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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Apr 1935, p. 4

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PAGE POUR THECAADANSTTESAN~MVfqM. .h, miRnrn Y, A*RIL 5, 13 Br keH r-e Mrs. Jessie C. P. Carnahan ITefe r bears weremenbers o A gansta SairOBITUARY Noted in society and musical cir-1 Swain. Oscar McQuade, E. Sander- «eces i Toronto, Fr.JsseC erryi son, George Fowler, Henry Thomp- Agansta Sair George H. Bickell, Bowmanvile Carnahan. wife of W. J. A. Camna- sonl and Percy Hamilton. Wreathsl han, President of the Carna.hanI were sent from Sons of England 'W'hils Hamperd By eA well-known and highly respect-1 Drug Stores Limited. died on Fni- Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. Ae ofe Whist amere By edresident of Bowmanville in the day night at the Toronto General i Mr. and Mrs. Gorex Wolfe,Mr Rheumatism persan of Geo. H. Bickell. passed i Hospital, in ber fifty-ninth year. Win. Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spar- "*Two years ago." writes a woman, away rather suddenly early Tliurs- She formerly resided at 3 Lonsdale1 row, Mr. P. Driscoll. Miss Eva Monk, "I was suffering with rheumatism inr a morning. April 18th. Though Road. Forest Hl Village. Mrs. Car- 1 Te Batten Famnily, The Brown mny legs, and when walking upstairs not in the best of health for several nahan was active in the ladies' sec- Family, Mr. and Mrs. V. Walkr one day .iust kicked my right foot years he vas able to be around and tion of the Scarboro Golf Club, and1 Among those from a distance were aganstthestirs an bokemy egattend to business. Early in the'was a former gold medallist of the! Mr. Aiex Wolfe, Mr. George Wolfe just below the knee. I was in hos- week be had an attack f rom gall Toronto Conservatory of Music. For; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ross. Mr. and pital for four months, and when I stones and seemed ta partially recov- many years she was the organ ac-, Mrs. E. Sparrow. Miss Eva Monk.ý cam ou soeon adise meto ryer. Wednesday morning he was companist of the Mendelssohn Choir, Mr. Harry Monk, Mr. Fred Monk, scen at s. I disd so, a no again seized and was talcen to the under Dr. A. S. Vogt and was or- Mr'. and Mis. Vic. Walker, Mrs. I have no trace of rheumatism. I hospital suffering intensely from ganist of the aoid Wesnùnister1 Nicholîs. Mrs. Proctor, Mr. BillI would not be without my daily dose that and other ailments but passedi Granite Club, the Home Musical. Proctor, al 0f Toronto: Mr. Jack1 of Kruschen, which I take every. away about the midnight hour. De- Church. She was a member of the; Gibýon. Cobourg: Mr. and Mr.A morning - half a teaspoonful in' ceased was the fourth child of thae Club, and the Women's Musical Perks. Sutton: Mr. Win. Browns and warm water.'-Mrs. P. B. laeM .an r.Go ikladCubShwsbr n Bowmanville, chiîdren, Sunderland: Mr. and Mrs. Thesixsaîs i Krschn simu vas born in Peterboro 75 years ago, but went to Toronto as a child and1 Gordon Brown and son. Toronto. aT he siver andineyrs thealsthyu moving later with the f amily ta On- attended Wellesley School. She is ____________ larmng ttMetieforsomeyeasd kiWilia EllstGove, Bomaniîl regular action: them to get tario County where they carried on survived by her husband.j rid of the excess uric acid which is and where his Young manhoold was Henry Alhison, Bewmanville 1 the cause of rheumatic pains. When spent. (Contintied from page 1) dPoitsof neadle-oed stais After his marriage to IsabelDai For more than 20 years a cesident fiowýer gardening Profession, in there's no doubt about those aches, of Ebenezer. Darlington Township, o! Bowmanville, Henry Allison pass- 1wljjcb le was constantly honored. and pains going tao! in December 1886. they moved to; ed away here on Satucday, April, Coming to Canada in 1912, Mr. ____*Bowmanville. They farnied on what, 6th. Mr. Allison, wbo was well, Groves was for a short time in Nova is now known as the Brookdale Nur-1 knowAn in the town, and ;vho had a where he became General Manager series, near the C. N. R. Station, for,',vide circle of f riends, was born on Scotia, coming later ta Ontario over thirty years. Fourteen years1 April 7th, 1873, at North Shields, of the largest nursery and florist ago they sold the f arm and bought. 