PAGE I Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Continuing a series of the screen's f inest and moat recent productions at usual prices. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - April 25 - 26 - 27 lqilb%% 0 f AC ! @OM ROCHELLE HUDSON RICHARD CROMWELL GEORGE BARBIER JANE DARWELL SUM SUMMERVILLE fofV b.letd ,oh. book by Wa.I,a . Pei. IEIN l 1M Comedy - Cartoon - Ne»s Matlnee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - April 29 -.30 - May 1 Cartoon and News Matinee Monday 4 p. mi. - Wednesday 2.30 p. mi. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - May 2 - 3 - 4 The Grandest Round-Up of Ccmedy Stars Ever CorTalled Bringing you the grand, human characters o! Harry Leon Wilson's fainous book "Ruggles of ]Red Gap" With Charles Laughton, Mary Boland, Charlie Ruggles, Zasu Pitts, Roland Young and Lela Hyams Comedy - - News Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. COMING EVENTS: "CLIVE 0F INDIA" "*LADDIE" 11,3SSISSIPPI", "THE LITTLE £'tÇLONEL" "BEHOLD MY WIFE" "A GIRL 0F THE LIMBERLOST" Its astonishing the uses milk bott- dredis or empty bottles customers les are put to according to W. H. have negleched to return to lis dairy. Bettles. propriehor of Bowmnanville Daimy, who lias issued a caîl for ai Brooklin Spring Pair will be held spring dlean-up and retumnofo hun- j Friday. May 24th. AreYou9 -'«i I Planning Insurance? Befoî'e yocio, consuit us. Years of exper- ience have taught us the minute details that must be consideî'ed. \Ve xviii giadly aid you in making you plans. to-day and discuss youîr personal andi business insuî'ance requiremntnts. Theî'e is nîo obligation on your part. We shall be glad to help you. J. J. MASON & SON AUl Kinds of Insurance 1Phone 50 Bowmanville a .TEWVEST and most luxurlous cf, design adds to ias gracefulpro'o- appointments. The car is roomier ~ te FrdV-8cas fr 935 i. tions, ndlavs uh tror e than any previous Ford sedan, seat- the Fordor touing sedan shown1 for passengers when traveling. The ing six persons comfortably. The above. A commodjous built-in trunk1 Fordor touring sedan is richly up- new touring sedans are avaflable which i, an inherent part cf the car1 holstercd and fitted with 'de luxe1 in both Fordor and Tudor modela. TE CANADIAN STATEMAUN, EO0WMANVnZ.LU THURSDAY. APRU.L 25th, 1935 Mr. Edgar Wrght also ML-mes Elsie KENAL es Elsie Moore. Eilleen Parker and SGordon Stevens; quartette, Mrs. H. Mr. Milton Boyd, Toronto, visited Stevens, Miss Alice Ashton, Messrs. Mr. Fred Boyd. John Slemon and Orville Ashton; Miss Annie Thompson is holiday- besides several choral nuinbers. ing in Woodbrldge. On F'riday night W. M. S. held its Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tebble visited annual Easter concert with the pies- in Oshawa and Orillia. ident, Mrs. Wm. Parker, as chair- Mr. D. Vanatta visited at is lady. Rev. W. Rackhamn read the daughter's, Mrs. P. Burley. scrpture passage; publie school pu-5 4 Miss reda Bali, Toronto, is vis- Pils rendered a Easter chorus ac- (0 iting Mrs. Milton Robinson. , companied by Miss Marion Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colin are vis-i Buterfy drill by the Juniors un- itig r. ndMrs. Jos. Martinelli der the direction of Miss Margaret iTeM raanan famiîy Of Raglan Dalton; vocal duet, Mrs. Milton and attended church service Sunday Mrs. W. J. Stainton; vocal solo, Rev. i s