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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWO _______________________________________________________________________ ±IUtRJJAY, MA±(UI-i28fl 1935 A Weekîy Newspaper devoted ta the interests of the town of Bowmanviiie and surrounding country, issued at King Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sons, owners and publisher-e. The Canadian Statesman le a member of the Canadian Weekly Newpape,-s Association, aise the Class "A" Weeklies of Canada. SL'BSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 a year. In the Unted States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THTJRSDAY, MARCH 28tb, 1935 Hawkers and Peddlers a Real Menace The Retail Mrchants Association of Ontario bas presentad ta the Ontario Government a suggested bill ta replace the present legislation gaveruing bawk- ers and peddlers. Local marchants bere and aIse- wbeî-a tbroughout the province have becoma swindled out of millions of dollars by this unfair door ta doar cmptition by sale-men who pay no taxes ta, the town in wicb they do business. Wbile the upkeep of streets, sidaw-alks, ligbting, public institutions, etc-., must ha largeiy contributed ta by the home town marchants who are forced ta psy a substantial busi- ness tax forî the privilege of doing business on Main Street, besides the ragular tax levies whicb ordinary mortals pay. It is ta be hoped that the Govarnmant will take steps ta bave this act amended, or replaced by tbe more effective act now in vague in Saskatchewan and wich was presented ta the goverument at that time. The peddler pest is driving legitimate merch- ants out of business resulting lu an ever increasing number 0f vacant stores and unempioyed clerks in ever3- comniunity. Tbus the private citizen avent- ually is forcad ta make up this lotes by paying more taxes. Apart tram the tact that the doar ta door sales- man is a ganerai nuisance ta the bousewife, ha is. as w-a bave paiutad aut. a cause of considerable los ta the local mrchants who as a group cantribute aj very large share of the taxes. Toa ofttn tha unknawn peddlar, who is here toda3 and gona tomorrawý. slît an inferior grade of mar- chandise wbich ha untruth.fully dlaims is first quai- ity. Were ha ta tell the truth ha wouid probabiy say that ha wat seliing imparfect gaods of last years styles which ha bad purchased at a ridiculaucly 10wý price, sud was unloading tbem on an innocent pub- lic at wvhat appeared ta ha cbaap prices. Haeai tan explains that ha bas sometbiug antiraly newv that local marchants -ilot stock for a long timeansd in this way manages ta get away with sevarai bun- dred dollars in the day or two be prays upon local citizens. It is ta ha bapad that a law witb teeýb in it. that will giva police an opportunity ta check this unf air competition. wili be enacted at Queen's Park this Sprin g Time C ieaning Time Waka up sud listen ta the birds in the trees these marnungs as they came whistliug witb the Spring. Wake up sud clear away aU the sigus of the aid daad, cold wvinter sud give Spring the happy welcome. Waka up sud gat thase aId cllars claanad aut, thase rooms î-paparad, thosa walls rapaiutad sud thosa store fiants decorated. Speakiug off store fronts, about baif the stores an King Street naad a coat of paint ta hnîghten up the business section of aur tawn aud make it. 1ook more attractive sud prasperaus. Think about thosa rapair jobs sud the littia plans for the gardan sud the bouta and the street. If you wiil stsrt this work now- you w-lU ha getting athers iu lina. Iu anather two waaks thera sbould be a great demnand for repair labour sud thase who ara ready ta do claaning. Why not make yaur plans at once. This is the season ta start a genaral rapair campaign. If sucb a campaigu w-re put acrots it would mean that thora would ha work for bundreds of men sud woman. Monay would ha circuiated sud marchan- dise wouid ha lu damand. Thase are the needs af the bour. Men aud w-amen want work avarywhera. You hava it lu your bouse. yaur stare, your office, -your plant and in the back yard. Just set ta wark aud plan ta, start tomne ai that wark at once. Business Men Like Poetry - Privateiy What it the place off potry in the lives of real ha-men? Accrding ta Louis Untarmayer, distin- gushed Amrican poat sud crîtic. w-ho is himsaif a foi-mai- manufacturer, it accupias a much more im. partant place than niost people beilave. Eeynhe says, -pretands ta scorn it-aud everyone writas it, arts il, lives it. Say *poetî-y' te the average man sud ha wl-pulbiîcy, at iast- either groan ai- guffass-. The iman-in-the-str-eetcm- siders the proverbial poet alînost as mucb a carnic- weeky fIgure as the caricatured sud laînpoued Howeveî-. Mr. Untermayer relates a recent incident whîch show-s that at haart nmen ai-e d:fferent. Ir, addr-es8iing a large group of business and profe.ssional men hae had o.ccasion te challenge the audience ta dany it3 instinctive fondnast for poatry. *Thî-a lent a man among 3you, -,ha said ta tbem, '.wbo hasu't, at one tîma or anathai-, w-iten a paem or s piace off vei-ýe, an expres-ion off something that had ta ha saîd aud iwhicb could be uttared lunao othar formi. lui suie if I w-re ta rausack the dasks of every indivîduai hera. somnew-bam I'd fiud-prob- abîs in a battoin drawcr. burid baneath cancalied checks or unau-.'eired ltter-a rhymed tribute, ar a tender inor-ycor. at leat, au aarly uupublishad valai-t ina." Thc-v agi-ed.Afttr the letui-e, they told bîm, souwm e -:hsoane chalieugingly, that thay had alw ay.s heli PoeIti-y lu bigh esteem-privately. A New Definition of Idleness "The 01<1 SagaP a pihilo' a;bîeal joii-nalist w-ho w rites in the Fr)it Erie Tlie.s;-Review dLcussad an interestîng tapie c ii.He bad beau list.aning ta s gentleman an1 the air- wave.s descrihing "idleness" sud ha was t iuri s- by the uaw datinition ai idlenets that he a s-:. ýuaded ta comment ou it. Accordiug ta the r.nd:ýo p-k. a man who was out of w-aik thraugh no fauit off bis own, sud wba spent bis time loaking foi work x a.-ý not idle. A man who found it difficult ta pget liroliiud h'ausc, 0f some affliction sud who spant bis tima aiig or whitt- ling a toy for a cbild w'as not idle. Thmnihle speaker t mwant on te dascnibe those whom ha cou :deî--(d idle t sud lu this categor3ý ha included:- a minister w-ha puts bis time In at a ladies meeting wheu ha sbouitd c be visitiug tbe sick: a wonau w-ho gaes ta an after noon bridge when the socks arent darned and th disbes not washed; a man who works eigbt bours day, gets steady psy, and makes no effort to hea the folks bard bit by tbe depression. Then this Fort Eria philosopher considers wbat hi is goiug ta do ta avoid being termed an idler. Fir. be was going ta Paint the garage wbich had waite( for years for him ta get euough ambition ta start Then be suggested using same spare time te bell bis naigbbors who naed belp, including making start on that spare lumber making sleds for cbildrer ta play with. 'Dont figure that we'll ever get ta the point wbex( ive could gain the appraval of that cbap that waý talking on the radio, but at least we can get out of tbE utterly idie ciass. You do a bit of tbinking alang these lines. and maybe in time the f olks won't bE able to point a tinger of scorn at us", concludes the writer. New Paper Blossoms Forth in Port Hope Born, lu Port H--ope an Tbursday, Marcb l4th, On- tarios uewest weekly newspaper, "The Port Hope News." This in itself is news because the vital sta- tistics of thbe nawspaper world in recent years have been overwheimingly featured by newspapers dying, some natural and others uuexpected demises, whilc others cambined in tbe marriage ceremony of amal- gamations. The News proved te be a real "news" paper in its first issue, and from aur acquaintance with Mr. Thos. L. Wilson, its energetic and popular manager, w-e know it will maiutain tbe bigh stand- ard set in its initial number. The Times Publisbing Co. Limited of Oshawa, own- ers of Canada's outstanding and successtul chain of weekly newspapers, are the sponsors, publishers and praprietars of this newest paper in the bîliside town, their ather publications along the lake shora being Whitby Gazette-Chranicle, Oshawa TMmes, and Ca- bourg Seutinei-Star. Part Hope alresdy bas a newspapar, the century- ald Guide, wbich is publisbed botb daily and week- ly. The Guide. it will ha remembered, was owned by Donald H. Wilson whose mysteriaus deatb last fal bas neyer been solvad. and whose passing was foaI- lawed by tbe suicide of bis wife, w-ho teook bai- little cbild ta deatb witb ber in the waters of Lake On- tario. Tbe Guide dces nat appear to be awned by auyaue in particular at the praseut tima, the Attor- ney General's Dapartment not bavingý made its de- cision- Wbetber Pao-t Hope marchants and citizans can support two newspapers remains ta be seen. and if they cannat, then it looks like a matter of that old struggle and figbt of tbe suri-ival of the fittest. Worth While Attract!ons of Rural Life euiuors o aaiy *cwspapeLCget 50 tick ana tired af readiug their own political claptrap, that occasianaUly tbey davote some time ta reading the weekly newspapers sud find many wortbw-bile en- deavaurs that industrious sud tslented rural young folk are daing. The Toronto Star in its study made note that the rural communities stage numet-ous pîsys St tbis time of the year. This newspaper com- menta an the value ta the cammuuity 0f thasa am- ateur dramatics. but we would go further sud sug- ,est that tbay aie vaulabla not anly ta the commun- ity b ut ta the country as a w-ble.