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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1935, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1935 PAGE TEM DURHAM CLUB 0F TORONTO HEARS TALK BY DR. L. COLEMAN Regulan meeting oi the Durham County Club ai Toronto was held Feb. 28th ut the residence ai Mn. t *nd Mrs. T. E. Washington, 98 Lyt- "bn Blvd., North Toronto. The meeting was well attendcd andi the guests were necelveci by the hast and haatess andi Mr. and Mrs. L. H-. Waahington. Mr. Walter H. Cie- mes pnesided. Letters were read !ram Mrs. James L. Hughes andi Mrs. R. W. King thanking the members for their sympatly un their recent brae ment. Asla a leten !ram Mrs. Lamne 1 Truil thaiuking the club for flawera sent 1er when ill. After the usual business was aven an excellent pnagram was rendiereci by Mn. Ernest Sheldvich, solouat and Mn. Ellis McClintock, carnet saloist. The speaker ai thc evening was Dr. Leslie Coleman wlo gave an inter- eating description ai rural lufe in India Ilustrateci by lantern aides. Dr. Coleman las spent twenty-six yeans in India and is able ta give a great deal ai pensonal knowledge ai that ian off country and little known by the avenage persan on the street. Durung the serving ai reireshments every ane enjayed tlemiselves in a friendly manner and became better acquaunted. Dr. L. B. Williams maved and sec- aned by M."J. D. Keachue a very heanty vote ai tlanks ta the artista and ta Mn. and Mns. Washingtoni anci iamily fon the enjoyable even-1 The meeting claseci by singing Aulci Lang Syne witl Miss Marks ut BOWMANVILLE AND 1 the pano.OSHAWA SPEAKERS Legion Band Presented HEARD AT HAMPTON Concert In Interests of on Thunsday nigît, Feb. 28thonie Local Salvation Armyof te HamptonUite Chuch Ena- thenhooci sut dawn to supper in the Intraduceci by Captain Batten, Eldad Churdli Sunday School roam. Mn. R. M. Cotton was the able chair- The tables were prettily decoratedi man ut the Canadian Leglan Bandi with flowers. andi the menu was very concert helci on Thursday nigît un invlting ta, which ail dici Justice. theTow Hal. heconert whdhThe young men ai the cammunity the ownHal. Te cocer, wichacteci as walters. ,Comxnunity sing- wa in aid of the local" Salvation ing was led by George Werry. Im- Army, was well attended andi netted mediately following the supper, T. $40.00. The. varlaus numbers on the C. Glaspel presideci for the pro- excellent program werc: thc marchi gram. The toast ta, the King was "Th Naionl Eblen",an Ih drunk. Bert Glaspelliintraduced "Th Naionl Eblen",andtheDr. Penny, V. S., ai Oshawa, who Overture, "The Wanderer" by the gave a gooci talk on "ContagIausý Band. Mn. M. S. Dale sang "Sing Abartion". The ather guest speaker me ta Sleep" and as an encore, was G. L. Wagan, B. A., Bowmanville, "Because", with Mn. Clarlie Cawker wha gave an excellent talk. C. E. as accampanist. "Atlantis" was Shortrige gave a couple ai appra- PlaYed by the Band andi Mn. N. wha was introduceci by F. J. Groat fuvoreci witl an enjoyable priate readinga andi George Werry viain sala and encore. Othen sel- rendereci some fine piano salas. ections by the Band were "'SuUlivan's Mayor Ross Stnike, Bowmanville, Operutic Gems", "Racked ln the who accompanicci Mn. Wagar, gave a Crudie af thc Deep", the Overture few minutes' talk whicl was very "William Tell" and the marcl, appropriate. E. E. Staples maved i "Anderson Zauvais". Mn. Van Gun- a vote ai thauika ta the speakers andi ten playeci an enjoyable cornet sola. entertainers. Next meeting will be The uppreciatian ai the Salvatian ut Zion pnobably Tuesday evening, Armny was expressed by Captain Manch 26th when King St., Oshawa, Batten, wlo thunkeci the Band and Brotherlooci are invited. athers wlo sa kindly gave their ser- The Brathenhoaci will put on their vices fan the occasion. The items by Minstrel show ut Eldaci on Mardh the Bandi were specially encauraging 20th, Zian on Mardli 2lst, and ut andi Bancimaster R. Fauntain and Hampton an Mandli 22nd under the lis musicians are ta le commended leadership of Mn. Jas. McMaster fan the excellent pragnams whlch are witl lis thirty minstrels. beung oiiered ta the public. As a ýi u a...'