PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STAT~MAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. MAY lSth 19'~5 Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Friday and Saturday - May 17 - 18 WHATTA GUYI lemeniber Fr"d MacMurroy in "Thec Gilded Lily "?7Mer* ho le agin ... os sure of himacif as ove,, In a 0h4ln story of the Radio Pafroil 4dolph Zukor Fressnts A Poamouni Picoure wulh Fred MacMurray Sir Guy Standing William Frawley "Aiaddin and His Wonderful Lamp"-- News George Sydney and Charlie Murray in "Stable Mates" Matanee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - May 20 - 21 - 22 ONIE (F THE TEN BES SELLERS 0F ALL TIME x <..:.y~' J HN BEAL ~:~r~GLORIA STUAKT ~~.~ViirginieWeidIer ___________________Diectsd by Giorge Stain& A PmUITO SBevmai Producttou.,1 Comedy-- News-- Rainbow Color Novelty Matinee Monday 4 p. m. - Wednesday 2.30 p. zn.c Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - May 23 - 24 - 25 AN UPROARIOUS SUCCESSOR TO «'"LADY FOR A DAY"! -g-r L.w Prioe..Lcow Finad q RDites.. CODE 0F ETHICS 0F BOWMANVILLE CUBS JLIONS SERVICE CLUB AMONG THOUSANDS The Lions Code of Etbics wbich WELCOMED CHIEF were held over from last week's re- port due to iack of space are pub- Attended Huge RaIIy at Coliseum on ished below. Saturday to Welcome Lord Lions Code of Ethies Baden-Powell 1. To show My faith in the A feno htwl ogb worthiness of my vocation by in-'A feno th wllngb dustrious application te the end that remembered was enjoyed on Sat- I may menit a reputation for quality urday by 27 mnembers of the First of service.1 Bowranvile Pack of Wolf Cubs. 2. To seek succesand to de.mand jOienwthy ,urn dte r otand aIl fair remuneration or profit as my onwt 1700thrsusad just due, but te accept no pro fitorcu n vn a monster welcome succas t te piceo! y on e oLord Baden-Powell of Gilwell. ruesct iothe cue o o n sir f -founder and Chief Scout of the Boy vantage taken or because of quest- Scout Movernent. The Cubs were ionable acts on my part. motored to Toronto by members of 3. T remmberthat* b the Scout Sponsoring Committee o! 3. e rmemer hatin building the town. In the Coliseum annex Up my business it is neot necessary teoOn the Exhibition grounds they were my clients or customers and true to joined with 16,000 cubs; and scouts tear down another's; te be loyal to from around Toronto who bad jour- myseif. neyed to the city to join in the big- 4. Whenever a doubt arises as gest scout demonstration the Queen to the right or ethics o! my posit- City has ever witnessed. ion or action towards my feiiow in the Coliseum the Bowmanville men. to resEolve such doubt against contingent bad excellent seats f rom myseif. which they witnessçed a twrarram 5. Te hoid friendship as an end staged by 3,000 Toronto scouts and an.d not a means. To boid that true cubs. The big feature of this pri,- friend£hip exists nlot on acount of gramn was a scene o! camp life de- the service performed by one to an- picting the pitching of camp, erect- other, but that true friendship de- ing of bridges and towers, d.isplays mands nothing but accepts service o! scout work, and the breaking of in thbe spirit in wbich it is gven camp, ail accomplished in the amaz- 6. Always to bear in mind my ing short time of twenty minutes. obligations as a citizen to my nation, Another tbrill was the mass de- my state and my cominunity,'-and monstration of 3.000 scouts and cubs to give to tbem my unswerving loy- wbo formed up in the vast arena, aity in word, act and deed. To give jto await the arrivai o! the flags o! tbem freely of my time, labor and ail Toronto contingents, about 400 means. in ail, wbicb when massed in the 7. To aid my feilow men by giv- centre of the arena made an im- ing my sympathy to those in dis- pressive showing. tre-es, my aid to the weak, and my Lord Baden-Powell, wlio was ac- substance te the needy. companied by Lady Baden-Powell, 8. To be careful with my critic- Chief Guide, and Lieutenant Gover- isms and liberal with my praise; nor and Mrs Herbert A. Bruce, spoke te buiid up and not destroy . 