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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1935, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTI~T~E. THURSDAY MAY 92r,1. 1Ç125 DURHAM TRUSTEES AND QL C LC N ET N S t rz-rnr ntevcl RATEPAYERS 7L C LC N ET N S t rz-inr ntevCl n 1_ALM___Lu bao__ i trumental and elocution classes. and Durham CouSALEMTHissLumbagodHas1i TRIUMPH AT MUSIC 1at the close. the tohe eepe Ratepayers Association Convention Mrs. F. L. Squair vis'ted frind iot Come oacak FESTIVAL 1O IL IS upsentedent of thE. eama oTrain- will be helti in Miilbrook. Saturday, À orroe._____ig iooaenfude fth s Jn 2 p. m. Program:- Mr. Neil Stewart. Kendal. wxas a Sprnedn fteBysTan dentoutoA rma. b h PeiWSnayvs t at"The Maples." Keeps Free of It With Cniuet f rom page 1) ical Festival movement in Durham. narks byDuringrethe intervaisiteDr. Reaman den A.W.Annis. T3Tone: election Church service was withdrawn onKrshnidtewrwe.Teiprfm-aeetoshors ndtcer of officers; report of t.he O. E. A. Sunday owing to anniversary ser- ushnudr1.adwto ecpi.alDrnghenevlD.Ram i covinby MisH a R.wlaonter ikr.vcsa yoe There can be no doubt about the ance did great credit both te their and strongly advocated the intro- Necatl, outyDeegte adrss Several from Salem attended an- effectivcness of the remedy tbis man -teachers and to themsclves. The duction of more instrumental music 'yMs id owado h Home niversary services at Tyrone and uses against lumbago. Read bis very taking "Waltz in A flat", by inrournschools. iHeexfprets~edatplea- and School Club"; address "How Enniskillen on Sunday. letter:- Brah-ms was a splendid test. Theresueadpdeitefctttte Sball We Achieve Greater Efficiency A special missionary program. "About four years ago. I had a was no evidence of slovenly playing small Festival started by him four In our Schools"' by Col. E. E. Snider. wbicb was very interesting, wias put bad attack of lumbago. After being in the students-every detail bad yasaohddvlpdit ah Discussion will foliow, and Round on by the Missionary Vice, Mrs. F. in hospital for two weeks takingbeen carefully pondcred. and each ersgo ub a d imoeins.agah Table Conference with Mr. M. A. Cator. at the Sunday School bour heat treatment, I started taking performance. tbough individual andergofubvatdmnsn. Campbell leading. Ladies a ni d last Sunday. S. S. are busy pract- Kruschen Saîts. Since then, I am different, was a joy to listen to. 0f the 39 items on the final pro- gentlemen, members of the Women's ising for the coming anniversary. happy to say, I have not been troub- Tbose taking part were Helen Wil- gram, 19 were by prize winners from Institute and Councillors are cor- Miss Sybil Hocken, Toronto, bas led witb lumbago. 1 sball still con- liams, Ruth James. Marion Dudley, BowmanviUle-surely a record to be dially invited to attend. returneti home after spending a tinue taking Kruscben te be sure Olive Ward andi Betty Bettles. proud of! A. W. Annis, President. S. E. week witb Mr. C. Pollard wbo bas the lumbago won't come back." - In tbe Violin Solo classes, 3 Out of Gerald Cox. a boy under 7 re-! Werry, Secrtary. been quite ill. Mrs. Pollard was A.C.C. a Possible four winners came to cited. "Landi of Nod". Another elo- _____________________-sufllciently recovered to leave the %bYl'S it that Kruscben is se ef- Bowma.nville. Donald Anderson, cution winner, Wynn Mattbews. 