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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TH1TRnAv APTTIr l.lQ: - ~ tair *ll 41u, 1935 MYJe inaia~n îdutt§man A Weekty Newspaper devoted to the interest8 of the town of Bowmanvilie and surrounding country, issued at King Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday, by M. A. James & Sono, owners and publishers. The Canadian Stateaman is à member of the Canadian Weekly Newpapers Association, ai80 the Class "A" Weekljes of Canada. SUBSORIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 a year; In the United States, 82.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY, APRIL Ilth, 1935 Take the Whole Family Next Sunday On Sunday, April 14th, a Service af Witness will be held in Bowmanville churches, andi undeî- the signature af Mayor Rass Strike, the Town Cauncil fla.s recjuested that ail citizens make an effort ta attend churcli on tflat Sunday as a witness ta their faith in Christianit3- and its effect an the lufe af the £ammiunity. There i't a doubt in the world. that whatever we have ta be thankful for today, lias its arigin in Christian ethics. Our civilization is helci within the bouncis ai reasonable decency thraugh the check af Christian ideais upon the natural inclin- ation af mani ta go beyond reason ta secure lis awn ends. A churchless cammunity 15 a lifeless cammunity, and yet ony a portion af the general public realizE this sufficiently ta support the church. If the average sa called Christian dici realize the churchs truc worth, there would be no need ta attend an endless round af churdli suppers, entertainments, and ta listen ta a constant appeal for monetary support af the greatest arganization in the warld The average man spends f ar mare maney an driving his car' at- tending hockey matches air theatres, smoking, aoz ather selfish amusement than he daes on his churchj The average woman is far mare particulai- about the correctness af her persanal attire than she is about whether or nat the churdli has a note ta meet at the bank. or whether it needs reroafing, painting ai- gen- erally repaired. The-e facts, as true as they are. can aIl be traced ta too little appreciatian ai the churdli andi its wark and purpase in the community.- This work and purpose can at least be îecagnized accasianally and the Service af Witness an Sunday. April 14th presents an admirable appartunity for citizens in general ta show by attendar.ce that they are interested in the church. however little they have manifested their interest in the past. Masses Should Support Stevens Program It naw scems likely that the Hause ai Commons will prorogue within a few days. andi will continue its labors follawing the Easter recess. At that time the proposedi legisiation arising fram the business ills made public during the Stevens enquir3- wili be dealt with. Han. Stevens, as the originator ai the probe, and as the autstanding man, despite his la's ai thE dliairmanship, is worthy af the support ai the entire house. irrespective ai politics in the proposed leg- islation. It scems that the main outcame ai the probe will be the establishiment ai a Federal Trade andi Com- merce Commission. whicli will administex- the Meal and Canned Goads Act. the Food and Drug Act. and the Unfair Campetitian Act. Mr Stevens was able ta show that the independent mercliant. the backbane ai smnalier cammunities like Bowrnanvilie, was facing almost impassible odds through the unfair and unethicai practises being in- dulgeci in by large mail order hauses andi department stores.. Mr. Stevens' propasal ta have the abave mentioned acts tharaughly enforceci, ta.gether- with any new mea- sures which might be passecd, is the major platiorrn af lis pfagî-am. It is proposed ta do away, once andi for aIl, ivith pi-actices by which the small man is fore ota business by practices that ai-e unethical and unfaîr. It shoulc be the mean-s ai making the small man tas the line and adapt modern methods. and thus place aIl business. large or small, on the same equal footing Sa that there wvili be no repititian ai same ai t he disgraceful revelations ai the Commission, evei-y mer- chant. shauld urge this local membei- ai pailiament ta support the Stevens prag-a which mneans so much ta this. and thausands ai other smallei- cammunities in Canada, which have been penalized by the iiniaii coxupetition ai, centralized departmental stres 1n mai' arder hou.