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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1935, p. 6

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PAGESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL llth, 1935 M3e sure Vo order a tin o! Fkhor Wax hs week. See offer on page 4. Hawi spec SALE ALARM CLOCKS 98e each Made by the world's largest Alarm Cloek manufacturers, Westcbox of Peterboro. The Silver Bei at 98e is a strong dependable timepiece in which 'pou may have every confid- ence. OTHER ALARMS varying f rom $1.45 to $3.95 James Marr Jeweler WATCH REPAIRER Phone 463 - BowmanfiUe THOUSANDS KILI No accide glad news flies, coc] min killed MOTH I MOTU BALLS 3 lbs. 25c MOTH: 1 5c-35, MOTH KILLER DICHLOI 1 IL.39c 1 ilb. When We Test Eyes We KERSLAKE'S]1 PRR49 P. R. Co wlin lail ITYRONE - Mn. John Noble visiteti mien - Orono. Mrs. R. RtitelI, Orono, Thursday witli Mns. Russell 'i Rex .I.,.Wootton and daug Petebo iiteti lis son, Rev.J Mi'.nd Mss. F. L. Byam Sunday with lien parents. Mn. Mrs. J. Lilicrapp, Cannington. Mn. T. J. Scott anti Mn.J Mutton visiteti the former's dai ter, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Raglar Mn. anti Mss. John Tliomr Mrs. H. Mencer anti Donald, or spent Thurstiay with Mn. anti Wm. Virtue. We weicome Mrs. W. J. Bi anti Mrs. Rankin ta aur commtu Mrs. Bragg lias puncliaset Col T. McLaullin's fanm. Mîilis Stewart, Miss C. Kenzie pantiMn. anti Mrs. Rci Sctt sent Sunday with Mn. Mrs. W. McDonaid, Cobourg. A numben f nom here attentied funeral o! Mss. A. Wilkins, Si] Satunday. Deepest sympatliy is tendet o lier sister, Mrs. R. Poc Women's Institute anti Ladies' will meet in the vestry on Wedr day, Apnil 17 ait 2.30 p. m. Ele<I of officens anti a mock wedding bc the program. AIl membens tend. W. M. S. met at Mrs. A. W. mens' on Thursday a! ternoon. short playlet was given by tlie la( which proveti very intenesting. 1 A. M. Wootton favouneti witli a vc solo. Music for tlie Easter cant was practiseti aften which a dai lunch was serveti anti a social ti enjoyeti. Meeting of the Football teamN LED 'nt - No tragedy - Just s!Thousands of moths, kroaches and other ver-- 1 annually by oui' CILLERS BIAGS CEDARLENE 5C-60C J FLAKES 15c 1 )RICIDE LARVES 59c 1 Pt. $1.(x) GUARANTEED STo Reduce Perspiration and 1 Ease Tired and Sore Feet Per Pair-25c Guarantee Satisfaction DRUC STORE 1g, Pbmr. B. WE DELIVER Made Witk Honey YES SIR! WATSON'S CRACKED WHEAT BREAD is matie wth honey swhicl adtiiVo its health giving properties. Try a Loaf 5c SPECIAL Fruit Chocolate Layer Cake Chocolate Iceti 25c For Week-End Special See aur windows on ask oun drivers. Onder eanly ta avoi disappointment. When you buy White Bread Buy Watson's Buttercrust BETTY BROWN CHOCOLATES We are exclusive agents in Bowmanýville for these fam- ous sweets. Boxeti in at- tractive Easten boxes. 