4 h ospital and go to Toronto with ber fectîve in lkeeping umbago at bay? the second prize-winner, in the boy'syerol.sbwdratlntnbr sister for a short time. Mr. Ewart Simply because it goes rigbt down toicas mgtes aedocbt ear ai . numberSea alntural.e Pollrd ookhismoter nd unttheroo ofthetrouble, and removes âhs boy shows promise, but at pre- easy and well trained. With such an B ridai back to Toronto on SundaY. teas.bc sa muebo D- ent i harnpered by a stiffly held excellent tacher as Mrs. ercy ae __ MalY P. L.met Wedncsday evenin sra. resxsaIts infl ce lbwwic sinterf ering ihtehscilcan btmkgodfr __ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ My lh President Mr. F. Black- keep the bloodstrcam, pure and vig- case Of his bow. Living as be does bbaaIteatrueseen tI -burn conducted opening exercises. orous by promoting a clockwork in a musical bome environent, he ber ends ller at ea G IF £ S after which Ciies PVc took rcgularity of aIl the organs of elim- will receive the neccssary encourage- successful in clocution. and ail] tat Let Your Jeweler cse:toi, Mr.ay o dpianovsolo, better violin work. sm niicyprogress with intcrest. :HelenWill- Mis M Colaott vca soos 1%[r.,and Arbitration-Mrs. Alvin Peters; In Polk Dancing, Marguerite Gib- iams, Vinncr in the piano solo. Mis . olactt vca slo. rs13 years and under. playet iber Waltz1 HepYuE. Darch andi Mrs. F. Cator: humor- Medal contest-Mrs. Jas. Curtis; son took second place witb ber High- delightflllly in thc evening. Kelvin ous readings. Master Ronald Hall Fruit andi Flowers-Mrs. Jas. Clat- land Fling. Her costume w as bcttcr Smn showcd promise in violin anti Mr. F. Blackburn. Attendance worthy; Parler meetings-Mrs. W. than tbat of the prize-taker. andpayn. hie aol SbivrI 27. W. Horn; Scientific Temperance- she gave a highly cominendable per- impoe nhsmrigsprom S I L V E R Mrs. Bruce Ferguson; Temperance in formance. Her principal drawback prvedonebisrmonig perfora I udy col-Miss Katerson; seems to bc the inability to look nve. T e arn icandti was aer TEA SERVICES, 3 piece S13'.50 j TYRONE Citizensbip and Canadianizain happy while facing an audience. SIte nvyt ay n hi ubr Tray to match S7.00 MrsGeo. Barron. It was decided tu must remember that a winning smile frmtefrh usitdapas ButerDiheswih nif MssHeen ooto, Pteboowithdraw the meetings for the sum- bclps the adjudicator enormously in fo h audience. The members Butte D -hs i.75 vsite Miss Lrnaoo*,per r, mer and re-open in October. his decision. werc ail Training School Boys. anti Ches ad rake DshS150 Mr. Thomas Barr was the lucky __________________ The Medal System hwr cacbd fr.te occe asibyte Bred ray, val12 S150 winner of the congoleum rug given 1i1. It is undoubtedly encouraging andFe od recciveti a wcll earneti Bred rasovl 2" Si50 away at Mr. F. L. Byam's store. MAPLE GROVE suggestive of importance to carry 'ovattion (for bis violin solo "Mati- Cak Pltes Bae Hndi S150 choî e-oenei Mnda mon - ihome a medal-but wben there arc gale". Mrs. Win. Roberts repeated Bon Bon Dishes, 5" 89e ing wit.b Viola Shortt, teacber,1 Omn edl fa olus o er solo "Tbe Enchantrsss", and Mrs. Centre Handle Cake Plate S1.50 taking charge. Mrs. Wicke bas con- Mr. Wilson Power, Ottawa, is vis- 1aIl classes, the value of metials be- Geo. Pritchard sang with