1to the gathering, the largest he bas History and Recent Growth i witnessed on bis world tour. The Tbe bistory of Lionîsm dates back 1program as broadcast. to the year 1914 wben Melvin Jones Bowmanvilie vas fortunateiy re- conceived the idea of uniting on the presented a.mong the few who had basis of service business men's clubs the pleasure of meeting Lord Bad- in the United States vhich had no en-Powell personally. Col. Lorne T. other affiliations. 'This was a dis- McLaughlin, a member of the spon- tinct departure f rom. the practice of soring committee and one of tbose forming business men's clubs prim- wbo drove the boys to Toronto was arily for business purposes. priviieged to be introduced to Lord The International Association of Baden-Powell following the raliy. Lions Clubs, bovever, vas net found- Tbe local cubs thoroughly apprec- ed until 1917, wben an organizat- iated tbe efforts o! those men wbo ion meeting was beid in Chicago, made it possible for tbem to attend Illinois, at which approxiintey 5 the raily, and who gave the boys independent clubs wete represented. an opportunity of seeing the Chief A cail waa issued at that time f orIon bis f arewell visit to Canada. the first annual convention of Lions! The BowmanvUle Cubs are nov Clubs, and tbe convention vas heid looking forward te the next big event in Delias. Texas, October 9 - il, lof tbe year, their summer camp in 1917. About fifty clubs vere repre- July Applications for boys who do sented at tbis first convention. not belong to the Cubs and wish to Tbree years later, in 1920, the attend the Cub Camp sbould be Association had more t.ban doubled made immediately witb Cubmaster its membersbip and bad extended B. H. Mortlock. Only f ifty boys viii into Canada.1 be able to attend. and once the list BY 1924 the Association bad 761i is comPieted no more openîngs yull clubs and 36,943 mnembers. In 1927 be available. Lt bad extended into Mexico and~ On Saturday the Pack wiii hike to into Cbina, beconung truly internat-. Happy Valley where an investiture tonal, and the number o! clubs had vill be heid, and new Cubs vili for- ncreased to 1,810 vith a member- mally take their oatb of ailegiance sbip of 61,000. The expansion and te the organization. consolidation of Lionism has con- tinued. For a period o! four years new Lions Clubs were f ormed at the rate of *Ône or more a day, and ORt)NO the increase during the oast fiscal yea Wa 10 clbs.Today there are more than 2,670 Lions Clubs (Fromn The News, May 9th) functioning in the couries o! Can- Mrs. Herb Best continues to im- P ada, China, Cuba, Mexico. Hawaii prove. g ~and the United States, with a total Mr. and Mrs. H. G. MacDonald ' . ~ membersbip o! more than 80,000 o! visited at Wellington. the business and professional men o! Mr. Lloyd Walker, Toronto, is vis- thes-e cojntries. On the Nortb iting Mrs. Alf red A. Roipb. American continent tbe Internat- Mis. John Armstrong bas return- 80 WMAN VII )id picture ional Association o! Lions Clubs bas ed fromn a visit in Hamilton. L RI U more clubs than has any other civic Mran Ms. rvleDu on Ia 4h t .0p .service organization. visited ai Belleville and Hay Bay. [ay24 at 2.30 p. m. . Te Eigbteenth Annual Convent- Miss Anderson and Mr. Art Smith rda at2.3 p.m.ion o! the Association, the most suc- visited with the latter's parents. cessful convention in the Associat- ' Miss Iva Hamm, Oshawa, is visit- ________________________ ion's bistory, vas held in Grand ing ber brother, Councillor E.J. ________________________Rapids. Michigan, July 17 - 20, 1934, Hammf.** a landmark on Division Street, bas - etr with an attendance o! six thousand Mrs. Tom Hooper and son Osh-. been t.orn down and removed. ry Lions and guests. Vincent C. Has- awa, bave moved te the Lawýrence Mr. John Shackleton vas taken bel II TO caîl o! Amaha, Nebraskca, vas, vas Allun resîdence. tO St. Micbael's, Toronto,I e! THEE eîected president, and the convent -Mr. Fred Green, driver o! t ten Tor-io ion city selected for 1935 is Mexico onto-Peterboro transport, bas move<i for hernia. 