« His Excellancy. the Gavanai- Genarai. bas doue mucb to encourage the drama since caîning ta Rideau Hall, aud bas beau largely îeaponsibla for the Domiînion Drama Festivals. Many of the smailer cammunitias w-ho havent the inferiority complex bave takan part lu thasa festivals sud only two weeks ago Cobourg Dra- matic Club took second place agaînst stiff opposition at Ottawa in a Canada wide cami>etition. There is no daubt that the amateur drama ai the rural cammunities is giving the rural young people a splendid apportunity ta bacome sli expressive. The urban areas at one time seemed te bave the monopoly on good speakers, goad debaters and good actors, but the rural areas are now making an equal contribution ta thesa arts. Iu most Dcrminian-wide contasts lu public speaking or acting the rural re- presentatives hold their awn against the hast the big cities are able ta produce, aud for that reasan. if for no othar. dramatics sbould ha encouraged. In Bowmauville last week a smal dramatic contest was staged, and tbis week a minstrel show is featured. According ta aur Newcastle correspondent that village is bubbling over xith amateur plays and dramatie talant. Dabating cautests are as common as mess- les. And s0 it goas. These things serve ta make the rural dwal!ar sud town citizen a factor ta be con- tanded with. Not auly do they know what thy want. but tbraugh thase autarprisas tbay ara as well able ta expi-ets tbernsalves as gracafully and empbatically a.s thaîr city cousins. Editorial Notes jThe idýeal off serv ice is the force that can f1i1 the jvacuum lu atm etbics. I b2lieve it is the iutegrating force that %vili enabla individuals ta hold togather undar the psychic ceutrifugal forces af aur swiiter, more gigantic modern world.-M. B. Gerbal. Today. youtb necds, mare than ever before, the wisa comnpaniouship sud the telerant, sympathetie counisal of adulta. t needs the exampla af social- miuded leaders lu the affairs of city, state. sud ns- tian-men sud w-amen wbo ara not tao praud nor toa engrossad lu their awn affairs ta take part in constructive polîties, sud whase actions are guided hy a ganulua sente off social responsibility.-Walter D. Head. Premier Hepburn bas hiuted that a uuiform lun- coma tax for the province may be substituted for the present 'hodge-podga" of municipalinlcoma tax. If ibis means that the municipal income tax be made compuisory lu aIl municipalities sud at s uuifarm rate, it la a change much ta ha desired. But if it means that the Pi-avince proposas ta lavy this tax for its 0w-n use sud daprive the municipalities of this source aifiravenue thaî-e should be stroug protest tram the municîpalities. With the beavy hurden off relief ta cari-y, the municipalities are looking ta the gov- aruimaut tar more sources of revenue instaad of ha- ing deprived of smme they now- hava. Undar the present systemn the tax la collectad at a minimum of axpause whereas it would require a big staff of offic- iais ta gathar this revenue into provincial coffers. A few yaars ago au boue-t adeavour to coliact a municipal income tax was made lu Bow-manville lu the hope that the nîch would shaî-e the burdeus ai the poor durng the depreaýsed days. Soma cama acrosa ike men. but the majority ucad every cou- caivable means ta evada paying a cent of this tax. d2qft- db & . turi. VkleiUU It repinikg. rHe Ibas not waited for samaetbing ta turn up. Ha is goiug ah2ad ou bis own staam and that is wbat matters most. this DISn is attempting. mauy a man sud tamily lu Canada can and shauld do-for the saka af their prasant sud thair future ad- v.antage. JC K Now let me tell of a city-brad man who bas beau comiug ta sea me rather fraqueutiy. His tirst visits ta me weî-e naarly three years ago. Ha had lost bis job wbau the de- pression hegan its squesszing. Ha had beau a writer, and writing la stili bis professad business. I tald hlm then that the only way that ha could hope ta find employmant was ta taka