PAGE FOUR TEE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMANVILLU. THURSDAY. MAY 23rd. 1935 Page oF Interest- to Fromn a Wozr Busy Buying Errors Errors in printing stamps bav4 been made at varions times. Somie THE SPINSTER times they are prlnted in tbe wroM color, or wrong paper, or tbe artis Edna Alice BoYd may have made an error in bis de. sign,. only discovered after tho She lived alone in H-eartbreak Hut stamps bad been put inte circula. Higb Up ofl BopeleassBull tion. Usually wben an error of an3 Wltb every door and window shut kind ls discovered the staxnps art Against the sunset's thrill. withdrawn f rom sale and destroye< Her rieds i Loer Twn est and new Plates made. In the mnear' Hr fasib, rTonlot time, collectors the world oi'er arf But one day in ber smiîe bs uigerr I saw the sbyly wistful wraitb -erats-cho That kept ber f ree from guile: A re Sea itnt' Sel sh "A virgin I, these hollow years in Roslyn, N. Y. It's a Servants Up bere on Hopelesa Hill School wbeje girls who wisb to en- Because 1 had no sudden tears ter domestic service may take cours- At my beloved's will, es in dietetics. cookery, table ser- vice, etiquette, cbîld health and "The nigbt of oui' last rendezvous care,. personal bygiene, etbics and He beld me close, and cried; art of bomemnaking, care and clean- But since the devil gets bis dfie, ing of clotbing and textiles, and I lost him tbrougb my pride: b o u s e b o Id economnics. Well!A III vowed be'd neyer see me weep, maid who knows all that sliould at so turned my head away," least be promoted from the laboring She teok ber tireless broom te sweep class te an bonored profession. sa: Outiside a dlot of cday; Mistress 0f Housebold Science. Tlhe scbool is conducted by the Girls' Ber very soul lay bare te me Service League of America and the In that housewifely stroke, State Department of Education. Of But once again sbe smiled: "Yeu 148 girls who completed this course, see?" 140 were im.mediately placed, thougl And gatbered up ber cloak. many did not work out in their or- iginal placements, succeeding bow- Last nigbt I climbed te Heartbreak ever at the second or third. Several But montbs later a check-up showec Witb Spring's first daffodil that 59 stayed in bousçework or aI- To find ber tearless eyes were shutj lied occupations. 26 had returned to At la'st on Hopeless Hill. their home communities, and 10 bad ,dters Note: "The Spinstr"' entered scbool again. Five of the which won f irst prize in the Can- original girls are married and man- adian Author's Association Contest, aging their own homes, while some Montreal, was written by Edna Alice expect te, work in homes and attend BoYd, a friend of Mrs. Jabez Wright, college. Blackstock.1 What Paris Is Wearing BOWMA VILLEGIRLA band of gold. a touch of plat- BOWMA VILLEGIRL inum. two sapphires and a tiny IN M SICA RECTAL rectangular nrror-these combine AT LADIES' COLLEGE sticks here. The wbole thing is no larger than A recital was given Wednesday haîf a penny match box. and there evenîng at tbe Ontario Ladies' Col- are two lipsticks-one for day tiine lege, Whitby, by Miss Elsie J. Allin, and one for evening. Between the Bowmanville. pupil of Mr. G. D. At- two the half-incb wide and inch and kinson, assisted by Miss Doris Brom- a balf long mirror snaps open and ley, contralto soloist at Sberbourne is just exactly large enough to United Churcb. Toronto. frame the lips. You can't even see Miss Alin played the Chopin A1 the tip of your nose nor your chin- fiat ballade, an interesting group of but since the lip rouge is flot going modemns, and concluded tbe pro-~ on either place there is no occa- gram witb two movements from the sion te, see anytbing but the lips. Mozart piano concerto in D. major. The touch of patinum comfes in Miss Bromley's contralto voice was the mountings of tbe sapphires heard to advantage in Liddle's ar- which are cnt pear-shape. The rangment of "Abide With Me" witb vanity case wbxch accompanies this piano and organ accompaniment, particular lipstick is rectangular in followed by two orateria arias, and goîd with a sappbire clasp and con- concluding