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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Apr 1935, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1935 Scott. Mr. B. G. Stevens gave an ~ _______________________ inIer- Sali Forth In MAPLE GROVE itreig topie on -Why Prayer?" - and Isobel YeI]owlees: reading. Miss c~(~I P O Mr. Elgin Munday. Toronto, spent Verna Milson. A bible contest was --the weekend at home. then enjoyed. W. M. S. quilted four quilts at a MO FOT ERS N A V Y 1ý'_~~~Miss Ellen Gimblett is visiting A very interesting temperance be in the S. S. rooni. 1 MTO P OP ER with friends in Oshawa. program in charge of Mrs. R. J.Mc- Miss L. McKenzie. Toronto, sv- FrEseMisSusie Laird, Prince Albert, Kessock was given at Sunday School iting Mrs. S. T.Muto.f eR QJA For Easeknda om. onSndyater Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fawcett and 8 Navysen he weknna oe. - eo eSn d atenob ibelsso Jessre daughter Joy visited at Mr. . Bar- E ROASR V C N a v y M r s . M a r k B la c k b u r n , O r o n o v s- Y ll w e s e dMh i e l s s o n M ri ENSEMBLESited her brothers, Messrs. E. W: and E. R. Taylor gave an excellent re- rons.à ENEBLSH. R. Foley. port of the Ontario Temperance Fed- Mr. Jack Owen, formerly of Nia- This iweek marks the completion of our second year in Miss Jean Stevens spent the week- eration convention in Toronto and gara is now working for Mr. Chas.bsnes ethk ofryoratnaendhp Navy end with her sisterý Mrs. Charlie Mrs. Jack Baker favored with a Johns1bsns.. takyufryu ptoaeadhp J C E DR S EWht.Ohw .sl.Mrs. Gordon Van Camp and Do- to serve ou in the year to core. Ou mot wulb th J A C E T R E S E S ie s aw a dsolo..ree n v isite d a t h e r m o th e rs, M rs. _ _ _ _ sa in e a n d w e w îiI seek to im p ro v e o u r serv ice to sa tisfy 5 P A L M O L IV E S O A P Nayet wstadlittle Miss Eileen Stephens. Your requirements. 5 cake - 5 cakes 23e Twist to our community again.ENIKL N I Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowling, Miss WOLSIS1 ENSILNGreta Wickett, Bowmranville, visitedSECA PRESF MANPueSFRTAI WOOL SUITS ~~~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley, Mr._____- Mr esiRoin 2 and 3 Piece Edward Foley, Mrs. Walter oley.Ms eseObiFSPCA PRE OMLIPueSFRTAD v is ite d th e f o r m e rs s is te r . M r s . M a r k M i a a e a m R . N . s w i h r - M r . a n d M r s . R . H . W a r d e r , B o w - M O T H B A L L S , 1 b . 9 6 o . 2 e - 2 b t l s 4 eU E H N O . ' .manvillelonFals spent Sunday with Mr. Moth Killer Crystais, 1 lb. 39e Balsam of Myrrh MLIEYMr. Win. Webster. Cannington. Mca. Frank Orchard spent Sun-an Mrs. . Willis oot,.~Rpd-F ile ic 5 5 12 M I L L I N E R Y v is ite d h is n e ic e a n d n e p h e w , M r . d a y a t M r . G e o . R e id 's . i n r aT h el s rn o , s is e r, M r. j.B u o k B l o o d B i-er s 7 9 e 0 0 ' s icsF I G a r n e d Navy &adMr.J.D Seen.Mr. Win. Virtue, Tyrone, visited 1Coîwilî. Sr.'and is B. olwil. J udc lo itr 9 0' 0 ul urne NayThe many achool chums Of Miss at Mr. E. C. Ashton's. MOwII r. and Ms. oWilbM. A HSEYLiltan Snowden are pleased to know Mrs. Levi Brunt visited ber cou- Hi. as, Mrs. ShaW Mc. J. .oWILAS