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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1935, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE C~ ANDA T9MNiuunOIÂQVm. BJYVÂ1'*»"" , I BIRTHS j The Newcastle Independent e SPARLINO - In Private Pavillon Hospital, Taranto. on Saturday, Mr. Harry Sirett. B.S.A.. Bright' e - March 2nd. 1935. ta Mr. and Mrs. on, was guest ai Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Elgin Sparling (nee Hilda Curtis). Mason on Shrove Tuesday. NEWTONVILLL a daughter (Beverly Anne). A nmeofthe friends oiMr. qmothe and Mrs. Ben. Moise spent an en- Mr. Melville Jones and his mohr joyable evening at their home on Mrs. 'G. W. Joncs, were weekend MARRIAGES March lst. guests af Mr. Chas. Moase, Lindsay. WAN Miss Marion Alin entertained at Mr. Cecil Burley was guest at the WIDDECOMBE-STENSON - In tc an aiternoon tea on Saturday in Ontaria Motorar u aqe n Trno b e.Mcoad n hionor ai her guest. Miss Jennie Old- Toronto. Lau aqe n Trno yRv aDnlo hamn af Mount Albert. Ont. hm r.Rue an a returned Monday, February 25th. Mrs. Lucy YOU' Miss Dorothy Rickard ta ome oM rs.ReonP y e basson, Toronto. ta Mr. W. G. tii from London wbcre she has been Mr. Ronald Burlcy is suffering Widdccombe. taking post graduate work as a diet- wiba'netoni i ot GLANVILLECHALLICEIn Bow- 231 ician at the Victoria Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin and manville. on Thursday. February -- Mr. W. H. Cooke is mucb i'p"' - family. Lake Shore, visited at Gea. 28tb. 1935, by Rev. Gea. Mason. MAN cd f rom bis fairly prolongcd illfless jStlens Robena May Challice. daughter of Ro which has confined him ta bis bouse MSs AplnisWag visited New- Mr. and Mis. Chas. Challice, Ca- da: andmub i he tim o. his bed cassefried o ray. van, and Charles Glanville. son ai Mc since the Ncw Year. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nesbitt. Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Glanville, Or- MI A number ai Newcastle friends manIle, wcrc visitors af Mr. Jas. ana. h attended the delightful party given i Ncsbiît HARRISON--GLANVILLE-In Bow- ai by Miss Nora Gibson at the home Miss Meda Hallowell. Starkville, manville. on Thursday. February er ai Mr. and. Mrs. D. J. Gibscin on ivisited at Mr. Wilfred McKay's. 28tb, 1935, by Rev. Gea. Mason, -_ Friday evening. March lnleauhrWA Mrs.F. . Mason and liti le Miss Marguerite McKay. Brighton, Mary Adelaid lnilduhe A MsF.Hspent the weekend at home. ai Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glanville. do daugbter Margaret Helen. spent last Mrs. Reichrath entertained a few Orono. and Matthew Harrison, son vi week in Brighton with her inother, friends on Friday evening as did ofa Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Harri- Dr Mrs. Pickfiord, while Rev. Masan was alsa Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknapp. son. London, England. spendtng the week at an Anglican Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, Port Brit- I __________________ Clergy's Retreat at Braceboridge ain, was guest ai Mrs. Bert Samis. hi prior ta the Lenten period. o irs Mrs. Willis Jones and cbildren Dgo(S Mrs. D. Whiticar's class mtai girlstn.M. n Ms D A HSJ too th opnin deotinal exr-Harry Lane and daughter returned<cB ciscs ai the United Church Sunday ihte.BSEVL -INwcslo Scbooalhast Sunday. Mrs. Whiticar wxbtbemnBsERVILLE - 6,In9N5,caryo conducted and the class led by Paul- 0_______________ Wdedy ac .13.Mr Ine Deline sang. What a Friend we i Elizabeth Baskervillc. widow ai PR have in Jesus . witb DollY Purdy at i HAYDON the late Simon Baskerville. KD Funeral irom hier late residence, ex( the