PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLH. THURSDAY APRIL 2Sth. 19~Fi EMPTY BOTTLE 1 PARA DZ THANK YOU! Many of our customers re- turned scores of empty milk botties Iast week in response to our appeal. Now if our other customners will kindly give us their co- operation and put out their "empties" this week we'll make a real clean up - and every- body will be happy. Here's thanking you in an- ticipation. Phone 703. ]Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES Proprietor Phone 446 Bowmanville C AL OKE OF HIGHEST QUALITY AND BEST PRICE UNE CO. ANTHRACITE $13,50 Ton VULCAN ANTHRACITE $12095 Ton COKE $11»25 Ton J. W. Knight Phones 173 or 98 BOWMANILLE When your r'oof starts to leak - you Should begin to speak - into the p)hone. Cali 651 and oui, roofing expert wvi11 be on the job as quickly as if it xvas his own home and the mis- sus' pet cat was in dan- ger. BERT PARKER Plumbing - Heating Bowmanville PHIONE 651 J C. H. Tuck, Opt. 1sEyeaight Specialist Author of: optometry Feature Service The Child and its Developaient Speclalizlng eci~' yin muscle anomalies, f-.ysght anid 5lasses. Phono for appointment 1516 Diamer DJdg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ontý -RARE WHITE SPARROW CAPTURED and spirituality that we shail find Sunday School Questions For Discussion L ess. Which version of the Bible do 2. If you were going to live on a desert island for a year, would you Golden Te\t: Oh ha's la\e I thý take a Bible? law! it is my nmeditation ail the day 3. What fàult bas the Bible belp- Psalm 119: 97 ed îo aercame? Lesson Pa'ssa':e:P &a1m 19: 7-14; 4. Have you graduated fromi 2 Timothy 3: 14-17. Bible Study? ~4 .Religion is no man-made thing! 5. Do you read the Bible for dis- It takes a God ta wake the spring. cipline as well as comfort? To rouse the seeds and bid them sprout, THE LAW 0F LOVE And then ta call the flowers ar Only a mighty brain cauld ira eo hitanSineMntr 01 how to send a matintain stream, Jeu'1oemsso xmlfe Laden with drai a etdSlW the teaching that God is Love. He ITo help thîevaley garden grow. awtatteLave which is God is 'Tisonl Gods rvivig beath unutýerblykind, invariably just. He That sawthatdivine Lave refiected des- troys ail hatred, ail discord, ail mis- -And covers themn in fair arra3' understandings with ail who accept 0f nature on a holiday. and understand it. and that for Who else would make the skY more thm i etbihes a perfect and blues cientfic basis for thought. upon For northbouînd birds to travel 'hchaone true love for God and Fthrough? man can be demonstrated The breezes know. the trees ail nod; Love, as understood and deman- But yet man dcoubts there is a God. s trated by Christ Jesus and bis fol- -Elena V. Greenfîeld. îowers, was flot expressed as an I ___________________________________________ Te Hly ibl, -9 empty or vacuious emotion af the I-One can make a good approacb ta human mi. It was the living, Ithe study of the Bible by an exam- vital presence and power af "Gad A aiyamong birds af British Columbia -wbitt sparrow - has ination of the introduction ta the with us", the essential nature of beer catured by Fred King of Vancouver. He saw it in bis back yard King James version. The word Bible wbich was expressed in that wbich1 and was sa intrigued that he laid a trail toi the cbicken houýe and toak means a collection of books. The was altogether lovely, pure, an fanioySsession ai the tiny bird. He bapes by selective brEeding to raise a Bible is flot a book, it is a whole perfect. and it enabled them ta hea famîy a th beutîul itte fatbredsonstes. ibrary of books. The