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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1935, p. 2

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PAGE ITWO J30WMNVILLE HURSDAY. APRIL 25th, 1935 A Weekry Ncwspaper cevoted to the interests Of the town of Bowmanville and surrounding country, issued at KIng 8treet, Bowmaniville every Thursciay, by M. A. James & Sons. owniers aild publishers. The Canadian Statesman s ae member of the Canadian Weekly Newpapers Association, amiso the Clas"A"~ Weeklies of Canada. SL'BSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada. $2.00 a year: In the United States, 02.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. THURSDAY. APRIL 25tb, 1935 A Worthy Citizen Passes In the sudden passing on Good Friday af W. E Groves, Bowmranville lost a sterling Christian gentle- man and a worthy citizen. Well known in horticul- tural circies throughout Canada and the United States, Mr. Groves wa- recognized as an authoritv on such nmatters, and it was not long ago that lie waý linored in the appoinbment as the cniy director of the Intelnationa1 Peace Garden in Eastein Canada. He i.. a former pre-ident of the Canadian Florîste and Gardeners' Assccsation, and had held executive offices in practically every Canadian and Inter- floriýts and horticultut ai oganiz-etion. But to Bowmvnanville people bis pasSing wvili be re- gretted because of bis citizenship and influence for good in this towvn. Coming herý only four years ago, he nmade a wde circle of friends. By his kindly and generous acts and bis genial and unaffected mani- ner be had engrabiabed himself into the bearts of both old and yaung. He -was a great lover of child- ren. He ivas one of bhe most beloved memibers of the Rotary Club, an ardent wvorker and a meneber of the Board of Stewards of St. Paul's United Church, a ready and willing worker in the Horicutural Soc- iety and the Business Mens Association. Whatever worthwbile community efforts hie took part in hE gave af bis test. To those of us who knew bine personally there is a vcry distinct feeling of a loss that will be long felt. He was a wvriter of no mean ability. and bis weekiy feature articles in The Statesman on gardening and horticulture were keenly read and hrosught to him mayenquiries from Statesman readers ail over the The sympathy 0f bbc ent-re communiby and sur- raunding countryside gacs aut to bis sorrawing wi- dow aînd son in the great lacs tbcy have sufcred. Hie going an Goati Friday sems significantly fit- ing for a man wbo sa well emulabedthebb ideals of the Master who was crucifieti on that day. National Government Idea The proposai for a National gavernment for Can- ada, presented recently in Oshawa by a graup ai Taronto men, in principle is good, says bbc Oshawa Times. We agree with the opinions ai this paper, boa, when it says further: For some years, we have pub farward the suggestion in these clumns tbat bbc pasition af Canada was such as ta warranet aIl political parties coming bogetteer in a genuine effort ta bring bbc test brains of tbbcocuntry to bear an its problems. We bave 0f ben expressed regret that interest in bhc wlfarc of a palitical Party scemed ta oubweigb îintercst in bbc welfarc af tbbcocuntry. And wc bave frcqucnbly pointeti out tbat no poitical party has a neonopoly af bbc beet brains in Canada. Indced. lb migbî te said that those mwho are austantiing in bbc business worlti ai bbc country bave remaineti re- ligiously alaof from plitical activities. We are, therefore, quite sympatteetic e thie idea ai a National governiment ta ide bbc country tbrougb a dîffîcuit period. There shaulti have been a Nat- ional gavernment four years ago, wben bbc starm ai tiepression tegan ta break over Canada, but pal- iicians couiti flt sec lb that way. Now, howevcr we fear lb Le boa late ta expect politicians ta change their views. As an