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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1935, p. 9

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-..,rwi',va~A UOWIAM17flZ.E!THURSDAY. MAY l6th. 1935 Hortzcultural Socety Plan- Pant Cutivae -Let's Ail Co-Operate in Making Bowmanville. A Town Beautiu Bowmanville Horticultural Society Membership Drive OUR OBJECTIVE THIS YEAR - 150 MEMBERS Membershlp Fee $1.00 whieh entities you to your choice of $1.00 of stock listed as preiums from S. J. Jackman & Sons or Kingsway-Brookdale Nursery. Our Civic Work this year includes the planting and maintenance of the Memorlal Plot, and the beauti- fying of the eastern approach Wo the town including the Cemetery embankment. The Society is also asslsting the work of encouragini young people in Horticulture through the Public School Gardens schenie. Encourage the officers in this splendid work of, beautifylng our town by joining the soclety. Membership fees may be paid Wo MRS. E. V. SCOBELL MRS. GEO. E. PRITCHARD MR. OLIVER ROBERTS Bowmanville Horticultural Society MRS. E. V. SCOBELL, J. H. JOHNSTON, President. Secretary-Treasurer. BEAUTIFY YOUR GARDEN Sun Diais Gazing Globes AND Trellis Work Ail Kinds of WOODWORK For Your GARDEN Make your garden a greater joy this year than ever. .The magic touch that a sun dial, bird bath, gazing globe, or treUlis "II gîve your garden or lawn wW surprise you. We will be glad to advise you on the decoration of your gardai and furnlsh estimates as Wo cost. You'll be agreeably sur- prlsed how much you cmn do for a smnafl eTpendlture. LET'S FILL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS We carry a full stock of aIl garden needs. (jet your buibs, perennials, annuals and evergree1i5 from us. We save you money. S. J. JACKMAN & SONS rn%%unO MMEYMN ETC. DOWMA&NVLLE 'B DARGAI1N S 1N Lawn Mowers NO BETTER VALUES .95 ANYWHERE Headquarters for AIl Kinds of Garden Needs Phone 66 Bowmanville HORTICULTURISTS TO MAKE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE THIS WEEK Drive For 150 Members 19 Under Way - Citizens Urged te Sup- port Fine Comnnunity Work of Organiza* ion Bou-manville Horticultural Society which bas carried on a splendid work in Bowmanvile for more than a quarter o! a century is tbis week staging a memnbersbhip drive. in an endeavour to raise its list of mcm- bers Wo 150. Membersbip in the sac- iety is, besides being a definite aid to thse society in its communitY work. worthwhile for thse individual member who receives in return for bis $1.00 membership. fee Presuiumns from local nurseries ta tbis value. it is to be boped that during thse caming week many Bowmanville cit- izens will jain thse Horticultural Soc- iety, aid in tbe fine community work tIse society is doing, and at tbe same time aid themsclves in procuring full value of their membership f ee in produce for their own garden. Subscriptions Wo the HarticulturalI Society can be paid ta thse president, Mrs. E. V. Scobeil, or W Mr. Geo. E. Pritchard or Mr. Oliver Roberts, who will issue officiai receiPtS. The Society's work at MemnorialI Park and at thse eastern entrance ta the town is wartby of strong sup-1 port. and only a larger membershi can give thse saciety thse support il nppds.1 S owing Garden Seeda la An Art When thse gardener buys a packet ai seed, usually it bears terse direc- tions such as "Sow in thse open ground when thse weather is wam, *Sow in Iet.", etc. Tbey sound --smple enough, but one accu-stomned te sawing seed would Isardly agree; tIsat it is as simple as it sounds. Seed sowing is quite an art in itself, easiiy learned, but details must be observed for fiuli success. Fortun-, ately, seed is thse cheapest commod-' ity on the market, and probably more seed is wasted throughpo miethods or carelesa work irnsowlng than from any other reason. Know- ledge of correct methods ai seed sowing undoubtedly, would increasel the good reputation of seecsmen, who are ai to ofaten blansed for til success. Thse seed in its functian as thse ariginatar of plent life is a small body, often a very tiny ane, which contains a mlscrascopic plant called tIse embryo wth a quantity aififood, malter stored in thse seed and aften in tbe thickened f irst pair of leaves leaves known as seedleaves