'Northumberland County, Engianct. business in Hamilton, where he oUr the residence of the late Thomas He served as an apprentice in tihe lived 17 years. In Hamilton his ab- Hoar on King St. where they have Palmer Shipbuilding Yards at Jar-, ility was cecognîzed in bis appoint- y ~since resided. Mr. Bickell carrned 1 iow on Tyne. and loc 23 years serv- ment to the Town Planning Com- >1 ~on a teaming and trucking business ed as general foreman of salvage1 mission, and bis election as Presi- for many years and was favorably work for the Tyne Improvementz dent of the Hamilton Adverti.sin uqknown by aIl business men for his Commission. Cu n h or fTae square and honorable dealings. Mr. Al:son came to Canada ClubMr andr te Ba rde tra de.mnv cysSurviviig are bis widow who nls 1911 ,and bas sînce resided in Bow'-1 as Manager of the Kingsway Nur- Eyes ~quite ili the hospital. three sons, manville. Utncl a short tîme prior sery four yeacs ago. Two years ago Alrd arwin and Everett, and two ta bis deatb he was employedi in he Purchased the Kmngsway Flower duhers, Mrs. Chas. W. Bagnell, the Goodyear Tire & Ruboer Con-, Shop. whjch he bas operated sînce. By C. H. Tuck, Opt. Bowmanville, and Mrs. S. E. Paisley. pany's plant. 'Througjh the medium o! this busi- Eyeigh SpelaistCooksville. who has been ver3' jîl Deceased was a member of Jer- 1 ness he bas made the town flower EYesght pecilistwith pneumonia and was unable te usalem Lodge A. F. & A. M., and o! Conscious as it neyer was before. EYESTRAIN AT DIFFERENT Icome home: also three sisters. Mrs. the Sons of Temperance (England>.J In Bowmanville he was a director AGES Frank Brimacombe. Rochester. N.! He was a member o! the Church o of teRtr lb ietro h Pat(9jY.-:Mcs Milford Wilkins, Oshawa: England. He is survived by bis soc- Horticultural Society, a member of Part (9Ms. R." H. Hamley, Bowmanville: rowing widow, and two sons, Nor- the Board o! Stewards 0f st. Paul's AnYoe wo ha ben acustmedand one brother. Mr. J. A. Bickell, man o! Bowmanville and Harry, ofUntdCuc a ebroth to good vision through lufe will not Oshawa. ail of whom were present Cottamn. Ont.ario. ýRtai1 Merchants Association and give it up willingly and so a low at the fuineral The funeral on Sun- His funeral. which was under' the Canadian Club. error that may be overcome by a day aftecnoon was very largely at- Masonic auspices, was held f rom bis In the wider circle of national littie strain will start to cause tended. service being conducted by late residence on Monday, April 8th, land international aff airs he was a trouble in later if e which in early Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor of and was conducted by Rev. C. R. Past President of the Canadian Flor- life could be overcome without Trinity United Church. Spencer, rector o! St. John's Angli- ists and Gardeners Association, and strain. The paîl-bearers were Messrs M. can Cburch. Palîbearers were W. a former director of the Florists Tel- Tilere are many factors to deal J. Elliott. G. A. Edmondstone, T. A. Widdecombe. James GilI, Arthur egraph Delivery Association. His with in the case of a person in later Garton. M. W. Comstock, Sid. Little, Hoît, Ira Purdy, Gordon Wight and greatest bonor came only a year ago life. Perbaps they are accustomeci Fred D)owney. L. Roach. hnewaelcdteolyir- to suppressing the suffering and The floral offerings were abundant Many beautýf ul floral , tribu tes toc in Eastern Canada o! the world's discomfort and cesponse would onîy and beautiful tributes f rom relatives, testified ta the numerous friend-1jgreatest horticultural project, the indicate few sYmnptoms that would friends and neighbors who took this shiPs he had made in Bowmanville. International Peace Garden, serving be otherwise indicative of the troub- way o! expressing their respect for Indluded among them were those on a directorate wbich was composed le. It is bowever wise to bear in the deceased and their sympathy ta f rom Wife and family, Mc. and Mrs. o! saime o! the foremost citizens o! mind that eyestrain can be present the bereaved. Will Thompson