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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1935, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. TH7URSDAY. MARCH 28th. 1935 PAGE NINU Something you want fixed? Or some pipes you want fitted? What- ever you need in the plumbing line keep this welI in the fore of your mental process - that we're always on the job; that we work with rapidity and c h a r g e modestly for our ser- vices. BERT PARKER Plumbing - Heating Bowmanville PHONE 651 CHEAP AT TWICE ITS PRESENT PRICE You've heard a great deal about the healthfulness of milk. What about lis cost ? hs milk worth what you pay for it? Here are the facts: Milk furnishes practicaUly every food-element your body needs to keep in splendid health. You must have these materials if you are to live a long and happy 1f e. You would have to eat a large number of other foods, costing inany dollars to obtain the same elements present in a single quart of mllk. Mi1k is worth many times over what it costs. Protect your family's health by spending at least a f ifth of your food-budget for miJk. Ev- ery child should have a quart a day, aduits at least a put. Drink more milk - the f ood that keeps you fit. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES 4- Proprietor Phone 446 Bowmanville C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Service The ChiId and lis Development Speclalizing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyeslght and lasses. Phone for appolntment 1516 Disnev Bldg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. LUQUID F ASTE STOVE PLSI 1- -.1 - - - ýSPORT NEWS B.H.S. Juniors Enter Ontario Semi-Finals C.O.S.S.A. Basketball Defeating Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute Junior 31-4, in the second game o! the series, Bow- manville High School Juniors won the round 73-31 and now advance into the C. O. S. S. A. semi-finals. These games are being played in Toronto on Friday night andi the winners engage in the final on Sat- urdaY afternoon. B.H.S., for the first time in her history, has a * chance to win a C.O.S.S.A. basket- bail chamiPionship Only about two o! this year's team are ineligible for junior cempetition next year and great things are expected of this aggregation in their quest for the coveted championship. Oshawa showed a much improved brand ef play on Thursday and ai- though their chances o! overceming the powerful Bewmanville squad's lead of 32 points, which they teok into the game, they battled furieus- ly and made some of the visitors' plays look bad. At bal! time B.H.S. led 17-13 after Oshawa had held a 6-2 margin for the opeming moments Of the game, due mainly te the deadly sniping of Mullet who scored 14 Points all-told te tie Slemon who was high man for Bowmanville. B.H.S. line up and points - Neal (4) and Spencer (1), forwards; Sle- mon (14), centre; Ames (5) and Hooper (5), guards: Witberidge, Bathgate. Cowle (2), Clark and Mc- Ilveen. On Friday afternoon Oshawa Col- legiate Girls played an exhibition basketball game witb the local "fem- mes" and after a great comeback in the tu-o final periods won 18-14. Due te the shooting e! Mary Tbomp- son the B.H.S. contingent enjoyed a lead at haîf-time but faded in the dying stages of the game. Mary ThomPson with 10 Points, Gert Dewell and Dot Nichols were the scorers for~ the home teani. BOWMANVILLE C LUB LOSES TO OSHAWA Bowmanville Badminton Players Win Only Four Sets Against St. Andrew's Last Friday Members o! St. Andrew's Bad- 'minton Club, Oshawa, won by a wide margin a tournament against imembers of Bowmanville Badminton Club, when the latter players were guests o! the Oshawa club Friday nigbt. Most o! the sets, however, were keenly contested and the play- ers enjoyed a social heur following the games. Following are the re- sults: Ladies' Doubles Miss Anne Storie and Miss Betty Thomson, St. Andrew's, loat to Caverly and Smith, Bowmanville, 15-4, 4-15, 15-12. Miss Cennie Colpus and Miss Vix'- ian File, St. Andrew's, defeated Van- stene and Elliott, Bowmanville, 15-8. 15-4. Elsie Lyon and Cera Sproule, St. Andrew's, de! eated Downey and Breslin, Bewmanville, 11-15, 15-11. 