THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THUR.SDAY, MARCH 'Tiih, 1935 «News oF the Week in Cartwrigh't Township » I CADMUS Miss Birdie Gibson was a guest of Miss Helen Fowler. Miss Fern Thompson has returned frorn Lindsay for a few days. Mr. Howard Muckle. Toronto is visiting his 'son, Mr. H. Muckle. Miss Gladys Cobbledick was a weekend guest of Miss Helen Fowler. Mr. andl Mrs .Chas. Venning and f amily visited at Mr. W. D. Fergu- son's. Miss Violet Pacey is suffering frorn inflarnmatory rheurnatism in Toronto . League was not held on Thursday night due t.o the S. S. covention at Nestleton. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and son Sid- ney spent the weekend with Mrs. D. Ferguson, Oshawa. W. A. of United Church enjoyed a social afternoon and quilting on Monday. when Mrs. Cecil Ferguson was hostess. A HEALrN SENVCC or 'r#4 CANADIAN MÉDICAL_ A SSOCIA-%TION AND LIIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN C"NAD& WHOOPJING-COUGH Highly contagiou.s at ail tirnes; highly dangerous for the child un- der three years of age and particu- larly so for the baby, is a fair de- scription of whooping-cough. Like several other complaints, whooping-cough starts as an ordin- ary cold, with running of the nose, a dry cough and a littie fever. In- st.ead of clearing up like a cold, however, the cough persists until it cones as a series of explosive, couglis, ending Up with a crowing sound, or whoop, as the child is at last able to draw in his breath. The child is frightened by this experience. Vomiting frequently oc- curs, and between loss of food and 1055 of sleep, the little patient's weight and strength are apt to dim- inish. The younger the child is, the more serious is the condition. In Canada, last year, there were 5521 deatîs f rom whooping-cough. and no less than 388 of these were of children under one year of age. In the case of older chldren, whoop- ing-cough is uncomfortable and dis-t tressing, but it is seldom dangerous.1 The responsible germ cornes from the throat and bronchi of those wlo have the disease. The germn is thrown out in the rnouth spray which accompanies couglis and sneezes. The patient is frequently too Young to know that a handker- chief should be used to cover couglis and sneezes, and s0 le sprays lis germs into the faces of those who are nearby. A really practical difficulty in the control of whooping-cough arises out of the fact that. during the week or two when the child who is devel- oping the disease but who apparent- ly las nothing more than a common cold. the infection is being spread to those with whomn he cornes into contact. It is obvious that it is the Young child and, above ail others. the baby, who must be protected. This means that no one who has a cougli or cold should corne near the child, and' that no coughing youngster or sneezing relative should be allowed ta hang over baby's crib or carniage. The ciild with whooping-coughJ requires an abundance of f resh air and sunshine. Most deatîs occur because a pneumonia develops; the whooping-cough seems to make the lungs ready victims for further dis- ease, sudh as pncumonia. For some unknown reason females suf fer more frecauent1l, than maies. One attack Nature Builds Your Body but you supply the materiais. P-ealth suffers iF yau run short oF iran. Vour food and drink arc the only niateriaIs Nature gets to maintain hod- ily strcngth and ivell-being. But thc tragedy of modern foods is their short- agc ni iran. Sonner or later this has an effect upon the health. It cauzes, at first, a run-down condition and simple anxmîia; then dcvelops ino serous ail- meots, if ot checked. This ;was shIown tabe truc in airaup MYSTERIQUS