PAGE EIGHT f~ AAINSAEMN OMNILTUSA.MY2r,13 'Business Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Plione 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowrnanville Sunday Sehooli Lesson THE LORD'S SUPPER Sunday, May 26th Golden Text: "~This do in remem- brance oi me.'-1 Corinthians 11: IT'S PLAINLY HIGHWAY ROB' W. R. STRIKE Lesson Passage: Matthew 26: 17- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 30. Soliîto forBan ai onteal A thouglit will bit when a shot Money ta Loan. Plione 91. will stray, Bowmanville, Ontario A thouglit will stand when a fort gives way, IL C. MASON, B. A. A thought will feed when no Barrister - Solicitor bread is nigli. Notary Publie - Etc. A thouglit will live when a man Law In ail its branches. will die. Office imrnediately east of Royal -McLatidburgh. Theatre. Preparation, 17-19 Phones: Office 688; Home 553. BahJsanCriinsava sacramental mcaI. The Christian sacrament of the Lard's Supper DENTAL zrcw aut of the Jewish Passaver Feast which commcmorated the de- DR. J. C. DEVITT liveraoce of lis people out of slav- Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson 1 ery in Egypt. Under the great ema- Graduate of Royal Dental College,1 tian of saying farewell ta bis discip- Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg.j les, lie used the occasion ta symbol- Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m ize the deliverance of bis fotlowers ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. f ram the slaveryv of sin. How long Phone 90. House rhn 23 he had premeditated this bold and X-Ray Equipment inOfc. dramatic transfer af meaning wc do nat. knaw. but we do know that he "The Hanger-On"', "Catnip , Daylight Robbery", and "Cauglit in FU ER LDIE TO ade arderly preparation far it. It the Act"' are a f ew of the caption heads that came ta mind ta describe FUNE AL DRECT R ýmas n2ýt ta be a chance or impromnp- tis unusual picture. The robbery took place in a taw6n in FUNEAL IRECORS tu affair. but preparation was made Eagland and adds proof ta the fact that cats are among the most in- FUNRALDIECTRS in keepiog with the solemn signffi- telligent oi animais. The cani cantains milk. Service, any hour, any day. cance ai the event. In ail Christian F. F. MORRIS CO. churches this rite is arranged for Modern Motor Equiprnent with suitable sanctity as far as the ists often spoil appreciation ai beau- con. 7. Mr. Paton will investigate Ambulance and Invalid Car autward performance ai it is con- tiful flawers by giving themn unin- and report at June meeting. Caîl Phane 10 or 34, cerned, but more important still is telligible Latin names, but in in- Collector ai rates and taxes, C. F. Asistant, 573 the spiritual preparationOfa coin- tituting lis memarial sacrament Awde, was authorized ta continue BOWMANVILLE municants. Whether this sacrament 'Christ employed a simple, every-day the ccllection of alI unpaid taxes up ________________________is obser'ed as the Roman Catliolic cammodity made familiar by bouse- ta June 4th. mass or thxe Protestant communion hold use. Yet it sets forth the Following bis were passed: service, communicants need ta meanings and emotions aif that Win. Curtis, sheep damages $ 10.50 NORTHCUTT & SMITH shrive their sauls. and by meditation great drama ai love and sorrow." R. H. Ard. sheep damages 27.50 Complete Funeral Service be spirituaUly prepared for the sa- The Wine, 27-29 Narm. AlUn, sheep inspe.-tor 5.00 Modern Equipment - Ambulance lemn act af participation.A unmawhhdhdadepJJ.CrsrlifM. SW. G. Northeutt - Aubrey Smith A Persona]l ~atonship, 20-25 rliiusepei lc ad laskddeep relie Mrs2.00 PoeDays 58 In the original disciple graup. anc an accuaintance ta explain about E. R. Rainey, relief Bogden Niglits, Sundays or Holldays of the twelve was a traitor-surely the blood in Christian theology. The Kiurski 9.00 Phone 523 or 276. that percentage does flot hald for question floored him. He went ta E. R. Rainey, relief Slavko aur communion rails. Jesus was s0 a minister ta ask for an explanation. StaYich 16.00 USICSensitive spiritually that he detected He was told that the Hebrew lang- Mrs. Darlington, relief Bog- .30 music thc broken allegiance and in f airness uage was weak in abstract words den Kiurski 30 ta Judas, gave him oppartunity ta land