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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1935, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE Miss E. Cooke, Pittsburg, is %visiting'April l4th. Palmi Sunday: 8 a, m- lier brother, Mr.W .Coe Holy Communion; il a. m -Morn- D.M. E. T. Adidison, Toronto, ing Prayer and Sermon: 2 P. m.- visiteci her f rienci. Mrs. w. E. Be- Sunday School: 7 P. m.-Evensong man. landi Sermon. Holy Week servicesl Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Dudley and 1 as follows: Monday, April lSth. 10.301 Mlr. andi Mrs. Geo. A. Walton visited, a.m.Litan;Tedy pi16hà at Cmpbllfod 110 30 a.m.-Holy Communion: Wed- IBR Miss Lamna Adams was a xeek- nesday. 8 p. m.-Litany andi Ad- d end visitor o! her hîgli school f rienci. dress: Thursday, 7.30 and 10.30 a.m. C Miss Ruby Wallace. i Holy Communion; Good Friday, F Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and Ar1ll9th, il a. m.-Litany andi grancisori visiteci Mr. andi Mrs. Lewis* Commination; 8 p. m -Devotionsr and f amily, Hamilton. and Address.v Mr. Chas. Brîttain. Toronto, visit- Mrs. Robert Gray spent the week- AI ed his aunt, Mrs. John Douglas. andi end at Mr. Norman Pingles, Bow- mother. Mrs. Ed * Brttain. rmanville. Mr. andi Mrs. W. J. Hoskin andi Mrs. W. D. Bragg. Mrs. Gordon HC son Ronald. v isiteci his brother. Mr. Martin andi Miss tella Blackburn Fred Hoskifl, Maple Grove. visiteci Mrs. Howard Alun at Weston i Mrs. Ernest Haigh, Neçtonville- on Tuesday.i has been visiting wvith Mrs. John Miss rmdhs returned RU Robinson andi Mrs. Mary McLeoci. homefrmmoonto wliaesheadI Mrs. P. LeGresley visited Mr. and been spending the winter, andi Dr. Mrs. C. C. Grubbe. Westorî, who mo- Annie Higbee f romn Kingston. toreci down a!ter her on Sunday Mr. Eci. Argal. who spent several P. week. one yearswitli Mr. Frank Batty, Brook- Mrs. Chas. Rogerson andi ouge lin. and most o! last. summer with j chilciren spent the weekend witli Mr. Frank Bone, Lake Shore, is a g- 1 Mr. andi Mrs. W. T. Salmon. Port ain working his own farmi on the I. Hope. Base Lîne. Mr. andi Mrs. W. J. Eilbeck andi Young Peoples League on Mon-. Master Jack, and Mrs. Ida Stinson day evening was in charge o! the 1 and daugliter, Miss Frances Stinsof, assistant missionary convener. Gar- Toronto. visiteci Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck net Riekard. who read the seripture , We are sorry ta report that our lesson. Miss Neya Switzer gave a veteran play director and actor, bal- fine talk on Western Missions. Oth- if! and mail route contractor, Mr. er numbers were; Piano solo by Jack T. W. Jackson. lias been indisposed Hare. a mouth organ duet by Mr.j since Wednesday last. Douglas and Chas. Clemence, anda The manyfrtyngtadte reading by Jack Holmes. moderately wxarni days lias contri- Unitedi Churcli - Rev S. Mac- buted to a specially gooci flo1w o! Lean. B. A., Pastor. Sunday. April maple syrup this spring. The season l4th: il a. m.-Morning Worship. lias been a fairly long one. Seventli sermon on the words o! the Friends andi relatives in this local- Christ !rom the Cross: 2.30 p. m.-W ity were grieved to learn on Monday Sunday Sehool; 7 p. mr.-Evening o! the death o! Mr. Thos. C. Bragg Ser-vice. Palm Sunday sermon. Pas- in Bowxmanville Hospital where hie sion Week Services will be lielci as lias spent the past t-n weeks having follows: Monday. April lStli. at 8 been admitted in January with a P. m.. in charge o! the Y. P. L.: El broken leg.. Tuesday. 