P AGE TWELVE TH-E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY. APRIL 25th, 1935 The Newcastle Independent I Mr. Geo. Graham is home from of Mr. L P. Bennington's prolonged Sudbury.1 stay in the Toronto General Hos- Mrs. Jesse Baskerville visited Mr. pital. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford, Cor. and Mrs. Gordon Clark, Toronto. Sec'y. was instructed to write them George Gaines. Jr., spent the hol- i letters of good wishes and cheer. iday at the home of Mr. Gandier in The resui'rection of the rejected Newburgh. and crucified Christ and His victory I A class for beginners six years of over death and the grave, giving age and upwards, will be opened in assurance of a life hereafter and of the public school after the Easter a state of blessedness, to ail who holidays. believe on Hlm, was the joyous Auction sale o! the household ef- theme of Rev. F. H. MasQon's ser- fects of the late Mr. and Mrs. Simon! mons at St. George's Church on' Baskerville drew a very large crowd Easter Sunday. Rev. J. Scott How- on Tuesday. ard assisted in the service and the Miss Ivah Brooks, Lynden, ont.. choir rendered a splendid programn and Mr. J. C. Gaines, Toronto, spent io! jubilant Easter music with Mrs. the Easter holiday with Mr. and, T. F. Branton assisting and with, Mrs. G. Gaines. 1 Mrs. Af lred Farncomb at the organ. Mr. George Chatfield spent Easter The beautiful hules adorning the ai- holidays with Mr. and Mrs. G. tar wvere donated by Mrs. D. J. Gai-i Gaines prior to sailing for :England braith and Miss B. Mclntosh in on the Duchess of York. memory, 0f their parents. while the Mr. J. P. Benniflgton, who has many lovely flowers, lilies and an- been ill in General Hospital, To r- tirrhinum, arranged on the chancel onto. returned last week ta Aflin steps b y Mrs. M. Brown were don-c Bros. f arm. much improved. ated by Mrs. J. H. Gibson In meni- M Mr. Robert S. Whittle, B. A, Lis- ory of her husband; by Mrs, (Dr.) er gar Collegiate Institute, Ottawa, Allen. Toronto, in memory of ber in and Mrs. Whittle, are visiti.ng her moth.er and grandmother, the late th parents. Rev. S. and Mms. MaLean. Mrs Swasiland and Mrs. Julia Met- 'F Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch Jr., at- calfe. and by Mrs. Chas. Gomme r( tended the funeral o! her grand- and daughter, Mrs. H. Ashlee, Bow- father. Mr. Beal, t Leskard on manville, in memory of the late Monday, Mms. Couch re rm a i n i n g Charles and Lieut. Percy Gomme, there for a while. Mrs. Geo. Eiibeck and son Mur- Sofie Easter Visitors ray, in company with Mrs. Ida Stin- Mrs. John Lord, Shaws, with Mr. j( son and dawughter, Miss Frances , and Mrs. J. H. Jose. motored ta New York to visit Mrs.1 Mr. Geo. Bonathan, Toronto, with Eiibeck's daughters. Mms. S. R. Bonathan. Mr. Aubrey Urry, f ormneriy of Mms Dean, Napanee, with Mr. and s Newtonvilie. is now in the teller's Mrs. A. E. Mellow. cage in the Newcastle branch of the Miss GlIadys Shaw, Toornto, with Bank of Commerce, Mr. Rd. Stew.a r r and Mrs. David Shaw. having been transferred. . Miss Clara Caswell. Toronto, withW Durham Lodge A. F. & A, . Mr. and Mms. John Caswell. were "At Home" ta the ladies on Misses Lida and Muriel Lake, To- Tuesday evening and entertained' ronto, with Mms Frank Gibson. with cards. dancing and re!resh- Mr. William and Mr. Jack Toms ments in the community hall. with Mr. and Mms. Herb. Toms. Mrs. P. ONeil returned from Na- Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Port Perry. panee in company with Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. ï Mrs. Frank O'Neil and has taken up Miss Salome Howard, Toronto,. her residence in the bouse she pur- with Rev. and Mrs. J. Scott Howard. chased f rom Mr. Cecil Cowafl on Mr. Raymond Barrabali, Ashburn. Mill