ideal, national goveî-nment is splendid. As a Practical possibility, at bbe present ime, we cannot sec how lb is going ta be acbieved The Liberals are obsesseti wibh the idea that thcy will be in power af ber tbc next electian. Why shoulti they favor a National gavei-nmenb' The Conserva- tives te te hopeful ai cantinuing in office. Why shouldt tey invite Literais ta sbare witb bbem bbc fruits af office? There you have bbc practical side of bbc situation inc a nutsheil. Ib is fine ta bave ideals of gavernment. But, unfarbunately, practical politeal cossideratians stili wigb boa strongly with plitical leaders ta let Ideals bave mucb sway. Perbaps thbcocuntry bas not been near cnaugb ta disaster ta make a National gavcrnment imperative. as was bbe case in Great Britain. lb may te tbat lb will have ta go even mare deepc into bbc mora'zs before bbc leaders ai bhc na- tion can te made ta sec bbc neeti for uniteti action an tbc part of ail parties ta drag il out. Farmers Are Party to Vicious Circle One economic factor that bbc paýt four years bave brought home is that wben the consutmer demands lower Priceti merchandice, bbc producer sufiers. While this is truc in any line of business, the farmer -the produc-is espccially concerniet cith those industries cchicb use bis producte, The baking business uses pozsibly a greater per centage af farim praduiebe than any other intiusbiy. The farmer bere is bobb producer anti consumer. The farmei's wife buys a boai ai breati. She asks for cbeap breati. grumhling perbaps, about tbe price. The baker ta kcc.p bis clientele :accers bbc price aiftet' breati, Any merchanti '-i- rta stay in business muet make a profit, sa bbc baker-anti ccho caîs blame hlm? -ta make a profit at bbc lowcr price ruts tiown on bbhecualîty oai bis breati. Wbab dae tee eave out? The very producte solti by that fariner, w-base wiic grumbleti about bhe price af bt-catiWith less tic- manti for bis proCiice bbc farmner tries ta rebrencte anti in lebrenching tirives tiown bbCeprice ai breati again. Tise resuIt le tillI eýs ai bis p:otiuce solti anti more retrenctement. Breadi can te matie from yeast, flour, saIt and waber. Qualiy b-cati crnt-sins seat four but nine articles-yeast, flaur, saIt anti water, plus panamaît. slsartening, milk. arcatiy andi sugar, Panomaît matie from barley anti sbortening flour anti milk are pro- ducts ai tise farmer. Thîvs bbc-c is a veî'y close re- ationship bebwee-n bbc baker an,-1bbc farmer. The bakerles of Canada use a total ai aroisnt $30.000.000.- 00 worth ofi ngredients every yessr. anti at lcast 751,' -aiten 95"/, corne cither directly ar intiirectly from Canadian farmns. Therefore when bbe sales in bbc baklng Industry take a drop of $24,000,000.00 as they did between 1929 and 1932 (the latesb Government 1 1 Reccntiy we campleteti a rather large prinbing or- der' foir a local intiusbî-y. Witbin a very fewv days Mw< rcceîved a cbeck for bbc accaunb. in fuît and writiter on . tbement were bbc wordsWelatsii. That type of appreciabion is sa seldom hanticd out these days in bbc ardinary course ai business that wc cannat help but comment uPon it. Thse manager r 'as apparcntly pleased wibb the wvork. Not only diti tee show bis appreciatian in a practical way by bbc Prompt paymcnt af bbc account, but be added that sentimenstal aînd buman bauch of 'WciI Satisfied' wbicb incitienbally meant about as mucb ta us as the bandsomc check. One is farccfully reminded of bbc ten lepers wbom Christ matie cean. and of bbc nine wbao faiied ta return anti give tbanks, and tbc solitary anc wha returned ta say 'Thank You.' That is the situation that exiets totiay in bbc maiority of businesses. Hocc many of us rcburn ta bell thasze with wbom we do business baw plcased we are witb their service, or the ciuality or value of tbeir goods. We are ail reatiy anti willing enough ta take tbem ta task as soan as bhey make a bad