8 p. m., conducteci by the Mr. J. E. Atkinsofl. Toronto. wli W. M. S.; Wednesday, 8 p. m.. by recentiv returneci f rom Fonda'the Session: Thursday, 8 p. m.. by lie was recuperating a!ter lis the Committee o! Stewards: Good successive operations last f al. visit- Friday.* 8 P. m., by the Pastor: al eci lis sister-in-law and niece, Mrs. services in S. S. Hall. Wm. Atkinson and Mrs. R. W. Gib- W. M. S. Easter Service son ast Saturday. Easter Tliank Offering service o!f P Miss Annie Goaman. Bideford. the W. M. S. o! Newcastle Unitedi Devon, England, wio lias been dhurci was lielci in the S. -S. room spending tlie wirîtei' with friends in on Monday, April lat. wth the pres- the U. S. A. andi in various parts o! ident. Mrs. S. MacLean, in the chair. Ontario. recently visited Mr. andi As the meeting assembled so!t mu-I Mrs, Irwin Colwill andi over the sic was played by the pianist. Mrs. weekend was a guest o! Mr. andi J. E. Rincli. The meeting opened Mrs. Wmn. Hanna witli whom lier with a reading by Mrs. Norman AI-' cousin. Mr. A. A. Colwill is staying. lin. followed witli prayer by Mrs. Miss Marion Riekard, B. A,. Tor- Norman Rîckard. Ater the offer- onto. wlio is now f inishing lier year ing was receiveci, hat beautiful at tlie College o! Education. lias hymrî. I gave my life for thee" was been engaged as a member o! the sung by the ladies', quartette. Mes- teaching staff o! the Ont2rio Lad- dames C. R. Carvetli, C. A. Cowan. ies' Coîhege. Whitby, duties to com- H. R. Pearce and W . D. Bragg. Mrs. mence September next. Miss Rick- J. A. Buters group liad charge o)f ard spent the weekend witli ler par- the devotional perioci: Mrs. C. T. ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Riekard, Batty of!ered prayer, and Mrs. Hon- Shaws. She is to be eongratulated ey gave the scripture reading. foi1- on lier so early appointment to .a lowed by a splendid explanation, teaching position which doubthess and Mrs. J. A. Butler led in prayer. was in recognition o!flier outstand- Watch Tower Herahds reporteci asC ing achievements at university. follows: China. Mrs. Geo. Jamieson; St. Georges Churcli - Rev F. H. Africa, Mrs. T. A. Rociger;, Formosa, Mason. M.A.. B.D.. Rector. Sunday, Mrs. C. A. Cowan: Korea, Mrs. Fred Grahamn: India, Miss Fergusof. Mrs. S. MacLean gave a most inter- esting address, dealin g with the Wo- men's Missionary Work among tlie newcomers to Canada. whicli was Capitol Theatre mucli enjoyed. Tlie ladies' quart- ette again sang very sweetly. 'Fromn PORT HOPE Glory to Cavalry." Lunch was serv- eci and asocial hlaI!heur snit. Friday and Saturday MtneSaturday BI G SAVIN G Everything New ! "GOLD IGGERSMOTH PROOF STORAGIE GOLD D9GGER A 25e package of 0F 1935"RED CEDAR FLAKES withwith Naphthîllefle D KPWitLL and a DIC POELL27" by 57" Elkay's Moth Bag 12 Other Stars - 300 Beauties BOTH FOR 49c JURY & LOVELL Monday to Wednesday Thse Bexail Store A Story in 1,000 IMITATION 0F LIFE By Fanny HurstI C. H. Tuck, Opt.I with CLAUDETTE COLBERT and superli cast. Thursday and Friday Matinee Friday GEORGE ARLISS In Hîis Triumph "THE MRON DUKE" Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Service The Child and lis Deveiopmeflt Specializlng exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyeslght and lasses. Phone for appontmnent 1516 Disney Bidg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. PA lNS ARN HES-E AM J. W. JEWELL SOLE FLO-GLAZE AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE Phione 30 "Big 20" Bowmianville THE CA.NADIAN STATESMA Baby Chick3, over 7110 blood te f rom two and three year olci h Pen o! well-developed pull matec to f ull brothers o! ourr won third place in White Legh( in the egg-laying contest lasty Electrie