PEALNWCRINAE th t she has sufficiently recovered sns i O ha a re ety nth a en e te Ch p n sae a35 Sh ng re n a d 25 A ua elaO DS N a yf r o m h e c s ic k n e s s in T o r o n t o t o b e s M r andO s M a . r is t o I- ill rb y . S a , M . J . H -N S A V Seable tt e n home and t a ndeup Sunday at Mr. G. W erry's. M r. and M rs. J. Chalis and M abel 6 c a ue - 3 5e - to boxe - 5 SC A R VE ecatig at he hom 0f he gran- 1 Mrs. R. W alton and babe, Oshawa, Mr an M s. H ad Chls, B - mother, M ca.A. Crago. visited at Mr. H. Stevens'. Mr.andiU, s H wd Ciss Eda Re-60 Vau - 352e - w Bo s-4e Navy Sorfrylear eda t f r.and Mrs. W. Ja'. ano i-f A BARGAIN IN BLADES EASTER NOVELTIES A C S O I SM rs. John Ferguson in Oshawa- She Mite d t M r s.W . L ne ab .Th ou g me 5 cl s h l a bsvis2-em o Bl d s onAidfr,0, 5e.0 5 ACCSSOIES sufere a eart attack at lher son's, r n Ms .MGIl ooTeYeetng mncat Mc. G. arros.- G25letmtplesazor3 MrLreFerguson. and passed visited at Mrs. Levi Brunt'S. G arn teryawaon Se atu rayi. Sheandss Mrs. W. R. Newxton, Tavistock, Refreshments were served and social EASTE tp rzr 9 3fr 1c c COCOATE G L O V E S a t f e l M cs . m. te v e n dv i5 ite d a t D r. H . F e rg u so n . t M c. e jo Y e d . U i e i g r S o e g n yA n d C C A S anfcti*s N vau M sint af Mrs.J .Ser ve n Sn aMiss Bernice Stainton, O h w ,M ca. L r. u ian e the gol adennFreh CiarCigar ttoes A e c and Tobacos In f sact ithea19if5ou at issioonns a obsere nsundar visited at Mr. W. J. Stainton's. goedeing celebrationCigafeMr. andd Mrs. B to e sartin he 93 ~ chol o Suda. uderthesupr-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbect, En- W. Peters. Oshawa. Parad. An of cursewhen vision Of Mrs.* A. Laird, Missionacy f ield. visited at Mr. Hugh Annis'. Mr. Harold Salter presided at the You w nt sm rt cothes youl SuP . Th foOlntngenter sfor co u at s at cohe o l program was given: Song. Scatter PascoeHanJ.oterr fc ited n Tor .nt o nght. olloing po caasre nMea'oicsi isae a it pl. A Gte Seeds of Kindnes" by 7 little girls; M. a d M s lrn e G a a , ngted bbe eai gsby T d Joh s 50 S. A LE S Oc -S.0 -S.0 R m d recitation "The Quest." Peggy Fin . Mrsha na. visited rat cMr. rCha moyds. ntd : W. Wing opic by p re-Ali Oior n foCajl Io nigan: Missionary stocy, Miss Susie MsesMcinGrfinad'Iva ack . ham ; atoPbo. HelenKno 50crn S1.d00r T h e E y ly n s h o ~p La r . de.Misses Helen Metcalf 1 oeyMis e dM a t r .o G eo. cadley's. d Mvcas o . l u en tean- 0 I0 20 e e yfrC lo T eE ynSo and Joan Ayling. FlM itdat Mr. Geo. Weys. Mr ad MsaE. obu n ril AUAnOLU-IHU Phone 594 Mr.maand Me . G rd n eh and faily er, Mc Aw i ll u ke is n her g t- xhY UCG E A R AoREsTORED TOdIT SOLINA spent ~Sunday at Mc. W. E. Sancder- birthdaY. About thirtY-five guests ORGEHA CN1EESRDT 1S _______________Miss__Muriel_____ - .andsons were present and a vecy erjoyable Mc.Fcak estakeJr> i ~ is MuielWecn nd c.Law- evening was spent. Mrcrn etae'i, svst ence Wean visitd frinds at Chalk Mr. J. L. Johns, Ruth and Ted. the use of a dye or tint in o onto friends. Lake. M . and M a. C. Johns, Mc. and Mca.W I H O U A L z ie 1 .C.E. Shortridge visited Pick- Mr and Mrs. S. Pethick entectain- .MrulM . and