W THE CANADIAN STATE.SMAN. BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, APRIL 4tb, 1935 Princess Mary in V. A. D. Uniform in 1918 One« very important member of the royal family is Princess Mary. now Viscountess Lascelles. The princess is the only daughter o! the King and Queen. Born in 1897, she was called by Queen Vic- toria "My dear little Diamond Jub- ilee Baby." When war broke out Princess Mary was just seventeen: ber "com- irig out*' parties were forgotten in the years o! strife, and the charmn- ing princess turned ber attention, as did all the other members o! the royal f amily to war work. She became an active organizer; she made and collected garments for the soldiers: she was a constant visitor to bospitals and canteens: she inspired the women o! England to the great heights to which they rose in the war years. And aIl who came in contact witb' her. loved ber. Ever cheerful and witty. the Prince o! Wales once said o! ber: -I wisb she were heir ap- parent. She is much cleverer than 111 Princess Mary was brougbt up un- der the influence not only o! Queeri 1 Mary, but o! Queen Alexandra. both of the old scbool. As a result sbe was well-trained in household duties as well as in the task in being a princess. In* ber childbood she was some- what o! a "'motber" to ber brotbems and used to play the part whenever the King and Queen, as Prince and PrincesG o! Wales, were away. In 1918. the princess realized a lifes ambition by becomaing a pro- bation nurse at the Hospital for Sick Children in Great Ormond street. London. Our picture today showst ber witb ber mother. Queen Mary, in V.A.D. uniformn. She co ntinue this work until 1920. In February. 1922. she was mar-1 ried to, Viscount Lascelles o! Hare- 1 wood. one o! the wealtbiest men ti Britairi. They now bave two cbild-1 ren. tbeir first-borri. George Henry1 Hubert being severtb in lirie o! suc-4 cession to the throne.i OBITUARY Mrs. J. W. Ferguson. Oshawa The death occurred of Mrs. John W. Ferguson on Saturday. at the home of ber son, Lamne Ferguson, 21 Westmoreland Ave.. Oshawa. Mrs. Ferguson, whose maiden name was Laura Goard. was born in Orono, 69 years ago. She had lived practically ail ber 1f e in Oak- wood. near Lindsay. During ber re- sidence in Oakwood she was a mem- ber of Oakwood United Church. For the past four years she had lived in Oshawa. one daughter, Mrs. Harold Grouse, Oakwood, and one son. Mr. Lorne Ferguson, of Oshawa, survive. Rev. Roy Rickard, of Oakwood conducted the service. which was held from the residence of her son, Monday afternoon. Interment was made in East Oakwood CemeterY. George Russel Sulley, Darlington A resident of Darlington towvn- ship for bis entire 1f e, George Rus- sel Sulley, died at bis home, Lot 29, Concession 3, Darlmngton, on Surn- day, March 31st in bis 53rd year. Mr. Suiley had been ii for the past three weeks. Born in Darlington, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Sulley. tbe de- ceased bas lived bis entire life on tbe family homnestead. He was known in the district as a reputable poultry fancier. He madle many fri- ends and bis death will be mourned by bis many acquaintances. Mr. Sulley was a member of Zion United Cburch. His mother predeceased bim about ten montbs ago. His father. James Sulley. one sister, Mrs. Edward Wade of Ebenezer, and one brother, Wil- liam Sulley, of Oshawa, survive. The f uneral took place from the family bomestead Tuesday