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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1935, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. TWfl~nAv APT~TT. i ith 1O~ Gleen ier 1/2 I.. ~ance of any exéess in food ori~ank: FL - 33< l2 b. ucn rmPrmutsgctSm ftebîbetsasi h life with freedom from worrs' are>1 motion pîctune, "Lîves of a Bengal movie firmament, including Gary Prom the point of view of pre- O E - 0< 1/ 1fon Lancer" whicb cames Vo the Royal Cooper, Franchot Tone, Sir GUY vention iV is knowp that, after f or- Theatre on Monday, Tuesday and Standing, Monte Blue and Akim ty, most people cat toa much, put -M 1Wednesday, April 22, 23 and 24.1 Taminoff are included In the caste. on welght and aven work their kid- A 'LOOR WAX that can buy! Orono Man Is Guest Saturday, April 6th. wbich was at- Speaer t Lokhat's f I BIT ARYtended by many friends and rela- Homeand choo Clu the bereaved and read a favorite Home an SchoolClub I Mrs. Henrietta Boyd, Clarke hymn of the dec:ase, -Jesus Cafls i s 31r. N'eil Por ~US O'en the Tumult." Mrs. WooV-Th i es F ~ ~r. eilPoter Told of "Acres of There Passed to rest after a short ton sang very feelingly the beauti- SDiamonds" - Fine Supporting illness Mrs. Henietta Stedman Boyd. fui hymn "The City Four Square." Program Deceased was in her 74th year, and A daughter Laura passed to the o e was widow of the laVe Wm. Boycl. Great Beyond tcn years ago. and M ni Home and School Club met Wed- The funeral service was held at hier four years laVer hier husband passed nesday, April 3rd. Mrs. Fred Bowen home and was conducted by Rev. away. She leaves to mourn the loss ýpresided but the secretary, Mrs. Thomas Wallace who took for his of a loving mother and sister. two iMalley was unable to be present. subject. -Home. Mother and Jesus," childnen, Lai]a, Mrs. Len. Richards. As Clarke Union Home and which was very appropriate as Mrs. and Nelson, both of Salem. who with School club are going to be present Boyd was a veny loving and devoted their Partnens vere a great comfont next month the program committees mother. Lef V Vo mourn her loss are Vo her duning bier long illness; also l of the mionths of Apnil and May five daughters: Edith, Mrs. Frank f ive sisters, Mrs. Walter Manning, Scombined efforts and provided an Stone. Starkville; Etta, at home; Oshawa, Mrs. Rd. Pooley, Mrs. W. unusually interesting programn, June Ella. Mrs. James Falls, Centreville: H. Yeo and Mrs. W. J. Richards. ,Broxý played a selection on the Margaret, Mrs. Richard Wilson, os- Bowmanville. and Mrs. T. G. Nor- guitar; the Maple Grove mixed quar- aca; Amy, Mrs. Wlater Therteill on. Locust Hill: and two brothens, tette composed of Iva and Florence Kendal; and four sons, Howard and Alex and Everson Prout of Bowmnan- Foley. Howard Cryderman and Cif - Fred at Kendal. Whitney at Kinby, ville, wbo will miss ber loving coun- Sf ord Swallow sang a pleasing number and Milton of Toronto. sel and kindly greetings. and encore. They were accompanied Pali bearers were Messrs. Milton The bearers were six nephews,I at the piano by their director, Miss1 Robinson, Wesley Elliott, Hantwell Ross Pooley. Clarence Yeo, Maurice Edna Swallaw; Mr. Mark Black- Lowery. Wesley Cathcart, William Prout. Ted Foley, Theodone Wilkins ' burn. also a former Maple Grove Robinson and John Patton. There and John Wilkins. Many beautiful resident, gave a recitation whicb were a number of beautiful floral floral tribute.s expressed the high called for an encore entitled "The tributes from the family and rela- esteem in wbicb she was held. The Panson bids farewell to his Congre- tives. also one from the Presto- body was laid to nest in the family gation". when Mr. Blackburn began Light Co.. Toronto, where Milton Plot in Bowmanville Cemetery. his encore it was bard Vo tell whe- Boyd works. Interment was made Among relatives and friends at- ther bie was going Vo preach a ser- at Orono Cemetery. tending from a distance were: Mr. mon or tell a bumonous story. The and Mrs. Milford Wilkins and Theo- caste. rvdt e eym h Mrs. Ae