great 4-Part Relish Dih S.50 tracteti scarlet fever. iting bis nepbew, Mr. R. R. Stevens. comes very much sbrunken. and the sweetness, ber winning solo in the Pae Brancb meeting of Presbyterial Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden spent idea of raising Festival Standards mezzo-soprano gnoup, -Ninety Finst Buy Now - Community Plt beld in the cburcb May lStb. was Sunday with their brother, Mr. Will te medal-standard. iust because, Psalm'. This lady. tbougb not sa Prices Rise 15% on JuIy lst. veny successful. Tyrone W. M. S. Worden, Tyrone.thrbaentobasuebni-It.pclmz-orn. nfrs serveti bot dinner in the community rsDnis ikard and ance of medals, reaches the stage Of !Place over entrants wbo werc in their baIl and also lunch in the afternoon. daugbten Mary, visiteti Rev. and Mrs absurdity. One would not grutige a I own class. We wondcr why this ICongratulations to Miss Ethel H.C. Wolfraim, Janetville. on Sun-1 medal berc andi there if it wcre wcll singer titi not attempt the true so- arrie l'4lrr IMay Woodley, Saskatoon, on win-1 day. at C.GMorsnitw meriteti, but medals for anytbing prano class. We fes- Ja mes M arr ning ber Bachelor oif Music dcgnee Mr. antir.C .Mrisadto1mn evcrything makes FestivaloStan-tvî sewud calyba the at University o! Saskatchewan. Sas- sons, anti Miss Winnie Morris, Town. dards artificial. We bear. fr ,n-so IpranoDsection-even itbe teoms katoon. May is a daughter of Mr. visiteti the formner's sister, Mrs. Rossi stance. or marks altencti in order toe in0 ant ut0sageàoat J EIVE ERant Ms. îlbr . Wotley Sska Stves, n untay accommodate the tionors of medals Wight anti Orville Oszbornehreýpeateti WATCH REPAIRER toon, formerly of Tyrone. Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Swallow, -anti still, there are medals over, their duet in great sye bl o Phone 463 - BowmanvMlle Anniversary Visitons: Mr. Fred Mis# Jessie Swallow, Miss Isabel anti no competitors to take tbem. ward sang as a solo. "Dusk of Moore. Providence, at Mr. Tbeo Flint, Toronto, spent Sunday with Surely the situation becomes ludi- Drcams". wbicb won for bîm the Dow.ýn's Mrs. Clara Byam. Bow- their cousins, Mr. anti Mrs. F . Swal- crous! medal in the Baritone Solo Class. _________ __________ Mr.anle ti Mr . . He y aope , .ny- . at r.E .Frea.M. T The Challenge Class Miss Greta Pollard. a Contralto. Mr.and____Hery______Pony__r._nd____E.R._______Mr. Th finest display of individual witb a very fine natunal voice anti pool Mr an Mrs Wm Can, Sl- arod UperSt.Cathrins. issvocal talent in the Fetival was un- great discretion in the use of it. cm. at Mr. Luther Hoopers Miss Chrissie Freeman, Town. visiteti the tioubtcdly in the Challenge Class. sang -Shephend's Craile Song". Cora Scott. Toronto, Mr. anti Mrs. fonmen's brother, Mn. H. G. Free- This was a fight for supremacy a- deligbtfully. Miss Eleanor Sykes G. F. Annis anti Miss Ada Annis, man, on Sunday. mong former metial 51- anti a and Norman Frietiui greatly pleaseti W E AKE Ebenezer, Mr. Alfred Higgs, Ponty- Mr. anti Mrs. Ray Snowtien anti Fpendid figbt it was! Hene was a the audience witb their duet from pool, Mn. anti Mrs. W. Canin, Salem. tiaugbters, Helen, Mary. Donna, To- collection of vocalists aUl worthy of '-La Traviata", anti seemedtiet be an urae at Mn. A. W. Annis' Mn. anti Mrs. ronto, spent Sunday with the fonm- mention-the