. L me , . nis aserv ing ai every encouragement I N THE DIM and DISTANT PAST TWENTY-FIIVE VEARS AGO From The Statesman, Mar. 11, 1910 Misses Nettie and Mildred Wil- mot, Rachester, N. Y.. are visiting their mather, Mrs. E. Wilmot, Church St. Mrs. Chas. Tamblyn and her mo- ther. Mrs. Fyler, Toronto, and Mrs. S. Martin af Seattle, Wash., are visiting Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn. Mr. John James and Mrs. M. A. James celebrated their birthday on Saturday, March 5th. by a dinner given by the latter at Lorne Villa ta a number of immediate relatives. Grandpa James ha entered upon lus 86th year. Misses Darothy and Marion Tilley, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. Nor- man Tilley, wha are residing in London, England, attended the Man- sion House Fancy Dress Carnival given by the Lord Mayor. Solina: Debate ut Division next week on "Resolved thut it is better ta be a poar man in a wealthy com- munity than a wealthy man in a poor community," captained by R. J. McKessock and Faster Fergu.son. Tyrane: Mr. Wfhittingham, Qu- Appelle, Sask., visited at Mr. Sam- uel Hooper's. Mar ri e d Rice-Moore--At the residence of the bride's parents, "MaPle View," by Rev. T. H. P. An- derson, Hampton, Mr. Chas. B. Rice, Whitevale, and Miss Annie May, daughter af Mr. E. J. Moore, Dar- >.ington.' Wakel-OGreen-In Hampton, on March 2nd, by Rev. W. R. Roacli. Mr. Arthur J. Wakely and Miss M. 'Eva. anly daughter af Mr. Wm. Green, bath af Hampton. Caak-McLaughlin - In Oshawa, March 9th, by Rev. jas. Hodzes. B.A., Zillu. daughter of the late Wm.1 McLaugblin. Darlington. and Mr. T. Harvey Cook, bath af Oshawa. FIFTY YEARS AGO j îFrom The Statesman, Mar. 13, 18851 Dr. J. M. Brimacombe. S. B. Brad- shaw, D. Lick and Thos. Hoar have returned fromn New Orleans. Rev. Paul Rabbins, ai this town, entered the ministry in 1823; Rev. John Langtcn, af Prince Albit n Rev. R. Jones, Cobourg, in185 Enniskiilen Induction: On Tues- day the Presbytery of Whitby met Lat Enniskillen pursuant ta appoint- ment, and wus canstituted with; prayer by the Maderutor, Rev. Mr.1 Carmichuel of Columbus. Rev. John1 iMcMeclian, Part Perry. canducted divine warship and preached an able sermon. The Maderutar by salemn prayer inducted the minister-e]ect iinta his new sphere af labar. The .charge, brief and bratherly, ta Rev. 1A. McLaren. was given by the Rev. Mr. McClellan ai Ashburn. In ad- dition ta the local speakers. the Roev. Prof. McLaren, ai Knox Callege, Toronto, delivered an admirable ad- Sdress. Enfield: Mr. Sam Bray was mar- ried on Wednesday, March llth. ta Miss Susie Bradshaw, sister af Mrs. Thas. Bradley, East Whitby. Th'le ceremany toak place ut the resi- dence af the bride's father near Brantford. We wish Sam and lis bride much jay and happiness. Married: Werrv-.Swain-ýOn the 5th inst. by Rev. W. C. Washington, MA., at the residence af thebid' father. Mr. Albert H. Werrysna iThos. Werry. Esq.. to Agnes, duugh-1 ter of John Swain, Esci., all a! Cart- wriYl't. TPith: Pohertson-In Bowmanville 'nVr<'h 5th. ta the wife ai Mr. J. IRobertsn. merchant, of adaughter. "Th,- lite af a devotee is a crusade ni 'Wic thp heiqrt is the Holy Land."-Alfred de Musset. Kerslake'S Drug Store Let us show you the new Moon Giow Nail Preparations - Polish, Polish Rtemover, Cuticie 011, etc. The poUsh wiIi not chlp or rub off easlly. Large sized botties ..................... .. . 29e Colgate's Tooth Paste Giant size 33e - Lge ize 21c Coigate Tooth Powd. . . 21. c i Listenine T. Faste...25e - 40e 3 Cakes Cashmere Bouquet 25e 1 Bottie Bouquet Perfume 25e Both for 25c Palmolive Shave Cream Giant size 39c - Lge size 23e Palmolive Tale. ......... ý23e Colgate Shave Refli ..... 