* flvca~-~. ~ THE CANADLAJQ STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAV. MAIWIÎ 7II~ io'~; 0Ç Interest to Womer OUR KING AND QUEEN ON THEIR SILVER JUBILEE THE LEGEND 0F A GREAT RACE Norma E.- Hooey once upon a tlme in the diii past, a great feasting-day was hed on the shores of Scugog, where Caes- area now stands. From f ar and wide Indian chieftainis and their tribes assembled. and the woods re- sounded with- their cries of wel- corne. Many a pipe of peace was sxiioked, and in the eariy morning canoe races were run; the bright craf t skîmming across ta Washburn Is- land. and thence to a spot down the lake now known as Wasaga Beach. At noon, Chief Runining-Feet an- nounced that to the brave wbo could run ta Lake Ontario and back in three hours, he would give ini mar- riage, his daughter Meeha, famed for ber beautY. 0f course ail the braves entered, willy nilly; anid such a bullabaloo ! Many of the young Indian maidens were peeved wben they saw tbeir young men enlisting in the run for fair Meeha: and went and sat down on the beach to sulk. One of themn went se f ar as ta stealthily heave a log in front of ber love, tripping bim, and thus putting him out of the race. Anotber rusbed out, grappled witb ber love. and knock- ed out ail his front teeth. No wo- man, she decided, would want a tootbless man. At length, Meeba appeared before the line up -of braves, bowing and.............. smiling. Hearts fluttered, and al] to a man vowed to reach Lake On- Queen Alexandra and ber son, the future King George tario and back, or die in tbe at- Ti sSle uie er nWls n i osrMr.Si tempt. Chief Running-Feet stepped Ti sSle uie er n1Wls n i osrMr.Si f orward and sbot forth a swift ar- May 6, 1910, (the year of Halley's the new king on the death of bis row, and the race was begun. Like cornet), tbe Empire mourned a king "I tke cuaead oeu a flash, the braves were away, seime and cheered bis successor - "the 10 " k ntoefure;andtrog inmy on be rai, thes dshng hroghKing is dead. Long live tbe King." faith in Qod, trusting my people f be woods, and ail heading towardrdVI nYaf-, aid cneshgtelw nd o- wbat i.s now Bowmanville. Ailing King EdwardVI ol ew% n hnsigth asadcn Now, among these braves was One, bours before bis death had said as1 stitution of my beloved country." Gray Feather. ta]i and lithe, andi he sat in bis dressing gown at bis1 Prince George, the future king. very bandsome to look upon. To desk: "No. I sbalî not give in! was bor at Marlborough House, hlm Meeha had turned the gaze of sball go on, 1 shall work to the end." London, on June 3. 1865. He was ber pretty eyes; and what man TbiEy were bis last words. A few christened George Prederick Ernest would not dare ail the bears and minutes later he was carried un- Albert Guelph. At that time, Queen wildcats betwixt Caesarea and Lake conscious to bis deatbbed. On bis Victoria ruled tbe empire. Ontario for another such glance? death. a new king was proclaimed. One of tbe eanliest pictures of Gray Feather would go a long dis- He was George V.. by tbe Grace of1 Prince George is iliustrated above. tance ini the world. the old squaws God King of the United Kingdom of 1If shows Princess Alexandra, later declared. He would become chief of Great Britain and Ireland and of ail 1 t rule as Queen with Edward VIIL. bis tribe. and would win every vic- British Dominions Beyond the Seas. giving a "piggy-back" ride to her tory in warfare. For many moons, Defender of the Faith, EmPeror of second son George, who was about Gray Feather had been accustomeci India. twoyears old when this picture was to paddle around the head of the At 45 years of age. the task of taken. island known as Scugog, te the lit- being ruler of the greatest empire inI It was in April of the year of the fIe wigwam village now called Port history. 