St. with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Barrabail. Rev. and Mm. R. A. Delve. Lyn, Miss Bertha Cowan and friend, J visited Mr. and Mms. J. W. Gienney Oshawa, with Mr. and Mms. A. and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buckley. Cowan. They are planning to make their Messrs. Fred and Sam Cowan. home in Oshawa at the end of this Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross conference Year. cisn St. George's Church - Rev. F. H. Mr. Grdon and Mr. Wm. Mc- Mason. M.A.. B.D.. Rector. Sunday, Guii'e. Wbitby, with Mr. and Mrs. April 28th. Low Sunday: 8 a. m.- Wm. Hockin. H-oly Communion: il a. m.-Morn- Miss Lilian Smale. Creighton lng Frayer and Sermon; 2 P. m.- Mine. with Misses Catherine and Sunday School; 7 P. m.-Evensong. Estella Blackburn. Mms. J. G. Rickard and Miss Mr. Clarence Gaines. Toronto,' and' Florence, Bowmanville. in compaxny Mr Geo. Gaines, Whitby, at Mr. andI with Mrs. H. G. Martyn and daugh- Mrs. Geo. Gaines'.c ters, Misses Florence, Carol and Miss Hazel Barrie, Osh%~wa. with Joy. cailed on Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard Mr. Walter Couch and daughter on Sunday while motoring ta Weî - Miss Tucker Couch.c come.MissHambly and Miss llacNam- Girs' ofbal Tem.held an en- ara, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Girl' Sftbal Tam- Arthur B. C. Harris. joyable dance in the communitvj Mr. Fred Coulter, Mrs. CoulterC hall Monday evening and nettediadsn nd auhe.Dtot around $20.00 to he applied te, the Mich wshn Mran Fd lgge. Dtot pucasof new suits. Mr. and Mrs R. C. Lovekin and son Rich- Mrs. W. E. Purdy were the refresh - r n r'm olo.Trno ment caterers. with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Coulson. United Church - Rev. Samuel Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fisher and MacLean. B. A., Pastor. Sunday, mother. Mrs. H. Fisher. and daugh- April 28th: Y. P. L. Anniversary, ter Miss Marion, Belleville, and Mrs. Rev. Dr. Palmer, Port Hope, wil Harold Toms and daughters, Misses preach at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Spec- Frances and Kathleen, St. Lambert, iai music by a Y.P.L. choir. Sun- Que.. with Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard. day School at 2.30 P. m. Many are admiring the îovely United Church Easter Services trailer cabin parked on the rear The festival of Easter was joyous- 1 lawn of Mr. E. C. Hoar's garage. Iy observed at the United Church It is occupied by a member o! the Sunday with large congregations.1 forestry department of the Ontario Beautiful Easter lilies and snap- Hydro Commission vwho with his dragons, symbolizing the springtime wife will be here for a fortnight. revival of nature with which the Mr. Jas. and Miss Hattie Broad, festival of the resurrection so fitly Rossmore. visited Mr. and Mrs' synchronizes, adorned the organ Merkiy Clark and Mr. and Mrs. J. console and altar precîncts. Rev. H. Joee. Miss Lorna Adamis, who is S. MacLean preached eloquently at attend.ing Newcastle High Scbool, bth services. exalting in the fact returned to her home in Prince Ed-1 and sîgnificance of the resurrection ward County with them, to spend of Christ and lifting bis hearers in Easter holidays. a spirit of hlgh exultation with him. Mrs W.H. ook, st iceprei-The choir sang "Behold Thy King" dent. had charge of the W. A. meet- ihM.E .HaM.Wlu ing on Thursday a!ternoon. April 11, Baskerville, Mrs. W. D. Bragg and The rogam rovded y Ms. er-Mrs. C. R. Carveth rendering an- TyHe rogrm providued byam. er- n them solos, and "Lif t Up Your cy Hrs group fe atrda chreusingHeads O Ye Gates," with Mrs. R. T. thy Mrs. Fp M.H. ardcalorubyMssbvRutherford taklng the soprano solo. te Mgrouand aenvonoo yMs As a specal number Miss Hattie oatieMso n. nto n w T as a Mason sang 'Open the Gates