15e 2 Tubes Colgute's Faste 42c 1 Colgate T. Brush 35c Ail for 49e HUTAX TOOTH FASTE - A product advlsed by dentists everywhere- Now two sizes ... .. .....25c - 33c Ayerst 10D Rapid Fie Enos Scett's Ced LiverO011 Filter Dlsks Fruit Sait Emuision 67c - $1.69 300 for $1.501 47c - 79c 39c - 79c WHEN YOUR EYES TROUBLE YOU SEE US We guaranice satisfaction ln pice and fittlng. POE49 P. R. Cowling, W EIE Boost your favorite ehUld by registerlng your votes here. Two votes given for every cent pald on aceounts contracted prier to February lst. Extra Opportunities -FOR FRIDAY - SATURDAY ONLY - TWO PAIRS Crepe, Chiffon and Service Welght Hose. Taenfrinou rguarDolar stock. $1.89 Frdy n StrdyOnIy- Pia Al Sizes; Ail Shades. ANOTHER HOSIERY SPECIAL - CLEAING ODD LINES Steekings, reg. 75o and $1,00 - On Sale per pair ......69o HOUSE DRESSES - Spectal - 98e. We have added a few more hlgher priced Dresses to, our gaie rack at $3.95 Don't Miss thes. The Evlyn SPEL4T Shop Miss T. Murphy Phono 594 Mm., F. 0k. NOTICEment a! music ln tinCaunty. It ha discavered much pramising tal- Darlington Township Council wilen Itla enurgdythluckQ kr meet on Monduy, March llth, at n.Iha ecorgdyufl i 'lc.competitars, wlo are steadily ad- Q ikQ ae 1 ________________ vancing in their musical educatian. Oraorial ontst t . It has sent on ta, higher lonaurs in Bowmanville:High School their start in aur awn. But niost ______Important aifa0, it las develaped a (Cntnedfrmpae ) better appreciatian af the value af pkg. (Cotiuedfrm pge1) music in the cultural side af ifln 230 timely topic "Arms and Emblems oi the minds ai a vast and increasing Canada"; and Frances Reynolds number ai individuals. Grunted that wha taak for her subject "Myths". these things have been accomplislied In the Senior section Morse Good- and are capable of becoming mare PerBae..... man was awarded the honars in a widespread f romn year ta year, wauld PalBre ..... very informative udclress an "The it flot be a distinct loss ta the county A.& i.Slod. .. Royal Ontario Museum.- Selma should the festival mavement begin A.&f.Sl'oa... Bartlett. who spake an "The De- its decent Inta oblivion in the sec- Fns aainCes Partment af Public Welf are in On- ond mile. Fns aainCes tario," was awarded second place; These are the dangers. Haw can Hbtn ertbeSu and othens taking part with goad we avaid tlem? Many ideas sprrng 1 aiatrgtbeSu effect were, Doris Dudley, an "De-! ta aur minds but ta sumsnarize tlem Fry's Hot Chocolate, 1/2' velapment ai Greek Art"; Helen inta a f ew af the most important, I/2 Pritchard, who took for her subjet would say tley are these: Prunes, medium size .. the novelist "Charles Dickenis," and 1.AuUsef hAttitude. Kee- Ll wha incidentally wag the only .. nmic tegeealgada tehicken Haddie .. speaker wha f illed her complete i nginmdth erago fte time; and Haward Wight,. ho association. even if a littie persanal handled the rather large subject, satisfaction is sacrificed in sa, doing. "Modemn Youtl, its Oppartunities 2. A Spiit of Harmonions Co- and Problems." operation. Do not give Up interest In the Junior section only two because some things are not being prizes would have been given but carried on as you would like tlemn F . e for the generosity a! Dr. G. C. Ban- ta, be. Attend the meetings and pre- nycastle, clairman af the High sent your side o! the case. You will Schoal Board, who added a third. alwuys be accorded a welcame and The judges for the contesta were sympatîetic heaning. You will of ten 1 Rev. A. S. Kerr. Minister of St. discover thereby why certain thingsl.iz ý - Paul's, who acted as spokestnan and have been done. This wfll help ta delivened the results and congratu- clear Up misunderstandings and pro- Iuted the speakers, Mrs. L. T. Mc- mate larmony. port H-ope, for any informiation youl Laugîlin and Mrs. W. A. Shane. ra £,r.Nwi h iet While the judges were aut arriving 3. No Slaekening of Effort. Suc- may esire. aw ffor the tue tae at their verdict the Gîee Club ai cess depends qjhardw0oj. Do not mk elefr amuete the achoal fumnisheci four enjayable leave it ail for soqne else tc do. futr success af the Durham Music numbens. Heîp get entries. âouae chairs' etvl hac. etb ol > And while it ia not unusual at the bands, orchestras and individuals c onsolidating aur gansandi movingt High Sclool. but lasa ounusin enter. We have increasd aur en- t e Wieth lesedofthuraas i neanly every other arganization, we tries eacl year. Let us work for a iztenarge thscoedi the oan-t add that the meeting started on full three day festival in 1935. Once aeto Ttîl envie the Managve- time. ouread e star aur doom. ewe are co-operation o! every interesteci per- heaed owad or dom.In th son in the County. Do your part The ndexNumer