0f one-quarter 0f the peo- King's birth that President Abra- Perry. Prom there he wouId run to pIles of the earf b, fell upon the ham Lincoln, president of the Unit- Manilla and gather precicus herbs. shou]ders of George. Prince of ed States, was assassinated.1 New he darted aiong the trail, sbadowed by the huge trees; and kepf hi-, own with the best 0f them. the nighf of the race, a beavy ramn- TRIBUTE TO TEACHERS One brave, known as Swif t Beaver, storm occurred. and they were re- 1 and notEd for bis meanness, tried te vived - sfraggling into Caesarea The teacher is one o! the most trip him jusf outside of Bowman- from mîidnighf until dawn of the important influences in the mould- ville, but Gray Feather rapidly gain- foliowing morning. i ng and the shaping 0f tbe char- ed on him, and sailed by wth dis- i-________ _ acter o! boys and girls. This fact damn in bis eye. 1I a enotnsrse.Psil Tbe home stretch began to fell on WEDDING ba1 enofe trse.Psil the sborter-winded; and one ail but ________________ only the home life is a greafer in-r expired around the corner south o! fluence. The teacher is the key to HamptDn. Two or fbreedropped ouf Can-Cornish tbe moral probiem and be does norfh of the village. and then comn- A very quiet and pretty wedding much in guiding the boys and girls ing up the long gruelling hili at En- took place at the Lines Apartments, under bis care to a proper way 0f niskiilen. seven were gentiy laid Toronto, on February 2nd, 1935, living. aside by their kind rivais. By the when Miss Eva Inene Cornîsbh, eider John Girdler, wrifing in the Ro- fed ontgo rmaery's Hltwas rech- daughiter ofMr. and Mrs. W W. tarian Magazine, comments on this edonl tn rmaied bu th fesh Ionih, Leskard, was given in man- fact when be says: keen air on the Ridge blew. and re-.age with Mr. William Alexander vived them; and they dashed along Cin of Toronto. Rev. A. C. Hack- Teachers who are devoid of fear; n splendid fashion. ett of Pape Street Baptist Church teachers wbo wiii fake responsibility The last lap f old. however; one1 officiated. witb full knowledge thaftbey will was laid aside at Burketon. another The bride looked loveiy in a be supported by the administration; where Smth*s woods now stands, quaint gown andi petite cap of white teachers whose corpuscles move sfill another on the spot where the moresik. and carrying a bouquet f reely fhrough their arferies; teacb- four corners o! Blackstock are re- ofseetheart roses. was given in ers who can laugb below the dia- nowed:an ye aothr a te Bg arniaey Mr. Miller of Toronto, phragm; teachens wbo vote for b: Cneek. The remnaining six plunged a friend of the bride. She was at- whom fhey please: feachers who rr on wearily: and to make a long tended by Miss Alice Cain. sisten of love life and chiltiren; above aIl, o: fory short: Gray Feather camne in the groom. Mr. Milton Cornisbh, teachers who bave their routine dut- d first with ribbon.s f]yinz. so f0 speak. Leskard, assisted the groom. Mfter ies reduced to the point where tbey ie and feil prostrate at Mreha's feet. tiie ceremony the wedding party ne- can instruct, guide. exemplify, and t: Thus endeti a greaf race, andti tfiredte t a wedding supper at the frain-sucb teacbers will do more this day the descendants of Gray home of a friend o! the bride. Lat- to solve the moral education prob- h4 Feather and Meeha resfde on Scu- er. the bride and groom lef t on a lem than bureaus of research, or- se gag Island, in wiiaf is known as the short trip f0 points in Western On- ganizatiop.s 0f business men, boards LA Indian re0erve. For thooe lwh'i are tario. On their return Mr. and of moving picture censors, anti bard- ii worried about the fatle of the f allen Mrs. Cain will reside at 32 Asbdale working tenement-bouse sanltary 1 f braves. it suffices f0 say, that on Avenue, Toronto. engineers put together. jlea GREASY POTS AND PANS NEARLY DROVE ME WULD UNTIL 1 USED It lifts grease right off wihut scrubbing Juat use a solution of 1 tes- hold cleanser. Frees clogged spoonful of Gillett's Pure drains, cleans toilet bowls. Flake Lye ini a quart of eokr* Kilis germs, and destroys water. Instanfly the grease odors. Order a tin from your dissolves-without scouring! grocer! Use Gillett's Lye wheneven *Never diaflve hiye in hot water. you want an effective house- Ti. cno the IyeiteIfIISî FREE BOOKLET-Sn<î for the fret Ohiet'sto Iye iooklelt.It teils how this powerfîîl cleanser and disinfc<'îaîî shortenq s lîîzens o~f eci-alliog taokR. Also givos full directions for