FIRES SUCCESSFUL SUNDAY CAUSE 0F ALARM IN BLACKSTOCK I SCHOOL CONVENTION 1 BLACKSTOCK CARTW IGHTTWP. A new furnace was recently in- H L TN SLT N(Cnowded out last week) TwoFiesWitinFe Das restalled in St. John's Anglican dhurch. R. W. Phibp Elected President of Mn. Harry Bailey has been ill. Being Investigated By Provincial guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers. Cartwright Township Mn. John Venning is quite iUl with Police Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradburn and Organization asthma. - Mr. Eric Cutting visited at Mr. J. Mr. Frank Wright visited at Mr. Two f ires of unknown origin coin- Byers. One of the most successful of W. Bradburn's. plctely destroyed the barns of Mr. Mrs. Reginald Sutton, Orono. vis- Cartwright Sunday School Conven- Miss Annie Wright, Oshawa, us Stanford VanCamp and Mr. Cccil ited lier mother, Mns .John Elford tions was held on Thursday at the with friends here. Hyde near Blackstock last week. who is Mi. United Church, Nestîcton. Opened Miss Hazel English visited with Bol occurred around ten o'clock at Mr. R. Allun, principal of the Con- by the devotional exencîses by Rev. Miss Violet Dever. nigît, and in ecdl case a severe loss tinuation Sclool spent the weekend C. C. Harcourt, Mr. J. J. Brcde Mr. Percy Hamilton is home suf- was suffered in livestock, grain and at hîs home in Blenheim. livereti the address of welcome e fering from tonsilitis. implment. OnMonay, r. San- Congratulations to Miss Kathleen ports f rom the various Sundiay,Mr GegeSdris iitn fard VanCamp lad just moved prac- Taylor who passed lier elementary Schools showed that excellent work friends near Claremont. tically ail his implements and grain mnisic examinations in Oshawa. is being canrieti on. Mr. Earl Dor-i Mr. Lorne Wannan, Franklin, was into the barn which le lad pur- W. M. S. of the United Clurdli nelI, Secy.-Treas. reported that there guest at Mr. N. Mountjoy's. chaseti fnom Mr. Leslie Mountjoy. A will meet on Tuesdiay afternoon, are thirty-eight S. S. teaclers in the Mn. Orville Greer visited lis un- few cattle were also in the building wlen Mrs. Jas. Henry is lending her township and 230 scholars. A tea- .cle, Mn. L. Skelding, Port Hope. and could not be saved wlen Mr. home, cher, le said, is valued for wlat le Mrs. N. H. Marlow was with Mountjay was awakened in time to Miss Lela Mountjoy spent the or she is, and not for what a persan friends in Toronto for the weekend. sec ail the buildings on fire. He lad weekend at Columbus and attended knaws. Mrs. Norman Mountjoy spent a leld a successful sale only a few the funeral of Mr. Alex Wannan, on Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles spoke on few days with Mrs. Earl Dorrell. days before. Monday. Sunday School prciblerns. He stat7eti Mrs. Cecil Wilson and daugîtens On Thunsday nigît, seventeen Miss Mable VanCamp, Mn. Wm. that the best teadher is one witl a visited at Mrs. Mervin Graharn's. cattie, one horse and thinty hogs. VanCamp andi Mn. Harry Major were deep-set purpose in lis heant, and a Mn. Wesley Montgomery, Lindsay, grain and implements werc dcstroy- in Oshawa on Friday nigît for a great deal of common sense. If dhild- was a guest of Miss Violet Deven. cd in the second fine. Some of the hockey game. nen are taught wlat Christ is and Mrs. Percy Jobb, Oshawa, is with stock in this fine also belangeti to Mn. and Mrs. W. Hoskin enter- what He las done. He always re- lier mother, Mns. David Gabraith. Mn. VanCamp. The nemainder was tained the League of Bunketon misdal aila îogot Mn. and Mrs. Win. Clapman, Port Mr. Cecii Hyd's. Botl buildings dhurci. Sevenal other fri-ends were life. Penny, visited at Mn. Jas. Strong's. were