PAGE FOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 301h, 1935 The Realu of Sutuer Bowmanville Trounces Petes LADIES' SOFTBALL GETS UNDER WAY By Shutout Route in Opener Mayor NIGH George Piper Huris Locals Tomorrow Night The Central Ontario Ladies' Sof t- to 14-0 Victory - Piper bal League will get under way in and Large Bang Out omnil -orwP da Homes inHolday ix-nigbî, when Port Hope meets the Hom rs n Hlidy Fx-local tearn7 t te Publie School ture There will be a ceremony during which Mayor W. Ross Strike will Getting away to an unusuaîîy 'attempt 10) tbrow the first bal auspicious start. George Piper ledi over the plate to offlciafly open the Bowmanville's Intermediate O. B. A season. A. representatives to a 14-0 viciory Bowmanville team will be under over the Peterboro Petes in the op- the management o! Hubert Murphy, ening game of the season bere on well known IocallY in conneciion May 24tb. Piper isnt given the with sofibaîl, lacrosse and a variety credit for leading the team to vic-ofknrdsrt.Tepar wl toryjus becusehe hppeed t beappear in their new blue and white the pitcher. for be also led wilb the uniforms wbich lhey bave purchas- firsi run. a bomer: and he led witb ed wtb money raised by means of the batling average of four bits in eucbre parties. They deserve con- four times ai bat. in addition to six ' siderable credit in ibis regard as strikeouts. iwo putouls and an assisi ithey- are financing tbemselves with- All in all it was George Piper day * out the assistance o! any other or- in basebaîl or as ihey say in classics ganization in the town. "litile man you've had a busy day". This is their firsi game. as the Just wbat was the malter witb game wilb Oshawa scbeduled lasI the Peles is difficull to suggest, bu t week was posiponed because the local fans sbould not take tbeir hol-j. Oshawa girls bad not received their iday exhibition as any ilustration of unifcrmns. what Peterboro will do some other The f irst girls' game in Port Hope day. Masterson, one of their out- o audyde vrtotosn standing pitchers, was oui 10 bis Deemed by sports-writers 10 be o audyde vrtotosn firsi game on Friday and for ihat Canada's outslanding aiblete in the fans and provided some sPeciacular reason did nol pitcb. A Peterboro major forms of sport, Lionel (Bi basebaîl. The locals are in greal supporter told us that the lads from Train) Conacher bas gone into bus-i shape baving speni several evenings the electric ciiy were capable o! a iness in Toronto wbere he bas op a week in bard practice and areJ mucb betier showing, s0 we can ex- ened a service station. His pantner confident in Ibeir ability to at least peci a real bate wben tbe two meetl is bis brother Chanlie, wbo leads the gaie vstrsabrdbile:h again.j National Hockey League in goals lie p Following a parade beaded by the scored for two consecutive years. Catcher, Dot Wbite, Pitcbers. Legion Band from uptown. Mayor Shown wilb 'Perky." the famous Laura Davey. Sally Kilpalnick; lstJ President Orme Gamsby o! the Lake-j Gulta Percha mascot, Lionel (above) base. Marie Gilhooley; 2nd base,J Ross Strike burled the f irsi bahl. andI was leading defence man Ihis ses- Lola Lefroy; short stop, Sybil Mut-J shore League caugbt it bebind the son for the Montreal Maroons, ton: 3rd base. Thelma Ligbtle: Le! I plate to officially open the season. world's hockey champions. f ield, Fern Large: Centre f ield, MargJ Then the real game got under way. -Cosees; i lnStanonCare; Two innings went by witbout any- ervsAienSato, udy tbing exciting to relate. Bowrnan- chances. Two walks, and two play- Ayre. I ville managed to get a man on bases, ers bit by pitcbed baîls. aided mat- The management is trying to Pro-1 and that by means of a walk. Il eially in bringing in Bowmanville's cure Don Williams to umpire the