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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1935, p. 12

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7,77.7MtNr~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1935 PAGE TWELVE or 525J. G. MV. l3osnell inl cnarge. iar system be farmulated i niC ada. Should the co-orierative mea-M Specializing exclusively in CO OU G fic i pen SATURDAY of each sure included iiith Price Spreads muscle anomalies, eye8lght week from 9 a. In. to 9 P. m. Gordon E. serve, there will be in this district Phone G arnett in charge. In a f ew years several stores o! a for appintraent 1516 NOEVJIiere at ail possible kindly make appolntl4lCn<I co-operatîve nature which will chal- M Disney Bldg. *OPp.P. . forexmiatonl enge the position o! chain stores. Osha'wa, Ont. for xamnatins.The most efficient production and distribution of gooda la where the ___________________________LOCAL CONTESTANTS I The Newcastle Indendent TRIUMPH AT MUSIC nepe FESTIVAL CONTEST Continued froru page 6) Misses Reta and Gracie Powell the depression to bring about revo-mmr n ehiu ohgv u visted relatives in Toronto. 1 lution.0 earantchiubo gvot Mr. Walter Douglas. New York 1 During the service the lights were and that grand spirit of "If at f irst City, has been visiting his mother. lowered and the names of New- you dont succeed" came forwa.rd, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Last Post and Reveille were sounded gain to the great admiration of the Irwin Allin. Ida, on the birth of a by Bandmaster R. Fountain. Pray- audience. He has the 'st.uff' that son on Sunday, May l9th. ers were said for the King's Jubilee mnusicians are made of-and our ad- BIRTHS IWA Mrs. Stella Anderson, Toronto. and a Jubilee h>mnn sang foiiowing vi1ce is Keep on trying. He pay ALMNIn wanifeHs i daughter of Mrs. R. P. Butler, has the National Anthemn. Mrs. Farfl a most exacting piece with credit. ai, oNn usdyMay 2151, HospMr. taken a lease of Crest House, the combe presided ai the organ, and Triflity United Church Choir tl nTedy a 1tt r former Massey home.1 the robed choir led in the musical One cannot speak too highly of and Mrs. Howard Haliman, a - Mrs. Edmund Thackray's naine setting o! the service. the excellence of Trinity United daughter. WA was inadvertently omitted from the- Church choir's performance in both HILDERLY-In Bowmanviile Hos- n list of mothers who composed the Chorus and Urban Chorus Classes. ipital. on Tuesday, May l4th, to P choir at the United Church on Mo- United Church W. M. S. This year again, they covered them- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hilderly, a v ther's Day.I May meeting of the W. M. S. o! selves with glory, and Mr. Francis daughter. Mrs. R. T. Rutherford and daugh- the United Church %vas held in the Sutton is worthy of the very highest WA____________ ter, Mrs. Frank O'Neil, have gne to S.S. room on Monday. May 131h, praise for the quality of his work.--- 1 0 Kingston, N. Y.. to bring Mris. Ruth- 1with* President Mrs. S. MacLean in Mr. Stanleys Choir is also wonder- D A H erford's mother. Mrs. Allin. here for1 the chair. Mrs. MacLean read the f ui and has well earned it's tille as ____________________ the summer. scripture. followed with prayer by One of the best in the province. Onlyn Mr. Fred Treleaven. Mr. Geo. Miss Rowland. Various secretaries one mark lay between the two-but FENNELL-In Michigan. on Tues- WC Farncomb. Mr. O. W. Roiph and Mr. gave reports. Mrs. J. E. Rinch's that one mark, at such a standard day. May 21s1. 