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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1935, p. 1

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taa an ei hde man With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUMIE 81 BOWTMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1935 NUMBER 19 Popular Sports Announcer is Guest Speaker at Rotary Club Father and Son Night Friday Foster Hewitt Thrills Large "HE SHOOTS HE SCORES" Audience at T rain in g School with Story of In- teresting Career - B.T.S. Boys Provide Fine Musi- cal Programn Foster Hewitt, known from coast to coast as the radio broadcaster of the thrilling National Hockey League games sponsored by Gineral Moto1y of Canada. was guest speaker on Friday night at the Rotary Club's annual Father and Son night,.which was staged at the Ontario Training School Mr. Hewitt delivered a 30 minute dddress on hi.s own exper- jences in radio an address that held the large audience, vw hich included the boys of the Training School, under a speli for itS entire length. Previous to Mr Hewitt's aclcress dinner was served in the dining hall, where President Fred Cryderman presided Followring dinner the gathering repaired to Ferguson Hall in the Administration building where thie remainder of the programn was Foster Hewitt presented. 1/1 After bringing the greetmngs of the Canada's ace sports announcer, Rotary Club to the boys of the and broadcaster of General Motors School and expressing a welccme National League Hockey games, wh< to the son-guests of the evening. delighted a large audience at the President Cryderman turned the Rotary Club's father and son night program over to Rotarian A. R. Vir- at the Training School on Friday. gin, Superintendent of the School, ____________ who conducted a lively period of community smnging and presenited ani outstanding program of musical CO NGE NT numbers by the boys o! the school. ______________________ On this program was included vocal numbers by Gordon Townsend. Mil- The Oratorical Contest of Jr. IV ford Lindsay and Ernest Pankhurst, and Sr. IV pupils, sponsored by the while a class under Rotarian Earl Home and School Club will be held Cunningham, Physical Director Of at the Opera House on Friday, May B. T. S., gave a splendid demonstrat- 10tii, at 8 p. m. Choruses and solos ion of pyramd building. Alred prepared for the Festival Competit- Leonard, the singing guitarist was ion wiUl be a part of the prograxn one of the big bits of the evening A silver collection wxill be taken. and 'as enthusiasticaily encored. Introduce Officiais Tuesday. May l4th, the annual This portion of the prograin com- Nurses' Graduation Exercises of pleted, President Cryderman intro- Bowmanville Hospital will be held duced several Officiais who had ac- in Trinity Church auditorium. The companied Mr. Hewitt to Eowman- speaker wlll be Dr. Grant L. Bird of ville. They included Mr. Claude B. Oshawa, former District Governor of Watt, Advertising Manager of Clen- Rotary. May 12th is Hospita.l Day eral Motors, Col. Frank Chappeli, wheii the Dollar Fund will Public Relations Director; Bob Mc- be featured. Donations may be sent Intyre. whose voice is almoSta we to the Secretary-Treasurer, C. H. 4ýnowN as Foster Hewitt's for Mason. , omrnercial announcements on the hockey broadeasts; and Mr. C. M. Pasmore, of the MacLaren Acver- Music Festival Esta tising Agency, Trnowoi h directing genius behind the hockey broadcasts from the technical side. O ce O l r d Last came the introduction ofOnyG d Poster Hewitt himself and this in- troduction camne amid a burst of Great County Festival Op- spontaneous applause that kept the sports announcer sorne time before ens in Port Hope on Wed- he could proceed. Whatever im- pression one might get of Foster nesday - Fe st iv al1s (ContiiÉued an page 6) Should Steadily Iniprove Artistic Attainnient TRINIY WO EN'S(By Marie Clark Bell) MISSION SOCIETY The Musical Festival has at length 50th ANNIVERSARY become an establlshed institution in the ife of rnusic loyers. In