THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1935 _______________________________________________________ T A y BLACKSTOCK DRIVER Jeffrey said it was flot the prov- BONDS AND) SUCH TRAVELOGUE ON OU) idence of the jury to guess and he LAND RECEIVED WJTH 0F MANSLAUGHTER neglet on the part of the accused. PESR yADEC TeemaY have been neglect byWatrLPanPestd tee- him or on the part of the unfor-WatrLPyn estdItrsi Foster Ferguson Freed of Serions tunate deceased but that lias nlot ing Moviffl and Slides at Sr n J Charge - Judge Instructs Jury been brouglit out in the evidence. Trinlty on Thu.rsday1 to Return Acquittai In conclusion Justice Je! freysi if The curtain lifts on a new s he Were tryin1*g the case wihot An audience of two hundd tho-a xetlalyfn sot The charge o f manslaugliter juy e Iud fot hesitate to dis- loughly enioyed the musical travel- ta obn mrns t agaist ostr Frguon, lacstok, issit.ogue "Here ancd There in the Old the people of Bowmanville drvro rc hc a novd After the jury had been recalled Country" staged in Trinity Sunday pri.ce. Our stocks are larger driero!trck hih asinvlvd.Jtstice Jer-frey told the memiiers 1 School by the Young People's Soc- etniebyn aîte in accident that resulted in death o! that hie could flot find sufficient iÀ ietY last Thursday. The travelogue, niebygfaltesw Fran Gren, n te hghwa wet eidene t plae te acuse onhisfor which arrangements were made oOsaa oewesaocaedefence. and that the mannerinbC.B Kent, local C.P.R. ticket ag- o! slaw, smeweks go cmewhich the accident took place would ent, proved an interestîng diversion. to a conclusion in Supreme Court Probably neyer bie known. D E S S . et Whitby on Thursday when Mr. Lantern slides, motion pictures, mu- R S E 'a sic and community singing were Justice Jeffrey discharged thec- 1> combined to, make an unique pre- Plains or Prints are delightful- cused. After the Crown had cn-: 1 sentation. l ers'n si rvni clddit ae J . Magn mount: ~ L..K .I The scenes depicted were charm- the vivid colors and glowing Sel for the defence, asked for a mt ing English, Welsh and Scotch new shades and a mingling of ion of acquittai claimning that there Mr. Wm. Harran is seriously ill at cutyietgterwt eui9atlefet htln hi was not sufficient evidence to place1 Caesarea. fui views of some o! the Old Land's charmi to our varied selection the accused on defence. H'.s sub- Mrs. W. Weatlierilt visited at Miss magnificent cathedrals and build- of daytime styles. One and missions were that the evidence of A Taylor's. ings. 0f particular interest were two piece effeets, fashioned of Constable Runciman served to show f'Miss Florence Fallis visited friends anth ctiews s o !o English townshtheipc fhetotuk inPr o.heves quality crepe and sheer mater- ____thim act ofhe____ruksnPrtopean____e after which Canadian lais with unusual style treat- hadi taken place at or near the centre Mrs. Albert Beacock is visiting towAns and cities have been named. ments that are a relief from/ lin o te oaiva ad ha te frind i Trotosuch as Chiatham, Windsor, Peter- the past season's dulIns.H une0fth radwy ndtht te rind inToono.Here's a new photograph o! Mayor boro. Stratford, Grimsby, and oth- Miatron's, Women's and M= souh al o te radm's eter Mr. Jack Hall. Janetville, visited G. G. McGeer, KOC., M.L.A Van- ers. The wishing well on the Isle o! sizes, in chic styles. Sft these N~ than the north haîf and there was at Mr. L. Lansing's.cues h! t h sufficient room to allow the Green Mrs. James Brooks is visit ing lier boueen chief agistrate wo ha.s Man was shown, and tlie old legend good looking, moderately pric- truk t pa.s asly.Theeviene sn, i'.Pery rrTornto C causing such a stir in western that girls who drink at this well ed groups before deciding on a o! the boy. Donald Cement, who1 Mr. Cecil Slemon. Haydon, isad with hsbn euto ol ar within the year. was new dress. Group prices at was involved in the accident and was lis sister, Mrs. R. Mountjoy. proposais. He attended the may- typical of the many interesting stor- riding west on the north side of the Mr. Harold Barker. Toronto. spent ors conference called by Mayor Ca- ies and scenes shown and descri $b9ed.9 n $2i95 highway. was that le did not see the a few days at Mr. F. Taylors millien Houde o! Montreal on by Walter L. Payne. well knovn lights o! the approaching truck. Mr. R.alph Emerson, Peterboro