18-13. Gladys McLaughlin and Flessie Cewan, St. Andrew's. defeated Flax- man and O'Neill, Bowmanviile, 15- 11, 12-15, 15-11. Men's Doubles C. Edmunds and R. O'Hara de- feated Oliver and Kent, Bowman- ville, 14-17, 15-4, 15-5. George Perkin and Roly Kinton. St. Andrew's, de!eated Smith and Sisson, Bowmanville, 15-13, 15-5. 1 Cecil Naish and R. Bell, St. And- rew's, defeated Dippefl and Ainslie, Bowmanville,- 15-12, 14-17, 15-10. Bruce Minns and Don Storie, St. Andrew's. lest te Breslin and Van- atone, Bowmanville. 15-12, 14-17, 15-7. M4ixed Doubles C. Edmunds and Betty Themson, St. Andrew's, defeated Caverly and Oliver, Bewmanville, 15-8, 15-8. Ray O'Hara and Anne Storie, St. Andrew's, defeated Smith and Sis- son, Bowmanville. 15-6. 15-8. George Perkin and Cennie Clpus,1 St. Andrew's. defeated Vanstone and1 Kent, Bowmanville. 15-7. 15-10. Ro]y Kinten and Elsie Lyen, St. Andrew's, defeated Flaxman and Smith, Bowmanvîlle, 15-4.i Cecil Naish and Vivian File. St. Andrew's, defeated Ellitt and Dip- pell. Bewmanville. 15-8, 15-12. Bob Bell and Cora Spreule, St.1 Andrew's. defeated Dewney and Ain-1 slie, Bowmanville, 10-15, 15-9 . 15-6.1 Bruce Minns and Flossie Cowan.1 St. Andrew's. lest te Bres]in and Breslin, Bowmanville. 15-10. 18- 14. ton. liliam Hugh Bingham, Millbrook Thfe Passing of William Hugh Millbrook, removed one o! the yull- age's most respected citizens foilow- - ing a short illness. Born in 1867 in Enniskillen, Darlington townsmhip, the son o! Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Bing- ham, he spent his- early days there until his marriage bome fi! ty yearsl ago to Maria MeBrian o! Brooklin.I Foilowing his marriage he and hi s wi!e took up residence in Black- stock where he !ollowed his pro- fes-sion of saddler and harness- maker. He moved to Millbrook 27 -~.'~ years ago when he purchased the - T. J. Lang business. Two children survive, Mr. James Bingham. MilI- Add to strange people who find brook, and Margaret, Mrs. W. G. their way into newspaper offices Sanderson .St. Catherines. Beside "Elmer" the parsnip man. This his sorrowing widowr and children. a strange vegetable creature, develep- sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Scott, Brook- ed as appearing above by Mother lin and a brother, James Bingham, Nature. turned up in an Edmonton California. live te mourn his loss. grocery store. "Elmer" appears in He was also a lifelong member o! his natural state and was not as- the Presbyterian Church. A large sembled by the --tore clerks, as crowd attended the funeral on Mar.1might be suspected. IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST FIFY YEARS AGO TWENTY - FIVE YEARS AGO Prom The Canadian Statesman, Prom The Bowmanville News, Friday, April 3, 1885 Frlday, April 1, 1910 s Dr. Tamnblyn's f aiily arrived in Easter visitors: Edgar Adams,1V town and are now settled in the Berlin, at home... Leslie Cox, Tor-w house adjoining his surgery on Silver ento University, at home.. . Rupert Il Street. Hamblyn, Toronto University,, atw John J. Mason, jeweller, has re- home. . Master Ted Southey, Trin- a turned te town and started business ity CoUlege, Port Hope, at home....b i bis brother's store, Neads' block. Gordon Jury o! MeMaster University. i The insurrection inclted by the Toronte. at home..- C. C. Wash-w rebel Louis Riel in the North-West ington, Victoria University. Toronto, r has caused the greatest excitement at home. . Mss. J. M. Black, and t te prevail througbout the Dominion. daugbter. New York City, N. Y., at e Volunteers have been sent from ail her father's, Mr. D. B. Simpson, K.C. 0 parts o! Ontario, including West. . Ven. Gee. Warren, Archdeacon h Durham. Our space is tee limited e! Peterboro and Mrss Warren, Tor- f te give an extended account o! what ente, guests o! ber sister, Mrs. A. A. P bas been geing on during the week, Sutton. a but will give a list o! the volunteers Six inches of snow fell on Marcb I whohave gene f!rom the 45th Battal- 24th last year.h ion under the commnand e! Capt. Dr. Albert S. Tilley was elected John Hughes o! Cartwright: -Sear- Vice-Preident o! Ex-House Surgeons gants H. McMurtry and A. E. Christ- e! Toronto General Ho-pital on le and Privates J. A. Macdonell, J. Monday. H. B. Dennett, E. H. Turner. John Ferging te the front constantly W. Keeley, John A. Charlton. John are Durham boys. Yesterday Geo. Gamble. John Jeffrey. Geo. Fishley, E. Gibbard was elected Secretary