after- noon. Interment in Zion Cemetery. John James Liord, Vasey John James Llord of Vasey, Me- donte township. a wel-known andý highly respected citizen, passed away very sudderily on March 2lst, in bis 82nd year. Deceased was born in Bailieboro, County o! Cavan. Ireland. October 2, 1853, the son of the late M.r. and Mrs. Robert LMord. At the age o! five years he carne to Canada with bis parents. and setled in Baileboro. Cavan townrship,1 where be spent bis boYhod days. He later moved to Cartwright wbere he worked for severai years, the f arm1 now owrned by Lewis and Wilmner Fitze. Forty-five years ago be bougbt a f arm near Orr Lake, Me- donte Township, and some Years later. another farrn at Vasey where he resided until bis deatb. Mr. Liord was married tw-ice. He leaves to mourn tbe loss of a loving father, two sans, EJ.ner on the homestead at Vasey; William, near Orr Lake, and one daugbter. Mrs. Wilbert Mc- Gill. Janetville. Seven grandchild- ren; two sisters, Mrs. Geo. Je! frey, Brandon, Man.; and Mrs. (Rev.) C. H. Lrry Toonto also survive. The late Mrs. Robert Thompson, Nestle- ton. was also a sister. He was a Presbyterian al bis life. ne fun- eral service was held on March 26tb from bis late residence and the re- p I N ELw SOC)N'"S SPRING SPECIALS Items speciaily purchased at a fraction of their true value - which pl'oveS that it pays to shop at Nelson's. Quaiity merchandise at prices that defy competition. "SEE WINDOWS- THEY TELL THE STORY" 14 n ux t- à -i Furnishings "Brighten the Home First" RAG RUGS In good welght and varled colors. Size 22 x 36 37c Size 24 x 48 57c SMYRNA RUGS At speclal prices f or any room, ln lovely pastel tones. Prlced at $1.98 to $598 WINDOW SHADES At bg savings. W hit e, creain or green. A real val- ue at this speelal price. Suze 36 x 72, each 69c Each FLOOR RUGS Anl the newest *Prlng de- signa and colorings at pric- es that you can't duspUcate ln town or clty. We Invite you t. mec aur new stock before deciding and we wlll prove te, you the savlng you can make. AUl sues, 6 x 9 to 12 x15. $3.98 to $1 7.98 Axminster Ruge In scatter effect, a fine wearlng quality. Reg. $2.98 for $2.29 I CONGOLEUM MATS At Special Prices 18 x36 for .... 29c 27 x 54 for . ... 59C 36 x54 for ...... 98C 36 x 72 for .... $1.29 Botany GOLF SOX For boys or girls, extra f ine and soft, in grey or sa.nd. Per pair ....... 29c BOYS' GOLF SOX In a varlety of designs and colora, reg. 39c for 27c Strlped Roller Towelling Brown Stripe, yd, i12c Brown Stripe, yd. 1 7c Dordered White Lànen 1 9C Linen Check Tea ToweUling, yard 22c Factory Cotton No. 1 Grade .... 12c No. 2 Grade.... 15c No. 3 Grade .... 9C Tubfast Prints Levely new Sprlng designi In all new faatcolora, for dresses, aprons, etc. Per yard........... 15C. Mrs, John Trewin, Blackstock The deatb occurred at the resi- dence o! ber sons. aI Blackstock, Marcb 201h o! Charlotte Jane Bea- cock, widow o! the late John P. Trewiri. in ber 79th year. Mrs. Tre- wiri. daugbter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Beacock, born on the Beacock bomestead, nortb o! Black- stock. now occupied by Mr. W. Bea- cock; and spent ber erilire life in Cartwright. For several years, ber bealtb bas been poor. but shi' con- tinued to keep a brlgbt outlook on world ai! airs in general. Ail the members o! ber !amlly are living, Mrs. Richard Masori, Winnipeg, Man.; Mms. E. Wightman, Brandon, Mari.; Mrs. Wilbert MeQuade. Tor- onto; Herb