1935. Mrs. Fenneil, W. J. Eilbeck are making consider- group had charge Of the devotional of excellence, is of mnuch value to the widow of the late Thomas R. Fen- 9 able improvements to their summer period. Mrs. H. R. Pearce gave the winners. We extend to both Choirs nell, formerly o! Bowmnanville. e homes at Newcaste onthe ake. scripture reading and Mrs. J. R. and Choirmasters our unstinted The funeral will take place f romn Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCargar. Fisher offered prayer. A short talk praise. for what was probably the Morris Co. Funeral Parlours on 1 Moose Jaw, Sask.. visited hier aunt, on The Misionary Monthly was best exposition ini the whole Festi- Thursday. May 23rd. Service at Mrs. Chas. Coulter. They have gone given by Miss S. Blackburn. Watch val. 3 p. m. to leave for Bowmanviile -- to Belleville to visit hier sisters and Tower Heralds reported as follows: Bowmanville Publie Sehool Choir Cemetery. M brothers and wili stop at Newcastle India. Mrs. Cooke; Africa. Mrs. I. Another high light in the festival OSBORNE-In Mariposa on Wed- 1 on the way back. Colvilie; and Mrs. P. Hare gave a was the singing of the local Public neaday, May 15th. 1935, John H. St. George's Church - Rev. F. Hl. very fine paper on Boarding Schools School Choir, under the direction Osborne, aged 84 years.t Mason, M.A., B.D., Rector. Sunday. and School Homes. A special feat- of Miss Helen G. Morris. We have May 26th. Rogation Sunday: 8 a. m. ure of the programi was a playette been aware for long that the work ALLIN-In Newcastle, on Suniday, t -Holy Communion; il a.m.-Morn- entitled The Message of Spring' of this Choir has been improving by May 9th, 1935. John Aln. Aged ing Prayer; 2 P. m.-Sunday School: given by five embrsf the Mis- leaps and bound--the excellence o! Cemetr. Itrin omnil 7 P. m.-Evensong and Sermon. sion Band. Mary Purdy. Reita Cooke, the last concert demonstrated the Creey United Church - Rev. S. Mac- Shirley Couch, Grace Powell and fact clearly, and we once again con- COLLIER - In Bowmanvilie. on Lean, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, May Ja othn. under the direction gratulate all concerfled on the very Wednesday, May 15th. 1935, Char- 26th: il a. m.-Morning Worship; of Mrs. E. Ward, Mission Band Supt. fine shoWing at the festival-and at les Edward Collier of Maple Grove. 23p.m.-Sunday School; 7 p.m.-; The. meeting ciosedi with the bene- the final concert. Not a little credit Aged 23 years. Interment Eben- FC Evening Service, C. G. I. T. Rally; diction. is due to Mrs. M. A. Neal, who as ezer Cemetery. Miss Thompson, Whitby, çwill deliver uulacmate ocpby the address and a C.G.I.T. choir will uîe The OrchestraF sing. TeCuc The appearance of Tninity Sun- IN MEMORIAMI Amongthe ocal5.0E brehrenThe special program. prepared by day School orchestra was anticipated -4 attending the joint district paradee Ontario Religious Education with pleasure. There is no dearth of PEARC-1 loving memaory o! our o! members o! the Sons o! England Council, with its theme "The Great musical talent in Bowmanvie, as EarC Father and R-usband. Will- Benéfit Society at Peterboro on Sun- teUe Church Sundly" ay Schoold this large collection o! instrumental - ia H.Prco!N catewh F day evening. May îth, were Bro. H. othe te roon o! Mot her's Day ists showed. In getting together a ide pea hi f e wa s2tle h. 1934 ns o! riig adi rngn hmt One year has passed: our hearta E. Hancock. Lodge Newton, D.D.S.P. May l2th. Mrs. S. MacLean s oke innumbernodperf rerin al tges siî sre and ro.T. W Jaksono! odg fo, for and on behaîf o! mothers in the stadr a uiclaility they Astegos n emshm Wolverhampton. but both residents a sweetly elocuent address that a dpayingo guseatlrdi al duesto me ore nw is o! Newcastle. made its appeal 10 al present. She tre ileader, . Fran cis dut to. Rimovigsirehs.oig oc Prgrm ! . . . as.i carepictured the ioys, the anxieties, the Theraparen, ntu imo!the No onon mearhcn his plangvoce.F o! Edwin Hancock. Sripture read- cares, the sacrifices and the endur-Th apretnhuisNonen rhcnfl i lc. ing by Stan. Graham; prayer by ing love of Mother who somietîmes pefrer aOrtgatfig -Ti The Family Chas. Gienney: reading. Wiibur is taken as a miatter of course and is a typical Sunday School r chestra, ad not an orchestra o! Baskervilie; song. 