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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Apr 1935, p. 8

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THE4 CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROW?.fANVILE THUP.SDAY. APRIL llth, 1935 PAGE E ...I1 J. Su nday Schooli Lesson 1E A Mr Mac Carleton, shoe repairer.1 LE ALismoving ta the aid post office CHRIST THE SAVIOUR M. G. . GOUL, B.A. LL.B bock. SnaArl1 M. G.V. GULD, .A.,LLM. Rev. and Mrs. A E. Jones, Lind- SnaArl1 Barrister. Solicitor, Notary say, visited Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Os- Phione 351 terhout. Golden Text: "For God so loved Royal Bank Building, BowmanviUle Dr. and Mrs. John Chester and the world, that lie gave his oniy bie- _______________-famiy. Toronto, visited ber father, gotten Son. that whosoever believeth W. R. STRIKRE Mr. T. Smith. in him should not perish, but have Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Mrs M. Cowan is recuperating everlasting ife."-John 3:16. Solicitor for Bank of Montreal after lier recent operatian at Mt. Lesson Passage: John 3: 14-17; Mony t Lon. Pline 1.Sinai Hospital. Toronto. Romans 5: 6-10; Phlippians 2: 5-11. Mone to oan. Phon 91. Mrs. Andrew J. Knox is visiting Bowmanvilie, Ontario lier son. Prof Frank J. Knox, at Give us a virile Christ for these Queen's University, Kingston. rough days! L. C. MASON, B. A. Mr. John Henry, road superin- You paînters, scuiptors, show the Barrister - Solicitor tendent, lias been confined to the warrior bold; Notary Public - Etc. house with 10w blood contion. And you who turn mere words ta Law In ail its branches. Mrs. Robert Foster. in St. Mich- gleaming goid, office immediateiy east Of Royal ae's Hospital, Toronto, is stil] un- Too long your lips have sounded Theatre. dergoing treatment for a fractured in the prai-e Phones: Office 688; Home 553. hp borne. 0f patience and bumility. Oui' Mrs. (Dr.) J. E. Nunn. after a ways pleasant visit with ber bratheî'. Mr. Have parted from the quietude of DENTAL M. H. Staples. has returned ta Bat- old: tiefard. Sask. We need a man of strength with DR. J. C. DEITT Mr. William Cornish, Oshawa, son us to hald Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sissoii af the late George Cornish, under- The very bî'each of Death without Graduate of Royal Dental College, went an operation Sunday morning amaze. Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. in the haspital. Did He not scourge f roin temple Bowmanville. office hours 9 a. m. Major J. C. Gamey. Lieuts, K. courts the thieves? ta 6 p. m. daîly except Sunday. Hall. Fred Lycett and R. H. Henry And make the arch-fiend's self Phone 90. Hause phone 283. attcnded the annual meeting of of- again to faîl? X-Ray Equîpment in Office. ficers of Durham Regiment at Part And bast the fig-tree that %vas Hope only leaves? Mr. George Allin. Whitby. drap- And stilI the raging tumult of the FUNERAL DIRECTOR ped into town Friday. George isa seas? buildei' of dr'ain pipes: and as a side Did he nat bear the greatest pain FUNERAL DIRECTORS line. with Mrs Allen conducts a tea of ail. Service, any hour. any day. room. Silent. upon the cross on Calvarv? F. F. MORRIS CO. A runaway horse. with buggy. was --Rex Boundy. Modern Motar Equipment ski.fully balted when it broke from1 Belief Xeans Action, 14, 15 Ambulance and Invalid Car the camner stare shed an Centre St.. Egoism is spiritual suicide. Sal- Call Phone 10 or 34, befare aî;y damnage u*as done. Sat- ain omst-uhlokn wy Assistant, 573 urcav - vato se o s t. S ritaloing awa3' BOWMANVILLE Mr~. and Mrs. Rober't Fuller. for, fr o elfta Cjt. Spierta lfroim' îîîaîîy tars farming in the NewparkIntafrcthte nrteîm NORTHC TT & MITH ection. north Clarke, have rnoved 1wthi n ourselves. but tbat we re- NORT CUTT& SMTI-lceîve thraugh fellawship with Christ. ta the residience on the Willie Cowan The purpose of the Church is ta Complete Funeral Service farmi. 