witb a cbarming modern tains powder and rouge anid large grouP. Miss Louise Golden and Mr. mirror. G. D. Atkinson of the college fac- iteasyn ayelvett' ulty were the accompanists. ,tlasyum bie t t' Among those wbo attended f rom things like tbis that make the here: Miss Annie Allin Mrs. J. E. wheels of commerce go around. In Allin, Miss Stedman, B. A., Mr. and the old days France had an income Mrs. Frank Wiliams and Donald, of some twenty million dollars a Mr. Newton Hackney, Mr. A. H. Allin year from the sale of ber lnxury and Mr. Nelson Osborne. articles. To-diay. well. the story cuts a different figure despite tbe MaYor Jack Delanty was elected fact tbat the luxuries themnselves president of the Cobourg Old Boys' are even lovelier than ever. Re-Union Commlttee wben it met to consider plans for the big three RuIes For R.educing day re-union on Augnst 3rd, 4th and 1. Cut down on thbe size of serv- 5th. ings of fooed, rather than omitting _________ ___________ me valuable food f rom the dietary. 2. Do not eliminate lean meats, eggs or mllk from the diet. Tbey are valuable for proteins, minerais1 ]Replacevvo rin and ians1 3. Eat large amounts of fruits and vegetables, especially the leafy Scre rt D ors nes. Their bulk makes tbemn sat- and W n o i 4. Omit rich icings, pastries,f cakes, cookies and candies from tbe diet, but do not omit smnaU servlngs A broken screen às hk, a of cereals, potatoes, and whole buckc wh a ale ii ~. . bread. buckt wth ahol in t .5. Omit aUl fat f oods f rom the uscless. You may think yo diet witb the exception of a little butter. Do not eat fat pork, wbip-r are protected against flics and pe creafi, or 011 dressings.e 6. WilI-power and persistence are I rnosquitoes, but you are noc. essential.e Forhelr's ak, hec oer 7. Takre plenty of exercise. not i For ealt's ske, heckover too strenuons, and regularly. a your screen cloors and wmn- The Home of Comfort Jows now. Replace dicose chat One of the ten plagues of Egypt are Old Testament times was tbe are amaed.plague of flues. Over and above the ~e discomfort auffered. it is more than likely that mucb of the disease vis- ited on the Egyptians was due te this same source- files. To-day we still bave files and moscjuitos with us. But we know frzi ow to keep themn out of our homes, by screening our doors and windows. The Ont.ario Safety League is issu- ing an appeal this Sprlng througb- ont Ontario to ensure this necessary C EE E Efty health precaution.Th udno )OOR aWI DOw fort, Screen Every Door and Win- ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE F il 1 t 1 i --i--it , 1. REE*IRA LRO IIDur AST S sVE isu The Enjoyincnt of Beauty In the feeling for beauty. if we have it, we possess a peari of great price. I say of great price, but it is somnething which costs us notbing because it is ail a part of the joy which is in the world for everybody who cares for it. It is the ',Joy in widest commonaity spread": it is a rich possession for us if we care forI it. but in possessing it we deprive nobody else. The enjoyment of it. the possession of it, excites neither greed nor envy. and it is somnetbing wbich is always there for us and which may take us out of tbe smnall worries of lufe. There is a quaint but opPosite quotation f rom an old jwriter which runs as follows: "'I clep I rn and eat, I read and pleasant garden and see aIl the var- ieties of natural beauty and be i vho bath ço many forms of joy must needs be very much in love wltb sor- rows and peevishness, wbo losetb al these pleasures and cbooseth to sit upon bis little handful of thorns." There ls a story of a man wbom Iothers called poor, and who bad Just enough fortune to support bimself In going about the country in the 71j ian1s Viewpoint Xt Le- n' le- hl s- dy de xe fsimplest waY and studying and en- joying tbe 11f e and beauty of it. Re was on ce in the company of a great millionaire who was engaged in bbusiness, working at it daily and getting richer every year, and the poor man said te the millionaire, "I arn a richer man than you are." "How do you make that out?" said the miJlionaire. "Wby," he replled, I bave got as much money as I want, and you haven't." King George's Maxians Five of the maxims whlch hang on the wals of King George's study are: '-Teacb me to be obedient to the rules of the game." . 