'City, Mexico.tBmnie. Mr. and Mrs. L.Drm nd - _________________ r, N. Y., v May 6, 193,5. ____________ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, chestr, N Yere gUeSsao! their Enfie]d, viaited Mr. J. D. Brown and son, Mr. Orville Drummond. They Editor Canadian Statesman:TSWO D SAMR R Mr. A. J. Knox. le! t for *Georgian Bay for the sum- Dear Sir, THS _____SA RRO Mr. William Brunt, 3rd Concess- mer months. Your recent Editorial dealing with By Eisbeth B. Waddeli ion. whio vas reported criticalîy iii Major J. C. Gamey and party ai- outside pediars o! fruits and vege- is nov eoeig tended the regimental bail of the tale as Quite interesting and This vorld is a mirror, and throvs Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Parliamient, Hastings and Prince Edward Regi- timely. While we endorse ail you back at you Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. ments at Picton. said in your appeai on behaif o! the !The things that you off er in thought: H. G. MacDonald. Rev. J. H. Os-terbout and Mr. A. local Fruit Store. ve wvondered if If kind and courageous, honeat and Mrs Leona Souch, vbo vas taken -. amblyn attended Oshawa Pres- the many gsfowers, who are the pri- true, to a Toronto hospitalis î mewatb3tery tCaeon.Psber mary producers o! many o! the lines Your world witb success viii be improved in beaitb. i ii ho Id September session at Orono. o! supplies handled by bot h the local fraugbt. Miss Edna Hogg bas retu rned M. Normnan Fuller is at Mr. Ro- store and the outside pediars. are If discouragement, anger, f raqd, from attending tbe short course for bert F'uller's, Antioch section, su!- flot'eal"y worthy o! mention ini greed. you let sway, girls at O. A. C., Guelpb. t fering !rom injuries to bis leg, re- tbis conunection. ýYour vorld wiul return you in kind; Mr. and Mrs. H .A. Milson and iceived while in construction camp We agree that the storekeeper You cannot expect a bright, happy daughter, Miss Margaret, spent Mon- at Apsley. mentioned surely pays a large tax to day. day vith Millbrook frienda.MisSdeBonP..A. ek tbe town, so do the numerous gro-x- Nor a life net patterned in mmnd. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davy, Tor- skil N. Y.. who vas bere attending ers, gardeners and small farmers onto. visited Mrs. Halliday, Mis the f uneral o! ber aunt, Mrs. James within tbe Corporation, many o! us S do flot complain if Your lifii l Mabel Davy and Mrs. Fralick. Brown, le! t by' motor, accompanied to-day are taxed twice and tbree not brigbt. Miss Rosaline Gamsby, vho bas by Miss Eliza Eppa. times the amount paid by previous And the wor:d and friends seem been vith ber brother, Mr. Garnet Mr. Richards o! Newcastle has1 ovners o! thbe saine properties. u ntrue Gamsby, at Kingston, is home. purcbased !rom Mrs. R. Rainey thet A day or £0 ago, one o! these part- Jutater your thinking-sow seeds The Allin Wagon and Blacksmitb former late A. J. Leigh residence and 'les called at our home witb several tb at are rigt- sbop, built 60 years ago by the late ivili move on June lat. In tbe eariy 1 lines o! vegetabies and green goods, For your barvest is "all Up to you.' 1 D. T. Alumn, and vhipb had become days this vas the homne o! mhos. Zeof________have________ lDoncaster. soe ! hichv aesoe i Annual meeting o! tbe Orono Wo- ' to e rta vbil eothes r i usr ea y _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ men's Institute iii be held in the tarens utan mark te rom our of I counicil chamber on Friday a!ter- gahenpps, bt ery leit te ,i anyuo! DON'T RISK BAKING FAILURES ...noon, May l7tb, at 2.30. District the suple eded fr in town. is pproucr- _____________________________ annual to be heid at Bowmanviiîe around Bowmanvile. but originates ong tb sty-w emeao either in the Niagara District, or are Aogtesxytommeso imported from tbe United States, *'"1 CAN'T AFFORD TO RISK . tbe Toronto Post office staff honor- P o!ten at an exceedingly bigb coat to comltiong'o! hiy yeas onn our consumera. Many o! our local cmlto ftit er otn grovers bave no facilities for deliver FIUE U O IFRO uous faitbful service, vas a former ing their producta at markets out- BAKING POWDER. THAT'Sit, r.GogB.Sao. ide o! their ovn tovn, therefore it Mrs.fL, A. Dent bas sold 16 acres seema but fair and juat they too . WHY 1 INSIST ON MAGic. iTs part o! tbe former Griffin home- stead farm, and atone resthencecto '~huldbe ncude vib he oca .ECONOMICAL - LESS THAN 10 