25c - 50c - $1.00 MOIR'S Handy Packages Dainty little boxes contain- ing 18 assorted pieces. Only 25c box Week-End Special Springtime Sundae Saturday only lOc L asnsmm Bakery LUNCH ROIOM PHONE 97 q SODA FOUNTAIN jDON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES s 1S WOI4pàtt T.herela no guesswork wth Mtaglc. It asurées uniformily fine resuits! l'hat's d why Canadm's leadlng cookery ex- perts use and reconxmend it exclu- slvely. Aaj.our grocer for a tin! CONTAINS NO ALUM-Thlsa autement on every tin 1a yoiug oratg lo t «UM tiDlni Powder la free "'à, wa.m c jbgWul lupudient. MADE 1IN CANADA hela in r. L. . yam s store on April Ilst. Newly elected officers are: Pres- j det-Lesiie Thompson; lst Vice-HA P O -eF. L. Byam: Secretary-Dave Park; E A PO nsi rauerP.L. Bym; apain ESTER jitesent a t ves-Wal ter Park and Douglas D. Ritngachm . B.Wco ih Conboy; Field Comm-Fred Part- I 1 Mr.De acVo Wndsr.B.Wlo A. M. net ILeie Thompson, Clarence Brad- U II mrdeandtrs.H. rins.Trno >e~. xsited at Mr. F. J. Groat's. spent I~- MAT WE SUGGEST FOR Miss Lulu Reynolds lias returned and YUR BY OR IRL o Hampton, after visiting in Tor- andSOLINA YIRBYO ILonto. J H. e ____ Bibles and Testamnents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Richards. Tor- augh-j Mr. Hugli Annis, Enniskillen, vis- from 40e to $6.00 onto, visited lier sister, Mrs. L. Cry- L. lted at Mr. Jas. Smaie's. Some illustrated. derman. ipson, Miss .frene Bragg. Toronto, spent Mrs. Nancy Shaw wlio las ben rono, the weekend at Mr. Jack Baker's. Hyniaxies 50e o $5.00 visiting here returned to lier home Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ells Pascoe, Brook- Prayer and Hynin Books at Lakeport. lin. visited at Mr. J. T. Rundle's. 65c to $475 Mr. and Mrs. H. Wi]cox and Ma d-. 3ragg M~r. George Gibson Sr-., Mr .and alyn spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. ifity. Mrs. Elmer Gibson and Marilyn. OTHER SUGGESTIONS Davies. Osliawa. S.Osliawa. visited at Mr. Thos. Bak-I Framed Pictures. 25e up Mrs. Clatworthy andMis ub er's. Ne Clatworthy are visitingMrCun Mc- Mr. Wili Wills andi Mr. Lew New RflcCtr Table Centres ingham, Carneron. naid Frenchi, Cobourg, visited at Mr. H. add to the attractiveness Mr. and Mrs. Clark Greenaway, and E. Tink's. of your home Mr. and Mrs. M. Osborne Port Hope. Miss Dorothy Williams, Port Perny, from 75e to $2.75 Visited at Mr. T. Rowe's. 1 tlie is visiting lier sister, Mrs. Chas. You should see the play "In alem, Howsam. EASTER GREETING CARDS Cherrytime" presented by Tyrorie ini sex- Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry visited Tou have until Saturday, the basement on Tuesday, April 16.1 )oey. Mr. and Mns. Harry Grooms. Tor- April 13, to get Free Flo- 15-1 'Aid onto, on Friday. Glaze Paint. Ask for cou Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bloomer. Mr. Ines- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bain, Win- poi with 50e purchase. and Mms. Hewitson, Oshawa, Mr. wilî Ed and Arthur Milison ell Im'nt ited at Mn. W. Wilbun's. at- Mr. Harold Milîs, Misses Vera and JW .Jv e wv~a Mr. and Mrs. Widdicombe have Florence Wells, Honeydaie. visited BOOK<S & 8-rATIONERV been making alterations in their Cethe formen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. PAIN-rS & WALLPAPER home which they purchased from Cl-C. Milis. recentiy. CHINA & GLASS Mr. A. Wakely and are now moving die Misses Mary and Lena Elford, Poe 0in. Mrs, Woodviile. are visiting their cousins, Misses Mary and Lena Elford. Mca s Mary Hogarth and Mns. R. Pas- _________________ Woodville, Miss Mary Hogarthi and ;clcoe and other relatives Irere. Mrs. R. Pa.scoe. Miss Ruth McKes - tanta Sorry ta report that Mrs. John rMns. Perc y Canran MF . E. Dodge;ock. Solina, spent Wednesday with' iflt Pascoe is confined Vo lier bed fol-ncation b Mer . F.Blackburand