'Ain't Gwine not given aIl the consideration she pickd-payes ne h ircuin- 'Study War No More'; topic. Peace. so dearly deserves. It was a aplen- stancs theer nseberws te god To Let by Ed. Hancock: Stunts by WinnieI did address. brightened with choice sancis timeembille ona viey uch Rickard and Ed. Rancock. Meeting quotations and elucidated with apt better level Thecdjudatr. asu TO RENT-SMALL APARTMENT, closd wih beeaicion.illustrations. The piay cas Conductor. proved very helpful. The suitable for married couple with- The Trail Rangera group. o! which conducted by Miss Larmne Batty. test pieces were very much enioyed. out children. Apply Statesman Mr. Edwin Hancock is leader, will sang 'Jesus Loves Me.' with Miss The Band1 Office. hold a field day ai the community Mary Clemence at the piano. Carl It ta indeed deplorable that ai al TFEN, N IRAYNA park on Friday. May 24ih. beginning Fisher read the scripture lesson, Festival representative of so Manty Bowmnanvilie, go osbr at 2 P. m. A silver cup will b aw- Luke 11: 11-13. with explanatory in- brnhs fmscaodctindhre adochr.a ou 12 aro arded the boy making the highest troduction. ApgatN arl should be only one Band Entry, the ladpossonaoce Apy credits in the running. jumping and Ion Their Brows.-' that is o! the or- CaadanLdioBad f OWa e 10 R. M."c Se. manp contesta. gin an o Bwmn- b e throwing Thepubi are dinary miothers and f athers of the vil.Hweveo.yoeBn ly fie cordially invited. Following t he land, was effectively presented bytH "Luipil oeue"and plYd1Ofie 20-2' athletic events the group wilî hoîd a Mr. J. H. Joe.Miss Ruby Cowan. theand pîay ed tu re 1andthatO' RN-6ROMD BRC picnic and camip!ire meeting in the Mr. George Buckley, Miss Helen dob ntemdo h rtrtt oue3-ec bafrne.a woods east o! the village. Rickard, Donald Jose and Olive Mc- tough inthe marksofoth s eta' onven ieceadgaracentrai- ________Maus. Sueriteden Tos.A.performance do not exceed by mnany l'y located. possession at once. Ap- Rodger conducted the service. ths !ls er h tndard O! ply Drawer T.. Bowmnanville. orF _________e! icincY hasbee rised. The phone 30. 21-1w* CAN EDN LEGION actual playing o! the test piece was PLANS APPROVED TO far front perfeci-n places the! HEATED AP- --T T ÂT ST. GEORGE'S IN U U A ED A A flagrant intrusion o! er-' Central location, 7 rooms. all mod- INAUG RATEDRAM rors sPoiled the phrasing. and the ern conveniences. f ireplace in liv- Rev. F. H. Mason Delivered Powerful FESTIVAL IN DURHAM introduction o! notes that diâ not inig room. electric stove installed,' Sermon On Peaceful Aims 0f Can- appear in the sheet, unmistakeably garden and garage, possession adi n eg on New asle Sc ut (Continued fro mt page 1) lowered the standard. In the second Ju fe lst. Phone 388. Apply M rs. And Bowmanviile Cuba Attend ed for annually and wiil be awarded mement o! the dgpicethees were a AcheTi.____I__ _______ 10 the group which oitains the high- few awkwanr ytmudypsgwere ti FOR RENT-DUPLEX BRICK Featured by a powerful sermon, in est marks at the Festival. tem and r'tm ere uncela f l rtainThe house (McMurtry House) oný whih the objectives for peace o! The basis o! adjludication for the presence o! a great numnber o! emn- Church Street, nearly opposite St., the Canadian Leion were outlined Festival is to be announced later. bellishments in the piece demanded Paul 's Church, ail convenlences,1 by Rev. F. H. Mason, the Bowman- Drama festivals such as the one acabl flute player, and in this good condition, 8 rooma. Possess- vile racho!theCaadanLeio ouiiedhae roen extremely suc- cpal was fruae ion June lai. APPly Thos. Percy, vile ranh f te anaia Leio oulied av prv section the band ~"eSilver Street. 