ýe., '.ho pay littîs ai- no taxes ta theI conimunitv firn shich chey take thcusandz ai dol- lar.ý yearlIy. The 'Secret' Of Boy Scouting Bo13ys, a wise man once observed, "*ai-e lîke a bi- cycle-stable anly ,;hen gaing soinewhere." Six Robert Baden-Powell senseci the truth ai that when a quarter century ago he gave ta England and ta the world the Boy Scout mavement. Yaungsters ai the 'teen age are not philasaphers; ta their edeîs they seem ta thînk through hands, elbows and feet as mudli as through their headas They are bunciles ai explading energy. The open sec-' ret for the successa af Scouting is that it pravides the expression they crave-but in directed channels, Scauting lias extended ta almost every country taking on local colour but always holding ta thase fundamentaîs. Many individuals andi arganizatians have given it support for they believe in it and ap- prove the way it attacks the "boy prablem". They hope that the success it lias had iun the past quarter ai a century will increase in at least geametrical pro- gression n the next. Pasteurizatio:îý a Distinct Health Measure The tomwn af Sîmcoe is waging a mîld war in tht interests ai the pasteurizatian ai mîlk fox- that live centre, and ta read that raunicil was evenl3- split an the question \vas . anewhat sui-pising ta usý. WhiiE Bowmianvilie lias na compulsai-y hylaw ta provide fi pasteurization ai mîlk, statistics reveal that 971,.ai themilk sold in the tawn L; pasteumizeci. This town was iaced with the same questions sev- eral years aga. and faunci plenty ai apposition. The late Dr. John Spencer waged a vigarous campaign on its behaîf in whidh the editar supporteci him in town council and in The Statesman, andi while not totaly successfini was successful ta the extent ai the large percentage of Bawmnanville people taday iav- oring pasteurizatiosi. It is a known fact that same of the btterest opponents af pasteurization during the BowinanvIlle campamgn are today some ai its biggest boofiters. We do flot presuzne to offer a town ai Smmcoe's Imnportance advlce, but we mlight point ta the îact that &Ince pasteurlzafion became gencral in this town there lias been no major epidemic of any k and the general health of the town lias an extrer high ratirig. We cannot sce eye ta eye with the method bý Aponsored in Simcoe where the matter is being pu a vote of the people. So few people really do un( stand the matter that the tawýn counicil, whicl advi-sed by health authorities, should accept challenge as a duty impaseci upon it in its eleci to office. While a vote af the people miglit del the mneasure. the passage of a bylaw by the cou w-ould in a very short time have the wholehea: support of the entire community when the appar good results are pictureci in the better health af citizens of the town. Pick-Up and Delivery Freight Servic cid, nely >eng Ltï to Licr- hi is the ,tiori feat ncil ,rted ,ent the ce We understand Bowmanvllle is soon ta have an improveci railwa3- freight service wvhidh will. un- daubtedly, be well received by local merdhants and f irms. In an endeavour ta meet the increasing cam- petitian from truck transport, the C.N.R. and the C.P.R. have, for same time past, been experimenting wvith a pick-up and delivery service in Western On- tario. This experiment seem.s ta have succeede ini bringing back ta the railways same of the freiglit traffic which was last ta the mare canvenient and flexible transportatian by truck This service in- itiateci by the railraad~s as an experiment is now ta be extended to other parts ai the Canadian Pacifiic andi Canadian National Railways andi Bawmanville is ta share in its benefits. Accarding ta reports, ar- rangements have been campleteci for the in augura- tian af this new ser-ice on April 15th. Only the matter of tariffs andi details are still ta be arranged Along witli the praposed service a new schedule of fright rates is ta be put into effect. These will be somewhat lawer than those prevailing at the present time. Wlien the new service becomes effective freight will be shippeci into Bawmanville and deliv- ered free ta the cansignee, whule freiglit to be shipped iram Bowmanville wili be called for and placeci on board the train at no cost ta the shîpper. This new service las been long