TH CNAIA SAT-1-.BO AVILZ TUluA PT.Li 05-- ---,-Q£L. e-- --- -*Lli.30rfPAGE LNJ.L b Persian Balm imparts a rare pensable to every dainty wornan. charn and distinction to the wom- As a powder base for oily-textured ain skias or as a beautifying lotion, it who uses it. Fragrant as a is unrivalled. Tones and stuiu- flower, deliciously cool to the skin. lates the -skin. Recommended also il aways recsults in complexions de- to coften and make the hands flaw- lghtfully Young and lovely. Indiî- 1 lessly wite.1 SIR MALCOLM'S YOUNG DAUGHTER TAKES THE WHEEL Little Miss Gene Campbell ac- wici shattered officiai A.A.A. re- Companied iser famous fatiser, Sir cords aI Daytona a few days ago Malcolm, to Daytoaa Beach wlth the and cisaiked Up a series o! new Blu~irdant Inierls is nlius-marks for speeci andi accelerallon. Blueii fr mondtoris. Shientus!'"Jolly" commentedth ie young lady lasmformotr crs.Sheis how tomechaalcs after sise hati trled out above lrYlag out a new 1935 Hudson tise Hudson pre-selective device. ElgisI sedan. equipped wlististe el- "Il's mucis easier te iandle than tise eclric baad. This la tise stock car'regular cluteis andi shift." Tiseir royal iighne-ses, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, photographed during their dance at thse British- Colonial bail. held in their honor at Nassau. Bahamas. 10 mark their ar- rival on their isoneymoon. The for- mer Grecian princess, Marina, at- tracted the attention of ail by lier beauly and grace. DIAMOND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Quantril, Kendai Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Quantril, wiso celebrated their diamond wed.ding anniversary aIt their home in Ken- dal, Saturday, Marcis 3th. were united in marriage sixty years ago aI Orono. Rev. J. A. Calder, pastor o! Presbyterian Churcis, performing the miarriage ceremony March 3 ist. 1875. The bride, !ormerly Margaret Miller, daughter of Jas. Miller. Ken- dal. was born in Clarke 79 Years ago. She isas spent practicallY ail her l11e in the township of Clarke.. The groom, George H. Quantril. farmer, a native o! Hope township, ;xasbora 84 years ago ,and bas been a resi- dent of Kendal for seventy ,>ars. Mr. and Mrs. Quantril areý the proud parents of a family of aine: f ive sons, James, Osborne eU Aif., Harold and Evan; and four daughters, Elva, Edith, Ethel and Pearl, ail of wisom attended thse cel- ebration. à MEALTM SERVICE OC TH4E CANADJAN MOC, ASSOCIATION %No LISEf 40-SURANCE COMPAsEta INCA- ACIDOSIS During the past year, tise Heaitis Service was asked by many corres- pondents for information concerning the acid-forming !oods. It is a sig- nificant fact that these People did not enquire about tise alkaline or base-fornilng foods. For one rea- son or another. tisere Is a popular fear o! what is commonly caiied acidity or acidosis. When foods are burned la the body to produce heat, eaergy, etc.. car- bonic acid gas is produced, whicis is eliminated from the lungs. An ash is le!t. which maY be acid, alkaline, or neutral. If the acid asis Is la ex- cess and this continues to pile up. over a period of time, tise alkalinity of the blood wil be graduaily re- duced, and the condit;on kaown as acidosis resuits. Tise common symptoms o! Ibis !orm of acidosis are fatigue, head- ache. a sente of weakness, and pain in the muscles, with a loss of ap- petite. Thse symptomas are mild when thse acidosis is mlld, but If the ac- idosis progresses, the sYmptoms be- come more severe, thse urine and lhe sweat being strongly acid. The condition, ia a mild f ormn at least, is fairly common among those who consistentiy use acid-forming foods to excess. The body does its best work on a balanced diet. To maintain isealth, the diel must be reasonably balanc- ed in ail ways, including the acid and alkaline foods. A coatinued ex- cess of acid-forming foods leads, as has been said, to acidosis. whlle anj alkalosis, which is Just as much to be avoided, will