PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 2lst, 1~i35 -' ~ Cator Hilda Darcb and E. Doidge; NEW VICE-PRESIDENT musical numbers. Margaret Irwin;j ENNISKILLEN ENFIELD mut o___sloM._._ayorU IO,_____TO I Q. vofn olo; Messrs C. Collacott and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert vsit- L.Comnbes. violin duet; Mrs. E. Mr. Thos. Craig is ili with pleurisy. ed in Toronto. Darcb, vocal solo. The leader con- Mr. Wm Griffin is nursing Mrs. Miss Gladys Wotten is visiting hier Mr. Norman Stinson recently vis ducted a very interesting contest on Paisley at Cooksville. parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wot- ten. ited near Pontypool. bensnd musical instruments for the social Miss Elva Orchard visited at Mr.MranMs.icrd rfinvs Miss Helen Stark abensnd hour. Geo .Reids, Sunday.itd Mr. and Mrs. ihdiinlins- ing a few days in Oshawa. Mr. Jack Cator. Toronto. visited Mr. Floyd Beckett spent Sunday itshaw .ands hli oln Mrs. J. Stark spent a couple of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator, at Mr. Win. Moore's. Osrw. Br egsnsetSna weeks with ber parents at Raglan, on Sunday. Mr. Theo. M. Slemon bas pur- with Bspr ets rond rts. Day- Mr. W. J. Ormiston bad a slight On Thursday evening. Mar. l4th. chased a new Dodge car ihisprnM.adMs Dv stroke and is bedfast but is improv- our popular debaters, Messrs. Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harrison vis- - id Ferguson. ing. Scuair, F. Blackburn. K. Werry and ited their Cameron f riends.Mran s.RseMLugl, A lively time was spent at the Rev. A. M. Wootton. journeyed toI Miss Olga Sanderson spent the Mr. and Mrs. William McLaugblin, home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormis- Solina and gave their debate. "Re- weekend with Mrs. Wm. Oke. attended the funeral of their uncle, tnFia ih hnteene-solved that the untidy good naturedI Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robbins, Les- . Mr. John Mountjoy, at Kedron. toinFd ay nihtyYoengtheyplentr wife is better than the tidy crankylkard. visited at Mr. Qeo. Ried's.A number of Young People from tain ee O iftoungapeopies one." with the result that Rev.ý Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Hay- bere attended a party at the home Nanc Oristn atendd te cle-Wootton and K. Werry taking the don. visited at Mr. E. C. Ashton' rsEwi mstn Nratinyorft o ttendedthe celee- affirmative. were the winners: and Mrs. Wes. Taylor. Allan and Marie Enfield, on Friday night. A good sary of the wedding day of Mr. and again on Monday evening. March of Tyrone, visited at Mr. H. Stevens'. iewseoedbevrn. Mrs. WUilHepburn at Kedron. l8th. the samne debate was present- Mr. and Mrs. J. McKnnon. Tor-_______________ ed at Haydon wth the samne result. onto. visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon £ __________________________ Werry. _______________ I A EMj Miss Verna Pethick spent Sunday T R N 4____-----__________. EBENEZER Peth brpaets r adMr.S Miss Clara Woodîey visited Mrs. A. Mrs. W. J. Clemens visited witb Mr an Mrs. E. A. Werry. Clark GuUly. Oshawa, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Daîdge over tbe Berean cla-ss will meet at the and Allan spent Sunday at Mr. Jas. CayAl ongHathelytion therra o weekend.1 churcb on Monday. Marcb 25th with A. Werry's. HryAlnJh ahryo h ria ia On Wednesday, Marcb 27th, Ty the executive in charge. Mr. R. Sanderson and Mrs. C. Bowmanville grocer. elected Vice- fine baby boy. rone will present their play "In Mrs. John Montgomery, Scar- Phillip, Haydon, visited Mr. and Mrs. President of Bowmanville Brancb of nM on . d anr rotirs r. Cherry Time" in the church. Ad- boro. spent a few days wth