Trewln. Ottawa; Mel- ville Trewin, Toronto, and Everett anid Gardbam Trewin, Blackstock. Two sisters, Mrs. W. B. Ferguson, Cadtnus, and Mrs. Thos. Wilson. Elmira, and one brother, Wm. John Beacock predeceased ber. Two bro- thers. Abraham ,Bowmanville, anid Wesley, Blackstock, survive. The bearers were Messrs Harold Beacock Austin Beacock. Adelbert Beacock. Wm. Beacock, Abert Beacock anid Wm. Ferguson. Her pastor, Rev. H. J. Bell conducted the funeral ser- vice, and interment was made in Cadmus Cemetery. Thomas Cralg, EmilakUllen There passed te rest on March 22rid after a brie! lllness. Thomas Cralg, one of Ennlskillen'soldest and hlgbly respected citizens. Mr. Craig was born in Couriîy Autrlm, Ireland, on Marcb 4, 1861, comlng to Canada in 1883 and bas lived ever sirice arourid Enniskillen. He was wel known as an honest, upright, bard- working mac always ready te help a !rierid or neigbbor and many times walking miles te do so. He was a strict Orangemari, a member o! L, O. L. No. 141, Enni- skillen and took a keen iriterest in ail business or social afairs carrled on by the Order. Mr. Cralg was twlce married. On March 26, 1885 lie was unlted in marriage te, Mary Small Ibere beirig tbree cbildren from this union, two sons wbo dled in irifancy, and one daugbter (Mary) Mms. J. H. Demili, Burketon. His second marr- iage took place Dec. 2, 1897 to Ellen Clysclale who survives hlm wlth one daugliter, Sadie. The funeral whlcb was largely at- terided took place March 26tb un- der the auspices o! L. O. L. No. 141, Rev. M. Sandemsor and Rev. Park- er offlciatlng. Interment was at Hampton Cemetery. Besides bis wldow and two daugh- ters be leaves te mourri bis loss tbree grandsoris, Thomas, Henry and Har- oId Demili and son-li-law, James H. Demlll. Pall bearers were Orangemen, W. McLaughlin, Adam Sharpe, S, Peth- tck, A. Stainton, H. Bradley and J. Qllbank. Flower bearers were Sai McConnell, Charlie McConriell, Lloyd Clysclalé, Thomas Demlll, Henry DemilI, Harold DemlU, Russel Brown and Perey Gould. Floral tributes were beautiful tIn- eluding wresths from Psmfly, L,.0O. ULOFiti a m a IM MIqLlr luhiv %ym m316b-f EVAPORATED Titi M ILK AIl Brands 3-2 AMMONIA NORRIS PINEAPPLE CUBES Tins 2 CHRISTIE'S SODAS, "B" Pkg. Iole FIG ROLLS .-IL.159 LOBSTER POWDER '5HANDY" Fancy Qualty CAT u pAYLMER Prices effective April 4th to lth, inclusive Pkg. 5C HEINZ BEANS OR SPAGHETTI Mcd. Tin10 LIB0BY'S - SAUERKRAUT tin Ilit DILL PICKLES tic 19e 3s Tin 31~ 2 for 23 c LUX Chase & Sanborn's FLAKES O F ECUBES 1-ue Tic 4-Cube Tin 2 Small c 1-1b. Ti 8J-z Jar 2 1 KRAFTMIRACLE 4IA G IC POWDER Cah ad C rry îb Tic 2 8 MUFFETS- - - - pkg. '109 CHICKEN HADDIE tinc 14t S.O.S. 4-pad pkg. 14<;it 8-pad pkg. 239 KIPPERED HERRINGS - 8-oz. tin 949 BON AMI, Cake or Powder - 2 for 259 "PICNIC" PICKLES - 28-o&. bot. 25t eAD %IL E'eCROSSE OTinsc SA DNSFISHsE-2 2 PAGE IM Spring Rats A remarkabie purchase of high grade sam pýie has, all the newest shapes, colors and materiais, including straws, taffetas, crepes, etc. Values to $3.98. Your Choice $1.29 Hoslery Speclals First quaiity, pure silk,6 c fuli-fashioned hose, PI..7 Silva Silk ladies' hose, ail col- ors and sizes, reg.. 44c 59e and 79c, pair.. Men's Silk and Lisle Sox, in extra fine quality, 7 regular 39e pair for..27c Ladies' Lisle Hsal 5 sizes, extra specîal, pr. _5 Clearance. Foundation Garnients An extraordinary speciai Surchase of floor stock fjom anada's ieading corset