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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1935, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUHSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1935 Better Photos New equipment and modern methods enable us to give you better results than ever given in Bowmanville before. JURY & LOVELL When we test eyes it is done properly. Fruit Delivery on Saturday Friday being a legal Holiday, Infantine's wllI fot have a truck on your street until Sat- urday. Watch for it then and ask for Weekly Specia.. Next Week Pineapple Week Leave your orders with our truck driver on Tuesday for Friday dellvery next week. Pineapples will be at their best, plentiful and cheaper next week. Get your sup- ply from Infantine's and be assured of the best. We deliver at any Urne. J. Infaatine FRUIT MERCHANT Phone 59 Bowmanvllle If you want ta make certain that your eilidens health is propemly protected and that there are no unwelcome dis- ease germs lurking ln your borne, ask us to look over youm plumblng and inspect the drainage of youm home. It's a health measure you shouid not negecot. BERT PARKER PLUMBER - TINSMITH Phones 651J or 651W BOWMANVILLE 1 LOCAL & PERSONAL 1 Mr. N. H. Taylor, Port Colborne, was home aver the weekend. Mrs. Bert Bentham, Burketon. spent Sunday with Mrs. L. J. Bar- ton. Miss Evelyn Taylor has been ac- cepted as a nurse in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Roluston, Hagersviile, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Armlstead. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McReynolds are visiting their daugbter. Mrs. W. W. Willis, Toronto. Mr. Ed. McCoy, Hamilton, has re- turned after a pleasant visit with bis sister, Mrs. N. H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brown and Mrs. Carson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Oea. W. Graham. Mrs. Thos. Tod bas returned from spending the winter with ber daugh- ter, Mrs. G. Arthur Wright, Hamil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Calder and daughters Isabel and Nessie, Toronto spent Sunday with ir. and Mrs.' Roger Fishieigh. Mrs. H. W. Jeweli and Mrs. J. W. Jewell spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLeod, Niagara Falls, and f riends in Buffalo. The A.Y.P.A. af St. John's Angli-i can Cburcb held a successful home imade cooking sale and atternoon. tea in the Parish Hall on Saturday. Mr. James D. Carruthers' Red In- dian garage was broken into on Wednesday nigbt, May i5tb. with a ioss af about $15 in candy, cigar- ettes and gasoline. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams at- tended tbe District Rotary Interna- tional Conference at Niagara Falls, N. Y., and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams. Mr. Fred Cryderman, Rev. E. F.' Armstrong and Mr. Oea. W. Jamesi attended the District Rotary Inter- national Canference at Niagara Falls. N. Y.. Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mms. A. Jones, Prospect Street, annaunce the engagement of their only daughter, olive May, ta Mr. Kennetb R. W., only son oi Mr. Nelson Hull, Toronto; wedding ta take place quietly in June. Bowmanvllle Bowling Club will af- ficially open the season on Friday, May 24tb. AU those desiring ta jain are urged ta be present in tbe afternaon, when visiting bowlers are expected from Oshawa and Whitby. Mr. Bob Corbett, student af Em- anuel College, Toronto. son af Mr. and Mms. W. P. Corbett, lef t Wed- nesday night on mission work for the United Church near Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. Corbett were in Tar- onta for bis departure. Sympatby is expressed ta Mr. and m. George Brown, George Street, in the deatb of their granddaughter. Edith Jackan, Taronto. Miss Jack- son visited bere on Sunday appar- ently in gaad bealth, but succumbed ta diabetes Tuesday afternaan. Many oId frîends in Bowmanville will be sorry ta learn af the death af Mrs. Burriss, widow af the late Rev. R. A. Burriss, formerly pastor af the Disciples church in this town, wbo died at the