o-L. Jo.Canan ,ie lowing a f ail when she dislocatedih. r.Brti thrhm gi wship. We wish lier a speedy recovery. Coombes. Mr. Blackburn conductedi after spending many months in a Chnesespelingmatc fortheToronto Hospital. Her eye-sight is - otMr. and Mrs. John Chauls and social Period a! ter which the meet- mucli improvedi since it was oper- MisMbeBwanilMrs. Nor- Atîngce it27e. e eedcio.ated on. Mn. and Mrs. H. Hall and man Leach. Taunton. visited Misses'fmlMrhm acmaidle Rilda and Lizzie Hockaday. . mother home. Mn. and Mrs. N. C. Yeibowlees and "'niHamton HIorticultural Society fam.iiy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeilow- HAYDON held the April meeting in S. S. noom lees and family, ivsited Mr. and Mns. 0~* with Mrs McKessock, President, pre- Les. Thompson, Tynone, on Satur- Mr. Louis Ashton, Toronto, spent siding. Business was conducted. day and helped celebrate Mr. and the weekend at home. Mrs. G. B. Bickle. Bowmanville. gave Mrs. Thompson's twenty-flfth wedd- Mms. M. Edgerton, Pontypool, is a very practicai talk on the vege- I ing anniversary. visiting at Mr. E. Bnadley's. table garden. Genenai discussion fol- The syrnpathy of our community Mrs. A. Morgan, Oshiawa, spent lowed. Solo Mrs. John Baker; In- is extended to Mr. Peter Walker and the weekend at lier sister's, Mrs. E. strumental solo Miss N. Horn: read- family in the death of Mrs. Waiker. Bradley's ing Miss Lottie Honn. Next meeting Mn. and Mrs. Walker were former Mrs. A. Grant and Mr. Bill Grant, at Solina, May lst. residents here A numben f romliere Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. A. Mc- Young People's meeting on Friday attended the funerai at McCrea's Neil's. night opened with Rev. W. Rackham church on Thursday afternoon. Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Hobbs andI in the chair. After the opening and Mn. B. G. Stevens. G.C., Miss Nora baby Joan visited lier parents in discussion of the business. Ruth Werry. G . n isEey ik ida eety G.C. G.P., nd iss veln Tik, indsy rcentyi Jolins took charge o! the following G.C.were in Toronto last Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. John Graham. Osh- programn: Devotional by Nora Horn, day evening at a reception tendered awa, Mn. George Tabb Sundayed at Bessie Simpson, Florence Burns and the 0f ficers of the Grand Division IMn. D. Graliam's. Rev. Rackham, vocal solo by Doug- S by the temperance societies thene. Miss Hilda Richards spent the las Rackliam; reading, Grace Hast- Tliey wene accompanied by Mrs. B. weekend at lier brotlier's, Mn. George ings; tapie was presented by Mrs. G. Stevens, Miss Margaret Scott and Richards, Bowmanvilie. Percy' Cowling o! Bowmanvilie: duet Mr. A. L. Pascoe. Miss Myrtie Cowling, Mn. Fred by Minnie Horn and Douglas Rack- League meeting on Monday even- Hawley, Mss. H-. Marchmont andJ ham. Meeting closed witli League ing was in charge of the Missionary Mattliew. Oshawa, visited at Mn. T.j Benedîction. Vice-Pres.. Miss Giadys Yellowlees. Cowiing's.I W.C.T.U. held its monthly meet- i It was decided to invite Tynone Mr. and Mrs .Austin Larmen and 'ing at Mss. Jas. Curtis' on Tuesday league to visit us on April 22nd. De- children. Burketon, Mn. and Mrs. afternoon with Miss Katerson pre- votionai was taken by MissKtle Eugene Beech, Flinton, visited at Mr. siding. Aften opening exercises