PAGE I'~4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAIq, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MARCH 28tb, 1935 iCampaign Opens The Newcastle Independent Aboligh WarbIes The first of three monthly treat- Mrs. N. L. Rickard visited her 1 conducted by W. Baskerville: piano ments for Warble Fly Grubs should cousin, Mrs. Dunham, Toronto. . solo and encore. V. ONeil; reading, be applied this week. Onily treat the Mr. Jacob Cobbledick, Orono, is Mrs. Brown: duet, W. Baskerville cattie which have warble lumps. visiting his niece, Mrs. J. A. AU-de. and W. Rîckard; piano solo, Anna- Mix a small amount of the powder Mrs. Wm. Jamieson has returned belle Hendry. in water. in the proportion given on f rom Watertown. Herkimer andj Mrs. W. H. Pearce visited her sis- the package. Apply the solution tc Oliono, N. Y.. ter, Mrs. R.ussell Colwill. Tornnto. the lumps and rub briskly wth a Miss Dorothy Quantrili and fr- M.adMs { Bîtnadstif brush. This sbould remove the end, Cobourg, visited Miss Annabelle son Neil and Mr. Clarence Clark vis scab from the hole in the warble Hendry iereaieinTrnoo udy. lump thus allowing a small amount Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Rundle and of eaivsi ootoo udy the liquid to kili the grub. As Misses Ruby M c C r a c ken. Roser Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. 1 h grubs keep coming Up for the Strong and Audrey Brooks, Brigh- J.' W. Holmes on the birth of a sofl. next two montbs the treatment mnust ton. witniessed 'A noble Outcast" j andi to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun be applied again the end of April Mrs. Olive Meredith who under- on the birth of a daughter. and the last of May. went an operation in BowmvranviUle The result of the treatment de- Hospital. is now convalesc ing at her i pends on how thoroughly every mnothers. Mrs. Varcoe. Bowman- Newcastle Young People 1 farmer does the work.C-prt ville. 1 r with your neighbor and thus insurte Follovving the presentation of the Win ramatic xropiiy lte or no gadding of the cattie Y. P. L. prize one act play at League during this summer. on Monday evening. Director A. B. Everyone bas been admiring the tI n South Monaghan, Hope and Mainwaring entertained the cast to:' beautiful silver trophy, the Evelyn Cavan Townships the Councils havei a fish and chip dinner at 'The An-1 Gay Cup. whîch occupied a promin- got behind the movement by giving chorage". Chilent position in one of Mrs. Ecith a grant to furnish the Warble F'lY Councillor hi Law bas a gang Chapman's store windows. It was Powder to each farmer. If your of men. two trucks and fou em won by Newcastle Young Peoples name was unintentionallY omittedi this week drawing gravel frm h League at Bowmanville on Wednes- from your School Section List, which west side deposits at the beach on1 day evening, March 2th in a dira- was sent in through the co-operat- to the streets and roads most in matic contest sponsored by the Osb- ion of your Secretary, your supplY need of it. awa Presbytery Young People's Un- ,will be mailed by making Applicat- Mrs. A. W. Glenney, C.G.I.T. lead- ion. and opien to every young people's ion to E. A. Summers. Agricultural er, and Mrs S MacLean, with a society in the Presbytery. Newcastils Representative, Port Hope. As well number of Newcastle C.G.IT. girls championship group was directed by as your name and address, state and their 'Mothers". attended the Commander A. B. Mainwaring and how many cattle you own. Mother and Daughter banque t in uneore is direction they repeated it Orono on Tuesday evening. bfr a large and highly pleased DYUEE TPT HN Mrs. J. E. Rinch's and Mrs. J~. C. audience In the United Churc h S. S. DIDY E RSTP OTHN Hancocks groups of the UnitedI hall on Monday evenîng. It is ai yEdot. at Church W. M. S. held quilting bees one act Play entitled '*The Passing Bid yedesop R. Waie h Monday a! ternoon and on complet- ofM. Peal". The donor of the silver Diyoeersptohnk ha ion of their work spent la pîea.sant cup is Miss Evelyn Gay. Oshawa, a big part advertising plays in busi- social haîf hour over the tea cups.ness The department store con- I sîders advertising a necessary part Mrs. Fred Rowe and f amily have LreAdeceWtess of its expenises. So much so that returned from Sydenham and are LreA dec inse the average department store in its living in their former Church St. P layB ougPoped Va ude sfisa eti hoe.Mr ______ws ea e- percentage for that purpose. gineer of a mlk condensery at Sd-Thn ikofte ou-ol enham bas now a position as ad- "A