piano. Newcastle, on Friday. March 8th. crhAtoiBelrafomr ,e We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Fred at 2.30 p. m. Interment Orona int ber ai St. George's Church choir ail o orvcniy eieey was at Weston Thursday ta Satur- AdPOn ail aorvcniy eeey day attending a re-union ai St Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bradley vis- VRTUE -In Darîingtan. on Wed- ti JonsAnglican Cburcb chair in ited at Mr. Walter Oke's, Enniskill- nesdlay. March 6tb, 1935, Naomi ti connection with important com- en.Lus.blvd agtro r mnemorative services. Mr.Beloc Mrs. Thomas Cowling and Eileen Lian r. Chloed daVugein Mr. spent two ycars at Westan in the visited Myrtle Cowling wha is quite 21st year. emplay ai Mr. C. C. Grtibbe. broth- ill. in Oshawa. Funeral f ram the United Cburch. H-OL er-in-law ai Mrs. P. LeGresley. ! Muct sympathy is extended to Enniskillen. on Friday, Marcb 8. ie C. G. I. T. graup ai the United; Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy and relatives at 2.30 p. m. Interment Bethesda N( Churcb under the leadersbip af Mrs. in the death ai ber mather. Mrs. A. Cemnetery. 1B A. W. Glenney. beld a successiul Sharpe. LUNJA-In Darlington. on Sunday. I sal a hmemade coaking in the Sudycho awelaine Marci" 3rd. 1935, Louise Lunja. be- T kitchen ai the community hall on Sunday. Previaus ta the lesson Miss laved vufe ai Christian Lunja. I Saturday aiternoon. Reeve Afred jwîaWte agasl lyn aged 80 years. Interred Bowman- P Wilia Wotensanga soo payin» S Graham was among the many pat- ber awfl accampanimeni and also ville CemeterY. P rans a the ale wicb i cludd assisted by Mr. Cecil Slemon on the SHA PE-In Toronto. onSudy - choice variety ai the fînest pr ict violin. Cecil wba bas been aur Sup- March 3rd, 1935. Jane Dunbar FLA ai the girls' cuinary art and sci- 1 erintendent for almost twenty years Sharpe, wvidaw ai the late Andrew li ence. 1. made a iew f arewell rcmarks. Nexi Sharpe. Enniskillen. aged 75 years. si Yaungi People's League an MonU2yi5unday Mr. Milton Sleman the newiy Interred in Bowmanville cemetery. m evenîngý was in charge ai Wînnie elected Supi. will take charge. WANNAN - In Toronta Gencral bi Rickard. Devotional periad wasi Hospital, on Friday, Marcb lst -- conducted by Charlie Glenney. Lor- 13,Hrl lxne ann O cen Batty and Edwin Hancock. Mr. 13.HrlAexnrWaanF01 L. W. Dippell. Principal ai Baw- A large number af neighbors and eldest son ai James Wannan and W roanville Higb Scbool. was jthc guesi friends journeyed ta the borne ai the late Josepha Cooper, aged 37 a speaker and bis ýýubject ",Fossils", Mr.. Thos. Slcmon last Thursday years. Intcrred in Orano. p was treatcd in a very intercsting evening. Mr. C. Avery acted as chair- MANNING - At bier laie residence, -- manner and enjoyed by ail. Charlie man and brougbi the campany ta 19 Tranby Ave.. Toronto, on Sat- F%01 Gilkes gave a reading* and Mary order. Mr. Bert Ashton read the urday. Marcb 2nd, 1935. Alice A. h Clemence a piano solo. iollowing address:-Mang.duheofteleR. ( United Cburch - Rev. S. Mac- Messrs Thas. and Cecil Slemon, S . Manning, Bowmanx'ille. Inter- lb Lean, B. A., Pastar. Sunday. March Wc. your neighbbrs and friends, ment in Bowmanville Cemetery. A 101h: i a. m.