Stacey, J. K. Higgins and J. D. e! Toronto Retail Merchants' Asoc- Brown o! No. 1 Company, Bewmian- lation. ville: and Robt. McKee, Ed. Gal- Dr. W. E. Tilley was elected on the braith, Arch Lattimere, Heber Will- Executive o! Ontario Teachers' All- iamison, W. Barton, W. Frayer, lance o! which Principal W. Scott o! Nicholas Just. John Crawford and Toronto Normal School-a Durham James Wilson o! No. 3, CompanY. boy-ls Flsst Vice-President. Cartwright. Good Frlday evening a very haupy Newcastle: Post office is îikelY gatherlng assembled at the beautiful te be meved te the corner store i and commodious residence o! Mr. Fotherglll's block. Frank F. Morris. Division St., te join Courtice: Samuel Webster, Osh- in celebratlng the fiftleth anniver- awa, bas purchased Mrs. W. Han- sary o! the marrage o! his f ather cock's f arm near bere ,and bas com- and mother. Mr. and Mss. Levi menceci the erectien of a new home. Morris. Hampton: Mss. S. M. Clemnens Solina: Loyal Crusaders had a and son are vlsiting in Toronto, "ta! fy pull" Good Friday. guests o! Prof. Ruse. Haydon: Lorne T. MrLaughlln Cartwright: Major Hughes went has returned f rom a month's course te the front on Monday last te, con- at Stanley Barracks, Toronto We fer wlth bis senior officers upon the welcome John Tabb and family ail absorbing topie O! the heur. o! Cadmus, who have moved te Elias, .Taunton: Geo. Blair and Miss Gîeenaway's farm. Bessie Bond were united In the holy En!leld: Miss Lily Reynolds has bonds o! matrimenY on Marcb l7th. gene to Edmonton. Births: Brewn-In Darlington. on Cadmus: Congratulations te Mr. Marcb 27th, the wfe o! 1. L. Brown, and Mss. Creighton Devitt on the o! a son. birth of a daughter. Glenny-In Tyrene, on March 28, Hampton: The choir presented the wl!e o! George Glenny, o! a Miss H. Johns wth a nicé oak parler son. table as a gl!t fer ber approachlng Died: Eddy-In Clarke, April lst, marriage. Amella J. Eddy, wlfe o! Chas5. M. Births- Werry-I n Darllngton, Eddy, aged 25 years. March 30th, to, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Marrled: Robinson - Davldson, on Werry, a son. March 25th, Mrs. Thomas Robin- Oke-In Bowmanville, March 26th, son o! Thorah te Miss Eliza Jane te Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, a son. Davîdson o! Cartwright. Marriages: Wood - Johns-In Wlckett - Cowllng, on March 25th, Hampton, March 23rd, by Rev. T. H. Mr. John Wlckett. Bowmanvillîe. and P. Anderson, Charles S. Wood and Miss Cath.arine, daughter o! Mr. J. hilda M., daughter o! J. L. Johns, Cowling, near Hamipton. both o! Hamupton. M Deaths: Slemon-I n Bowman- "No man is hurt but by himself."1 ville, March 28th, Mary Ann Sweet, -DIogenes. rellct o! the late Wm. Slemon. OBITUARY Mrg. John Cooper, Kendal Anther 11e-long and much es- teemed resident of Kendal district, Mis. John Cooper, passed to her long home on Saturday, March 16, at *he home o! her daughter, Mrs. Jne. R. Hancock, Coîborne, with whom she was spending the winter. Deceased was a daughter o! the late William Cbestnut, a one-tirne well known Clarke township farmer and was one of a family o! several sens and daughters, or which the late Mrs. Thomas Stanton was a member, and had nearly reached hier four score and ten years. The funeral Monday l8th te Or- ono Cemetery was largely attended by li!e-long friends o! Kendal. New- tenville and Oreno sections. Rev. T. Wallace, Newtonville. conducted the services at the grave. Peter C. Windatt, Brooklil The death eccurred in Brooklin on Sunday merning, March l7th, o! Peter Coleman Windatt aged 79 years. The late Mr. Windatt was born in Bowmanville lived for some years in Tyrone, a short time in Gravenhurst, and for over forty years at Gamebridge, and came te, Brooklin about two years ago. His wife, to whom he was married overt !ifty years ago. was Miss Elizabeth Lyons, a sister o! James and Hen- ry Lyons, o! Brooklin. He is sur- vived by his widow, and f ive daugh- ters, Mrs. E. Patterson and MISS Lena, o! Brooklin; Mrs. F. Ormis- ton, o! Columbus; Mrs.