Mrs. atr erzwingTor ANGELIQUE GREY HAIR RESTORE CA A I Y R SL v eR eig re da o on a.ed number of friends on Fci-day M. and' Mrs. W.r CA HEASY IY RUL T cord, i Mc. a M . arceBakec. Con rev ning* . FJohns. Miss Ruby Clatworthy at- A G L QE'RYSIR R S O E cordvisied a Mc.JackBaker. Mc.andMrs.E. FCoates. Roch- tended the silver vvedding celebration - i aefo ot n aks n etrsteOIIA. HEAVY WJTER DIET Mc. and Mca. Ells Palce Brook- ester. N Y., visited Mc. and Mcs -D at Orono of Mr and Mrs ChaCOORinheNTRLwaatesmeleginghehr Dont sufer from 'lin, visîted at Miss Mary Hogarth's.Bugatran Wood. Thard.adsro .!2 isntrlhelh ute PAR ES ilous ess M s. as.Ia les isher Mr. J. J. Ormiston a d M s . yeas ago Cwece i t epresented withe ani set ivi g he ai co ta t e d vc e M a a . a i s is îsng eThe Pride,$andOgpeomboft25 PA~ blosnacotdsister, Mcs. Davidson, Checrywood. Ormiston. Oshawa, visited at Mc.fs of dinner ware.lustre LIVR tngu, o co- IOur Young People are busy pcac- HoaenMr.thof Haitn un P eopegtee ODUDR O YBC URNE stpaio ak Iiin er payMasMilo."c. and Mca. P.cilrBunsonolMc. at the home of Mc. and Mca. Arnold Parke's bMc and McareisuhClm n c. M. Welah, Oshawa, visited Damant on Priday evcning. Rev. W.Tokethharndslpeaus bus. visited his mother, Mca. Samuel at Mca. Levi Bcunt's.RakacaedtecpnyoANEQUSECASHMO VE uh.Ma Spr ca ato.Knal, order and Misa Grace Hastings read NEIUSPCASHMO ~~~~~ ~~~Mc. and Mca. Harcy Taylor and Mc. and Mca. P. Patton, Orono, vis- sm prpit essadMsr~Pie2c rbti TONE Ronald visited Toronto freinda on ited Mc. Jas. Bcadley's. Mrvne Cprydiaeerman and Jacsons A eeal oe Monday. Mc. William Pointen, Miss Reva Wray preaented them with a floor tonicr 0 eas. Mc. and Mrs. A. Williams and Miss McGill, ot, wece weekend lamp and an end table. Mc. and DEVELOPIG-PITN years. Dorothy, Percy, atMc. gueats at Mr. Thos. MeGill's. Ma aattakdte o hi RSRPIN PAT 50C - $1 Chas. Howsam'a. Mc -and Mca. Jas. Bradley attend- gif tam san timnewas ejoy ted. ELRNG PNd OOING Next Sunday wililibe communion ed Mr. and Mca. Wmn. Peters' golden A cregor sr c tcuc n it is hoped wedding annivecsary in Oshaw-a.Pop evc ~~ex ~~there will be a good attendance. Sunday School will omnc tE Phone 92 D R U G S W e Deliv er M . Frank Sho tidge visited M . 1c.ommn x S n ay t e ce b in T R N EfLe sPadr o p hotorvc k f ll entham of Thocnhill, Man.. Practicing for our annivecLesuscy Iex M cC rehot wo r __________________________ hama, visiting at Mc. Bert Ben- Miss Anne Harrison and Mc. Ar- M5M __________________________ Union. thur Harrison, Toronto., pet he r. Lloyd Aldcead shot a fox ce- ~ W ORLOtca Mc ndMc. hieMc. Jas. weekend at Mc. E. J. Hacison's. cently. White, Jr., Toronto, M . D. Stevens. M . and M c. Bruce Ryley Mnd r. Eacl Goodman visited at home at . o uRRA Ls to .