partially cavered by insurance. guests during the week. Rev. H. J. Bell spoke on 'Youth Miss Pearl Bell is a guest of lier Provincial Constables W. E. Smith Miss Aileen Devitt and Miss Vernaland gCopeaigan sen ut.M.WmPternTot. of Bowrnanville and Bill Carey of White were in Toronto guests of lMiss an er' otofpewng Mudsi g auntMiss. Wrm. Paty ter n roto Cobourg arc investigating tic mys- Irene Hyland. Thcy tnieti examîn- j oter's theoin' te.uichuras M fis oaHocy eontrnda tcnious fines whicl have taken thc ations in Normal Sciooi subjccts. cgi.en rbyRthe.Presbyteniapn edi euitenst uhcnStra toil of the two lange barns. Mn. andi Mns. E. R. Taylor and the new president. Mn. and Mrs. David Galbnaith are 4&_______________ chiltiren and Mn. W. T. Taylor, So- Rv .C Hancount spoke un "Thc rapidby necovering from their sevene lina, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. Cîisiav. e tC.edth nedo illness. NErneEst Lai-mer on Monday for their beiin"e seshrith ennero Many attended Mn. Leslie Mount- NESTLETON iener wedding anniversary. bigasil of Christ,.nca0 learnt rst oy's very successful sale on Wed- Wnesat the badminton tourn- Him. andi live the lifie af Christ ta ncs a rec a3. svstn Mrs. C. McGill visiteti at Mr. Mer- arnent on Fiday nignt were ladies, teacî others. Some act or saying Ms. a rnceMailon Snisostng win Mauntjoy's. Miss Jessie Knox and Miss Olive may impress a child more than a Tronv. adMs itnSnesn Mn. and Mrs. Merwîn Mountjoy 1 VanCamp; gentlemen, Mn. Wmn. getdToo eah .rov nto r.C.C acor n visited at Mn. Gordon Stinson's. 1 Bannes and Dr. J. A. McArtlur getda ftahn.Rv adMs .C acutat Mn. and Mns. Stanley Malcolm and1 About seventy fiends, gavea sur- The Round Table conference was, Mrs. F. A. Bailey visited f iends in family visited at Mn. Herb Taylor's. prise fanewell party for Mn. and.Mrs. leld wlen a lisI aifcluesti9nis was' Toronto. Mn. Raîpli Emerson, Peterboro Howard Bartiey on Friday nigît at discussed for &rnroving Sunday Miss Muriel Mountjoy and Miss Normal, spent the weekend witl lis their home. A lovely lînen table- Sclaol work. Mr. V. Stouffer. Part Aileen Mountjoy were guests af Miss parents. clotl and purse af money were pre- Penny entert.ained with a enjoyable Mildred Hooper. Miss Eileen Jarvis and Miss Ruth sented by Mrs. Ted Manlow, while vilin solo. The nominating and ne- Mrs. J. Jackson and Mn. Chas. Proutt visiteti the farmers parents the addness was read by Miss Elean- solution cammittee gave a report. Staback. Part Perny. visited at Mn. near Markiam. or Taylor. The evening was spent The evening ýession was opened Grant Jackson's. Congratulations ta Miss Marion in singing. dancing and cuchre. A by a violin solo by Mn. V. Stouf fer. Mrs. Lewis lef t for Detroit whene Taylar wha passed 1er Grade 4 Han- veny bauntiful lunch was senvedi. A short talk was given by the nev. sIc will visit friends previaus to sail- mony and Caunterpoint music examns CWamen's Association of the United president andi mu"ic was supplied by ing for Scotianti. at Toronto Conservatony of Music. Chuch was ieid on Tuesday evening the Choir ai Blackstock Unitedi Mrs. Wilbert Reynoldis, wha lias She is a pupil of Dr. Honwood, Tan-1 at Mns. L. Corners. Twenty-f ive Churcli. been suffering iii lieaith. is with 1er onto. ladies wene present. Mrs. Mervin Rev. Roy Rickarti adtinessed thc motîci', Mrs. Win. Henny. Sympathy is extendeti to those Gralam*s group was in charge oi listeners on "Sunday Seloal work in Mis Maioin Stinson andi Miss who are bereaveti in the sutiden 1this pi-agi-arn: readings by Mrs. Cecii ail age.s". He cosphasizeti the point May Spanrow. Oshawa, wene guests passing of Mrs. Jos. Muinlead at 1 Hill. Mrs. Earl