-Marning Worship; bave invaded your home this even- COWAN - At the residence ai bis P' 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Schoal; 7 P. m. ing having f lt we could not let you daughtcr. Mrs. Charles E. Crease - -Evcning Service. Durinig the Len- leave aur cammunity withaut the 139 Pinewvood Ave.. Toronto, onHO ten Periad. the pastor will deliver a opportunity ta show the respect and Wednesday. February 27tb, Fred- sertes ai special lenten sermons on esicem in wich we hold you. erick. belaved busband oi Lucy r Sunday mornings. He preacbed the 1 The chief concern ai lii e ta not Hallowell. aged 67 ycars. Inter- 9 firsi ai tbe series lasi Sunday, tak- ta speculate upon its îengtb alane ment Orano Cemnetery. c ing as bis texi the wards ai the cru- but ta sec baw much can be put mb ___________ cified Christ.' Father forgive them; its deptb and widtb as well. 1 for they knaw not wbat tbey do. We are sur'e your yesterday wili IN MEMORIAM .1 MSt.o rgM.ABD.,Rcta-r. Fu.cHayfallaw yau, for from your home you Masn, .A ' BD.,Recor.Sunayhave given bclp bath financially and GIBSON-In loving remenibrance ofIl March 101h. st Sunday in Le nt socially ta the bettermrent ai your Robert William Gibson wbo dicd ta 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; 1l a. M. community. and churcb wbere part- suddenly March th, 1930, dearly the -Marning Prayer; 2 p. m.-Sunday icuîarîy your labour ai love bas cen- belaved busband ai Olga Atkinsan. kin Scbool: 7 p. r.-Evensang and aer tred. trit mon. The Rectar ta preaching Sc dernat Cuc n ASHTON-If lolving memory ai aur me series ai serinans on "The Gospels" uhahrnet hrh ndi erso adbohrCyl at the Sunday marning services and Sunday Schol cannai bclp but be da o n rte.Crh on -The Churcb and Her Teacbing" missed. Its the rases you have plant- Ashton, who wa called suddeniy at the evening services during Lent ed beside your garden gate Tbat ta the Great Beyond six years ago. of tesewillalwys b plasan meorie to March 6tb. 1929. and will preacb bh to th e is S.ilawy epesn eaist Fondly remembered by the Family. sermons Marcb 101h. At the Frîday us .evening devtians the Reciar wiil As a slight token ai aur appreciat- JOHNSTON-In having memory ai deivera series ai addresses on "The ion af your friendship throughout William J. Johnston, who passed Lii e and Episiles ai St. Paul." Dur- the past years. We ask you ta, ac- away on March ltb. 1928. ing Lent there will also b? a Child- cept these gif ts. Ta a grave in thougbt we linger, ren's Service every Wednesday ai Signed on bebali ai the Commun- To a sweet and holy spot 4.30 p. m. when the Rectar will ity, Henry Ashton, Wmn. Trewtin. Wbere a dear anc is gently sleep- speak on "The Parables ai Jesus." Mr. Wm. Trewin presented Mr. T. ing, illustraied witb lantern sl'des. Slemon with a bath robe, cane, a Too dearly loved ta be f argot. _____________-pair ai base and a sillc handkercbief -Sadly missedl by Wifc and Family. _______________________wbile Mr. H. Ashton presented Mr._______________ DAN C E C. Slemon witb a sweater coat and a AUCTION SALEL D A pair ai hase. Bath Mr. Sleman and Cecil grac- under auspices ai iausly respanded thanking thcm for9 Durham Central gifla and welcoming them ta their Friday, Marcb 22-Waltcr Rahm home. Short speeches were given will sell by auctian on Lot 23, Con. Agricultural Society by Mrs. E. Bradley, Mrs. Sidney Tre- 9, Darlinglan, sli bis f arm. stock, NewcastleI win, Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy and Dr. implernents, etc. Sale ai 1 p. lm. Hall . Me IsssJ.A Wrtaer. cah.Elmer Wilbur, Auct- FRIDAY, MARCH 15 Harvey McGill. __________ 8.30 p. m. ----- - - Charlie Cawker's Orchestra ADJVERTISEMENT 0F SALE N tc to Creditors Admsson 5e- Lnc Exra UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of IN TIIE ESTATE 0F CLARK ________ _____________powers coniained in a Certain Mort- WILBUR TYLER, DECEASE» gage which will bei produced ai the Ail persanLs baving dlaims agaînsi lime af Sale there wilh be affered the Estate ai Clark Wilbur Tyler, Vil mf or sale by Public Auctian on Fni- laie ai the Tawn ai Bowmanville, in U401_q aday, March 15t.b, 1935, ai 2.30 p. m., the County af Durham, wbo died an ai the office ai M. G. V. Gould, or about the 27tb day ai Decccmber, ~ie v d / owmavile, ntara. y Tea M. 93, re -required ta sePnd ta the or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. 