o! the o! rs.Nicola Tktch having Temple." In the evening Mr. Mac- been taken to Oshawa hmsial n Lean preached on the glorious fact ï text. Luke 24:34. The Lord is risen indeed. The choir continued it% fine, srieof song. while in addition a ladies' quartette, Mrs. C. A. Cowan W ALL APER and Mrs. C. R. Carveth, sopranos, and Mrs. W. D. Bragg and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. altos sang 'Troni Glory A paper for cvcry room at very moderate cost. Sec the ncw Sunworthy and S un tcsted Papers. Diseontinued patterns at greatly reduced prlces. IRiverdale Paint and Enamels Pal int 15c hall sepvnt. PaI ive y15C gond servc. Enamel 15e quarter pi.nt. Very practical for work where .nly Saal quantities are re- qulrecd. JWoJewell BOOKS & STATIONERY pAINTrS & WAILLPAPER CHINA & GLASS Phone 30 AUCTION SALE 1 Saturday, April 27th-At the resi- dence of the late James Pooley, Ty- rone. opposite Tyrone U n i t e d Church. will be sold at public auc- tion ahl the household and other e!- fects of the late James Pooley, in- cluding kitchen. dining room, and bedroonv f urnishings, also covered buggy, cutter, plow, scuffler, and various other small articles. There wilh also be offered for sale at the sanie tume and place the real estate o! the late James Pooley, cýnsisting o! approximately 14 acre lotiday situated on the south side o! Maini Street in the village of Tyrone onI which are erected a 5-rooa f rame house with asPhaît shingles. a barn and garage, ail in good condition: also acre o! land on the north side of Main Street in the village o! Tyrone. on which are no buildings. Sale at 1.30 p. ni. Ternis cash, ex- cept on real estate. Ross A. Pooley, Clerk: W. J. Challis. Auctioneer. *i will sell by public auction on Wednesday, May lst, in Hampton, the following household e! fects: 7 dinems and table, siahl tables, 3 cane chairs, 3 rockers, writing desk, 2 dressers, washstands. beds. springs, niattresses, davanette (solid oak). hanging lamaps, radio, 2 coal oil stoves and ovens. box stove, rug 9x9, carpet, sideboard, table, hall lamp, kitchen cabinet, linoleums, new churn. cooking utensils, quart sealers, butter bowl, dishes, and niany other articles. These articlesl are in good condition. Sale at 1.30 p. ni. Termis cash. Elxner Wilbur, auctioneer. DIRECTS FORD DRIVE Clarence Cox Sales Manager of Cox Motor Sales, Oshawa, district dealers for Ford MIotors of Canada. This firm is op- ning an intensive sales campaign in Bowmanvilie and Durham County ' this week for the most economical Ford car ever built. See special an- nouncement on page 5. BIRTHS JONESS- At Oshawa Hospital on Sunday, April 21st, 1935. to Mr. and Mms. Morris Joness, inee Haz- el Wakely). a son. SHERWIN-- At Orano (West Side) on Friday. April 12th, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. Milford E. Sherwin, a daughter, ( Anna Marie). WOTTEN-On Monday. April 22nd, 1935, at the Private Patients' Pav- ilion, Gen. Hospital. Toronta, to Mr. and Mrs. Narval C. Wotten, (nee Mary E. Arnott), Sauina, the gift of a son. MARRIAGES JAMES - WALKER- In St. Paul's Lutheran Churcb, Lakewood, 0hio, on Saturday, April 20tb, 1935, by Senior Pastor Meyer, Robb War- ren James. son o! Dr. and Mrs, M. J. A. James, Cleveland, Ohio, and Marie Louise Walker. daugh- ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wahker, Lakewood. 0hio. DEATHS GREEN- In Orono on Saturday, April 20th, 1935, John A. Green,l aged 70 years. GROVES- In Bowmanville on Fni- day. April l9th, 1935, W. E. Groves aged 74 years. Interred at Mount- view Cemetery, Gaît. CARNA.HAN- On April 19th, 1935, at the Private Patients' Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital, Jessie Ferry, behoved wife o! W. J. A. Carnahan. SMITH- In Toronta on Friday, April l9th, 1935, Sydney Nelson Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Smiith, in bis 24th year. In- terment at Orono Cemetery. CANDLER- In Bowmanville on Monday, April 22nd, 1935, Louisa Hoar Candier. widow o! the late 1Samuel Candier in her 79th year. