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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1935, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MARCE 28th, 1935 PAGE ~rHREE SHOW Black Diamond (Thursday) and LIBRARY Author C. C. Catt Vankirk Bull R. T. L. Lockhart VanLoon Jeans Grey Owl Gam-et Stai-kie Hewtt Roberts Lubin Woolcott Milne Rappard Benns Morton Wilder- Kaye-Smith Wren Werfel F. B. Young Buck O. Douglas Roberts Yates Hawkins Niven Clough ..Mowex'y White Hill Bates Cambridge Hall Oppenheim Roberts the neigîbors remained for a social evening. Miss Iys Ferguson. Misses Verna, Vera and Clara Griffin. and Miss McLjean attended a very enjoyable Par-ty at the home of Miss Bessie Pascoe. En! ield. on Thursday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gi-iffln and !amily, Miss McLcean and Miss Cook- man attended the golden celebi-ation loi-Mi-. and Mr. il liam Peters held at the Legion Hll, Oshawa. on Monday evening, Max-ch 25th. It',.S spririgtime at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 's Ltd. TOP COATS inCots Desesad uis.B Il a3 Vî , Our Men's Shop is the mecca yn otseses.d uts t 0f Yuwtthe meatltown. If you o se thseou wa mnt a boutsmart r- ed, you'II corne In and see the large shlpment of new suit. and topeoats which arrlved Dresses from $2e95 up this week. Coat fro $9*5 upTOPCOATS ramn Coa s f o m 909 u $ 6095 up Wonderful Suit Values. Couch, Johnmston c Crydlernian PHONE 104 OVER IIALF A CENTURY IN BUSINESS BOWMANVILLE Church Activitiesi St. PauI's Y. P. G. Regular meeting of St. Paul's Young People's Guild was held on Tuesday evening with an attend- ance of 20. President George Gra- ham opened with prayer and scrip- ture reading by Ray Douglas. At the next meeting Hampton Society wil.l be our guests. Program was in charge of Fellowship convener, Nor- ah Shrubb. and consisted of recita- tion " Your Friend," Morland An- derson: reading. "Friendship," Mrs. A. S. Kerr; piano solo, Ruth Tuerk. Contest and recreation were then enjoyed. Maple Leaf Mission Band Maple Leaf Mission Band met Monday afterno>on in the primai-y room of St. Paul's Church. Meeting opened with the calI to worship, fol- lowed by the response. and a prayer by Ruth Brooking. Jean Rice gave the scripture story. Mrs. Frank Williams gave an interesting story. Recitations were given by Vers Rui- ter and Bernice Welsh. Ruth Aber- nethy sang a solo: readimg by Ruth Vutue. The Watch Tower was giv- en by Jean Pattinson. Violet McAl- g lister, Doris Lyle, Vera Ruiter, Hel- en Pingle. Trinity Y. P. S. In an effort ta create more in- terest in the Çolleges-Wrhitby Lad- ies' College and Albert College, Belle- ville, Trinity Y. P. Society present- ed a "College Night" program on Monday niglit. under Mr. Howard Jeffrey's group. The topic was "The Value of a Four-Fold Education". Worship service was opened by hymn af ter which al repeated Lord's Prayer and Miss Olive Brooking read the seripture lesson. Vocal solo by Miss Margaret Wightman accom- panied by Mrs. Wightman was much enjoyed. Hymnn was sung and Mai-- ion Pickard led in a sing-song fol- lowed by the program. The fi-st paper "Meaning of Our Education", was given by Miss Dorothy Hoar; the second. "Value of Our~ Educat- ion". Howard Jeffrey and the third, "The Place of Oui- Colleges", Miss Vivian Bunner. Vocal solo by Mr. N. Fxiedli. accompanied by Mai- ion Pickard brouglit a very intex-est- ing program to a close. Bei-t Mut- tan led in gaines and the meeting was dismissed with the Good Night round. Next Monday evenrng New- castle Y. P. S. will visit us. it being the debate "Does it benefît the1 United Church to have the Ordinat- ion of Women." SALEM M-s. A. Wilkins is still in a very weak state of health. Mi-. Frank Symons, Toi-enta, vis- ited lis brother, Mr-. W. Symons. Rev. A. S. Kerr's splendid sermon here on Sunday afternoon centred around the text, "And He opened the Book." Y. P. L. meeting was withdrawn week owing ta sorne o! ou- Lea- guei-s taking part in the contest for sliort pîsys held at Bowmanvilie, on Wednesday night. Mr-. and Mrs. E. Doidge