lier W. E. Sanderson. Retail Merchants Association, t fl spentMna tle rtes r mission 25c and 10c. Come and en- rarents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. NichaIs. Mr. Cecil Robinson. Newtonville, h RseIV1tes joy this popular play. Mrs. Ross Pearce is quite indis- Mr. Wm. Robinson, Kendal. visited of ce m. ae. acant by the deatr.Clar Rev. A. M. Wootton occupied the posed, at the home of!lber parents. at Mr. W. E. Sanderson's. efTnsSeHlat. .Hoeys Bwmnville. tMr pulpit here Sunday a! ternoon, andl Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, Osh- Miss Elva Orchard, Miss Annie H oe',Bwavle advanced ratber a new tbeory, rea- a Oke. Mr. Edgar Wright visited atmaC s.JhsndDuRck r On Friday evening a very large garding angels and their relation to Ms .H ihl n Mrs. Wal- Mr. Milton Stainton's, Sunday. mn hs on adDu ak rowd enjoyed a social evening and modemn preachers. as he interpreted ter Snider were hostesses to some Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Werry. Mr. ham. Hampton; piano solo. Mr. Geo. dance in the Community Hall. tbe first part of the lth Chap. of i ladies on Thursday to a quilting and Mrs. J. McKinnon, Toronto, Werry; an interesting debate was Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dudley and Acts.j party. visited Mr. Milton Werry's, Oshawa. given "Resolved that the slovenly f amily have returned home after vis- Sorry ta lose Mr. and Mrs. AIf. Mr. and Mrs. Wil Found, Bow- Sympathy is extended to Mr.F. good-natured wife is preferable ta iting bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Richards and fam.ily from our comn- manville, were Sunday guests at the Mouantjoy on the deatb of bis bro- the tidy crank." Affirmative was J. Turner. Green River. munity where they have been sucb formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ther, Mr. John Mountiay, Kedron. taken by Rev. Wootten and Mr. Ken Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huçhson. Mr. good neighbors and friends for a, Found. Miss Bernice Stainton. Oshawa, Werry, wbile Messrs Kyle Squair and E .B. Hughson. Master Bill and Mr. numbr o yers.We ishforthemMr.andMrs Lon ambandf am- Farewell Blackburn upheld the Neg- Brenton MrCullough, Toronto. Mr.' every uccessin tber1ne.home nar terain t eMsinCiend C. Gn-ily spent Sunday at Mr. W. J. S ain- . The judges, Messrs B. G. and Mrs. W. Little and Dianne. every sccess i theirnew hom near tertai the MssionStevensd CA.GL.taPascoeveandA.E..R.scTay-d E.hawaay-wshrwa.undaySud visitorsrsat Haydon. Mr. L. Gaud bas purchased I. T. in the S. S. room on Easter ton's. lr aetedcso nfvu fM.adMs .MClog' n the farmn just vacated by Mr. Ri- Monday af ternoon. Mrh11ndMrs.lto Mark. ,MsFranktoedAffirmative. Miss Bradley fav- Mrs. Wm. Little's ncgh Mrcrdtso.nd ib M. hur B rutnt'Maarbotiflrluchrasnservdbte Y. P. L. meeting Wednesday ev- Several f rom here were guests at Peti, ' . Ilad were guests at relect n othesPias noyeodiand the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb MrettthurScun sland _________lunch___as__________the Prayer by Rev. A. M. Wootton.Finof.ZonMndyeeig Mr. and Mrs. GeO. Bradley spent lde President Mr. F. Blackburn was in ta a Lost Heir paty when a plea- the weekend in Toronto visiting at ladies.