~ i P ONE 92WE D LI Miss Stevens and M c. Allan W hite, H cy c. M ye, B anyd onSundaysMoneays 10 a Oshaa, ecegueis a Mc Gergespent Sunday at Mc. Thos. McGill's.,M r. and Mca. A. W. Clemens via- FA M R White's. Ma ot.Jniaa ited in Toronto ecently. R GWEDUa F .M: ndMc. . .Pascoe. Mca. farnîly, Miýs Myrtle Cowling adMc. Luther Goodman Sundayedil R cJ. Keessock and Miss Ruth, Mc. Fred Hawley, Oshawa, visited Glhhi adtherat roc. J.H.Mto Mc. Bruce and Miss Evelyn Tînk Mca. Thos. Ccaig. ldtherM.JH.uto ATTENTION i were guets of Mc. and Mca. Evecet Mc. and Mca. F. Gilbect, Enfield, a nd Mca. B. Moore are impcoving. adcnet 1 Oeiebe ha. FejneigýMrý n Ms . Gecard and family, Mc. and Mca. Fred Goodman and Progressive gaines adcnet Ellavîott Mleve aCen cilBatn aa , rei Ruth visiteci at. Mr. L. J. Goodman's. were efioyed during theefligC ' PE ALATRA We ha e Îut eeiv <î a Thursday, April llth in the S. S. Sunday visitorsa taIM . S. P gesO R B T T SO N L fresh upplyof 6.Rollrgcmi hag ! cu Mc. Edgar Wright and Miss Anniei Brooks is again under the doctoca Mc. and Mca. Russell Hooey, Toc- O ET'SPCA - TUDY NL fres suplyo! . Ril andlps.An ke accg p o mpne yMssFnycr.onto. Mc. and Mca. T. Hathecly. Dozen Coconut MNacaroonsRgua1e -eSmlchndnM. F d figgardenna On Wednesda y evening a ver-y en- Winnipeg. Man., apent Sunday at Rii n hryLa SedPanRsAs.nineestngpo-Sal adMc re Wiht oliabl ac a edi h on asnadCer f.. Regular 15e gram is being planned. Ali ladies visited frienda in Toronto Saturday Jybednews edi h o-Mc. R. Hatherly's. SPRAX welcome. u and attended the hockey gaine. munity hall. Master Lloyd Skinner~ entertained eua12 Faiea oyuknow that Dr. Svecal f romn here attended h r. and Mca. Garnet McCoy and a number of amail frienda in hono Regular Value Hess Stock Tonica, hog specials, dip funeral service of David Brun babe, Cobourg, apent Sunday at Mr. 0f his bict.hday on Thursday aftec-f and isifectnts unt th -- . .... ... 27e anLIMifctntPoultry, Pana- service being held at the hoe f J. H. Mutton's. noon when a vecy enjoyable turne Saturday Only - 23c momy b chome Mc. ando esuts Mrs. es o e,. D. G. Hooper, O - w s ejyed by the little folk dur- mone bak avto esuts.SYmpathy is etne r Why patronize high Pressure peddi- te the beeaved family. . J. Storey.s. i gtheatrdoal fc n SaucayOT ER M O EY SA ER lers selling fequently infeior stuff? M isa M ae Lam b ente tained th ML r.M e lv illebco k, c ce ty itdapnd t we n dlie faMis sa ce Wod - Cho oat He M RhM ow Drop A, o e B UIL D E R S' Horn a Store is the local agent for Young ladies Sunday Clasa and ii- I Mc . R sev adr ey f e lebcnated bper f it illthay r a ols o e HesPrdct.14-1w. ends on Tuesday evening. Tere- Mc. RLute oprsetafwwt itdypryfrteB-CakdWetBed of S U P P L IE S R ev. G . H . P. A n derson , N ew bu g , nin g w a a e t i l y n r g e s awit e o he , M a l a g ey c a 0f a te h e r Sun a Sh ool.ayr h a lo r Ps o e a fostc f ie Pr rmer L.Pastor ecy:e, nwrtngtsieLotHeir. conteat and other Byam, Bowmvhe Joyclaa inerwavcyhpy nrcevnr tespea Br hea, lat 30ucries s t c k o f L m e P r s t o n e M . A . P s o a s e b s b e e n g a i n e . A d a i n t y l u n c h w a a s e r v e d O rya m o u n p e o l e p e a n t dohe r i ctpe en t su o m a l h l l a o n y u r s r e v r a Als ain bed seven weeks and will have to bJoMiss LambpîayhapnyChery Turne" at Slem on guesta Their teache.oMca..Richar and Canada Cerent. stay three weeks more",. He m u t Y RM iss W m . PaukeY'sutexPonplueday Wenesday evening. Hat ey s siste byM a. A. Aer-tl tt e so e r fon O r d i take a com plete re t for a