home af ber daugh- ter, Mrs. W. S. Ritchie on May 16, wvas over 80 years af age. The re- mains were brougbt from Winnipeg and the interment toak place in Fart Erie beside those af ber husband. Her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Ritchie. and daughter Virginia, Winnipeg, Mr n rs. Edward Burrlss, and daughter,'Jamestown, N. -Y., Mms. B. A. Smitbh and five, Ham- ilton, Miss Mae Burriss, Sarnia, at- tended the funeral an May 17th. Mms. R. H. Warden. Vancouver, and Mr. Robt, Burriss, Winnipeg, were ýunable ta be present at the funeral. BIC SPECIAL DANCE BOWMAN HOUSE SATURDAY NIGHT --- 8.30 p. m Music by CHARLIE CAWKER and Ris Orchestra. ADMISSION: Ladies 25c; Cents 35c. INCLUDES ALL DANCING. PLUME FIGURED CHIFFONS IN PASTEL PRINTS For you littie wornen who are ofteu diffilcult to f it and who often have te pay more than you like for nice clothes, we are featurig Plume Flgured Chiffons, wth slip ln every dress, cape style and a boit of other styles. Sîzes 16 % to 24 %. Each .. .$6.9i5 CORDED LACE DRESSES The newest for Summer 1935. In natural, Pink and -yellow. Smartly trimmed in con-$0 f trasting shades. Sîzes 14 te, 20. Each ..$89 A NEW GROUF ADDED TO OUR $4.95 LINE 0F DRESSES. The Evlyn mias T. Murphy si Phone LADIES' Shop 594 Mrn. F. 0ke For a Real Holiday Week-End Don't bother tlrlng yourself out for the holiday by baklng and making bg preparatiolis. We are well prepared to serve you wth a complete hune of cakes, buns, mols, or pies. SILVERWOOD'S ICE CREAM The fact ihat Slverwood's Ice Cream bas steadhly lncreas- Ing sales year by year proves its quallty. Try Sllverwood's for a holiday dessert. We bave a wlde range of aasorted flavors ln bricks and bulk. Bricks corne ai 25o eacb. Also Dixie Cups, Eskimo Pies, Ginger Ale and Sofi Driks. Corbett's Dakety Phone 3 Disributers Dad's CoocUes Bowmaiivilli Mr. Alec Birks, University o! Tar- Mrs. W. R. Cale, Taranto, has onto, is home on vacation. been visiting ber daughter, Mrs S. Miss Pauline Wagar ai University Roy Jackman. of Toronto is home for vacation. Miss Belle Allen wba spent the Miss Evelyn Rickard, Queen's Un- winter at West Palm Beach, Florida, iv ersity, Kingston, is home for vaca- is returnlng to ber home here. tian. Mr. Geo. P. Freeland, Toronto, Mr. Donald W. Spry. Las Angeles. has been re-elected Fimt Vice-Presi- J( Calif.. visited bis cousin, Mr. Fred dent of th~e Ontario Society of M J. Spry. Photoigraphers. D Miss Margaret Macdonald, Ed- Bowmanille Rotary Club wilS monton, Alta., is visiting Miss Mar- hold its annual Street Pair on Wed- ion Slemon. nesday, July 17th. Reserve the date Miss Marion Siemon and Mr. Har- and watch for details. old Slemon, University of!'Toronto, Mr. and Mms. E. R. Freeman and are home on vacation. Mr. Upper, St. Catberines, spent the Ci Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haddy and so weekend wth the f ormer's sister, er Jack, and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Tor- Miss Chrissie B. Freeman.m onto, visited relatives bere over the Mr. and Mrs. Ira Purdy recently week-end. visited bis sister, Mms. E. R. Free- W. L. Sears, Ottawa, is the new man. St. Catherines. Mrs. Oea. resident bighway engineer aitPor Purdy~, iis mother, who spent the Hope succeeding W. L. Saundems winter there returned bere with who gaes ta Ottawa. thernmani. anBwigCu Mr. Morley Vanstone, University annuai pi*g ounameBtwlilube 2. ofa Toronto, is home on vacation. nulSrtgTunmn ilb . iMr. Vanstane wîil be employed for beld on Wednesday, June Sth, at b tbe summer with the Bank af Tor- 2.30 P. m. Three games. Good pnizes. 