and Baker: Mrs. Everett Crydenman-- fa- A. Beeclis. business, the devotional period was voured with vocal solos with guitar 1 Miss Anne Trewin. Toronto. Mn. taken by Miss L -Reynulds in ab- accompaniment. The tapie on thelAthur Tnewin, Stephenson's Point, sence of Mrs. J. G. Burns. The top- study book "Eaqt meets West in Mn. Frank Smith, Enfield, wene ne- ic being Canaclization, a short pro- Trinidad" was given by Mn. W. R. cent visitons at Mn. Wm. Tnewin's. gram followed in charge of Mis. G. Westlake: readings were given by Ouir sympatliy is extended ta Mn. Barron. Mrs. J. Colwill conducted Miszes Velma Gilbert. Ella Milîson Wm. Hooey andi family in the death the clip sheet, read the seipture. and iMargaret Scott: piano duet. Mns. o f lis brother, Mn. Jim Hooey. who Those taking part wene Miss N. jEverett Cryderman and Miss Helen passeti away early Monday monning Horn, Mns. G. Bari-on. Mrs. C. J. ýSmale. Contests were then put on in BowmanvilIe Hospital. Kersiake. Mrs. W. W. Horn, Miss L. by Miss Margaret Scott. Our deepest symrpatliy is extended Reynolds, Mns. Jas. Curtis, Miss Sta Mns. Theron Mountjoy and sisters Katerson and Mrs. Jos. Chapman. inte death of thein mothen. Mrs. It was decidedti o send $1.50 ta the j SA EM J Rutletige, who passedt away at the Life Membership Funti. Next meet- Mrs F Hocyani Mss ~ amiY esdneo Mnay wa ing at Mrs. J. Colwill's on May 14. Mrs.F. Hncyand issMarion Churcli service on Sunday a wer i TnotoonWeneda. argely attended. Rev A. M. Wtt- .Hampton Women's Institýute met Mrs. C. Curtis was a Sunday visit- on preached a splendid sermon on in . Ms.a. ro o henil mdce "Christ Died for Me", lie was as- g n.Ca.Joiscnutt arttedeMsric a nder. A e n isted in the first part of the service opening exercises. Business was Mttnd sercSaver nehl. e ist yM.W.PineEiauljtransacted .Nomninating commlttee1 edwthle prns. n. and Mrldenvs College. Toronto. appointed 'to select new officers were A. Welsh on Saturday. Special Easter service next Sun- Ms .WluMs .Camn day at 7.30 p. m. unden auspices of Mss. W. W. Horn. Dist. Annual is Miss M. Barrett, Newcastle, i the Young Ladies of the S. S.. 'The to be heid in Bowmanville, May 31. spngacou pleMn. . one. it e Easter Message wili be given by Mn. The programn was in change of the cuiMns. . . Honeynr. W J Mervin Hobbs. Specîi musical num- Central Gnoup, with Miss R. Johins, Cmes SwJene innd guss at Jh bers and a pageant entitled *'Tlie convenen, presiding. Pnognam open- Ciuannhome on ene sa w e Unsliadowed Cross". ed witli 0 Canada; Paper. Mns. E. S-ar oeonWdisa we.Wiibun on.ý"Contagious Diseases": Mn. Lamne Foster was an aven-I solos. Mrs. D. J. Chambers. Bow- J night guest at the Welsh home and An interesting debate was the manville: reading, Mns.W..Hon attended league on Wednesday ev- fetr fMîdysmeigo t piano solo, Mns. E. Wood, Bowmanj- Thi ening. Johin's A.Y.P.A. The subject was. ville: reading. Mns. G. Barron; reati- IMn Mn. and Mrs. S. Butteny and famn- "Resolved that the Chuncli shoulti ing. Mrs. S. Williams; papen, Mis. J. Dis ily spent Sunday witli ler parents, support Foreign Missions," with Mn. and Mns. J. W. Lancaster, New- Tom Dustan andi Siti. Casbourn Up-j tonville. holding tlie affirmative and Rolandj "What nules the wonld totiay" was Bate and Presitient Erie Colwell the tlie subject 0f Rev. A. S. Kerr's