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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Mar 1935, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAI.I STATESMAN, Bowr,~i.~jqvmT~* THURSDAY. MA1W1~ '7th 1Q~ *Time' will be repeated here in the TYRONEnear future. Dont miss an oppor- _________________ tunity to see it. Mr. Lev i Annis. Toronto. spent the1 weekend at home. 1 MAPLE GROVE Mr. Wm. Little spent Tuesday wth friends in Oshawa. Mr. C. Taylor, Dixie, visited with Solina Young People visited our friends here on Sunday. young people on Wednesday evening. Mr Fred Moore, Providence, spent Misses Verna Petbick and Marion Sunday at Mr Russell Virtue's. Griffin spent Sunday at their homes See "In Cherry Time" repeated i at Enniskillen. Tyrone Hall, Marcb l2th. Prices 25e nd 5c.Mr sisterMrs. LAJrex Wikins, Miss Clara Byam and Mr.Er dtersseM.AlxWki, Byam, Bowmanville, spent Sunday Salem wbo is in very poor bealth. at Mr. F. L. Byam's. Misses Jean and Mary Clemence Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley, Edith! Shaws, spent the weekend with Miss-j and Jimmy visited at Mr. Wm. es Betty and Mildred Snowden. Chapman's, Hamnpton. j Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Munday, Mr. A number from bere attended Mr. Wallace Munday, Mr. and Mrs. E. W Cecil Slemon's sale of farni stock Foley visited Mr. and Mrs. Milford and implements at Haydon. Wilkins, Oshawa. Messrs Harry and Frank Hatherly, Mrs. ColweU, Miss Muriel Colwell, Dixie, spent Sunday with their par- R. N.. Toronto. Mr .and Mrs. Art ent.s. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hatherly. Lymer. son Billie, Oshawa, visited We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Aber- Mis Hilda Foley. nethy to our community. Mr. Aber- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, ethy bas bired with Mr. C. W. Wood- Orono; Mr. Walter Blackburn, Pet- ley. 'erboro Normal, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Viola Smith and Miss Helen Mrs. E. W. Foley Smith are with the f ormer's mother, Mr Jack Morton entertained a Mrs. Barrabal. who is sick at her number of little boys and girls to a home in Orono. party on Saturday afternoon when Despite bad roads and a foggy ail had a very enjoyable time. night a goodly number from Tyrone Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. John andvicniy ejoed hedeligbtful Lord and Howard Cryderman, f rom' three act comedy "In Cherry Time" our community. they having moved Presented by Tyrone Dramatic Club this week to a f arm near Newcastle. in tbe Comniunity Hall her, on Tues- We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Geo.9 day night. We wish to congratulatc Skelding and family to our com-1 the cast on their splendid perform-1 munity they having purcbased the ance it being considered the best if arm of the late T. J. Cole and have è play given in Tyrone Hall for some; moved on to it.r time. It is rumored that -In Cherry e i CAVERLY'S Vle Seville Orange Mai-malade, 40 oz. jai ....... 28c Strawberry Jam, 32 oz. jar ............... 29c Red Plum Jam, 40 oz. jar ................ 25c Red Salmon, halves ................. 2 for 30c Sockeye Salmon;.................. 2 for' 37c Quick Quaker Qats, per' pkg .............. 23c Robin Hood Qats, per pkg. ... ;........... 22c Pastry Flour ............... 7's 23c; 24's 70c Rose Baking Powder, 1 lb. tin............. 16c Forest City B. Powder with Goblet, (guaranteed), per' lb.................. 25c The f inest Rice we can buy, per lb........... 9c Good quality Rice, per lb .................. 