that in carly days the blood Mrs. Darlington. relief Slav- FRANCIS SUTTON, mus-Bac. F.C.C.O. repair thc breadli, but the effort was signif ied the lif e. Soldiers found ko Stanicli 5.00 A. T. C. M. diplomas in Piano, in vain. Judas had fallen ino an that wounded men soon bled ta Dr. W. H. Birks. aut patient Singlng, Vilin and Organ. cvii maod and lie was thinking ai death. The - shedding ai Christ's accounit April 13, H. Eddy 3.00 Private or class lessons. himself rather than ai Christ. We. blood meant that lie was wiîîing ta J- J. Cornish, rel S. Baldwin 10.00 Pupils prepared for ail exaininations. as churcli members observio*g thej give his lii e for mankind. This ex- A. J. Staples, office ex-end. 18.31 Phone 42, Bowmanville sacrament, are flot cuestîoned of 1 planatian clearcd away the difficul- Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, monthly 40iChrist, but we must examine aur-i ty. The reality back ai the meta- pyetRv 00 -selves. Are we loyal or dislayal?i phor is that thc trutl. spirit and J. R. Cooper Est., relii RIHAD OUTAN Arc we participating mcrely as a presence 0f Christ may be incorpor- J. Shackletoni 4.00 RIHAD OUTAN routine ritual ar because wc lave' ated ino our bexng just as the blood R. H. Wood, caretaker 11.20 Bandma.ster Canadian Legion Band Christ and seek ta serve him? If flows xn our* veins-so great may be R. H. Wood, clean'g grounds 1.00 we fxnd aything wrong in aur dis- thc identificatian of the believer J. R. Fisher. rel. G. Lewios 3.00 Teacher ai Cornet, Trumpet. îsi, are we prepared ta do aur wth bis Lard. 0f caurse this sym-i Hydro Paw.. liglit for hall 5.93 Baritone. etc. si aiati ýtqi.i Il a3tuu-101 iW0uinflbol aIip ersctn hdtLyall Lowery, assessor 219.95 25 ar prafessional experience. a vast difference between a luke- blood. lias ta do with the îorgivcness T. Smnith, insuraoce 34.00 Open for pupils now. warm Christian and onc who is in- of sin.s. The shedding ai blood in Hospital Sick Children. ac- Residence: Opposite Town Hall, tense. Water cari give off power thc ancîcot sacrîficial system was a caunt Mardli 1935 10 Temperance Street. Bowmanville. througi steam oly when it lias symbol of thc cost ai îorgiveness. E. L. MacNadhtan, Treas: _____rcached the boiling stage. The The pouring out of the wine repre! 50% mtc. Mrs. L. Bald- ChriFtian's relatianship with Chrilt sents the sacrificial death ofChrist wxn. Musk. Hasp. 31 Mar. 23.25 is that ai a fricndship: fricnds are-The marvel is that Christ could use 50,mcEalrwni --not loe in doubt as ta whetherlthis symbol before lis crucifixioni Sick Ch. Hosp. 10 Mar. 3.50 REALH MENS CARM theïr frîendship is cooling off or- was an arcaomplished fact. For;Oliver Smith, township en- AN H PPNES not.: weeks. if nat for months, le lad gineer. scîvices lot 9. ThDe Bread, 26 lived 1inthc shadow of thc cross, con. B. F. 21.40 sàpakli& ee Th Brad,26 Scraentl Hynns 30 W. E. Davey, taxi service J. an%~?g lips - To express lis spiritual mcaniogs. Sarm taHy s,3 Shackleton, Toranta hasp. 7.00 au ak ofihelxhs perhaps Jesus could nat have iound Aftcr thc sacramental meal. thec Treasurer ai Ontario, public ipa fhat a more effective symbcl than bread. disciples sang a psalm,-we wanderI hall license 3.00 sanvixaity.CTe It gîves nouri-hment and Christ is if the Master sang also, as le madeI____- ~ka~xratsTb ~the bread of life upan whom we mnay lis way ta Gethsemane. Somee of DARLINGTON COUNCIL iboxlhhyandi sutain aur spirits. Brcad is assim- the greatcst Christian hymns have i____ ilatcd sa that it becames aur very been inspired by the sacrament ai popular. feh inik manrCrs b-tcLad Suer Th pto 'May meeting ai Darlingtan Town- Perhaps you feh nlk anrCrs e-teLr' upr h ahsof slip Caunicil was held May 4t1. witli are not really ll cames part and parcel of aur inmost Jahn and Mary standing befare thc members alI present and Reeve G. yet when the selves. Bread gives a liealthy satis- cross. the shame ai the taunts ai F. Annis prc.xding. day's work is done you are too tired faction and Christ satisfies the luxi- thc passers by. thc sense ai bexng W. Virtue reparted an the weed ta enter inoa the good times chat ger of thc saul. Bread gives us faxrsaken, the wards fromn the cross situation. ocher wamen enyoy. For extra energy,1 streogth and whco Christ lives in have ail been expressed in sacred F. L. Dudley gave a good report try Lydia FL Pinkham's Vegetable our licarts by faith. le imparts lis sang. It will repay time and study rcgairdiog the collection ai taxes. Compound. It tones up your general strcngth ta us. What bread is to ta became familiar witli the selcc- T. H. Richards, Road Superin- health. Gives you more pep-more the body, that the truth of Christ is tians in any hymnbook having ta do tendent. presented bis repart and charin. ta aur minds and the presence af with the dcatli ai Christ and the vouchers for April which were ac.