follow upon a diet that is excessive in its alkalîne con- tent. Il is not a question of one or other food being a good food: il is ratiser that an excescs of any one kind o! food is undesirable and may actual- ly be barmful or dangerous. Meat, fish, eggs. bread and other cereals are acid-forming foods. Thse alkallne foods are vegetables, ex- cept!ng risubarb; fruits, excepllng pluma, cherries, cranberries and, Prunes: alnionds; and mllk. Ft' foods, sucis as butter, cream and lard, together wlth sugar and starch, and the fats of meat, fisis and f owl are neutrai foods. It Is nol neces.sary to become faddy with regard te diet te secure tise balance which 13 essential to good isealth and physîcai f itness. To the diet of meal, bread and other cereals. add liberal amounts of fruits, vegetables and milk; this wlll ensure thse balance. There are otiser rea- sons wisy fruits, vegetables and milk should be used every day; they are tise proteclive f oods whlch guard againsl lack o! muinerais and vita- mina as well as against an exces o! acldily. Questions coacerning heallis, ad- dressed to tise Canadian Med.Ical Association, 184 College St., Tor- onto, will be answered personklly by letter. - i DANCE PARTINERS L THE HOME GREENHOUSE visere near tisis mark is possible there is not much 10 complain about. WV. E. Groves, Bowmanville Fresis air is good for plants. That - is one reason why nxany growers like Tise lime is raliser opportune for side as well as roof ventilation. It laking stock o! greenhouse coadi- brings about a freer circulation. lions so tisaI sucb matters as ternp- erature, moisture, etc., may ba con- Air Moisture Needed sidered ia their application te the Moisture la tise air is vitaiiy li- structure. Mucis tisat!oliows migbt portant. Tise reason for mucis o! be applied with equai effect 10 bouse tise failure witis plants In the isouse plants is that aillthe moisture lias been Many plants go wrong tIbrougis dried out o! tise air. Thse obverse o! thougistlessness ratiser than care- lisis is that greenhouse moisture is lessness. Tbough tisere are fallures te a very real extent responsible for ia spite o! the most minute care. greenhouse success. lisere are many more f alures be- Proper o! plant.s is o! cause ordinary care is not exercised. course necessary. So also la wisat Let us try and reason out. a !ew o! the old-!asisioned gardener calîs tise provisions maklng for success!ul "damplng down." a !alrly frequent plant culture. sprinkling o! the benches bet1ween Modern greenhouses are usually so tise plants and also tise floor of thse construcled tisaItisere is ample ligist, house. These two factors, then for ail plants. During tise bot sum- fresis air and moisture, sbould be mer mionths the sun may be to kept la mind and freely provided. fierce for many plants and if Ibis is Plants need room te grow. Some- tise case a thin sisading mnigbt be oaneisas said tisis belps te, keep them given. The object sisould be 10 ihappy. Plant happiness 13 an un- break up tise bottest rays o! tise sun usual tisougist, but tisere may ha witisout obslructing the Igist to any more la it than we tisink. However, serious extent. Il certainly does plants good ta go Temperature ia naturally import- over them once in a while and let in ant. Tise di!ficulty during isot days air and sunsisine between tisem. la to keep the greenhouse at a su!