výas in the third. when ihings were seven runs in this innings. In tbe bases, wbile Port Hope will bring the beginning to look preity mild. ibat sixth, the locals scored tbrough plate judge. A silver collection,1 George Piper, who bac! been piiching Bihl Corden, on Bates' bit, and in tbe slarling from a dime, is the only a nice game up 10 that time, walked sevenib added two more, Wiih Bag- charge. to the plate and drove a bard one neil feaiuring bis second iwo bag- ir ___ ___ over the lef t field fence for a home ger, and Piper bis fourth straighi a run, despile Peterboro's efforts 10 bit. n introduce anoiber baIl into the game In the last innings ibree walks 0 and keep bim ai second base. helped Bowmanville secure their Sp rt a gr p I Just to show thatiti was not a 141h lally wilb the requirement o!f AiAj.IA malter of luck Ibal a Bowmanvalle a bit. Piper foriunaiely walked in ________________ batter bit the bail, Don Williams the final frame la leave bis record-- I socked the next one for three bases, intact ai four times la bai, four bits, r and came home on a perfeclly timed and two runs. Witb the opener over and won, ri sacrifice by Bert Colwell. I h enie eebr oete aealsao i rms fcl "Buck" Large, always fairly re- I h enie eebr oetebsbî esngvspoieo hiable at the plate decided to follow from ils lethargy and Bailey, a excitemeni and, if the firsl game is t Pipers idea and baller anoîber over Youngsler wbo played a nice game any critenion, success for the local w the le! t fiseld fence for a bomer, onîy in le! t field bit oui the visitors only sctuad. Pelerboro bad been looked r ibis migbty waflop was bigb in the iwo bagger of the game. Masterson. upon as the real Ibreai o! the lea- a , air and over the top o! the trees. Clark and Corbeti also regislered gue, being a combination o! tbree o! 0% on ! h lneshit halls we've bits. lad season's teams, and it was uile th seen since the campus bas been Barrie siarled on the mound for a upiewe ielcl oned used as a diamond. Peterboro but was ill advisedly pull- oui several bomers and generally ca In the meantime Peterboro wenî ed in the f ourtb wben Large bit a roedround he nbaes for four-th 10 bal and went out to field agaîn. bomer off bis offering. He was fol- te us bl o loigiet ant s cae he i!tb nnngs wthlowed by McGillam, wbo lasted one visilors a single score. hE Bill Bagnell to bat. Bihl socked a innings and let Bowmanville away toGreao reier fo i ewiwasu two bagger. George Piper followed for seven runs. Barrie came bac kePir.woicedea. suit. and Williams walked. Then in the f i! 1h witb one man down and up baIl tbroughcut the gamne. He ba the whole batling order wenl the pitched quite accePtably for the rest eme ireless and proved except- ps roun atthe lat, wih Bgnel. o th gam, athouh tere e-r noional in opening the scoring wilh D Prnd ailleaplate wtb Bagnel. o! he amarksougn here wrenothe f irsl home run o! the year. Dc Pieran Wllam gtlng second itngiedmrsnbswok However, the management is Iooking Br Score By Innings for another good pitcher 10 act as er R H E relief man, as George is aciually the TREASURER'S SALE Bowmanville 002 171 21x 14 12 4 one and only hurler the club poss- ba 0F LANDFOR TAXES . Peterboro 000 000 000 04 2 esses and be certainly cannot be ex- ba Tono o mnil, C: Cordon lb; Colwell 2b: Williams itlig.H To no o m nil ,3b ie s ag f an f 3b:I Pperss;Lage !: agnll f; Pelerboro used tbree pilcbers, fin- ga County of Durham Hicks rf. ally pulting Ralph Clark. a former Ev Peterboro--Barnie. McGillam, Clark Bowmanville boy, and son o! Dr. l 0 Wit; P; Mowry C: Corbeli lb; Hillier 2b; and Mrs. Wes. Clark, mbib te box. virueo!a arrntisue ~Mein 3b: Padgett ss; Bailey If; Mas- He beld the local hilters in check tw, By liteo arn sudb erson cf: Hetheringion r!. betier than bis predecessors alier l the Mayor of the Town o! Bowman- Umpires, McCarney, Peterboro; be had settled down and found the pIr ville bearing date o! the llýtb daY McDougall, Oshawa. plate. b of Marcb. 