mornung. Wm. Parker: A pagaent was very A splendid Easter sermon was Well given by a number of school preached by Rev. Thos. Wallace on pupils and Miss Annie Oke under the Sunday mornlng. direction of Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson en- Miss Qeorgina Darlington is vis- tltled "Packing our Travelling Bags itlng her mother, accompanled by for 1935". A very fine address was Miss Helen Çralg. given by Mr. M. Hobbs, Haydon, on Mms. Milton Plunkett and son "The New Earth". have returned f rom vlsiting Mr. & and Mrs. George Quantril. 1 I0 IThe communlty sympathize wlth f COURTICE the Little f amily In the death cf Eileen (Mis. Frank Lyoett) who dled Mr. and Mrs. Bert Devenisli have in Bownianville Hospital Sunday moved te Oshawa. mornlng. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lowe and daugli- -,ters spent Sunday in Toronto. IMr. Roser Goyne, Oshawa, visit- i ENNISKILLEN ledbis brother, Mr. G. Reynolds. Miss Nora Adams, Oshiawa, vlslted herparnts Mr an Mr. T Adms.Ste M ls-.M uriel W earn visted f riends he pa nt, M . nd rs T. A m . k0. Grilfin Mm.A. Robinson spent Easter Miss MarionGfn vsited at Mr. wlt i e dauglter. Mrs. Fed Bal- Ge.Bradley's. son. 170c %ýteens isitd :nMr. Norman Walter. Weston, spent j r.H.&vn vstdunOh Easter wlth lis grandinother, Mrs. awa n Thrsday. t Margaret Adamis. Miss June Ashton is visiting at Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Courtice and f Mr. . May's, Toronto. chlldren spent Easter wlth Mrs. Mr. and Mms. E. Harrison are vis- Kight. South Oshawa. iting amnd riendas. Balyvstd Mr. James Sulley having rented Mi. ad Mi. Ja. Brdleyvi ieil farm la, reslding with bis son, at Mr. Frank Bradley's. Mr. Wm. Sulley, Oshawa. Gor o Beckett sw a oono vstdMr.adMi. MC.rdo BecettviOshteat.r.Messrs Roland and Leonard Wenn. T Miss Laverne Orchard, Bownian- Paternoster on Good Friday. ville. at Mr. F. C.- Orchard's. Mrs. Henry Pruefer vislted her Miss Ida Ferguson, Oshawa, visit- lather. Mr. Galbraith, Toronto, ed at Mr. Adam Sharpe's. whose condition la critical. Mr. and Mrs. F. Blencowe, Toronto, called Mms. Prufer moved to Elgin St. W., on her uncle, Mr. Jas. Stainton. Oshawa on Saturday. Oui Young People are preparing Minor accidents: Miss Gladys a play entitled "The End of the Welsh lias been under medical care Lane". with a bad hand caused by a cut Mrs. W. E. Sanderson, Mm. F.- with tin; Lttle Helen Snudden had Spry, Hampton, visited at Mrs. Jabez a hock embedded In the ealf cf Se Moore's. lier leg, necessitating doctcr's aid; Masters Alan and Donald Fergu- Mms R. Tooley caught a linger in the son are holidaying at Zypher and door 0 f a car causing bad cuts. Uxbridge. The Musical Festival conducted by Mr. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, Miss Miss Marlon Orchard at Ebenezer Verna Pethick, Maple Grove, visited Churcli was well attended by par- at Mr. S. Pethlck's. ents from Maple Grove Base Line, Mr. Wilbert Smith and son Ross, No* 3 and 4, and Courtice. The-- Oshawa, Mrs. Fred Smith visited at singing was sweet and well timed; Mr. Howard Stevens'. teacher and pupils worked in splen: Mr. and Mrs. F .McGill, Toronto, dld unison. showing that thorough TOWNSHIP COUNCIL iMiss Pearl Adamis, Haydon, visited work is being done. Miss Myrtle at Mrs. Levi Brunt'Xmîî Scorgie won thie prize given by Miss DARLINGTON COUNCIL Mms. F. Spry and fmlH