Don-cil andi Miss Jean that discouragement should not lie ai Mn. aod Mrs. R. Stinson. Bowrnanvilie Hospital an Marehlist. Wright. Miss Kathleen Wright sang leld when pupils in the class do not Miss Emma Rutledge. Oshawa, Interment was made at United la solo. Lunch was served by Mns. appanently catch the significancp of and Mn. Wallace Holmes. Kingston, Church Cemetery. North Nestctan, M. Grahamn anti 1er assistants. Mrs. the lesson. There are possiblities visited at Mn. John Wright's. on Monday. The deceassed i ived ýClarence Mariow, Mns. L. Corner, for great manhooti in every ciass. 1 Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Baiiey wene practically 1er whle life ini er Mrs. S. Swain, Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mrs. Bringîng pun)ils in constanlt fellaw- 1 guests af Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Me- ton, and was lelci in estecmbymn Sadler and Mrs. Arthur Read. ship with Christ was urged. ant i aso1 Laughlin ta dinnen on Saturday.» Catwright f ientis. Rev. C. C. Harcourt was chair- Ithc imno'-tance %vas ýtresseti af iitt- Mns. S. A. Devitt is leaving this League an Fiday nigît was ini man for the Boy Scout Concert on iînv ounselves in youthtlfar a Christ- week for a month's vacation as charge of Miss Nora Porteaus anti Thunsday nigît in the community ba lufe. Mr. Rickarti pointed out that guest oi Mrs. D. Hill. Richmonti Hil was very profitable anti well attend- Hall. The pnagrarn was splendid the chnlstian's duty is ta abolisi tIc Bath Mrs. J. R. McLaughlin anti cd. Scripture neading was taken by andthtic ollowing numbers were in- beverage roomfs. Mi it lortIc fLa t i onlae. SMn. Leonarti Jobiin. the Bible Study cludeti: A play "~One Goati Turn De- ___________' wn.ti Mrs. Lciatth Brershomiss by Mn. R. Suggitt, anti the tapie by serves Anothen", a demonstration of 1 Mr. Wiiired Jackson. Program in- knot-tîcing by Patrol leader Ray1 TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Jean Byers anti Mr. Murray Byers clutieti a violin solo by Mr. Wmn. Graham; an exhibition of signals were gucats of Mr. anti Mrs. J. By- Armstrong anti a vocal duet by Miss- b y Trioup leatier Frank Wootiand anti ers. es Nora anti Dorotliy Porteous. two assistants; a skit wherein four CARTWBXIGHT CO1UNCIL M-. anti Mrs. Percy Philp visiteti Nestietofl Women's Institute williradio stations gave mudli amuse- .. at Mr. Foster Fenguson's. Miss meet on Wednesday at Mrs. Wmn.1 ment. was presenteti featuring details Regular meeting of tic Council Pauline Fergusan neturneti with Beacock's. Mrs. M. Emerson anti on cooking, music, a baby clinie anti was helti March 2nd. Memnbers wei-c them. len group will be in charge, a garage. Ross Bailcy. Roy Carter. ahl present anti Reeve N. Green pne- Mi-. anti Mrs. O. Wright. Ms A short time ago an event of great Rnald Trewin anti Harolti Crawford sitieti. m. Crawford anti Harolti Crawford interest occurneti. Mi-. Wllfneti Jack- were tic artists. "The Scout's Nigit- Representative fi-rn the Ingot I visiteti at Mr. A. McGuire's, Yel- son solti twa dhiekens ta Mi-. Goff. mare," a play was presenteti. f 011w- Iron Co. anti Dominion Roati Mach- veton. St. Cinistopien, wlo founti a golti j d by an exhibition oi bandages by inery wene piesent ne sale of gi-ad- Her many frientis wisl Mrs.Js nugget in anc. Tic golti was sent ta Scout Walter Wright. Rev. C. C. er. No action was taken anti Coun- Malwaspeyrcveyt elth. Toronto ta be analyzeti. andthte an- Harcourt andi Mn. N. S. McNally are cil wUll coosider samne. Sic is with 1er son, Dr. Fred Mar- nouncement was neturneti that to be commendeti for tîcir active R. W. Philp. Assesson, returneti law, Tononto. wiei-e tic