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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1935, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3Oth. 1935 Business Directory~ LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Soicitor, Notary Soliitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrster - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law ln ail its branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College,1 Toronto. office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a,.,yv to 6 P. m. caily except Sundy Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day. F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car 1 Cail Phone 10 or 34, Asistant, 573 BOWMANVILE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modern Equipment - Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt - Aubrey Smithb Phone DaYs 58 Nights, Sundays or Holidays t Phone 523 or 276. FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Oac. F.C.C.O: A. T. C. M. diplomas in Piano, Singing. Violin and Organ. È Private or class lessons. r Pupils prepared for aIl examinations.p Phone 42, BowmianvUle 0t1r RICHARD FOUNTAflN Bandmaster Canadian Legion Band Teacher o! Cornet. Trumnpet, Baritone, etc. 25 vears Pmfessional experience. Open for pupils nawv. Residence: Opposite Town Hall, Temperauice Street, Bawmanville. 1Ml F ou sufer peri. odic ~ ain and discom ort, tr y à 7-%Lydia E. Pinkham's Talets. In most - cases they bring welcome relief. As Mrs.CarolineNew- ease the pain" Mrs. Raymond Chaput, Route 4, Tilbury, Ont. says,-1 suiffered some- thing terrible. Had sucb backaches and hea daches 1 was worn out. Your Tablets helped me". Let themn help you, too. Ask your druggist. i-1 Sunday Sehool Lesson OUR DAY 0F OSI Sunday, June 2nd Golden Text: "God is a Spirit and they that worship him mus worship himn in spirit and in truth. John 4:24. Lesson Passage: Psalm 100: Johi 4: 20-24; Colossians 3: 15-17. There shaîl arise from this con- fused sound o! voices A firmer faith than that our fathers knew, A deep religion whîch alone me- joices In worship o! the infinitely true, Not built on mite or portent, but a f iner And purer meverence for a Lord Diviner. There shail corne from out Ibis noise of strife and groaning A brcader and a juster brother- bocd, A deep. ecuality of aim, post- poning Ail selfish seek'ng to the generai good. Theî-e shail corne a time when each shall to ano'her Be as Christ woiîlÈ have him- brother unto brother. -Lewis Morris. Why We Worship, Psalm 100:1-5 Our day of womship is a recogni- tion of Almighty God. Primitive people have felt a spiritual presence in the world and s3me modemn sci- entists reverently confess ta exper- iencing the same presence. The Hebrew people had their great tem- ple in Jerusalem ta satisfy their de- sire to worship the unseen. hoiy God. Many of the psalms owe their origin ta the worship in the Temple. The htîneredth psalm, sung so often to the tune Old Hundredth. mndi- cate-, the consciousness o! God that fcund expression in worship. At its best. Hebrew worship was keyed 10 a trimuphant note of joy, song, thanksgiving and faith in the mer- cy and goodness af God. Af ter twenty-five hundrod years we may hardly dlaim ta have a higher con- ception o! womshîp than is found in this ancient Hebrew psaim. Natur- ally the Sabbat.h day was prized when it, helped worshippers to real- ize the guiding hand of God in in- lividual and national lu e. To the religious insight of the Hebrew peo- pIe we are indebted for the weekly resýt day. They wanted one whole day in seven in order ta worship G od. Controversy About Worsbip, 20-22 NearIy every form o! worzhip has orne value and