man- ufacturers inciuding back-lace corsets, gird les, and corselet- tes, ail marked for quick dis- posai at less than cost of man- ufacture. Your Choice $1,, GOOD QUALITY No. 2 Tins 3Tins27c NELSON'S Phone 595 THE LOWER PRICED STORE Opposite Royal Theatre (mains were laid to rest in Vasey L. No. 141, Enniskillen; Sprays Cemetery. f rom Mrs. McConnell and f amily, Mr. and Mrs. J. McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. C. Sayyae and Jean, Newton Russell Oke, Bowmnanville Thomas, Henry and Harold Demili, United Cburch S, S. Bible Class. Mr. Newton Russell Oke. son o! Mr and Mrs. Melborne Hawley, Mr .and and Mrs. Russell Oke, Bowmanville, Mm.. Thomas Brown and Russell, passed away at the family residence, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard, Mr. (Frank Farm) Simpson Ave. after and Mrs. Russell Clark, Mr. and Mrs. an illness of f ive days. He ;vas in1 Arthur Hubbard, Mms. C .W. Slemon, bis 24th year.1 Messrs Frank and Roland Virtue.à The deceased was born and edu- 1 Another soul joined the beavenly 1 cated in Osbawa and about four borde years ago came to Bowmanville with A stout beart gone to a just reward. the family, and for the past two years bad been employed at the Mrs. George Gibson, Enfield Creamn of Barley Camp. Death was due to pleurisy. There passed away on Marcb 2lst, Besicles bis father and step-mother1 at ber home near Bradley's School, be' is survived by one brother. Mer- in Darlington township. af ter a very vin. two balf-brothers. DonaId ad short illness. a bigbly respected resi- Bruce, and a haîf -sister. Eleanoýr. det in the person o! Mrs. George His mother predeceased him twenty Gibson in ber 75th year. She was yeams ago. r, Margaret Ellen McCullocb, daughter The funeral waa beld on Monday o! tbe late Mr. and Mrs John Mc- * af ternoon from tbe f amily residence, Cuilocb, pioneers of Darlington ' ' the services being conducted by Rev. township, who settled near Enfield E. F. Armstrong of Trinity United over a century ago. Deceased re- Churcbi The pal-bearers were ceived bier education at Enfield members of the signal corps o! the School and practically ber wbole life Ontario Regiment and the last post was sperit in this immediate locaiity. and reveille were sounded at tbe In December, 1894. she was married graveside at the Union Cemetery, to Mr. George Gibson. Oshawa, wbere intermnent was made. Lef t to mourn ber loss are ber husband, tbree sons, Elmner and EiaehAlice Barrie George o! Oshawa; Leslie, o! Green- Elizbethbank. anid one daughter (Irene) There passed away at Port Hope Mrs. Edgar Prescott. witb whomli1 she and Mr. Gibson resided; one I i on Marcb l9th Elizabeth Alice Bar- brother, Mr. Robert McCulloch, Har- rie, age 71 years, after a long period riston, and eigbt. grand-cbilclren.5 o! poor bealtb, leing confined to ber A brother. Mr. John McCulloch pre- bed since last November .dcasd ber less than two montbs l~ A kUA ~ I ',* Miss Barrie was a daugbter o! the ago. BR WN LABDEL 33cJi'1/2 lb, late John Barrie. and Mary A=m The funerae services were beld Tucker McBurney, she was born oni Saturday afternoori, witb Rev. J.R.n I ~ AA I/ I the homestead in Clarke Towniship, Blck, Wbitevale, a former pastor o! O R N G E rEuKO E 40C 1'/2 113 on Feb. l6tb, 1864. where sbe lived Eldad Churcb, o! wbicb sbe was a until 1931 wben she went to New- member. offciatirig. tonville te live. Miss Barrie was a Pall bearers were Messrs Fred ____ member o! the Presbyterian Cburcb. Smitb, Carl Wilbur, Merlin Hepburn, She was thorough and efficient in WiUl Westlake, Bruce Monitgomery every respect, seemed to always anid Russel Vice, alrieighbors. know just wbat to do and how t0 do Many beautiful floral tributes ex- DON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES . ... 