THE CNADIA STATSMANBAGEAVILLE News for the Busy Farmne WÏ Preserve Wild Flowers The wild flowers situation in tario is becoming serious and for careful conservation before become extinct in sme sections Recently the Ontario Horticul ai Association sponsored a re< ta the Ontanio Government thal "Tmillium" be constituted the1 vncial Flower. Very favour comment has been made by Press in many sections o! the1 vince. Parents, Teachers, Scout Lea and interested flower-lovers are vited to urge the children ta nef from wholesale picking and destr Ion o! wild flowers. êspecially wl only a few exist. Girls and boysi greatly assist in saving the, flowers, and parents are asked give the matter careful conside: ion. An Agriultural Feature On March 8th the South Ontý Agricultural Society gave a corn mentary dinner to membersi had brought honor to the Soci andi Ontario County by winning:i jor awards at National andi Ini national Shows. The president the Society, Hon. W. E. N. Sincl was a very genial host, to represe ative live stock men from ai parts o! the Province in addition Directors and Members o! the S iety. In pesenting illuminated AddrE es ta these leading stock men, was made evident the raising o! gi stock is a cherished tradition Ontario County, as several fami are now in the third generation prominent stock men. Some o! tIh honoured. were-Robt. Duf! & S Lance Beath: S. B. Glaspell; 15 Dryder. and Frank Batty Cleaning Out Couch The eradication o! couch gni otherwise known as quack. twitch scutch grass is one o! the hard problems with which the farmen]1 ta deal. Few people realize theE ormous quantity o! couch grass moi which exlst in infested salI. Te conducteti by the Central Expe mental f armn at Ottawa show weigi o! roots nanging !rom 1,531 tai6R Pountis ta the acre-as much as heavy crop o! hay. No wonder it bard to dlean out when it pres by oots as well as seeti. Thoroug ly cleaning out the oots is the o effective way o! getting id o! cou In small areas this may be done hanti. In langer areas bv shahl plowing andi workinq thorougl wth the cultivator ta keep the ro( turneti up te the sun long enoui for tjiem Wte'kilI." Only a largei aea as can be thor6uLyhlv dean. up at one tîme shoulti be unde taken. a- hal!-wav measures a only lost time and effort. Demand For Canadian Pears A general survey o! production fresli pears in Canada suggests tih pear acreage can be increased. per cent bef are the domestic mark reaches a saturation point. Th situation, togethen with an increast ,port demand, seemns ta warmai ,nsidemation being given ta ti possibility o! increaseti planting mainly o! the Bartlett variety. T] United Kingdom cannot get enoug Canadian pears, the British marký absorbing ail the Canadian expor, and asking for more. The 19, statistics show that 44 per cent.( the total imports o! peans into Gre: Britain were !rom Empire source Canada contibuting less than ffi, per cent. During the twelve montl ended March 31, 1934, exports( canned pears !rom Canada ta th British market increaseti 46 per cen compamed with the previaus season exports. On the other hand, freÈ pears amounting approximately i 180,000 bushels are imported ever year into Canada from the Unite States a large proportion of thi import !