and family, Mr. and the United States and Canada. at botb distant and near vision in Among the relatives attending Mrs. Robect Evans and Mrs. J. Mar- At atclyeeyfoe hwo the old as well as in the Young, and were: Mr. J. Plunkett and family, Mrs. J. Poulton and family, Mr. Atmporanct ni icast wrshowao! its correction will be aPPreciated Peterboro: Mc. and Mrs. Herb. Gir- and Mrs. J. Goodaîl and family, througb a far wider territory Mr. 1 and when aPPreciated the diagnosis yen and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bickell, Jerusalemn Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Mr. Graves had been a judge, and bhis is established. Lakefleld: Mc. and Mrs. F. Brima- and Mcs. James Brennan, Mc. andiverdicts were always favorably ce- Many cases of course, are not to, combe, Rochester. N. Y.: Mc. W. tin, Mc. and Mrs. J. Nichoils, Mc., ceived. be governed by symptoms because Nelson. Mc. and Mrs. James Bickell. and Mrs. J. Tait, Goodyear Engin-i He was a pcolific m-iter on bort should the error be higb in the ex- Mis E. T. Rowe, Mr. Fred Davis, eering Dept., Goodyear Recreation; icultural subiects, and foc saime years treme. there may be no0 evident Toronto; Mr. Stanley Davis, Picker- Club.' Mr. and Mrs. Tudor and Leslie,; bas contributed a weekly article te SYMPtoms of distre-es because of sa ing; Mc. Geo. Davis, Mc. and Mrs. Mc. and Mrs. T. Veale and family, The Statesman, a task be carried high an error that no known means K. MacVey. Mrs. McGregor, Lon- Mc. and Mrs. G. W. Graham and out as a duty to bis community, and i of doping with it can be voluntariîy don: Mr and Mrs. J. A. Bickell, Mc. famîly, and Mrs. Frances Clark and for which be asked no rewacd. His Put forth. and Mcs. M. Wilkins and Theodore, f amily. Interment 'vas md i1ctig ls-ppae wt eglr Howve clutatîyîtma cmeMr. and Mrs. Fcank 0. James and Bowm-ranville Cemetery. ity in the Canadian Horticultucist. about thatrelief is know niandcame: Dorothy, Mr. W. G. Mutten, Osh- the Canadian Florist. the Florist Ex- pboutciatrweni ecti on ais losti. Mc. S. E Pai'lpv. Donald and CR FTAK change of the United States. and he brokaewen c orrctoni lst Locna. Cooksville. and a large num- CR FTAK was also Canadian representative for brokn o remved ber of relativeýs from nearby places. The family of the late Henry Alli- the F. T. D. News. --------on .Bowmanville. wish ta express Mr. Graves is sucvived by bis soc- deep thaniks foc the kind expressions roixing widow, and one son, Harry, o! sYmpathy, the beautiful floral a prommnent florist of Gaît. tributes, and the man, kindnesses Local friends paid their last tri- shown them in the death of a 10v- bute to Mr. Groves at the funecal ing hu,-band and father. service held on Monday afternoon î "-- at St. Paul's United Chucch. The - James A. Hlooey, Tyrone service was conducted by Rev. A. S. Kerr, pastor of the church. assisted "jThere passel to rest in Bowman- by Rev. George Mason and Rev. E. ville Hospital early Monday morni-F. Armstrong. Mr. Kerr, in the ing, April 8th. James Alexander course of a brie! addcess, paid a Hooey, second son o! the late Mc. sterling tribute ta the and and Mrs. William Hooey o! Dar- frîendly nature of the deceased. The lington. robed choir of the chucch was in at- Deceasedi was bocn îin Darlington, tendance wth Mcs. C. H. Dudley at June 1871 and was a patient su!- the organ. The hymns sang 'vere fecer for many years having lost the "Nearer My God to Thee" and "A- po'ver of bis limbs. Evecything 'vas bide 'vith Me," wbile the choir sang done to restoce him to health but "Crossing the Bac' as an anthem. _________________________________aIl for no avail. He leaves to mourn Mc. Alex McGregor contributed a hlie is loss one sister. (Susan) Mcs. solo 'The City Four Square." At the William Farrell o! New Toronto and conclusion of the service, many f il- Homes everywhere are getting inf.o the spirit of one brother, William of Tyrone. ed slowly by the oak casket, sur- The funeral took place f rom the counded with beautiful floral tri- repair and remodeling work. Be sure that your family residence wbere hie 'as born bute s, to look for the last time on home gets the best niaterials from a reliable