5th Concesrýion. Mrs. Fuller hold Up Christ before the eyes of Modemn Equîpment- Ambulance spent the weekend wth lier daugli- men. A churcli memrber raid af bis A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith ter, Mrs E. R.1 Rainey. Orana. mnse,--eawy uthnsl u Phone Days 58 Mr, and Mrs. H. G. MacDonald inirotr, He alWas t imspelf out Nights, Sundays or Holid.ays spent the past week near Picton iv n rant i an s t er." A pi'ee Phione 523 or 276. wbere activity centres in the sugai of bis %,.ork will exaît the Saviaur prucersHi0fb ape rupe inth Prne adnot give praminence ta hîmself. i prducrs f mplesyrp i PrnceChrist can save us only as we know musicEdward caunty. lias a modern camp hinm and obey him. Belief is mucli M usIC c .CCO and baling autfit. and visitors go ta more than giving formal assent ta a FRANCIS SUTTON,MuBa..c.o see the process of making the sugar creed Ta believe in Christ mneans A. T. C. M. ciplomas in Piano, and syrup.taakehswyo i ndc un Singing, Violin and Organ. A photo of a ane-time popular t ailtae bi am fli en.atuo Private or cîas.s lessons. oronoite and hîs 'w'îe, Mr. and Mrs.jtalti ie Pupils prepared for ail examinations. John L Rowe. Okotoks. Ait.. was; The Little Gospel, 16, 17 Phone 42, Bowmanville receix'ed by Mr. J. J. Glfillan re- What great words stand out in 40-tf cently. 'Loppy" as lie was known "the littie gospel"! These two ver- __________________________ Iby aid schoal boy friends. lias, taken ses. containing the very heart of the o n weight since lie lef t the old home New Testament. present sucli words Repairstown, and now tips the scale at as love. belief. life, saivation. The Repairs something like 20bs.lOrn teaching of modemn psychoiogy is R. P AW S ON abseta e an , M r n MrsyF. at we have spiritual health when Bootand lioeReparlng Dring. who dropped in on the anni- tepsie hitcm Stlthingversry o thli' eddig'loitbta candemn People but ta sae Soles sewn on by Goodyear tthn esr ofhi wdngwic them. How may we know thatïwe Machine. Prices reasonable. happy event was salemnized forty- are saved? There is one very simple KiCng Street East- Bowmanvllle twa yeacs aga. Frank is a prosprbuefctvts-aew nkig _______________________ -ous farmer of Whîtby township. after aur aid sins fîam which we close ta the village of Raglan, and akdCrs asv s nte neigborof aothr ol Clrke oy.test is ta think af salvation as whaie- SP R IN G T E RM James Wannan. ness or health. Are we spiritually no opeainWdmen's Missionary Society held healtliy? If aur lufe is filledi with m eryitePting nAa nd itprsos-bl fear. warry, and doubt. then we have SHAWmeetng n Apil nd, ithMrs.Os-not the salvation that Christ gives techout, Mrs. Ruîssell Best and Mrs. ta men. An evangeiist was in the BU IN SS SCHOOLS O. Dcummond in charge. Meetinghaia utngvemty."e clears the way for Graduation RapeneBrwnth ithme iano. Mis. rblaod af Jesus Chr'ist f rom In the Autumn and a position pR. H a lw at thepingo.fEanî'aU osins." One day lie asked himself th rough our Employment Bureau. p'ormflwe cn.itg ia if Christ had cieansed hlm fî'om ail Entr ny ay Nofocedvaa- Easter drama put on by Misses Myr- sin. and when lie f aced the facts of Ente anyday No orcd vaa- e Smith, Myrtle Tamblyn. Thelmahsonlf Crtrelybg t tions. Full particulars supplled. Myles. Kay Star'k and Enid Cobble-hion feCrst'alybgna Write W. R. Shaw, Registrar, dick President Miss M. Davy took sv i rmsn avto sfo Dept. -x-2, Bay & Charles Streets chreotebuissesonafr a tangible thing like a man taking Toronto. 10-4 which the quarterly tea was servedi out naturalization papers as a Can- by Mrs. G. Mitchels gcoup. The adian citizen. Salvation is a cliange attedan--n-berd-frtyone of inner nature whereby the Spirit ______________ fory-oe. of God ent.ers in. g The Love of God, 6-10 If you wear PROVIDENCE J Sacrificial action calis forth hu- man admiration. A policeman jump-i FAL E T ETHReport af SS. No. 5, Dalington. ed iito a moviîig moto, car in!. Try this Sr. IV-Ewart Bragg 70. downhill caeer before an accident NewlmprovedPowder Jr IV-Catherine Wight 90, Grace happened. It is a test aif fiendship Hall 84, Helen Luxton 78, Pearl wben one is willing ta risk lifie for Are your plates Shemilt 71, Glenn Brooks 63. the sake of a friend. Christ's sac- FR,.