'Teacb me to distinguisb between sentiment and sentiinentality, ad- mining the one and despising the other.' "Teach me neither to proffer nor receive cheap and unde s e r v e d praise." "~If I arn called upon to suffer. let me be like a well-bred beast that goes away te suifer in silence." "Teacb me to win if I may; if I mas' not win. then above ,all *ea',. ie me to be a good loser." e, Each of us migbt take1 1ims te beart, and endeav 'them into our daily lifej -fully as King George V ha. Éinto his. In celebrating ýJubilee. we also celebrati -characteristies as a King 1-man. ,i SOME NEW BRIDGE Le Contract bridge baving cdevotees in the county, the foilowing rules in th standardîzing the game: 1. Pick up each card You will be ready to bici the others. y 2. If your band is roi ltion it. It will guide yot *in bis bid and play. 3. If your partner bids1 *hesitate to raise. He bas * 4. I'#ever burry. Try sel * on a trick until you ares *one you prefer. ci 5. Occasionally ask m àtrump. It will show yourj cthe game. e 7. Talk about other sut -ing the game. It makes yfellowship. 8. Feel free to criticize3 ner. He will do much bE 1result. s 9. Always trump your trick. Never take a chanc 10. Don't try to remne rules. It is teo confusing. 11. If it is a money gaar stop wben you are abeaci leave a lasting impression wili always remember you. 12. Always explain yoi particularly wben set. It sl card knowledge. 13. Don't show lack of wben dummy. Help your with suggestions. rules a convetons P 14. s agoneenwitonstaPE know you are a person of pendent mind. 15. Eat choccLate carme] er adbesive candy whlle pI; keeps the cards from skidd The first weddlng to be si in the new ebapel of Bati Scbool. Cobourg, was betwi Pauline Goad, daughter of Mrs. W. A. Goad, Oshawa, chard A. Brown, Detroit, so and Mrs. H. A. Brown, The fathers of both bride ai are prominent General. Mc ficials. Persian Balm-the unriva let requisite. Essentiel t dainty woman. Imparts rar and beauty te the complexic tens and beautif les tbe akin. bands flawlessly white. Cc refreshes. Relleves roughnE eal for true feminine dis Delicately fragrant. Swiftly ed Into the tissues, leaving r mness. Persian Balm invarli ates a subtle elegance and c And reanember that Berry are as 10w as, per roll w. je Phone207 ST these max- 'our to put as success- is Put them his Silver te bis fine and as a RLULES y0 smany we publisb te hope of as dealt. 1abead of ten, men- ýur partner first. don't to play it. veral cards sure whicht w ba t is interest in bjects dur- ;for good your part- etter as a partner's ýce. >mber the ne, always 1.It wil and folks hýws your Combinations of foods are verx'foliowing one for Scafloped Tomat- î nterest miucb like apt phrases wbich are so! oes gives variety witb tîme saving. ir artergood that they are overworked. The f amily will like the subtle flavor r ate1Wben we f ind the samne phrase which the teasted and seasoned corn lsbdcroping up again and again in talk- flakes furnish. eople willlt.n or writing, we should take warn- SCALLOPED TOMATOES an inde-~ ing and express ourselves with more 1 'U cups corn flakes fvariety or we shall bie unlnterestlng 2 tablespoons hutter <melted) :ynogtru bu eu s el el and boring to our friends. Thislis 1 No. 2 can iornaioes Jin. ecoe monotonous If smme of our 1,4j apon si avoit fods areaways teans-mat- 1- easpoon pepper olemnized es, sucb as lamb and peas, frank- i teaspoon sugar field Halartr nd sauerkraut, pear and 'e Miscream cheese salad, and so on. Put a layer o! corn flakes in the Mr. and 0f course there are always excep- bottom o! a baking pan. Add one- Mand -tost ayrlbCrai hnsg al.! the butter. Add tomatees sea- andRI-tios o ay rde.Cetai tllng ~soned wlth the other ingrediients. n 0f Mr. together s0 well that we think of Cover wlth corn flakes and add the Oshawa. tbem almost as one and* bave no rest of the butter. Bake in a mod- ,d groom wuish te do anytbing about separatlng