1935. sale of lands in ar- bo rears o! taxes in the Town os Bow-' Noticeabîy absent from tbe team hit manville will be beld in the Council h were Ala 'moze ebon or who Chambers in the Town Hall. Bow- Lawn Bowling News bsii ermvdU 0sno manville, ai the bour o! two o'clock taealwt nOhw lb n in tbe afternoon on the eigbib day Lloyd '"HoUly" Hall bas also been of July. 1935, unless the taxes and Bowmanville Bowling Club siaged irying oui with the Oshawa seniors. costs are cooner paid. Notice is its official opening on May 24tb, Alan will especially be missed as be hereby given that the lisi o! lands wben visiiors fromn various clubs in was a fine relief pitcher who bad a 1 for sale for arrears o! taxes is be- the district altended. The greens surplus amount o! speed and could Hu lng publisbed in the Ontario Gaz- were in perfect shape and were well be counted on to pull the leam out ror ette on the 6tb day o! April,' on the f illed tbrougbout the afternoon. The o f any hole. Holly was one o! tbe 4tb day o! May, and on thie ist day three skips chosen f rom the Oshawa finesl Ibird basemen 10 play in Bow- Zio ol June, and that copies o! the sald visitors were E. J. Goodman, Cecil manville, having a nalural. easy 1 lst may be had ai my office. Branton and W. J. Brownlee. and style that was most effective. WelScl Treasurer's Office, Ibis 101h day Bowmanville skips, Rev. W. G. wisb tbem success. nig of April, 1935. Blake, J. D. Carruthers and Capi. C.I ,W. E. Meaib. Mr. E. J Goodman's A peculiar situation developed in- A. J. LYLE, . rink was the only one to win ahi o! Friday's game, wben George Piper 15-13 Treasurer. ils games. drove bis bomer over the left field _________ _____________________________________ fence. He bad run as far as second when tbe third baseman appeared with a baIl. George stopped ai sec- i ond and a long argument ensued unlil il was discovered thai the bail bad been thrown in from the side- W hat's lu a Naine iiln.ja nq n h im nnn 40O0 Each 2 For 6 C1à iî fýn," 10ébÙý might say a Sbyîock. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Now we look forward te the Junior Phon 152- W' Cai an Delverleague and the girls' sofibaîl games Phon 152- W Cal an Delverwhicb soon wiII be in full swing. Il welt ______________________________________________ Isurely does lo'ok ike a busy basebal bis1 -Iseason. men Training for bis bout wilh Barney Ross, May 28, Jimmy McLarnin, lerweigbl champion, is given a going-over by Charlie Scboeneman, tramner, ai the Pioneer gymnasiumn in New York. The rasshe-treat- mt loosens the muscles. THE DATE FOR FIRST NIGHT GAME 0F SEASON S p ortS Already arrangements are being made for a gala show on the occas- ion of the f irst nigbt ball game of the 1935 seasori which General Man- SIX TEAMS WILL ager Arthur Lemnan bas announced COMPTE FR TR PHY for June 27th when the Leafs return their lengthy June road trip and West Durhami SoftbaU Leag-ue meet the Buf falo Bisons under the Sehedule Is Drawn floodlights. The resumption of the nocturnal game is great news to At a meeting of the West Durham the Ontario fans of the Toronto Softball League held on Monday Baseball Club who took this oppor- night at the Bowman House. sixI tunity to visit the spacious grounds teams entered the group. Providence, on Fleet Street Stadium and ebeer Courtice. Maple Grove. Hampton for lIke Boone*s battling crew as they and Salem of last year's league, and performed under the best set of Enniskillen, a new entry. Each club floo>dligbts in minor league basebali. was ordered to send a member of No doubt several Ontario centres its team. and a list