THE ANAIANSTAESMN, OWMNVILETHUP.SDAY, APRIL 4th, 1935p PAGE POUR LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, BA., LL.B Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ahl it.s branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Collegi Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldý Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. ir to 6 p. m. daily except Sunda3 Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUTNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour. any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITIH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equipment -Ambulani A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smi Phone Days 58 Nights, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Bac. F.C.C. A. T. C. M. diplomas in Piano, Singing, Violin and Organ. Private or class lessons. Pupils prepared for ail examination Phone 42, Bowmanville 40- Repairs R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repa.lrlng Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitchi: Machine. Prices reasonable. King Street East - Bowmanvllle ISPRING TERM now open in BUSINESS SCHOOLS clears the way for Graduation in the Autumn and a position tbrough our Employment Bureau. Enter any day. No forced vaca- tion.s. Full particulars supplied. Write W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Dept. -x-2, Bay & Charles Streets Toronto. 10-4 RE LIE VE PERIODIC PAIN * IF you suierpei Lydia E. Pinkhams Tablets. in most cases they bring welcome relief. As Mrs. Caroline New- ease the pain" Mrs. Raymond Chaput, Route 4, Tilbury, Ont. says,I1 suffered some- thing terrible. Had such backaches and headaches 1 was worn out. YourTabletshelped me". Let them help )-ou, ton. Ajk >our drug.gist. 't s ZsQS [RDWN DRN 5 lrTHE FA ENEI Apouct of The CANAD, ge, 1g. M. 'Y. Was Constipated For 30 Years Woman's Long Search f or a Remedy The trouble with most remedies for constipation, as this woman found. is tliat they give only temp- orary relief. Having at last found a permanent corrective. she writes to tell us bout it : "For upwards of 30 years 1 was a victim of acute constipation. I tried practica.lly everything that it was possible to try. I admit I was a chronic case, and every new remedy I tried helped for a day or two-af- ter that I was just as bad as ever. Three months ago I took my first taste of Kruschen Salts, and every morning since, and every morning so long as I live. my first duty upon rising is my Kruschen. I honestly feel a different %voman. My bowels act to the dlock, and my friends re- mark how well 1 arn looking. My only regret is that I didnt try Kru- schen years ago."-IMrs.) A. M. Kruschen Saits is Nature's recipe for maintaining a condition of in- ternal cleanliness. The six salts in Kruschen stimulate your internai organs to smooth. regular action. Your system is thus kept clear of those impurities which, allowed to accumulate. lower the %vhole tone of the system. t Il 1 Dr. James P. Kenney. Ph.D., F.R. S.C., F.R.Hist.S., wbo %vas recently appointed acting Dominion archivist. Dr. Kenney bolds the degrees of B.A. tUnivensity of Toronto). M.A. ' University of Wisconsin). and Ph.D. ýColumbia University, New York h. Dr. Kenney has 23 years of service with the public archives of Canada. He succeeds Dr. A. G. Doughty. arcbivist for past 31 years, wbo is retiring. I Sndy eholstars speakutof ifn;y the rocks of spirit, reason. will. memory, imagin- L esson ation. conscience, aspiration, fore- i sght, maan gets bints of tbe nature of the very God wbo is a Spirit. THE HEAVENLY FATHER Ligbt is light wbether in cand.le or ______suni. %ater is water whether in dropl Sundy, pril7thor ocean. love is love whetber in Gold ndext: Lie s aftercbild or motber. and spirit is spirit Goldn Txt: Lik asa faherw,-ether in man or God. The glor- pitieth bis cbildren. so the Lord pit- 1 ious truth is that man and God are ieth tbem that fear him.