Bible is a the sick. comfort the sorrawing, andi translation, a carrying-over af even raise the dead. thougbt from ane language ta an- Berause the law af Love is the law Sother. Great scbalarship bas been wbîch governis the reai universe and necessary to miake these transiat- man. it is the law afi Mmd, express- ~Ik E It~A~iosns fromn the Hebrew. Aramaic and ing al intelligent activity, and per- IN T E DI an DIS A NT A ST Greek tangues. The translation that tains toalal realits-. As stated by ".e speak af as the Autborized* Ver- Mrs. Eddy (Miscellaneous Writings. sion is in itself a revised version as P. 26). 'The only logical conclus- the translations entering into the ian is that all is Mind. and its mnan- TWENTY - FIVE YEARS AGO TWENTY- FIVE YEARS AGO Authorized Version were revised. ifestation, from the rolling ai worlds, It is callcd the holy Bible because it in the mast subtle ether, ta a patate From The Bownianvlle News, From The Bowmanville News is a thing set apart as sacrpd. a book oatcb." This- is what the Psalmist Aprl 2, 110 ridy, pli 29h, 910 that has cbaracteristics whicb make recagnized wben he said 419: 1), i% E-ne,,tE. ndrwsBrat- Mr.Wm.CalerRocestr, . y it worthy toi be revered and prized. "The heavens declare the glary af f Er3d 1n t home. 1 iBiarît- Mr. biW m o er, oester N.Y.,This literature was written with a Gad: and the firmament sheweth .Mr Caeo atiome Mn-qiei .smthr hobs enfaith in God. It interprets deep re- 1bis handyA-ork.' day for Fort William where he bas Mrs. E. S.. Meatb announce te ligiaus experience. We may say af it1 The law af Love finds intelligent ,Sue Sto.egme to erduh es Kthei.that it is a Holy Spirit book. !expression in deeds of kindiiness secrdps dliion. Icasre en ta 0frber dagher KThr- DsrdBible, 10, Iland Christian cbarity, wbicb help Mr. . S.Shieds a Tor Desreand benefit ane's fellow men. These turnied from a six montbs' visit witb onto. late a Kilkenney, Ireland. In a certain s.inoal Bible s tudy was potntisam n onls ber brother, Mr. Morley Cawker at, Miss Gertrude Cameron. sister of apecie ore ayote atnte ae i onls MediineHat Ala.1 Mr.A. R. Cameron, B. A.. Classical students rebclled agaînst it. A wise wamu anc wcnutlîe they alo uadd Mrs. J. Nesbitt and brother, M r. Master af Bowmanville High Sehool,tecemaetesdypioa.bthpinsadbtern.Knd- Frak Wllîms eitTusday for the bas obtained her B. A. degrce at gave suggestions as ta metbods aif ness, forbearance, loving considera- West. Frank bas secured a good pos- Queen's University, Kingston. Bible study wbich awakened such tion anc for another. are some af tion ivith the Telephane Ca. in Win- Dr. E. A. MeCullocb bas been ap- interest that there was almo-st per- teesnil itu hitaiy nipeg, and Mrs. Nesbitt joins ber Pointed resident pbysyician af the fect attendancea h ses. t wihe lp e tia ligoftre theburdn busband at Treberne. Man. nt>w sanitarium for tuberculosis re- becamne 'desired Bible" instea'd ai im posed by material sense. These Mr. Wmn. Brack bas securcd the cently opcned in London by Earl "required Bible" study. It is rea- ulte la n1afidta i contr actobud heenChaGoodycalR Ge.D.MClhi o fRev. sonable tai study the Bible ance it Ivine, spiritual sense wheceiiones Rubec acoryher. has Hel . McCulloch, Greenbank, a West bas been demonstrated 'ta us thatI burdens drap away, and -wbcrein will be in charge af the carpenterI Durham boy. the Bible belps us ta, live aright.I one finds truc freedom. wsork and Rîce & Ca. af the plumb-' Durhamn Rubbcr Company recently The multiplication table is not an ing. turned auit a rubber beit for the attractive thing in