21- 1w., held ils annual Church Parade 10 cessful during the past few yeara. With any other editian than the one _____ St. George's Church. Newcastle on Ris Excellency the Govemnor-Gen- pîayed. the work f or the brasses Sunday evening. er-al has been the moving force bc- would have been much more exact- Hardwood Floors Previous ta the impreasive service hind a revival of the drama in Can- ing, but as il was. the burden layI in a capacity filled church, the Leg- ada. and contestants in the County with the reed section. Throughoui HARDWOOD F L O O R S- B. W.I ion formed up at the Community Festival wiUl probably have the op- they performed with taste and., pre- Haynes, floor expert. New floors1 Hall under the commanid o! Presi-L portunity o! competing in the Bess- cision. whic-h greatiy hePled the en- laid and finlahed coinplete. Old dent Bert Parker, and paraded 10, the borough Regional conteats. A Co semble. The Cornets were cipad flbora refinished by electric sand- church. The Legion Band headed bourg Dramnatic group went far in clear throughout, the Baritonea, ex- er. AIl work done by expert the parade and were followed by the the Domninion conteat, and it May cellent, the basses., andi euphoniumns, mechanics and guarante-ed. Phone First Bowmanville Pack o! Wolf not be many years bef are a Durhamn very good. Trombones were always 481, Oshawa, 18-4 Cubs under Cubmaster B . H Mort- group will repeat their succesa. i vdc we eurd, and the _________________ lock. Une Scout Bll Green acted i drumns provicled a good background. Tom a rderanwAiSn istant The adjudicators opening remark, consumer and praducer benefit rath- To Rhdr ndAcin rDurham Milk Producers "This is a goad bandi" waa very er than the distributar alone. Cubmaster Morse Goodmn sse Endorse Idea. of Collective cheerîng to, the per! armera. In ad- Dr. Cotton urged the ratepayers The ad bytegCol o,care by dition there were many comrpliments ta be a dynamnic force kn making pal- he a ad ian Lh e go n scnt i ent wase l i ic l p r ie , t c ý u b o e h Comrade Rarol D. Moses. ~. Bargaining at Newcastle paid, and ail concerned cnfeliia ateto'am't e h Coniade arod D.Moss. S. ijusily prouti o! the 1935 Festival ap- light. of fer themn trie type o! policy Ge®rge's Troap o! Boy Scouts also.ý pearance. in the Band'a success, they recluire. took part in the parade and !ormed1 Some forty members o! the Milk muhpaiei uetdheBni Mr. C. Gardon Morris expressed' a guard o! honar for the colora in Producers Association o! Durham master. Mr. Richard Fountain. the appreciation o! the gathering the church. met for business and a general dis- Th Ajdiaor1 Dr. Cotton for hier address. Rev. F. Hl Mason, who was assisted cussion o! problema o! their voca- MrFakWsian the Adjudi- byRv . R. Spencer.o! Bowmail ia oMr nityH.aJoheicator has to be ver3y highly compli- i IRTBW A M EPC ville, preached on Peace, but depre-, on May l6th, with M.J .Js nmenîed on the splendid work hie has FRTBWAVLEPC ~aedth efrt o 5 alled pacif- the chair. Dr. J. B. Reynolds. Port acmlseia ista whase main policy is unpre-Hp.Eiro "hMik ou- His conduct f romt beginning ta end LFC S parediness. Mr. Masan likencd the er" led in the cansideration and was admirable. and hie gave o! bis1 WOFCB Ideals o! the Canadian Legion ta discussion o! important mattera. very best. Competitors will long B. H.B rlc thoýe o! the