- Remember chat 98 out of 100 j Crist is ta our learts. As brcad is sacrament ai the Lards Supper. cepted and ordercd paid. women report benefit. Let it help braken bei are it is caten, sa the body The singing of these great hymns b y F. G. Kcrslake prescnted lis re- Vou co<. of Christ was broken as lic made lis a cangregation praduces a great cf-pota colAenneOfer ________________________sacrifice for men. Pedantic botan- 'fcct. Many f ail ta undcrstand ailpor a SalAendpanedoffcer _________________________________________________ that is involved in the acted par- open d itcl in iront aiflier bouse. able ai thc sacrament but tleydosyn that it was dangeraus for any get mcanings from the hymos. To persan walking. Thos. Stevenson jmemorize these hymns in youtl is and T. H. Richards will investigate W hat H ppens When Y uV H av ta have a lifelong spiritual passess- the complaiot and report. Yvhao nven tav att is increasingly valuable. Byo Frrl was paid $5,00 to- e te hougît, expressedinpe-wr ato repairing a wagon a ac R a F ire ry set ta music and sung by fcllow wleel which was broken while a~~ believers at the sacrameot, creates drawing gravel on the od a mood that is about the higlcst we Caunicil made their spriog in- may ever know. Wheo tempted ta spectian ai raads on May 14tli. be dxsly al fwe ar~e almost certain ta Court of Revision to lear com- be upheldi we hum gently to our- plaints or errors in Assessment Rol selves a verse or twa aif 'When I for 1935 will take place June lst at survcy the wondrous cross.' ht helPs 2 30 p. m. us ta pour centempt on al aur pnide. 'Road Supt. requests the sub-fare- Quesionsfor iscusion men ta send him their reports as Quesion fo Disusson cairly as passible, I1 . Why is scîf-examination nc"- Comncton wsra rom cssry~Board ai Railway Commissianer.s .ou n3'wordor ccd avestating that a hcaring would be re, traned Judas? ri in Port Hope on May 2lst re 3. Wlat does thc bxread symbol- clingPr oeOooDvso ize? oi C.N.R. 4. Wlat trutl does the wine typ- The iallowing oxrders for relief ify? wc:c ordercd paid: 5. Which is your favorite sacra- Gea. A. Barron $27.08; W. W. Horn mental hymn? $11.47; Mrs. A. F. Rundle $71.00; ~ - ., __________________ Glen Rae Dairy $6.00; Maple Grave You wîssî you iîau auequate insurance. There's * Dairy $5,50; Sheppard & G111 $6.00; no excuse for flot carri yng Ilenty of protection TOWNSHIP COUNCILS1 W. C. Caverly $22.00; H. McLaugh- to arîy yur oss as ood insî'ace ost .. lin $46.14: F. L. Byam 3$34.42; T. M. to erryyourlos - a god inurace cstsSlemon & Son $6.00; Clarence Tink very littie. Don't p)ut off consulting us on your CLARKE COUNCIL $3.00; Mrs. J. Cawling $2.40; Lair'd insurance problems. Do ît to-day. Communication was rcad from Bowmanville Dairy $5.10. i Board of Railway Cammissioners Other accounts passed were: -N.-.,- IBERY PREDICT ENORMOUS SPEED IN FUTURE WITH ROCKET SHIPS (Continued from, page 1) wvor1d in leaps of about 2500 milesF as the crow flIes. Taking into mmnd the mountains that had ta be cross- cd, the range af these hops would be safelY Put at 3500 miles. Even aver these vast distances speeds of 3 ta 4 miles Per minute were maintained, under the most ad- verse conditions. That race set Up a standard for the new machines un- " der construction today, Major Wemp M pointed out. Rocket Planes Corning The future of the Internai com- fo bustion engine when combined with rockets and driven at high altitudes through rare atmosphere was almost beyond comprehension. One scien- tist who already lias had cansider- able success with racket propelled Planes believes that it will be only a matter of a few years befare planes will hurtie thraugh the air at speeds of 12.000 