itself, but we dis- --------« Mr. A. W. WVise, Govcrnment Coin- [Aberdeen Elevator Ca., Midland, jcaver that it is true that it is very mission Valuator. Torornto, was in which measured 562 it. long, 45 mns useful, and by inastering it we have .Donit be withaut Douglas' Egypt- tawn iooking over the Electrie Ligh't wide, 4 ply and weighed about 5000 it as a lufe-long skill that is help- ian Liniment. Keep it always handy. plant with the abject ai piacing a lbs. fuI. In like manner when we find I Relîies toothache. neura'gia, sare value on the same foc the Town 1 A very pleasing event transpired that the moral and spiritual law' I tbioat, quinsy. and croup.'n1a0, Council. who propose submitting a April 2tb at the cesidence ai Mr. set forth in the Bible are autbentic able foi burns, sares, Barbet Ic hy-law ta, the peop'e for municipal anpd Mrs. R. H. Wood, Hampton, and accurate, we camne ta respect the and Ringworm. ownersbip ai the Electrie îh when their daugbter, Miss Lottie E., book and in tinie become very fond Plant. was united in marriage witb Mr' ai it. Mfter reading the dailv nexs- Aprîl lSth a happy gatbering of~ Herbert E. Rundie. Darlington. The iaper with its stadies ai crime and 120 relatives and friends surpri'ecd union was consummiated by Rev. R. featuring ai spoit. it i-, a joy ta 7P~~... MsJ. and Mrs'. Joseph Wight, Pro- A. Delve. Seagrave, uncle ai the turn to the eternal truths ai the vidence. orn the oý,casici o f their bride. assisted by Rev. T. H. P. An- Psalm and PMtPhets, the Gospels twýeisty-fiith wýcdding ianniversarY. derson. pastox'. Little Mis Lena Hos- and Epist'es. The Psalmiq, prized Newca.stle: Miss Elza Hunter ikmn acted as flower girl. the Soriptures more than gold aor )vazhaome froin Yock previaus ta Tyrone: Annual meeting of Ty- honey. Oui, modern termn miLht be Icla% ing for Moose Jaw. rane Football Club was he&d April Ita say that the Bible is mare dclight- Successful Normalites at Provini- 23rd when the following affîcers fui than ca-h or candy. To pcoplý? cial Normal Scooos: Permanent were elected: Hon. President-J. ivha bave insight ta discern ceaI second claSs-Misses Sar-a E. Goad- H.1- Muttan; President- Jas. Souch* values. this is abundantly truc. man. Tyrone: Etta May Holme-, Vice-Preident- Norman Cllacott: Nesscatle: Eva M. MeGII, Bo-;mnan- Secy.-Peccy Werry; Treas.-Will 'Moral Victory, 12-14 ville; Florence M. Osborne, Cour- Staples: Captain-Hcrb Scott; Man- The Bible may be uised as an in- tsee: Lillian M. Smale and Ada L. agers-Percy Clemens and Howard strument ta get victory avec sin. It .>t Wîight. Providence; Intecim second Coucb: Grounds Committee-Frank quickens the conscience and shar- Winniired M. Cooper, Werry. Otto Virtue, .Thomas Harris, pens aur moral perception. It tells Providence: Helen McKenzie, New- Lianel Byam, Lamne Phare, Fred us of many great and goad people tanville: Elsie M. Rundle. Bethesda; Hoidge. wbo have been defeateCt by sn, and Marion Rowland, Newcastle; Edna Caesarea: Mudcatting us the or- it indicates ta us the way in which M. Sharpe, Bowmanville. der ai the day, tbcy are caught in their temptation overcame them, Hampton: Mr. E. Hastings bas large quantities.. The gasaline1 and the way wbere tbey migbt have returncd fromn Friendsbip. Ncw' launcb was launchcd last week for won victocy. A Young man who was York. Con£!ratuilations ta Mr.j the summer's pleasure. It sailcd for passing througb a severe pcriod ai S. G. Brown. brother ai Mr. I. L. the f irst time to Lindsay witb quite temptation made a practice ai mcm- Bcown-i on passing his exams at the a pleasant crawd