Scout Mavemet lyl Deleg ttes ta the sm-nlS et carry in their mernorythe kindly ubmaster. ty ta God and the King, Service and ing ai The Toronto Mlk Producers . words a! cheer and enccouLrager1neft Clif!. Hall Obedience . No body o! people had Association ai Royal York Hotel on that he sa graciously- and generously ý Acting Cubmaster. a -geIAte -eire for peace than the May 25th. are Messrs. Chas. Johns. bestowcd on them. Skil"d adjudi-M"r Candia Leiof. te seakr aid HaPtOl Wlte Renols.Part ctos uc a r. Wlsman plày a 1Mee!tCentral Publie. For Sale POR SALE-ONE HOLSTEIN COW newly fresheneti. W. L. Barton. Bowmanville. 21-1' FOR SALE - PIANOS. WALNUlt* apartment size, goo>d tone. Price $39.00. terma. Apply John Mea- gher, 92 Simcoe St. North, Osh- awa. 20-7* 'OR SALE-FRESH CA LOAD 0F wood shingles and cement jusi ar-j rived ai Burkeion elevatar. Phone, Bawmanville 195r51. Port Ferry 193r51. 21-2. OR SALE-CHOICE SHORTRORN Bull, il months, red in color: herd fully accredited. S. Chas. Ailin, R. R. 4, Bowmnanviiie. P h o n e 136r12. 21-1 FOR SALE-PIANOS. HEINT;ZMAY & Co., Mason & Risch, Nordheim- er. Price $95,00 and up, terms. Apply John Meagher. 92 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. 20-7' FOR SALE-GREEN MOUNTAIN potataes. good dlean stock, good for cooking, choice seed, and good yielders. 25c per bag. Siti Trewin. Enniskiilen. Phone 239-5. 21-1w' F'OR SALE - WRITE LEGHORN Baby Chicks f rom blood-tested hens. Roeduceti prices afier May 15. Phone Alvin Clemens. Bow- manville. near Hampton. 18-t! EýOR SALE-Mýc-DEERING GRAIN Binder. 6 foot cut, just cul 20 acres; one DeLaval cream separ- ator. Apply L. R. Wood, King St., Bowmanville . Phone 597 - 555. 21-1' FOR SALE-PIANOS. CANADA CO. and Cable Ca., $75,00. Came in and sec us. Twenty ta choose f rom. almast like new. Ahl Pianos guarantecd for ten yeara. Apply John Meagher, 92 Simcae Street North, Oshawa. 20-7' R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repalrlng Sales sewn on by Goodyear StitclËng Machine. Prices reasonable. King Street East - Bowmanville ----------- Wanted 'ANTED-NUMBER 0F CATTLE' for Pasture. Apply J. R. Ormis- ton, Enniskillen. Phone 197r22. 21-1. rANTED-GOOD GIRL OR WO- man to assist in a farm home. Ap- ply Mrs. Bruce Metcalf, Bowman-I ville R. R. 2. Phone 475r2l. 21-1-. 'A.NTED3-GIRL, ABOUT 18 YEARS of age. to do Iight housework for summer. Must be neat. Apply "B. E." Statesman office, stating monthly wage exPected. 21-1*. ïORK WANTED-I AM PREPAR- ed to do one horse work ploughing, gardens, drawing ashes. carting, etc. Dunlop Strawberry plants for sa.le, $5 Per thousand. Lloyd Passant. Duke Street, Bowmafl- ville. 21-2*. AN WANTED - FOR BOWMAN- ville to, handie high grade line of Teas. Coffees, Cocoa, Spices. Ex- tracts. Toilet Preparations direct to established users. Opening in Durham County also for mnan with - v rit. I UM- ,.ard Cmn3any Sealed Tenders addrcssed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Coal" vwili be rcceived until 12 o'clock noon <DayIight Saving), Tuesday, lune 4. 1935, for the suppflY o! coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province o! Ontario. Forms o! tender with specificat- ions and conditions attached can be obtained !rom the Purchasîng Agent, Dept. o! Public Works, Ottawa; and the Supervising Architeci. 36 Ade- laide St.. East, Toronto. Ont. Tenders will not be considereti un- lesa made on the forms supplieti by the Department and in accordance with deparimentai specifications and conditions. The right ta demant f roma the succesaful tenderer a deposit. not exceeding 10 per cent o! the amount o! the tender, ta accure the proper fulfilment o! the coniract, is re- served. By Order N. Desjardins, Secretary. Departmeni a! Public Works, Ottawa, May 14, 1935. 