iliW alm dr. M. Manniin sn Mr. and A c ae.Thene passed to rest at the home Mrs. . W. aonninghand Mr. and Mr. Neil Ponter, the speaker of the of her son, Nelson Wilkins. Salem, Mns. W.Hary Aikesha;Milr.k;an.duRIESe evening, told about "Acres of Dia- on Thursday. April 4th. Florence aMrs.T.rv.yNoron. Milboust Hir. monds" as it was told by Russel Louise Prout. widow of William nd Mr N rton , nd Mn.Han l;Mrs 1 Cornwall. First of aIl Mr. Porter John Allighum Wilkins. Deceased Mrassiy Neorn and davis. skechd te any h eof uselwas born in Darlington in Novemben Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Gannet Cornwall. He was born in Massa- 1875. and was the second daughter Richards, Tononto: Mrs. Frank 0. cbusetts, in a pon shack. Cornwall of the late Mn. and Mrs. Edmund the CHEa)a 1 aimed to be a lawyer and f inally Prout. After her marniage Vo Mn. Jms saa succeeded in getting enough money Wilkins on April ith, 1901, she ook "Now the laboners task is o'er, 1M S FM to go to school. He took part in the up hler residence in Salem where Now the battie day is past: ;. A CivilWar f th Unied Sates she lived the nemainder of her life.J Now upan the heavenly shoreCUTMRH A was promoted Vo lieutenant. The She mad host f friends by hier Lands the voyager at last. PEE turning point in bis lif e came when 1Scerfnaue akn hos plalt Father in Thy preciaus keeping. anohe by y henane f ohnyeherulnaurean kndhopialtyHAW ES' v r oybyth am 0 Jhnywho wili miss ber in hen home, in Leave we now aur laved orie sleep- C v Rim helped him out of a seriaus dif- the community and church where in. ficulty. After that he decided Vo she was a faitbfui attendant until work 8 houns a day for Johnny Rim 111 health prevented bier f rc~gon CARD 0F THA.NKS andi 8 hours for himself. He decided a Year ago. Tefml ftelV r.Wl ta enler the miniztry and was soon Tefml ftelt r.Wl called Vo a church where on account Her pastor, Rev. A. M. Wootton of kins wishes ta express their sincere of the exceedingly largecnrgt Tyrone. visited her often during ber thanks for kindnesses and express- ios nw buchha t e builgt- illness and faund bier ready and ions of sympathy and for flowens The firsV time he gave bi's talk willing ta join ber loved ones who sent during the illness and death of "Acres of Diamonds- Cornwall re- had gone befone. At bier funeral on their mother. ceived seventy-five cents. The last H W Sa 1tm egave it Mr. Cornwall ne- ne ceived thousands of dollars. ____________________~ GOES FARIHER e The summary of the taik follows: AND MY FLOORS o Tw e eegoing down the Tignis Fsh f rB ln e u g t OKSTE an.d Euphrates Rivers on thei' way ih f rB ln e ]ud tsLO RET 3 ta look for diamonds. A bright fl 1 fic stone was seen in the stream. This anad ]eter M e l e proved to be their Acres of Dia- I \y..s monds. A man in California discov- ~b i erda goid ugt This Vrove ai BAR~BARAI B. BROOKS HAl in Canada sold bis farm and went ta Canada. A year laVer ine new owner had trouble with a cree ha flowed thraugh the farm. On exam- Have you ever walked along a Bane and cut into serving pieces. iation it was found ta be ane of the beach just aften a heavy storm at Dip each piece in ini1k evaporated W most valuiable coal-ail resources on sea? The very bottom seems ta have milk may be u..ed whicb bas been the continent. been turned up on the wet sand. beavi'y salted in the proportion ofi IAi A man f rom Dewer, disgusted with It is always surprising ta see what one tablespoon sait ta each cup of farming sald bhis own farm. He a varîety of life thene is in water milk. Then dip the fisb into rolled ___________________ sîgned away the f arm sitting an a, in lakes and rivers, as well as th, corn flakes. Place on a well aile I stone. On examinatian the samne ocean. baking sheet, spninkle a few dras of - stone was the beginning of one af The very bountifulness of wbat we ail oven the top of each piece and f fI . Il the mot productive siIver mines yet cali -sea foods" perhaps accaunits for bake in a very hot aven (500 F.) or ~ J V .l~ discovered. Continung with similar the fact tat we pik nd mhoe 0ta 15 minutes. dependîng upon the clU'5du 'ng the whole of bis talkj narrawed by custom in selecting A dry, niild flavored fisb. such as aride sowed haw different men and cooking f ish than any ather haddock. vvill bc impnoved if served gainfd or lost their Acres of Dia- f ood. It is interesting ta note,.Vaa, with a sauce. mnds The speaker also0 suggested that fish which is pnized in oneý MUSTARD SAUCE AMAT E that eab esa soldbeo tecommunity is despised inanother- «-l 1 1 iî~r ibtsp.i). nion juice ATMEcALNAoI EICa watch for bis Acres of Diamonds. 