mmberhip campaign which is and the future oi the festival la as- The ee odrces oNu m ro about ta start, enral aIl t.he members srd Thelevl a pice aifar p oau can and thus help ta, strength B.ured.dt duces is a mutter o! great impor- the organization. . Pin. DramM i tance ta the people ai Canada. It Prsien. ur a uicn affecta the purchusing power of the 4. Be a Good Sport. What a Festival Assocain lurgest single group a! the populat- wealth cf meaning that phrase im-t Ion andi thereby limnits the market plies in aur relatîonship to any ac- eUSEPIN for large quantities ai induatrial tivity and flot the least ta festival goods. In camparing pnicea over a competitians. We cannat alilwln. There are but few (if an3r> week- period ai time, it is rather diificult If you are a teacler, consider the ly newspaper publishers but will be ta establish exact relationships. contribution you have madle ta the in accord with the following dcllpplng Therefore, atatisticians use a device acivancement aofnmusic and ta thse taken fram an exchange:- "There known as an Index number. Tis training afi ndividuals, rather than are a !ew people who take a local number represents the relative pas- the glory o! wlnning. As an individ- paper for yeara, and then refuse ta Ition o! prices ut a given time, as Ual ar group competitar you have puy for it, offenlng ail kinda o! ex- campared witl thase in a period expert and Impartial citlclsm ai cuses, sudh as. 'I asked the pub- when conditions were !airly stable . gaineci expenience and the benefit of halher ta discontinue sending lt,' or and prices ai the different groupa ai your wark. Thia wilU help you i 'I ordereci the paper f or one year commodities occupied a reasonably the future. These are the things that1 and dinat ask ta have It sent af- satis!actary relatianship. For i- caunit and not the mere wlnnlng of terwards,' or II didn't subscribe for stance prices in the year 1926 have a shleld or medal. O! ten anly a it.' For the benefit o! these deliii- been used by many statisticians as a fraction af a point separates the quents it mlght be stateci that if periad an which ta base the camper- winner f nin the second or third they wished the paper diacantinueci isons witl othen years. In 1929 the place. AUl taking part have benefit- 1ahl arrearages ai subscnlptlon should Index o!f field crops <grain and vege- eci equally ln the training for, and: iirst have been paid. Any persan table producta) was 94 campareci participation in the event. Some; who takes a paper regulanly froi witl 100 in 1926. In 1932 the index ane haci ta be declared the winner. the post office an mail box whether lad drapped ta 41 and ta 35 in Jan- Yau, or your group, may be the one in lis name or anotler's or whether uury, 1933. Durit 1933, howeve,' next time. h e ha subscnlbed or nat, la respan- the index rase ta 46, andi in 1934 You are invited ta correspond -Vth sible iar payment. If a persan or- ranged between 48 and 61. the secretany. Mr. E. A. Summers. 1 dens lis paper discontinuei, le nmust CANADIAN TRAPPERS NAB $10,00,000 IN FURS Pur trappers are now gathering the fur trappig ndustry jstill arn- ber wolf and Itsaequally burly trap- thei anualcath thougouttheountà te more than $10,300,000 a per mn northern Ontario. Lcft, be- thei anualcath thougouttheyear. with 4,500,000 pelta.vaiec atj low, trappers un tie north-wods on Canadian northlanct andi deapite the that figure by the last goveromentj the trail. Upper Left, a f isher cauglit drop n fur pricea In recent years figures. Photos show: Rght, a tim- in a trap. Music Festival. President Reviews Work of Society (Continueci !rom page 1) which the whole structure is built. Tlcy arc the ones in tle strategical pasitions ta encourage andi dcvelap entrants. Judgin f nom Past cx- perience, the Association can nest assureci that they wifl nat f ail n this important function. I lave no hesitution in saying that I offer this brie! review af thce hiatory of the Durhamn Music Festi-I val for a very definite reason. With the approacli o! the f ifth annua1 festival wc have reacleci wlat miît j be termeci the first mile post. Sa far we have been carried ianward by the mamenturn of the fiinst burst ai