break, but wc just farget bhc mare human side of businccs, that of saying 'Tbank You." The sooner we once mare atain that attitude ai lufe, wherc we realize aur blessings, anti discount samcwhab aur troubles. bbc sooner bbc worlti wili reach a more reasanable equilibrium af happiness. There is an aid saying that it costs nothing ta be courteaus or ta return bhanks, but it means a wholc lot ta those who receive tbc courtesy. Lord Baden-Powell Visits Canada That greatest Boy Scout of them al. Lord Baden-Powell, is in Canada. He is the founder of the Scout movement and wherever he goes he ie honored by Boy Scouts, Scoutmasters and everybody else. There are thousands of Canadians who re- member the great. stand Lord Baden-Powell made at Mafking in South Africa during the Boer War of 1899-1901. For weeks his littie garrison was be- sieged and there were times w hen it appeared as though he would have to surrender ta save bis men. His indomitable fighting, spirit. bis- leadership and organizing ability finally won the day. Eventually it. was Canadian troops whicb broke through and brought relief. Lord Baden-Powell started the Boy Scout move- ment immediately ai ter the Boer War. It bas spread ail over the world, and appeals to boys and young manhood as being wortb while. Its ideals are of the higbest order, and from its ranks have corne men wbo occupy high places in the business, indust- rial, professional and poitical lii e. This is Boy1 Scout year in Canada, and the arrivai of Baden- Powell following so close upon the conclusion of a Dominion wide successi ut financiat and membersbip campaign hIil add fresb impetus to the movement here. Canada is proud to welcome this great leader of boys, who, though well advanced in years, is still a boy among boys. Editorial Notes «No anc muet te al lowed to suifer for lack ai life's necessities, but seif-reliance miuet te encauraged anti bhriit rcwarded.'-Jesse H. Jencs. '-War dace not caine because men want lb, or don't want peace. but tecau5ze bhcy insist on politics that are incompatible with peace, m-ithout realizing that they are incoinpaible...Sir Norman AngeIll XVoud il be rea-sonabie ta requesb î.arcnts anti merchants ta wai-n their chîldren anti tilivei-y boys ta be nmore caîclul and do ail in their power ta pre- vent tiamage ta boulev aids anti lawns. A lîttle on bbc part ai botte pedeýtî-ians anti bicyc-lists will prevent short cube, Everyone knows that at this time ai bbc year it is quite easy ta bear up bbc turf wben a littît- care anti a little time would save it. Mention bas been made ta us ai delivery wagons cutîng up bbc soit graunti anti causing dieep ruts. Lateî on in tihe season tbo3e who take prîide in keeping the boulevardis n-at ,vill te facetiwitb bbc task ai levcling bbc bales anti replacing thbe testroy- cd catis. It will tee a simple matter for bbc public ta ro-operate wîith this requcet. Too many chiltiren rîdlng bicycles bavc acqui-edthebb habit af ritiing on the sidewalks ,wbicb is strictly against bbc law. rbere's no excuse. foi c.ycling on tbc sitiewaks hn %ve bave paveti sti-cets. XVben tise ainesedment pravidîng for bbc sale ai beci anti wine by the glass was proposeti, it was fie- ciuentiy stateci that authorties wvoulti bc given ta .standard bobels anlly. How far that poicy bac been carrîed out le fui nisýhet bY a rcturn recently pre- sentet i i the legislatuî-e. More than a tbausand beer parlais bacc heen tîcenseti, 500 af whicb wcre flot stanedard bateis lrior ta the coming into power ai bbc Hepburn governinent. Tho' e who tieclare that prcseîst conditions in massy places are moi-e undesir- able than those prevailing under bbc alti barroom sysbtem woulti have little tifficulty esbablistsîng their contention. Small wonder then that. thý teniperance forces, isarbive for several yeaîs, are heing arouseti ta tbc dansger assaciabeti wiîb bbe multiplylng af