__________________ the cbair for the opening exercises. sant time X555 enjoyed. Mr. Jack Heod's and Mr. Geo. The program was in charge of the Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Bragg, Shaw's, Bradley Sr. and attended the latter's John Mountjoy, East Whitby Missionary Vice Miss M. Collacott Mr. Wesley Wermy. Saem, Mr. Elton birthday party. MAPLE GROVE 1 and consisted o! bible readings, Mr. Wermy. Bawmanville, Mr. and Mrs., W. M. S. met Wednesday after- - Well known in Kedron district. K. Werry; topic, Rev. A. M. Woat- Melville Terry, Oshawa, attended a moon. Mrs. L. Ashton taking the John Mountjoy died at his home ton;gelatio. o nald all a nd wood F M .A.B. ee t hehoo ! r. andchair. Vocal solo was rendered by tMiss Betty Pingle, Town, spent on Saturday in bis 8lst yeam. Mr. DoulasPolar; eadng Mr. . Ms. . . Wmr onSaurdy. Miss Anna Oke "My Motber's PraY- te~ekn ihMs een Met- Mountjoy bas been living retired for ______________ Young Peoples meeting was beld er": chapter from the Study Book caîf. a the past Il years. having farmed on Monday evening with the Miss- was gîven by Mrs. L. Ashton; vocal Miss Gwen Bray, Oshawa, pent for 49 years in East Whitby town- ionary group in charge, Miss Aura solo was rendemed very nicely by the weekend with Misses Thelma ship. Osborne as leader. Topic was taken Mrs. H. J. Werv devtianal was and Lyra Freeman. Born near Haydon. lie was the by Ms. . J.Gay bibe radigs. ive by rs.J. A Wery Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Everson, Phil- son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. James One Cent ~~Found. Jn atr ai League meeting on Wednesday ip and Robert. Oshawa, visited Mrs. Mountjoy. Peceased by his wife. AMuir, Florence Courtice. Mrs. Smith, night was in charge a! the 2nd Vice- S A L IE ~Murgaret Gay; Mr. Alan Balsoii President, Miss Clama Page. Meetig Mses Susie Laird, Prince Albert. surviving, Everett, Harold and Will- Tworeglarsizd atices or contributed two vocal solos accam- opened with prayer by Rev. Wm. Helen Smale. Town, spent the week- iam. who live on adjaining farms Tw rguarsie atile fr panied by his sister, Miss Eileen Parker; devotioflal was given by end with Miss Annie Laird. near Kedran, and Miss Beatrice at the price of only one, -plus One Balson, Eldad, which were much Miss Maragret Dalton; reading by Mr. and Mrs. George Bray, dau'h- home. Cent, are offered Thursday, enjoyed; Talk was given by Mrs. Miss Ruth Stevenson; Miss Alice ter Mary, Oshawa. visited on Sun- The funeral was held Monday a!- Friday and Saturday, March Smith; piano duet by Misses Sadie Ashton land Rev. Wm. Parker sang day with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Free- ternoon f rom Vtle familv residence. 28 - 29 - 30 - at Muir and Hazel Rundle: vocal solo, a c1et "My Wild Irish Rase". Tapir man. CoE bst nit eEdwuci.nfficiated Mms. G. F. Annis; prayer by Mm. Art was well given by Miss Gladys Page Misses Helen Baker. Solina, Mar- oubsUie hrl Ju y ov l Pjound. on Saint Patrick's Lif e; Miss Eileen garet Everson. Oshawa. spent t h l pl inteUnionas *________-________Parker played an instrumen~tal, teenhiheiss etyadMi-Iamilyplti Uno e try Jury & Lovell ~~~~r 'When Irish Eyes are Smiling'. eena wdenise.eyad i-Osaa REXALL STOREjj St. Patricks Tea was held on Mar. r. aSndeMr. CaleWie HAYDON lSth under auspices o! the Women' r n r.Cali htso Ms Rbr olr rn _____________________________j As~ciatin. Afem th suppr th daughters, Mr. and Mis. Archie Mc- Mr.R etFolOon Asýcain.Atrte uprteDonald. Oshawa, Sunidayed with I rnMmb7h hr as Chumch service Sunday is at f ollowing progmam was given: Quar- M. nIMsnJ . tves e onest Esh An itt, de a- 3 P. M. tets. by Junior Maie Quartet. Mess-Mran r.JD.Sensedtrs EhrAnElitau - Mr. Louis Ashton, Toronto, visited rs. E. Wright. B. Ashton. J. Sleman. The many school rhums and fi- ter o! the late Wm. and Eliza El- j f f at Mr. H. Ashton's. G. Stevens. were excertýonallv weîî ends o! Mrs. Lillian Snowden were liatt o! Kendal, and widow o! the WIIIMr. Cecil Slemon has been visiting eceived; Mr. B. Stevens. Salina. de- sormr' ta hear that she bad ta go ta late Robert Fowler o! Omona. Mrs IV R friends in Bawmanville. lighted sîl witb bis humorous ead- Taronto for treattinents and an op- Fowler was born on December 10.tb, Messrs John and Egbert Wright, ings: Rev. Wm. Parker favomed with eration on bier nase. 1850, in township o! Clarke. She Toronto, called on !riends. 