P-Orchard for the neatest copy book ton, visited at Mrs. Wm. Oke's and work done in the Junior room of this Darington Township Council met Mr. W. E. Sandemson's. school. April 6tli with the members ail pre- Mr. and Mms. C. W. Souch, Hamp- The Sunbeam Mission Band met sent and Reeve G. F. Annis presid- ton, Mr K. Caverly and children, on Thursday with President Marie iflg. Toronto, were visitors at Mm. J. Sait in the chair. The program in- Geo. Armour addressed the coun- Pye's. cluded reading by Kathleen Pidduck cil on closing the south hall of aide Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stainton and on "The Flrst Easter"; prayer by road between Lots 26 and 27, Con. son. Clillord, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mms. C. Penfound; Easter Greetlng 4. IJohinson. Toronto, vlsited at Mms. J. exercise by 14 girls; chorus by sen- F. B. GlaspelI and F. H. Pascoe Pye's. ior choir; memory verse by Miss vlsited the council regardilng the Mr. and Mms. Fred Preston, Bow- Sadie Muir; letters lrom India by dangerous condition of the ditel Iin manville, Mr. and Mrs. ElWood Joyce Sat; story by Mms. Penfound; Iront cf Zion Church and asked to Rahme, Oshawa, visited at Mr. R. reading by Douglas Brock; recitat- have It f ixed. Counâcil agreed to pay Preston's. ion by Pauline Antil; chorus by Jun- 50 per cent. of the cost cf a storm Mr. and Mrs. C. Branton, Mr. and ior Bluebirds; story by Miss Muir; sewer pipe if the churdli would do Mis. T. Rundle and son, Clillord, reading -The Robin" by Annie Hus. the same. whlch was agreed upon. Mr. and Mrs. Garrard, Oshawa. Mrs. band. T. H. Richards presented his re- J. Fox Toronto, were guests at Mr. Mr. Harry Freeman, Maple Grove, port and vouchems for Mardi which S. Page's. Presiderit of the O. R .A. C. address- were ordered Pald. fMr. and Mms. Theo. Slemnon, Mrs. ed our Sunday School on the work T. H. Richards was hlred as Road J. Sanders, Miss Gertie Oke, Mr. done by that organization, and the Supt. at the sanie salary as last John Semon. Jr., attended the fun- success of this new school whlch lias year, 35e per heur. eral cf Geo. H. Bickell, Bowmanvllle is best wishes and congratulations. Wages for 1935 are as follows: for on Sunday. "The Old Rugged Cross" was spien- man labor 171/c per hour; man IThe North Darlington Music Fes- didly sung by Mr. George Barber. and teani. 35c per hour; and Patrol- tival will be held in the Enniskillen Mr. J. Wiggans, Superintendent an- men 171'/2 per hour. Church, Friday, May 3rd at 8 p. m. nounced that dlrectly after Mother's Council declded tc hure Haldimand under the. direction of Miss Marlon1 Day service on May l2th., a baptis- Township tracter for 1935. Follow- Orchard Supervisor of Music. mal service will be held by our pastor ing orders were drawn on the Trea- Mr. and Mms. S. May and Billie, Those wishlng te taire part in the surer:- and Miss Maudie Ashton, Miss Mary baptlsm are requested te submit Counties Treas, Maint. etc. 206.02 Virtue, Mms. B. Palmer, Toronto, their names to Mms. Cecil Adams. Bell Tel. Co. service 2.27 Mrs. Wm. May. Sundrldge; Mr. Ira Sunday School wiUl operate on Day- A. P. Annis, legal 2.00 Trevaille, Oshawa, were guests at light Savlng Mrme. Canadian §tatesînan, print. 