the bbc bouses licenseti are required as places af accom- numter ai drinking places witbaut a tbaught that modation. ALLt FINE CAR FEATURES ONE IOW-PRD CR th 6cyl. Modliat FaCoe) wva, Ont. begin at $1375 rb: T HOSE beei about sc ments y getting thcre's n anc. Thi ail in ai bile! Ar A COURTICE Efine-car features Yau've m hlearing and reading m uch-those insprave- au've set Yaur heart on in yaur own new car - .ao need ta give up a single is year yau cari have them mie autamabile..Oldsma. GE1qERAL MOTcjRS VALUE wl lat ec The low-priced, 9-horsepower Six and the mnighty 1OO-horse- Power Straight Eight are an dis- -play at aur showroomns. Yau are cordially invited ta see and drive these greatest af ail Oldsmabiles 1 premiurn ta get thcm. Law- prce rings you everything. From long vheelbase, large size and the atest in streamine beauty to conamy that is emphasized as NI fioiLs O-BANIcL ROY NICHOLS m O-Isc ROY .CHE CANADIAN STATESMAN- figures available< tbc farming industry selîs bbe ba: ci about S18,000,000.00 less, af hie produce. An addition for instance, ai three pounds 0f mil ta every bag af flour made into bread, wauld increa fariners' sales ai Ibis item over 24,000,000 poundLs year; an addition ai two paunds of sbortening wou inci-case this itenm over 16,000,000 pounds. Shortei ing, butter, eggs. cream and many ather items, whE used in larges quantibies in aur bakeries wou:d ce: bainly increase farmers' sales. The reduction af these ingredients. wbicb is ar of bbc first cansecluences af reduced prices af tI finisbed bakery products, recuits in poorer qualit: for which the demand is naturally lawer, and coi sumption smaller. A poar quality boai ai bread aut amatically lawers sales. Quaîity sbould be imprave rather than lawered. Bakers af Canada are in a Position ta be afini estimable assistance in absorbing Praducts ai thi farnis. Farmers should encourage them ta make tih besb rquality. ratheci than the poorest. in arder tha mare farm products may be assimilated tbrougb thi large Canadian industry. Our gavernments are won dering bow tbey can assist the farmers. lent tbis logýi-ai autiet for protiucc ai the farmn?-Pictan Timcý Let's Show Our Appreciation More k- ITROU'r IN LOCAL Ik1k CREEKS WILL BE 0F _I SE LEGAL SIZE SOONj a ld Every year the Department of Game and Fisheries places a number In 0f trout fingerlings in various troute eni waters t.hrougbout the Province of ýr- Ontario. As it takes f rom tbree to four Years for these trout to attain legal size or better, rout fingerlings -. ne planted inc 1932 wouldi be eight or qý t le nine inclies in lengtb this May, ac- ty, cording to tbe department. n- The Game and Fisheries Depart- ment states that these streams are . t-jrequired ta be lef t open for thc gen- ederal Public for f ive years ai ber being stocked by the Government. How- ri ever. they addcd, the farmer may **charge anglers a -reasonable" price / ' e for fishing the stream. ie The fallowing is a list of the wa- at ters in Durham County whicb were stocked n 1932 (the figures in brack- - ets indicate the number of trout f in- gerlings planted Barker's Creek a (5,000<, Bert Reid Creek (5,000), Bcst*s Stream 415.0W0. Burk's Camp 5.000>, Cadmas Creek (7,500, Cav- 1an Creek <60,000. Deyell's Creek ___ (10000), Ganaraska Creek 130,- 000). Griffith'5 Creek (5.000), Har- j is Cree ,0< Hooey's Creek ( 7,500, Lskard Creek (5,000), I Mount Pleasant Creek '7,500), Mc- I Kindleys Creek 7,000. McLaugh- a lin's Creek (5,000), Smith*s Creek , 2.500. Thurtle's Creek also cail- t ed Quantrel's or Buternub (14,500. F O T F F~ v~' LOCAL SCHOOL TO RMAS FFO E N iHEAR DEPARTMENTAL TO SIX THOUSAND STRONG RADIO BROADCASTS Frm less than a corporal's guard ro [lie equivalent openej is doors on Monday, November 3rd-a Series of Radio Lectures Iill Begin of six regirents - tis graphicaly ilIlustrates the est.Iblislnent whch was desined co play