- Barron, o! Toronto, and Mrs. Martin, o! Bar- rie. One son. Thomas, was acci- dentally killed twenty-five years ago. Mr. Windatt, a life-long member o! the Preabyterian Church. and for many years a Sunday Scbool Sup- erintendent, was of a quiet and re- tiring disposition, a good neighbor, widely known for his sterling integ- rity and un!ailirrg kindliness. The furieral seovices at the bouse o n Tuesday were cenducted by Rev. P.' L. JuIl, e! the Broeklin United Cburch. and in the Stone Church, near Beaverton. where interment took place, by Rev. Mr. Jamiesen, o! the Presbyterian Church. Reaver-. FRANK "ENOUS" CLANCY Frank "King" Ciancy is the oldest player in the N.H.L. In the matter of continuous service. He began hie professionai career with bis native Ottawa team in 1924-25, coming to Toronto for t he IM3-31 sea- s on. Thus he le e erviflg hie eleventh year in the Big League of Hockey, and In that tirne bas S played on three world champion- s hip aggrega- tions, and lets hope he ison bis nlow. At that. despite hie long Frank Clancy service, tbe King la only 32 and stili going strong. He also has the distinction with hie 15-odd pounds of bcing perbaps the ligbtest defenceman the major league ever knew. And now the secret of the King's verdant youth ts out. Aiways care- fui in bis mode of living and a man of exemplary habits, it will ba noted that he long ago realized that an athlete. ilke Napoleones armny of a century ago and more, figbts on Its stomacb. And sa it le that Frank Clancy ls a living, driving, speeding atom of energy because ha bas long been a devotee of Enos "Fruit Selts." It may eound like an ad., and it le a living oue. 15th, under the direction o! the Royal Black Preceptory 945, Mill- brook, and Rev. H. R. Williams. Pail- bearers were James H. Paul, Ste- wart Fallis, Ira M. Nattress, A. J. Henderson, N. Belch and J. L. By- amn. Interment took place in the Union Cemetery, oshawa. 1 QUEER PARSNIP BLACKSTOCK Mrs. J. Greer has been visiting friends in Toronto. Victorian Women's Institute will meet on Wedýnesday, April 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Ailfred Grace en- tertained several f riends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin en- tertained several friends this week. Miss Laura Hambly, Toronto is visiting Mrs. F. A. Bailey and otheri relatives. Misses Olive and Susie VanCamp spent the weekend with Miss Jessie Knox, Hampton. Miss Olive Beacock and Miss Gen- evieve Beacock spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahmn and children attended a party given by Mr., and Mrs. Walter Slute. Mrs. Nasmith Henry and children, Janetville. are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. F. A. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. N. Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin attended the funeral of John Mountjoy, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stinson, Miss Margaret Brock and Mr. Louis Stinon vs-td at Mr. Ira Aruek Miss Mable Argue, Mr. CecilHd and Mr. Joseph Bradburn were i guests at Mr. J. R. Knox's. Hamp- ton. Messrs Oscar Graham, Ernest Lar- mer, Norman Lathangue and Fred- eric Gibson served on the Jury this week at Cobourg. Mrs. Richard Mason, Winnipeg. is vwith Trewin Bros. and arrived for her mother's funeral on Saturday. She is remalning for a time. Messrs John Hooey, Roy Hooey, Cecil Wilson. Herman, Samells and Burney Hooey attended the Miller sale near Oshawa on Friday. The local Badminton Club held a very enjoyable euchre on Thursday evening, when ten tables were played. in the Comniunity Hall. Winners were Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mr. Harry Van Camp. Mr. Wm. Steele celebrated his 82 birthday this week, and marked the event by executing with remarkable ability, the art o! rope-skipping. We extend hearty greetings to Mr. Steele whois a popular citizen of the vil- lage. Mss. Creighton Devitt and Miss Leona Weatherlit attended t h e Grand Orange Lodge at Trenton. Mrs. Wm. Craw-ford Mrs. Win. Tay- lor and Mrs. George Fowler were also present for one o! the sess- ions. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Trewin and family, Ottawa, spent the week at Mr. G. Trewrin's. Mr. Melville Tre- win and Mss. W. McQuade, Toronto, were also guests. Mss. McQuade re- mained and was present when her mother's (Mrs. John Trewin's) death occurred. Scores of friends attended the funeral o! Mss. John Trewin at the residence o!flier sons. Gardham and Everart Trewin, on Saturday. The funeral seryioe was conducted by Rev. H. J. Bell, and many beautiful floral tributes were -presented as tok- ens of kindly love and remembrance. Interment was made in Cadmus United Cemetery. League on Wednesday night was opened with a song service, and Rev. H. J. Bell gave the bible study. Miss Van Camp read "The Court- ship of Lary O'Dee". and Miss Mur- iel Mountjoy played an instrumental -Gems o! Erin". The topic on Christian Citizenship wa.s delivered by Mr. R. Allen. Principal o! the Continuation School. and was of great interest: Mr. Hector Short- ridge read a leter "to, friends of Blackstock" f rom Rev. Merril Fer- guson.1 Mrs. J. A McArthur gave her home on Thursday a! ternoon for March meeting o! the Women's AuxiliarY, of St John's Church. Twenty ladies were present. and one of the high- [ights of the afternoon wa the pre- sentation by Mrs. Robt. Mahood of a silver spoon to little Jessie McArthur, infant daughter o! Dr. and Mrs. J. A. M'cArthur. The spoon was engraved w'ith the W. A. letters. Mrs. C. C. Hlarcourt gave the prayers and it was announced that the new furn- ace which the W. A. purchased has been installed and will lie in use mnmediately Roll caîl was answered with an Irish joke and the April roll cai will be answered with a thought for Easter. Program in charge o! Mrs. F. F. Willan consisted of a Lenten readlng, Mss. Robt. Ma- hood: reading by Mrs. Win. Craw- 'ord: instrumental by Miss Florence P'air; and reading "The Good Sain- aritan", by Mrs. A. L. Bailey. A tasty lunch was served at the close of the helpful meeting. 1 News - - - Cartoon Matinee Monday at 4 p. m. Wednesday - Thuraday - April 3 - 4 Clau dette Colbert Winner of Motion Picture Aca demy Award in 1934 for ber playing in "It Happened One Night" in the successor to, that outstanding photoplay, The CiIded. Lily NEWS - DIONNE QUINTUPLETS Matlnee Wednesday at 4 P. m. COMING EVENTS : ««UNDER PRESSURE" "PURSUIIT 0F HAPPINESS"P "CLIVE IN INDIA" "«LIVES 0F A BENGALL LANCER" "1RUGGLES 0F RED GAP"' "LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY" "DAVID COPPERFIELD" Worms are encouraged by morbid parasite can live in contact wlth conditions o! the stomach and bow- this medicine, which i.s not only a, els, and so subsist. Miller's Worm worm destroyer but a health-givlng Powders will alter these conditions medicine most beneficial to the almost immediately and will sweep young constitution, and as such it the worms away. No destructive has no superlor. I FLEW OFF THE HAN DLE AT STOPPED-U P DRAINS USED It cuts right through M. a Il clogging I There's nothing like Gillett's -it wilI net harm enamel or Pure Flalte Lye te clear plumhing. Killa germa and drains in a jiffyl Use it regu- destroys odors as it cleans. larlji and you'll keep sinks, Keep a tin on hand. tubs and toilets running free- * Never disove1lys In hot water. ly. Pour it down full strength the Water. FREE BOOKLET-The Gillett's Lyo Booklet gives dozens of practicai hints for using this powerfu i canser ani diainfectant. Aiso gives full direc- tions for soapmnaking. thorough eansing and otheor uses on tboefarmn. Write for frce eopy to Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Ave., and Liberty St.. Toronto, Ontario. GILLETT'S LYE DIR DON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES!i "IIT'S POOR ECONOMY TO 'RISK FAILURES WITH INFERIOR B3AKING POWDER. MAGIC NEVER VARIES. AND LESS THAN 10~ WORTH MAKES A DELICROUS CAKE," says MISS LILLIAN LOUGH- TON, diaition and cookery ma- port of th Canadin Magaine Canada'. best known cookery authorîties caution agalnst trustlng good Ingredlents to second-rate baklng powder. They advlse . f MAGIC for fine baklng! CONTAINS NO ALUM -This tatement on MADE, Mevery tin la your guarantee that Magie Baking IN .4.Powder ia freefroin aluni or any harniiul lu- CAf gradient. CND Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Frîclay - Saturday- March 29 - 30 a b s "You'eè tthe swellest swo.theart - amone*verbaodi - The erommed-with-actiOft- stoyf a Ilrwhe %hot the - S.<- works for the mon she I.ved Adolph Zukor presents rMYRNA LOY CR G4O - ~ A Pemosnt Pictprs with ~ Rosco. Kams - Hobart Cavanaugb Dean Jouit*# Comedy - - News Matine Saturday at 2.30 p. m. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THUR-SDAY, MARCI-I 28th, 1935 PAGE NIM Monday - Tuesday - April 1 - 2

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