îndîng its way into canne, stock. Do You Want Your Daughiter To Be Pretty? I-ere's how one girl put roses into Fier cheelca and rounded out a thin face Mothers who are anxiaus for their daughters te be healthy and attractive wll be inteesteti in the stomy of a cer- tain young girl who was pale, un- down, underweight, when she went te Theme 15 no need for so many girls ta endure a sallow, unintemesting com- plexion nom ta remain listless, nervous and easily tlred out. For when these are symptoms of bload tiat is lacking in vtality, D. Williams' Pink Pilis wlll restome strength ad "pep" and tane up good looks, too I Equally effective for people of al ages. FulI-size box 50c at your nearcit drzg store,38H -~GOODYEAR EXECUTIVE FORMER STUDENT 0F B. H. S. TELLS STORYj L O F LIFE IN FORESTSV"S Are Your Looking Kenneth Swltzer, Son of Former Solina Station Avent, Wrltes for' On-I Interestfng Letter they F theValues? iltu- 0.Masn frm Knnet Swtzer fo core1dvr keen shopper is reonstantly on the alert for foryer asudn o owatil Values i Better Foods. To every modern housewife, "Dominion Stores"le tHhe-lgh School where he was awarded is an cmblemn and a guarantee of Lower Costs in Finer Foodsl1 pro- the Prof iciency Prize in his 4th year, rable and later a graduate in Forestry at ____________________________________________ the Toronto University. Ken. is a son Pro-................ of Mr. and Mrs. H- -A, Switzer, who it wilU be remembered was ders C.N.R. station agent at Solina for I I K ? I 1 [ l~ in some years. Ken is in the wilds of_______________________________________________ 'ain Northern Quebec on a survey trip in uct- connection with the International ,here IPaper Co. His interesting comments myïand experiences on the life in the RED RIVIER CEREAL - Pkg. 2U< mayd forests make entertaining reading. C R N IS3Is 5 1to Ken's parents now reside at Van- FLOOR WAX Hawe's 1-lb. Tin 42< CREAMETTES 8-oz. Pkg. fo25 ýrat- dorf, near Aurora. where Mr. Swit- 3fr2 A.G. Partridge zer is station agent. His letter fol- of Wolverhampton, England, who lows: yteWpsRvr trohas been appointed Vice-President tBy e Waus iv er., 13 ao0f The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Safturomayfoeeni, Fb.on6 193 ipli- oef tanomefor Maniwa-iro New SA R D IN ES who fCndimtd.M.atrge Year's night. Spent a week in theTIS etwho has been for six years Diector loffice there preparatomy to the Wa- R DN# ma- d Gea énéral manager of The Good- pus Cruise ton which I'm workinq # ma- ear yre& Rubbem Co. (Great now. On Januaryth seventh the iter- Britain) Limited. will take an atv cruise party lef t Maniwaki for the GIG RCEj hites I of part in the affairs of Goodyear in bush. Theme were sixteen o!fU acieuIGRsRA S Crite- b WHEATHEARTS - - Pkg. 10< [air, Canada and will makeé his head- and eighteen sled dogs.MA RO I 1-z k.2fr*TPOC orSG Bl - lb en- uarters at the head offices of the The first fifty miles we travelle<iM CRN Oo.Pg o .<TPO Ao A O uk - l. 9 her Company at New Toronto. by truck to Lepine depot. Slept n to soc- t there the first night. The next day Iwe set out on the first leg of themm m es-1TOWNSHIP COUNCIL bush journey-five toboggans haul- rMm *it ~---- ed by dogs-and two handsleighs T AO Larg ,lie Dalingon ounil mt Mrchwere three of us to take tumns). The 1lh onî e ac tranl was bad this day and we made Ose Reeve GthP.embesai presn.entadbtfute ie.Se-ta BISCUIT MIX Mother's Pkg. 16< SALT Iodized or Free-Running 2-lb. Pkg. 6 ;onrsi n* re-nlght at thfe Pawgan hl-a-nf 0surer acknowledged receipt o! $10 old shack built for about four. -An-' Kraft 3/2-1b. Pkg. Heinz Chow or Sour Mixed vim. from W. Cann for wood; Kyle Squair other twelve miles the following dlay VELVEETA CHEESE - - 15 PICKLES - - - - Bottie19 $400 for wood and $500 fromn Mrs. put us into our camp on the Wau- R. Hatherly to apply on C. Hather- buno.I -sly's hospital account. We worked there for two weeks or 1or Council change the day of meeting River. Prom this second camp we est from the 7th f each month to the moved up here yesterday and thec has first Saturday of each month. day preceding to this, our third P I 1 E SANTA CLARA MED. SIZE 3 bs. en- 'T. H. Richards presented his e- camp. )Ots port and vouchers for February Our camp conslsts of five tents. PU '32 Ets which were ordered paid. The cookery tent is 12' k 20'. In it eri- Orders were drawn on Treasurer the cook stores his provisions, pre- ýhts for the followlng accounts:- pares the meals. and sleeps. And W9 . PidC. ae, relief.. ..