miles per haur. now scemin"ly an impossibllity. Armral nw"1 One has no longer ta worry aboutAreaabe"e, gravity. Major Wemp added. be- outside floors of wood o cause the airpiane lias conquered steps, boat decks, linolei that phase. and when machines are heated. lighted and ventilated. the ta bard wear. Perfect foi elements outside. the rarity of air. the intense cold, and the extremneI Luxor Floor Enamnel is ei height are canquercd. these great off the brush and levelli: speeds will bring no discomfarts indis vrghtaage travel. It was an entirely d1fferent ieovrght ala thing. he said by way af illustrat- lustre, brilliant color and ion, ta ride in a cleed car at 60 hot or cold water, and s( miles Per hour. and ride an the front of the same car at the same speedMdey without any protection fram the M a yfi terrific pressure af air. ta i Range Possibilities1- The present range of airpanes C AN Aj wiîll permit the:r carryîng heavy laads for great distances. and as~ practically every country and every ocean lias been crossed by pioneers. the world is almost completely he~~d speaker predicted that it Sh pp rd GiI would not be long bef are anc canBO M hop a plane at Newfouandland and a few hours later arrive in Ireland. Emphasizing the importance af range Major Wemp pointed aut that in event of war a British air fleet ________________________ cauld leave London after dark, fly 60 miles to Berlin, bomb the city sce thern but would be unable ta with high explosives enougli ta com- chieck them with land guns. It pletely annihilate its population and wauld be an easy matter ta take a return ta England before daybreak large fleet of planes ta a foreign without liaving ta land. country, drap tans of bombs and re- Carnies 90 Passengers turn almost without discovery. on the subject ofi load Major Wemp pointed ta recent advanccs. What of Future Wars? Laad is determined by wing spread The future as ta warfare in thie and the power of the engine. and air is beyond imagination, the tlie present largest French air liner, speaker continued. Planes may now now carnies a crew and passenger be driven without pilots under radio list af 90 and flics regularly across contrai and it will be possible ta the saurli Atlantic. send a fleet of planes ta a foreign Only those who have flown over country, bonib it, and return the. enemy t2rritory at niglit can ima- Planes ta Uhc baýe, witliout a pilot gine the possibilities for destruction! accompanying the m. and dec;titution that can be leit in 1Sa great and so terrifying are thel the wake of an air fleet. Planes flY ipassibilities and the future of air-1 so higli that thase living in tic cities crait. that we can only hope that! wauld nat anly be unable to hear ar1 developinent will follow along cam- mercial lines and that war will not corne. If war shauld came. then the human mind cannat imagine the dcadly and pestilential results. Rotarlan A. R. Virgin ably ex- pressed on behaif of the Club, ap- preciation for Major Wcmp's out- standing address. Guests at thc club included J. H. Cryderman, Bawmanvillc, Chas. Ra- felman, Toronta, Dr. McLaurin af India, and Ratarian Reg. Geen ai Oshawa. Wedncsday, July 17t1. was an- nounced as the date ai the Street Fair when an automobile would be affered. George Chase will again le manager. Wes. Cawker was pre- sentcd witli flowers on thc occasion oi lis birtlday. WHEN YOU'VE PLANNED A TRIP FOR THE 24TH ... AND IT INCLUDES A CALL ON THE WILSON'S ... Get them on Long Distance first and make sure they're flot tciking to the rocid themn- selves. 10 The telephone is a great thing in helping you avoid life's littie incanveniences - and its big anes as well. You cao talk 100 miles or so for as littie as 30 cents. Note the rates in the front pages of your directory. Frank Williamns Manager ong-life finish for inside or or cernent, verandahs, porch 2um and ail surfaces subject or cernent basement floors. casy ta apply, flowing freely ng itself out perfectly. It Lming, bard surface of rich 1suprerne resistance ta sun, scuffing feet. the Makers of me quahty A PAINT .umber Co., Limited [AN VILLE THE CANADIAN STAISSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MAY 23rd, 1935 ,L7ý- *ý -ý ý-, ý- * , - 1 , , -IUý -k.-
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