1 sevemal: a debate "Reolved that The girls a! tihe C. G. I. T. pre- was united in marriage ta Robert nI 11 r~I Afr Miss Gladys Wotten. Oshawa, rammon sense is mare essential ta sented their Play. "The Three Pegs" Fowlem o! Clarke on June 23rd, 1875, IUIUI~K VL KF Sundayed at Mm. C. Avemy's. the farmers than genius." was giv- to a f ull house in the hall. each girlj and ta this union weme bomn two DINNELjIIVLIIU Miss Veina Trewin is visiting fi- en by local young men: F. Doland taking hem part well. The cast o! sons and two daugbters. The eldest ends in Oshawa and Whitby. and H. MrGill sup'iomted the affirm- characters: Emily Weston. a woman son, William John Fowler, died mn 1A large number attended the wood ative. wbile L. Aýhtan and R. MeGilI o! thirty-five-Mildred Snowden; 1923. and the youngest daughter, Attractiveiy trinmed in green. bee held at Mm. Fred Adam's. upheld the negative. Both sides had Aunt Euphelia, fifty, who sees no Mary Louise Cruse, died in 1924. Open stock. good quaUity and Miss Audrey Thompson bas ac- some emakably gaad points but romance in ife-Thelma Freeman: On June 23rd. 1925. Mm. and Mms. very durable. Priced within cepted a position in Bawmianville. the judLmes, Messms. M. J. HobbQ. E. Marguerite, ill-mannemed habituaI Fowler relebrated their golden wed- the reach of ail. Mr. and Mis. John Grahamn and E. Staples and F. J. Groat. decided user o! slang-Jean Coyne; Madge. ding. Three years later bier bus- Kennth Gaham OsawaSundy-in favor af the negative. Proceeds dainty. delirate in health. sweet dis- band passed away. Cap and Saucer 13e ed at Mm. D. Graham's. $24. position-J. Stevens; Peg, earnest, Le! t ta mourn are: one son, Bread and Butter Plate 9c Kenthmaa.Ohaa ludy- sincere, eager ta make others happy, James Robert o! Oshawa; and one Tea Plate ........ . 2c A vemy successful concert was bl Helen Metcaîf; Sarah. the Irish cook daughter. Eliza Jane Eaglesan, ati Dinner Plate.... 15e Monday evening under the auspices CIWJ -Joan Ayling: Lizzie, bier sister, the î home; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Fruit Nappies .... 8c o! the Church. Mm. C. Avery acted SOLIN maid-Evelyn Evans: Mis. Conti, a Thompson, Kendal, Mis. Jas. Tamn- Oatmneals 35c 12e l as chaimman apening the program n- taîkative Italian-Florence Evans: blyn, Oono, and Mis. F. J. Brima- Platters .. 5 and 45e 1 with a !ew weli chasen remarks. Mm. Geo. Farder, Blackstock, vis- Mis. Barclay. Emily Weston's friend combe, Kirby; six brothers. George Also open and covered Vege- iM. Wm. Sparks entertained witb ited Mm. W. Baker. a! about forty-Flarence Foley.1 Elliott, Saskatoon, Sask., John El- tabe ises Ceas Sgas 1 several solos acampanying himsehf Mms. Thos. Baker is visiting at Irene Wright, Jean Jarvie, Lyra liatt, Bowmanvihle, Wmn. R. Eiliatt. tabl Dihes Crems Suas o n the Hawaiian guitar; nùmbers by Mr. Elmner Wilbur's, Hampton. Freeman put on the winter wondem Minneapolis, Minn., David Elliott, the Enniskilhen Jr. MaIe Quartette Miss Helen Baker visited Misses land danre. witb Vera Gibson dress- St. Petersburg, Fla., James Elliott. GREEN GLASS were also tbooughly enjoyed. A very Betty and Mildmed Snowden, Maple ed as snow man, Louise Foley singirig Brandan, Man., and Wesley Eliott nteresting and humarous debate, Grave. the words with Miss Laura Davey. at Kendal. Mi*xing