Mardi 25. lecturer. In reply the Crown submitted that Normal, spent the weekend with lis- One scene depicted a visit of the it was the duty o! every overtaking parents. King and Queen to the Chelsea$69$ .5 vehicle to make sure the road was Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm serveci by Mrs. Taylor and lier Flower Show where orchids valued clear ahead before attempting to and children visited at Mr. Sidney group. at $100.000 were on display. Nel- pass another vel-ille. and there4ore Trewin's. League in the United Church was sons slip. The Victory. built at a passing truck flot to Jeopardize traf- funeral o! lis uncle, John Llord. at Miss Marie Marlow gave the Bible shown and compared wit.h the mod- fic. G. D. Conant. K. C.. claimed Elmvale on Saturday. reading. Bible study -The Trails o! ern H. M. S. Nelson. bui]t at a cost iln y aj that the driver liad turned out to Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy Joshua" was delivered by Mrs. R. W. o! 25 millions o! dollars. pass a bicycle but his Lordship con- attended the funeral o! John Mount- Marlow: Miss Marion Taylor in the At intei-vals in the program Mr. tradicted hlm and said the latter joy, Kedron, on Monday. topic, discussed Peace and war probo- Harold E. Key conducted commun- conclusion was that the accused had Memnbers o! Bethany Badminton lems. Other items included a selec- ity singing o! English. Irish, Scotch turned out to pars had flot been Club were guests of the local club tion by the quartette, Mrs. Wesley and Wesh songs, and throughout theI shown in the evidence. The youth on Monday to an enjoyable social1 Campbell. Miss Norma Armstrong, show hie provided splendid accomp- on the bicycle had flot said so. evening and games. Mr. Wm. Armstrong and Mr. Leon- animent. The Crown was forc-'d to admit Several enjor'ed the euchre sýtagtd ard Joblin; reading, Miss Florence This was a particularly appropri- thtit a n abeo!shw h heb telocal Badminton Club on Fallis; musical selection byMissM.ate viwofthEnan Mr.ePay- but on tl'e centre Uine o! the road Winners w"ere Miss Helen Kincaid a musical selection by Mr. Wmi. tions in confection with the 25th were marks o! broken eggs and it and Mr. Alvin Marlow.j Armstrong. anniversary o! the accession o! King wa submitted thpt th- tra-ro0-t Mrs. S. Sanderson is lending her A very delightful surprise birth- Georgre to the throne. In the sum- truck had been on that line. Justice home on Thursday for a meeting o!f day party was lield for Mrs. S. Mc- mer time England presented one o! ________________________the Ladies' Aid, o! the Presbyterîan Laugîlîn on Saturday evening, when the most beautiful spots in the world jChurdli. Her assistants are Miss over f orty relatives and friends and was well worth a visit. N w S rn ________________________ Louise Davidson and Mrs. Asa called to extend birthday greetings. Another interesting feature was N w S rn ___________________ Spinks. Those assistirsg on an enjoyable short tlie preFentation of a motion pict- iln r I £ Mrs. R. W. Phlp will open lier program were: Mrs. Grant Thomp- uire entitled "Life Aboard an Em- ~~ ~ i ~home on Wednesday afternoon for son presided for community singing, press." depîcting the plteasures o!f ht' h o, n i'r h o PinYof .eeythio oet r.- the April meeting of the Nestleton and Mrs. A. L. Bailey reading "The voyage !rom Quebec to Southhamp- when you Wear one of these 1935 an~fd for ,nlnter. eotlfol 1p Women's Institute. Mrs. H7arold GodSmrtn" no alo ont= .P tashp h m c r e a t i o n s. Clever and smart la ftew.t shades. Big. 0O. ir b h 0wh read "Down on the Farm"; press o! Britaîn. straws la unusual weaves exquis- peket. Dominion Govero- Eadh member o! the Instiue KtlenTyoC aiga ntru- WlrdHme.Peieto h itely fine fabrici. Al i the sea- dated Septenber 21, 193 asked to bring one or more newl mental; Helen Kincaid, a reading Young People, introduced Mr. Payne soii's newest and individual styles. ple.Pyde. Seed. top ni members. "f;Ie to, a raig andan l viethaprcto f We guarantee no two alike. Pric- the fat or Qailt. £ery'f" reeWto. rang n asovcethapeiaîno Cofonmion BeciretMilO deMors. Ethel Taylor opened her Miss Florence Fair wlio played an the audience at the close. his re- ed at ovr20 stko a.11ed customera l ent ..: . home on Thursday evening for the Instuetl e.C .Hacut1mr5bigamlfe yRv .F CLIP Tis AD and get..achmetn oàheW A f h extended happy greetings te Armstrong, pastor. Large Pachet Beautilul flowers -...