enthusiasm, which greeteci tle mavement f ive ycars ago. We now enter an the second mile andi the most dangerous ane in tle growth ai ail organizutiona. This initial cnthusiasm la too aiten taken for grantcd, and considered a perman- ent thing. Tao many take the at- titude-I have contributed my bit, tle assaciation la going strang andi naw I can case up. Let athers get entnies andi induce new members ta Join. Let athera take the respons- ible pasitions mn the management ai the association andi carry on. In tle familiar language cf the atreet "Let George do ht," becomes the ac- cepteci slogan. How many warth- whilc organizations have penisheci on that rock? We have ail been wit- nessea to sud inglorlous endinga many, many times. We must nat let that happen i this case. The fest- ival las proven thut it is making a rpal rnnê,.4htin ,ta.the advnnn.i pay al arrears or the publisher may continue ta send it until payment is madle, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken or not. The courts have declded that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals and having them unpaid, is prima facie evidence o! intention ta defraud."-Stirling News-Argus. Go fram the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest nat in hlm the lips af knowledge.-Pro- verbs 14:7. Many mothers can testify ta the virtue af Mother Graves' Wormn Ex- terminator, because they know f rom experience haw useful It la. OPENS NEW PLANT IN CANADA Pearson's Antiseptic Company' of England, a few months ago, com- pleted negotiations with the City of Lachine, Que.. to establish a plant for the manufacture of Disinfect- ants. This brings ta Canada, one of Britain's oldest manufacturera of Disinfectants. It also shows con- fidence of British manufacturers as ta the future of the Dominion of Canada as a market for their ma- teniais. It la interesting too, to know that the Pearson's Antiseptic Company o! Hull was f lrst estab- Iished in 1885 by Mr. William Pear- son who is the inventor o! Creolin. Opportunity Days Bargains Look over these Specials, good for cash only at Corbett's. Here's real savings for Opportunity Days. These prices good until Saturday night. Fresh Roasted Peanuts, lb............... 15c Raisin Loaf, reg. 12c, Sale..............10c Nut Loaf, reg. 12c, Sale................ loc Large Raisin, reg. 25c, Sale.............. 20c Cashew Nuts ,reg. 65c, Sale............. 57c Hot Cross Buns for Lent............ doz. 20c Home Made Humbugs, reg. 30c, Sale .... lb. 26c Fresh Assorted Chocolates, reg. 30c, Sale lb. 21c Assorted Toffee, reg. 30c, Sale ......... lb. 26c Re.15c. Sale .....13c Cocoanut bons .13c Layer Cakes 1 Eeg. 180. Sale, each .. 1 c Pies, Apple and Raisin 291C Eeg. 250. S.... ...a Tarte, Raspberry or .18C Butter, reg. 200. Do« C Weiner and Parterhouse Rlrot. 15c. .oe ........13c mi- Red & White Tea, ½/'s, per pkg. 29c Red & White Coffee, 1/2, per tin 22c Jewel Shortening........ 2 lbs. 25c Roman Meal......... per pkg. 32c Tea, British Empire Bulk .... lb. 43c Magic Baking Powder ... per tin 34c (Cash and Carry) Kellogg's AlI Bran. .. pkg. 14c - 23c Millionaire CHEF Sardines SAUCE 2 tins 2110 boule 150 - 2 lbs. lic Connor's Herrings, Tomato per, pkg. 7c Sauce, per tin. ..-..........14c .... lb. 17c Lux Toilet Soap........ 3 bars 15c p2 tins 25c Oranges, large size .... per doz. 45c s ... tin 23c New Cabbage.......... per lb. loc ..2 lbs. 25c New Carrots........ per bunch loc per tin 14c Peanut Butter........ large jar 2&c Phone 599 4 elles Bowuanvllle SPECIA OFFER For the duration of the hae wq B rac Ti~es heet of Bread Ilo1mlts, for DA Corbett's Dakery Phone 3 Disitrlbutors Dad's Coolies Bowmanffle The RED 8WRITE stores Opportunity Val ues for Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 7, 8, 9 MarinladeFancy Sockeye -, - Gold Medal Brand23 Samo ~)~?' ORANGE, per jar' 2 tins 37o Fancy Pink Salmon, 1's. ..2 tins 27c Custard Powder, Gold Medal, 16 oz ....................... 23c Zebra Stove Paste...... per tin 14c Epsom Salta, Gold Medal, 8 oz. pkg ................. 10c Blue Bell Coffee, ls..... per lb. 25c S. O.S ............ 4-cube box 14c Pitted Dates............ 2 lbs. 23c

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