'it. She wa.s cheerful always anid pressed the esteem in which the de- bad a pleasant word for ber daily ceased was held by relatives and fri- ......... .. associates. Sewsa e eti endis. Interment was made iri Union sick room where she was of ten Cemetry O«aa found. Among relatives attending from Xu 111 "T NEVER PAYS TO TAKE The funeral took place fromn the a distance were ber brother, Mr. Ro- ,United Churcb, Newtonville, on bert McCullocb and wife, anid sons >CANE IThursday afterrioori, service beirig Will, Norman and Ross. o! Harris- CHANCES* WITH DOUBTFUL Iconducted by Rev. T. Wallace oftoadaieeM.Arod ar : ' o INewtonville, and Rev. Geo. Mason. obCifr ,O AIGPW E.WT IBowmanville. a former pastor, who ~0~ Ispoke very f ittingly and comfort- 44~ ingly f rom the words, "For me to die CARD 0F THANKS . MAGIC, LESS THAN 10t WORTH w'H felig tat euiu slcin Mr. Gog Gibsori and f amily MAKES A FINE BIG CAKEIP" "ewpsatear f rom every eye." ihtexrssnce appreciation She is survived by two sisters, Mms. o! the kindriess shown tbem in the saV- MISS ANN ADAM. ou T. J. Sharpe, Toronto, and Mrs. S. death o! a kind wife and mother,~ kw lter of food artices ith IHughes, Dundas, and one brother, particularly those wbo sent floral Caa tiHmeiuro . 1 Mr. J. A. Barrie, Newtonville, also a tributes and messages o! sympatby number o! neices, nephews and cou- and aIl who belped in so many ways. sins. Pall bearers were 1 brother-mn- - law, Mr. S. Hughes, Dundas; 3 nep- 'Fraise thysel! riever."--Seneca. Canada's leading cookery experts warn against hews. F. Sharpe. Toronto, H. Barrie, "Be simple and modest in your trusting good ingredients ta doubtful baking g Providence, Murray Barr'e, Newton- depo:rtmnent Love tbe hurnan pwe.Te dieMGCfrpretcks ville. and two cousins. Wilbur and race; obey God."-Marcus Antonius. odr hyavs AI o efc ae Thomas Barrie, Canton. Amorig the1 beautiful floral tributes were o! fer- Eczema - Psoriasis bealed while CONTAINS NO ALUM-Thias tateinent on erM i n I@ ings from the immeciiate relatives you work by Kleerex-"Tbe Wonder l yotlr guarante. that Magie Bakingt Powder le free tram->n and Mr. and Mms. Morton, Cobourg. Healing Salve." Impetigo. Itcb, Ery- aitan or any barmful Ingredient. MADE IN CANADA The floral bearers were Messrs J. thema, Acne, Ringworm and otber Laing, C. Mitchell, B. Samis, M. 5kmn ailments respond quickly to Jones. 1kleerex treatment. 50c, $1.00, $2.00. An efficacious bouseholdi remedy anid muscular rbeumatism. Also Among tbe relatives and fred Recommerided and sold by Alex Mc- -Douglas' Egyptian L in im e nt. relieves inflammation, burris, sores, from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Gregor, Druggist. 1Brings immediate relief to lame back coris and warts. SS. Hughes, Dundas; Mr. and Mrs. T. _______________________________ sarpe, son Frai*, Toronto; Miss __________________________________________ H.Barrie. Osha*â1 Mr. and Mrs. i TBarrie, Mr. and Mrs. W. Barrie, Mrs. T. Currelley, Mms. F. Hawkins o! Canton; Mms. B. Peacock, Mrs. A. Brown and Miss R. Scamon o! Porti Ir v 'y I Hope; Mr. anid Mrs. W. Morton, I "