-....18.00thr too the fellows - eighteen of D Is H .C.MCLaughll, relief 36.31 us now - dine. There are three Dii*m Ji -b t Ws E. MLymeri,crt relief 363sleep tents. each 10' x 12'. in whlch * wu w m u uTin adsW.E. ymr, arag reie .. 858the cruisers, compass-men andlDm nB a iPwe19 g E.Laird, ef.. . ---1.88 teamsters sleep, four in each tent. >fé F. Rogers, cartage relief 31.00 And there is the office tent, 16' x 24'. 1 bcy .M leo&Sn relief 60 in which I am now writing. We have.5lb by0. A. Barronrelief . 23.00 tihree long tables here (tops are of!5-1b CarDo 0OW w. W. Horn, relief . .845 canvas reinforced with slats and -rolp hly Mrs J. Cowling. relief 2.24 1 up compactîy: rmsaeqckyDinS op C"3 9 lot G eo. James. relief ..3.90 cntuce fraes.ahre qlciy aM ig Clarence Tink, relief .280sconisettedo!pls).Tere s ahen an Dr. C. W. Slemon, medical 1mllshetmbaistveateah n ed relief. 20.501 of the tent. The snow beneath the D oMoCf e 1l.Pg 3 er-L tent 15 well tramped down. tbenl'Dm n o f e3 -r MapJe Gatchell, relief . 2.00 covered well with evergreen boughs. ar apeGrove Dairy, relief 4.08 Our beds are made by piling more Glen Rae Dairy, relief.. 56 rsontsfudai -he Alex McGregor, med. supplies 1.15 brucin athis foundtion - n thpnFN Oshawa Welfare Board, relief 2.79 e plaînga tr overdail -sonepichg.D o m in o R i eFANCV -2 of Naborhood Shoe Store, relief 3.96 we Lspra u ieronsepn 20t F. . F. ud. relief 54618 Belleve 1 explained this compnny's et Cr.Anad.ia n taema.rintin 4.61 system of cruislng with the aid of £et anadan Satemanprining .00aerial photograrbs - in a letter lastc his Bell Telephone Co. service . . . 2.00 D o m in o T e a nt étilitfu- 1-1b. Pkg.45 ed J. D. Hogarth, excise, postage 2.00 mer, soDhainot deai i fur tnt Tyi- .. .. 2.00 All our work outdoors o! course Is lie J. D. Hogarth, relief work, te., done on snowsho>,s. Sunday is the lie Co«ie'res. an . 217.0 orilv dav we're off them. Ail Brands CUSTOM-GROUND - GOOD QU~.AKER Île G. oisvea, at..relief 2512:0 For the f lret three weekgq we had ALWAYS FRESHQULT et, G.. RDuder adv. on rlaefy. 50.00J to light our own fimes in the moru- ULT tt M. LThodleyTabb, re l nrsin..j50.00in. et our own water and woo- T m a .Comfort C r e rT. M . Rh abrds. efrnudsing,120 but then they sent us a c"hore-boy- o n d U - ' 12 ' 00 P~ great heIn. Now he lights our o a R c ofT6t h a tr 371& fires in the momning. thp.n comes J ic R hr ll. CO RNS apF ke 's, Concradiundgt eet9Sat- back and cqlls us when it isnl't quitpeJ ieFa e eso'cli djune ock. St-sr frosty. None of us have th'e rlqht No. Tin No. 2 Tins J. ray Ari.6Harth , Clk. time here but we have breakfast a co 1Tise hs J. ) Hogrth, lerk. gond hour befome sunrise. cBr ofAt breakfast we have rolled dat for 11.8 2# ks henomridge. baked beans <pancakes or 3 14C in -.3310 5C8 r5 52Pk s l'S ANADAN LGIONtoast on altemnate mornings), apDle sacprunes. bar-on. cakes, che"se. sh ELECTS OFFICERS tam. peanut butter. tea or coffee, to brend, butter. y <Contlnued from page 1) When we have finished our moalc edand Ministerial Association, and thoýe o! us who ar'. roing Into the VRL1-z "with any local service clubs to make bush make un a lunch each mairesorE RY Tn c utbearrangements for the pro- hies own). The usual lun"ýh Is one IONDB EF1 per bsevanc ofthis auspicious havinz a bacon sandwich and a occasion. 