on Wednesday afternoon April lthI the face of a man who made a hst source. Get our prices and reduce your final and was lacgely attended by relatives Jo! friends in bis short cesidence in cests. and friends. Services 'vece con- Bowmanville' Paîl beacers at the ducted by bis pastor, Rev. A. M. f funecal 'vere President F'ced Ccy- -À&Wootton. Interment took place in derman ,and Past President.s C. T. Bo'vmanville Cemetecy. PaIl-bear- Ross. Geo. W. James and Dr. J. C. à aers vvere friends o! the deceased, Deviti o! the Rotary Club, Joseph Byron Farrell, Malcom Martin, Ri- Larmour and B. H. Moctlock. The chard Hoskin, Wilbur Mark, Fred cortege left immediately foc Gaît, Smith and Joseph McRoberts. Many j 'hece on niesday a fucthec service floral gifts adorned the casket from j 'as held fcom the T. Little & Son Ail Quality -Ail Low Priced jsympatbizing friends and relatives. Funecal Home. This service wua 1Relatives and acquaintances fcom attended by large delegations o! TEN TEST INSULATING BOARD a distance 'vece Col. and Mrs Will- flocists andin embers o! the allied SIIEETROCK BUILDING BOARD iîam Farrell, Mc. and Mrs. «Elmer trades from Toronto and Hamilton. BUILERS'SUPPIESFarrell. Miss Jessie Hooey Mc. and The ser-vice ,vas conducted by Rex'. BIJLDE S' UPP IESMrs. Earl Coulter, M . and Mrs. M. B. Davidson, B. A.. Minister o! TORONTO ASPHALT ROOFING George PelI and Mc. Frank PelI, New 1 Central Presbyterian Church, Gaît, SATIN-FINISH IIARDWOOD FLOORING Toronto; Mrs. John Mlne, Rose-land interment 'vas made in Mount- neath: Mr. and Mi-s. Keith Hol- vie'v Cemetry at Galt. FOR FARMERS steed and Euguene of Be'vdley. SLEPING CAR ACCOMMODATION Mr. R. C. Brown. Cadmus. Rev. C. Vh.. i.g Cu 4iis ilrquired, the Iollowlnq slightly ires apply t C. Harcourt of St. John's Chucc (b>SlndasSeeping end Paia# Cm et ppioximaly 1 lc Pet mile, plus roguli berthchaî,î.î. 'vas in charge of the service. and 11 interment 'vas made in St John's~ ~ 1: ± Standard Cais 'rfketa good via GREAT I.AKES route; menin and berth extra. Cemetecy. Paîl bearers ieere six BAGGAGE Checked. Stopovers nt Port Arthur, Armâtrong and west. Tiu member.s o! the Sons 0f England T:ckels, Sleeping Car reservaions, and ail Sfformaionfrom oanY agentî. A5K FOR IIANDBILL. Lodge: Messrs. Luther MountoYj CA NA DIA N NATIONAL Lîaac Montid Jhn Wriht,Olier ____ S- - - - ~ - - --* fordSWbitfied Stan-es Pavsdc Clioice Qualitv P[53 No. 23.5 Baysile Cloce Quality F~~No. 225 [ORN lins Bayside 3 No2ý12 c 4 Tins 2 5 - Sp ecial Values effective foiii Tliirsday, April 25tl, tb SHORTENI NG PRUN ES Domino Baking Powder DOMESTIC Plîrely Vegetable Fatncy Santa Clara PICNIC Quaker CORN FLAKES CALAI SOAP CHEWING GUM MATCHES MAPLE LEAF 3 Large c PEANUT BUTTER - 23t Perfection FLOOR WAX- 1-lb. tir, 25C Perfection LEMON OIL - boule l9e Clîristie's Pkg. A. D. GRAHAM WAFERS 1 le CHRISTIE'S SODA' - - «'B" pkg. lot Princess SOAP FLAKES - pkg. 15e Dr. Ballard's Cliristie's GINGER CREAMS- lb. 25jt Velvceta CHEESE - V2-lb. pkg.15t Christi's ORANGE OVALS - lb. 2ft 1-lb. 1 c Pkg. 1 lb. 1O J23C - 2 Pkgs. s -3 Cakesl4c 4 Pks 15s Oranges 45e i)z Pineapples 23e Grapefruit 5 FOR 25c Strawberries 17c,,,,, The Finest FLOOR WAX that Money cari buy! the CHEAPEST in the long run! ST OF My HWS ýREFrERM Sgve r a Coverage - A Finer PoIish with Iess work.-.. ]FORMvE us if we repeat - VALUE is based upori prit:lou get in service adsatisafactioni - not o Cheap waX is no bargain - it is really poar value at .,eany price - no0 ratter how low. Good wax is a ER meal econorny. There ia a standard of valu" in OS everythirig you buy. Ini floor wax - the standard >OS of value is HAWES'. When you buy HAWES' at rER 43c you get a better que.lity wa.x that will give your floors the beeuty and lasting protection they de- serve. To pay mors is extravganc-to pay leas is to risk disappointnent Buy HAWES'.....s8 as direct.d, anid you. too, will "Be Proud of Your Floors". M.d. byEd.rdU...»* & d.. Lid. Tom0E.bjî.h.d1904 0 Ca a&àc W wée HAW1 ES FLOODWAY - - w w -~ niil ic c m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BowmANvnLp:- TT4Tip.czn.&v )z+h iwir MAPLE LEAF MATCHES FnEsu FaUlT HAW

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