delayeci, but noix that it is ta became a reality. it will certainly be ap- preciated by local business firms, wha by patroniz- ing either ai the railways will be given quick and efficient service. right ta the doar, at reduceci rates andi %ill, as well, be helping these great enterprises which need incîeased business. Too Many Loaf ers in Stores Down in Ottawa they have been investigating un- fair business practices. but there is one ai these practices riglit in Bowmanville which neecis a littie checking up. We refer ta the matter ai loafing in stares 'Ta the persan wha want.s ta buy there iE nathing quite sa discancerting ta have men loafing araund the store or shop watching every move yau make and learing everything you say. We knaw merchants éislike the task ai telling these idle rîdli gentlemen that it is nat in the best interests ai busi- ness ta have them loafing there. Naturally we can understand this angle. because thaze who are araund are usually the retireci gentry, or men tempararily out ai %vark. and are friencis ai the praprietar. As one merchant remarked, taa. it wouldnt be 50 baci if these perpetual bench warmers and tightwads gave vau some ai their business. but toa aiten they spend their maney elsewhere. In anY event they are nat praving gaod friencis when they definitely injurE business, as they ai-e daing when tley hang araund business premises, keeping busy peaple from getting the service they want and are entitieci ta. Such con- ditions exist in at least hall a dozen business places on Main street. Need we list them? As Others See the Press Mr. T. E. Bawman. Kings Printer for Ontario, in an addmeSs ta the Canadian Weekly Newvspapers As- ocainconvention, spoke ai the press as follaws: "The Pres is the most poweriul, the moat help- ful, and the maost constant irienci ai man; it is the beacon ai lis hope, the lamp ai lis learning and the light af i hapi-gi-es.s; it is the companion ai wisdam, and the champion ai understanding, tht key ai knowledge and the doar ai appaîtunity; it turns daî-kness inta liglit, theories into iacts. andi dreais inta realities; it is the ambassadai- af ac- camplishirent, and the herald ai adhievement., the presti-ver ai the past, the recorder ai the pi-esent and the inspiration ai the future: it ha.s had gî influence on cîvilîzation, cantributed moi-e ta the success ai the ambitiaus, the aid ai the unfartunate, and the comioî-t ai the discoui-aged. than any othez human agency ", Mr. Bawmnan is the iîmst practical printer evpr ta holc t.he poqitioin ai Kings Prîinter. His appoint- ment was one ai the first official acts ai the Hepburn. administration and receivcd province-wide commen- dation. The capable manner In which lie haci ad- ministered his office lias mai-e than justifieci the gavernments confidence in hlm. Editorial Notes The humblest are made ridli tlrougli friendship The ridli andi powerful, witlout it, are impoverished. You cannat iind it, borrow it, buy it. The anly waý ta have friendship s ta create it. There is a great deai af argument about the value ai Caunty Caunculs andi wlether tliey cauld be abol- isheçi. The problem is mudli simplified if you can answer the following question:- "Is there anything that the County Councul does for yaur municipailty wvhidli coulci not be donc by yaur local Council, using the money now paici in County rates?"- Ferg.s Nemï-Record. Speakîng ai the prevention ai industrial accidents P. B. Juhnke says: *And the end us that the work- man shaîl live ta enjoy the fruit af lis labar: that lis mother sýhall have tlht comfort ai lis arm in heî age: that lis w-ie shaîl nat be untimely a widow; that lis childr-en shahl have a father, andi that cripples andi hapeless wrecks who were once strong mnen shaîl not langer be a by-product ai industry Norfolk Caunty Cliamber af Commerce at SimcoE rccently Lssueci their seventh annual issue af the Norfolk Agricultural Journal, whidh us published by the Pearce Publishing Company. Glancing over the numei-ous interesting andi well written articles by ex- perienceci men, one can easily sec why it is that Norfolk County s among the most prosperous andi progressive in Ontario. The Norfolk Cliamber, whidli is composeci ai rural andi urban citizens, is ta be congratulat9d on its annual publication which again this .i year is handsomcly Illustrateci. SQUAWKS V4ALL