1iécnsed 10 fit thes e nw ITiycir COOU GOfie sopnSATURDAY of each Lenses. Corne in and Ict m.. bila w week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. othdifrne .Garnett in charge., JURY & LOVELL NOTEwhere, at ail possible klndly maire appolntinenta When We Test Eyes It D fo xaanlnatlons. Done Properly. fo Phone 78 Bowmianvile_ THIS WEEK HMALF PRICE SALE Toilet Creama, Toliet Powders, Toilet Lotions, Liniments, Ointments, Cough S yru ps, Cold Tablets, Laxative Pis, Stationery. Jur y&LoveII THE EEXALL STORE C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Authar of: Optometry Feature Service The Chld and Its Development Speclalizing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyeslght and Islasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Dlsney BIdg. Opp. p . O. Oshawa, Ont. IMPORTANT FARMERS' CONFERENCE Open to ail f arm people - men, women and young people will be held in Council Roomn, Town Hall BOWMANVILLE Tuesday, March 12th Beginning at 8 p. m. Farm debts must be scaied down. Can It be donc? How can the fariner gel relief f rom hits debt burden through The Farmers' Creditors Arrangement Act ? How should a farmer proceed te, make application for a~ re-arrangement of his debt under Ibis Act? Hear these and other matters of vital concern to farm lpeople discussed by R. J. S C O T T, President The United Farmers of Ontario M. J. ELLIOTT, Officiai Receiver for Durham County AND OTHERS. HEA ASOW. A. A M O S, Preaident The Unted Farmers Co-operative C. Limlted explain how farmers are saving as much as $10,00 per tan by co-operative buylng and "home-mlxlng" of fertilizers. Plan now to attend andi bring your neighbors. Corne for Afernoon and Evenng Sessions. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS GET IN TOUCH WITH OTTO BRAGG, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Bigger Opportunities AT WA TS ON'S BAKER Y 1 Wanted For Sale LNTED-POSITION AS DOMES- FRSL RECAG-W c, had experience. Apply "S ' IncORbALEOR Phone 23. 0-2 )rawer B. Bowmanviile. 10-1 __________ _Phoe _43._ 0-2 ýUN GIL DSIES POI-FOR SL-QUANTITY 0F HAY. inG GIRL hErSIRES A oSI-f Apply W. L. Barton, Bowmanville. hildren; somne experience. Phone -10_______ --1- 9r2. 1- FOR SALE-ONE HOLSTEIN COW - -- - -due to renew soan. Phone 237r2. LN W AN TE -F R RAW LEIGH L .S keim to .1 - toute af 800 familles. Write to- IL .Sks apo. 1- [y. Rawleigh. Dept. ML-140-SA, FOR SALE - YOUNG HOLSTEIN ontrea, Canada. 5-10* cow, due Mar. 14. K. E. Courtice, [-WNTDFOR FAMiILy 0F phone 124r6, Courtice, Ont. 10-1 hree. State experience and sal-1 FOR SALE - JERSEY COW, SIX y expected. Apply 'NO." Draw-j ye rs old, renewed March 7th. ýB, Bowmanville. 10-1* App1y 3reen Bros.. R. R. 3, Bow- .TE-REILE OMA T manville. Phone 133r14. 10-1l [housework in f arrn home. WOOD FOR SALE-GOOD SOUND 'rite giving references to P.J." apple tree wood in stove lengths. )rawer B. Bowaflville. 101 $5.00 for balf cord. Apply Russell LNTE 17EPERINCEDPARM Osborne, Newcastle R. R. 2. Phone mad to start, at once. Must bé__Clarke ____8-1.____- I od mllker and teamster. AppIy iFOR SALE - BEATITY ELECTRIC ý.T. Brown. Kingston Road l E., copper tub trade in, also one cop- lwmanville. Phone 140r21. 1- per tub for balance af payments. ______ --See Mr. Chapple, c o, Mason & Agents Wanted Dale Hardware. Phone 145. 