same mauey-makriug ides ta soma naw-spaper. or ta soma ad- vartisar. or te tome industrial f irm. I said ta hlm that just going about asking. "Have you a vacancy?" wauld get hlm nowhere; that every time he asked this question ha was giving the man being interviawed an opportunity ta say "No". But this man persisted lu going about asking employers ta put hlm. on their pay- roll. Of course ha got no employ- ment. J CK Ever since this man bias beau comn- iug te see me. aiw-ays with a bard- luck stary. Latterly bis visita have beau very traquent. Ha saystatnw ha is utterl.v discouraged. adta bis baalth bas broken down under the strain of bis auxietias sud nec- essities. He bas bagun casting bis eyas ou bis native isnd-Englaud, sud is considcring wnitiug latters ta inawspapers lu Britalu, askiug them ta engage hini. I have said ta hlm that uobody lu Englaud is going ta give hlm the sligbtest enratiragu- ment ta travel 4000 miles in a quest of work. Claariy his duty. lu the circumstances. la te find amploy- I meut lu the market wbich îLes al aboutihlm. 1 od hs a fJC anKo ie in tlolda-thi math0f a man wivtes lu Fboida-bard hesugrncu wane iles uan i ucherfagranve sudac to fers sd nices hiolan ine slace tda fr ae nrvfea. isa lu Flo-r-t Hedas usta roferssal l ethe-U-iterd Httan as uCtonrsa. oe tellUnia "ctasslu Cnad.tactsella rsbist cordial ctts"lttera hy poat. anTeiedetasara ey ebray ans arss aira în-tudeedthauedby busi- notes fira-oha u onty wtbm ltthse whca buiess tgodhe w-sut ateraswbich brathe Foda.c hi s man says, "I keep atter every poss- Why do Docfors fTest Kidneys Firsf? Because they know that heaiîhy Kidocys remove from the blond tewaste matter formed by the ever-changing human body as i decays and rebuiids itself. But if the Kidneys fait- the system la poisoned and ilacas sureiy follows. As a heaith safeguard-as a Wise precaution- flush vour kidneys regularly every three wcck3 with Dohree geneuons eforerd Dodd's Kerainsey ulforcid neY îonic and remnedy-non.hbi forming-free f rom drugs. 33 Dodd'sKidney Pis r- I ible Prospect and former customer YO R WO L every month through the medium of dp 1 This man started an agr,2eable ipand 1M IiNE 1 kind of business, and he's enlv he Bying by it very comfartably for years. JOHN ~He didn't go about asking, -Have JH C.KIRKWOOD You a vacancy?- He offered some- (Copyrignt) thing which would belp others get, ed more customners and make more sal- 't. The World belongs to the daring. es. And by the medium of the post. P I say this after recaiving a letter he bas built up a good business-and a from a friend in Engand-a man it does flot matter very much where ýn or ad aiedon a farm in West- he lives. He can write Iett-rs tram, ern ntaio.This man was able Taxas, or tram St. Paul. or fram to go to Toronto University, and lat- Boston. or from Vancouver. It is *e er to the O. A. C. at Guelph. Then 1ail the same ta his customers. asi he took Up newspaper work. When i C K ie the war broke out hie began the pro- This dispirited man said. whcn Il * duction of flax, then in great de- to]d him about this writer of -cor-1 ig mand, at a high price. This flax- dial" letters. -I can write letters". )e grower went to England ta market and for a moment hie got a vision ie bis flax, but the price broke, and of self-made emp:oyment. But hel down fell bis bopes and prospects Jet t me, witb his tqil droopinz. For, of being rich. three Years lie has let humaitf be In the Years toilowing. this man licked by his disinclination ta axer- deveioped T. B-s bad case. One cise initiative. And ovar ini England e Iung gone and a part of the othar. thare is a much alder man. wvith just It was not thought that hie could a fagment)f ane lurg. with0 n,, i-ilive. He went. to sanitariums in one kidneyv and with a patched-u England and in Switzarland. 1 inside, witb no money of hiý o"wýn., used to get letters fram himi -quite starting a 20-acre farm, with bis horrible letters. talling me of bis beart singing ail day long! gasping hold on lit e. That was i C *about 6 or 7 years aga. After I re- I suppose that in Bowmianville e turned ta Canada tram England in there are men and families who are 1930, 1 continued ta get letters f rom in a good deal of anxiety regarding this sick man, teliing me of the work bath their present and their future. of surgeons an is' innards." They I am not going ta say ta them that *toak vital argans tram him, and did they.should go farming. thougb this *a lot of patching-cutting muscles migbt be good advice. But I doi and