-FREE MUnit e t huigofthW.ofthBilreadigistrumentaugl. a1ife 0ev . .$ 1.95 $2.50 -or *end 23e for 10 Big Packet. 01eglrUie hr.TeBberadn Veatablea ,.ith r. Fb.e, Seed. and srial war taken by Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. --- - Coufpon gond 10, 25c on tiret order. oney Follo-wingtebsns opi gaMran r.RA.W ih$29 a d $3 5 MAIL NLY. McFayden Se.d Co.. 237 Front discussion on quilt-making, this Douglas' Egyptian L i n imine n r ndMs . .Wi t$ .5tn 39 lit. B.. Toronto. Ont.. and Winnipeg. program was enjoyed: reading, Mrs. makes the finest blister known. In- CelebrateSlr Wedding ~ Wl!red Jackson: an instrumental, valuable for stock. Leaves the lair Miss Norma Armstrong; a reading, moots in natural and healthy condi- Many friends and r'elatives at- W Mrs. Allan Suggitt: and a solo by tion. Hair comes back. No scar re- tended the celebration o! the silver Mr. Leonard Joblin. Lunch was mains. lwedding anniversary o! Mr. and Mrs. PHONE 164 R. A. Wright at their home 63 Div- ision Street, Oshawa, on Saturday, March 16. Rev. A. R. Sanderson, o! _______________ Whitby, who perlocmed the cere- ________ ERV B TT ER M EAL _______ rony 25 years ago, a a guest. At Hon. Robert Weir L pastor o! the Old Metcalfe Meas And Denton Massey ______ O E E O O A L odist Churdl i, hltrbcm pk eeFia M O RE__________ kown as King Street United ChurcliSpkeHee ria when the congregation built the new (otne rmpg ) te church. Mrs. Wright was Miss Edith i cCnanr]'o pg 1 h Kirby before hier marriage. Follow- changes o! the future. ing their macriage Mr. and Mrs. In conclusion the speaker said due 1 Wright lived in Manitoba for sever- that le believeet that if 1001' o! sP A'S ARGE T RE T 1 GRO ERSal years, but returned to Oshawa the voters could meet Mc. Bennett mc where they have lived ever since. and talk witli him, they would be so side Thes prces ffetiv fro Thrsdy, Mrch28,The table was very attractive xit.î impressed with lis sincerity that ua]t to Wcdnesday, April 3. lace cloth, centred with silver bowl the vote would be 10017,!or him. facl containing 25 roses. Taîl white tap- As a final wacning Mr. Massey urg-at Large Cers in silver holders and tapers and ed his learers not to mix provincial fath decorated the living roomn and fedecal aif airs, but te think i e Pkg also. termns o! the nation for a nation- fr0i CIm ips .7t Those wlio pouced tea for the f!icst wide electi n 16P SOAP hour included Mrs. R. L. McTavish Mr. Freý W. Bowen, M. P., intro- .5 Cke cand Mcs. A. R.. Sanderson, while duced Hon. Robect Weic, Federal P I m olive C ks2 3 those wlo assisted included Miss Minister o! Agriculture. Mr. Weir * Bernice Wercy ,Miss Eva Bale, Mcs. outlined what lad been accomplish- Red Label Roy Pen!ound of! Lindsay, and Mrs. ed by lis depactment in the past 0Il. L. H. Kirby, o! Toronto. Presiding five years. We have faced many U p on s a 2 7 the second hour were Mrs. C. problems, le said. and we have __________________g_2 7 Scluch, Toronto, and Mrs. W. L. handled thern in the intecests o! the Luke, while those who assisted f armer. were Mrs. L. Ratz, Mrs. Frank Luke The Department las specialized McLarcn's Siuffed and Miss Mabel Bradley. Others in helping the !armiec produce bet- OLIVES - l-oz. bot. 251t who assisted in various ways includ- ter products and le cited the work FOR ENT .ed Mrs. M. J. Werry, Miss Annie done in combatting the apple mag- Heiz '.%cd. Tinis Wright, Mrs. Fred Kirby, Mrs. E. F. got, stating that two years ago 60% O NBAKED BEANS 2 for 23it Cawker and Mrs. J. Booth. Miss o! the trees in Durham were infest- WhiteWcaveNora Werry lad charge o! the guest ed, and a!ter the campaign conduct- or Nvy hritie' Viiiybook. Guests who were present ed by the Department this had been S AMChriseAMS lb.]y from out o! the city included Mr. reduced to 2D%. and was being stil CREMS - b. 9<and Mrs. L. H. Kirby, o! Toronto. urthec reduced. TOILE Grap NutAnother problem was the pcovid- VER EAF rapeNuting of markets for Canadian pro- CLOVR LEF 9 FLAKES - 2 pkgs. 25g MRS. GEORGE REAMAN ducts, a!ter the United States lad TISSUE 1- LAOj hut out rtial evyhng c S o U Çelf Tn 2 Canmpbell's Toniato UJIW 82nd BIRTII-DAY More time lad been devoted to this ESOUP No. 1 Tini 3 tins 25< t han any other slngl'e item, and the Rolls Mi's. George Reaman, Richimond luge increase in trade in Great Brit- 3 19 Hill, was 83 years old on Mardi 21st, ain. and the better prices were evi- Ogilvie's bt she ran hLriiiv hli.