PAGE rHEM .PT3'.' f'hlv.?AfllS-TA'TESMIAN. ROWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRILllith, 1935 AMUSING FARCE IS NEW BOOK TELLS Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones E If EAR WELL RECEIVED AT STORY 0F FEDERAL Prospect St., Bowmanville NSST. ANDREW'S FRIDAY LIBERAL LEADER Celebrate Silver Wedding c EasterppareI Presbyterlan People Present- Biography of Mackenize King Gives A large number of relatives and C h icEs e pae FO~jR ed Cleverly Acf.ed Play Directed Intimate Gllmpse Into Lif e of neighbors gathered at the home of By Mrs. L. T. McLaughlln and Former Prime Minister Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Pros- MisF.Glbat pect Street, on Saturday evening, AT INTERESTING LOW PRICES i MissF. albrlth"Mackenzie King' 'is the title of a April 6th, to o! fer congratulations E A S TUR A* Youthful but very talented new book that camne to aur desk thi and best wishes. it being the cele- group of players o! St. Andrew's week. It's coming was flot a very bration of their Silver Wedcling An- Church attracted and made merry big surprise in view of the recent naivers in. Neywor, Mn.,tEnN E OT an aucience that packed the base- publication of a biography af Prem- mrig nNwot o. n-t n ment o! the church ta capacity onI ier R. B. Bennett, and this lbeing an land. on April 4, 1910. After ail had For Women, Friday night, when they presented election year, political strategy nat-Massesbe tegthan wscalddmLE thre actcomey "Al Tagîedurally requires that the public learn ta order by Mrs. Wm. Williams, whoMsesad4 .V riS $ i., u TTread the following acdress:- $10n95ors5 Up". Wbile described as a comedy, through this biography .iust what Jr.unniorsoes th reettinreutd nalot'type of man the leader of the Liberal DearMran s.Je, A visit te our Coat Dept. wiIl convinee you that we have ahefare. so futnyrete sclorsto Party in Canada is. Twenty-five years ago you the most outstanding values in quality Coats. Correctly a utins wh eatre the rso The book which is illustrated, is by ed yaur married life in England and tailored and finished and in desirable styles and colors. p lo st. u actiesplay was 50ellh Norman McLeod Rogers, who was since that time you have madle many Sizes 14 to 44. A coat to suit your type and purse. Pl.I naed thwee Pywe t o te lt sec re t ary ta Mr. King when the lat- true f riends. We feel, that in a describe the situations we too would ter was President of the Canadian quarter of a century, no one couldSi 4jR F C CK be just as tangled up as the story. Privy Council. Mr. Rogers has re- have established themselves more S A T F O K ISuffice it ta say that the story vised and added ta a former bia- Ifirmly with their neighbors than w as built around the indiscretian of gah by John Lewis, which ap- yourselves. Need flot cost you more than $6.95 - if yen shop at .1 Major Hollis Halliday. a lawyer, who propriately was published in 1925, You have lived in this neighbor- Walker's! Here we have a grand selection of snappy jh appened ta meet a Young lady, anather federal election year. The hood about !ifteen years and during new styles in the new rough and blister crepes. Ail nat- 'horhe reaed a ie ceamandwriter by his close connection with that time we have ail valued your tl rme n îihd li whie is i! wa hlidy-Mr. King is able ta give a glimpse friendship very highlY. Your sense shades, high colers and soein ing out of town. In addition hie getsinoteniae iefthLira of humor, your kindly words and printed silks. Sizes 14 te 46. into an altercation with a gentle- leader. He is able ta take you out o! your spirit of good fellowship have j ~~~man on the street and in the scuffle the f rame of mind where you are done a great deal ta smooth out r I~l U W E 'hI~ t three ovecoats get mxed up. Theforcinlg yourself ta read a biography rough spots in our daily lives. INI~.J~L U U endeavours ta sort out the avercoats, about a political leader, and placesI This is a great