no one form has a nonopoly of ail merits. Ta be able o worship in only one way or place is an indication af limited sympathy and unýderstanding. To p r a c t i s e warship is helpful. uwually ta argue abrout worship is harmful, The riths about which we agree are nuch more important than those aboiut whipl, uue riffer. The co'n- 1 s r t a v a c I~j vaio onî lU Jcsus ai t he welUo Samaria brought out a controversy about worshjp that ha, lasted for over two dozen centuries. The Jews refused the help o! the Samnaritans when rebu:ldiîig the temple on ,Mount Zion sa the Samaritans builti a temple a! their own upon Maunt Gerizim-where separate. exclusive waship is maintained to Ibis day. Their thoughts were focused on the place af worship instead af on the abject o! waorship. said that v.,e should b-, able ta worship God anywvhere. If we warsh:p the onej God a! the whoie universe. sincere lworship need nat be localiedian on.e place or restr'cted ta n n acnominatian. Spiritual Worship Histary tells a! many fomms of warship. Among primiti%*e people sun worship bas been cormnmn-it ie; ea.çîer ta warship the sun than the God who mnade the suni. The Heb- This might suggest ti acle o! the Dionne quii done by mirrars. But il'ý rew people o>pposed idal cause the woshippers tl o! the thing seen thai symbolized. Even the I stressed spiritual warshi a sacrificial systemn whi appeal ta the senses. 'I Per could see the sar slain and could see an incense smoke. Whata mand. Jesus made wb. -God is a Spirit: anîdth( ship him must worship]1 and in truth." This i objective aids ta wor generations of devout ernployed. Two facts ei in trying ta mise ta t] God's Spirit dwelling in -there is a kinship bE and God. Second there ample o! Christ himsel: shiped in spirit and in went back of nature 10 fn He spoke o! God as F spoken words show hom Ged'o will through trutli Fellowship in Worshii It is idie ta debate1 memits o! private andi sbiP: we need both. C mieditatian enriches our STEAMER EXCURSION MOINDAY, JUNE 3RD via Ontario Car Ferry steamer Cobourg to Port Dalhousie RETURN 2o FARE Optional extension via electric train from. Port Dalhousie to Niagara Falls from ourg)e 25 Steamer schedule -Standard Time - Electric train schedule Leave Cobourg 8.00 a. m. Lve. Port Dalhousie 2.10OP. m. Arr. Port Dalhousie 2.00 p. m. Arr. Niagara Falls 3.00 p. m. Lve. Port Dalhousie 5.30 P. m. Lve. Niagara Falls 4.30 p. m. Arr. Cobourg 11.30 p. m. Arr. Port Dalhousie 5.20 p. m. Purchase tickets from local Canadian National Agent or at steamer. ONTARIO CAR FERRY For RHEUMATIC PAIN! SCIUATIA LUBAGOCH RHEUATIs>, SLBA GOCH Try a box cf Rumnacape. The Onrt day of treatment will give you decdded relief frorn pain. Attack the Cause-Permnanent relief ec only be eftected by remnoving the urie acid snd otber impurities from the blood. Rumacapi recieve thse pain while definitely rcmoving thse cause. They will aiso give you new health and "igor through the r cleansing and germ-killing action. Start pour treetment todsp. USE noBOiOP30 CAPSUJLES - $1.00 RUMAAPS RHEUMATIC RUMACAPSCAPSULES Phone 92 ALEX MeGREGOR, DRUGS We Deliver loi corporate woshuip andu aur cor,- in wonut.p ecO l iudy I. ' u, và'lc jPorate worship gives meaning and 4. How. may the Lord's Day bel 'îiîh îil q~is iuf' content ta our private, individual made a farnfly day? (Pi/tl,'.,, lic isa pif'rifaz, ,worship. Ta jo:n in prayer. praise iD- Itt., fi'f/,;~ p,'î c -i and learning a congregation 1itso gives us the encouragement o! i UNION, DARLINCTON Or, cýir.11w, iîupille' tors.fpt knawing that we are not the anly l il ones who are trying ta interpret lieiifii.iifi i'liî,acs spiritually. A large cangregatian Miss McLean spent the weekend ()n