6cj Rolled Oats, bulk.................. 5 lbs. 23c Granulated or light yellow Sugar..10 lbs. 55c Evaported Apricots, per lb............... 25c Kellogg's Ail-Bran, per pkg......... 14c and 23c Cooking Fige, fresh, per lb................ 8c Supreme Shortening................ 2 lbs. 23c Jewel Shortening .................. 2 lbs. 25c Schnieder's Pure Lard.................. 15c Lyon's Tea, Salada Tea, Red Rose Tea, llb.......................... 28c to 40c Choice Coffee, fresh ground.............. 39c Oranges, per dozen............. 18c - 39c - 49c Fruits - Vegetables - Haddie Fillet - Oysters W. C. CAVERLY RED & WHITE STORE "Quality, Value, Service and Courtesy" Phone 62 Bowmanville CAWKER'S Watch Our WINDOWS for Spe cual Opportunity Days Values lu Choice MEATS We have enjoyed good business during Oppor- t unity Days and feel we have made many new friends whom we hope will become regular cust- omeTs. C. M«. Cawker & Son Phone 64 Bowm anville The "flu" is confining many tc their homes. Mr. Norman Walter, Weston. vis- Adams, over the weekend. Mrs. John Sprung, Windsor, vis- ited with ber daughter, Mrs. Cecil Adams. Rev. Wm. Smith was recent guest of Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Richards, Napanee. Mrs. Henry Pruefer vîsited with her f ather, Mr. G. Galbraith, Tor- onto, who ta seriously 111. Mrs. Paul Antil underwent an op- eration in Oshawa Hospital on Tues- day week, and is improving nicely. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Courtice upon the birtb of a son on February 27tb. Mother and babe doing well. Mrs. Ralpb Tooley bas received empîcyment in the General Motors as Mr. Tooley's bealtb does not per- mit bim to return to the factory. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brock were. Mrs. R. Cuncliffe and Misses Velma Ham- ilton. Vera and Hazel McGee. and ELsie Brock. Oshawa. Mrs. Brock is in Hampton with ber mother, Mrs. John Clarke. wbo is ill. Courtice Sunday Scbool business meeting was beld Feb. 26th at Mr. and Mrs. George Barber's and was, in unison with the Entertainment Committee. Meeting opened w;-it.h singing "Blest be the Tie that Binds" af Ver wbicb the secretary. Mrs. G. Reynolds, read minutes. Financlal ýtanding of the Sunday Sehool at the end of the vear was given. As the rieeds of the School increase with eacb quarter a larger purchase of Periodicals was autborized. Enter- tainment Committee arranged con- cert for March i5tb. Sunbeam Mission Band held regu- ar meeting February 22nd and op- ened wiVh a sing-song. Psalm 105 and 119 were repeated and hymn Al Things Bright and Beautiful" was sung. Minutes were read by thej secretary. Mary Konopacki and busi-i ness disposed of. Watch Tower Her- alds were taken by President. Marie Salt on Korea and by Mary Riznek1 on Temperance, Frank Preston gave a reading on "Rays of Ligbt fromt India." Worsbip story was given by1 Ruth Penfound followed by quietX music, response and prayer. hyn1 Tell me the Story of Jesus" wasr sung: Marshall Vetzel gave a bible1 reading. Chris Tooley and PeterE Gravelle receiveri the offring. Missc Dorothy Wiman. Veacher, told an in-E tresting story and several girls con-( ributed a song. Study was taken byt giss Sadie Muir wbo gave closingC rayer.a SOLINA c a. s a Il rE G te tr p Miss Acta Allin visited Misses Helen and Muriel Baker. Miss Ruby Moore, Seagrave, has been visiting Miss Mae Westlake. Miss Marion Williams, Port Perry, is visiting at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, Enniskillen, is visiting ber son, Mr. Roy Lang- ~maid. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam and Mary spent the weekend in Port Perry. Dr. and Mrs. Wes. Langmaid and family, Oshawa, visited at Mr. S. E. Werry's Misses Jessie, Glad.ys, Isobel and JGrace Yellowlees visited Mrs. Hugb Anis, Enniskillen. Misses Jean and Jessie and Messrs Jim and Bruce Hogarth, Hampton. visited at Mr. Thos. Baker's. Mr.Gorg Millson, Toronto Un- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson. IMr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy spent Saturday witb friends in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs Frank Rolson, Oshawa, Mrs. Clarence Tink and family, Hampton, visited at Mr. George Wbite's. Mr. and Mrs. Milîs and family, Seagrave. bave moved on tbe farai. formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis. We welcome them to our community. Mrs. Norman Reynolds. Messrs Chas. Bruce and Edgar Reynolds. Miass Ida Reynolds and Clara Wares. Mi'. Lyle MeLellan, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hars and Master Jim and Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilbert and Vel- ma, Enniskillen, were guests at Mr. Jack Yellowlees. Farewell Gift to Teaeher About Virty members cf the young ladies' and young men's classes gaVhered at the home cf their tea- cher, Mr. Alan McKessock. on Mon- day nigbt to spend a social time with Mr. and Mrs. McKessock before their departure for their new home. Miss Evelyn Tink in a neat littIe speech expressed their regret at los- ing their teacher and Mr. W. R. IWestlake presented Alan witb a Ibeautiful Bible. ta which he replied, i thanking them for the gift that would ever remind him cf the young People here. The remainder cf the evening was spent in a social way and a dainty lunch was ser'ed. 4b f HAMPTON Remember Institute Concert Mar. 18th. Sorry to report Mrs. John Clark ccnfined o bed. Miss Lulu Reynolds visited ber j iter Miss E. Reynolds. Mr. C. Burrcws, Oshawa, visited bis sister, Mrs. C. Goodmnan. Miss Ruby Clatwortby spent a few days in Bowmanville, guest of Mrs. Cha.s. Bounsaîl. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Wooclley adfamily. Tyrone, spent Sunday xvth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cbapman. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and family. Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. I Tink, Solina, were weekend visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman's. Hampton Horticultural Society held its meeting in the S. S. room onWededa nigbt, Feb. 27tb. Mrs. R.J. McKessock, newly elected pres- ident presided and gave a few open- ing remarks. Miss Edna Reynolds, delegate to Ontario Horticultural Convention held n Toronto, gave a splendid report. A bearty vote cf thanks was tendered for the splendid report and aIse Misses Evelyn Tlnk andfIleen Balson wbo gave Instru- meta wsht>.olo s. Wewelcome any wbo Haxnpton Young People's meeting on Friday nigbt opened wiVb the - -. president in prayer. Afterj ENNISKILLEN 1 tbe business Ruth Johns took the + ______ charge of the program. Ruth Col- will. Thelma Robbins. LoVtie Horn. Miss Verna Pethick spent Sunday Doris Cryderman, Reg Rackham andi at home. - Douglas Rackham ook part in the Mrs. E. C. Ashton bas returned devotional; Florence Burns read a home f rom Toronto. . Paper; Edith Rackham, Nellie and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison spent Bertha Armour favored witb a vocal the weekend in Toronto. trio. Jerald Black gave a reading. Master Murray Sanderson spent Austin Barron gave a reading: Bes- the weekend at Mr. F. Spry's, Hamp- sie Simpson, Bloyd Wilcox and Ger- ton. trude Pettit reaci prayers. Miss Elva Orchard and Mr. Edgar See "lIn Cherry Time" repeated in Wright spent Sunday at Mrs. Wm. Tyrone Hall, Marcb 12th. Prices Oke's. 25e and 15c. Miss Maud Ashton. Toronto, vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton. Mr, and Mrs. Herb Stainton.