21-2 fil io wý in ul 2 n t 1 24t6i oF MAI SPECIALS On Sale Wed., Thurs., Sat., May 22nd, 23rd, 25th CHOICE SUGARTomatoos 0 Ib.52C 3 tinsfo 23 RED & WHITE TEA lb. pkg. 30e QUAERCRN FLAKES 3 pkgs. 25c RED & WHITE COFFEE 1 lb. tin 42e FALONGOLDEN BANTAM CORN KIRK'S HARDWATER SOAP 4 bars 20c Special 2 tins 23c COMFORT SOAP 5 bars 19e RED PITTED CHERRIES 2 tins 31c POST BRAN 2 pkgs. 23c KEENS MUSTARD, 1/4's tin 27c PEP BRAN 2 pkgs. 23e NUOGET SHOE POLISH (ail colors) tin. 12c HEREFORD CORNED BEEF 2 tins 25e PINEAPPLES - Ail Sizes .BEST PRICES e ANOLER SALMON, l's 2 tins 25e CHOCOLATE PEANUTS 1/2 lb. for 13e RED & WHITE JELLY POWDERS, BLUEBELL COFFEE, l's .... per lb. 25e bSpecial 4 pkgs. 25e and 1 pkg. FREE ROMAN MEAL ..... per pkg. 3ic CLARK'S POTTED MEATS, assorted, each 10c VI-TONE, medium tin per tin 45c e CANADA CORN STA.RCH pkg. 10e Falcon Sweet Mixed PICKLES- per ar 25c MANYFLOWERS9 SOAP 4 bars for 20e E ABO ART ETC e ~ and a FACE CLOTE FREE! E ABl ART ETC Z. 2lb. FANCY JAPAN RICE BOTUI FOR 25 SPINACH - ORANGES - BANANAS 1 lb. SEEDLESS RAISINS GRAPEFRUIT a Crosse & Blackwell's )f Tomato Soup à4 tnfr23C Premium Fancy ]Red Salanon /ta Per tinIC Be sure and ask for Coupons for Silverware and China. F. W. Noules IT'S TRUE That milk is the finest health f ood avaiable - but it must be absolutely pure milk. You are assured of Pure niilk, pro- perly pasteurized, when you buy Bowmanville Dairy Milk. phone 446 or 703 and we'il start delivery in the morniflE. Bowmanville Dairy W. H. BETTLES Proprietor Phone 446 BowmaflvIli W SPECIAL NEXT WEEK WASHABLE DRESSES WASHED and FINISHED Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone 152 - We Cali and Deliver Bownianvllle TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is hereby given that th, rst sittings 0f the court of Revis- on for the Townlship of çartwrightl viii be held in 'the Community Hall, , the Village of Blackstock, on Sat- irdaY, June lst. 1935, at the hour of 2o'clock P. im. to hear and deter- mine complaints an-d omissions in the Assessment Roll for the said MunicipalitY for the year 1935. Ail persons havilg. business at the said Court are requested to attend. Dated at Nestleton, May 16th, 13. Win. Beacock, Clerk. TREASURER'S SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES Town of Bowmanville, County of Durhamn To Wit; By vi;rue of a warrant issued by the May0ofo the Town of Bowman- ville bearing date of the llth day of March. 1935,' sale of lands in ar- rears of taxes in the Town oi Bow- mnanville will be held in the Council Cham bers in the Town Hall. Bow- mnanville, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoOnf on the eighth day of July. 1935, unless the taxes and costs are Fooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is be- tng published in the Ontario Gaz- ette on the 6th day of April. on the 4th day of May, and on the lst day of June, and that copies of the sald list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this lOth day of April, 1935. A. J. LYLE. 15-13 Treasurer. GIFTS FOR SHO WERS AND *W EDDJNGS We have an unusually extens- ive range of merchandise suit- able for gifts purpouS. GLASS - Sherbets and plates, cocktails, goblets, water sets, cake plates, bon bons, nut dishes and salad bowls. CHINA - 15, 32, 52, 66 and 97 piece sets, cups and sauc- ers, cake plates, English jugs and novelties. PICTURES - Silhouettes, water colors, prints. POTTERY - Vases, Jardin- leres, Novelties. SPECIAL - Ovenserve, decor- ative and practical - a var- iety of items in this new ware. J .W.Jewell BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS Phone 30 i mmmýý COTTON 25C SILK 35C

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