f ujcill- f/i- in.uiuîilit ratpb/'ci >5 tîii, O imay help us ta feel the presence o! in Toronto. ,Ill' lu. ii'cfii of fI-e, la-n/uud z-/ the Spirit o! God, but where even Miss Ida Ferguson visited at Mr. 1- f iecciiunieclz,'ifh lu li/î, ncîfl twa, or Ihree are gathered in iaitb Fred Ferguson's on Sunday. ii;Ci i.;di!uud'lc! and love, the sarne presence may be Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughlin <) Ii//s of ( yr/o, iur ir aiie iz'- felI. Worshippers enjoy a real fel- spent Tue- day at Mm. Russel Mc- 7rniuspiuiffih. iuiiu apd aur. lowship in teaching, singing and Laughlin's. Iîl"cl.riv 'd apiui ui h. iîî service. Fellaw members o! thse one Mm. and Mrs. Tam Peters -and ! hiu'i ieiii'hfiiî Jcii of Po'ur. congregation came ta have a family familY, and Mrs. BaIl and son, visit- A-1 i pph,. s fuie, a niuuîiffuîîj,- affection one towards the other. ed Mr. R. Griffin on Sunday. !A iihuu e iî a.îp,'îl up liii1li Disputes in a congregýation may do Mr. and Mrs. Burgmaster. and '01* aîlihes/nids (if qic1'u11(îj l untold harm, destmaying the peace Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker, Faimport' . - lS/hiil'i i *iiula'insiut /u I v. o! the worshipers and endangering New York, visited at Miss Caok- 1 z,'ihl iîcz','n fdife (painu, the successful work a! organizatians, man's on Wednesday. . Ch /c0air irl. dt., nfîf xvthin the chumcb. Mr. Ray McLaughlin entered in *',~ hhi siii.u-/c", p Chrisian Worshi, 17 the hanse shoe contest at Brooklin'1 /*lccîîîîîli;'ifhijli . ChitinWosip 7 Faim on MAay 241h, winning first Iuî 1.1'cî aîiljlit îîf'îî Our day o! worsbip is an acknaw- prize in doubles and second in sîng- i re/ unc u ýic /dz"'i.lanyJ c iedg-ment o! the Lordship o! Jesus les. niu'i'c of 7 ,u//îuîuîîXz,'-ef. Il/js".-- 1/.'uc 111s t ,z, i'if lu, lu,-,- f /î' L/ icifs iri'au i fst il'uidaiif .tf,",. If't , iz,'t uu' hcajcd lit îs îfu t ~~~Ile liiccls îîî 'unlu/ pplc. ii'c moRE POWER.. SMOOTHER POWER Than Any Other Lowest Price Car __ 88 and 100 borsepower fmom Hud. son-buit motors-the .çmoothest known. Greater durability and safety -Canadas oi/y badies ail of steel; Hudson Rotary-Equalized brakes. Prot'ed econoniy - 22.8 miles per gallon in nation.wide economy tests, Easier, safor driving-the Electric Hand (optional at small extra cost) for quicker smoother gear shifting - both hands always on the wheel. TERRAPLANEI Retail at Facory, Tilbury, Ont., with full factory equipment, spare wheel and tire, al taxes paid, freight and license onîy extra. E J Y A R D O A .HE ES A DEALER N AR COURAGE <Frmr Christian Science Monitor) How much ta be desirod is the grand quality of courage! Indeed, were Ibis quality understood as spir- itual, and exemcised more frequently in dieaiing with difficul or danger- aus situations, many good resuîts would be forthcoming where dis- dard naw appears ta re'gn. The eason so many o! us la.zk Irue courage is that we accept the suggetion that w-e are afraid o! something material: but a right un- derstanding o! Gad will cast ouI fear and so make courage stzontaneous with us. The courage whicb Christ Jesus manifested. and which nover failed him, was the autcorne o! bis spiritual understanding: and he said that bis followers should do works like bis own. God, who tvas relied upon by Ihose whasýe expeiences are set forth in the Bible. is supreme divine intelli- gence: and il is thus thal Christian Science acknawledges Him. On page 588 of her textbook. 