Noble Outeast" Wins Much aicThenhnthhtwul eehavehold electrical engîneer at Ottawa. Mrs.; Applause beard of 'but for advertising. Mi- AIL. Bonathan and family. sho have' ladys brand of face cream. the been occupying Mr. Rowe's house Two nights after one group Of tooth brush you use, many articles here. have moved into Mr. Ellison the Newcastle Young Peoples Lea- in daily use on our' dining tables; Moses bouse on Beaver St. j gue under the direction Of Com- aimost everything that we eat. drink. United Church-Rev. S. MacLean, mander A. B. Mainwaring won the wear. or enjoy are made known' to B A.. Pastor: Sunday, March 3lst. Oshawa Presbytery's championiship us and popularized througb adver- Il a. m.-Morning Worshîp, Lenteri title for the best.dramatic perform- tising. sermon on Cbrist's fourth word from lance of the season, another group The candidate makes himself the cross. 2. 30 p. m.--Sunday of the same Y. P. L. under the dir- known through advertising. In fact, School; 7 P. m.-Evening Sevie ection of Mrs. Percy Hare success- advertising is the greatst force in the astr wll reah te ffthof fully presented to a bouse of three the world, and newspaper advertis- thre pso wLl pnsrmonts.fîth hundred in the Community Hall a ing tops aIl the mediums and news- St. George's Church-Rev. F. HJ four-açt draina "A Noble Ou tcast"- paper advertising perfonns a great Mason, M. A. B. D., Rector: Sunday, Just three weeks before Mesdames public service. It shows people wbat Marcb 3lst, 4th Sunday in Lent' Brown and Rutberford's groups o! to buy for their comfort, their con- 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; il a' the W. A. presented "Dotty and Daf- venience and their enjoyment It r.-Morning Prayer, fourth o!f aI "' with a cast of twelve local play- shows them wbere to buy safely and series of Lenten sermons on "The ers. No wonder then when the Y. economically. Gospls" 2 . m-SudaySchol;P. L. of the samne churcb with two - G7pl" p. m. n.Song semon heme. ientirely dîfferent casts, produced a 7laP.ea.h, inndifferentotowns the SELF - GOVERNMENT "the Churcb and Her Teaching _pay____ndifrnttwn h Children's service with lanterni slides samne 5eek Rev. S. MacLean was every Wednesday in Lent at 4. 30 p.,constrained to remark in connection (F rom Christian Science Monitor) m. Devotion and address every Fri-1 with bis Sunday morning announce- 0f ail the contributions an in- day at 8 p.m.i ments that in al bis pastoral car- dividual may make to the welfare Rev. Rackbam. Hampton eer he bad never been in a place of sooiety. none ils more helpful than where there was so much dramatîc an example of self-government. A and Rev. S. MacLean of the United talent or wbere the thespian art self-goverrned citizen is a desirable Churcb excIned plpits Sunay; was s0 much practi.sed and mani- neighbor, a reliabe business lasso- eveîng Inthemor:n Re. Mc-festly 50 well developed as he bad diate. and a promoter of safety, se- Lean interrupted bis series of ser- mons on Christ's utterances frorn found it in Newcastle. curity, and peace. However incon- the cross and preached on the Con-. It ma3' be remembered that earl- spicuous bis affairs he gives assur- quests o! the Cross. Mr. H. C. Allun, îer in the winter three groups of ance of stability; for his 111e is flot tenor. sang a solo in the anthem, ýplayers, each with a local director. subi.ect to the changing tides of fear, and a mixed quartette, Mr. W. J. S Put on a little Theatre nigbt, eacb panic, or popular belief. Such a one Rickard. Mr. Arthur Gibson, MisJ group producing a one act play un- is properly likened to the wise man Winnifred Rickard and Miss Neva der the auspices of The Newcastle of Jesus' parable wbo 'buîlt bis Switzer sang a selection. In the ev-J Players. bouse upon a rock"-neither ram., ening Mr. Wilbur Baskerville and! "A Noble Outcast" presented Fi- Wnor floodno ind an mov e him. Miss Switzer sang a duet. Flowers 1 day evening is a fine Wboveradmtstha Gpleast which adorned the church on Sun- in which rigbt t wmho.lmlay i mrust necessarily concede that the day were contributed by Mrs. Percy thwarted and virtue wins and foir- entire universe. including man, is Hare and Mrs. J. H. Jose. Lovely gives. Charlie Glenney as Gerald created and governed after the di- daffodils also bightened the altar Weston was the frst on the scene as vine plan. Moreover, since God is precincts. 