10-1 RING BRINGS FORTH BRITISH SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-O. A. C., N='S newer, smarter and more 144 and Vctory Oats, No barb or =clusive ime of knitted wear. The velvet Barley, excellent variety. iommission is only part f this Marquis wheat for seed. Thos. teresting f actory to wearer pro- Baker. Hampton. Phone 167r14. isition. Write now for full par- 10-1* culars. British Knitwear Limit- -- -____________ 1., Simncoe, Ontario. 10-1 FOR SALE - REAL B R AN _________________________ Buckeye Incubator. 210 egg cap-I To Let acity: White Leghorn cockerels f rom blood tested stock, $1 each: )USE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- also sound clean Irish Cobbler po- ences, central location, possession, tatoe,. grown f rom certified seed,. rov. lSth. Sheppard & Gill Ltd., R. Sanderson. Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville. 44-tf 320r2l. 10-3* LET-7 ROOMED HOUSE, ALL PIANO FOR SALE - HEINTZMAN onveniences. f acing Town Hall. and Co. Upright, wanut case. Has Possession February lst. W. T. had best of care, and we can re- Symons, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. commend it to anyone looking for hone 60r5. 4tf a good used piano. Original cost, ~iT O RNT-UITBLEFOR $685. Will be sacrificed for quic]k roA s o rE offie, oe FeR sale. Write or phone L. B. Tap- lv ig r o n r o f c , o e e r son, piano tuner. B ox 175 or phone tore; convenienes: possession 353 Bowmanville. 9-21 'Iarch lst. Apply ta L. C. Mason, _______________ barrister, Bowmanville. 8-tf FrSl rRn :R RENT - 7 ROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-FARM. 140 n Beech Ave.. hardwood floors, acres, Lot 16. Con. 3, Darlîngton. wired for an electric stove. Vac- near Bowmanville. 100 a c r e s nt Jan. 31. Apply Mrs. Quick. workable, new seeding, 16 acres Phone 226. Bawmanvlle. 3tf rye, most ploughing done, creek, DR RENT - 6 ROOMED BRICK wood, immediate Possession. Ap- house, 3-piece bath, furnace. aIl ply ta Mrs. W. L. Law. 71 Albert conveniences, «and garage, central- Street, Oshawa, or Ivan M. Law.~ ly located. possession at once. R. R. 2, Whitby. 9-3 Apply Drawer T, Bawmanville. or phone 30. îo-l- Baby Chicks for Sale OUSE TO RENT - DESIRABLE1 0rder from RELIABLE POULTRY residence on O'deIl Street. all F.AR.M - White Leghorn Baby modern conveniences, including Chicks. over 700 blood-tested two gas. and wired for electric stove. and three year old hens. also, pen Garage and chicken house.H. of well developed pullets mated ta Véeo, Box 274, B o w m a n v 7 1'le full brothers af our pen that won Phone 428. 9-tf third place in White Leghorns in the Canadian egg-laying contest CAED 0F THANKS at Ottawa 1934. Electric incub- atar; separate hatcher; prices Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mellow wish reasonable; average hen's eggs set )tbank their many friends fori 26 oz. to doz. A. H. Clernens. R. R. iir expression af sympathy. their 6, Bowmanville. Phone 237r3. ind assistance and for their floal91f butes. in their recent bereae ient. .i SPECIALS Chocolate Patterkrisps Lb. 29c Licorice ALLSORTS Lb. 23c Maple Buds Lb. 23c Salted PEANUTS Lb. 20c FOR OPPORTUNITY DAY SPECIALS BETTER BAKING Everyofle likes baked goods, but they want the best. ManY People prefer to jet the baker do their baking for them. We guarantee that you will be wdll satisfied with our baking, whcther it's bread, cakes, cookies, buns or scones you want. Try Wat- son's Baking - you'Ul be baek for more. THUfflDAY, MARCI-I 7th, 1935 --- -AmAnTANT i:tnumANVILLE. LUNCH BOOM PHONE 97 SODA FOUNTAIN

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