-PsalmJ not strangers, enemies or, rivais, but 103:13. that God is in man. ready 10 belp ce Lesson Passage: John 14: 8-24. marn 10 be and 1.0 do his best. Gods itb As wvider skies broke on bis view. Spirit awaits 10 help us as he belp- God greatened in bis growing ed Jesus. mind: A Promise, 15-20 Each year be dreamed bis God An Old Testament psamist had anew said, 'Like as a father pitieth bis And lef t bis aider God behind. chilciren, sa the Lord pitieth them He saw the boundless scheme dii- that fear birn." Christ demonstrat- .0. ate, beso, a d suc goodness, tenderness, sym- In star and bosm sky an ah nd love that men f elt the clod: only source of such a quality of life And as his universe grew great, was the eteunai spirit 0f God. A ýns. He dreameci for it a greater God. Jewisb lady said that she could 4tf A Picture, 8 think of nothing bigber in God tbaîi - From the dawn of buman history what she discovered in Jesus. This men bave tried ta visualize God. sen.5e of Goc's presence through the The Almigbty bas been identified companîonsbip of Christ was not ta with the suni. the wind or witb tire. be lirnîted to the disciples nor to the iMany nations made idols of woad. years of the earthly if e of Christ. stone, or metal, feeling the neeci of He promised to send the Camforter, mgsome objective representat ion of even the Spirit of trutb ta abide ngGad. The Greeks and Romans3 de- witb us torever. It is Ibis Spirit of velopeci mytbology, ful of poeticaî trutb. the Holy Spirit, wbo makes us beauty and spiritual trutb and yetsosr0fGdAsacsSitdet lacking in cantagiaus mor-al power. iii Christ sa may be dwell in us. In Chilciren. even chilciren of Christian tact it is possbe tor us ta feel even parents, create their own mental surer of Goc than the disciples did. images of God. sonie thinkîng off because throughout the Christian hîm as akin ta the main in the moon centuries sa many have experienced or fancying hîm tu be a gloritieci the puesence of Gaci tbrough Christ. Santa Claus. Jesus went down ta That promise ta the disciples ba.s bedrock reality in teaching about been fully kept. The Comforter. the God. He spoke of tbat poiver in Holy Spirit bas came andi abides. ivhih w lie ad mo e nd aveThe Chrîst:an faith is that God is a whch w lie ani mo e nc avei like o-hSt Jezus was. aour being as *Father.' Hîs discip-, les heard thîs word tram his lips s0 A Presence, 21-24 frequently that they became curiou.s Pagan philozopby bas otten re- ta know wbhat be realiy meant by it. presented God -as elusive. as do-dg- *Tbey iere not traîned in abstract ing buman contacts and defyîng bu- thînking andi couid not tbink of God mani quest. Christ spoke of Goci as as a spirit, a force not ourseives seeking men. purzuing men for their making for righteou-ness. Tbey own good. the -Hound of Heaven.'* wanted ta see Gad. Philîp spoke the Codc is seekîng us witb a fatber*s -minci of the Twelve when he said, beart of love anci we becorne sure of 'Lard. shew us the Father." farget- God wben we make aur response. tin" that lîke Moses they must en- iCertainty cames tbrough love, obed- durýe as seeîng bim who is invisible. ience andi action. It is wben we fin- A Parent, 9-12 aily surrender to God's wiil, that God is our Father in a much deep- without fear we are able to cali Goci er seî:se than that of lîfe-giver. -world anis ocisl a oe in us a Physîcal paternity is not of the es- caîls.I sGdsloet sta sence of this trulb. We can under- al forth our love to, bim. Jesus stand il oniy if we appreciate wbat said: -If a man love me, be wil is done for us by a human r, Ier keep my words: andi my Father will if he isgood. A fatheet i love hîm. and we will come unto bim faily h e oo.A her protean ets bisjad make aur abode witb bim.- famî. tcpiesbis soncndages Goci does not corne to us in haste " erh . d1 c pin.s the m. nc ra g es 10m ake an annual courtesy a ul: he larýge-rsoblte until tbey un- lis ready to make Our ersh om derstand hîs purposes and are abl e anci abîde. One of the greatest ta cooperate with him inteîîîgentîy tbîngýs 1ha1 Jesus Christ ever does andi vuiuntarily. In lîke manner is fou us is ta share bis cansciousness God belping us ta guow souis. edu- of Gaci that ive ray trust and love cating us tbrough long processes of hîm. too. Faitb in the fatberbood grovth. not impatient aver aur slow of Goci banishes fear. We bave not developmneit, but helping us ta aveu- received the spirit of fear, but come aur inistakes and even forgiv- tbrougb Christ we bave receiveci the ing us wben we sn. There are some adoption of sons wbereby we cali peopleeiwho are debarueci from Ibis Goac Father. inteupretation of divine providence Questions