a coni- Next Tuesday-Will Broadcast growvrh of the Bank of Nlonreal's staff in 117 vears. spcuoas and beneficial part in the deveioprnn of Twice Each Week aaaseoue. U n d e th dir cti n 0f th e O n-O n the 23rd of A ugust, 18 17, the first four em - taioder tendi fe uction b e - ployecs of the Bank of Montreal were appointed. Tîstougisour the mnany decades char have followed, gaino n paril thf eigtaio e They %vere thse casher, an .sccountanr, a paying thse Bank of Mllontreal has made increasing effort broadc oAst il tesons based o eeller and a, second telier. Shortly afterwarj a dis- to provide a banking service aiways adequate ta ( :b c ss f es y fors bs o the bi n count clrk, a second bookkeeper and a portr-wcr mct tihe requirenients of Canada's developmfen. separate schooLs will gven. There added. Ts rgnl saf o ee a r w o 63 0 wîill bebo broadcasts each week. hs ee oszutdte safwe h loyally evn the public through 500 branches ont3 on e acbi Tuesday f rom 3 ta 3.30 essvecotiudth original stf hnhe -er\ing fo e osa-n vres 0oclock and one each Thursday ab modest establishmnent on Sr. Paul Street in Montrcal exrccigfotcat e n vres the same bour. The local Public Schoois have arranged ta hear these The lessons ta be broadcasb will be music for a junior class, demon- stration of singing by a senior pub- BN i lie cho se i, ssn nhitrESTABLISHED 1817 lierature and geograp by for junior'H A F I E . M N R A 'andi senior classes. Eacb directoriHA OFIE MNR L ai a broadicast will open the periocbi MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE ....the Ouccome of bY a bwo-minute comment on the 117 Yeaes' Sucressfui Opcration aims and contents af thse tesson and by an introduction of the teacher and tbc class selecteci for the broati- The broadcasts wiîî originate Bowncanville Brandi: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager in the studios af CRCT, Toronto. Arrangements thave also been matie ta have a number af urban and rural classes listen in to the broacicasts and inspectors, princi- pals. teachers and puplis concerned wit tes caceswil eprtto the OSH WAMA GETS overcoatîs wcrc fauind underneatb a ai t se ro a ic a ts a d w ll lso ~ Y E R S N T E C E cu lv rt. T h e p o lice a ctin g u p o n in - Department f Educatian on bbe val- TWOY ARS N EN E frmatin, wbîcb tbey bad obtained, S PR IN G T ER M give suggestios for bbe furtber im- FOR LOCAL ROBBERY arcsed orpinnarito Provement of similar broadcasts at ieSvgalocagdwt lae dts.1 Aex Kory of Oshaa. came up in rabbery. named Kory as bis accom- S HA W The Deparbment af Education bas County Court at Cobourg last week pu'ce, lHe saîi after breaking mb USNES asked bbce inspectors ta invite as before Judge L. V.O'Connor. He the celiar. tbey rcmovcd a furnace B SN S C O L many principals, teachers and pup- wa charget i xth breakinginoair-pipe and crawled tbraugb thc clears the way for Graduation ils ta) listen in I* the broadcasts Couict, Johnston & Crydermans opening h uunada-psto but pointbs out bhat bbc depart- store, Bownanville and also in being edte truhorEpomn ueu ment does flot urge or recammend implicated in robbing tbe firm of aecuscd ta two ycars les.b anc day in Enter any day. No forced vaca- that boards of trustees shoulti pur- tbirty-fii'e overcoats and four huie. the reformatory. tions. Full particulars supplied.i, chase radia rcceiving sets for schooisTh obrtokW R.Sa, egsa, al the present ime. This seres ai dred pairs af socks. It was alleged T- obev ok Place on the Write W . S a , R gsrr broaicats s fr imontraionand hata prt i th gads as is- ght of Decoîriber 9th, and the total Dept. -x-2, Bay & Chartes Streets bro dc st i f r d mo staton an th t p rt of the gods wa dsValue of Eods stoien is stated ta be Toronto. 104 experimental purposes only. cavereti in homes in Oshawa and twa $800. I________________

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