of 15 players for w-iU arrange special parties for this the approbation of thie executive at big nîght. Why not make your Seat a meeting to, be held on Saturday. reservations with the Toronto Base- June lst, at 8 p. m. standard time, ball Club now. at Nelson E. Osborne's hom. The first schedule releasedbth secretary is as follows: db h Rock Gardens Have June 4--Providence at Enniskillen Gained In Popularity Maple Grove at Courtice June 5-Hampton at Salem In recent years tiiere bas been a June 7-Enniskillen at Maple Grove good deal of interest in rock gardens Courtice at Hampton which is a very natural develop- Salem at Providence ment when it is realized that ar- June il-Providence at Maple Grove tistic results can be secured. Where Enniskillen at Courtice the grouand slopes sharply this sort Jue S-alemGov at ampeon0f treatment is particularly effec- Coul-Mp rtice at roviec tve. Large irregular bouiders are Jue u-amton aPrnnidken sunk well into the ground and the June 17-Hampton at Maple Grove lit tle alpine plants are grown in June 18-Enniptlln at MPl rove eep earth packets between. Most, of Jn 8 nSlem at orviece these plants originated in the rocky June 21--Courtice at Enniskillen slopes of the old lands and in our Providence at Hampton own mounitainous sections. In rock Salem at Maple Grove gardens they change an ugir or June 25-Enniskillen at Salem wasb£d-out back into a most at- Hampton ai Courtice tractive minature garden with a Maple Grove ai Providence profusion of bloom. In special sec- June 28-Hampton at Providence tions of the seed catalogue will be Courtice at Maple Grove listed suitable plants with the height July 1-Maple Grove ai Hampton through the medium sized that there Salem vs Enniskillen (at w.îll be no difficulty in making a Haydon) selection. About 40 different types July 5-Providence at Salem of all colors and sizes are available July 6-Maple Grove at Enniskill'n f rom thse Dianthus, Forget-me-nots. July 9-Providence at Courtice Violas, Primulus whicb grow up to 8 Enniskillen at Hampton inches in heigbt, tbrougb the med- July 12-Courtice at Salem. ium sized Alyssumns Arabis, Campan- ___________ulas Linarisa, to the taller Erigeron. Cerastium, Candytuff, Geum, and Ennisille DefatedPyrethrum and others. Tyrone at Anniversary PROTECTING SHRUBS Soccer Fixture Friday FROM DOGS Ennskilendefate Tyone2-1 A dog at liberty, even in the ex- niesocIer gefaed f ollwnge 21uberance of newly-found freedom. in te socer amefollwingtheseldomn misses an opportunily to, ex- annual supper in celebration of En- plore every hole and corner in the niskillen United Churcb Anniversarycore fbipra uatnsad rn Fiday Thegam wasexciinga cat just goes and fights xhere it throughoui. witb both goalies hav- likes. Unfortunaiely this super- ng a good deal of work. esPeciallY abundanl energy is accompanied byl n the f irst balf. and the wind prov-da get renndoh p- ng quite a fact-,r in the game. In da g gre n other pro- bhe first baîf Doug. Conboy, for Ty- perty in the environs.Netrte 'one. opened the scoring witb a bard dog nor the cat have the sligbtest drive that gave Clif! Petbick little respect for flower beds nor for the bhance to save. There was no fur- cberiFbed ornamental palms by the ber corng nti thesecnd al!front porcb. and often these animaIs tben Ecnisk til .the swind balf show a distinct antipatby to, shrub- whem. en 10 puntheowndthe poferbery. In their boisterous way' they tnhesse Ibe visi Pt orsthe tower create a lot of damage and it is not own territ9ry. Os. Pethick evened alwa.ys possible 10 drive themn awaY the score for Enniskillen early in the in time. However. an enterprising *eriod. and Will Et-ans gave the lo- entomologist lias found a way out ai team the 1ead with one o! the o! the difficulty. Taking a hint fnest Plays of