test was a solo of the pefectly at case in front of the large Stoveadrce Lorne McCoy, Bnooklin, at Mn. Levi er's parents, Mn. anti Mrs. R. R. singen's choice. In ondtiet do f ul audience. Unfortunately thene was Pipes and Fittings 1 kne'.Sees r.Sodnat hli justice te the Competitons. a funthe onîy one entry in the Cornet Solo Suntiay Scbool anniversary ser- ren remaineti for a visit. test sbould have been set as aiji- Class. Mn. Walter Woolcy of Bow- Ail shapes and sizes. vices helti on Suntiay wene 'velI at- Mrs. J. B. Wonden celebrateti ber ication was extrcmely tiiuicuît. ant i manville. wbo was awantiet the golti itentieti. Rev. F. M. Wootton. Peter- 88th birthday on Thursday, May 16 the display of talent limitedtiet one medal. Tbough Mn. Wooîey bas bati Chiinney Stacks and bonougb, preacheti two excellent sen- at the home of ber son, Mn. R. L. ýtyle o! singng only. Eacb Compet- considerable bandi expenience. be bas mens. In the morning be spoke toe Worden. A few relatives anti fientis iton came forward witb a solo diff- neyer before come forward as a sol- Tops the chiltinen on -Hean no evil. sec calleti anti extentiet congratulations. crent in style. difficulty, anti range. oist. anti bis valiant effort to make -no evil. speak no evil." In the ev- This community extentis greetings anti thene is not enougb variety anti gooti at the festival is wotby oJ! Oil Cans- Sprinklers ening bis address was cbiefly to the anti wishcs ber many more happy scope in any one song to illustrate great pnaise. At the final concert Pails, Cake and Bread young people on "Obcdience, Rcver-j bitbdays. versatility. or range of wonk. Tbe he was an example to many when ence anti Religion in the Home." Rev. W. C. Srnitb conducteti a first singer 'in the Ladies' section Parts and Boxes Special music was by the school un- baptismal service on Suntiay wben was Miss Elsie Wallace o! Newton- (Continueti on page 12) tien the leadership o! Mn. A. H. the following receiveti b a pt ism: ville. wbo sang the deligbtful 'Will___________________ Window Trays & Boxes Brent. assisteti by Newcastle Male Donna Katbnyn, youngest daughten O' the Wi'sp" in perfectly cbarming Quartet wbo gave several splendid o! Mn. anti Mrs. Ray Snowden. To- style whicb appealeti most strongly_______ Flower Vases and numbens at botb services. Colect- nonto: Ronald Wesley, son o! Mn. to ail. Another very dainty tit-bit Basket Liners 1 ions about $125,00. anti Mrs. Harvey Brooks: Lorne Ger- was "The Hentiing Song", sung with aId. youngest son o! Mn. anti Mrs. aultless technique-tbougb sbowing Bruces SMemeraHAfTONa tendency te tremolo-the musical S p l B o ilrs - Steaers H A P O E- ense was even presenit in the sin- t t d MiI Coler j1 ger, Miss Eleanor Sykes. anti she Mis GadytCapmnTyrni SOLINAj gave a vcry taking interpretation of U' - Eavetrogh spet Suntiy at hme. ~ he piecc. The adjudicator was higb U W M Car Muf flers Mns. W. Cbapman visiteti at Mr~. in bis praise of this soloist. but WO iClarence Wootiley's. Tyrone. Mn. anti Mns. Gco. White visiteti strongly objectedtiet the tremolo And anything you may A number fnom bene attentiet an- at Mn. W. L. Law's. Oshawa. wiba esiiafceitein- want in nivensary services at Enniskillen. Mn. anti Mns. S. E. Werry visiteti tonation. The medal in this class KODAK FILM KOIJ .Rev.. W. Rackbam preacheti