an board. orizing a verse ai scripture every day, Presbyterian College. Montreal. tak- Salemi: Mrs. Paul Curtis bas sold and thinking it avec wherever he ing a $56 scholarship in Tbealogy ber farm ta Mc. Rabt. Collacott. walked. He said that he received and a $30 prize in elocution. Hampton: Mrs. <Rcv.) Caok bas moral strength iramn the verses ai Marciage: Bagneli - Davey. Bv gone witb ber son, Dr. Cook, foc a scripture memorized and pandered.I Rev. John Garbutt on Auril l6th Mc. visit ta, Coboconk. Knawledge ai the Bible bas a great Wm. J. Bagnell and Miss Mable L, Bicths: Saper. In Clarke, April influence upon our thinking. and Davey bath af Bowmanville. 19, ta Mc. and Mrs. Arthur V. Spr indirectly bas a very great influence Bicths: Clark. at D arlingtan, a daughter. uo u paig Apcsl ltîh. ta Mr .and Mcs. Jas. HatinqF-In Rowmanville. ADcil ua u paig Clark. a son. 26. ta Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Hastns A Life-Long Habit, 14, 15 Allin, In Clarke, Apt-il 7th, ta Mr. a 'son. Thece are some fricnds ai whoa ar.d Mrs. John G. Al:in a son. Dcaths: Trenoîîth. In Hamptan, wc speedily tire because tbeir re-1 Editor's note-News ai "Fiityi April 25, Mrs. Elizabeth Tcenouth. sources are soan explared and ex- Years Ago' is omitted as copy' ai agpd 73 years. bausted. The friendsbîp af the Statesman foc this week is missing. Jamiesan. In Ocono. April 18, Bible is flot of this kind. To make ______________________ James Jamieson, in bis 72nd year. a companion ai the Bible will be an _Ï Anderýon. In Orano. Anril 22nd. exploration: always bringing forth I. NEWTONVILLE Henry Anderson, in bis 67th yeac. treasures new and aId. Those who ___________________ -.have studied the Bible most care- Mr. Foot was friendly with Bum- fully mnake the biggest discaveries ai Mr. J. T. Peacce bas erected a py Bunion and Burny Callus untîl new truth. TImotby had made a' new garage Cress Corn and Bunion Salves werc start on Bible study. This book had Mrs. Brook Pctbick was in Peter- sodb uy&Lvl' n or- had home associations for bim as bora Sunday. odbJuy&Lvl'anMcr Mis MrgerteMcKyBrgbangar's Drug Stores, bathi bis mother and bis grand- mother had encouraged him ta study is home for Easter holidays. ' TeOl0 h epe-ayal the Hebrew scrptures. It was flot Miss Hetty Wallace, Oshawa, was ~have ca'nme ad on, bt r Ton. nog. owvfx iotytab lexion's ai exqrîisitc cha rm-. Dcli- IF tOTs PLEASED of minci. ancre is a slang phr-ase ine ras O in* fltA* cately iragrant. Cool and delightful WITII TIAL SIZE mucb in vague at present, -He your dixectory. Yt o use. Especially xeccmmended to 'AUtr.l.lICIIZEI) To aoth anddispl raghnes orchai IlE F (iND >Y (>1R fessional players at games and fre- c.g. Stimuiating and invigarating. .AIt SIZE. cunl ipltcas h ara Iinprtsa yuthul oveines ad Dstrbutil n Cappcaach to the Bible la to seek scipctsa yuthul oveines ad Dstrns ed n Cnadcu by help fxom it, wllllng to take reproof Protects and enhances the most del- W. R. DUCKLEY LTD. as well as inspiration. Instead of icately-textured skin. Persian Balm TORONTOgein agrattspinpakg is the unrivalled toilet requlsite. I ettu ive lives o! sucb Plinhteausng BROWN LABEL- 33e /2 lb, ORANGE PEKOE - 40< '/2 lb. DISCOVER A MISTAKE IN b"DATIONS .. . AND IT MUST :D BEFORE YOU SEE YOUR .. AND YOU NEED THE' 'HORIZATION.. phone beside Distance cali Dwill save the Ilways economnical nd money. Consuit front pages of 'ou can talk 100 littie as 30 cents, Fr'ank Williams Ma lanaet PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BoWmANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL 25th, 1935 Pl le i s