for Discussion because of the mîsconduet of a cruel 1. Wbat is your tbought of God? ou indulgent tather. It is a bîgh 2. How bas modemn science in- Lribute to Joseph of Nazareth that fiuenced aur understanding of the Jesus so frequently spokeofacasatehd of God his Fatber and in the prayer called 3. How is it possible ta do great- the Lords Prayer begain witb the 'er works than Christ? thaugbt of 'Our Father." Jesus fel t 4. Do we welcome -tbe spirit of tbat the universe on the whoie was trutb"? kîndly. that the power back of force 5. Haw may God dwell with and matter was intelligent, purpoce- mn fui and patient. A Power, 12-14 DRIGO iMetaphars otten conceal as weîîDALNGO a-3 reveal trutb. Wbat an imperfect Report of S. S. 3, Darlingtan. for picture we gel of Goci wben we tbink Maucb: Of bim as a king. or a jucige. or a S.I-eaGbo 7 feudai lord, or an army general SuJ. 1V-Ves ibso Hnry67. *ea Thee-ae ofics i wheh he n-Metcalf 79, *Norma Sexsmith 76. tîmate persanai relationships of a Peggy Finnigan 71, Harry Feather tamily are lacking. Christ wauld66 JeWnask54 have us tbhink of God a5s apower 6, J ItI-MaehiMe54 f7. wth wbom ive may cooperate. J.I-Mdln ecf74 i Christ dîi not take any individual eline Gibson 73, Glenn Meteaif 72. creitfoi hs ahivemnt. bt t-John Noble 65. Gordon Truil 62, criedt o-hi-, aci oevm ent btand -Gordon Metcaif 55 (ii>. tibut te m a (>, i ta hengrae fand SuII-Kenneth Power 73, Alvin ther voiG of tis wer n we teel Metcai.f 67. tDonald Metcalf 57 4111). live.s thât .en becoîne sure off God Mk ok4.SmBn 1 bJ l>c.yd jpo-sibilîty 0 ob.Te Su". I-*Mildued Meteaif 81, *Daisy of dubt.TheGibson 79. 'Joyce Power 76. Alfredi Feather 73, Robert B7srtlett 72, tWinnie Power 52. - Pr.- Keîth Crago. *Alvin Bartlett. j <~***. Hanio.,: t- Fa:lure. I Ruby M . Bragg. teacher. o RAND uerOsut Whnwts ht eyes it a done &LMOUS RGY MA STARCH CO., LlmlitedJ [IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST Naborhood - The Logical Place to Buy Your 'S P R ING S II OE S From The Statesman, Aprl 10, 1885 From The Bowmanville News, TIES - STRAPS - PUMPS Mr. George Guillett was re-eîect-I April Sth, 1910 Distinctive Spring Footwear, ed fr Wst ortumbelan on Mrs A Dixn ad sn Rginin blues, greys, black and edayor yWastaNortyubelndof 74A.. ixnan onRgibrown, and combinations. Tusayb amjriyof7. aid. Peterboro, visited her sister, Ai sizes, in aU styles, ail No f urther engagements with the Mrs. T. W. Jolliffe. hes l itns rcda rebels reported in the North West Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams and helalf tig.Pic a up to Thursday morning The daughter Luella. and Miss Olive$19 Queen's Own have reacbed Qu'Ap-, Williams were guest.s of their ah Pelle. Riel is weakening already- er. Mr. Chas. Williams. Mr. Collin Walls was made the Principal John Elliott, B. A., was recipient Of a hand.some Masonic elected President of the mathemnat- Pin on the eve of his departure f rom irai and physical section of the Po- Newcastle for Michigan. vincial Teachers' Association. Flurence Nightingale is raising Mr. Geo. Matthews of Bideford. funds to provide assistance for sick England. arrived here Saturday and T E M I D OX R S and wounded British soldiers in the is visiting his uncle. Mr. James ... T E M IE X O D Soudan. Matthews. U-otemnt hei Mr. S. Mason. Sr.. bas retired Mr. and Mrs. Robert Findiay were blackor browin, caîfor k in from the firm of S. Mason & Son, gîven a pleasant surprise and fare- lackher le ather or rkbbe and Messrs. F. Mason and S. W. well Party on Thursday evening lehs, alseand f orttsngs. Mason, his sons. wiil continue the when about thirty friends assembied business under the name of Mason and spent a pleasant evening with Bros. Success t0 the new f irm. them previou~s to going ta 5u Ap- $ . 5 u 'M.John Maynard, jeweller. bas pelle Sask.$2 4 u executed some fine crayon portraits Hampton: The C.N.R. in crossing of Messrs. Parish. assistant Post- the township takes in 113 acres of master, Hugh McKay. horse dealer, land. T. Bingbam, Boss insurance agent, PurPle Hill: Mr. Ira Argue visited and other enterprising citizens.. at Mr. M. Spinks' Miss Jessie A BRO Forresters' new hall is nearing Byers has ret.urned to Ottawa after SHOE STORE completion. The S.O.E. hall also. a visit at ber home.ND Good Friday. April 3. 