and Mrs. W. J. Clemens attended the Golden Wedding celebration held at the Legion Hall ,Oshawa for Mi-. and Mrs. W. Peters on Mai-ch 25th when about one hundred guests were pi-e- sent at the banquet and dance. The bride and groom received many gifts o! money, !lowei-s and other beauti- ful articles, and a very happy time was spent in the renewing o! friend- slips among the members o! the Peters and Scott familles and a few intimate friends. Newcastle Folk Thanked For Car of Produce Sent Western Canada Village February 22, 1935 Rev. S. MacLean, Newcastle, Ont. Dear Sir: Your wonderful gif t car, wliich might be termed a carload e! "kind and kindness" ar-ived in good con- dition and was distributed among the residents in the drouglit area adjac- ent te Nottingham. I would Just like to picture to all pex'sons in you- district who helped in any way te make this car poss- ible just what it meant te the x-ecip- pients. A spectator who watched the unloading o! an Eastern car wrote me as follows: "I have !i-om time te time read the varieus press notices having ta do with relief contribut- ions unmoved, but as I stood and watched that carload o! food and clothing being given eut. I thought I saw the great Seul o! Humanity which good times often keeps hld, but whlch rises supreme and mag- nificent in times o! stress. What wonderful cars these were! ne cuits, ne discards, but quantities o! high quality vegetables, fruit and clothing, hundreds e! sacks ef potat- oes, cai-rots. turnips, jars o! canned and presei-ved fruit frem folks who grew none of their owen but would net be le! t eut o! the gene-ous ges- ture. When one saw a car such as this unloaded, possIbly into some garage foi- distribution, the question would be asked '"How could the cern- mittee handle this amazing car o! food-stulf. etc." Dozens o!f farmex's stoed quietly about, ne scrambing, ne eager handling o! the supplies they needed se badly. speaking quiet- ly as though hushed by the welght e! their debt for this kindness. The writei', a former resident o! Ontario, spent three weeks in the East In the interests of oui- work. The hospltallty and klndly under- standing o! the people in the East is. te say the least. incomparable, and were the good folk dewn there able ta visualise it ail, they would be thrilled ta see the happiness tley have occasloned oui- stricken people. I feel sure that sorne day this gi-est act o! klndness wilI be chrenicled as one o! the most inspirational ges- bures In Canadian listai-y. Certainly if Canadlanlsm means anything, this means a gi-eat deal In tIc shap- Ing o! a true and loyal national consclousness. With genuine aupreciation, we are Yeurs slncerely, W. W. Champ, Chaix-man. ..DAILY EGG" FEEDS Laying Mash. 100 lbs.. 21 Scratch Feed, 100 Ibu. 5.9 Regular or Chick Size Oyster Sheli, 100 Ibs. 99C Pouitry Onit, 100 lbs. 59C "DAILX GROWTH"' CHICK FEEDS Chick Starter, 100 lbs. $2.63 Growing Mash, 100 Ibs. 52.25 Chlck Grains, 100 Ibo..52.25 "DANDY BRANDI, Bran, 100 Ib.!51.42 Shorts, 100 ibs. 514 Middiings, 100 Ibo. SALT Eine, 50 Ibs. »9C Coarse, 50 Ibo..135 Block lodized, 50 Ibo. 59c Block Plain. 50 lbs. SOC HELLMAN'S PKODUCTS SPECUAL LWPRICES Mayonnaise Jar 23e Tartar Sauce Jar 13o 8 jar 27o .4&P Health Cookies 2 Ibo. 25e Angel Cake Each 27c CHOICE Q(JALITY Fowl Average iI9 Flah Speclale SALMON FANCI' STEELHEAD STEAKS.,lm. 22eC , tIe SILVERBRIGHT STEAKS. lb. 15e '3ythe13o FRESH CA(JGHT WHITEFISH lb. 210 YELLOJTAL-FRESH Flounulers Ilb. 13c FRESH g'Ui@tSCod and Haddock FRESH SHIPMENT-Curty Texas SPINACH 2 Iba. 210 MIEDI[UM SIZE-FLOPJDA Grapefruit MIARS11 ach EXTRA LOW PRICES FOR THIS WEEK-END BUTTER SILVERBROOK Ib. 25e SUNNYFIELD, Our Very Finest lb. 26 EXTRA SPECIAL FIG ]BARS 2îbs. 23. NATURAL COLOR AND FLAVOR CATSUP LIBBY'S 2Blos. 25e BEEKIST HO0NEY PURE 16 oz. CANADIAN SARDINES EN OIL Brunswick Sardines 4 I1 L 9,c BROWN LABEL-BLACK TEA Salada Tea Plkfb 31c%'-k. 6l. OLD TOJVNE BRAND-CRISP, TASTY Sweet MixedlPickles28 'roz.23c IVITH CHILI SAVCE-CLARK'S Pork & Beaus 326g 5. P'URE BREAKFAST Fry's Coeoa lb. Tin 19. RORSESHOE OR CLO VER LEAF BRANDS SALM4ON Ti:. 