erate vn 40*7 fraot2 otors of- tbem. For most of us, combinations m onuen (400'F. or about 2 like biscuits and honey, ham and Wben a man cooks, if be Is un- alled tel- eggs, live and bacon, apple pie and famillar with the usual combinat- o every ces, are good ee huhsre ce eeentouhsevdions, be o! ten produces somethlng rcharm vryote.wblcb is as good as it Is different. on. Sof- Sometirnes a varlety te, keep meals It was a man wbo decided that i.Makes luterestlng can be secured by chang- frankfurters and baked beans made ýools and lng the recipe for one o! the foods an appetlzlng and *earty meal. The ess. Id- in the combination For instance, woman of the bouse repeated the stinction. you May have a f amily wbicb ex- combination, but made sure that the Fabsorb- pects scalloped tematees whenever nxeal was balanced by adding bran no stick- tbere is fisb for dinner We all flnd muf fins Both agreed tbat a mlxed ably cre- cooking more interesting if we can green salad or cole slaw was perfect charm. vary our recipes occaslonally and tbe and that if there was enougb of the salad, no other vegetable wes nec- Iessary. Nearly evryone bas a favorite bran muffin recipe The followlng is a basic recipe wbich bas been Popular In thonsands of homes. BRAN MUFFINS 2 tbslps. shortenlng 1 cup prepared braun 1~cup sugar 1 cup flnur 1 1 Iegg well benten) 1i up. baking powder .1'1i up sour rnilk '% tsp. soda 1,,talis. sai Creani the shortening and sugar; add egg and sour mllk. Add bran and et soak until most of the mois- ,4. .~*'.'*<>$5'j~.~. ture is taken up S1f t flour wltb baklng powder, soda and Salt and add te first mixture, stlrring only until flour di.sappears. Fîll greased muffin tins two-tbirds full and bake in a moderate oven (400-F.) for 20 to 25 minutes. Note-If sweet milk is used in- stead o! sour milk, omit the 1/ tea- bakingo soda and us 3teaspdons ma eadded if deslred A small suice of apple, sprinkled witb clnn- W allp per!amon and sugar, placed on top the For your bedrooms, living Yleld: 8 large or 12 small muffins. room, hallways and even theI When it cornes te cream or cottage bathroom and kitchen, waî-J cheese in salad, there are so many paver has lasting attractive- posiilitlesthat it is difficuit to ness Tothi, ad th ecn- entin tem ll.Some people for- ness Tothi, ad te eon- get entlrely that tomatoes and omy of wallpapers, and you creamn chee!e make a perfect comn- have every reason for choosing bination. The cheese can be added them au your decoratlng ana- to French dressing and served with terial.any kind of green or vegetable salad. terll. .This dressing 13 also good witb fruit salads and gives tbem a piquant y's wallpaper prices i flavor that is sometimes lacklng. ]LO The subject of food combinations is a big one and discussion might go on and on. Our suggestion to the menu maker wbo is seeking new D E R IR Y book fod rlcombiato ke If te- u bdeasandfrlembtis.kepf te- I 'ATIONERY Bowmanville done, It Is easy to break down and rebulld to ulve a sort of new deal for better menus. THE SWEETEST FLOWER men Wbat's the most beautiful flower ii W omen'the world? Wbat's the nicest flower tha grows? Is it a tulip? Is it a daffodil? Is it lilac? Is it a rose? DISTRICT GIRLS IN Is it an iris? Is it a lily? ATTENDANCE AT 1th~ No one can guess, for nobody GIRLS' CONFERENCE But my opinion is only this: ________MY Mother is the sweetest flowei Inne Educationai Program Wa that grows. Feature of Sessions at 0. A. C. -Kathleen Morrison Editor's Note - Many Statesmar Guelph readers wlll be interested in th Ove 36 gils romvarous above poem. whlch. appeared in th( tion Of esten OnarioToronto Globe under the headinî the sTe eterAn Ontrioattended "Circle of Young Canada," as ibE theTethAnua Girls' Conference author of the poem îs a former Bow- at the Ontario Agricultural College manville Young miss, being Kath- and the MacDonald Institute, Quel- leen Morrison. the 10 year old Ph, laSt week. Two delegates wee daughter of Inspector and Mrs. W present from Cartwright Misses AIre orsn fBatod lenMOuntjoy and Norma Hooey. _____________ and a girl from Orono. The prOgram, arranged