1 and ail apparently for no good rea-j i îb)sp. floiir 1i tSI.p. iflM - ASSOCIATINNo LIPE Jane Brown played the mouth- son. The nesult is that the f ishen- 1 cupiiiiing wîrniustarid INSURANCE COMPAN £5 organ and accompanied henself anj man throws back a third on more of Saltafiîad Iepper IN CAI .* - the guitar; Misses Foley continued1bis catch and the price remains MeIt butter. add flour and mix FLRTO Lobst, with a duet and the Maple Gravelhigh for the few favaned f ish that until smooth. Add boiling water FLRTO q uartette sang a musical combat: we will buy.gauai ad cok utlfau Aîst - Santa tha issigin to dffeen sags In the business of balancing bath thickens. Add lemon .Iuice and mus- filmto complete and efficientVev at the samne ime. Refreshments budget and menu, a study of youn tard and season ta aste with sait flrto system is aV work in every e'e were served under the management local fish market will prove worVb- and peppen. Cook until smaooth and normal human body. The kidneysý Bacon of Mrs. Howard Bawen. wbile. If it will encourage. you Vo bot. Pour aven baked f ish just be- cantain several housand filtration * .try some of the less expensive van- fore serving. unit-s thnaugh whicb the blaod flaws Choici Îieties, just nemind yourseif hat inl You may vary the baked f ish ne - in arden that waste maVeias ayQaj II MAPLE GROVE j some other community that kind of ripe by adding Vo the salted milk, 1 be filtered out an any excesa 0f an 4_ fish is considened a delicacy. Ask seasonings, such as a teaspoon fIor other chemical nemoved so asta Grape Mrs.Samul Sowde viitedberyaur merchant about aIl the varieties dry mustard, a dash of ground gin- j main)i the proper chemical bai- ato br.Sme nwenvstdle e selîs. Usually he can elIO ea eson01Wretrhn ance of the body. maother, Mrs. Macklin, Cobour'g. whetber each kind is dry or aily, frnee saer a ew draps of Wonian juiùe..Teeflrtountmabeds Mr. and Mrs. Fî'ed Stevens and of smnali bances, wbene it is caugbt Baked fisb witb anchovy is a van- . rganized by changes wbich occur in two cbildren visited Mn. and Mrs. 1 and baw bnougbt tVo market and can iaion wortb special mention. them. This disturbance of the kid- Percy Cawling in Town on Sunday. gîve yau suggestions fan cooklng. L BAKED FISH WITH ANCHOVY ney function is called nepbnitis or Mn. and Mrs. Wiliard Lockhart IYou will find receipes for cooking A dry f isb. such as fresh Cod, Brigbt's diçease. Richard Bright was and twa children. Niagara Falls. f fisb in general caok books. Supple- fiaunder, haddock on whiting is es- an English physican who f ir>'t des - N. Y.. visited bier sister, Mrs. Ivisan' ment these by clipping fisb recîpes pecially suitable. Clean. banie and1 cribed tbts condition: this is why bis jMuinday. from current newspapers ana maga- rut f ish into serving pieces and place namne is associated with the dis- Ê Mr. Thas. Snawden and Mns. H. zines. on a well-ailed baking sheet ease. 'aesvrlfmsfnp- G. Freeman spent the weekend witb Many wamen hesitate ta buy f ish Mix two parts anchovy paste witb Therear erlfoisfnph Mrs. D. H. Coates and Dr. and Mî's. because they knaw of no way ta ane part cooking ail and spread itis but tiaey may ail go into cither L. H. Coates. Brantfor'd.j coak it except by deep fat frying paste on fish. Caver witb finely raIl- of two graups. acute or chronir.