its carl- - ier days, it was barely tolerated: Rev. Dr. A. E. Armstrong of United later it vras grudgingly appreciated Church Mission Board and Mns. but now it is generously welcomed. J. U. Robins Gnest Speakers A ,vider understanding of its use- fulness to a music-minded commun- at Banquet ity-and what community does not "The race today is between Christ- pride itself on its musical attain- ments and outlook-has brought lanity and Conrununisin in China" with it a correspondingly %-ider un- stated Dr. A. E. Armstrong, Secre- derstanding of its range and es- tary of Foreign Missions for United sential limitations. tike ail human Church of Canada, spcaking at a institutions. it is, or shouîd be, the dinner Tucsday evening in commein- servant of its creators. It should oraion0f he lftethannvcraryo!minister t0 their artlstic needs, it Trinity Church Wozen's Missionary should help them in their musical Society. difficulties. it should graclously a- Over 200 attended the dinner held ward menit. and resolutely recognize in Trinity Sunday School wth two and truly appraise the lack of it. In af the charter members, Mir5. P. C. s0 f ar as it is a use! ul servant it will Trebiicock ana Ms-s. W. E. Tilley survive and !lourish: in so f ar as it present. as well as Mrs. M. A. Bal- f ails in its essential functions, it will son who joined thc Society three descend ta thse level of Just another years after its inception. Mrs. G. L. of those pleasant but futile occas- Wagar in the chairznan's remnarks, ions where thse musically sel-satis- made kindly reference to these pion-fl ed can entertain their adnuring eers and gave the hl.story of the local friends. Society. Mrs. J. U. Robins, Llstowcl, wl! e o! The Educatîve Function a former pastor of Trinity United A serles of succcss!ul Festivals Church, and the woman who Is re- should see a steadliy lmprovlng stan- sponsible for much o! thse fine or- dard a! artistlc attainnient. The ganization in Trinity Wonsen's soc- striving for success should not blind icties was one o! the gucat speakers. the strenuous te the need for bet- Mrs. Robins traceci the development terment. Success should be but a of the W. M. S. in Canada st.ating stepping-stone-failure a spur-to that at thc time o! Union 10 years renewed endeavour. Thse galnlng ago there were only 1621 auxiliaries a! a premier award should be but while today there are aver 3000 and an accident in an educative exper- nearly as many junior organizatlons. lence. Vcry rarely does the group The policy of the misslonary society winner derive thse greatest amount i-has bee - mannag-i i+_ a nces ! nefit f rom ttIse xel.,ene o! his. BOWMANVILLE CUBS TO SEE LORD BADEN-POWELL Above as-e pictus-es Lord andi Lady Hon. Betty (le! t) eand Hou. Heatiser Cuba willl Robes-t Baden-Powell. tise Chie! Baden-Powell (rlght). Lord Baden- 16,500 seat Scout and Chic! Girl Guide as tIsey Powell is maklng bis fas-ewell tous- Ontarioa in o! tise wasld and ths-aughout Cpm- e magnlficg asrlived et Victoria, B. C ., fsrn ada Isuge gathes-lngs o!fscouts andi seum in E Seattle aboard tIse Canadien Paci- girl guides wlll houas- the foundes-Tise bays, fiec coastal linses- Princes6 Chaslotte, af this great youth mfo'veifent. Thse thels- leadie Wlth tisem are tiseir two daugisters, Fis-st Eawrnenvlle Peck a! Wolf Tas-auto by COLORFUL DISPLAY Victorian Institute 0F PYROTECHNICS AT B.T.S. MONDAY Cartwright, Marks Training Sehool Celebrates JubiIee 2Oth Anniversary1 lVith Parade, Tree Planting, Huge Bonf ire and Fireworks Happy Birthiday Event Cel- Thse Boys of Uic Ontario Tramn- ebrated Week at ing ScIsool, besides taking part in Blcsokt eiwo tIse official towrn Jubilce celebrat- Baktc eiwo io nMonday morning, held theiri Splendid Work ls Given jown celebration at thse school on Manday night. Despîte unfavorable-. . weather a very large crowd o! A deligIsIful event packed wth in- townsfollc joined in the event whlch terest and pleasant memories oc- opened with a parade led by thse curred on Wednesday afternoon, Legion Band. A