4.00 Mr. E. C. Ashton's. Miss Lorna Barber, Pickering, lias Oshiawa Wellare Bd., relief 1.02 Miss Marion Slemon, Miss Elsie been visiting lier parents, Mr. and F. Rogers, cartage relief 16.00 Allin. Mr. Roy Slernon, Miss Laura Mrs. George Barber, prior to lier G. A. Barron, relief 20.53 Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Slemon, miariage to Mr. James Wilson, Tor- W. W. Horn, relief 20.94 Miss Greta Slemon, Mr. and Mrs. onto. A quiltlng bee was held re- E. Pidduck, relief 12.76 W. A. Bain, Toronto, Mrs. C. W. cently ,aiding Miss Lorna in pre- T. M. Slemon & Son, relief 7.950 Slemon. Mr. gnd Mrs. Wm. Trewin, paing for lier new abode. On Thurs- W. E. Lymer. cartage relief 5.9 Bowmanville, Mr&. Sulas Trewin and. day amound 65 friends assembled in Mrs. J. Cowling, relief 2.46 Mr. Cecil Slemon visited at Mm. the evening laden wlth gifts for the PR. à. James. relief 3.10 Rugh Annis'. bride elect and a jolly tume ensued. 'L. J. Gatchell, relief 1.361 League meeting en Wednesday Miss Lorna was presented wlth a Naborhood Shoe Store, relief 2.00 night was in charge of the 3rd Vice, large basket piled higli with parcels1 Glen Rae Dalry. relief 6.20 Mr. Reg Weavins. Devotional zascontaining an assortment of useful; W. C. Caverly, relief 19.00 given by Mrs. S. Tewin; vocal sel- kitchen utensils. Af ter unwrapping1 H. McLaughlin. relief 3.4.61 ections were rendered by Miss Jean was over and the verses read (good1 Dominion Stores, relief 14.501 Stevens, Maple Grove, accompanied advlce and all) Miss Barber thanked Dr. H. Fer guson, relief 58.45 by Mis.s Verna Pethick; and Mms. lier friends. With Mrs. W. C. Smith Clamence Tink. relief 3.10 L. Ashton accompanied by Mrs. C. and Mrs. T. Adamis accompanistsI F. L. Byam, relief 33.19 Cossman; Toplc was well given by j songs and hymns were sung alter Couch. Johnston & Cryderman Mms. Theo. Slemon; eading by Mr.1 which a quartette composed of Mrs 4.98 N, Carrington: piano solos, Miss Jack Wiggan , Mrs. C. Adamns, Mr. Mrs. A. F. Rundle, relief 61.75 Verna Pethick, Maple Grove. and C. Barber and Mr. L. Beckett sang. Maple Grove Dairy. relief 5.16 Mrs. L. Lamb. Miss Josephine Courtice recited; 1 J. D. Hogarth .salamy lst qtm... Suinday evening service was well Mrs. FredCcrn nwrdte195 NLY BO'DIES ALL 0F STEEL ce1 sides, steel floor, steel f . .. over a rugged inner rame also ALL of steel. ERRiAPiLANEq $375 mnd. uj,.»Rta "t.q«orTilbury. Ont.. inc. igufctr eument. 1piewe and tre, ai t a Ï ad. Ielgoiht and license only estra your nearest Terraplane dealer today 'What have i done ! SUPPOSE THIS HAD BEEN YOUR CHILD! T HE number of children killed and injured by automobiles in Ontario As appallingl Children by nature are carefree. You must think for them, and for other pedestrians, constantly. Be sure your brakes, tires and lights are effective. Drive slowiy and be particularly care- fui wherever there may be children . .. especially on holidays and week-ends. Train yourself so that safe driving becomes second nature to you If you don't, some day you may find yourseif flot only severely penalized but also minus a driver's Iicense . .. for life 1 UT US BElTER TO BE SAFE.THAN SORRY MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS ONTARIO THIS MUST STOP! In Ontario, during 1934, there were new1ry 10,000 auto- mobile accident&. 512 people were killed 8p990 peope were injured a. considerable increase over 1933. It must beevident to aIl hiaking people that ibis mît iopA HT.TB.4ifAl m.w« Il il I/ Mý" in CANADA'S