T.S. Midgets people wilî drink just to flout the v pass the bail and give sornebody else 12, B.H.S. Reds 8: B.T.S. Bantams îaw.e Yes; but there are laws ag-G a chance to score. 14. B.H.S. Reds 12. ant h aeo acte n Incidentally the Girls were really In each of these garnes the High drug5 1e if saole of allycat hee flooý as we hear on reliable autb- fi-st balf. only to lose it in the clos- te ilgtte.De u-Gv le ority that the person wbo handled ing period. The Midgets scored ail errnent do away with these laws Ci the teaxn n the absence Of Miss thei- points in the fi-st haîf t Ia for that reason? It just tightens up i Vanstone had a bot on Peterboro. 8-4. while the Bantam struggle was a little more. Beer and wine are in cf We wouldn't think of reveaiing bis dloser the losers having a 9-7 îead a class very littie different from YE identity but-bis name isn't "John- i at the halfway mark. narcotics and drugs. Wbry can't one i voa. be controlled if the other can? It Cu could if an honest attempt were w The scn gaine mas the best "Ever desire to approach your made, but money talks, and there ar f-om a B.H.S. standpoint as they Creator. and you wiil neyer cease to les the whole answer. Cý watched their ultra-smart Juniors pray. Do flot think it necessary to score two baskets in the fi-st 15 sec- pronounce rnany woids."-Fenelon. The teachers in our schools today te onds o! play and go on to i-un up- "Our activity shouici consist in ai-e asked te teach their pupils not ar a 35-6 score by baif-time. In the pîacing ourselves in a state o! sus- to touch what the Governinent says second haîf the Petes outscoi-ediceptibiîity to Divine impressions. is quite ail right. Wbat a farce that them 5-2. but heck, is there anY- and pliability to aIl the operations is! But there is a queerer twist toi body that goes after the second bil- of the Eternal Word."-Madarne the whole subject. How do the -lion seriously? The B.H.S. teain Guyon. ,Modernists" figure temperance is couldn't miss in that fi-st bal!.1 being promoted wben drirking Is Thei- passes were perfect and their best part is every member of thear shtsevn ete tantatan teDurham County Music Festival Syllabus team realizes that -united they stand." This unity is shown in the scoring column as ahl five regulars Below is published for the first turne the Syllabus for the 1936 had a hand in the scoring splurge. Durharn County Music Festival, which will be held in Port Hope in the The Senior gaine had ail the ear- montb o! May. Intending entrants in the contests shouid carefully note marks o! a real contest for the f irst the syllabus, purchase their supplies, and stan irnrediately to practise. 10 minutes, for the closing thirty It is expected that Bowrnanville will be as heavily represented next year P.C.V.S. had a big edge in the play. as il mas here this year. The teai f rom the elect.ric city are MUSIC FESTLVAL SYLLABUS taîl and rangy and fast. although it 1. Mixed Chorus - Lord, Thou hast been oui- dwelling place. Not mas the smallest player on the team, less than 20 or more than 50 voices. Accompanied by leader. Ward, who counted the most points, (Palestrina) (The choir Seies). il being chalked up opposite bis 2. Orchestra Polonaise - Chopin, No. 6 Fox old masters No. 2. name. B.H.S. line-ups and points: - Minuet No. 12 Mozart - Fox old masters No. 2. Girls - D. Nichols (4), G. Deweli 3. Piano - il Yrs. and Under - A Carol and Dance - MacMillan. (2), M. Thompson, D. Dudley. H. Elementary Book. Mason, L. Cole. M. Birks (2), Mal. 4. Piano - 13 Yrs. and Under - Waltz in A Fiat. - Brahms Opus Jones. Mari. Jones, J. Ayling, A. El- 39 No. 15 (Han-is). liott and E. Evans. 5. Piano - 16 Yrs. and Under- Bourree, f rom 3rd Cello Suite. Bach. Juniors - Neal (9), Spencer (6). (Wood or Junior Book.) Slernon (9), Hooper (8), Aines (5), 6. Piano Open - Spanish Dance - Opus 1 (Fischer) Bilotti. Witheridge. CowIe, Bathgate, Clark 7. Grand Challenge Vocal Solo. and Mcflveen. Open only to the Gold Medal Winners of previous Durhamn County Seniors - Williamns (2), Jachinan Festivals, in the Senior Vocal Classes. Omn Choice. 2 (6). Hooper (4). F. Mcllveen (2). 8. Violin - il Yrs. and Under- June Days - Aubrey (Hai-ris). G. Mcllveen, Kent. Roach, Goode 9. Violin - 13 Yrs. and Under- Bell Boy - no repeata - Reins. an k.10. Violin - 16 Yrs. and Under- Madrigale - Sirnonetti. (Fischer). and OeIl1. Vioiin - Open - Adoration- Borowsk.i (Presser). 12. Soprano - The Piper of Love- E. Fiat. Carew (Chappeil). Bowmanville Teams Win 13. Mezzo - Soprano - 9lst Psalm- E. Fiat. MaeDerinid (Forster). TwoOu o TheeCaes 14. Contralto - Shepherds Cradle Song - E. Fiat - Somerveil 15. Tenor - Love Me or Not - G. Seccbi (Boosey). Againat Port Hope Cagers 16. Baritene - Dusk o! Dreanis - P atn(Euoch). Bowmanville Higb School basket- 18. Recitation - Boys 7 and Under - Land o! Noci - (Stevenson). baîl forces took tmo oui of ihree en-Gil7an de-IfyumtaFir - counters froin Port Hope on Friday Gil n ne -I o etaFay - ms lasi, the JWnior BOYS minning by a 19. Recitation - Boys 14 and Under- The Fynrt- MsePoels). 