incubator: average set 26 oz.; price $9 and $11 hundreci. Phone Alvin Clern BowmanvUle. near Hampton. àN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY. APRIL 11th, 1935 _____ ____ _____ ____ ____ IS STULL TIME ta treat your cattie witk COPER'S WARBLE FLY POWDER - 100% kill- no guess worc. Asc your local Cooper Dealer, or wTite Canadian Co-operative WooI Growers Lioeited 217 Bay Street - Toronto, Ontario BIRTHS ATE-In Bov.manville on Monday, April 8th. 1935, to Mr. andi Mrs. Rolandi Bate, Jr., a daugliter (Shirley Elizabeth Anni. DEATHS ,AGG-In Bov.manville, on Mon- day. April Bth, 1935. Thomas Charles Bragg. in his 7lst year. Funeral f rom his late residence. Kingston Roaci. on Thursday. Ap- ril llth. at 2.30 P. m. to Bowman- ville Cemetery. ,LISON-In Bowmanville. on Sat- urday. April 6th. 1935, Henry AI-' lison. ageci 62 years. [OOEY-Ifl Bowmanvllle Hospital. Monday. April 8th, 1935. James A. Hooey, Tyrone. in his 64th year. LJTLEDGE-In Darlington, Mon- day, April Bth. 1935, Melissa Rut- lecige, widov of the late John Rut- ledge. ageci 82 years. )PINEAU-In Castleton, on Mon- day. April 8th. 1935. Dennis PaP- ineau. in his 59th year. Uncle o! Mr. C. H. Papineaul. Bowmanville. ýLLDREAD-At Maple Grove, April 9th. Ross J., twin son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Alldread, aged 6 montha. Burial in Union Ceme- tery, Oshawa, Wednesday. NALKER-At Coîborne. Ont., Tues- day, April 2nd, 1935. Ann Wilson, beloveci wife of Peter T. Walker, aged 69 years. Mother of Mrs. T. Bennett, Jr., Bowmanville. TESTINGTON-At Port Hope, on Thursday. April 4th. 1935, Andrew Melville Westington. in his 83rd year. Interreci at Canton. Uncle o! Mr. E. V. Hoar, Bowmanville. xILKINS-In Darlington on Thurs- day. April 4th. 1935, Florence Lou-, ise Prout. widow o! the late Ahli- ghum Wilkins, aged 60 years. In- terreci in Bowmanville Cemetery. EDWARDS - At the home o!flier daughter. Mrs. Percy Westwood. 992 Broadview Ave.. Toronto. on Monday. April 8th. 1935, Elizabeth Windatt. widow o! the late Rev. S. H. Edwards. in her 'T8th year. Sister o! Mrs. Thos. Toci, Bow- manville. R.OBINSON - In Brockville. at the residence o! her son-in-law, Mr. Manfred Donley. on Wednesday, April 3rd, 1935, Johanna Nichol- son. widow of Mr. J. Robinson, ageci 81 years. Interred at Strath- roy. Sister o! Mrs. G. L. Wagar, Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAM 1 HAMILTON-In loving memory ef William Hamilton, former Presi- dent of St. John's A. Y. P. A. Blackstock, who was buried Apri lOth. 1934. -Ever remembereci by his fellow« members o! St. John's A. Y. P. A. Blackstock. CORY -In ever loving memory 0 William James Cory, beloved hus. bandi o! Maude Cory, who passe( to rest at Oshawa, at Eastertide of 1927. on April 14th. True was his heart, his f riendshi sound, Loved and respecteci by ail around To a beautiful life, came a sudici endi, He dieci as he lived, everyone' friend. Where joy and peace abounci. He is living in that blessed hloni Where friendships, severeci for space. Shaîl al be linked. more sound. -Ever remembered by his lovin WL! e. Exchange PIANO BY NORDHEIMER. EX change for liglit car or work hons H. J. Davis, R. R. 6, Bowmai ville. 15-1 For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR RENT-150 ACR farm, 70 acres plowed, balanr liay. Good house and building Possession at once. Apply Cli ence Woodley, Tyrone. Plie 32Dr5. 12- To Let 1SOE TO) RENT-IN STATESM. Block, formerly occupieci by1 Jamieson & Son. Apply State man Office. FOR RENT - FORTY ACRES( pasture landi, part Lot 20, Con. Darlington. Apply Paul Hayn: R. R. 3. Bowmanvile. 