- + the-e.- f-- - - - 11 ~ I Supeintendent of the Boys' Train- votes of confidence in Prime Min- D OII O T OEng School at Bowmanville. Ister R. B. Bernett. and Leader o! ilN D S LAR ES RF. A L GR C I SWorms feed upon the vitality of!S Henry.F Charlie Cawker's orchestra pro- ____________________________________________________________children and endanger their lives. vided msusic for the round and ________________________A simple and effective remedy 18 square dancing Refreshments were Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, aerved follovilng the adêresse8.L id Accessories Milady's Accessories And to, complete the ensemble we - k have bright new stocks of Ling- eri e, Hosiery, Gloves, Foundation Garments, Bags, Costume Jewelry, Flowers. etc. To our Hosiery line we are introducing SHEER CLEAR, a perfect super chiffon. An extra sheer hose of superb wearing qualities in the three most pop- ular shades for spring: Blue Dan- ube, a beautifully even shade of navy; Distinque, a neutral beige shade; Gray Dusk, a medium shade of grey. A sparkling addi- tion to our aiready complete Une> of hose and priced at only- ... 1 0 E R STO0IRES u hi 11EV BOWMANVILLE ,FE IN RHODESIA saw that no bad iuck camne to him. DESCRIED AT LUB cne. Mfntgoveryif ndo! tecoun- DESCRIED ATCLUB cDreonativery san o hoe any 1try-side, includmng the great vie- (Continued f rom page 1) toria Falls, the highest waterfafla MIothers carried their babies upon in the world. eir backs, and at the same timeI Rotarian A. R. Virgin, who at- rried very heavy weights of pro- tended school with the speaker, ex- ice on their heads. The men, the pressed the club's appreciation «aker said, made the women do wh.ich was Passed on by President ost of the hard work. It was con- Fred Cryderman. Among the vist- cered unlucky for a mother to give ors at the club were President G. L. rth to twins, and the parents us- MacDougall and Secretary ceo. Ast- Lly triecj to murder them. The ley of the Whitby Club, and Mr. t that one of the negro assistants 1 D. I. Nattress of the Ontario H-ydro the hospital, a Christian was te Electricl Commission. ther of twins and did not kilI them, LnElliott who celebrated a blrth- lped in Preventing this thing day recently was presented with a om being carried out, when they bouquet of flowers. Good Cbicks Don't Happen - You Feed Them!1 rIOeuemore haschable egr that produce big, husky livable chichi la 'on ofyourlmj>orant probema. To misethese chicha itoo bgframed, strong healthy pijileta for ?our next seaaon'a hatchery flocks le another important prob ecu. The solution of either problesdependaslargely on the use of the right feed and fednmethodMTousautiof hatcherymen and poultrymen h ave netdedther ieedproblem by adopting FUL-O-PEP Poultry Feds and the FUL--PEP Fcdng PL. FUL-0-PEP EGG MASH keeps henain health and excellent body weight while sustainlng a heavy production of big, sound sheiled eggs. FUL-O-PEP CHICK STARTER, supplemented bhy FIUL - 0 - PEF FIE CHICK FEED assures that ehicha get a safe, sure start on the road Io sound maturlty. The heavy oatmeal content ln FUL-O-PEP GROWINC MASH develope the chicksa to strong, rugged pulets and coclierels. Thea. * - brlng btterprices as breeders and producers - ~and assue higli production and good hateli-- ahlllty. Send for new FUL-O-PEP Book on ralslng ehi" a, h'.free. Mail coupon. QUAKER CHICK STARTER The Quaker OasaCo.. Peterborough, Ont. - DePt P-24 SENT FRIE-THIS NEW FUL-0-PEPBOOK ON REARINO CHICKS BUT FUL-O-PEP FROM HARfRTYALLIN, Grocer PRONES 18e oR 121 BOVV1ANVILLE Note in Fashions, season and fashion's parade begins. We have tment of the very last word in smart styles th economy. Walker Stores endeavour te, give and district right merchandise at the right er than ever and we belleve that with our we can give you better values than ever before. CO A TS.a@. Featuring the most important Springtime f as h io ns. 0f course you wiUl want either a coat or a suit. Fabrics are smooth, rough or tweedy. The new weaves are more interest- ing than ever. Colors are dark or bright, and offer a wide sel- ection. Prices to suit every demand, from $1 0.95 to $29.00 «PAnV- IMM 3 Él- ý-- - - -