occasion for you, ..................... hide his lapse of f aithfulness !ram and one that you will always se- Are in for a big season, and we can assure you of the THE NEW hswfadasoeo te sit- member, and it Is one with which best ln style and value, whether it be a Jacket Suit, uaeos things. roveda a cnstant we wish ta be associated. Topceat Suit or Swagger Suit. See our range, so mod- thsethng. roidd cnsan s please accept this Silverware erately priced from W aterbloc laugh for the audience. a lgttkno h epc n Bai, Kent madle an exceptionally .a.. high reg endo!fher$It nd6 2.75 te $22*50 fie showing as Lester McVey, a îaw high regared s ndo!gb partner of Major Holliday, skiUl- Yu stnsadNiho flyand humorously played by Mrs. Leslie Nichais made the ps-e- H ASFrank Mcflveen. Bob McIlveen. sentatiofi o! a beautif nI silver tea e Yo rH ta W lk s Hand service. on behalf of the neighbors Hadblocked under water pro- payed the part o! Keeling Plantum, ALOSTFEAALTY S csguarant.eed to keep theii, the man who buried is dead (hie and f riends, to which Mr. and Ms-s. N A ILOR S, a T wAFFTaSHaLt y P Wf E hv sape longer than regular makes. was an undertaker). whihe Russell .. ... Janes bath macde brie! ele.Mn omatrw oiat. nin a Hat yd odl, rimeou iifin e-have Ilatest Spring shades. Oke was Lieut. George Raphey, a other gifts were received including si. Iiadidialyn style os, im meed, off-the-face. w ealthy young man who was in love mr ivrwrrn loe-.sisandatrs.' esyle taws $2 9 $ .5 45 ihMai. Holliday's daughter Clara, An hour o! fellowship and enter- rc.adtfea.Saoal hds pca _____________________ played by Ruth Logan. Patricia tainment. f llowed by s-e!reshmeflts IWilson played the part of Vernie, closed a very enjoyable event. 1 95 a d $ e 5 the undertakers daughter. who was' secrethy married ta Lester MeVey.ILOA CH RADC ST M JEW LY25 Eileen Hately macle a splendid andLO A CH I ANC ST M ELR 25 matronhy Mrs. Halliday, while Ho- PASTOR EXCHANGED A brand new line of Costume iewelry - Bracelets, ward McLaughlin gave an outstand- ing performance as OToale. the SERVICES ON SUNDAY Necklaces, Ear Rings, Bandeaux, Rings, Nauticai Orna- family treasurer. a lazy. good far no- mnsadIiilOnmns ý1thing buther. W . atn n imcoe St.ents and itc î Onai.e.t. 25e Rev. W.oR.rTChoicen The whole caste carried out their Chrh Choir at Triaity Church - 1~. ~j'~ difficult s-aIes admirabîy and wereChc a Y ~$. acredit ta hi-drcososs .T Rev.E. F. Armstrong and Zî-inlty United Chas-chisongregat-GPH-NE ChoirMinIOshBwWMANVILL Between the acts an instrumental TiiYUie hrhcnrgt ti.cmposeda!f Mss. H. D. Wight- ion were pleased ta welcomne the pas-PH N 16ILid V V O M VL E man. piano; Miss Margaret Wight- tor. Rev. W. R. Tantori, and the an Ialo and Oscar Jamies oi- chair numbesing 40 voices o! Simcae t . ~~' lin psovided numoars which includadl St. United Chus-ch on Sunday ev- 'n 'lMs Jea rgo-and"Te aarý nn.Te hi nerlaesi Leavening Life's Load ure and knowledge, yet in great age. unsahfish desîre to benet MsJenLogan gave a short piana o! M-.rgindhd . rmee, L. .C measure this includas vwhat is tesrn- An editor once requested of Mar recital befare the play and played , M.rgnt chi-aern ed chas-acter building; for the Baker Eddy, the Discoveres- an the national anthem at the close. dered a fine prografli o! music. The (Fromi Christian Science Monitor) thinker knows that educatian is not Foundezr a! Christian Scienceth I anthemis included Feas- ye flot O NEW SILE IIss-ael. Sanctus, Cherubini, and the A wise man once said, 'Eesydesîgned for the indvîdual ahane, courtesy o! a reply ta the question NEieWacSonYisio Shapherd Sang, ai being s-ndered persan has twa educations, ana but that it saises the morale o! the 'What is nearest and dearest t Il~with plaasing affect and spo Day, one more important which hie givasi make ana enjay serving mankind disclosas lher devotion. hier chaity S IandConce t M ednce.oui the cmokbe poiiong as as spln ly hrnd