a veny at Mn. Sam Brooks, Providence. went to Mrs. Florrie Roberts, wb0 TIN - COPPER - ZINC inspiring ser'mon in bonon of Fatb- Mn. anti Mrs. Jim Hogarth, Hamp- sang "The Enchantrees" very effec- Complete Fresb Stock 69c - GALVANIZED or BLACK er's Day. ton. visiteti at Mn. Thos. Baker's. tively andtet the satisfaction o! the IRON Mn. Frank Mason, Friendship, N. Mn. anti Mrs. Everett Elliott vis- Atjudicator. In other cincumistan-I Ou sopisasclsea Y.. is visiting bis brother, Mn. C. iteti at Mn. Clarence Tink's, Hamp- ces, thene migbt quite easily have Take plenty your ph soe a Hasting's. ton. been a difference of opinion as any j .-Rt~uu your phone. Mn. anti Mrs. R. H. Reynolds anti Mrs. A. Williams, Port Penny, bas one of these singers coulti bave leunuu __MssEily Duruan, Toronto, visit- been visiting ber daugbter, Mns. C. neacheti the first position. Mrs. to us. e d Miss Etina Reynolds. Howsam. Ross Grant .a Contralto witb a very 90 Il 1114 E Cburcb service next Sunday wiIl Quite a number from bene attend- ibqult0o.ocesn9ma c LET U'SF 'Re Es LOG AN be at 10.30 a. m. S. S. is witbtirawn cd Enniskillen Anniversary on Sun- ceptably. "He was Despiseti" from Y OUR Fil on account of Eltiati Anniversary. day anti visiteti f ientis there. "The Messiah". Our work isi TIN'SMIITHING AND Miss Etina Crytierman, R. N.. Bel- Misses Helen anti Muriel Baker In the Men's section o! the samne eeadu SHEET METAL WORK leil. is spending some time witb anti Evelyn Tink anti Mn. Tom Baker class. there wcre many very gooti J vad u King Street East ber mother wbo tioes not improve visiteti at Mn. Howard Coucb's. Bctb- sngr. blfnt olbyaspedi Phone 264W very much. H alat mî,estia. on Sunday. tenon vocalist fnom Port Hope., RMTS Mn. ntiMrs.Mn.ant Mrs J.G. angmid ntibrougbt forth warn appreciation Markbam. Mn. anti Mns. Geo. Burtt. Master Joe Snowtien, Osbawa, Mn. f rom the audience anti !rom the Ad -_______________ thein father anti mother. Mn. anti Oco. Brooks, Australia, were gucsts judicator anti won f irst place. The Jr.. anti family. Willowtiale, visited at. Mn. S. E. Werry's second was Mn. Orville Osborne, VARETESMrs Go.Butt.Mr. an Wager, Birmingham. bass. He chose as bis test piece. ALEX Mc4 VA ITYSMoung Peple's meeting on Fi- Mich., Mrs. Tomlin anti Miss Mary 'Wben the King went forth to Wan" AN U Lday night was in charge o! Helen Ann Tomlin, Pontiac, Micb., wceene- HssyewsqieI gemn 9 2 A NUA Knx. nogam as s fllos:-cent guests o! Mn. anti Mrs. R. C., witb the character 0f the picce. anti present- 9FLOWER1 Hymn; Devotional by Mrs. Green- Scott.1 he belti well to pitcb in the ifcl PLANTS away: Guitar solo, Norma Cowling; Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Scott, Oshawa, musical passenges. His piano sîng- NA IL ]P OL IS To ak YurTopic presenteti by Miss E. Reynolds; 'Mn. Harold Jebson and famlly, ing ,vas excellent. James Hancock To ak YurGuitan solo, Norma Cowling; bh'mn; Tbornhill. Mn. anti Mns. Hilton Tink sang 'Wbereer you walk" a lovelY Stars of the Stal Perennial Borders Benediction. 