or coty- ledons wbich differ f ram the true leaves of tIse plant. whIich appear later. Sometimes thse stored f oods supply is mlssing in Beeds. Thse ~wIoe is surrounded by a more or less bard and thick sheil or coat- ing. Under proper conditions thse em- bryo escapes f ram Iis protecting cover and thse mature plant results. The escape Is called grmlinatlon. At thse start oi germ1nation.. the primary parts that aller beCame root and stem thrust through thse seed caver- lng, tIse root turning downward and stem upward. Moisture andf temper- ature are the twa ifactors that con- trol germination, and tbey are thse twa factors that must b? consider- -d in success!ul serd sowlng. In thse mechanlc-, ai 'ced sowlng, thse first point Wo observe is neyer Wo bury thie set too deeply in thse soil. If planted toa deeply it may be smathered before it can fi d stren- gth to thrust tbrough tIsensali. ex- baustlng al thse stos-d ficod s ipplyl a! the Eeed in the ei!a!t. Deeps- lng ts a most frequent mistake and the commanest cause o! poar suc- cess wth seeds Caver a seed witIs its awn depth of soUl. This is thse best rule of thumb. Tlny s-ecds mere- ly lie on thse surface. BRADLEY'S SCHOOL Repart of S. S. 14, Darllngton, for May: V-Russel Hardy. Sr. IV-Orace Yellowlees 78.4. Jr. IV-Russel Hepburn 75.9, Don- ald Yellowlees 69.8. Bill Ashton 56. Jr. III-Doreen Hardy 69.2. Sr. II-Margaret Preston 76.1, Margaret Hepburn 75.3, Florence Ashton 52.3. Sr. I-Betty Sinales, Ross Cryder- man. primer-Evelyn Hepburn, Mari Cryderman. Helen A. Smale, teacher. Oshawa City Caundil has mavec ta endorse a resolutian recelved i roir tIse town of Bowmanvllle asklng tIsai tIse Federal Qovemrment pass legis- lation whlch would tend Wo unlfy thse dates between whlch dayllght saving la In effect throughout thse Dominion. r Uptown SHéadquarters JACKMAN'S NURSERIES Cholce Cut Flowers Potted Plants Rockery and Garden Plants Ornamentai Garden Furniture Vegetable Plants Ca.bbage, Caulfflower, Celery Tomatoes, Peppers, Onions Call Bagnell's wben you require Flowers - Funeral Work Garden Requirements. W. J. BAGNELL Phone 152 Bowmanville E£T US HELP *~YOU PLAN qNYOUR GARDEN cilable hands, that will assure you of best resulta for your money. Over 35 years garden- lng experlence goca behlnd ev- ery job we undertake. If YOU requielandscape advlceif yo wntW lay a new lawn or pla flower bed, let us helP you. Our charges are very reasonable, and the resuits welU obtain for you w1U be more than worth the while. When you have gardenlng work to do caul A. S. BAKER Horticulturists LET US HELP YOU WITH TOUR S um mer Bedding We have a complete stock of top quailty plants at reason- able prîces. lENUMSpoT. . ANNUALS IN BOXES VEGETABLE PLANTS HANGING POTS WINDOW BOXES expertly f illed ROSES.,5H RUES PERENNIALS Experts. Let un help you solvi your garden problefls. The Best Way to Spade Deep, Vertical Dgging Is Bet For All Soils There is much discussion among gardeners on the respective merits of the spade and the f orir, with a good many advcates of each. When you pool their advantages, bawever. you find bath have their taking points, depending upan the type of sli and the purpose of the digglng. Garden- ers may well have bath of them. The spade is the better toal for cleàn digging wbere the gardener wishes ta follaw straight lnes. It also wlll turn the soil more complet- ely and tharoughly and if thse trench and f iii method is used the sr>ade is indispensable, because thse sou wlll remain in thse spade ta becose into the waiting trench. A portion o! it is boun d ta fall th.raugh thse tines of the fork. Heavy sal is more easily pene- trated with a fork. But it s more easily turned with a spade so there is an argument on thse better tool right there. A spade in thse long run will te found the more efficient tool for digging heavy soil. Thse tines of thse forIs. due ta thse prying to lif t h-eavy sail. are very likely Wo be bent out of allgnment. For lighter soU thse spading fark is the easiest operat- ing tool. In spading a garden, tIse blade of the spade should be driven into tIse soul as nearly vertical as possible. The dloser to vertical tIse blade goes inta the soul, the deeper it can pen- etrate anld thse better thse job of dig- ging. It is customnary tW send