oes- b y , ihmself.'Tises-e as-e night schoahs'aven in the face o!apposition. les- deep desire ta instruct, help, ai I IBy Splendid Maedneyui h cmotbepswssnion Rss.Ms-s Ma Fisas- Miss and day schools, vocational anid op-1 As variaus persons prominant in heal: "To your courtesy and ta you thereaas-o! va-y uma sosy O! L. Ciasrow and Ms-s. E. Bataman. postunity schools. college extension wos-îdacivmnar housayqetonpmtmeosytati- thereaer f vey hmanstdivisions, and kindasgartens-mSany mentioned, cas-aful inventory reveals somuch as I know myself, what l Withthenthe t tbecllar. taTheAhielJcksosMisionBThea Alicume JackThsboondMiessiesonastsindteaathasryeehcannes fraaucatTn.Theeoisthei asgoo asweelas reatilo- 'aarettadederas' t my east l whiaekocerain rwntytendy sconcert int inadTr hsnit torSundaysse scshadoh bacandMeintao, Canacallctan. uhilstnos-yt atoo recaîle check. AI sizs rom wa rna-kedby slendd at Wiliam yon ackezieTaranto's MisseseRing and WGlardsoW ad a5rmuch talk o! saîf-exprassiosel!-ing*as well as intaîaul . ubea etmno oa-n h 'ualpercptio, an unt-ammlad el!-as wll a leanidlgente aswyonasMseakestziand ctiv.ydsrivlf:o chcs.Al ies $ *15 tendance on Monday night. The fis-st mayas- and fos-ebeas- a! the Tanton preachad a vas-y pracicalrparcetion,.adItr satinlt as mighty. Theis- hg pleac el ldsperafectonanda wh hves thes1 GABARDINE Iprograns was in charge af Miss Mar- Libas-al Leader. It tells a! his aarly andl upiting sermon on "Disciple-ser e thaw ise trend o! the esteem was woni by raverence for o! ife with justice, mercy, trith ion Belîman, and the playtte -The home life. around Kitchener (than ship", basing his semarks on the tiesa ta mr whilcut odidsry eseeac or ndlv. Ci. ~Indian Princess" undas- the musical Berlin) and gives us a glimpe aIaso wos-ds "Follow Me" John 1: 43. The tmsi oadmr iea ut od nut-,pree-ne os-adlv. Tren h C ats direction o! Ms-s. Bell and Ms-s. E. S. o! whera his doubtîass ability as a congregation wes-e graatly pleased Fes-guson, and was enthusiastically palitical observer and leader came with the earnast thougis brie! mess- IN NAVY BLUE seceived. The opening chas-us "Heas fsrm. age ps-sented ta themn in such a berviceable raincoats, tailored by the Eastes- Balla" was follawed by a As the wsiter points out the ex- practical manines-. Croydon's, in new ~sang a! welcoma sung by Miss Mary planatian o! Mr. Klng's remas-kable Tsinity choir and pastor who had Spring styles *9 Aldraad. accornpaniad by las- moth- success lies in three things: fisst, f iled a simihar mission in Oshawa _________________________ as. Ms-s. D. A. Aldsead. Othes- items unusual political capacity; secondîs', returned and the two pastors, theD on the program lnludad an axas-- intes-est in political affairs, inheri- chairs and thais- leaders enjoyeda (~ r N TC cise "'The Meaning o! the Cross" by ted and stimuated by his ancestors; pleasant social haur togethes-, the TO P CO TS haeScniar Graup; Miss Betty Bet- and thirdly. the habits o! a student ladies o! the W.- A. sesving lunch PliHlts ndceki l its a oaer, ta posolo; Mand and airs. aple o ulcaf hl svrlmuiaa fmesb Raglan, Ba-Raglan, and regular Hearciser'Te afols"b h h acniusolthraughanut itr..bth chairs were enJoyed. SANNE styles Freinexercie "TheDafMilss egy Mahes Theboo2ctaiesthoughou is Accos-ding to the Oshawa 'Timesa stls rmJunior Group: Ms eg oe 1 pages t iea toouhcaver- &nE . plyada pino ala;andthe s-i- age o! Ms-. King's avent!ul life. rt large congregation asmld i $69 5 o $ 0 as-y Gos-up gava an exas-cise "The outlines his reactians ta, vaiau.s im- Simncoe Sts-eet United Church when Japanase Chorus", al o! which was portant affairs in the political life CuRv. E. . mstsiig o Trinityd NEW vas-y prettily and nicely psesented. o! the country in the past 20 as- 30 Chsc.B"snilp- AchD The accompansts for the Band wes-a yeas-s, and it la as up-to-date as to fosceful ses-mon on the text " Miss Martha Ses-s-as an Miss Las-- give his impressions