ý ___________________IHamt ENFIELD on, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Mr. Fred Smith visiVed in Tor- Misses Gladys. .essie, Mary andi onto. Grace Yellowlees, Solina, visiVed aV Mr. Wallace Scott is under the Mr. Hugh Annis'. jdoctor's care. Mrs. J. Sbackelton, Keitb and El- The flu bas been very prevalent wolod. Hampton. spent Sunday at in this neighborhood. Mr. Jas. Bradley's. Mr. L. Cochrane visited near Miss Grace Werry. Miss M. For- Blackstock over the weekend. sythe, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at Mr. Jas. A. Werry's. Dr. W. McCulloch, Orono, visited M~rs. Cecil Wilson and Miss Eun- bhis mother. Mrs. J. McCulloch and lice spet the weekend at ber fath- Miss Ida -on Monday. er's. Mr. W. R. Lamb. Mr. Norman Whitney had one of Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Bradley, Mrs. bis fingers cut badîy with a circular Ellis Griffin visited Mr. and Mrs. saw be was operating at Mr. T. M. Grif fin. Blackstock. Henry's. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Mr Mr. and Mrs. David Ferguson have and Mrs. M. Stainton and DoroVhy' returned home afVer spending the spent -Sunday witb Orono friends. winVer in Oshawa witb their son. Miss Bernice Adams. Bowmanvilîe, Mr. Geo. Ferguson. Miss Marion Griffin, Maple Grove. Mr. Oliver McCulloch bad tbe ear, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bradley. and throat specialist. Dr. Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens and f rom Oshawa, to bis daugbter Mise family. Oýhawa, Mrs. Charlotte Ste- Mary who bad a severe attack of yens. Hampton, visited Mr. and Mrs. the flu. She is improving. D. Burgmaster Sunday. Symvathy is exended Vo Mr. and * $ Mrs. Adsm Sharpe and family on the death of the formers mother, I SALEM Mrs. Andrew Sharpe. Toronto. t Rev. Wm. Parker's text on Sun day' Mr.,FP.Honey made a trip Vo Tor- evening was on "Wbat do Men Wor- onto n Moday.ship?" During the service a vocal onto n Moday.selection was rendered. Mrs. Tbeo. Pastor A. M. Wootton cccupied the Slemon singine the solo Dart and pulpit here on Sunday, delivering a Misses Alice Ashton. Elsýie Moore and very fine sermon. M' onSeo n x.Gro Y.~~~~~ ~ P.L1etn ensa v Steves the quartette part. ening, Feb. 27tb. Opening exercises League meeting on Wednesday by President Mr. F. Blackburn, after night was in charge of 4th vice- pres. which Mr. K. Werry tock charge cf Norman Carrington. Mr. J. A. Werry the program, whicb consisted cf gave the devotional: readings were numbers by the C. Clan of the com- given by Miss Gladys Page and Mr. mnunity as follows: bible reading, Reg. Weaving; Miss Doreen Perritt Kathleen and Lillie Cowling; com- c apo edrdapaosl ments on saine, Mr. R. Cale; Mr. F. oerynHcamptopedewaginobysMr. Blackburn teck the opic in tbe ab- eyncl;tp wsgv bMr renc cfa C Cln meber MesrsE. J. Harrison on Japan which was C. Collacott and L. Coombes favour- veydcaina;MsC.erak ed itha voli del nd issM.and Miss Vera Kerslake, Hampton, ed itha voli det nd issM.gave an instrumental duet: Miss Collacot.t with a piano solo; reading Kersîake also played quitar select- by Mr. F. Cator; Councillor C. M. ion, Mrs. Kerslake accompanying Carruthers was the guest speaker br isEle akrrnee and gave a splendid address on mat-ilenPrkr e ers pertaining Vo the workings cfavolsl. the Council. and was mucb enjoyed See "In Cherry Time" repeaVed in A hearty vote cf tbanks was tender- Tyrone Hall, Marcb l2th. Prices ed Mr. Carruthers for bis splendid 25c and 15c, address af er wbich an interesting Come tc, St. Patrick's cafeteria contest was conducted by the leader tea and debate on Friday, March 