bandstand had beenMa erected close btIste flag staff andMay laI n thse Community Hall. was gay with multi-colored lights. Blackstock, when over nincty mier- The irs porionof te r bers and guest.s fs-rn Shirley Insti-j Th firt orio o te pogramn tute assembled to commnemorate thei was given over to the planting o! twentieth annlversary o! thse Victor-i la maples on the school campus by ian branch blrthday. Long tables1 Mayor Ross Strike and was followed were laid with standards o! spring by an official welcome by Superin- fowers, Eu-ter Elles and taîl candles.i tendent A. R. Virgin o! the ScIsool. A beautiful birthday cake with1 The Legion Band, under thse direct- twenty candilca was placed aItIthe1 ion o! Bandmaster Fountain render- head table. One of thse interesting( cd several selections and Bandsman features o! the afternoon's program1 Fritz Von Gunten o! Oshawa ren- was the lightlng by each president1 dered a splendid trumpet solo, o! as many candles as years mn of- Thse address o! thse cvening was lice. delivered by Mayor Ross Strike, who Organizsed In 1915 interestingly recallcd two instances Th itra Banognze when he came personally into con- Th Vitra Ban.ognid tact with His Majesty on thc battle- in 1915, has &Ince lsad thse following fields o! France. The incidents s-c- off icers in charge: 1915 - 1916.t ated served tIse purpose o! demon- President-Mrs. J. H. Freeborn; strating whY it was that in cvery Secy.-Mrs. John Byers; 1916 -1 changing world, wherc monarclis 1917, President-Mrs. Her ma i have tottcred and fallen, tIse British Haoey; Secy.- Ms-s. John Byers, sovereign st.ood even stronger in tIse .917 - 18, President-Mrs. Herman affections o!fIis vast Empire o! 483 Hooey; Secy.-Mlss Annie E. Swain; milososepeta vrbfr 1918 - 19, President-Mrs. T h o s. His simple life, his devotion ta the Smith; Secy.-M.iss Annie E. Swain; -duties o! state. and Isis deep concern199-2,Psdet r.Tos bover the welfare o! his subjects made Smith, Secy.-Miss Elva Wright; him an outstanding example o! his 1920 - 21, President-Mrs. A. L. Bai- exaltcd office His Worship said. ley; Secy.-Mlss Elva Wright; 1921 > SuPeintendent Virgin on behal - 22. President-Mrs. John Everest: o! the staff and boys expressed ap- Secy.-Mrs. TIsas. Smith: 1922 - 23,s preciation to the Mayor and te thse Presidnt-Mrs. John Everest: Secy.t > Bad fr teircoopraton n mk- Miss Mabel F. Smith; 1923 - 24. ing thse celebration such a success. whodn-Ms .A VnCm A monster bonlire was lighted and h held that office until 1928. Dur- a colorful display o! pyrotechnics ing that time Miss Margaret Swain 1was staged by members o! tIse school was secretary for two years Miss YIstaff. As the last firework tlsrew Lillian Vennîng sccretary for ta-o s ils warm colors over tIse school years and in 1928, Miss Esther grounds. Bowmanville's recognition Srn1128%3,PesdnMs *of the most important event in the Leslie Graham; Secy.-Miss Esthser present century came to a close. Stxr>ng; andd ln 1931-Mrs. Arthur0 ----------- Baiey: 931 - 32, rsdnt M s * Russel Mountjoy; Secy.-Mrs. Ar- In a draw for a beautiful table thu Bailey; 1932 - 33, President-e lamp on display in the Evlyln Shop Mm,. Russel Mountjoy: Secy.-Missf in aid o! St. Joseph's R. C. Church, Frances Mountjoy; 1933 - 34, Presi-a thse aa-ard was made te Mms. Isobel dent-Mrs Foster Ferguson; Secy.-9 *Taylor, Duke Street, Bowmanville. Mrs. Normian Mountjoy; 1934 - 35,'I -The draw was made by thse editor o! President-Mrs. Clarence Marlow; I The Statesmnan at thse request o! Secy.