and his attî- Singing Faith". The wosld, hie comn- Qic S ummer Suits raina Pickas-d. tude ta the great question a! social mented, might exist withaut song, In celebration of our 7th birthday in Thase taking pas-t in The Mean- se! os-miust now befos-e the Ottawa but it would certainly be a ssuch lem5SS.Otro ewU etr W I EK Ready to wear or made te meas- igo h r 's- ai a-buehappy place ta lve in, and the !inest k0F Sna, E.Fo ii eek we arG efeaîni ulan saso'aeest styles. tan. Doris Richards. Frances Cs-ook. Evan thase who do not agrea with SnTime o hersou ligodihan- an imposing array of houseeleaning items andsilastet syls.Evlyn Harnd'on. Yvonne Challis: Ms-. King politically will agreeafatar gui h.Tehatorlion s >'". -many of îhem so attraetivcly priced that MiIs Masion Bellman. leader. seading this book that hae is ana a! mos-e than a mes-e creed-it was a ouwlwat1prhaeyrenire suni- 61 .7 t~Thse Da!fodils: Ruths Hutchinsan, Canada'.s outtanding citizens. They singing !alth, a music ismade tisought mer needs ant teprhese ybargan pirs ______________________ Helen Devitt. Dosothy Csnak. Dora- will agrea that lha bas !aw, rivais isresistible and cars-led i to the mer____________________________________ thy Bedford. Barbas-a Allin. Mas-- as a political stsategist. and thay haart. A songless cs-eed was sure toDL NEW iorie Rundle, Gwen Hooper. Audr-ey will agrea fustiser that ta have isehd fail. Trinity chois- whlch accompan- .BL Tics- Socks - Sweaters - Shoes Grant: Ms-s. Ernest Pus-dy, leader. tielarhio!heLbsaPay ied their pastar rendes-ad s5ca ..-37\,c Bet upnes-Udrer The Japanasa Chorus: Evlyn for tisa past f ifteen yea-s. wiila the music o! a very iigh calibre. Two So P hap Bx Bet. -Supede-s- ndrwar Woodward. Doris Aîlds-ead, Paye apposition party lias had ths-ee antham.s were presented. Thou hast \ A POPLLAR BRAND * mBoa, Audrey Venton, Joan Green- leaders, is somaewhat o! a testimanv ben aur dwelling place and Open F1 ora tie Lb.9d fu l ield. Joyca Cax. Jean Fletcher, ta his persanal ability and to hsaur Eyes. The latter slection was F o ra rr,, i 1,9 Marare More.Jun Mo's-s: is populasity among his foîlowars. I unaccompanied and was particu- ECONOMICAL--SITISFYING PURIFIES A4S IT CLEANS Lorraine Pickard, leader. Thase visa viaw their palitics !rom lasly effective. A salo a sung b EAsam & India la s r4TN 7 & 'Cryaerman Tisa playette by upls f rs E. new book on Mackenzi King. Every "How lovelv are Thv DwellUngs". T E Nectar Biend 550 ClassiC em e 4 IS 7 1S.Fas-guson was givan in twoactI Liberal wvill want ta read it becausa Francis Sutton, Mus, Bac., drce SPECIAL BLENU lb. »9e NEW' SIIPMENT SmingtiadstorInica stayo!Pohn it sa comîetely tells averyt.hîng a- tise chois-. GILT-EDGE BREAD B esExtra Fine Speci*al hantas. Ms-s. M. A. Neal waslac: bouît theis- leader, but it, like tise « -- -- hSc5Stige. --_____ companist. biogsaphy of R. B. Bennîett, slîould 1 E D L OMT be red byeveryCanaiancitizn KE DAL 4L 0OZIR OMMO directly ta tise prospect by tise retail Neal. Donald Mosris. matisin b>. keeping yaur kdneys "Ha wiso bas na inclination ta E - """ nes, a sdeta yH . uburnkto in good condition. Flush them a learn mos-a. wll be apt ta tink ha M ade 1 Sla C fla 5 mob eiea ny. of tSe AEburnENuIo- ever>. three weeks with Dodd's knows enough."-Pawell. BESJL I Tisa sus-st way ta get satisfactory Kidney Pis-for oves- chree gei- '"Tisa end o! leas-ning Is ta knowTHTEf results in any undestaklng is ta flnd "Will I was out tise aller nlght erations the favorite kidney totiic God."-Mllton. A tise best method a! dalng tisa Job a bus-glas- broke mbt my bouse." and remedy. Non-habit forming. "Leas-ning le better wosth than R * TAT C&P ) Tndthe ge buy nd o I. "ldha etmaytlng' . tuseos-"Hde"Cs-bbeThatMde-t-hili mn 1 tie "a ld.M35wlf tioighIif as od s K dne Pus "f YOsIi nii îarnng Mustue one ho gts te bet o eveythig. m coing ome. Dod 'sKdney ilis workforitWMA. G VoLLEd - , c v. '~<.'-................- imuwmfflVILLE