- 1 !iciently 10w temperature. Wilb ad- Resting Plants equale ventilation, however, reason- No very general rules apply as te, ably good coatrol is possible. We the resting and growiag periods o! are nol dealing now with win ter plants, b ut many o! tisem bave tisese conditions but witis things as we periods very dafialtely divided. find tisem during the summar Practîcally ail bulbous plants have moalhs. An efficient veatilating to be completely dried before re- system Is assumed. The lime te trigit rnt.Sm te give air la wbea the inside lamper-sata 1 rwi.Soeoie atur lagoig up Tie lDatof ~plants. sucis as tise Christmas cac- atur is oin up.Thelocaion tus. or Epiphyllum have ta ha given tise greenisouse will partiy decide1 a rest perloci before blaoomiag. A tisis. A house catching lise ariy litîle experience andi study will make mornlng sun will obviously need air il easy to tell whea plants need rest. earlier in tise day tisan will a bouse 'riese simple suggestions are set witis aay otiser exposure. Sudden out for tise benefit o! tise home changes la tamperature are not greenisouse ow-ner wiso migist not ba gooti, and should be conlrolled as very weli posteti on greenisouse cult- mucis as possible. It la almost li- ure. We want 10 say that tise ga.rd- possible te, maintain a temperature ener wiso succeeds witis outdoor o! 55 to 65 degrees, but if scme- plants can also gel lots o! fun and - -- -success wlth greenhouse plants. Al thse fundamental principles o! cult- Iure apply In eacis case. But ia tise If you wear greenisouse the culture is usually mucis more intensive and for tiss FALS ETEETHreason it demands more care andi Try this-- _ _ _ _ New ImprovedPowder FACTOGRAPHS EE A r laitas It Is nol possible for an object 10 IoosJD.o îh.,yslip be wlder than l Is long, since andlide?if-o ry lenglis is tise naine appîîed te tise nead bcîîecdasture powder AT greater o! tise two dimensions. OUa EXPENSE. Wisea standing erecl, tise glant Your druegint hs knao snal stl samn FB;l;;a Pafreeti apl.B adInfl ltise as a5oa:nQn f §Wes. I% mthis an on, wiletheearth travels oaly 19 un ad deais mils asecond on ls Journey arouad siFnOt PLASED SItis te Cougis. - Coughlng la WITH TRIAL SIZE causeci by Irritation In thse respira- YOUR DRUGGIST 18 toyPassages and là,tise effort to AUT HOR IZ E OTO dsog obstructions that corne from REFUND YOUR MONEY ON REGU. inflammnation o! the miucous mem- LAR sizE. brane. Trealment wlth Dr. Thois' ýt "d n cnad , EcI4,trlc 011 wlll allay tise inflam- - W. K. DEJCKLEY LTD. mat%>n and in consequence tise TORON4TO cough. will usually stop. Try It and you w\b1- satlsfled. ORONO (From The News, Marcis 28) Mrs. Sara McPherson Is sorne- what improved. Mrs. R. D. Carruthers, Toronto, visited Mr. H. A. Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Lantz. Toronto, vis- îted Mrs. Georgina Cobbledick. Mr. James Ojîfillan of London, visited at Mr. Jno. J. Gilfilian's. Mr. James Hailett, a former Or- onoite, has returned to Toronto from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Oak and family of Peterboro spent Sunday at Mrs. S. Halllday's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry' Junker and son Freddie, Lakefieid, vis i te d frie'nds here. Mr. Orm Gamsby attendeil the funeral at Oshawa on Wednesday o! Mrs. W. T. Henry. Miss Betty Rowe, Ontario Agri- cultural College. Guelph, is visiting at Mr. W. H. Rowe's. Mr. George Smith, Bank of com- merce. le! t Saturday for Lond ri. England. He expects 10 be absentI about a month. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Linbert, Mrs. Wm. Limbert, and Mrs. An- drews, Toronto. visited at Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown'&. Mr. and Mrs. Nugent and son. Peterboro, visited their daugister, Mrs. R. Rosborough. Mrs. Nugent re- maining for a longer visIt. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breckon and familY and Mr. Fred A. McNair and son, Toronto, visited Mr. J. F. ILorri- man, Mr. McNair and son remain- ing for the week. Mrs. J. H. Osterhout entertained at the parsonage the two ladies of the Royal Moscovian group on Mon- day night: and Miss Evlyn Crow. speaker at the mother and daughter banquet, on Tuesday. Mr. T. A. Reid, d.eputy-reeve of Clarke Township and promminent ag- riculturist, had his face severely bruised and several teeth knocked out Saturday evening. by a kick from a horse during docking oper- ations being performed by Dr. R. H. Henry. Orono. d e social evening and dance un- dr auspices of Durham Central Ag- I ricultural Society, Frid.ay 15th, in the communitîy hall, Newcastle, was one of the Outstanding events of the season. Music by the Charlie Caw- ker Orchestra, Bowmanville, was rendered witb ail thse pep and snap Of the leading dance orchestras. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rainey and son Ervan, accompaniesi by Mrs. Richard Kirk, ]Pontypool. attended the funeral Monday at Markham o! tiseir nephew, Gard.hamn Rainey. The Rainey family, before going west, were residents o! North Clarke, and for a lime in the East Antioch section, Fi! ti Line. Survîving are his widow and f amily o! seven. Loans to FARMERS and MERCHANTS Applications for bans from responsible farrners and merchants'needing credit for business- purposes are welcomed and promptly deair with by the Barik of Montreal. This Bank's approach to any credit prob. lem is helpful and constructive. If you require lanking accommodation, you are invited to talk over your ideas with our local manager. BANK 0F MON TREAL Established 1817 HEAD OFFICE.. MONTREAL MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE . ... the Outcome of 117 Years' Succetsful Operation Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, M«-nager s. a Are Yo u Planning Insurance? Before you doconsuit us. Years of exper- lence have taught us the minute details that must be considered. We will gladly aid you in =.king your plans. Stop in to-day and discuss your personal and business insurance requirements. There is no obligation on your part. We shall be glad to help you. J. J. MASON & SON Ail Kinds of Insw!ance Miller's Worm Powders flot only they wl show improvement as soon make the infantile systen- unten- as the treatment begins. able for worms, but by their action "In love for man. we gain a true on the stomach, liver and bowels sense of Love as~ God; and in no they correct such troubles as lack of other way can we reach this spirit- appetite, biliousness and other ia- ual sense, and rise - and still rise ternal disorders that the wormns - to thiags most essential and div- create. Chiidrea thrive upon them ine. What hinders man's progress ls and no inatter what condition their bis vain conceit, the Phariseeism of worm-infested stomacbs may be in, the tiines.. ."-Mary Baker Edd.y. CENT A MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES.. . From BOWMANVILLE A i (Minimum, Adulte 75c: Children 40c) April 121To A-roe.B atfÔrd Chetat olingwood Detroit, Durhain. Kicrdine, ]Kitchener, London. Meafov-d. Midian&. Niagara Falla. orth Bay. Owen Sound, Palmer-ston. Parie, Penetang. St. Catharines. Sarnia, Southampton, Strattord. W artn. Windsor, Woodstocrk and to, ai interniediate pointa beyond Auror,ý Georgetown, Grimsby and Brantford. ALSO ta al Towna in New n noc- n ies of Temiskanaing & Northern Ontario Rly.. Nipissing Central Rly. and on Canadien National ly. beyond Cochrane ta Kapuskasing and Hearst. AND to Beaverton, Washago, Part-y Sound. Ardbeg, Burwaah Sudbury. Ca 1-sl Weatree. Gogania, Tionaga. Fo'e et. Oba, HorneVaYne, tonulac t-Hardrok. tGersidton. fJeilicoe. t LongL c Mining Aren-Sturgeon River Gold Field*.)' APRUL 13 to TORONTO and HAMILTON AiltoAl Ton es .w.., Bellville and Whieov Jct. Incluive Tickts ognwud etun LmitacndTrnIformation front Agents. Asai for Handbill. CANADIA NI'CANA DIAN ,NATIONAL PACI FICO For RHEUMATIC PARE! RHEUMATISM SLUMBAGO SCIATICA SBACKACHE vi i v. you declded relief from pain. Aê*a.k t4qs Casea-Pernanet relef- ca ety b. effec ad by' eemoving the uul *ad and other impuritie froni the blood. Rumacapé reliefe the pain wbill. delinltely oemovlng the cause.Tbey wiii also gire ou amne health and vgot threugh tIsair cleansing and germ-khfllng action. Stert Y%=s treatment toder. use Bo0 OF50 CAPSULESa-*l.0O DIILI f~ A0C RJ-EUMATIC* RUMAC PS ýCAPSULES 1 hone 92 AEX MOGISEGOi, DEUGB We Doeuve r; Bank i l L -- - - - - - - - 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL 4th. 1935 imArlv TJTNM m p Phone 50 Bowmanville