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. McMULLEN- In Hamilton on Mon- day, April 22nd, 1935. Thomas Clifford McMullen, youngest son o! Mr. and Mms. T. W. McMullen, formerly o! Bowmanville, aged 26 years. Interred in Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAMI MOODY-In ever loving memory o! Preddie S. Moody, who passed away April 23rd, 1930. 1VIRTUE - In loving memory o! Margaret Byers, beloved wife o! Edward E. Virtue, who passed away April 24th, 1929. We miss you at a thousand turns, Along life's weary way, For hife to us is not the same Since you were called away. -Husband and Family. PERSONAL To the Young lady who look- ed S snisart ast Saturday night in that stunning pastel cr,ýpe froclt. There was only one fault to find-YOUR WATCH. It was s0 out-of-date! If you bring it in to us somnetirne this week, we wil accept it as part paymnent on a new Buhova - and give you a iberal aloance. We'1l do the sanie for any o! yaur friends who realize how an old watch dan ruin their appearance. Here's your chance ta get a Bulova and save a lot a! nioney. James Marr JEWELER Phone 463 Bowmanvllle Rep airs R. PAWSON Boot and Shoc Repa.lrtng Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stltchlng Machine. Prices reasonable. Klng Street East - Bovwmanvilhl Tinte Table Changes Effective SUNDAY, APRIL 28 Pull inf ormation f rom nearest Canadian Pacific Wanted EXPERIENCED MAN WANTED TO FI work on a f arm. Apply J. W. Abernethy. Bowmanville R. R. 2. Phone 183r14. 17-11 F MAID WiANTED - EXPERIENCED girl or Young women preferred: home equipped with ail electrical appiances. Wages $4.50 week. F, Apply 'R.M." Statesmafl Office. 117-1- WANTED -GIRL OVER TWENTY or mjddle-aged woman for general housework and plain cooking, mnust be dlean, healthy and reli- F able. Apply giving full particulars to Mrs. G. Mannfinlg, 27 Elms- thorpe Ave.. Toronto. 16-2 To Let F TO RENT-SMALL, APARTMENT, suitable for married couple with- out children. Appiy Statesinan- Office. BRICK HOUSE TO RENT - ONE block from Public School. conven- iences; garage; possession May 1.- Phone 42, Bowmanviile. 17-tf F àOUSE TO RENT ON WELLING- ton Street. 6 roins, choice resi- dential section. reasonable rent, - possession May ist. J. B. Martyn. F 17-2w ro RENT- BRICK HOUSE, SIX rooms, ail conveniences, central location, garage and garden. Ap- ply to J. Mclntyre. Church St.. P Bowmanviile. 17-1* F'LAT TO RENT--SUITABLE FOR living rooms or office, over Selrlte Store; conveniences; possession March lst. Apply to L C. Mason. F barrister, Bowmanville. 8-tf FOR RENT - FARM 0F ABOUT f orty-five acres. conveniently 10- cated, close to Oshawa; improved highway good buildings; excel- to strawberries and garden truck; iinmediate possession. G. D. Con- ant. K. C.. Oshawa. 16-3 For Sale or Rent HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE 1in Newcastle. Apply Ina B. Wight, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. P h o n e 136r5. 17-1 FOR SALE OR RENT-150 ACRE farm, 70 acres plowed, balance hay. Good house and buildings. Possession at once. Appiy Clar- ence Woodley, Tyrone. Phone 320r5. 