15- j BRICK HOUSE TO RENT - C1 block f romn Publie School. conve FOR SALE - SPRING RYE AND WANTED - A SEED DRILL.1 Longfelow Cob Corn. P hon e ply Hosken Smith, Ennskill 1652r5, Oshawa. 13-3' Phone 197r14.1 FOR SALE - FEED QATS AND Barley. Apply Clarence Woodey, !1SIMONIZ - ANY CAR SIMONIZ Tyroe. Pone 20r5 12-I 1S2.00, J. G. Bunner, Welling Tyroe. hono3205. 1-tf St., Bowmanville. Phone 584. FOR SALE - A QUANTITY 0F Mangolds. Apply Howard Wonina-_ cott, Enniskillefl. Phone 211r5. WORK WANTED - MAR R I 15-1 couple want job on farm, both - perienceci. live in. Apply L . FOR SALE - TWO-ROWED BAR- Drawer B. Bowýmanville. 1 ley for seed. Apply Howard Couch. -_____________ R. R. 4. Bowmanville. Phone'WNE AAL O 146r3. 1-1 eeper for a family of three eh FOR SALE-PURE MAPLE S-RU ren and one adult. Must be made by R. McCamus & Son. Ida customed to farm work. S P. O. Price $1200 per case of six wages expecteci. Phone: Ch gallons. delivered. 14-4* 26-22. H-oward Allin, Newcasi POTATOES FOR SALE - IR IS H Cobblers. gooc ean stock. Price AET ATD XEI reasonable. Apply 1Arthur Ivesucc ssf ll Duke St.. Bowmanville. Phone unesar toscssul evening 632. 13-4* Springs newest and smartest of ladies' made-to-measure K~ FOR SALIE - GLADIOLI BULBS, wear. Liberal commissions, ne Pfitzers Triumph and Break of livering, no collecting. Your1 Day. Price right. Also variegat- f its will be continuous wth ed Canna roots (started.). F. Her- line. British Knitwear, Smr mon. 4 Carlisle Ave.. Bowman- Ontario. ville. 15-2-1 FOR SALE-ANY PERSON WANT-] ing fence gates. etc., would do well to see C. W. Souch, Hampton. special prices, before the big con- Phone 382 -21. 14-2 FOR SALE - BOOKS 0F KNOW- O n Sale Thi Iedge. Grolier, 20 books in f irst f r class condition. greeli and~ gold binding; will selI at reasonable price. Apply Mrs. Flint, Scugog C 'l St., BownLanville. 15-1 C e P r FOR SALEPREMIER AND VAN- guard Strawberry plants, $8.00 per 1000. $1.00 per 100; Dunlops. $5.00 KELLIOGG'S RICE KRIS: per 1000, 75e per 100: other var-f GOLD MEDAL COF'FEE. e eties. A. Laird, R. R. 3, Bow- 7. manville. Phone 476r21. .14-2* CONNOR'S CLAMS FOR SALE-SIX ROOMED BRICK CONSRP ' House on the corner of Concess- EVAPORATED PEACHES ion and Centre Streets. hardwood TIGER SALMON, ý.. s floors, ail modern conveniences, double garage. Appy W. rock, Queen Street, Phone 114w_-~L FOR SALE - REGISTERED BAN- .> ner Oats. f ret f rom smut, yield- ig 100 bushels to acre in 1934,l ap e 'f cleaneci at BT.S.. prize winners at 11Seeci Fair, Cobourg. Apply to .,Garnet Rickard, R. R. 4. Bow- Pt 7 manville. 14-125Pt VFOR SALE-BORDERLESS RUGS. 2 O L. new spring patterns. Brghen the home f irst. Sie6 y9 o Ti l b $2.29. Congoleum Borderless Rugs.Ti sA i of. 7 1 . by 9 for $450; 9 by 9 for s-.35.39: 9 by *12 for $7.25. At Nel- d son's Store. 1- i RA eFOR SAL-TWIN RIDING PLOW I PITTED DATES .. ip twin plow, 2 single plows. f anning GOLD MEDAL MARMAI mill. cultivator 3-horse. teamn Facon GOLDEN BANTAI Ld, wagon, 5-f t. mower, cutter, set Jogging chain. 24 Model T Ford ANGLER SALMON, l's 's coach. Apply John Spry, Enmis CHEF SAUCE killen. 