1 otToronto. J. J. Mason, Secretary. M. R. Rixen, onto.President. JCangratuatians ta Jobn McLaurin Mayor W. Ross Strike. who bas 'Hanns Jury, son ai Rev. and Mrs.bensndgtndasoafiin Gardon Jury, on passing his exams be pnigtndyso ihn at MMastr Unversty, amitritp with frlends in the Laurentian ot caiigs B. A.ieree, 'mltnMountains, returned ta bis office on othe nta is BoyA.' ork BardTuesday night, looking well refresh- hel it anualmeeingin he et-ed by bis much needed vacation. hel it anualmeeingin he et- Due ta an oversight, the names af wj ropoitan United Cburch. Tarante, Downbam Nurseries and Bowman- on Saturday. Mr. E. H. Devitt, Nel- ille Nurseries were omitted fromn son E. Osborne and John M. James vh otclua Sceysavr attnde f om awmnvile. tisement iast week. announicing The engagement is announced ai where members' premniums can be m Oda Mae. third daughter ai Mr. L. A. obtained. Bath these nurseries will ai Gamsby and the late Mrs. Gamsby. f il premiumn orders for the saciety. 7 ta George A.. onîy son ai Mr. and ______ Mrs. Peter Laing af Orona. The marriage wiil take place quietly this MRS. E. S. FERGUSON ct mantb.1 SW R H A R N o Mr. Charlie Cawker and Mr.~ O T Y M T O Gearge Spencer swam in severai 0F DURHAMCHAPTER1 events in a Peterboro Y.M.C.A. meet I on Saturday along with two outsid- Visiting Officers From Out of Town ers on their team. They won first odcIntlainfOre and second prizes in every event in onutIntlato f're which tbey entered. of Eastern Star B, Tbe engagement is announced of A euiflad otimrs iS Ruby Aberta. youngest daughter ofAi batfladms mrsieS Mrs Lara nd he ateJoh W.ceremany toak place in the I.O.O.F. P. Mrs.Laur andthe aeyoungeWt Hall on Tuesday evening. May l4th, n Virtue. ta Arthur Harald.-ongs when Mrs. E. S. Ferguson and bier a] son ai the late J. J. and Mms. E. staff of officers were instailed in tl Spicer; the marriage ta take placeDuamC ptrN.81OE.S quietly earîy in June. Dinner was served at 6 P. m. ta Mms. A. J. Newson, Waukegan, El., about 100 guests. The tables wereT Mms. S. Davey, Toronto. Mrs. C. M. prettily decorated in pink and green, Murdaif, Lndsay, Mrs. W. H-. Mer- the f avors being silver siippers fi- rick and M. W. Allen, Buffalo, N.Y., cd with candy. The Chapter romr have been visiting here owing ta the was decorated wth icrns and spring si illness of their f ather, Mr. J. T. Ai- îîowers. CI len at Mms. Robt. Nicholsons. The installation cerenionies wereW jThe popular proprietor af the conducted by Miss Mary Squire, ai Olympia Cafe. Bowmanville, Mr. Past Matran of Peterborough Chap- b, jPeter Lambros, bas this week open- ter, and Dr. J. Cation, P. G. . f ai ed a new cafe in the city of Graît. Humberside Chapter, assisted bY i The premises are larger than the Mrs. Sara Robertson, P. G. M., Mrs. Olympia and bis many iriends will L. Cation, Grand Marsbal; Mms wisb him success in this venture. Pearle Nolan, DJD.G.M.; Mrs. Weir. Mrs. W. L. Law, 71 Albert Street. P. M.; Mrs. Stewart, W. M.; Mss. di Oshawa, in renewing ber subscrip- Powers, P. M.; Mms. Rowe, W.M. tian. writes: We greatly enjoy read- and also Past Matrans and Patrons J ing The Statesman, especially the af Durham Chapter. a 25 and 50 years ago calumn, as we The iollowing officers were instali- l beang ta the aid-timers. We were ed: Mrs. Fergusan, W. M.; Mr. A. married 55 years aga last Sept. 29th. de. .. m.K ox .. 1934. Mr. Gus Bounsail, A.P.; Mms. A.d F. F. Morris Ca.. Dingman & Ed Edger, Sec'y.; Mrs. IH. D. Cees mandstone, and Alex Edmondstorie's Cond.; Mrs. W. Pound, Assoc. Cond.; store fronts were brightened recent- Mrs. A. Bounisail, Chaplain; Miss ly with coatings ai paint, as weUl as Edith Joint, Marsbal; Mrs. Edna ti thegargeandshwromsof m.Anderson. Organist; Mrs. Cunning-m J. Challis and the stores occupied bam db r.Chmes uh L. C. Masan, C. H. Dudley and F. C.Mrs. Alldread, Estber; Mms. Wight, Pethlck. H. D. Clemens' garage wvas Martba; Mr-. Jainieson, Eiecta: decarated' with red and white paint. Mrs. Narthcutt, Wardcr; Mr. W. C Mr. . . ivngtoewh Pen ound, Sentinel.P the . winterwiinstber daugbter, rs. The retiring Worthy Matron, Mm . Ah T. PerceEthOir age N. J.. asEdna Anderson, received a beautiful il reT re ta sndate. .Jbassilver basket f rom the officers and- retrne t spnd hesommer here. memlers and numerous other gift.s, She was accompanied home b er loapsMtrn ew.Thr- Mm. Fe red .TPpa. ben ayed atiring Wortby Patron, Mr. W. J. bnci sit ereap. woej Fe ound, received a lovely radia lamP brief visPrrin. from the chapter memnbers, also 