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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1935, p. 9

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tNE WTON VILLE Mrs. R. Johrnson visited friends in Port Hope. Mis. Wm. Milligan vlsited her sis- ter, Mrs. Jas. Pollard, Newcastle. Mr. Mitchell Zealanci continues ,critically il in Port Hope Hospital. Mr. Chas. Ross, Newcastle, was a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mill- igan. Mrs. Ross is critically 1l1 at her daughter's, Mrs. Dave Shaw, New- castle. Mrs. George Campbell played for Bethesdla Male Choir when it pro- vided music at Caxnborne May 19th. Friends are pleased to greet Mr. Robt. Wragg who is visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wragg. before taking up his sumnner duties. Many homes here were saddened recently by the death of the late Mrs. Woods. Her gentie, kindly, quiet disposition together with 'a true Christian character, muade her loved by ail. Mis. Aithur Mclntyre and daugh- ter, Mary Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn MacIntyre and son Gerry, Detroit, Mich., were guests of their cousins, Miss Isabel Laing and Mr. Wm. Laing, after attending the fun- eral of their mother, Mrs. S. B. Ger- ry, in Bowrnanville. Anniversary Services of Women's Association o! United Church were well attended on Sunday. Bey. Mr. Joblin of Stirling conducted. the ser- vices. In the afternoon the choir sang one anthem and the mixed quartette rendered a selection. In the evening the choir sang two an- thems. On Sunday evening thieves were apparently determined to secure a car ironi Newtonville. They f irst attempted to take Mr. Fred Smnith's car f rom his garage. Finding this hopeless as the car was locked they passed on next trying Mrs. Wm. Jaynes' car which was parked be- side Mr. Wm. Milligan's house.1 Their efforts proving fruitless herel also they went still farther on and succeeded in getting c om pl1et el1y away wth Mr. Wm. Stapleton's car. Newtonville and vicinity. includ- ing Lake Shore and Port Granby, f eel justly proud of t.he resuit ob- tained in the Durham Music Fest- ival, these three public schools win- ning 70% and over in four out o! five entries. In solo contest, New- tonville school won a first and Port Granby a first. In the adult class, a irst was won in ladies' duet andi in mixed quartette. Second and1 third was also won in solo contest. In ail, 12 meclals and 1 certificate1 cornes to them out o! 29 entries1 from school and choir. Anniversary Guests: Mrs. Wm. Jaynes and daughter. Miss Audrey. Lake Shore, at Mr. Wm. Milligai's.1 .Mrs. Leslie Alun and daughters,1 Misses Myrtle and Nita, and Mrs. Clinton Brown, Lake Shore, with1 Miss Pearl Sarnis. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne, Morrish, with Mr 1 and Mrs. J. T. Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savery and Ruth and Mrs. Russell Savery. Starkville, with r Mr. Laurence Savery. Mr. and 1 Mrs. Sam Smith, Toronto, at home.E Mr. Robt. Martin and Mr. and? Mis. Gordon Martin and f amily,1 Lake Shore, at Mr. Geo. Stapleton's Jr., and Mrs. Thos. Stapleton's.-g Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday and1 famly, Maple Grove, Mr. and Mrs. S. Buttery and family, Salemi, and ssWinnie Lancaster, Bowman- gewith their parents. Mr. and Mz s. J. Lancaster. ..Mis. Luxon,t Millbrook, with her daughter. Mrs.b George McCullough. SPRING AND SUMMER WORK is open to ambltlous students In f each of Shaw's Twelve Business Schools In Toronto. You mnaY enter any School day and carry on to Graduation. No forced va- cation. Cal KI 3165 or visit any v School listed in phone dlrectory c on page 345 undera SHIAW SCEDOLS i Head Office at Bay & Charles ts. , Toronto. 