'Jerry the Tramp", the keynian o! perfect His creation must also be Mr. John Fisher, Bowmanville. tbe play. Then followed Ernest Gil- perfect; and thus logic requires the addressed a public meeting in the Ibank--Col. Matthew Lee, a Southern admission that the work of God is counicîl chamber on 'Rural Industry banker. Garnet Rickard took the characterized by permaniency. har- in Action" on Monday afternoon, part o! James Blackburn, the Col- mony and exactitude. March l8th and on Tbursday even-J onels nepbew, a scbemer and a most cest what of cothe woe and ant. ing following, further explained and unworthy character. Billy Rowland diese Wad ofthe whichardse n illustrated bis original ideas on as Jack Wortbington, was Black- dsaeaddah hc ieo building up and developing commun- burn's successful rival for the baud every band to blight and belittle the ity industry and demonstrated by o! the fair France. Lillian <Mrs. A. lives of men? Yes, wbat o! matter means o! lantern aslides and charts W.> Glenney, acted the part o! Mrs. itself? Christian Science answers how advantageous it would be 10 'Lee, the Colonels wif le. Ruby Sbaw, these questions by declaning aIl as- aIl to eliminate much o! our sur- the lovely and captivating heroine pects of evil to be falFe beliefs, mat- plus goverinent and for each comn- o! the play, the fair France, won the erîalistic concepts. It inslsts that niunity. town or village and rural hearts and admiration of the audi- ail temporal troubles are o! the na- district adjacent, to concentrate on ence by her cbarming appearance ture of the old-tinie superstition financing local industries and pre- and unsopbisticated maniner. Ruth that the earth is flat. and that all paring or manufacturing primary Homes was the faithful Sadie. an illusions, like this one, disappear Products for the miarket in the f orm ideal maid in the Lee home. Her f rom buman tbougbt before a know- o! the fînisbed article. Too many acting and diction received many. ledge of divine facts. people are hired ln the big urban favourable comrments. Stanley Gra- Se Christian Science urges men toI centre;;. There should be d¢ral- baim took th'e neces.saî'y part o! tbe find human betterment by cherisb- ization and Mr. Fisher believes be private detective. He had little to ing the spiritual idea.s of Godrather hban by believing the inaccurate bas worked out a practical plan to 'ýay but there was inuch in bis aP- testiniony o! the five physical sern- accomplLsb tbis and bring the people rpearance. ses. One wbo govern% bhiself an- back to the country wb-ere they may The New Outloýok of ten makes co"rdi:ng to this rule will gain greatlv find work. bappiness and a good Ime'ntion o! the brickbats and bou- ilupeace and poise. because lewIll living. qets it receives. Mis. Percy Hare's. eev rmtepretes "I Many leaguers and older folk o! the,,ý Play Director. are al bouquets. ample spiritual inspiration f or daily the vi:lage ,vere present at the. regu- She receiived one froin th'ý lovely living. Freed from the idoaru lar meeting on Monday eveniiig 10 beroine, Ruby Sbaw, and inost grar- fear o! materîalism. be will become bear the play "The Pas.sing o! Mr. iously expressed ber appreciation. receptive to tbe sagacity. activity. Peal' preýented b)y a group o! leag-j The properties committee- Mrs. and ioy wbicb are thfý real mans uersunde theleaersbp o!Coi- Hare aud Billy Rowland and the beritage as the son o! God. Ha mander' Mainwaring. This piay' Stage commiittee-Rutb Holmins. marvelous dominion is te hlm wbo i whicb wa.s presented in Bowmnil Dunreath Walton. Jack Hare and perceives that spirit.uality. rnt mor- by raerle b-.1. Rikard B lo.e.yscene1. i COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each viletbefOak îî:iu bedro omsitdiig week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. 0 suite, sewing machine. 2 walj a Ganett chare. Iwalnut bat rack, pedestals sud smnall * NOTE-VJhere at ail possible klndly make appointiaentu tables, springs and mattres, also fo ealnton.Sale 1 P. ni. Terms cash . Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 13-2 If you want variety in your menu, try Watson's cookies with every meal: Mother's Cookies. dozen 10e Date Cookies, dozen. 20e Jim Dandy Fruit Cookies, dozen 15e Macaroons, dozen 15C Sugar Cookies. dozen. 15e Oaten Cookies, dozen 15e Rock Cookies, dozen 15e New Line of CAKES lntroduced each week-end. Ask our driver or eall at store for week-end special. They're worthwhile. Watson's Buttercnust Bread la the best nuoney can buy. If you haven't tried lt, have our driver eaU at your home. Cia ssified'.'Ads THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY. MARCH 28th, 1935 PAGE TEN