the evening,ý,bunting from the metbods o! entomologist'; the baIl into tbe goal witb a skillful in dealing with insect pests on gar- head shot. den plants. it was discovered that Line-up: nicotine sulpbate, the widely-used. Tyrone - Goal, Harold Skinner: insectide. provided an effective aacks, Clarence Bradley, Walter n-.easure for keeping dogs and cats Parks; bal! backs, Doug. Bothwell. at bay. The odour of nicotine is Doug. Conboy, Dick Gibbs; forwards. very repulsive to dogs and cats, and Don Thompson. Fred Partner, Bob as Ibeir sense of smell is very mucb Bradshaw. Dave Parks, Frank Cart- keener Iban that of human beings ýr. it is possible to use the compound Enniskil!en - Goal, Cliff Pethick: so diluted so tlaat !lowers, shrubs, )acks, Orville Ashton, Fred Billett; buildings, walls or walks are not ia backs. G. Stevens, Bruce Ash: damiaged, but cats and dogs will mn, Howard Milîson; f o r w a r d s. avoid the sprayed areas. The spray ïenry Stainlon, John Slemon, Ed- evaporaies in time and will be wash- ,r Wright. Os. Petbick; centre, Will ed off by rain Theref ore it should1 ,vans. be renewed every two weeks, and Referee-Elmer Wilbur, Hampton. after heavy rains. A weak solution A softbaîl game was played be- sbould be used. such as a table- ween Hampton girls and Enniskil- spoonful of nicotine sulphate ta f ive n, botb teams playing with seven gallons of water. The solution is dayers. The score mounted up with also a good insecticide. Nicotine tb teamns demonstrating better sulphate is sold in seed and feed tting than fielding ability. unlil ai stores. .e end Enniskiîîen were abead bY se s-un. Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club ____________________ flew their fourib old bird race on Saturday. May 25th, from London. FOOTBALL SCORES Ont.. 143 mniles air line. FoUlowing are the results: Friday, May 24tb-Bowmanville 4, L. Richards 3 hrs, 35 mins, 46 sec. fungarians 0: Enniskillen 2, Ty- F. BoltrelI 3 brs, 37 mins. 22 sec. one 1. Geo. Batbgate Saturday, May 25th--Clarke 2. & Son 3 hrs, 37 mins, 28 sec. on 0. F. Bottrell 3 hrs, 40Omins, 1l sec. Monday. May 27tb-Courtice vs W. Woolner 3 brs. 41 mins, 31 sec. olina. poslponed until Tbursday L. Richards 3 hrs, 43 mins. 21 sec. igt, wet grounds. W. Woolner 4 hrs, 7 mins, 22 sec. McLARNIN MAULED IN TRAINING DODGE & DeSOTO DEALER Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - May 30 - 31 - June 1 ALL AHOARD FPOR DIXIE! Commodore W. C.Fields at the whoel ond Col. Bing on deck with grond new sangs Adolph Zukor prese,,ts BING CROSBY JOAN BENNET And Jubilee Special "LONG LIVE THE KING"P News - - - Topjcs of the Day Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. in. Monday - Tuesday - June 3 - 4 JACK HOLT and MONA BARRIE in with WINNIE LIGHTNER. Comedy - News - "The Red Republie" Matinee Monday at 2.30 p. mi. Wednesday - ThursdaY - June 5 - 6 DOUBLE BILL «Namne tueWoman*"» With RICHARD CROMWELL, ARLINE JUDGE andi RETA LA ROY. AND « Whom the Gods Destroy » With ROBERT CONNOLLY, ROBERT YOUNG and DORIS KENYON. News Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. nm. Commencing June I st, Admission Prices will remain the same; amusement tax only will be added as follows: Evenings: Aduits 25c, tax Sc; Children l5c, tax 2c. Matinees: Aduits 20c, tax 5c; Children 10c, tax 2c. Coupon Books - 10 Tickets $2.00, plus tax. COMING: Shirley Temple in "OUR LITTLE GIRL" George Arlsa In "CARDINAL RICHELIEU", HaroM Bell Wrlght's "WHEN A MAN'S A MAN" "ROBERTA" - - Mae West In "GOING TO TOWN" WiVII Rogers In "DOUBTING THOMAS" r THE DAILY FARM BROADCAST Over CFRB Toronto (690 Kilocycles) 12:30 puma.(Standard rime) Every day except Saturday and Sunday PAGE POUR 1 HEAR REX FROST give authentic markeet reports tomorrow's weather, etc. YOUR GOODYEAR DEALER W. J. CHALLIS Bowmanville