nugget hati been picketi interests in Scout efforts. the Rail for 1935 Assessrnent.' Miss Lula Wright visiteti Miss Up tiere was mone golti. Sountis in- On Wednesday evening the A. Y. Fred Tai-vis asketi for extension ai Helen Holmes, Oshawa, wlo is able 1 teresting! P. A. of St. John's dhurcI met at the time ta take wooti off centre roati. to leave the hospital ai ter an op- 1 - 0lame oi Mrs. Leslie Graham. Fol- Granteti. eratian for appendicitis. F. H. Onclanti, Miarni. Man.,lowing the devotional exencises, Mrs. Jno. Wotton applieti for some Mr. anti Mns. O. Wright, Miss wites: We are enjoying veny mii Arthur Bailey presitiet due ta tic trees on Con. 2. Referredt t Roati Edith Wright, Mrs. Flonence Thomp- weathei-. February lias been extra iilness of the secnetany. It was de- Supt. son anti daugîter Anna, visiteti at f ine. The Statesman neaches us cidedt t senti two dollars ta the Pro- Bylaw will be introduceti next Mn. A. Taylor's, Oshawa. evei-y Monday anti we sure look for- vincial secnctai-y as requesteti. Fol- meeting ta colleet poîl tax fi-rn ah Mn. Arnolti Johnston anti lis Sun- wand ta getting it as tîcre anc stiîî iowing a perioti of community sing- male pensons between the age of 21 day schaol class of boys entertaineti a fcw Ici t wliom we useti to know. ing, an educational addtress of great anti 60 not assesseti for propcnty anti ai a crokinole party in tic basement value was tielivereti by Mrs. Han- fixing rate. of the Unitedi Churdi Montiay niglit. court an "The Debt we owe to Ortiers were signeti as follows: Miss Kate McLaughlin, Peterboro, usually Ctonfei-s immunity for life. China". Among the numreous an- W. G. Philp, Sec.-Trcas. anti Miss Flaorence MeLaugîlin, Thee i lak o unnimtycon- ticles whiic have been brougît fnom S. S. No. 6 , $ 275.00 Taronto, spent tic wcekenti with Thee i lak f uaninit . China anti utilîzeti in the commercial W. A. VanCamp. Sec.- thiîr parents. The former is ne- cei-ning tcvalue ai wlooping- wtS s cougî vaccine as a preventîve mecas- worlti r: ik. paper. printing. Treas. S. S. No. 1 4000& ann oi e as une Sae uthriieslae hticompass. anti glaze on dishes. TIc R. W. Plxlp, services Aasessor Mi-. anti Mrs. Ennie MeBrien. Mr. gooti nesuits; others lave not. This speaker ativiseti any visiting the anti postage.. 100.00 at r.Fahntnat i.Ls museum te, vicw the chinese exhibit O. Wright, noatis, etc. 61.00 lie Gibsan, Toronto, were guests ai is something to talk aven with your which is a magnificent dispiay. Countues' Clenk, hospital ice Mi-. anti Mns. John Hamiltan anti famîly tiacton, but, in tic mean- Committee in charge ai the next ne Mrs. Rotigens 35.00 Mi-. anti Mrs. Wm. Taylor. time, keep your young chilti away meeting at thc Rectary ai-e Mrs. F. Council atjournedti t meet April Mr. anti Mns. Wesley Beaeoek en- fnom those wio lave coltis, remem- Hnmilton anti Mrs. John Rahm. The lst, at 2 p. m. tertainedti wenty members of tle bering that what appears ta be a roll caîl will be an';wered by an Irish Win. Bcacock, Cienk. Uniteti Churci choir on Tuesday ev- colti may bc ei onset of wiooping- loke, anti a ri-ize will be given for the -----e-------- ning. Following a veny fine piad- cougl or measles.1 best. ice. enakinale anti lunch wei-c en- Questions canccrning Iealtl. adi-I Devotion us like the cantile whicl joyeti. drsstitati Cnaia MdialMichael Angelo usedti t take in lis Stutients ai the Continuation Association, 184 Callege St.. Toi-an- 1Mn. Wmn. Bei-ny, bookseller anti pasteboarti cap, so as not ta thio-owSehool enjayedti t the full, a tic- to. will be answened pesonally by stationer, was a weekcnd visitai- to lis shatiow upon the wark in wlich lighif ul skating party at Part Penny letter.j Montrcal an business, le was engaget."