yea c nd evening w a a a e f o n Ep e i na C aednray e e eting w a eti n th l e in a ine r.Ms. Rhe r d V wil hve o iv upbi patoal4. verse 1. Ducing the service Miss at the home Of Mc. W. F. ak nchlcn ai noe sintuouse Co b t's B k work. He and Mca, Anderson intend MilnParker sang "Lifes RailwayWendaevnn.spethnmyoudogies Pne3DtrbosDdsCoke wavle m ovîng o gOsha a tdn Juy.t e e v n Ju i r m1 q a e t . M . an ti M c. E tgar R osevear and w ere f ully enjoyed. W hile Joyce j M e s c J h n S l m o , d gB r e A t n . M s H l n R o v a r P o r t H o p e , w a s c e l e b a t i n g h e c b i r t h d a y h e c Tn n hre . was a iod tndc a n o te a Go r d Se e n san t igaougt spent Mon iay %vith M . Gussie Rose- parents. M . and M c. Clarence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J o & A . i o gaS ~on l s. B b eMs o n y e - g s e d c t J s u a t e t e v : .W oodley, w ere enj yi g their tenth L~ s ~ J IL = 1tie- Mr.t is any Lage~ngnWdn~yv ~5and Mca. W. J. Badd, Messrs. wedding anvraywbicb comes fNh A iod was ably taken by Mca. E. R Carcington. Rev. Win. Parker took ley's. t ls ysnigsvclo hi Pne153 Boismanville Taylor on 'Wbat is Prayer?" *and' charge o! the wocahip service, ceati- Mc. TaJ.lostt cetcned hme las Sundalachoo hymn TikIobl elolesan argaretadRMreaig.MsssMain The homeothis sonM.E. T hom at, dy coo ' NE AIOA short prayers were given by velyn Inga were given by Floyd Beckett week aftoc spending the wintec at UI ~Â F SL __________ Griffin and Iva Foley froin Maple Nakina.SAE I , II - Grove sang a duet vecy nicely. Mca. Mc. and Mca.Flyt DdSALndEMV, L. Ashton gave a vecy fine toPic on faiy r ithhecupaey nts dc 'Frents"anti Mca. Wm. Turner, Green Rivec. Sawing machines have been quite Mc. Dudley is doing some carpenter busy in our neighbochood latoly ENFILD or fo rMTunr. Sde Christ diod foc me" was the text So cy to b o r M c S d n y S m ith c o e y R v . M W oo tten fo crS E N F I L D w a s t a k n s P î o u î y I I o F r i i a y e v - h is v e r Y a p p r o p r ia t e s e m o n a t t h e e M r .-a d H e n i n g adtm v e Bwan v i l e a f t e r n o o n s e r v i c e o n S u n d a y . M c .r u c n s a e i o Mrs. E.PrlHospitaln but it was found necessary Wootten in company with Mc. Woot- M c n day t M a. . P escott s e t to rem ove h m to the T oronto G en- ten cend ced. in v ry f ne v ice, tha M run Oday at M c A r s o t a . *e al H ospital w e e h i x e te aI d eavor i e rned o e t The Lly egsnbdhis foot twndro noerathein on Wed Tugd rs. Miss faveryteStinson, TorontenviT- Bowmanville contingent carriet i îth an Gwenythe, al of Ocono; Mc. J. themcerifcaes f helthasIr- E LOGAN L Jobhns, Miss Ruth Johns, Mr. Ted aurdb atoii s te- te ons r adMs.LrnzIrl o ch, Johnston &Cryderman Edmondstone's Meat MYarket I , the camp superlfteneltMen King Street East OladYs and Lewis, Mr. and Mca. Poe100.ITDBwmVU retucning froin the camp report very JhsM.andti .Hrl Sle, P oe 0 I IE Phone 21 or 492 Bowmanville favoably on food andi accommoda- BOWMANVILLE Min .Elmina Johns, Miss Ruby Clat- Bwmi froni the auperintendents. I_______________ andi Tajnily alilof Hampton.1 R ý PAGE SIX

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