the spade or fork into thse ground at a siant. Thse result is that while it may loak like a good job af digging when it is done, thse soul has not been turned for more than 6 Wo 8 inches. Soil needs deep digging ta let the air into it. This Iselps to make thse plant food more readily avallable for the growing plants. Thse roat of thse plant also must have a certain a- mount of air ta tlsrive. an CU wi ad vi gE m -ir ti gg ae Bowmanvîlle Nurseries J. LARMOVE, Proprietor Bsowmmsnie OUTHFUL ORATORS SHINE AT ANNUAL CONTEST ON FRIDAY (Continued fram page 1) ing and Queen". She spoke with invictian, in a deep, expressive oice W whIschIst was pleasant ta sten. Lois Enunett, daughter of dr. and Mrs. A. A. Emmett. des- ribed "TIe Kng's Cronatian", 11h melodiaus articulation whlcIs ided much ta her well pretsared Ld presented narrative. Diana Xheeler, daughter o! Mrs. A. D. ,Vbeeler, altbougb a littIe forgetful, gave a fine preentatian of the r- iantlc career o! Alexander Bell" ,rs.' Algie Harden. ber body swaying yn Harnden. daughter o! Mr. and founder of the telepbone, and Bye- as she warmed W bher topic. told an iteretng Iistory of "The LUfe ai ur Poneer". Her speech showed good preparation ai a rather svr The senior raurth boys proved themselves exceptlonally wefl vcrsed in ratory and displayed surprlslng aient in expression. William Green aon ai Capt. and Mrs. Wm. Green, assstant superintendert o! the On- aria Tranng Scbaol for Boys, de- lcted TIse Benefits ai Membersblp n Boy Scouts" wlth an obviouslY tralned voice and a cultured man- ner; while Louis Wlsemafl, by his thrlllng word picture Oi "Poster Eiewltt and tbe General MotOrs Hiockey BroaLicaat" proved. a close competitor. Ne was outstanding by virtue oi dramatc expression lin tIe p r e en t at Ion of *'Ne Shoots-- - e scores!" William M.lnns, though speakng on a 1cms animated Isistrical toplc, the ic aof "James Wolfe spoke wltIs case and lack ai a tension, so naticeable in sorme ai te other speakers. Mr. j. W. Jewell, chairman ai the evenlng. compllmented thse Pu- plis an their fine shwng and com- mended thse Home and ScIsool Club for sponsoring this mast lnterestlng and Iselpiul endeavour. TIse judg- es were Mrs. W. A. Shause, Miss Helen Cryderman and Rev. J. F. Mc- Quire. Durlng tbe evenlng musical num- bers were lnterspersed wlth te speeches. consistlng of selections bY tIse public Sohool Choir; thse Junior and senior girls and boys, under the direction ai Miss Helen Marris; a solo by Harold Casbourn: and a Hghsland dance by Marguerite iGibsan. Mrs. M. A. Neal presided Iat thse piano. Thse judges' decisians werc read by IMrs. W. A. Clark. p>resident ai tIse IBawmanvllc Home and ScIsoal Club, who also prescnted thse prisesta thse winners, compllmentlflg them for their pralaewortby efforts. Du stan Oflers Turnlp Seed Sald in packages anly Vegetable Seeds Flower Seeds- lb. 45c pkg. 5c pkg. 5c Hoes - Rakes, - Trowels - CuitivatOrs Garden Fertilizers - Lawm Molwers Paints and Varmish Guaranteed Paint, all colors, gallon .$3.35 A General Utillty Paint gal. $1.95 Roof Paint . . . . .. . . .gai. 95e General Al Purpose Varnlsh, çgt. 75e Agents for MasseY-Harrls RePairs. 1Dustan' s Cash Hardware PAGE NINE KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP' Phone your orders for FUNERAL DESIGNS FLOWERS FOR WEDDINGS CUT FLOWERS - POT FLOWERS - ETC. We deliver flowers by telegraph to ail points in British Isdes, U. S. or Canada. Kingsway Flower Shop Phone: Greetihouses 144W, Selling Station 144J, Flower Shop 72, Nurseries 7, Nights 240. p. IMPORTANT! DO NOT DELAY YOUR ORDERS SHOULD BE IN AT ONCE -In Boxes- A'nnual Flowers in ail the regular varieties also About 30 Novelties flot usually grown by others. Cali and see them. Also Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, etc. A WONDERFUL VARIETY IN Roses (clinabers, bush and tree) - Rock Plants Flowering Shrubs - Perennials - Hanging Baskets, etc. BRÔOKDALE-KINGSWAY NU RS E RIE S Phone: Greenhouses 144W, Selling Station 144J, Flower Shop 72, Nurseries 7, Nights 240. THE CANADIAN STATFbMPU4, »VWMJLnVLL-. ---, -- -.1 wi alu (EDg-) Landscape Architec and Gardener Phone 400 d GP PAGE NUM 1 Bowmanville Phone 74 Nuumrjmzfmý-, ---* PHONE 80 1D 9 Oro

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