-Mrs. NorW':n Moun t joy.s Father McGuire, and tIse lamp was Many O! tIse Past Presidents were kindly donated by an Ottawa lady. prezent and expressed in well chosen words. their best wishes for thse Branch. An adds-ess on the growth o! the Lblis e I stit tion I,,stitute in ail sections o! thse world (Continued on page 4) Igingly Appreciated MS~nRGR Chiof Trinity Church IS CONGRATULATED- Wins Several Prizes at ON 77th BIRTHDAY Peel County Music Festival - A happy gath-ering neighbors and Bawmanville musicians won their friends assembed at tIse home o! share o! honors au lIse Peel County Mms. Joseph Rogers, near thse C. N.h Musical Festival held at Port R. Station, on Tuesday evening, May hast week. Peel Festival is anc o! 7th, tao!fer congratulations te, Mrs. LtIse oldest and most outstanding Rogers on her '7th birthday. She festivals in Ontario. Winners from Isas lived 66 years in tIse house Bownianville were: Trinity United where she now resides and where she ChurcIs Choir with over 20 o! its is beloved by all thse neighborhaod. members unable ta attend, came She had invited six a! her closest C second te Brampton choir a-lth a friends ta spend thse afternoon with memberslsip o! 75. Brampton 83 her and were still enjoylng them-A marks; Trinity 81. Providence selves When about !îfty uninvited 1V îQuartet compased of Mrs. M. H. guests asrived ta ofler Iser "Many Wlght, Ms-s. Rass Grant. Howard Happy Returns o! thse Day". Mrs. E.a Wighst and Orville Osborne, w'on Passant read a nioely warded ad-A f irst and silver medals in thse Mixcd dress and Mrs. Cecil Mutton made Quartette class. Mrs. Wmn. Roberts tse presentation a! a purse contain-h headed thse list in tIse'Contralto ing a substantiai suin of roney. Mrs. chass and was awarded a sUlver med- Rogers although taken aompletely al. Mrs. G. E. Pritchard and Mms. by surprise managed a few words of a Wmn. Roberts took sec5nd place in appreciation for tIse git and for thec tIse duel class, and Orville Osborne kind tlsoughts o! hes- !riepids. "For came second in tIse bass solo sect- she is a jolly good !elow" was sung ion as announced last week. AIl thse and several games o! progressive a above entries were psepared for thse cuchre were played. Mms. J. Thick-M contests by Francis Sutan, Mus. son and Miss Ivy Passant winningT Bac. adies' prizes, and Ms-. Thos. Veale IE and Mr-. H. Lathrsope tIse mens' priz-w Cadet Inspection at Bowmanville es. Mrs. Rogers was also tIse secip-j HigIs ScIsool wlll be hcld on thse lent o! a beautiful bouquet o! spring 1tc campus on Wednesday, May 151h aI !howers. Deliebous refresisments were Ir 2 p. m. sharp. TIse public are cord- served and thse closing feature o! the T~ ially lnvit.ed te wltness tIse manou- evcnlng was thse cutting of a birth- al vs-es. day cake contalning 77 candles. Ci BISHOP O'CONNOR CONFIRMS CLASS AT ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Impressive Ceremony as Catholie Childen Receive Ancient Rite of Laying on of Hands An impressive ceremany marked tIse visit last Wednesday o! thse RigIsI Rev. Denis O'Connor, Roman CatIs- olic Bishop of Peterboro, when Ise conducted tIse solemn and apostolic rite o! Confirmation at St. Joseph's Chu-ch. Ten candidates appeared before His Excellency for thse cere- mony of tIse Laying on of Hands. TIse candidates had been prepared and were presented by Rev. Fathe- J. F. McGuire, Parish priest o! Baw- Manville and Newcastle. A Meature a! thse service was thse exansination o! candidates in thse catechism. by tIse visiling prelate. Special music was rendered for Uic occasion by tIse choir uinder thse di- rection o! Mm. James Brown o! Newcastle. who also presided et thse organ. Candidates con! irmed wcs-e Marie Wise, Kathleen. Wise, Paul Wise and Helen Flood of Newcastle, and Jayce Donaghue, Hehen Joncs, Lea Bird, Tommy Bird, Evelyn Finn and Henry Pearce of BowmenvilUe. His Excellency was accompanied te Boumanville by Rev. Father V. Carkery 0f Peterboro, chancellor o! tIse Diocese and Rev. FatIser James J. Guiry, Parisis priest o! Port Hope, who werc among tIse robed clergy in Uic senctuary. t SALEM Mrs. F. L. Squai- and Mn. Kyhe Squair visited f riends ln Newtonvilhe. Rev. A. S. Kerr gave an excellent sermon on Sunday wIsicIs was a s-cal tribute ta tise King and Queen. Mother's Day will be cclebrated in tIse Sundlay Schooh next Sunday by a special Mother's Day program. Prectice began this week for the S. S. annivcrsary. Sorry ta report thse serions illness a! Mrs. C. Pollard wha was taken ta Boa-meanvilhe Hospital an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pollard, Tor- onto, were callcd home on that ac- count. May lst Ennlskillen Y. P. L. visit- ed aur Y. P. L. and rendered a very fine prograni. ToPic was an Peace and was very ebly dealt wltIs. Pro- grain consisted a! readings, instru- mental duel. vocal nunsbem, etc. The home Leagur conducted thse social period and served luncheon. Attcsdiance 80. 