1 anti !amily. Ebenezer. visiteti at Mn. solo, but unfortunatcly sung by 321 W.i-ClTr n r.Ca.Sugs, r.nts ieyt emtwt rahe Annual meeting o! Hampton Walter Vlce's. boy contestants in the morning, anti Rare's the nail pouiah you've been: Afw Attractive W C. T. U. was helti atMs.JCo- n.adMsCh.Strss Mrs. noJOIkl obemtwt ra popular by Hollywood etam, Mo' Afwboxes of our Annuals wiil's on Tuestiay. Mrs. J. G. Burns Andrews anti Mn. Harry Andirews, enthusiasm later in the day. The hîend tisati mtantly glorifies thel1 will add cra to va.ant spot. c ndteiiti the Devotional Exercises. mr. ar -acadAtiMiss.EIP- solo-wasb-au-fuly sun, bu wlt Subject: "Christianity and a New Social Order." LEY PARK to get a chocolate bar1 changeti witbout any injustice donc NTDCIA TR FRE OFCHARGE. These br to anyone. UIE IA TR Under auspices of Durham County C. C. F. are standard bans matie by the Pat- The Final Concert AGENCY terson Chocolates Ltd., anti Rown- The curtain was rung down on the SILVER COLLECTION. tree Co., Toronto. Wben you est Durham County Musical Festival on Cbama, flp Stpls,, you will want another.. COME Friday evening, wben a crowtiet Bayer Aspirin - 22c, 39e, 98e cbsma, Rlp Stpls. avn.ONE -COME LL. It gîves us audience ase bled in the autilton- pleasure to m, o there. <s (Ium at Pont seope for the final Con- ' rainlngMa 25tb, come June VS) cent. The proqram was sustaineti by Look Tiiese Over Holiday Weelk-End VALUES i~ii at Harry Allin's Post's Bran 2 pk. 25c McCormick's Assorted Biscuits........ 2 lbs. 25c Gold Medal Tomatoes, large tin....... 3 tins 25ç' Heinz Family Soups ................ 2 tins 27c Fine MelIow Old Cheese 25c Rinso, cake of Lif ebuoy Soap Fre....23c Herrings in Tomato Sauce, 14 oz. tin. ..2 for 25c Fine India Tea, lb ................. "*'***«39c FREE Bake Tin, with 3 lb. tin Crisco........ 72e Eno's Fruit Saits, lar'ge.................. 79c Pep Hand Cleaner ................. 4 tins 25c Spratt's Puppy Biscuits ............. 5 lbs. 65c FIELD SEEDS Mangel.. 35c lb. Lawn Grass.. 30c lb. Steele Briggs and Rýnnie's Garden Seeds FIELD CORN - Leaming, Golden Glow and Early Bailey, ail at............... $1.50 bush. Wisconsin No. 7 ............. $1.90 bush. Harry Allun, Grocer Phone 186 or' 121 Bowmanville ies for the oIDAY )AKS -98C BROWNIES $2.75 up -of films. ied film FINISH ILMS. unequalled iscxcelled le ;ERVICE GREGOR ithe tge and Sereen hearing so mucis about-msade :on Glow Nail Pouah i.a à new ý and. Applies more smoothly, bhades, fromt the delieate to the so as mlot tu eliip, peel, cracà, -larger aime bottIe, Iower prie. Cou ICE BULK BRICKS CONES and DU: We Delivý Any Hoi or Da3 ]BATH Advar NEW STYL D 15C - i SPECI, THURS. Lux Soap Palmolive Sq Castile Soal WASI 6 for 25e Baby's Own Infant's De!i Soap . Woodbury's intry Club CREAM . . 1..25e Pt. ESKIMO PIES XIE CUPS -5c 7er Ice Cream at tir of the Night ýy- Phone 92 ING CAPS ced Showlng LES - BEAUTUL DESIGNS 9- 25c - 35c and Up. [AL PRICES -FRM. - SAT. 4 for 19c ioap 4 for 19c p 7 for 25e i CLOTHS 5C 12 for 39c Soap 3 for 22e liht . . 3 for 14e Soap 3 for 2se slu GIN PILLS 390 PRÊSCKWIMONS A SPECIALTY A lex McGreffor PHONE 92 DRUGS WB DEUVE CELEBRATE THE SILVER JUBILEE DANCE To the Music of JIMMIE JONES a.nd his Harlem Duktes of Rhythm Canada's Finest Colored Dance Orchestra. FLOOR SHOW - FUN and ENTERTAINMENT Dn't Miss This. Newcastle Community Hall Victoria Day - May 24th Dancing 8.30 p. m. to 1 .a. m. D. S. T. SPECIALLY ENGAGED BY BOWMANVILLE CANADIAN LEGION Admission 50c each, plus tax. b- =aà«mdL PAGE SIX TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1935

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