-dh?Ifthry Sr. III-Esther Barnett 83, Viola, rifice, howevec, was flot merely for FASTEETH-the Ruiter 66. Violet Crago 57. Hindf nendfor is efor sanes io nwand htter dentutre pooder AT Jr. III-Madeline Craga 73, HelendenfoHieems. edd OUR EXPE'rSE. Yrd.g. ih 71, Helen Ruiter 58, Rossit to recancîle men ta God. Saiva- ~'o dogirhat igt tion is not a human achievement- *~, af-e trial aampîe ail Bragg 56.l the initiative is taken by Gad wlia reasFu _de for y..o. FAS- Sr. II-Eleanar Wighit 79, Mary la ahr oetwrsmn ROIYthe ,,Th and bre. ,th Ws fthrsght twrd 7n TEE h -th aidpore.Keth igt 7, Irene Wight 70, Murray kind. A cynical newspaper man at- .1 -et. [t'. ro,thing and ' Cain 65. tne eiiu ahrn n 1,er ..a., .dh,,id. frir Sr. I-Gwendalyn B r oo ks 89,tne eiiu ahnn n teth - .er,rely ..bcry BinBret8 avnCao~ tried ta get at the motives of the oý,urId knw 00,rar. u workers. He cauid flot understand hen. Tri1aire uppliy William Bagg 77, Beatrice Quinney people spending lime and money ta i. linited. S-c y..r 56. drugat TODAY. work voluntarily without any hope IF NOT PLEASED Jr. Pî.-Geaî'ge Wight 87, Dorothy of financial rewacd. He ran clown W [TII TRIAL SIZE Ruiter 80. ail the clues of greed and graft and - YOULR DRLt;<IST IS Helen J. Lewis, teacher. finalîy a.ked a leader. 'Why do you AUTIi ORIZI.i>TO ____ 1IEFIJ NI> YOiR - do tIbis?" The answer came in NI>NEY ON REGU. Peevioli, pale, restiess, and sickiy three words. "For Christs sake." LAR SIZE. children ave their condition ta The interviewer could not under- Distribued in anada by v.orm.s. Miother Graves' Wormn Ex-1 stand. but the leader had caught W. K. BUCKLEY LTD. termînator will relieve themn and re- the spirit ai Chist's sacificial life TORONTO store heaith. land death. Are You' Planning Insurance? Before' vou (Io, consuit us. Years of exper- jence have taughit us the minute details that must be consitlei'ed. We will gladly aid you in making your plans. Stol) in to-day and discuss your per'sonial andi business insurance requirements. Theî'e is no obligation on your part. We shall be glad to help you. jJeJ.4ASON C& SON ,AI] Kinds of Inaurance Phone 50 Bowmanville Surrender of Self, 5-8 Paul was wonderfully liopeful about people. He thouglit that men and womnen. tbe everyday men and women witb wham lie worked, cauld grow until they miglit bave Christ's minc within tliem. This growlb cames tbrough surrender Christ made an utter andi unreserved sur- render of bis ife to God. His corn- ing ta earth is desccibed as a self - emptying o! position and power. In tle Gard.en af Gethsemnane lie yield- ed bis life ta the will ai God and accepted deatb upon the cross. Chirist bas liad tliis saving power because He did not put self before the wili ai God, And we, to. are I saed by Him when we surî'endeî' ln His spirit ta the wil ai God. and are wiling ta take up aur cross daily and iailow' oui' Mastec. Saving Upholding Oldsmobile's Reputation as"QKkt lta 9& im w 'JATHTHER you look at it from thue v vviewpaint of the completo, balanc- ed beautiful car, or examine it feature by feature, you wili ind Oidsmobie to be "The Car That Has Everything. " Newfeatures include: Smart streamline (for the 6 cyl. 2- Deiivered nt Factory Fuily equip Government Licem Prices for 8 cyi. Mo., Oshawa, Ont. beg design, Solid Steel "Turret Top" Bodies bD.y Fisher, Built-in Knee-Acîion, Big Hy- draulic Brakes, Center Contrai Steering and Ride Stabilizer, Silent Syncro-Mesh Trans- mission and Cornplete Sound Proofing. Evory refinement in the now Oldsmobiles lias been built into them expressly that you may enjoy a greater measure of motoring satisfaction. Why flot inspect and drive the Iow- priced 90-horsepower Six, or the 100-horse- F R 0 M power Straiglit Eight. We feel sure that this 37experience will con- -pass. Coupe) vince you quickly af ry. Oshawa, Ont. Oldsmobile's right to ns nyextra. be called "The Car :gin~ a$175 That Has Everything.