BOYS, WE6'RE fOT LAYIi6 UP A CENT I-IEkE It is suggested by this cartoonist that business cease ils lamenta- tions, and put on full steam ahead in 1935. -By Fitzpatrick. in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The Spaniards looteti the hoards aifiui, diime eiaimesarae - ini a ew years ~~ITI~~ reasure un Peru hergalan e'Il piobably be îight. YO R W RL ee laden w-th tans af gald and H is eveiîvdax- diet includes the one univers- and M INE wslerobauy nd SQabundraty ealIv -cceplted elemient iîn all athietes' training Bycame an industry and if yau iwant scelfles -rnilk. BY ta eaci ai wickednesandi cruelti-. JOHN C. KIRKIVOOD reaci the taies ai laating and piracy Hovln a tbeîsneMud'n ls (Copyrignet) as pactised in tht centuries folio- o Gleng lasîîilk w-ni eîyoumea? You'res ing the discovcmy ai the Amerîcas,,. iîî foGli a e -îise. wt eeyIea? Yur Most af us can be very virtuous J C xKi o-a upie w-len w-e are far removed irom tem- The iact is that the sight ai vastGlî estîa-sanicetfi caehv ptation. This reflection came ta me masses ai galt i raddens men. andi if lnReitidrsad cetficr hv as I read about the men wha, rushed iI they can seize the gald, tley are chaniged eveii the flavoi- of miilk - and in- ta the Califamrnian Gold fields in 1 inclinedti t do so Tley become Irae t elhu ulteto iei 1849. They found golti eaily- maî-ally carrupteti in a twinkling: rae t elhu ulteto iei placer golci. Tley dug up a $1000. and if thcy can steal the golci and ra worth af gold a day and alten their 1escapeth pnalties ai tht7 law fortîa day's wark gave tliem gald wartli their isdeed. they bccome volup- several tlousand dollars, Galci be- tuous almost over niglit. OnteliasG came so common that t was but but reati af the corruption ai those GLEN RAE DAIRY little esteemcd. It was used by a ma- British officiais af the great Eat jarity ta purdhase foodi and drink, India Company in the cisys of Clive R. R. STEVENS & SON and ta gamble with Men became and Hastings ta perceive the power swiney. A aloi-t life and a merry af golci ta wreck human character. Fresh, Clean, Pure MiIk - Phone 408J To-day anc was the motta af thousancis af J C K the gold-dLiggers. Their golti did not make tliem richer. It just enablet I. suppose that mast ai us. espec- them ta luve riotousiy. ially Young People, %vish ardentlv ______________ ___________ Centuries carîxer. wlen the newly from whidl w-t coulti drawv at wuli world in luxuryý. and %vha can inclulge -that labour must have a larger discovereti New- Worlti became mag- ail the money requiîed by us ta sac- evemy- desire. Portion ai tht profits whuch their netic toa ah men ai doux-sgt anti1 isfy aur desimes: and probably a ma- And just naw-in this present era taîl pctiuces. In short, there secms hardihooci, it was the treasures of jamity ai us envy- the sans anti dtugh- ai human hxstormy we are hearing ta be a universal questing aiter mat- gald. silver and geins which became ters ai millionaires wha nced n3t and ieadinz that tItre miust bc a trial wvealtl-aiter mancy. in arder the great abject aifativenturers. taul. wNlho can travel ail oVer thteinox-e ecîuitable distribution afi wealtli Continued on page 11) Y11 can U bua 1DOD)GE with lihe_____ (Rde Thrili to the beauty of this Great Drive the New Value Dodge,. You wvalk in and out af the New New Value Dodge ... then look ar Sit in the comfortable seat and see Dodge .. . because the doors are the deiivered price . .. You can bow effortlcssty you operate the wider ... and the floor is almost afford ta own a Dodge. clutch, brakes ana gears. level with the tunning board. The engine has been moved for- Steel corner posts . Steel wails Stop safely .. . stop smooty.. Walk in.. or out .. . in a single ward . . .aitpassengers ride cradjed . . . and even a steel ioo ... No in ashort straight line. With D0jgep. The ait- steel floot of the New between the axies. wonder Dodge ai-steel bodies are timne-tested hydraulic bks eVai raest e aucDodge is Jmnost level wuîh so much safer. action is alwaYs equal on ail four the running board. wheeis. DODGE AND DESOTO eJ DEALER W J.CHALLIS PHONE 290J. RflWMÂwnIsa s r'd better begin., drinking GLEN RAE too !" ""fou caii't take it!", says the Young Hope- FOR AS LOW AS 1877' FOR THE COUPE DELIVERED IN BOWMANVILLE jLI ~ 1 - j4- L

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