180 l' 31, FANCV JAPAN X r CRABMEAT 6Tin~2 FOR DELICIOIJS SALADS LOBSTER Tin GRADED ACCORDINO TO GOVERNMENT STANDARD Chielkens mlb.5 CIJTS 0F FRESH YOUNG ROAS TING PORK Porlk uns LANl-17@ Pork Shoulders lb. £3c Pork Loins IL 22C FANCY MILK-FED, SOFT.MEATED-TOP QUALITY VeLgs5.' 1 Veal Fillets 'âutm' lb. xSc Veal Filets andftoiled lb. I15c Veal Cutiets IL.Mac Veal Cnt rom In' lb. 20c A & P QJALITY BEEF RGASTS Prime Rib DsRed lb. lac Short Rib Oven Rouit lb. 140 Blade Ovea oa.t lbo LARGE RIPE FRUIT B ananMas 3 lIbsm. l9 REA ATLANTI & ACI EC _____________TUE SILENT PARTNER "Does youi' wife talk a lot?" a man asked a friend. "Talk a lot?" was the reply. "If HORTICULTUBAL SOCIETIES 1 suddenly became dea! and dum.b. a horticultural Society in Bowman- It would take lier about a week ta ville. With varying success ItL1-as discover it!P W. E. Graves, Bowmanville carried on through this hlai!cent- It isquitesaleui'y and the present outlook is .iust IL s uit sfeta say that much as encouraging if fnot more se than of the beauty and attz-activeness of at any time in ItS history. Leztures. Ontaio tawns and villages is due te demonstrations, and exh i b i t i o n s the activity of horticultural socie- have each had their share in the DON'T WAIT society activities. Encouragement to You'1l mise the bargalj on ies. In practically every commun- beautify the home suroundings h &d hisyfla n ity in this Province and in a num- engvn ntepmim reiv- aeTusaFia n ber of places In other provinces the ed each year by members. A com- Saturday at the hoxticultux'al sodety is a vital asset. munity spirit has been fostered and ORIGINAL Three hundred o! such societies ed- coxnmunity lnterest devel-p2d. One__ ucatlng the people in hoe e e!i o the latest interests taken up by Un e Cent Sale fication mean more to hi social the Society is work among the child- a well being t'an is generally realiz- i-en. especially the pupils of the pu1b- a ed. Fortunately in Ontar'io there is'lic achool. Though the pîincipsl JURY & LOVELL'S no political influcnce in the wo-k, deserves ail credit for this sDlendid for though goverfiments corne and venture, which this year wiU be Of The RexaUl Drug Store change, the department guiding the particulai- interest, the horticulturalI societY effort still goes on, the only Society bv its enccuragempnit and I________________ difference being a x'ducticn of gov- s omne tangible hely i-s behir.d the e! -________________ ernment financial help during tie fort te a very real extent. Then the strenueus depression t'mes. This Society take, underI'LiS cax'e the en- really is nlot vitally important 1be- trance te the cemetery. the Cýno- cause the educational work already' Itapli plot, and somne other spots in F OR - done has inspired thousands of c2ti- thge town. imuroviniz themn each as zens ta care for their liome sur-- finances permit. This year a gon)d YA-O N xoundings to a greater extent than deal of work is te be done on both YA -O N they otherwise wou!d. The work o! t1'e spots named. Citizens rnlght do the socleties very frequently extends wel agie oe hugitt ti beyond the gardens o! members, for w*ork. Intex'pst in it through miem- did we but take time te look we bership would strengthen greatlv the would find beauty spots here, there hnnds of the few faithful workers. and everywhere due entirely te the The subscription is small and prem- fact that some gx'oup e! beauty-lov- 'îum5 te its f ull value are returned ta lng people cared for their commun- members. A town like Bowmanvllle. ItY. through wh!ch so many thousands AIl this is true o! B:wmanville of tourists pass each year, shouldîi~ and several other centres in the im- be one of the prettiest spots In On- 5U4T t. ,cg.ýnTnEg mediate district. Flfty years ago a. tarte. It only needts the enthusias- u.oimy Brai. Linited, ont.1 few pioneers laid the founidation of tic effort o! its people te make It au. i 'k' 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, 1 0 MARCH 28th, 1935 PAGE Tilpm

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