moaîîmaking. thor<,ugh v ciîirng aitît othier useson the farm. Address: Standard ilrands LinîlUsi., Fraser Ave., & Libcrty St.. Toronto, Ontario. GILLETT'S LYE EATs 1HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB HELD EUCHRE THURSDAY EVENING ?ver two bundred attended the enjoyable Home and School Clu b eucbre on Thursday night at the' Public Scbool. Tables numbering forty-four were arrangeti in the gymnasiumn andi in one of the class roonis. Wuniners among the ladies were: Mrs. F. Prest on, Miss Edltb Joint, and Mrs. Flett. The lucky prize Was captureti by Mr. Archie Brown, andi the prize winners among the gentlemen were: Mr. Normian Allin, Mr. Eti. Witheridge, 3rd pnize was presented ta Mrs. A. Nonthcutt, Who plaYeti in thaf Position. Mrs. Thos. Goulti, able genenal convenen and ber executive, were ini charge o! the enjoyable event. iSCHOOL REPORTS LAKE SHORE, CAK Report for February for Lake Shore No. 2, Clarke: Sr. 4tb-Editb Hendry 80, Laura Clement 64. Jr. 4tb-Eveiyn Brown 76, Stan- ley Brown 71, Julia Clement 67.- Jr. 3rd-Hazel Powell 80, Audrey Adams 71, Miltireti Brown 69, Don- ald Powell 65, Leonard Law]or 54. Jr. 2nd--Olive Brown 77, Jack Brown 57. I-Jean Brown 82. Bennice Brown 77. Lloyd Clement 44. Figures denote <c. Hilda J. Rowland, teacben. DARLINGTON Report o! S. S. 3. Darlungton, for Pebruary: Sr. IV-Vera Gibson 64. Jr. IV-*Billy Henry 85, Jean Metcalf 71, Norma Sexsmitb 70, PeggY Pinnigan 68, tJoe Wojnakos- ki 56, tHanry Feathen 52. Sr. I--Glenn Metcalf 71, Madie- lune Metcalf 71, Eveline Gibson 67, John Noble 63, Gordon Metcalf 62, Gordon Truli 60. Sr. II-*Kenneth Power 76. Alvin Metcalf 71, Donald Metcalf 69, 'tMike Bonk 50, tSani Bonk 42. Sr. I-*Daisy Gibson 82, *Mildred' Mefcalf 78, Joyce Power 74, tAi.fred Feathen 54, i'Winnie Power 50, i'Ro- bent Bantlett 46. Pr-*Keith Crago. Alvin Banflett. Figures indicafe Honours; t Failure. R. M. Bragg, feacher. SALEM Report o! S. S. No. 9, Darlingf on, for Pebruary: Sr. IW-Ronald Hall 80*, Gladys Thompson 72. Jr. IV-Hiltia Thompson 71, Kath- leen Cowling and Nina Darch 70, Brenton Darcb 67. Sr. III-Lily Cowling 52. Jr. III-Douglas Poilard 76.5*, Ar- villa Smith 63. Il-Murray Cowling 73, Bihl Con- lin 62. Wes. Conlin 50. I-Ruth Poliard*. Pr.-Hilda Darch*.- Pr.-George Cowling-. * Hnous;failure below 601c. ST9 Farewell Blackburn, feacher. Mr. Gadget: "Wbat is the most Harry', pafhetic Picture ini the word?- 1w C. ( Ditto: 'A hor~se fiy siffing on a . .C radiator cap."IFS.C HOW MUCH BRAN is in the BRAND as you buy? a soft mass. Gently, this elears out the intestinal wastes. Kellogg's ALL.BRAN is the most popular produet of its kind in the world. It is used regularly, with success, by millions of people. It is ail bran just as the name implies- with nothing added except the fia- vor of Malt, Sugar and Sait. Whenever you purchase bran, read the wording on the package. Make sure by getting Kellogg's ALL-BRAN-în the red-and.green package. Sold by ail grocers. 1100UCI THE popularity of bran as a cereal to promote regular habits bas brought forth ail kinds of bran produets. Some of these contain only a small quantity of bran. Nat. urally, many purchasers have been disappointed by certain of these products. It's the actual amount of bran in a cereal that counts. Most individ- uals require an al.-bran produet for effective resuits. Bran furnishes the "bulk" needed to correct common constipation. Within the body, this "bulk" absorbs moisture and forms K e e p 0oa th.è Suny Side of "ORES IN BOWMANVILLE SELLING KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN ARE- Independent Stores Chain Stores 1 Lire .11110 ALL-BRA N ~oNsT~1 me R. H. Dilling J. B. Martyn Jusf as the ' groaning board" o!. in coild water 1 houn; drain, and bygone f easts is now pérmitfed no1 cook in boiIing, salteti wafen unt il mlore fhan a sigh under the burden tender. Adti the lemon juice, pans- of a modemn banquet or coman ley, andi onion to the whit e sauce dinner, so, have the nigors oif med-1 anti simmeî' 2 or 3 minutes; beat in ival fasting been moderated as 12 cup o! the gnated cheese. Place Lime goes on. the well-tirauned broccoli in a but-_ If is not so much a change of tereti baking dish. coven witb the .eanf as o! environnent which les- sauce; sprinkie wif b 2/4 cup grafeci ¶ns the traimtional abstinence o! cheese anti the con flakes. Bake in Lent. Unf il very recently, the oni- a moderate oven (400- F.