'Me comnttee appointed sandwich made of peRnut butter and -was R. M. Cotton, H. D. Moses, Dr. stawberry jam, with cookies and V. H. Storey. cheese. Choice Quality No. 2 Botl No. 2, Resolved that this branch At lunch time In the bush. whlle mio m m . Squat 27 o! the Canadian Legion extend to one man cuts dry wood and a dry B U RR S2 Tin1,cF.p SA C Comrade Geo. W. James and staff o! log on which ta sit the, second ser- IH . S U EBti cere thanks and appreciation for with snow (whlch Is melted to wat- BROWN LABEL the splendid service rendemed by er) and breaks off balsam branches c A~ them unstlntingly at ail times to as a carpet on which to place your ~ ~ ~YIRLLOEW LABEL -b C the Canadian Legion and in the in- feet while eatlng. In this way lunch- V3_11)qc ic.M terests o! ex-service men and the lng is a reasonably comfortable pro- >4.i-i. Ti-n27 PkM dependents o! ex-service men In this cedure. and after a mornlng's plod- ÇLDUA3 district, ding on snowshoes. always welcome. A motion sponsored by R. M. Cot- At supper time the average meal ton and seconded by H. D. Moses la somewhat as follows: pea sout thDoat io aub commttee ! rath ePpp potatoes or macaroni. baked beans. RJT in VEÀAS that sultable markers be made and haoand i ofesdhambeefad ten a FRESH STRAWBERRY LARGE HEAD CHOICE QUALITY placed on the last resting place o! adabit o freh ork. andpleaeR ville Cemetery wa cried. H.TD Prunes. molasses. ]am (ricep nuddlnr "Naïture is an Aeolian harp, a morning. Each day now the sun 15 Yesterday whnwmoeUpee and furnished it as prevlouslY des- down ta the lower end o! the Wapus. And now a littIe sleep w( musical instrument whose tones are gettlng notlceably stronger and ai- h waa a dog teamater sws locibed. We wll be in until the breakup and a wise. suggestion I thlnk. thereeco ! hghr tnngswlhl toug w'l hve an cldand Manny. We had four teama on the Last night .Just ïeîore turning in hav e w couple !caoslath fursolook forward to Yourletters us."-NovalIs. stonmy days yet aur chie! worry trail yesterday. I had f lve dogs In I took my f irst snow bath. Went that e.wlU not eary ioaedI sr Oe ht me fext atr.p h "Lovely flowers are smiles o! soon will be dangerous river trails my teamn-two a! thern absolute outslde the tent Into a drIf t ansd b nem plg. alletm o n God's goodness."-WIlberforce. and im.possible snow-sboelng. cuils. As teamlng goes yesterday's gave my body a good scrubbing This is flot the type o! work I manvile "My world bas spnung fmom Spirit, There are five of us sleeping In trip waa an easy one-.Ight and a wltb anow (the temperature was lrstend WO do for long, but fo1 h etrgad aA n In everlastlng day; the office tent beme, "Pep" Pepler a!mlsadmostly on a rvrmlld) then came in by the stove and present it la a splendid traornthng Inregarslt Andel 1 Wheneo!, Irve more ta glory, iparty chie! (graduate a! our school trail. But there was slush to go atter a brlsk towel-rub crawled into fundamental bush and operating ex- cia Can. Int Pap. Ca.. Wberef or, have much to pay."1 and Pot-graduate from Yale), Ted tbrougb.blîls to be got over, rapide; the eiderdown. It felt great. Dld it perlence and Mie most other thinga Mantwa)tt.t -Mary Baker Eâddy Rlddell, the assistant Party chie!, ta be avolded. The naYelty. Of the on a dore but don't bU 1e Iflws4 i bi ts Pleasant deys d otlie Ont. and the td for a ,s somne- do and Tomeor- ut before would be ýAlways rs and I Ame WllI ta Bow- Ted, K~en. F-4 PAGE FIVU THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIIURSDAY. MARCI-I 21st. igis m