15. and candies were served, bringing under auspices cf the W. A. the splendid meeting Vo a close with League beniediction. Attendance 31. Lgo uiir See "In Cherry Time" repeat-ed in Lgo uiir Tyrone Hall, March l2th. Prices Members cf the Ladies Auxiliary 25c an the Oshawa Brancb of the Canad- 25eand15e ian Legion entertained miembers from the Bowmanville brancb lasV i Mr. and Mrs. John Challis and week Mr. W. F. Ward, Zone repre- Miss Mabel Chaîlis visited Mrs. sentative and Mr. H. D. Moses ac- Challis' sister, Mrs. T. C. Osborne, companied the Bcwmanville ladies. Whitby, wbo eelebrated ber eighty- A splendid program f ollowed by re- first birthday on Monday. freshments featured the evening. More Opportunities at Coucli; Jolinston & Cryderman's1 Extra Special 20 Rayon Porch Fî'ocks, regular t$3.95 each,. ON SALE, each ...$1 9 House Dresses A good selection in all sizes, guaî'anteecl coloi's in P r. i n t House Dî'esses, values to $1.29. ON SALE Each .............. One Dozen Coats We have selected another dozen Coats to replace those sold this week to sell at EXACTLY HALF PRICE Gî'ab these off quick. Opportunities for Men c/r Spring Coats ,ji Reg. $10.50 to $15. - On Sale $6.195 (&$9,o95 ~ Opportunity Ties Special purchase for this sale. Fine quality Striped Ties, Worth 75e each,4 c Special .............4 1 Icouche Johnston &Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanvill. Last OpotniyDay Bargalus minute I V rulyR TUE NW 50,000 SAMPLES FE LIbJAllenbury's Glycerine & Black Currant Pastilles at Pond's Cream FO T R &SITE î.D.A. Stores- whlle they last. Heals and soothes TTH PSTES LLsr throats. Regular sizes 15e and 25c. TWO SIZES . 29cr and 55c New Sfi - Now 2c- Buckley's Tbroat Aids 10e Buckiey's Bronchitis Mixture 40e and 75e Chase's Nerve - Food 49c CHASE'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS - 29e CYSTEX 75e - S1.50 Nuxon's Kolade Powders $1.50 DIOTEX 60e - SI.25 mdu oLLywooD ec&=4a mmL .........NAIL POLISH .~~'ivo B BANDS MOON GLow NAi MOON GLOW OILY POLISH REMOVER Preventa naila £rom chipping snd becoming Here's the nuil polish you've been hearing so mucb about j-made popularby stage and, sereenstarsMoonGlowNaîl Poliah is a new blend- applies more omoothly, seta ,more lustrously. In six fine shades, from the delicate 10 thedaring. Scientiflcaflyper- fected so sflot to chip, peeL. crack, fade or atreal. And: cconornîcal-larger aise bot' tdc, lower price. IL ]POLISMI Cream or Clear LIFEBUOY SOAP ...........3foil19c PINEX Cough Syrup .................... 29c LUX SOAP ...................... 5 for~ 24c MILK 0F MAGNESIA, 50c I.D.A .......... 35c PALMOLIVE SOAP ».....5 for 23c KLEENEX .............l7c, 2 for 33c INFANT'S DELIGHT SOAP.......... 2 for 9c 27c NOXZEMA ................ BABY'S OWN SOAP........3 for' 22c PLANTS' MAGNESIA TABLETS ......... 19c ANDREWS LIVER SALT........... 29c - 49c REGAIN LOST PEP AND VITALJTY - Take C. C. B. TONIC TABLETS - 50ec - Si Lt VER A LAZY LIVER Can easily re- suIt from a beavy winter diet. Don't suffer from constant head- ache, bilicus- ness and con- stipation. Take PARKE'S LIVERTONE AS FIRST AID Ibrittle. Large mizc boule only 29 centa. BALS>M 0F MYRRH 2 9,,~ Guaranteedj AM dealers are autborlzed to THESEPRODCTS ARRYrefund your money for the THEE RODCT CARYfor thia 7 5 C f rst bottle if not suited. OUR GUARANTEE 0F QUALITY extra aise bottle 35c - 65c - $1.25 J. W. WORRALL, Opticlan J Mondays1a. .o-e p m. .Ai& ex m oGregor,Dr UN'TED CIGAR STORE 9 %1'IE~ 'AGENCY PlHo"E 92 PRESCRIMTONS A SPECIALTy W£ DEUIVE 1 PAGE six THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY, MARCH 7th. 1935

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