Bowls, 5 sizes I Resolved that a good-natured. slov- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam and .Town. at the piano. Mms. Smith The funeral was largely attended Measuring Cups and Reaniers enly wife is peferred to a tidy Mary visited Part Ferry f riends on 1 played an instrumental ta tbe deliglit on Marrh 9tb. by f riends from Tor- cank" was given. The Affirmative Sunday. la!f ahi. Rev. W. C. Smith acted as onto, Oshawa, Bowmanville, New- Attractive and use! ul. was upbeld by Rev. A. M. Wotten Mr. Neil Yellowlees bas been vis- 1 chaimman in bis usual pleasing man- tanville, Port Hope, Bewdiey, Peter- and Kennetb Werry. The Negatîve iting bis cousin, Mr. Donald Thomp- ner. Preeds nearly $25.00. boxa, Pontypool, Kendal and sur- byMesss. Kyle Squaim and Fare- sonTrne____________ rounding district. Mr. and Mis. Jeh lakum. h jdgs Msss Mm. Bob Smales visited his par- 1 Gea. Elliott f rom Saskatoon attend- IMargaret and Susie Van Camp and ensbeoebeinngwr a r e h funeral. Mfter a short ser- BOOKS & sent-berar beinnng orkat 1m.COURTICE vc tte oe eviewshl p0K5& TTINRV M. Memwin Hobbs decided in favour Trevails. Taunton. ____________ ir atehoesrie ased PAINTS & WALLPAPER o! the Affirmative: a short play was Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. inPr tet United Cburh. o! well given by the Salem Young Kenneth Jenks on the arrivaI a! a Mr. Rus.sel Suiley bas been con- whirb Mis. Fowler was a member. HINA & GLASS Peoffle entitled, "The Passing o! Mr. son, James Harold. find to his bed. Rev. J. H. Osterbout was in charge Phone 30 Peel." At the close of the pmagram Mmr and Mis. Harvey Hardy and Mi. and Mis. Henry Pruefeir have . of the services. assisted by Rev. W. Mr. Jobn Sieman sald several bas- Mr. 'Walter Parrander attended Mr. sold their faim and expert ta move J.* H. Smyth a! Port Ferry. Rev. W. ______Lunch___________________ Sterling o! Coîbomne. and Rev. Jno. ket. unc ws smvd t al. William Balsdon's sale at Almands. ta Oshawa. W. Bunner of Bowmanville. wba Miss Doris Milîson, Petembaro Mr. and Mis. H. J. Sibbitt, Toir- mahd h emn.r!migt ____________________________________________ Normal, spent the weekend wth lhemr no etSnaywtpm.adteaChristahe a!mderefedringTe iparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîsan. Mis. George Reynolds. bed a nemdI mn ee jMrs. Jas. Shaw, Lakeport, Mm. Al- Mte,.LloysCourtire whinbas een temv. HametoH. lisind Ms. Elmer Bkr. staying with hier mother. Mis. Paîl beamers were tbree grandsans, C lo s in g 1amr.tond visteDonMmd.ThoBaer., Knigbt. South Oshawa, since leaving Earl D. Fowler, O":hawa. Russell bMt er~Oshawa Hospital. bas returned ta and LloYd Cmuse. Bewdley: and AND IN REA E HEI N MBE ."day evening wben the members of Sadie Muir: sang by Fred Adams, ileaves ta mourn hem Ioss: one son, the Women's Institute entertained and Miss Gladys and Mr. Georgel Wilfrid; two daugbters-in-law, Mis. their husbands and gentleman fri- Reynolds with gultar and violin, Wilfrid Williams, and Mis. Fred cO M E IO SUN DA Y SC O O ends. Mi. Ross Lee was chairman Miss Frances Reynolds singlng ber Wlilams, Toronto; and two grand- f or the interestlng pogîam wblch acceptance; Communlty slnglng witb childien, Leona and Earl: also two was In charge of the men, piano ac- Miss S. Muir at tbe piano. Refresb- sisters. Mis. John MountjoyNs- cordian selections were gîven by ments weme served o! sandwiches, tieton, and Mus. Wmn. Mouýntjoy, A N D THE CHURCH SERVICES Miss Bradley o! Taunton: a humai- cake and coffee and a voluntauy Saskatchewan; and thmee brotheus, ous quartette "The Auctioneer"' by collection amounted to $600 In aid Wm. Samelîs, Nestieton. lHenry