'Science and Health with Key ta the Scrip- tures"' Mary Baker Eddy defines intelligence" as substance: self- existent and eternal Mind: that which is neyer unconscious nom lim- ited." Il sill ho readily admitted that theme is no intelligence in fear. On the contrary. fear is blind, un- rea-soning. mesmemic; and one who allows bimself 10 obey its suggest- iûnssflot only will be made ta be- lieve that he Is incapable o! acting in the waY which ho knows 10 bc right, but may be so blinded that he will nat percelve the right way, and wlll do tbings which he would flot do in calmer moments when bis Ihought is intelligent and clear. We are assumed in the Bible o! God's willingness ta give t0 His children aIl thatlIs good. Il is wmt- Ion (James 1?5), "If any o! you lack wisdom, lot hlm ask o! God, Ibat glveth to all mon liberally, arld up- braldoth not; and Il shalho given hlm." RUT COAL NOW Lowest Summer Prices It will pay you to put in your next Winter's coal now. Pricm are now at their lowest. And of course you'Il want the best coal - Blue Coal. And remnember Shep- pard & Gili are headquarters for lumber and building supplies, and we have a fine stock of best field seeds. We have this week recelved a carload of Sait whlch willl be sold at exceptlonally low prices. Buy early because at these prices il, won't Iast long. Sheppard & Ciii Luniber Co. PHONE 15 IMJTED BOWMAIqVILIJE i 1 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1935 au-ju Willuil WC uilici. Lile cvii- uorçnfin ýf f th. irpll ýf YVONNE PRIMPS UP FOR BIRTHDAY PARTY A HEALTH SERtVICE 0r V14E CANAD AN 1MEO CAS. ASSOCIATION %ND 4R -- IIESye TL MOURS Tumours grow on plants as wel By C.H. Tuck, Opt. as in the hum an or anim al bo yE es g t S c al t Tumours core from one sml i mc- roscopic ceil whîch, for some reason, EYESTRAPN AT DIFFERENT starts to grow and keeps rîght on AGES growing, neyer performing any use- fui function. Part 12 % There are two kinds of tumours. Benign. or simple tumours, are 1 Very fe hi wl o eU ves. endanger lifte. They may attain to be an effort accompanied by such size as to cause eal discomfort frowning, holding too close. and actual harm thmough pressure and perhaps twitching o! the lids on adjacent organs. A fibroid tu- and face wili become noticed. mour of the uterus which is benign The habits and occupation of the may grow to the size of a football. individuai will influence the condi- The benign tumour does not tion of strain. The more a Person spread. and. if completely removed, lives out of doors the iess liable are it does not recur. the eyes to suffer f rom eyestmain; Malignant tumours are destructive although certain errors will be ac- to life. Cancer is the most common com»anied by strain and suffering of the malignant tumours. The regardless of the person's occupa- more properly be restricted to th~e writing by pen or machine, office malignant tumours which arise mn work, mechanical work, proof-read- the covering and lining tissues of ing, and many types of close range the body. work have a common symptom of Cancers differ from the benign evestrain in headache. Many other tumours in that they tend to spread. symptonis may aiso be found and iC .. . . . .. ........Starting in one ceil, they are, for traced to the eyestrain as a cause, a time. local growths, but later, they nausea, poor nutrition, nervous de- extend. Just as long as the cancer bility. is stili a local growth. it can be me- Don't fail to heed Nature's warn- moved and the patient cured. Ev-ing. If any symptom of trouble bat the mir-Ithe petty Yvonne primping up for wornen! ( Photo Cop3right by ery cancer is. for some tine, a local arises have il explained or remedied. intuplets was bier first birthclay party on Tuesday. Central Press Canadian). tumour. s0 every cancer is curable j To be continued) 's really only MaY 28th. The vanity af thesel for some time. __________________ Ali tumours. benien and cancemous' I begin in one ceil whÏich