altering tbings. About a year saY to them t.bat the only sure %vay ago, I had a lettar from him which to get empioyment is ta take money- was jubilant- he was back in Eng- making propoýals ta thase able ta land and was trying t0 promate wome use them. It may puzzle same tai farm 0of. o.rchard enterprise. A year knaw what they can do ta make wen t by su a few weeks ago I had athers richer. but if thay bagin another letter from him. It as-1 thinking af wbat they can do ta tau nded me. 1 prapose quoting hel1p others make more monay, they tram it, becaute it show,.s bow a man wili urelyý acquire ability ta think whomn disease and kuiveshsbuld out ideas which will. if rigbtly pre- have killed. can came back. Wat sented. intrigue the interest of caunt-s is spirit! thase appraached. I heard af a J C K yaung %voman whose fainily were "My heaith la batter and better", desperately poar. She w2nt ta a real says the man witb about bh aof cne estate agent and said ta hinm that i Iiung. "The doctor says I am curcsd she wantad ta seli or rent same off <o T dB). 1 have heen tramping1t is praperties for bim. He s-offd talrin tis for m-aaký in ail wea- at the suggestion. Finallv a le tbeh-ciefly wet and raw-up and ed bier ta try ta rent the mio-t diffi- dow.n hilI. and an stuffy brancb cult-to-rent propý,rtv on his liFt- (railwvay) lines and buses aarly and at bier invitation. On this prap)ertyý late. and'actuaily arnb-tter for it! was a lot of saud. The younz wo-- We shall take about 20 acres and man faund out the varioiîu u-es, off start paultry (chickens. flot aggs, sand. snd got the narres oai loal or also breeding a few n Sussex. near near-bs- users af sqnd. It ended uo the Surrey fowl market at: Heath- in ber being able tri gt a týnant for field: also a fewv cows-and cream the praparty for tVve years. at a gord sale-and a tew sový ard sel! w-ean-1 rentai. Fram thiý s1îrc-sz she uent ers:, and if and as able to buy land. on and an. until sbe had a very pros- plant apples. We can make interest perous businesaf h"î own. and clear about 6 pounds a week i C K that wav <witbaut fruit.). and the It takes imagination ta get goir.g iamily doing tbe work as a, unit. in business-imaginafion, and it- Thus we hope ta bp able ta. repay lative and couragp. But thpre is a boans and own a littla farm in rea- lot off work reclirinz d-'ina in every sanable time." cammunity. and this =~ans Baw- J C K manville. Now this farm prajact is s0 far The world b-lon-s ta the darinu! chiefly a dream, but are flot most Tbe End enterprises the childran of dreama? ________ What counts with nme is tbat this -_______ nçan, with less inside bimi than moat Expansion of the sale of cnned men have, as courage, and that ha markets offers the mst opefuýl dui is lu a buoyant mood. Ha is sanguine Jet for an incr'eased product ion ai that hie will make a go af bis yen- vegetables in this province. [ ASK US FOR NUTRI -- MIN The Great Minerai Supplement f or Cattie - Horses - Swine Sheep - Poultry NUTRI-MIN is soid in 100, 50 and 20 lb. bags. It contains Di- Calcium, Phos ph a te, Sodium Chioride (Sait) Potassium lodide, and Ferrous Suiphate. NUTRI-MIN buiids stamina, prevents ster- iiity, and eliminates de- f iciency dise a s e s... It increases produ c t i o n, and maintains animais in a heaithy condition. It promotes stronger, heaithier o f f s p r i n g. Give N U TRI-MI1N a trial. We have a large assortment of GRASS SEEDS See us before you pur chase your grass requirements. Sheppard & Ciii Lumber Co. [DRN 5YRIJP NOURISHED MORE CANADIAN CHILOREN THAN ANY OTHER CORN A Pro.uct of 'Me CANADA STARCH CO., Limited WHEN LETTERS HAVE ACCUMULATED ..AND YOU'VE SQ MUCH ELSE TO DO ..AND YOU DON'T LIKE WRITING ANYHOW... Telephone! A few inexpen- sive Long Distance calls will square you with the world again. *Long Distance adds enjaymnent ta yaur social con- tacts, and eases yaur mind. You can talk 100 miles or sa for as littie as 30 cents. The rates iu the front pages of your directory are surprisingly low. Frank Williams FUEL PILE BEiFORE - FUEL PILE AFTE RED TOP INSU LATING WOOL 0 An insulation that pays for itself with fuel svings. Red Top Insulating Wool rally blankets the home. Easy ta mnstall. First cost Iw. Fireproof. Vrmin-proof. Permanent. Gat full details and sample. Red Top Insulating WVooI is a product of Canadiau Gypium Company Ltd., your warrauty THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTT-T-P MONT 15 LIIIJTED /Ill 1 ý 1 BOWMANNILLE

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