1 1 Hundreda Pay Tribute to the Empire's King at Impressive Jubilee Celebration Monday FESTIVAL PRESIDENT Citizens Join with Public School, High School and Ontario Training School ..............Students in Thanksgiving Service - Mayor Strike Delivered Stirring Ad- dress Many loyal citizexss o! Bow- manvilie joined on Monday with thses-est o! thse mpire ln paying an impressive tribute ta tiseir majesties, tIse King and Qucen on thse occasion ..........o! the 25th annivemsary of their ac- cession to the throne. His Womship Mayas- Ross Strike delivered a brie! but very stlsrling addrcss during Uic ses-vice o! thanks- glving at thse High Scisool campus. The celebration commenced withi a parade whilcIs ormed at thse Public ScIsool under thse comsmand of Major H. D. Wightman M. C. The parade Ms- E. P. Bs-mt was led by Canadien Leglon Band Preîdet o tIe D ha Contyunder direction of Bandinaster Ri- Music Festival Association hcscsr onan whichasopvde opens ils fourbIs annual Festival at tIse music for thse mass siging at the nite ChrcIslu ort opetIse thanksgiving service. Followlng theUnied hurh i Pot Hpethse band came the colos-s cars-led lu' next Wednesday. H. D. Moses, Roger Bird and Bob Smith and eccasted by 12 unifos-mcd members o! tIse Fisst Boe"manville TIse new dance floar at the Bow- Pack o! Wolf Cubs. Followiug lu man House Hotel wlll be afficielly tus-n were Mayaor Rosa Strike andi opeued on Saturday uight whcn the members o! Towu Council and openiug dauce wiil be staged with Scisool Board, tIse Canadien Legion Cawlcer'a orchestra in attendance. undes- Uic commandi a! President TIse new caf! ce slsop, in tIse formes- Bert Par-ker, Bowmanville Fis-e Bri- sample roomns will also be open for gade, tise Ratepayers Association. business by Saturday nig-ht * Bob thse Public ScIsool childrcn, boys o! Fraser, tIse genial manager is show- tIse Ontario Tr-aning ScIsool and ing considerabe initiative in extend- Higis ScIsool students. ing tIse hotel's business in Uic com- Tise parade wa.5 routed down munîty. Silver Street, east on King Street ta Division and south te tIse Higis St. Andr-ew's Presbyterian Chus-ch, ScIsool Grounds whes-e a special plat- Boa-manville, iseld its 98th Anni- fors had been erectedl. versas-y on Sunday, May 4tIs. TIse Impressive Service services were well attended in tIse The opcrùug cercmony was tIsat o! morning and evenixsg with special Flag Raising wIsich was cas-s-ed out music by Uic choir asslsted by Miss by J. E. (Hap) Hobbs, well knowu C. Booth. Toronto, who sang maspir- local disabled veteran. Ms-. R. M. iug solos at bath services. The ps-ca- Cotton J. P., who was largeiy respon- cher for thp services was Rev. j. B. sible for thse successful staging a! thse Rhodes, M. A., B. D., Cobourg, whose ses-vice acted as chals-man. O Can- mas9terly messages were well received ada was sung andi the salute te Uic by tise cangregation. Ris Juh)ile F lag andi repeating o! Uic pledge ses-mou in thse marnimg was except- cas-s-ed out by tise childreu a! thse ionally fine. Public Scisoal Major, The Rev. C. R. Spencer. as president o! thse Min- istes-lal Association, led thse aud- ience in thse officiai prayer o! ,orm d L ons lub tianksgiving. TIse messesi voices of tIecsdren were Iseard lu Land a! Cev~mnu~~,Hope and Glas-y, lu which tIse gath- ripressive C arrno th ch yesing joinesi for thse second time.