starts out onI worhipbe-Chrst.Thelim 0fobsrvace asan unchecked period of growth. We If you wear ýhought more chianged fmom the seventh t10 the d a nwwyti hm sn Ln the thing first day o! the week in commemor-; "The His of Clarke" do know, however, that thr s o F LISE ILLIfl -Iebrews who ation o! the resurrection day ofl evidence to show that*1 erhae ip developed Christ. The old fashioned Purin , oh rLIi Squ,îîr anything ta do with it îr sj Try th is ch made an Sunday is doubtless gone f o re ver: ______________ nothing to prove that a doctor or aI~ l N a rhe worship- our real concern shoffld be 10, keep nurse ever contracted cancer fmom iveWI.mprovear-owaer rificial beast the weekly day of rest and worship 7/lic Iiiis ,fC l the- Uc Iils ý f (li1k a patient.Ar o pae id meli the Christian. Twentieth century, post- Lie- .'uidcr ini i/i. jr siollit s/ýpc.s; Teloosoe Do vdecethtthey slip daring de- war week-ends negate many values I1.îc \aurp,.î ,,t crc. heredity is a factor. At most. it may F EE a. l?]ide '?lfsos y on ho said, which the rest day is intended ta () Id i, ,îicî,jsapiîl i hopcs! be that, in some families. there is a r . sil ir ,eer denture powder AT iey that wor- conserve. Racing araund the coun- 7/uit .îp dc lciiîdcll a greater liability to tumours than OUa EXPENSE. him in spirit try in motor cars does not allowIi .i theme is in other families. There is Your druggist bue emoved the Sunday toi be a day of est. Visit- 7_lc hirc. ,u,'i cl z,-aç aI~iu d no evidence that a single injumy. Y HI FL a free trial sample al ship which ing may destroy the opportunity o!fIli.,cr c' /sdf ia-vslf such as a blow. is responsible. There ,,, eo re, foIn you. rAS. people had family religion and at present only îi~~xccsîpc iofxîr is, on the contrary, much evidence . ~ TEHi ue ep ncourage us a minority attend church. Compar- s iii.ta show that repeated iniury at one seet. It'. soohing and ais pirtua edwiththePhaises, ,ress ws apoint, which may~ be the result of I eetisanoseeureiy nosody the fact o! liberal in regard to Sabbath obser- //les, if ur c. lic sccs \"ii ti such conditions as the mochanical 'e. rial know ppy i aur spirits vance. but hie used the day for pub- c .'ç'urn/utfcci1. gd irritation frorn ili-fitting dentures 1 jeis initei. See pour etween man lic worship in temple and synagogue, 7 h- sein iiuias lq/lic,-da.% ix i- o the inflammation o! a carvix in- druggist TODAY. e is the ex- for teaching and for home fellow- Ilarlil anuls of /i/f' iailiiiiitIiiiail.11 jured at childbirth, favours the oc - IF NOT PLEASED f. He wor- ship. The best guiding mu le as taiîct o ,i/p' iI/x SI S, currence o! cancer at the point s WITH TRIAL SIZE truth. He how to spend Sunday is to judge our 1 e i îqcd /miaf lit,- îiîvYc. involved. YO~' UTHORUGGISTOI ature's God. conduot positively. Is it for us a'l)Inf lp .,r'x'çi.> 'cfc zlf Our attitude towards cancer - REFUND YOUR Father. His day of rost, o! worship, a home day. , /cec ipp/c.ç. iniiiv shouid be a recognition that it is MONEY ON REGU. v lie found the Lomds Day? 7The , /i//iî,s ;umn, 1,e lird i toploil,, curable while it is a local tumour LAR SIZE. Qustos.o DsusiI u.7h, iuicr's I i/i 'c /,,, iîap aid /,'cîand a determination 10 have more Distributed in Cartcda by QetosfrDsuson 1 'i,<f pr-'. cId .îpriiiîs l aÂb'îfici, cancers cured by finding them while W. K. BUCKLEY LTD. 1p, 15, 16 1. Is there sufficient giadness in they are stîli local growths. i TORONTO the relative public worship? ;jil, r i it ,~cel (1114'cfail cli. public wor- 2. Can you worship God better 6(cIi/l,/, ir(l,,('ir z'ac Our solitary indoors or outdoors? .j idlu i/, iil cc-cluîdic.Seca Bran

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