22-1 score, the Girls playing the Girls 14 and Under- Bugle Song - (Tennyson). black sheep by absorbing a 15-10 de- 20. Bandi Lustspiel Overture - Keler-Bala (Hawkes). feat. and the Senior Boys romping 2 1. Cornet- Ave Marik - Schubert-Morrow (Wbaley Royce). home on the long end of a 26-9 22. Brs Quartette- Alice Where Art Thou Excelsior Brasa count. Brass Quartette- Album (Fischer). The gaines mere not pariiculariy 23. Trombone Solo- Love's Old Sweet Song - Molloy (Whaley Royce) fast, but coupleci mith the strenuous 24. Maie Quartette- Just for Today- Seaver - Samn Fox. practices of ibis week, should bave 25. Ladies' Quartette- Prôdigal Son- (Parka>. ail three teains on their toes for the 26. Mixed Quartette- God is Love- Voris (Willis). garnes with Peterboro whicb will be 27. Male Duet - The Moon Haih Raiseci Rer Lamp - Benedict (Ditson) played bei-e tornorrow nlgbi. These 28. Ladies' Duet- Sunbearns - Landon Ronald (Enoch). gaines should be tee highlight of the 29. Mixed Duet -Ovn Cholce. season and B.H.S. who won two in 30. Rural School Chorus - One Room - Song o! the Fainies. three in Peterboro ai-e out to make ' Unaccompanied. No. 4 Cringan-Marshali. it a dlean sweep, and the Juniors 31. Rural School Part Song- One Room- Rockabye - 209. No. 4 have to win to clincb the group hon- Cringan-Ma-shali. ours. incidentaliy if you happen t0 32. Rural School Part Song- Two Room- Af ter the Rain. see any badminton members, ask Pinsuti. (Scîjîrmer). ihern if they ever heard o! the gol- 33 Urban Chorus - 2 Part Song - Nîght Fancies. Von Blon (Carl den rule. Tickets are 25e and 15C. Fischei-. Not more than 45 voices. and the f i-st gaine Is at 7.' 34. Ope Class - Dear Land of Home - Sibelius (B. F. Wood). As il sbould be the two captains Not moi-e than 36 voices. led their crews to vlctory, long iankY 35. Boys' Chorus - Open - Where'er you Walk - Handel. (No. 4 Johnny Neal siiiking 9 points. while Crilîgan Maishall). Not less than ten on more than fi! teen voices. 'Tony' Mcllveen, the premier guard Accompanled. of tbis Lakeshore gi-oup, potied 36. Gi-l'a Solo - il Yrs. and Ur.der - Cradle Song - Brahmns three f ild gzoalsq and two fouis for 1CnyWcetN.5 steadily on the increase? I guess they can't make it spell sense any more than we can. Drinking is in- creasing, accidents are increasing. and stili we are having more of these odious beer parlors dumped down among us. Mr. Richard's beautiful picture of the Moderation League's fight for temperance was marred by the heart-breaking prospect of what would happen to Newcastle hotels if they didn't get their beer parlors. Tbey would do absolutly no busi- ness. The buildings would becomef ramshackes, and travell rs wold shun Newcastie like the plague. I wonder what ail these hotels have been doing for the past elgbt years. Did ail travellers seek out a Place where they Could get a drink? ()r are they just going to, start doing It now? If so, wbat about temper- ance? Oetting Plenty of belp. lsn't Lt? Yes, but down the skldst That's the Moderation Lýeague. Vesey. A. D. Carscadden. W. A. GARDNER, FORMER NEWCASTLE CITIZEN, DEAD Memories of the days when Mr. Walter A. Gardner, wif e and son were counted among the residents of Clarke and Newcastle were revived when a notice of bis death appear- ed in a Chicago paper as follows: "Funeral services for Walter A. Gardner, 56 years old, an inGtructor at Du Pont Manual Training High School. were arranged for 3 o'clock i4onday. He died Saturday at bis home, 143 North Clifton Avenue, fol- lowing a short illness of nephritis. Ai native of Chicago. Mr. Gardner ;aUght architectural drawing at M(anual for eleven years. H-e is sur- Vived by bis wife. Mrs. Lelab M. Gardner, and a son, Gilson A. Gardner." Some fourteen years ago Mir. Gardner wlth bis wife and young son moved on to a f arrn near Clarke Cburch %rith the hope of building up an impaired condition of his bealth. After a couple of 'ears on the f arm. they moved into Newcastle into the bouse now oc- cupied by Mr. Ed. Powell. It was while here they made the acquaint- ance of many Newcastle friends, and ilson attended bigh school. a con- temporary of Reeve Alfred Graham and bis classmates o! the period. SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Ladiles' Dressels DRY CLEANED - PRESSED - REFINISHED 75e each Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone 152- We Cail and DeUver It's A lways Opportunity Days at Knight's UINE COMPANY HARD ANTHRACITE Equal if flot better than any coal sold in Bowmanville only $13. 50 per ton VULCAN ANTHRACITE ..... $1 2.95 COKE................. $11.25 Ton Good Hard body HARDWOOD, Cord $3.75 J. W. KNIGHT LOCAL -Tx evc and LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING Phone 173 or 98 Fuel Merchant - I ~ IA Message to The , Boys and Girls!1 How would you liii. a meal Shetland Pony aU for yourself. M you have to do is save one humdred coupons from Cream of Barley package&. Tlm first child In Ontario to send 100 coupons te John Mackay Co., Bowmanville, wilI rceive this fine SHETLAND PONY MRE. Start saving coupons today. CREAM of BÂ&RLEY MADE IN BOWMANVILLE BY JOHN MACKAY CO. LIMITED. raqL*15 ININZ PAGE MUM m

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