12-tf Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Nancy B. Wotton. of the Township of Darlington, in the County of Durham, wxdow, deceased. Ail persons having dlaims against the estate of Nancy B. Wotton. de- ceased. who died On or about the 24th day of February, 1935, are flot- ified to send to the undersigned Ex- ecutor. The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Llmited, Toronto, or to the undersigned W. R. Strike. its Solicitor, on or before the First day of May, 1935, their names and ad- dresses and f ull particulars of their dlaims. and the nature of the sec- urities (if any) held by them duly 1 veri.fied by statutory deciaration. Immediately after the said lst day 1of May, 1935, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among 1the parties entltled thereto having regard only to the dlaims of which PIt shaîl then have notice. [ Dated April l6th, 1935. The Trusts and Guarantee Company, Llmlted, 1 302 Bay St., Toronto. E W. PL Strike, L Bowmanville, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Executor. 1 16-2 TREASURER'S SALE 0 F LAND FOR TAXES ,Town of Bowmanville, County of Dur]a To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Bowman- ville bearing date of the llth day of March. 1935, sale of lands in ar- rears of taxes in the Town o! Bow- !manvile wil be held in the Council IChanmbers in the Town Hall, Bow- OLD BILL SAYS: By the time a man begiris ta poke his head out through his top haïr he's likely to describe niiddle age as the tume o! life when a fellow will feel better in a few days. A f ood lubricant that wvill not permît food ta re- main in the body long enough ta set up acld condition appears the sensible way to keep a fellow up In the collar at anY age. You'II Like Laxo An ail year round mu!!f in and breakf ast cercal. Prlced for daily use. Pickering Milling Co. PICKERING, ONT. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate o! Royal Dental Coîhege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubllee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office haurs 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily excei>t Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equlpment Ambulance and Invald Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funcral Service Modern Equlpment -Ambulance A.. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smltb Phone Days 58 Nlghts, Sundays or Holdays Phone 523 or 276. Notice HARDWOOD F LO 0R S - B. W. Haynes, floor expert. New floors laid and finished complete. Old floors refinisbed by electric sand- er. Ail work donc by expert mechanlcs and guaranteed. Phone 481. Oshawa. 16-3 For Sale OR SAL- CHOICE COLLECT- ion of Rockery Stones, cheap. Phone 546. 17-2* FOR SALE-GOOD YOUNG MARE. Apply J. E. Flett, Bowmanville. Phone 384. 17-1P 'OR SALE- RHUBARB ROOTS, Apply Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Hamp- tan. Phone l98r4. 17-2 FOR SALE - FEED OATS AND Barley. Apply Clarence Waodley, Tyrone. Phone 320r5. 12-tf FOR SALE - COLUMBIA RASP- berry sets. Apply Taylor and Hall, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. Ph on e 181r2. 17-1 FORj SALE-PURZE MAPLE SîYRU? made by R. McCamus & Son, Ida P. O. Pnice $12,00 per case o! six gallons. delivered. 14-4* FOR SALE_ IRISH COBBLER potatoes suitable for eating or seed. 40c per bag. Russell Vir- tue, Tyrone. 17-1w "OR SALE - COLUMBIA RASP- berry plants. sturdy bushes. R. M. Jamieson. King St. W., Bowman- vilît,. Phone 31l9. 16-4' "OR SALE-QUANTITY 0F HAY, alsa two cows. one renewed and one ta freshen about 6th May. Apply W, L. Bartan, Bawmanville, Ont. 17-1P POTATOES FOR SALE - I R I S H- Cobblers, gaad cdean stock. Price reasonable. Apply Arthur Ives, D:uke st.. Bowmanville. Phione evening 632. 17-2 FOR SALE- THIREE G R A S S fanms, about 100 acres each. bard wood and cedar bush on eacb f an. Will also take in cattie ta grass by season. H. B. Foster, Phone 45, Bowmanville. 17-31 FOR SALE-SIX ROOMED BRICK House on the corner o! Concess- ion and Centre Streets, hardwaod floors, ail modem conveniences, double garage. Apply W. Brock, Queen Street, Phone 114w, Bow- manville. 