-Pillips Brooks. rink on Wetinesday nigît. Lunch HAPPY AND HEALTHY ARE DIONNE QUINTUPLETS 1fr .5 It won't be long now until tle f ive pnetty Dionne babies. f amous the world aven as the only living quin- tupiets in lîsiony, will lie celebrat- iug their f irsi birthday. On Febru- ai-y 28 tlcy wene aitithei-cre-quai-- ter-ycar mark Ail are heatly anti doing well. Hene, for instance, is Annette, leir big, dark, wondening eyes gazing innocently into tic cam- era. She was ail obl.lviaus ta tic troubles involving parlia me n tariy dispute anti lawsuits. Wietler colti an mnilti, île f ivc babies slecp ecd day outsiteic n tudr f ive identical canniages, siown (insci>. anti watch- lng aven thcma like a guardian angel ls that fameti countr-y physician, Dr. Alan Roy Dafoe. (Copyright, 1935) fioigthc panty. Tic funcral took place on Tues- day at St. John's Anglican Churel ai Mns. Nancy Wottcn, wio dieti at lier daughten's. Mrs. John Leslie, Fleetwood. Interment was matie in St. John's Cemetery. Blackstock. Congratulatians ta Mr. anti M-s. Harvey Ginn who won tic prize for! fancy skating on Fniday at the car- nival. Janetvillc. Also ta Miss Ma- bel Wilson who carnieti off thc pi-ize for the best single iancy skat- ci-. Miss Leona Wcatieilt presideti at League on Wedncsday nigît, anti toak the devotional. Thc topic, 'Wene "ou even a Stranger?" was given by Miss Hazel Mounijoy. Mn. Eric Cutting sang, anti Mn. Joe Bnatiburn gave a neatilng. Being citbzenship nigit, an lntenesting contesi was conductet inb whici the pîctunes of f amous people were namei. Miss Hazel Mauntjoy was in change of the pi-agi-arn. Best wisies are extentiedti tMn. anti Mns. Alvin Mitchell. Ballydufi, on ticir marniage at tic Manse, Janctville, on Saturtiay. TIc wcti- ding was very pretty. andthîe bride, ionmcnly Miss Jean Cain, was gown- cd in a becoming tress ai bnown crepe tnimmeti with satin. Hen ac- cessonies wcre of the same tone. A reception was laten îcid aitich home ai her parents, Mn. anti Mns. Wm. Cabn, Pontypool. Thc bride anti groom Ici t by train for Toronto anti western points, anti on their retunn wlll resitie near Baiiyduff. Many attentietitic f uneral oi Mn. R.obt. McBrben at St. John's Angli- can Chunch on Tuesday. Mr. Mc- OPPORTUNITY DAY FINAL THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY FLOWERS- ALL WONDERFUL QUALITY Roses, dozen ,3 1.50 Stocks, Double, doz 3.0 Carnations, doz. S 1.00 Stocks, Single, doz ... 50e Daffodis, doz. 50e Tulips, dozen......... ..75c Sweet Peas, aIl shades, bunch ..... 35c - 50e Violets, bunch ... 25c - 35e PLANTS Cineraries . . .... .... 35c -50C Kalanchoe, the wonder house plant. 35e Mexican Hop...... ...................... ... 35c Right up to closing time on Saturday - one paeket of choice Delphinium Seed or one Begonia BuIb will be given FREE with each purchase of 50e or over. W. E. GROVES t(INGSWAY FLOWER SHOP P. 0. Box 163 BOWMANVILLE Phone 72 Big Wind Up 8th Day Opportunity Days Sale 8 BIG IIOSJERY BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY ONLY No. 1 - 15 Dozen lVomen's Lisle Hose, 5 Begular 25c, per pair............15 No. 2 - 10 I>ozen Silva Silk Hose, Regular 59c, per pair............ 219e No. 3 - 15 Dozen First Quality Full Fashioned Hose, regular 79c and $1.00, per pair..... iNo. 4 - 10 Dozen Men's Fine Sox, 5 Values t 39c, per pair .. ....... No. 5 - 10 Dozen Misses' and Children's 511k and Msie Hose, regular 39c and 59c, per pair ... 9 No. 6 - 10 Dozen Boys' Golf Hose, Regular 29c, per pair. ........... 