througb EthlCamnof"e re' the co-op3eration of the Colllege staff blCamn f"h amr and Womnen's Institute Branch was was guest speaker for the evening One of immense interest and value, and durlng ber address expressed th, The girls received a taste of coIlege imlportance of baving a "Mary' 111e, not only through living in resi- mind, but "Martba" hands. dence at the beautiful administrat- The Conference was marked by ion building, but also through serv- over twice the number of delegats ing on the Student Council, taking in 1934 and was most successful in lectures, and physical education. every way. The Women's Institutes Prof. Blackwood of the 0. A. C. of Ontario in sending girls to these was the enthusiastic leader in sing Conferences are benefitting not only song. Intensely interesting address- the girls, but their communities as es were dellvered by Dr. G. I. Chris- well. Each girl went home with the tie, President, 0. A. C.: Miss F. p. atirring words of Dr. Christie and Eadie of the Institutes Branch; Prof. the other speakers in their bearts; A. H. Tomlinson, 0. A. C.: Miss E. A. and with a determination to carry Slicter, Institutes Branch, Miss B. Into the home life the best ini them- McDermand, Superintendent of Wo- selves. men's Institutes, and Mr. Stuart L. Thompson, Naturalist and Bird Im- POPULAR SOCIAL HOSTESS itator, Toronto. Demonstration by TO OPEN "NEWCASTLE INN" the MacDonald Institute girls held- much information on clotbing, f ood Newcastle will be richer with the and physical education. Reports advent of Mrs. Stella Anderson as and exhibits of clothing projets, chatelaine-manager of the "New- really beautiful work were given by castle Arms" which she will open in Bognor and Harriston Junior Insti- that town this month. Mrs. Ander- tutes. son has been in Toronto for some A tour of the various College build- time and is known internationally as ings was accompanied by addresses a social hostess of an unusually hap- of interest on various subJects by py personality and distinction. Her the professors. work began wben slie went to Casa Students of MacDonald Institute Loma from which she went to the demonstrated "Spring is the time King Edward Hotel and bas for sone for Eggs", and "Vegetables to the time been social bostess at the Royal Fore" botb containing valuable in- York. Good wishes will f oUow ber ini formation and timely suggestions, ber new venture for she bas made The final program took the f orm many friends.-Mail & Empire. of a banquet in tbe O. A. C. Dining Hall with Mr. J. Bucbanan, O. A. c. Rev. F. G. Joblin, wbo bad been as Toast Master. The toast to "The pastor of Rawdon circuit of the Un- College" was Proposed by Miss Jane ited Churcb for the past twelve years McNeil York County; and responded and is greatly esteemed, bas resigned to by Prof.- G. N. Rbunke. The and will leave at the end of June. toast te "The Delegatcs" proposed He will be succeeded by Rev. J. E. by Miss MaYmne C. Kay, MacDonald Beckel of Bay Circuit. He conducted [nstitute, was responded te by Miss anniversary services at Newtonville Norma Hooey, Durham County. Miss 1 on Sunday.-_ ___ à n Le Le ýg ie d 1. Naborhood for SPORT SHOES fvr Men A fine range of exceptional styles in biack and white, biege and brown, ail blege, and ail white. Rubber Or leather heels. These shoes ame speclally made for bot weather wear. They are prlced ai $2.45 - $2.98 $3.95 - $4.95 RUNNING SHOES For ail the f amlly for Women sport Shoes in tie newest modes, in blaek and white, beige andI brown, ail beige, andI ai white. Featuring the new shawl tongue. AI wldths and ail sizes. Yomr selection ai $1.98 - $2.45 $2.98 - $3.95 65o pr. up SHOE STORE BLOC BOWMANVILLE STREET Ida May Porclu Dresses The Better Kind - Sizes 34 to 52 79C to $1,919 Final Clearance Spring Hats 59e STORE OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT Nelson's Lower Price Store, Phone 595 Bowmanville BROWN LABEL » 33C '/2 Ibn ORANGE PEKOE - 40< '/21lb, ffi ~~~1~~ i I , i' -I-ýli PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESUM, BOWMANVn.LE, THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1935