19-4 a __________________ ________ Il- i J UST listen to 'Vi- Kellogg&s Rice Krispies crackle in inilk or cream - so crisp and crunchy! And their flavor is as inviting as their sound. Rice Krispies are nourish- ing and easy to digest. An ideal bcdtinic snack on for the JW children's supper. They invite restful sleep. At grecens evcnywhene in the Moîher Goose @tory package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Quality guaranteed. Listen.1- PI4pJr é get KRISPIE Y b O hungry Oll opens the pores and peneirates the tissue, iouching the seat Of the rouble and imnied.lately a! fordlag ellef. Adinastered lnteraily, It will still the irritation la the throat whlch induces coughiag and will re- leve affections of tee bronchial tubes and resplratory organs. Try it and be oonvinced. I ENNISKILLEN Mr. andMrs. Oco. E. Bradley lef t for Truro, Nova Scotia. Before leav- ing Toronto they were given a fare- well party in their honour. Anniversary services on Sunday aiternoon and evening were a de- cided success. Bey. S. MacLean, B. A., Newcastle, addresslng both con- gregations in a very fine manneî. Music was supplied by the S. S. un- der the leadership o! Miss Marien Orchard. The double quartette ren- dered a selection i the evenlng. Miss Elva Qichard accompanlst. Collections $37.74. Continuation of Anniversary Ser- vices, Victoria Day, Frlday, May 24: Tea served at 4.30 p. mi. At 8 p. m. a play "Civil Service" under direct- ion o! Mrs. E. J. Harrison and Miss M. Dalton; Oshawa mixed quartette in attendance. League F o ot b a 11, Tyione vs Ennlskillen, at 6 p. M. Admission: Aduits, tea andi concert 50c, tea only 40c, concert only 25c; Children, tea and concert 30c, tea or concert 20c. Anniversaiy Visitors: Mr. R. Grif- fin, Miss Jane Cookman, Mr. Fred- die Griffin, Union, ai Mr. D. Burg- rnaster's, Mrs. J. Curtis, Hamp- ton, Mis. John Allîn and sons, Sami and Alfred, Mr. Albert Allia, Miss Anie Allin, Bowmanville, Miss Elsie Allin, O. L. C., Whitby, at Mis. J. Pye's Mr. and Mrs. C. Boyd, Tor- onto, Mrs. Enocb Stevens, Hampton. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Clemence, Bow- manville, at Mr. H. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson and Harold at Mr. E. J. Harrison's Mr. Bert Luke. Miss Olive Luke, Miss Jeani Blaudeil, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wex-ry. Oshawa, Misses Audrey Donland, Velma, Gay and Grace Werry, Bowmanville Hospital, at Mr. Jas. A. Werny's Mis, C. W. SIc- mon, Harold, Marlon and Keitb. Bowmanville, Mr Roy Slemon. Camp Borden. Miss Verna Ormiston, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith and family ai Mr. Theo. M. Slemon's Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bateman, Bowmnanville, Mrs. J. Curtis. Hamp- ton. Mrs. J. Stanks, Helen and Giace, En! leld, Miss Reva McQill, Toronto. at Mr. Thos. MeGillîs. Mr. and Mis. Fred Ferguson, Union, ai Mn. Adam Sharp's Mr. and Mrs. Win. Trewin and Clii! ord. H-aydon. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Miss Ber- ale Siainton. zion, Mis. Ross Lec and baby Dianne. Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stainton and Ray, Osh- awa, Misses Verna and Celia Grif fin. miss I. MeLean, Union, Misses Mabel and Ada Beech, Mn. Gordon Beeeh, Haydon, Mr. Keith Ormision, En- f ield, Mr. and Mis. Win. Ashton, Wilma, Helen and Ruth. Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto, Mr. Ira Travelle. Oshawa, ai Mr. E. C. Ashton's. Mrs. Win, Griffin. Bowmanviîllc at home Mr. and Mis. Jack Herod, Toronto, ai Mr. R. Griffia's Miss Doris Crydermran, Hampton, Mr. Fred Wright, Solina, Mr. Edgar Wright at Mrs. Wm. Okc's Dr. and Mis. Andîew W. Harding. Osb- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Stuti, BOW- manville, ai Dr. H. Feîguson's. Mr. and Mis. Harold Larmer. Burk- eton. misses Elva and Ada Pascoc. Miss Eilecn Stainton, Mr. Luther Pascoe, Zion. ai Mis. Levi Brunt's Rev. S. MacLean, B. A., Newcastle, ai Rev. Wmn. Parker's Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geriard and !amuly, Mis. Cecil Branton, Oshawa, ai Mn. S. Page's. Miss Irene Sharp at Mr. Fred Adam's, Haydon .Mis. Levi Robbins, Thelma and Nelson, Hamp- ton, at Mr. F. I. Robbins Mr. and Mis. E. E. Siaples, Hampton .at Mrs. Wesley Oke's Mn. and Mrs. El- wood Rahm and f amily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. Fred Preston and daughteî, Bowmanvillc, ai Mr. Robi. Preston's. Mi. and Mis. jus. MeGregor andi Lorraine, Mr. Aylmer Herrlnig, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mis. Win. Wotten and !amly, union, ai Mr- Cyril Avery's. Mrs. J. Shackleton, ElWOOd and Douglas, Hanmpton. ai Mr. Jas. Bîad- ley's Mr. Lloyd Pethick, Mr. Er- nie Potier, Toronto, Miss Jean Ste- v'ens, Miss Verna Pethlck, Maple Grove, ai Mr. S. Pethlck's Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herod, Toronto, Miss Vera Kerslake, Hamptoa, Miss Mar- ion Griffin ai Mis. Win. Griffln's. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Smith, PRuby and Wilma, Whltby, Mn. and Mrs. Jlm Browa andi fanily, Bowmatlville, Miss Bernice Stainten. Oshawa, Miss Gladys Page ai Mr. W. J. Stalnton's. SMr. andi Mrs. Jini Brown and family, Miss Laverne O)rchard, BoT- manville, ài Mr. Milton Staiaton's. ,Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibson, Douglas and Allan. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Arley Northeuti, Ailine and Au- drcy, Bowmanvîlle, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cole, Mr. James T. Cole. Miss Ethel and Mr. Blake Cole. Beth- esda, Miss Winnlf red m. Cole and1 Mr. Ward Gilbert, Miss Jean Blaud-1 cIl, Mr. Bert Luke and Miss Olive1 Luke, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, Misses Ella and Dorothy Hoskin, Burkeion, Mr. Fred Wright. Solina, were guesis of Mr. and Mrs.i E. A. Werry . Miss Ida Feiguson',1 Oshawa, ai Mr. Walter Oke's teî ~ ---- OnaOhaa.Mis ree.a- His Lumbago Has Not Corne Back Keeps Free of It With Kruschen There can be no doubt about the effectivenesof the remedy this man uses against lumbago. Read his letter: "About four years ago. 1 hada bad attack of lumbago. Aiter being in hospital for two weeks taking heat treatment, I started taking Kruschen SaIts. Since then, I amr happy to say, I have not been troub- led with lumbago. I shall still con- tinue taking Erusehen te be sure the lumbago won't corne back." - A.C.C. Why la It that Kruschen is so ef- fective Ia keeping umbago at bay'? Simply because it goes right down to t.he root of the trouble, and removes the cause, which is an impure blood- stream. The six salts in Kruschen keep the bloodstream pure and vig- orous by promoting a clockwork regularity of ail the organs of elini- ination. NESTLETON S- Mrs. Olive Brown underwent an operation in Port Perry Hospital on Monday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hyland, Janetville, on tee birth of a daughter. The Presbyterian Church has ac- quired a lot which will be ma-le in- to a church park. It is one o! the lots situated between the residences of Mr. A. Hulbert and Mr. Jas. Gor- don. Several from Nestleton were pres- ent on Friday night at Janetvllle for the moving pictures of Duihami County presenteci by Dr. L. B. Wil- liams, Toronto. A very successful quilting bec was held in the basement of the Presby- terian Church on Wednesday. The Women's Institute members also held a quiiting on Tuesday, when ai ternoon tea was served to four- teen ladies in the C. O. F. Hall. The Institute forwarded a 30-dozen craie of eggs as a donation to the Fred Victor Home in Toronto. Mrs. W. Gampbell's group was in charge at the May meeting of the W. A. in the basement of the United Church. Following a brief business section the Progîam presented was: Vocal duet. Miss Norma