13-t!. àEED FO6R SAE-IRISH COB- bler Potatoes, grown fnom P.E.I. certified seed hast year: two-row- ed barler. cleaned at B.T.S.: also dlean mixed grain and No. 1 Tim- othy hay. W. S. Staples, Tyrone I Phone 196rll. 17-11I FOR SALE- CREAM SEPARAT- ors. Bargains in usQed machines o! diffenent sizes. Guaranteed. Aiso repains for Melotte, Magnet and Premnier Separators. Free service for Durham County. Apply Ther- on Mountioy. R. R. 6, Bowmnanville. Phone 320r23. 17-2 Custom Hatching FOR SALE - WHITE LEGHORN Baby Chicks, over 700 blood tested from two.and three year aId hens. Pen o! wel.l-devehoped Pullets;' mated ta full brothers o! aur pen: won third place in White Leghorns in the egg-laying contest hast year. Electric incubator;, average eggs set 26 oz.; pnice, $9 and $11 per hundred. Phone Alvin Clemens. Bowmanvile. near Hamptan. 3t Business Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL. Barristen, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvlille W. B. STRIKE Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Solicit-or for Bank o! Montreal Moe oLoan. Phone 91. BowmnvileOntario L. C. MASON, B. A. Bannister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. Office im.mediately east o! Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Homne 553. When We Test Eyes Bt Is Donc Properly PHONE 78 BOWMANVILLE PROCLAMATION! Daylight Saving Change to Summer Time Apral 28 to Sept. 29, 1935 The Town Council ha.g authorlzed me to issue a proclamn- atin requesting the citizens f Bowmanville to observe a perid of Daylight Saving for the current year, commenclng at 2 o'clock a. m. on Sunday, April 28th, and contlnuing until 2 o'clocli a. m. on Sunday, September 29th. The Town Council most respectfully asks the hearty co- operation of ail classes of citizens in makng a succcss of this movement for the public benefit. Prolaimed pursuant to the instructions of the Town Council this lSth day of April, 1935. W. ROSS STRIKE, Mayor. GOD SAVE THE KING Watson's Regular ValIuesit Watson's regular values are moncy saveirs. Select y ounr i week-end needa from these suggestions: SCof f ce ols. doz. ..... 2"0 Vanilla Buru4 doz .... 15o "> / Doughnuts. doz. ....... 200 icilled Doughnuts, doz. .20e Apple Turnovers, doz. 25a Raspberry Turnovers, doz. 25e Jam Tarts, doz...... 25e Sm alh Tart, doz . . ... 20c metropeUitans. doz . .... 25e Wainut and Cherry Cup Cakes, doz. . .... 200 Date Cakes ......... .150 Fo r Jcily RoU, raspberrY Q U I C K E N R G o r le m o n . . . . . . . 1 5 0 Drik Pineapple or Walnut Cake 150 B O R D E N 'S Ora ge Cake . . . .. . lc MALTED MILK MAs". 1Layera.............250 Only 10e Cookles, doz............. 15 Watso s 0 Bakery LUNCH BOOM PHONE 97 SODA FOUNTAIN SPECIAL NEXT WEEK CURTAINS WASHED and FINISHED TO SIZE 4OCPer Pair 2 Pair for 6@C Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone 152 - We Cali and Deliver Geo. M. Bosnell G. D. Garnett TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFCE 2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GU. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge.: COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon' E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Wherc at al posible kndly make appontmnents for examlnatlons. 4e --- and I'm having the prints enlarged" S ELECT your favorite vaca- tion snapshots and let us make enlargements from the negatives. They're smart, in- expensive. Our careful work iasures excellent resuits. Kodak Film and o&rfinishing gite be*ter siwPsbot resmlt&j JURY & TILLYER LENSES Cost No More ALTHOUGH Tillyer Lenses give new and noticeable eye comfort, they cost no more than other high quality lenses. So give your eyes the best-Tillyer Lenses. Let us show you how different Tillyer Lenses are. IIow, unlike ordi.. nary lenses, they are accurate to the ver>' edge whether you look up or down, in or out. LOVELL