MessThea. Salter, Lew Cryder- of Building Fund. Samells, Blackstock, Walter Sam- blelîs, Scugog Island. S1Funeral service, whirb was beld on Marrh l4tb. was largely attend- ed. The service iwas conducted by r!Rev. H. J. Bell and Dr. R. P. Bowl- es The remains were laid ta rest in the United Churb Cemeteiy, Nortb Nestleton. Paîl beareis weie six nepbews. Clarke Williams, Her- man Samelîs. George Samnelîs. Stan- ley Plougbman. Stanley Malcolmi and Lorenza Mountjoy. Fl1 ow e r bearers were foui ather nepbews, Kenneth Sameils, Wilbur Malcolmi, Tennyson Samelîs and Gordon MC- Lean. jThose attending fram a distance were: Mi. and Mis. Henry White. eMr. and Mis. George McGaffy, Mr.; and Mis. W. Proutt. Mis. Lucy Snawden and Mr. Fred White, Part iHope; Mr. and Mis. Jas. Laveridge,! > Mis. Chas. Callarutt. T onto;* Messrs. Wightsan and MelObourne Wight, Mrs. Fred Wight, Mi.Js Wight, Bowmanville: Mi. an--is Norman Collacutt. Mr. J. D. Colwill, Mr. L. Skinner, Tyrone: Mi. and Mis. Gardon MrLean and Jean. Ux- bridge; Mr. Herb. Peikins. Union- Lville: Mr. and Mis. Stanley PIaw- iman, Mi. Paul Williams, Part Fer- ry-, Mi. and Mis. S. Williams. jHampton; Mi. and Mis. George, Samelîs. and Mm. Walter Samelîs. Srugog Island. Ladies Flowers Wonderful Value Carnations, daz...... 75c Daffodils, Yellow and Bicoler, doz . ..... 50c Snapdragon, extra cholce dozen . .. . ... $1,00 Sweet Peas, bunc . ..35c, 50C Violets, bunch ......25c ROSES The popular Premier variety 75e - $1.00 doz. j SEEDS - BEGONIA BULBS With every purehase of seeds or begonia. bulbs to the Value of 50e or over we wili give free a paeket of gur choice Delph- iniumi Seed. W. E. Grve KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP P. O. Box 163 Phone 72 BOWMANVILLE 1Su»its for Spring KNIT AND CLOTH SUITS Knit Suit s Two and Three Piece - A beautiful selection of smart new Suits for Spring wear. These suits are extremneîy reasonabiy priced froin Cloth Suits In Tweed and Silk. These suits are personally selected from the best Toronto makers. Look thein over; see the quality; and we know the price wfi suit you - froin ......... $ 25 MEN - Remember, special xrepresentative from Cambridge Clothes at oui' store Friday. Couch, Johnston &Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanvill. - - p1 lb v p. 4 Going Like WildFire That literally illustrates how Caîbett's Hot Cr oss Bans are selling. You are missing sometbing if you are flot eating these deliciously spiced buns each day in Lent. dozen 200 ICE CREAM SEASON'S HERE And where wilI -,ou find better Ire Cream than Siiver-, wood's ? Drap into Corbett's for a soda, sundae or other deliciaus creation. We seli Eskimno Pies, Dixie Cups for parties, and Silverwood's in bulk or bricks. Oui Wagon is on youî street every day. Corbett's Bakery Phone 3 Distributors Dad's Cookies BowmanvMle EDMONDSTONE'S For Rieal Values ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK OR ROAST OR ROAST Lb. 17e Lb. C HOME MADE SAUSAGE ............. lb. 10e PORK SAUSAGE....... ..... lb. 18c Roiled Rolled POT ROAST RIB ROAST Lb. 13e Lb. 20e HORNES VANILLA EXTRACT, Reg. l0.r.....27fo-ri15, JELLY POWDERS... .. ...... 6 for 25c SHORTENING 2 lbs. 23e THICK RIB BLADE ROAST ROAST 0F BEEF Lb. 14e Lb. 12e PORK BACON Butt Roast, lb . .... 18le Breakfast, sliced lb. . ...25c Shoulder Roast, lb. ... 16e Peameal Back, lb ...30e Strawberry, Raspberry, Peach Jam, large jar .. ...29e Orange Marmalade... .. ..... large jar 25e Salmon, sliced .--. .. ... .. .lb. 15e Smoked Filetts Edmondstone's Meat Mearket Phone 21 or 492 Bowmnanville ý MqmmW« -£- mmmmmmmmmmmm»_ PAGE SrK THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, MARCI-I 21st, 1.D35 aýý