Armstrong and Miss Dorothy Porteous; read- ings, Mis. W. Campbell and Mrs. L. Joblin; instrumental, Miss Norma Armstrong; and a Vocal solo by Miss Evelyn Campbell. Miss Leona Williams gave the Bi- ble reading and the Bible study -Take no Thought for the Morrow" was delivered by Miss Marion Tay- lor at League on Friday night. The topic, Citizenship. was given by Miss Alice Johnston. Other items of in- terest durlng the evening were: An accordion solo, Robt. C arn p b el11; reading. Mr. Leonard Joblin; piano duet. Miss Ellen Emerson and Edgar Emerson; and a violin solo, Mr. Win. Armstrong. Recent Visitors: Miss Eileen Jar- vis and Mrs. A. Splnks ati Locust H1ili,ý, Rev. andi Mrs. C. C. Har- court, Mr. and Mis. Robt. Hamilton, at Mr. Harry McLaughlin's, Miss Jean Campbell and Mr. Earl Ken- nedy, Lindsay, with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Camnpbell Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Enmerson, Mr. Ralph Emerson, Miss Ellen Emerson, Miss Marlon Taylor. Mr. Neil Malcolmn and Mr. John Taylor at Mr. Albert Wright's. Mrs. Grant Thornpson and daughters, Miss Florence Fair with friends in Pefferlaw . Mrs. R. Edgerton at Mr. R. Spinks'. Miss Thelnia Davifson, Fleetwood, and Mi. Ivan Downey. Reaboro, at Mr. Frank Malcolm's, Mr. andi Mrs. Norman Littleproud, Oshawa, wlth his mother, Mis. M. Lttleproud..- Mrs. Wnx. Johns at Mr. George Johns' for the weekend. Recent Visiters continueci: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Watson and f amily in Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. Patton, Toronto, at Mrs. C. Vincent's ..Mr. and Mrs. J. Fernley, Oshawa. ai Mis. Wm. Hanna's. Mr. and Mis. Paget, Toronto, at her niother's, Mrs. Fred Harran. I OBITUARY Charle Edward Spinha, Rolls, B. C. The late C. E. Spinks, who died recently In British Columbia, was bora at Blackstock In the Townshilp of Cartwright, October 28th, 1877. He was the second son o! the late Albert H. and Mrs. Spinks. and spent the early part of his lufe in Cartwright and in the year 1900 moved te Brandon. Manitoba. In 1906 he meved west te Alberta where he was in partnership with A. A. Taylor (another Cartwrigrht- 1 Mr. and Mis. T. Smih, Mn. and Mis. Wallace Fascoe atteaded the Masonic service on Sunday eveningi la Port Ferry United Church. Wc congratulate the schools o! Cartwright and their enthusiastic >direcior, Mis. Leask, on the splendid tshewing macle in siaging aithee Durham County Festival. Mn. and Mis. Royal Whitfieîd and Mr. T. WhItfield attended the fun- eral on Wednesday o! Miss Leona Parker, oaly daughter o! Mr. and Mis. Davidi Parker (nec Drucila Whitfield), St. Catharines. Leona, wbo was only sixteen ycars of age, had been roller-skating when she feUl, injuring her neck. Deaih oc- curred vcîy suddenly a !ew days lat- er. A miscellancous showcr was hcld in the community hall on Friday night for Mi. aad Mrs. Raymond Blair, Oshawa. The bride was for- mcnly Miss Georgina Fowleî. Overi 150 were present, and Mr. Erie Cap- stick acied as chairman. Mn. Bobt. Fowlcr read the address aften whicb a large aumber o! use! ul and pîetty gif ts were opened. -Dancing was en- joyed duîing the emiainder o! the evening. Special annivcrsary services weîe observcd on Sunday la the United Chureh. The churcb was packed f or boih occasions, i n the morning wben the cbildîea's choir sang, and la tee cvening wben Nesileton Un- ited choir werc present and sang a greup o! thre lateîestlng numbers. Bey. J. E. Griffith, Toronto, a f orma- er pastor, delivereci two very fine and inspirational sermons. On Sun- day. May 26th, a special service for the W.M.S. is being planned ion the cvening. Mis. C. R. Carseallen, On- tarie Ladies' College, Whltby, wil be the speaker. Miss Eva Brown and Miss Hazel MeuntJoy were in charge e! League on Wédnesday combining