ex- negative. The jutiges, Miss Doro- II cellent sermon at Sunday after- tliy Bonnycastie, Miss E. M. Saper noons service hene. andi Mn. W. H. Densem, awarded C ~ F > Sympathy is also extendeti ta Mr. the verdict ta tlie affirmative. The ucJo Walken and family in the deatli of program wa in charge o! Miss Rose lis mothen which occurreti at Col- Bate. convener o! tlie Missionary bonne last week. Commlttee. anti Mns. F. A. Dilling. Deepest sympatliy is extended ta vice president, pnesitied. The .ne- the family and relatives of the late maintien of the meeting was given Mrs. A. Wilkins ,who passed away1 over ta the singing of hymins witli on Apnil 4th aften a lingering ilîness. Mns. J. A. Gunn at the piano. The Witli sorow andi deepest sympathy Brandi decidedt t provide a new to the famiiy, we report the sudtien carpet. at a cost of over $100, for S t lm day aftennoon; Mrs. Rutietige had the Centenary celebration. celebrateti ler 82nd bithday just a ____ ___________ few days previous, and seemd about FREE - A handy brasa edged Rider given away wlth everyJ purchase of a 25c tube of Mi 31 Tooth Paste. THE TWO FOR-25e JURY & LOVELL I Phone 78I John A. Holgate & son Phone 153 BowmanvUe tenfais. -0f courne,-they are 1935 .vau n urb. E1'Vnl -- $2095 up Conclu, Johnston C& Crydermu Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanvil.e Bowmanville Phone 15 THREIE DAYS Money Back Guarantee IN USED CARS VALUED AT $300 OR OVER 1930 Chev. Coach .......... 1930 Ford Tudor ........... 1928 Ford Roadster........ 1934 Ford DeLuxe Coupe... 1933 Chev. Special Sedan . 1933 Ford DeLuxe Coach 1932 Ford "Four" Coach 1929 Packard Lin. Sedan .- 1929 Plymouth Sedan ....... 1928 Buick Sport Coupe.. 1928 Chev. Sedan .......... 1928 Ford Sport Coupe .. . . .. 1928 Essex Coach .......... 1927 Buick Sedan' 1927 Chev. Sedan .......... 1927 Ford Coach ........... 1927 Pontiac Roadster... TRUCKS 1928 Chev. Ligbt Delivery . 1928 G.M.C. Panel Delivery- 1929 Ford Stake Truck... 1929 Ford Dump Truck... Sales l Cox bMotor a 139 King St. W. PHONE 924 ...$325.00 ...300.00 ... 125.00 - .695.00 -.625.00 ..595.00 .425.00 ---1000.00 ...225.00 --185.00 ... 150.00 --.-140.00 100.00 --.125.00 ... 80.00 ... 50.00 -.-- 75.00 125.00 75.00 225.00 250.00 Service Bles ickson. "Mother, Chiltinen": solo,1 on Health. Meeting elosed with Vhe rs. Chiambers; Mrs. F FergusOnl, National Anthem. Social Vimne was ist. President, gave a short address enjoYeti by aIl. hnston & CrydermanFi offer you ialue m Selection for E aster Suit s ed for Easter if yous choose a suit. We ý-inute knltted and cloth suits in the ce range is 16.50-$1 7.95-$ 19.50 Coats .he new showing of Tweed and Cloth Lcks, blues, brouns, sand and silvertones. Lwill pay you to compare these for style, buy. Prced front 095 up Dresses xtraordlnary selection. Flat crepes, nov- fons,. shirtmalker prints, and knitted MI- SSprlng styles and we have a price to fit 1 1-1,1 ;- 'm T n- _,ý ýi - -- . __;, 1 1 PAGE SIX We are pleased to ANNOUNCE that you wili now find in our Paint Departnient A COMPLETE UNE 0F THE CANADA PAINT COMPANY'S HIGHEST QUALITY PRODUCTS O.nality inecry dropD We have secured the exclusive agency for this superior line of Paint. Varnish and Enamels. Corne in and get sample color cards. The SHEPPARD & GILL CO. LIMITED

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