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T.Pi. other giits and Past Patran's jeweî. eClarke, formnerly of Taranto, 8an-~ The Worthy Matron Mrs. Fergllsai' nounce the engagement of their eld- was presented with a beautiful bau- er daughter, Grace Edlth, ta Mr. quet ai roses f rom her offcers. William A. Reid, son ai Mrs. Reid Salas were sung by Mms. J. E. An- and the late Mm. Robent Reid. the derson and the organist for the ev- wedding ta take place June the f irst enlng was Mrs. Margaret Scquire, at Clarke United Church. Past Matron o! Queen City Chapter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ford ai Gren- Toronto. f ell, Ont., announce the engagement ai their eldest daughter, Emma J-IGH SCHOOL BOARD Edith, te Mr. Peter Eanl Windatt, youngest son o! Thomas Windatt ALLOTS GROUNDS FOR and the late Mrs. Wlndatt o! Game- ~oR R A IA IN bridge, ont., the marrage totakSP R GA I TON place quietly early in June.Gil'Sfbl euNtGrnd The Ontario Training Schaol for Grs oialTa o rue Boys is holding their Cadet Inspect- priviiege As AU Nights Taken ion, Gymnastic Display and Exhibi- Up by Otbem Teams tion of Work on Wednesday after- noon. May 29th, commencing at 2.30 The entire teacbing staff o! the p. m. Dayligbt Savlng Tine. The High Sebool will be asked ta sign Hon. D. A. Croil wll be present. contracts for another year, was the The public is cordialiy invited. unanimous decision o! the High Rev. c. R. Spencer, R. M. Cotton, Scbool Board on Monday night. J. P., and B. H. Mortiock represent- Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle was in the cd St. John's Church at the Synod chair with one member ai the board o! the Diocese o! Toronto. Mr. Cot- absent,' Mr. J. H. H. Jury. ton was re-appolnted. a member of Mr. C. T. Rtoss appiied on bebaif the Diocesail Mission Board, and o! the Bowmanvilîe baseba.ll team"s Mr. Mortlack WaS appointed a mem- in the Lake Shore League for per- ber o! the Diocesan Board o! Relig- mission ta use the School ious Educatiail. grounds as in former years and in- MissMaron arly daghtr o timated that the club hoped to fur- urdaY. May l8th. The surn o! $62. anid pick oui your own bai - 24 was reallzed wbich was a littie lamge collection te choos from. over the objective. There werc twelve volunteer taggers, who wonk- FIRST CLASS BATS cd bard all day, the hlghest collecter was Grace Sellers who bad $12.39 ta for bard or soft bail her credit. The second blghest was U O $0 Lena Brooks wth $12.25. P T $10 it is hoped ta publish a f inal llst o! contributars to the Self Derilal PHOe se Appeal next week. s' CHURCHES ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Rev. Father J. F. McGulre, Pastor Sunday, May 26th: Mass at St. fohn's, Newcastle, at 9 a. m. D.S.T.; !ass at Bowmanville at 10.30 a. m. D.S.T. T. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCE Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A.. Rector Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organlst -Pif tb Sunday after Elaster: Holy Doninunion 8 a. mn.; Morning Pray- ýr il a. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. n.; Evenlng Prayer 7 p. m. ST. ANDRLEW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Miss Louise Osborne, Organist Sunday, May 26th: il a. m.- 'The Race that is Set Before Us"; Sp. m.-"Taking Up the Cross"; 30 p. m.-Sunday Scbool. Every- ody welcome. ST PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. S9. Kerr, Minister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organlst and Director. Sunday, May 26th: 10.10 a. m.- unday School; il a. m.-"Not Veary in Well Doing"',; 7 p. m.- 'aking Jesus Seriously." A-cordial elcome to ail. THE SALVATION ARMY Capt, and Mrs. J. Batten Sunday, May 26th: Holi n e s s neeting at il a. m.; Sundaq, School L2.30 p. m.; Salvation meeting at P. M. The meetings ail day will be in large of Brigadier Bloss fromn Tor- oto. A hearty welcome to all. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. F. Armstrong, Pastor ?rancis Sutton, Mus. Bac., Organist and Choir Leader Suflday, May 26th: il a. m.