- In a deeply lnspîring and stis-sing mesge, appropriate for tIse day, Deput DistrictGovernor HislWomhip Mayas- Ross Strike then George M. Bosnell Con- 'ddrsessed tise geUierlng. A verbal- im report o! this address fallows:- ducted Instal 1 a t i o n - (Cantlnued on page 4) Lions froni Port Hope -_______SERVICE and Toronto Present SE ILSR IE MARK ANNIVERSARY Iu an impassioned appeal to Isis ATT NTYC U H audience te give tisemselves whole- AT RI TY HU C heertediy te tIse wellare a! theis- commnuulty Deputy District Gaver- Bev>. .J. U. Robins, Llstowel, Former nos- George M. Bosnell o! Tarante, Pastor, Deilvered Splendid brought tise ncwly formed Bowmau- Messages on Sunday ville Lions Club off iclally inte being on Tuesday nigist, wIsenIse installesi Rev. J. U. Robins, Llstowel. and tIse chartes- officers at tIse Bawman former pester a! Trinlty Unitedi Houze.. Chus-ch ,Bowmanville, was tise spec- TIse cutis-e charter membemshîp o! lal ps-caches- at Tsinity Sunday tIse Club was present for Use accas- Scisoal Anulves-sas-y ses-vices an Sun- ian andi tieir numbers were aug- day. He was iseas-tily welcomed by Isentesi by visitlng Lions from Port ii mauy fniends and ps-eached iu- Hope Iseadesi by President Chas-lie spiring sermons ta large congregat- I'Ismpsou andi !ramTaranto East ions. Club headcd by President Fred Reasi. At tIse morulng service his thensa Charter President Dr. W. H. Birks was "And Jesus cellcd a little child Presidesi et tise meeting, which op unto hlm and hel i hm lu tisa encd in thse officiai mannes- aith mlclst",. He stressed Use imsportance the slnging o! tise National Anthem. o!fîthe ch.ild lu thse home and urged Thse Club got ewey ta a goosi start pas-enta te realize thels- re.sponulbil- wltIs plenty o!f fun dis-ectesi by Stu ity in training Usais- ciilds-en along rames and Bill Olives-, tise Teil Twis-1 correct lines. He cited thse !act that ,es- and Lion Taer-o! tise'Club. in pagan lands pas-ents pey littie '.lan KnigIst as sang leader and 060. attention te their chiids-en whllc, )avidge as pianist also did t4iscr through Cisristiauity, we have came here ta gel Uic club away ta a hep- te realize UsaI anly If wc sow weil, py saest. in training our chilsisen shail we Many Visitas-s Present reep tIse f ullest and fiuest in adult Thse visitlng Lions wes-e introduced ile. Ms-. Robins hlgisly consmensi- >y tiseis- respective presidents f ram cd thse work o! Uic Sunday ScIsol [oronto and Port Hope, andi aller teacisers and pleaeds with parents Tes-non LeChance. officiai organises- ta co-operate aith them on eves-y hed calles tise new offices-s te tIse occasion. 'sont Deputy District Gaves-nos-Oea. TIse choir loft. at this service was losnell delivered his charge ta thse occupled et Visa beginnlng by Uic dficcrs and ta tIse members. Primary Class choir under thc leadi- In a deeply inspirational edds-èss lu ership o! Mrs. Kerisuth Fastes-. nIsics tise aima, cthlcs and objecta They sang "Tel me thse Stars- o! i Lionism wes-e vlgas-ously autllned Jesus" and also presented a quin- by tIse speaker, tIse offices-s took tette o! Frances Morris, Margaret ýheir plesige a! office and club mcm- Rowe, Shirley Cisallas, George Ro- es-s toak their oath o! alleglance, berts and Billy Edges- wio sang cers of Newly F eInstalled at Inr HAYDON radys Mas-tin, Salems. et Grant, Tas-auto et Mn. A. an McLeen, Toronto, et adley's.E mein Welsh and sou Roy,1 at Ms-. C. Avcry's. d Mms. A. Richards, Rossa aRichards, et Ms-. Fred Oshawa. Bradley, Ms-s. Ms-s. Fred 'Ada ausd Viola Bradley, ett YEdgerton's, Pantypool, iMs-s. John Gs-ahsam, OsIs- Percy Chase and Mss M.t ,dsay, et Ms-. D. Graiem's.i iearte-ly meeting la to ber rhuusday aftes-noan. 1Mm. le-b Shemon, Ms-s. Phsmon. Miss Kate MNi 'i McNeil, Tarante, et Ms-.E Harsold and Ronald Niece ds, Tas-auto, Sundayed et Thampson's Miss Las-na Lwso Isas been vlslting s-e- j Tarante returnesi home t ical sympathy la extendesi 1 Alex and Richard McNeils Lslng o! tisais-mothe- lu p ri Friday. A large number lie service et Bowmanvllle on Sunday altes-naon. fi 0 b ci b ti d b e jain on Satu-day with 8 euls fro sanothe- pasao! c rglving Uic Chie! Scout 8 ceut wclcome et thc Coli- a Exhibition Pas-k, Tas-auto. J1 24 sts-ong, together wltis C Legs, wliU be rnotos-ed ta E q ute-estesi citisens. t j

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