mission- any and citizenship nlghts. Bible Study, based on the story o! Rutb, was deliveîed by Miss Jean Wright, and Miss Norma Heoey played a viella solo wiih Miss Evelyn Sander- son at tbe piano. Interestlng sec- tiens frors the Siudy Book "Easst Meets West la Trlnidad" were given by Miss Ferga Johaston. Miss Eva Brown. who pnesided fer the pro- gramn, gave a short talk, and Miss Norma Hooey gave tee topie "How Does Youî Garden Grow." Mrs. Edward D'Arcy openeci ber home for the May meeting oi tbe Wonien's Auxlliary, St. J oh n's Cburch. Bible readlng was taken by Mis. Robt. Mahood, and Mis. How- aid Bailey gave a report of tee Dbo- cesan Board meeting. Mis. R. Ma- hood was appointed Frayer Fariner o! Bey. J. H. Turner, Pond's Inlet, Baffin Land. fer tbe brancb. Rol caîl was answered by a conundnum, and arrangements were made for July isi celebration. An lieiesting program consistcd o! the folîowlng numbers: Readings, "The Joiners" by nequest, and "The Golden Wed- ding Recounted la Verse" by Miss Ethel Thompcon, and "The Making of Friencis" by Edgar Ouest, read bY Mss. L. McGUi. A report o! the W. A. convention la Toronto was given by Mis. C. C. Harcourt and Mis. Wm. Crawford. Receai Visitons: Mr. and Mss. Lloyd Wanaan, Mr. and Mis. Carl Vaughan, Toroato, Mr. Jas. Wan- nan, Columbus, and Mn. Lorne Wan- nan, Lifford, ai Mr. Norman Mount- jey's ý Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Fleit, Messrs. Alex and Henry Fleti, Bow- manville, Mn. and Mss. Richard Bul- mer and family. Miss Gertrude Ab- boit, R. N., Fenelon Falls, ai Mr. Mervin Graham's Miss Aan Grif- f ih, Toronto, wiih Miss Mable Van- Camp Mn. and Mrs. Stan. Moifat and son, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. King and daughter, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Rahm and son Allan, ai Mr. Athur Rahm's Mrs. Wesley Hos- kmn wih ber daughter, Mrs. Mai- wood Heard, Woodvilîe .Mn. and Mis. Roy Leask and baby Jean, Sea- grave, ai Dr. J. A. McArihur's and Mr. Wm. VanCamps Dr. aad Mis. David Archer, Miss Lela Mc- Millen, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. Mere- dih Thompson, Miss Bessie Fee, El- don and Charlie Fee, visiteci ai Mn. Jos. Archer's Mrs. Richard Mas- on and daughiei Laina, have re- turncd to ibeir home .Mis. Leon- aid Joblin visiteci ai Mis. S. Jef - frey's Miss Lkona Deviii, Mn. Frank Wright, Mn. Earl Bradburn and Mn. Murray Bycîs ai Mr. D. W. Bnadburn's Mn. Jos. Fonder ai Mr. Wm. Fcrdcn's Mr. and Mis. Howard Harris and childien ai Mr. T. Whiiiield's .Mn. and Mis. Leite Bycis. Mr. and Mus. Rupert Bycis ai Mn. Jas. Byers' .-.Mr. and Mrs. Fercy Jcbb and iamlly, Oshawa, at Mis. David Gaîbrath's... Mis. Robt. Hamilton wlih Mis. Le«. Grahamn.. lb I CADMUS Miss Alice Hanna suffered a stroke and is in Bowrnanvflle Hospital. Mrs. Alex Wolfe entertained sev- eral f riends from Toronto for Mrs. E. Hyland's birthday. Sunday School was held in the ai ternoon, and other services were withdrawn for Blackstock United Church anniversary. A social evenlng was enjoyed on Tuesday when several members of Lotus Ladies' Aid were entertajned by Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. An inter- esting program and lunch were also featureg. The worship perlod of League was taken by Mrs. E. Sanderson, and the Bible study by Misa Beth McQuade. Miss Birdie Gibson was in charge of the prograni, and readings were giv- en by Miss Helen Flowler and Mr. Roland Thompson. Miss G 1 a d y s Cobbledlck played an instrumental. Recent Visitors: Mr. Bill Proctor and Ross Brown. Toronto, at Mr. Gordon Brown's ..' Miss H ele n Fowler with Miss Elva Capstick, Janetville.. Mr. Earl Gray in Pet- erboro. Mrs. H. Muckle with fr1- ends In Toronto...Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and Sidney. Mrs. John McKee, at Mr. Russel Mount- joy's. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Brown in Toronto... Mr. and Mis. Harold Stinson and family, Janetville, at Mr. Geo. Fowler's-- Miss Agnes Paterson, Miss Pearl Paterson, at Mr. W. Archers.. Miss Irene Hy- land, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cook, Toronto, at Mr. T. Hyland's Mr. Claie Fallis and son. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and f amily, Janetville, at Mr. Chas. F'allis'. 1 BLACKSTOCK IVELCH'S Grape Jui« Bot NATURE'S BEST Peas Sive3 nn' NATURE'S DEST Toanato Julce 6,o% QUAKER-IRRADIA TED Corn Flalkes2aPk ROSE BRAND Gherklig sWE PURE GOLD a Peanut ButterJar JILLARD'S Salt Water Mues lb. JPILLARD'S %snow Rails. b PARI S.4N1 PAPER N.4VY-WRITE TISSUE Toilet Paper 3R TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE OvaltIne T. 80-i re partuany wel, ranea to take the Iead inaà gtgantic ff ot f luis kind. AI A T MinuF*cturers, whose marchandise you will Aind lsted below, art Co.operating fulý. Mort purcha ing r te Firmer and more and bette, fl 89values t o You, the consumer, s th re lit of this co-oper ation.1 wu ICO M Build Up your pmntry stock on t"se foods tks weelc. Remembet « U WIIIK CONOMY ev<rydolar spent in buyinq "Productd-in.Ontaro" goods pie" its part in kcepins a factory worlctr at Lus place artd giviail the famter more cash 1 for Lis croa DomEsTIC OR EASIFIRST ShorteniOnglb P astrY 2lb. Mo arc Flour Bas 2 2 lsc lb.',480 [bu. 25e lb. 4c L 250 M7 NEW SEASON 210 ozTI MAPLE SYRUP Net WL TI SUGAR CURED-SMOKED RM SSmoked F.WoeM Shank lb.25 1a1 .1'f'WHmelb HwtmfaISf 27S ei SVOKED-PICNIC STYLE--SRANKLESS Pork Shoulders lb. A & P QLALITV BEEF Porterhouse Roast lb. SQUARE OR ROUND SIDE Rump Roasit lb. FRESH PORA SLICED Tenierleins '-28,0ReileàRani1 COOKED-SLICED FRESHLV MADE Cerned RBeef lb.:L5,0Petate SalaiJ COD AND HADDOCK FRFSH LEORGIAN BMV Filets FRESH lb&10 Lalke Trout FRESH RIPE FANCY CURLY SAVOY Tomatoes Zlb. %Çplnaeh 3 i LARGE, RIPE, VELLOJV FRESR--GREEN RBananas ài :.CARD1AGIE CUYRA FINE QUALITY KErtTUCKY AROMA NEW;POTATOES 7îbe.:250 STRAWBDERRI ES Qieki A -j ET For RHEUMATIC PAIN! à RHEUMATISM 0 LUMBAGO 0 SCIATICA B BACKACHE wiU give you decided relief from pain. Attaek Ithe Cause-Pesmanent relief ccao ly b. uffected by removlng the urlc .cid and otber impurities fran the blood. Rumacaps relleve the paiàn uhil. defltclY rcmoving the cause TbeY wI&l8 So ive YOu new healti and vigor through their cleansag and germ-klIlngaction. Staft Joua reuatment today. use BOX OF 50 CAP5VLES-$1.Oo DIILI~ADC RHEUMATIC* RUMACAPSCAPSULES AUEX MOGREGOR1, DIRUGO We Deliver 2 220 29e 230 17,e Ise 230 19e tee Mr. and Mrs. S. Ferguson at Mr. C. Venning's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms and daughters. at Mr. Jas. Henry's ..Mrs. Peter Wright, Mr. andi Mrs. Austin Larmer and family, Miss Lula Wright, at Mr. John Wrlght's. Dr. Violet Henry and Miss Jean Potter. Toronto, at Dr. J. A. McArthur's. Mr. and Mis. Wal- ter Corner and famlly, Sunderland, at Mr. L. H. Corner's., Miss Mar- jonce Marlow, Toronto, wlth ber mo- ther. Plant Tuberous Begonias in a box of soil lightened wlth leaf mould and sand. The side of tuber show- ing irregular cavlty is the top. Plant Just barely below the surface. Shade boxes f rom atrong llght. 5 Etkerg#ing, littfflesceur NS-lic md 6ft EXTRA LARGE BOTTLE, 7§c $M THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. MAY 23rd~ 1925 PA<.O! ?.TTM1z! 1 ý THE CANADIAN STAISSMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1935 PAGE NINE s THE SOAP 0F YO!JTR Pahuelive SÇoap 4 Cakes e ALL PURE FLAKES Prlncess Flakes 2r»kgs. 29?c BLE RIVE BRAND Cern Syrup Til. 16o Tin -37o ASSORTED FLAVORS Junlket Powuler 2 p'gs 190 CHRISTIE'S Fig Rels 2 bs.27o Butter Wafers 2 g& 27o HAJVES Fleer Wax 1 lb. 420 HAWES Lemen 011 m 1

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