-The Boys' Training School will attend ais service and provide the music: Subject, "Winning the Gaine"; 2.30 ;m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-The members of Palestine Chapter, Roy- iJ &rch Masons, No. 249, wiil attend this service. rinity Evening Auxillary C. G. 1. T., Mission Circle and Mission Bands' executive were guests f the Evening Auxlliary at their supper meeting in Trinity United "hurch Tuesday evening. The tables çrere very attractive in their decor- ations of yellow crepe paper and baskets of spring flowers and the eroup in. charge served a very tempt- ýg menu which aIl enjoyed. A con- sst fallowed on 'Fainous People" which provided a social time. 'Thanksçgiving Ann" was intro- Juced by Miss Gret-a Wickett and was spiendidiy presented by Mrs. J.Albert Cole, as the Iead.lng char- acter. Miss Dorothy Hoar, Mrs. Muriel Symons and Miss Vera Pow- ar. Those fainiliar with this story know that it carnies with it a spien- îid lesson on systematic use of our God-given talents. Mrs. W. A. Shane, President, presided during the business session and Miss Greta Wickett. secretary, read the min- utes and cal.led the roll. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. Ray J. Dîiiing, Mrs. Elmer Cox and Miss E. E. Haycraft. Three pupfls of Mrs. E. Smith FeIrguson gave these piano selections "Merr- [y we roll along" by Bobby Stevens; Why I Love You". Doreen Hill; and »Vatson's Fruit Loaf FOUNTAIN Borc lu bt Brický ilavoi ideai brick cen's Malted Tall Glass 10OC Neilson'a [ce Creain ulk, Eskimo Pies, sund Bricks. s anc in assorted ns and make an de-ssert. Try a at 2 5c A BIC FAVORITE Many custorners were disappointed when we man out of this lncreaslngly popular product. We'll see ibat the supply meets the demand this week- end. If you haven't already trled this loaf, do it ibis week-end. HOLIDAY WEEK-END SPECIAL Victoria Layer - 25c CRACKED WH-EAT BREAD This bread bas been a big seller. Its ,healthful cjualitles make it a prime favorite. Try it. 'Watson 's Bakery LUNCH ROOM PHONE 97 SODA FOUNTAIN KERSLAKE'S DRUC STORE Insure your woollens, furs, etc. against xnoth damnage b; using Moth Cas, Moth Killer or Larvex. Moth Cas - 60c tin Moth Killer - 39c lb. Andrew's Saits 29c, 49c Bayer's Aspirin, Kelpa Malt Tabs. $1.25 22c - 39c - 98c Syr. Hypophosphites, Agarol 69c, 93c, $1.29 89c Odorono 35c, 59c, 98c Kolynos Paste, 32c, 43c Listerine 25c, 49c', 89c Now is the proper time to destroy woodchucks with Carbon Bisuiphide or Cyanogas 16 oz. Carbon Bisulphide......... 65c Cyanogas.................. 50c tin English Nyai Enos Andrewr's Health Corn Fruit Liver Sait Remover Sait I Sait 25c -39C 25c 47c -79c 29c -49c Try our Expert Developing and Printing. PHRONE 49P R. Cowling, Phm. B.* WE DELIE When we fit your eyes we guarantee satisfaction. "Minuet in P", by Collette Ferguson. gram. A vote of thanks from the The cosing hymn "Stand Up, stand guests was moved by Miss MarY up For Jesus" with Mrs. H. D. Wight- Jewell and seconded by Miss Ruby man at the piano, closed the pro-1 Witheridge. IS AN 8lIe*rtc RANGE FAST COOKING? YES .it will cook as fast as food can b. cooked. Moreover you cook w'ith a minimum of water, thereby eliminating the. heating cf quantities of water bef are actual cooking begins. The direct application to, cook- mng surfaces conserves the. heat and makes it practically 100% usable. SPECIAL TIRMS IF YOIJ PURCHASU NOW NOW you can enjoy ail the benefits of electriacoaolding. Hydro's New Plan bringu one of the. mail wortliwhfle of ail electrical appliances within easy reach of haus.wives. Phont RICE & CO. MASON & DALE *$10.00 Allowance for Your Present Cooking Stove. $15.00 Allowance on New Range Service for Electrie Cooking. Liberal Allowance on Your Old Electrie Ran ge Special Carrying Charges While Plan Is In Force. mviii. L. A. PARKER W. L. ELLIOTT DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE Downianville Public Utilities ke 192 Coumission BWl These Local Dealers Wiii Co-operate with the. Above Plan: M- s e

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