1qce No. 7 - 12 Dozen Boys' Golf Rose, 7 Regular 39c, per pair............27 No. 8 - 6 Dozen Ladies' Silk Finish Lise Hose, 27C Regular 39c, per pair.. .. ... ..... ALL LAST WEEK'S PRICES GOOD UNTIL CLOSE 0F SALE Nelson's Lower Price Store Bnien was boi-n in Irelanti, anti liveti in Cartwright for several ycars lie-, f ore moving ta Toronto wicre his1 deati occurneti. The funenal service' was conducteti by Rev. C. C. Han- court, Rectar. Scones ai exquisite floral tnibutes wcnc sent by inientis. Norman McNally, Jack Hamilton, Ennie MeBrien. Toronto, Fred Ham- ilton anti Milton Oster, Oshawa. Interment was matie in St. John's Cemcteny. Miss Grace Mountjoy anti Mn. Wm. Barnes wene winnens at the badminton tounnament Wedncsday night. Mn. anti Mrs. Howard Bartley en- tertaineti seventy guests at a dance on Thursday nigît un the commun- ity hall. Mr-. anti Mrs. Baniley are icaving soon fan Seagrave ta live. Young people ai St. John's Churci again presenieti theln lumoraus play "Meet Uncle Sally" ai Scugog on Friday nigît. Music was supplieti bctween acta by Miss Mabel Argue anti Mr. Ira Argue. Mn. Jack Smith sang several songs. Wiat might have been a serious accident was averteti on Fniday nigit, wien tie car which Mn. Han- vey Ginn was driving. skidded anti crasict into a ti-e south of Mn. Wmn. Taylon's garage. The passengers, Mns. H. Glun, Miss Eva Br-own, Miss Mabel Wilson anti Mn. Eldon Eckcl, wci-e returning irom tic skating carnival at Janetville, anti necebveti vcry slight injuries. The car was, tamagedti t some extent. Wornen's Auxliary ai St. John's Clurel was helti on Wcdncsday ai- ternoon at Mrs. F. A. Baiiey's. Twcniy-seven ladies wcre preseni anti the Bible reatilng was given by Mrs. Robent Parr. The prayens wene taken by Mrs. C. C. Hancourt, thc new president. Mrs. Harry Me- Laugilin gave tic sixth chapter of tic Siudy Book on "Jewish Miss- Ions"; anti Mns. Wm. Crawford neati "My Pletiges" from thc "Living Message." The program, in charge oi Mrs. John. Carter, consisteti of an exceptlonally lnterestbng ant iIn- structive readlng, "Excavations near Rame" by Mrs. C. C. Harcourt; a PLAN TO ATTEND The Quinte District Seed Fair At Armoury, Cobourg, March l3th, 1l4th, içth THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, IS THE BIG DAY - 3.00 p. m Meeting and Discussion. Period open to Ail. Speakers: Prof. W. J. Bell, Prof, W. J. Squlrrell, Mr. C. Palmer and Mn. P. Stewart. 6.30 p. m. - SEED) GROWERS' BANQUET in St. Peter's Parish Halb. Everybody Welcome. Guest Speaker: D1r. E. S. Archibald, Direetor of Experiniental Farans, Ottawa.. Auction Sale of Ail Seed, Friday, March l5th at 2.30 p. mi. Helen Kincaiti; a neatiîng, Miss Florence Pari-; a history of the sang "~Homec, Swcet Home", relateti bY Mns. A. L. Bailey; and Etigar Guest'a pocm 'What Home's Intentiet For." by Mrs. T. Smith. A very fine lunch was serveti. Persian Balrn promotes daintiness. cIarm anti beauty. It is unnivalleti in its magical efI5ect on the 5kin. Swiftly absorbeti by the tissues, it leaves neyer a vestige of stickiness. Delighifully cool to tic skin. Stlrn- ulating anti invigonating. Soi tens anti makes tic hantis flawlessly white. Subily mragnant. Impart» youth anti lovellness to the complex- ion. Persian Balrn is the inevitable choice ai the woman wîo canes. QUIVERING NERVES Wben you are just on edge. When Yau ean't stand the chidren's noise -.-. -wben everything you do is a burden ... wben you are irri- table and blue . . . ry Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. 98 out of 100 women report benefit. It will give you just the extra en- ergy you need. Life will seem worth living again. 1 Don't endure another day without the help this medicine can give. Get a boube from your druggist :oday. VEGETABLE COMPOUND Opposite Royal Theatre Phonie 595 PAGE TEN oàrw- irv.w 1