1 eTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-c Le, J. B. Martyn concedes itmay be W h e s psibeto buy cheaper anci, buthe' lsue iAs many friencisan eus- toesthey cannot buy better ng seeci than he sels, a f ull assort- U ment o!f ield and garden seeci inW stc now. 15-2* e W XTREASURER'S SALE se. OF LAND FOR TAXES - Town of Bowmanville, County of Durharn ce To Wit; Lgs. By virtue of a warrant issued by ar- the Mayor of the Town of Bowman- )ne ville bearing date of the llth day U -t of March, 1935, sale of lands in ar-u 1 rears of taxes in the Town of Bow- manville will be helci in the Council Cham bers in the Town Hall, Bow-Wecna iNmanville, at the hour o! two oclock W a a in the a! ternoon on the eighth day H. of JUIy, 1935, unless the taxes andý ýes- cots are :sooner paid. Notice is _-hercby given that the list o! landis OF 1fr sale for arrears of taxes is be- 60 lu s ý2. îrg publisheci in the Ontario Gaz- nal, ete on the 6th day of April. on the i-r 4th daY of May. andi on the lst day -1of June, and that copies o! the saici NE j list may be haci at my office. ,en-] Trea-surer's% Office, this lth day 12 H Y 1. of April, 1935. 12 H .-'A. J. LYLE. 1927 CHIR DOM 15-13 Treasurer. 1929 OAE un- 1928 WH sin Do you want a real good 1927 POP 5-1 ELECTRIC WASHER 1928 CH] FORý CHEAP? 12 lf rite Mr. Chapple, who has been in 12 H sion. , tonfrts attomnhr1927 BUI son feaves Saura nigtwoandtks 1931 DELI & Beans Large Tins 2 tins 1 9C SPIES 2 for 25e HAWES FLOOR WAX ... lb. tin 43e 12S per tin 22cI SUNLIGHT SOAP- . 3 bars 18e pertin14 FALCON SWEET MIXED PICKLES, jar 25e pe tn 4e PLUM JAM .. per jar 27e per tin 19c INTERLAKE TOILET PAPER 3 roils 25e Sper lb. 18c BLUE BELL COFFEE, 1's .per lb. 25c per tin 14e TUNA FISH per tin 2lc R IE Red & White Brand SyrupPLAIN or IODIZED 5OC Qt. S L 1) Imp. Gal. ks solutely Pure 2 pg. A 5 Uji EAE per pjar 2ec * Q AT PUFFS . .(cash.andperrY. M..R 2 tis23e PRUNE. tlarge meaty. .... s.. i g LLADE per tan 25c OFIVE ROSS FL....... . ....per bag *79ec ý, C RN 2 tins 23c PRNESOlrema. .....12 tins. 21 per bottie 15e CIRAPEFRUIT, large size ... .. 5 f or 23c .arbolic Soap 5 Bars 23c Phone 599 e NELLES Bowmnville Spring Sale of ED.CARS ve you money on a used car. Our 30 days guarantee goes with every used car over $100.00. ied Cars to Choose Front SOMIE SAMPLE VALUES EVROLET COACH ..................... $ 50.00 RYSLER FOUR SEDAN................... 100.00 KLAND COUPE ......................... 200.00 iIPPETS ............................... 100.00 NTIAC COUPE ..........................75.00 ,EVROLET SEDAN ...................... 150.00 EVROLET COACH ...................... 225.00 i K...................................0.0 SOTO SEDAN, like new ................... 400.00 ICK SPECIAL SEDAN, like new............ 17500 EV. HEAVY DUTY TRUCK, dual wheels .... 250.00 ALSO 1930-31-32-33 and 1934 CHEVROLETS. 3 Chevrolets front $525,,00 up Lge Coach - 1932 Willys Coupe - 1932 Willys Coach 1931 WilIys Coupe. OMPLETE ASSORTMENT 0F OTHER MAKES Roy Nichols Chevrolet Trucks I COURTEEad BOWMARSLL Phones: Bowmnanville 124r34 or Oshawa 601J. GROW SOYA DEANS A NEW DEAL We guarantet payment ln cash for your crops at a price per bushel not les.% than the pnece for standard wheat. Write us for our Growers Contraet, and particulars. SOYA MILLS LIMITED 45 Richmond Street West - Toronto, Ontario ZED ____ gton1 - - 'i x- Geo. M. Bosnell G. D. Garnett LJ.. 5-1 TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS USE- TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GR. 7078 îild- State PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of arke each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 248 15-1*or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. -N CE COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each sell week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Knet Garnett in charge. o die- NOTE-Where at ai possible kindly Malte appolntiaents 1 ro- for examlflations. mcoe, 13-3 odC< White Stores kurs., Fri., Sat., April 11lth, l2th, l3th à a -toi

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