ý Mr. and Mrs. Ivisan Munday and IV seems Vo us that traut, fIllets anîd cd corn flake crumbs. Bake in a The acute farm. seen in children 2 daughter Joan attended the sîlver fisb steaks, crisp and golden as ta bot aven (500'F.) until fish is dane and yaung adult. is due ta an in- wedding celebration at Part Hope of crust and white and flaky witbin. -about 10 Vo 15 minutes. Sprinkle fectia. germs causing an inflam- bier uncle and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. are worth ail the work it takes Vo fr3' lightly with cbapped pansley and mationi. IV is commonly seen fol- Wîlbert Nichais, Saturday evening. tbem. However, we are noV averse serve witb leman slices. lowing an attack of tonsilitis ai. _____________ V saving time and trouble i f the Modern refnigenation and trans- scanlet fever. -resuits are just as good. The foi- portation bas eiminated seasons for Acute nepbnitis is recognized bv Mrs. IR iowing recipe for baked fishdaes for many vanieties of sea food, but oy- the pallour of the patient witb puf- fillets and steaks ail that caîî bc sters are stîll out wben the month finess of the face and ankles. An ous Ht desired. bas no "R." TU-s is ta nemind Yeu examination of the urine shows that next w~ BAKED ISH SPNCER after April, September is the the kidnevs are noV able ta do thpirDn' BAKED FIS SPENCER first 'R" mionth. Oysters dipped in work, and so waste maternia and an o'J AlmosV any fnesh fish large enough crn fiake crumbs may be baked on exreýýs of fluid collet In the bodv. 4PEST in the long run! NES' gives Greater erage - A Finer PoIish Aith Iess work- FORGIVE us if we repeat - VALUE is based upon what you get in service and satisfaction - not on 3rice alone. Cheap wax is no hargain - it is really poor value tany price - no natter how low. Good wax is a ai economy. There is a "standard of value" in rerything you buy. In floor wax - the standard ovalue is HAWES'. When you buy HAWES' at 3c you get a better quaiity wax that wili give your lors the beauty and lasting protection they de- *rve. To pay more is extravagance-to pay less is to isk disappointnnent. Buy HAWJES'-use as directed, md you, too, will "Be Proud of Your Floors". Mod- b>' Ed-~ad Ho.-,~ & C.. Lid. ,o,. Est.bfi.h.d 1904 IFLOOR WAX hiis Week's News at rry AIIin's Stores EClara Prunes, large size....2 Jbs. 25c eeta Cheese, p)ackage ... ...15c n, whole or' haif side, lb. --. ....23c e Pumpkin, 21 Iltin ..........loc ty Corn, No. 2 tin.....3 for 25c efruit.... .4 for 25c, 5 for 25c, 6 for 25c n's Orange Pekoe Tea. . /2 IL 28c RICE KRIS PIES tor 25e lb.otUn430 HEINZ DEMONSTRATION Roberts, Expert Dietitian froni the fani- leinz Kitchens, wilI be at our store ail oeek to demonstrate Heinz 57 Varieties. f ail ta cali and see her. Fresh Fish - Field Grains 'ry AlaGrocer 86 or' 121 Bowmanville to geV rid of ae When friends visit you, or you cel'lingheiih, isit friends at a distance, if you Caniaj Mcdi(>are Cfltertained or if you entertain, CoHpe StTor The Statesman wou]d be pleased to sereci IXrSollally- by i0ûc0i'< the fact in the "Personal" coluînnll if You wouild telephone 53. GRENIERS thrilling Idtest - Sylphdne - for ideai freedom on th'e links, the tennis court, horse-bdck, paddling, hiking - every outdloor and indoor sport your spirits revel in. A pertect littie step-in, made whoIlyoi Grenlastex,gives at the veriest hi nt of move- ment yet confers thdt pre- ciaus feeling of 'tdl'SweIl.* Sylphdne cani be tubbed over and over and over, will neyer lose its eldStiC- itYo and it cdnt ride up. In a delicious shdde oi ted- rose, dt such a tiny pricel Walker LStores Phone 164 LINITED BEowmanvilie Jack Flemning-, formeniy of Bow- manville. who bas been a memben of the staff of the Royal Bank at Oshawa, bas been transfenîeci ta Peterbono. H. E. Grose, 0f the Nap- anee Brancb, also farmerly 0f Baw- manville, bas been transferred ta Oshawa.11 BROWN LABE ORANGE PEK9 [dwu-- -:yu. m IWN DRANO IRN SYRIIP tkp.YF000 rH'47'ki, NOURISH.ED 7 MVORE CANADIAN CHILDREN AI THAN Y R COR THAN AY OR CO Produet Of The CANADA STARCI4 CO., Lùimted PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY- APRIL llth. 1935

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