1885. will be Maple Grave: We welcame Mr. cowAN KMING remembered by the beavy snow and Mrs. Milton Samis to our neigb- BLOCK BOWMANVILLE STREET storm it brought. borhood. They have moved on Mr. Tyrone: Mrs. H. Welsh, Cobourg. Torditf's f arm. visited friends here. Tyrone: Mr. Robt. Wonn_________________________________ Maple Grove: Mr. Fred Bond and moved int Mrs. Wm. MLuhi' Mr.FakMno aelf o ar eetyoccupied by Mr. H. Burketon. Michigan. HuIs who has purchaEed the Rog- * Miss Elsie Samis visited at Miss New Park: Mr. W. M. Brisben has ers' bomnestead. UNION, DiRLm7N..îsJN Iva Ferguson's on Friday. bought a span of horses for which Enniskilen: Mr. A. Hubbard has M.adMs on np n be paid $400. They are matchle-s gone to Aberta. - Manvitd Mr. StrneyNpptnd- around here, Mr. Gifford's partyl Blackcstock: Forty members of Mr. Cecil Rabmn spent the week- f amialaniitd.nStnalyNtig was a grand success. jCartwright Agircultural Society pre- ediharnt.1m Raanon Sundllay. ote Courtice: Mr. H-nry Gqv ha- ex- sented a gold-beaded cane ta Mr. n nTrno Mr. and Mrs. Rihr rfi pn udy Willthir a Wten, cbanged bis chopping- milI for a new James Parr. retiring secretary, ohc r.RchdGifi spent Sunday iin tOsrhauga.r one~~~~~~~~ 1falre ' a evdfr4 ersi htc-setStra nOhw. Mrs. James MeGregor, Oshawa. one o a lrger ize.i hasservd for44 yars i tha ca- Several from heî-e attendeci the i -------- q Orono: The old C. M. Church basj pacity. John Wright made the pre- dance at on Friday l Wait for it-"Lives of a Bengal been converted into a bandsome ýsentation of the cane and Andrew, night.1 Lancer'-coming to Royal Theatre. dwelling by Mr. G. M. Long. 1 Devitt and James Byers pre-sented Miss Pearl Taylor spent the week- Aprîl 22-24. Pararnount's best pict- Enfield: Mr. irivr. L. Brown. as- tvwo splendid oak chairs. Robt. Philpi end at Mr. anid Mi-. W. HoskinS. 1atre in years. sessor, has paid bis animal vii to is the newly appointed secretary. this village. Sha,,w-Hugbes-A very quiet wed-! Biutbs: Reynolds-Near- Eniýkil- ding was solemnized at St. Paul's - len. Apral tb. to the wî«fe of Mr. Presbyterian Mane, Wednesday. John Reynolds, a daugbter. March 301h, wben Ethel Amielia Hooper-Near Tv-rone, April 6th, Hughes. eldest daugbter of Mr. and to the wife of Mr Charles Hooper. Mrs. Richard Hughes. becanie thzý daugbter.bifMrG. H. Shaw, Torno Hastings-In Hamn-ton. April 5th. Dab:Cutc-nBwnanvîllep ai ta the wife of Mu. E. Hastings. a on on April 5th. Artbur John Courtice. Burk-In Darlinaton. March 26tb. aged 48 years. A m t i g B u h to Mrs. Erastus Burk. a son. Taylor-In Cartwright. Arril 6th TrulI-In Orono. March 31. Wmi. ta~~~~~~~ th'ie0 r AsnTyo,* Warren Truil, aged 80 years. daugbter. Parisb-At 321 n. 32nd. St. West, A J w e r Died: Andrew---In Bownanville. Philadelphia, Pa.. March 21, Arthur store April 5h CarolineWasnAde. Parisb, ageci 55 years. formerly o ueUict of late James Andrews, aged; Bowmanville. 77 years. Dnel Crerman.aged 75 years. ONE MINUTE PULPIT J m s Mr -4-.-- iPHONE 463 Jeweler ]BOWMANVILLE And if the righteous scarcely be Parasol found. Enijuire at States- savedi, where shaîl the ungocilv and __________________________________ man office. Ithe sinner appear?-Peter 4:18 . __________________________________ INSIST ON GEIING THESE FEATURES 0 HYDRAULIC BRAKES ALL STEEL BODY FLOATING POWER REDISTRI BUTION 0F WEIGHT Thrill ta the beauty of this Great New Value Dodge. .. then look at the delivered pe,.. You can afford to own a Dg. Drive the New V'alue Dodge ... Sit in the comfortable Seat and sce how effortlessly you operate the clutch, brakes anad gears. The engine has been moved for. Steel corner posts . steel walls Sop safély . stop smoothly ... ward. , .Il passengera ride cradle d . ..- and even a steel floor... No ina short scraigline.WithDodg;e betweeix the axhes . . . as in au wonder Dodge ai-steel bodies are time-tested h>'draulic brakes the Airflow car. go much safer. action is ahways equai on ail four whechs. PRICED RIGHT DOWN AMONG THE LOWEST DODGE AND DESOTOD DEALER W. J. CHALLIS You u'a/k in and out of the new Dodge ... because the doors are ~ider ... and the floor is almost level witb the running board. DELIVERED IN BOWMANVILLE FOR AS LOW AS k $877 FOR THE COUPE - - - - PR..C---%D I 1a% % PHONE 290J BOWMANVILLE properly. WNe f it Tillyer Lenses. JURY & LOVELL The RLexail Store w p