Mr. Norman Phee o! Toronto. Mr. ronage o! the citizens o! Bowman- Dent will occupy the Bradley resi- ville.. WORTH MAKES A BIG CAK, dence on Park Street, and latter may To !ind fair and necessarily re- go o Northern Ontario. munerative markets cost.s the grow- SaYÉ MISS MARGARET McFAR- Recent visitera at Mr. Thomas crs as much in time and labor, as . *. LANE, Dietitian af St. màkha.fa £tersis e vee: rbasen the production o! the gooda. in many I llSPttal, Toronto. cases, therefore a more co-operative to b5 is Av erii r n. anMiss. Notc- action on the part o! our business risos i, orOnt.; ssMr. le t twar men and bouseholders yull, ve are £edn aainCoeyEprswr and daugbter Marie o! Maple Valley; LeadlcertCan.diangCookeryaExpertsteara Mrs. G. M. Stewart, Maple Valley: bYvery c ertain egthiy appreited galnst trusting fine rmaterlals to doubtful vbo La remalnmng for a longer visit. byor vrgovery Lu tiacmmniy bakîng powder. They use and recommend -4r ' A former weli knovn resident o! Geo. B. Bickle & Sons. MIAGIC Baklng Powder for perfect cakes! I'scM, the Sixth Line, Raipb Henry passed CONAIN NO&LU1-1hisstterien oneS ti jaway May lat at Peterboro folloving . la your guarantee that Magie Bsking Powder le 'rY a stroke. Surviving are bis vidov la .1 Lina Halloweli, one son and a daugh- "Hill and valiey, seas and constel- frm lumn or an>' harmlfuli ngredient. Made InnaldS e.MsFe ovn itro lations, are but stereotypes o! divine tr.Mrs H enr, ccomanled by er o ideas. "-Chapin. 55 fllI INo.a n en isr therfordatnded b he "Nature and truth are one, and No ~*-~*chnge fneial MsResr on, ande h"n immutable, and inseparable as beau- j NEW .V U W UI ICL U *1niQuaOIty f ry, ron, ero ohn thAe e- Ph< ty and love."-Mrs. Jameson. rOrn, r rohso ted - gives you all Pontiac's features? Lookl Solid steel "Turret Top" Bodies by Fisher; Hydraulic Braces; Knee-Action (on Eight, De Luxe Six and some Standard Six mod- els); Sulent Syncro-Mesh Transmission; Fisher No-Draft Ventilation; and the ex- clusive Cross-Flow Radiator ... to men- tion only a f ew! Come in and sec the low-priced Six and the big Straght Eight. Check ahi the items you want in your new ýROM car and you'l find Pon- ROMtiac gives them to you. and more! Then let us 6 have an opportunity of dard Six proving by demonstra- Upe) tion that you can't get quipped, at bigger value for your Ont.Freght money than Pontiac! id Civerm nt. egirt Fee orly extra. rices of 8-cylinder models at factory, begirs at $1149. 105 rNICHOLSCOURTICE 'Vhat Happens When You Have a Bad Pire You wish you had adequate insurance. There 's no excuse for flot carrying plenty of protection to carry your loss - as good insurance costs very littie. Don't put off consulting us on your insurance problems. Do it to-day. We Insure Everything J. J. M4ASON & SON kone 50 Bowmanville T HREE main factors make Pontiac ownership easy! They are: (1) Low Price; General Motors introduced the new Six expressly to widen your choice in the low-price field. (2) Low Financing Rates; GM AC enables you to enjoy your car as you pay for it, conveniently, out of income. (3) Fair Deal on Your Present Car. We believe we can give you as liberal an allow- ance as anyone on the car you are now driving. You know Pontiac's PIE rcputation for reliabilityPRC and long if e. You recog- s nizethe 935mode $e cizese of1935 melforbe- streamline design. But 2-Pass do you realize that no Delivered, lu ED FI Stand m. Co rlly e Matinee Friday, M~ Matinee Satur I read in an English newspapi, the other day that a certain countr is now the "sole remaining citadU of demiocracy." [t did flot name th country. "Nature is a rev elation of God."- Longfellow. (/'CHILDREFN like Kelog'sRico Krispicm for three reasona. First, they'rc 8o delicinus and crisp. Second, they enap, crackle and pop in milk or cream. And third, there's a Mother Goose story on the back of every package. Rice Krispies are full of nourishment, vet smail stom- achs can <digest îhem casily. Ideal for the nursery supper. At grocers cvervwhere. Quality guarantccd. MNade hy Kellogg- in Londoni, Ontario. Listen!- 4*4a$ get KRISPIES hungry PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THuRSDAy, MAY 16th. 1935