> unt ih ssion of meat reduceti the diet fo a heated thnough anti brown. asting basis. Today we eat much BEAN RAREBIT ess meaf than fonmeî'iy andi more .1 bp. utter 1 cup miîk ) the foods; whicb are not prohibit- i tsp. sait 1 cul, yeiliw ce d. Lenten meais are no longer ' , îsp grouin,î loes ii t int.> neagen anti we can oh<erve the ne- Pnas;1 cayetnne 1 t4op. Worceste-rohire tridtions withouf sacrificlng t he es- 1 cup lhaked heans.ac entials for good nutrition as we (iuît through a iave corne tf know them. Co utr esnns en For those who seek a strengthen- andCook buter sw eains bans .g o! the spirit by sacnlficing sone cant nl ove how beat, sfirnthe >flte ta simpli f eals by oittîng scheese and stir oven low beat unt il ie frilsaipi eas bch ttn smooth. AtitiWorcestershIre sauce. he rils ad etra whchare un- Serve on whole wheat biscuits whlch cessary nutnitionally. Te lover have been spli t buttened and toast- f rch desserts anti sauces, anti o! ec. ied4 rvn laborate cooking wlU be benefitted YI eeid: 4menuns.usth ol oth spinitually anti pbyslcally by erain cmeaes amernus enerwole bsthnence wblch reduces meals f0 In eareaianian Berandy ruis, vegetables. milk, cereais, eggs iThe e re rlh ihvit ade B ati od chpi neoosn"the is the bran biscuit dougb niake a sub- good plan coks. Thi is he tantial lunchieon dish. To balance ,*dom o! the fo'"ty days o! Lenten the men]. atit milk f0 drink and a isting. fresh fruit or vegetable salad. BAKED OYSTERLS CHEESE PINWHEELS to7ze» large i t sp, sait 1_ ciiu rntlt hran 1i îsp ,sait Ciii) ~ ~ ~ ~ :ý cuprt 'î,-iî tlt ntik 1. cul,.ohfrtf-ning Drain oysters in a strainer. (Save p o. i'akinr i ch o r sin th r sa ta ilk. adip Soak bran in milk. Sift flour wifb icn in te ruhe t corn lkaes.bak ing powtien and .salt. Cuf in iýýn i th crshd crn laks.shontening until mixture is like lce on a weil oiled-baklng pan or conmeal. Atit bran ant iluk, stir- ralo wih ol. ade inkl a veny bo ring carefullv with a fork unfil flour er wth ol. ake n averyhotdisappears. Turn onto floureti board. ýen (475'FP.) about six ta eight Knead lightly andi roll info a long inufoàs. Serve wifh lenion and jnarrow strip about 12 Inch fhick. Lrni<h o! parsley. Yicid: 4 f0 6 Brush with melIted butter, spread rvings. ceF vrduhadsrnl 3"ocroli is now coming into the ces 'ntoe nisnnl arkefs In ýî,ch qiuantity that It is lighth3 wifh paprika. Roil as for lonrr aluxirvfooi. n te fl- el]v roIl. Cut into l¾-inch çlices. lonzera lxur fod. n te fl-Bak e in bof o,'en(2F.foabu wing re-ine othe" vegzefabies. such 12 mnutes 5ie F or abou asiaragus or- strung beans. foo,12mnts Yei:3dzn egood. BROCCOLI AU GRATIN-------- uit, oac i hititi.iColiege Graduate (standing on ~ ,oflei î:îtîtrstreef corner): "Madam. couiti you le,, iice ', cutp grart(cîl (<s. give a poon cnipple enough for a cup p. ;1aroî.y i tai, «ru firîkes of coffee?" vhopped i )Kinti Olti Lady: "My poor lad, Wash the broccoli anti cul off tie, howr are you cnippleti?" are part of the stalks. Let stand 1 College Graduate: "Funancialîy."1 of sti he inI sit thi of el: f r an wù fa. 2 < t h sca Stel ove mil gar ser nia no low as are coi F. W. Nelles H. C. Osborne Drivs Afbm Lik Maic.Theway. Te srnoke or vapor, reachlng D riv s A t h m Li e m gie T h e th e m o t rem o te p a ssa g e o f th e a !- immediafe help frorn Dr. J. D. Kel- feceteti tubes, brushes aside the trou- logg's Astbma Remedy seemns like ble anti opens a way for fresh air magic. Neverfheless if is only ai f0 enter. If is sold by dealers natural remedy uset ini a natural 1 thnoughouf the landi. [Edwasidsburg [RDWN DRANO [DIRN SYRIJP "TlHE FAMOUS ENER5Y AProduc: of The CANADA STARCII CO., Lmted Dominion Stores Ltd. Salada Tea now has a bleui for every purse 'Yellow Label BROWN LABEL *330 '/2 lb. ORANGE PEKOE *400c1½2lb. Ail leaders in Uhefr dois PAGE EIGHT I - THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILILE, THURSDAY, MARCII Vil. 1035 1 News.1 28 1 ib 2