- A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Offlc ROY COURTICE being written in an attempt 10 ex- plain lis teaching and wark. Mil- lions of people are constantiy sing- ing liymns in praise af Christ. The poets 3ield their tributes al'o by many verses cancernîng Christ. Great artJsts have pîctured hlm in the temple as a boy, as a mari, and the scenes of bis work bave been dliosen foi' great pîcturesý. A dozen times every day we run across the symbol af the cros:s whichlias been made meaningful because af His passion. The western wrild lias, beard ai the Passion Play porta-n His last week.s upan the earth. vr cliu'ch send.s out publications try-> ing ta interpret the teachings of Jesus. Every year many millions ai people obser've the Communion ser- vice in remembrance o! Him. He is the anly one who is wartby tb be caiied Lor'd by ail mankind He lias been given a name abave every name. the name o! Lord. Questions For Discussion 1. Wliat is tlie root cause af ega- ism? 2. 'Wliosoever"-4vhom are you temPted ta exclude? 3. What does it mean ta be re- canciled to God? 4. How is it possible for Christ mind ta be in us? 5. Has Christ any ceai rival foc wocld leadersbip? Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is recommended for sare necks. galis. distemper. cailouses and spavins. Renooves praud flesh and Hoaf Rot. Stops bleeding instantly. Stanley Il. Young powýer may be mediated througli usI who lias just been appointed Gen- accacding as we have followed thiej eral Sales Manager' af Christie, example ai Christ and surrendered Brown and Company, L i in i t e d. aur wills fully ta the wvill oi Gad. Sînce î'etucning from Overseas. ai- Our w-ills are ours, we know not ter four years' service with the Can- haw, but wve do knaw that we mav adian Corps in France. Mr. Young make aur wilîs obedient ta God's will. lias been cannected with the camp- Wlien we do tliis repeatedly and any in the capacities af Cashier, consta ntly, %ve have that mind in Office Manager and District Sales us whicb was also in Christ Jesus. Ma nager. in Winnipeg and Toronto. He organized and opened branches The Hlighest Hlonor, 9-11 in tlie new Western Canada divis- H-as anyone been honored as Christ ion and sînce 1933.,lias been man- bas been honared? About one-third ager af Head Office brandl iun Tar- ai the buman race now alive upon onto. His appintment ta General the earth have been baptized un lis Sales Manager' af the Company is a name. Millions a! copies ai thie popular one in the trade where lie Seriptumes are circulated each year is well knawn Mn. Young was bomn because people wish ta learn about in Sunderland, Ontario, and bas de- Christ Every Sunday millian.s a! veloped a hearty interest in corn- worsbippiyîg people meet in His munily welf are and boys' work. He t naine, and at millions a! tables is a direclor ai the Kiwanls Clubof. thanks Ils returned In the namne of West Toronto, and the Christ. Books by the tbousands are Y.M.C.A. NICHOLS BOWMANVII LE A Prime Dressing for Wounds- by the workmen. Fai' better ta or burn the flesh. In some factories and workshops keep on hand a bottle of Dr. Thom- ---à__ _____ carbolic acid is kept for useinau as' Eclecti iO. It Ls just as quick *Self-love and reason to one end terizing wounds and cuts sutare in action and does flot scar the skin aspire."-Pope. WHEN AT LAST THE ROADS ARE CLEAR ... AND YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE OLD FOLKS FOR MONTHS ... AND THE CAR IS ALL TUNED UP... Just pick up the telephone and let them know you're coming. * Wherever you may be, you can join the home folks at a moment's notice .. . via Long Distance. For as littie as 30 cents you can talk 100 miles or so. Consult the front pages of your directory for rates. Fr'ank Williams Mrawagu'r r ORONO (Prom The News. April 4) lplàrl-v- r-TrI.T.Zlr

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