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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1935, p. 5

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3Larmer and sons at M. Jos. Av- CADMUSery's.-. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes and CADMUS IMiss MarJorie Marlow, Toronto, at Mrs. John Marlow's Mr. and Mrs. Little improvement has been flot- Howard Harris and family with Mm. ed in Miss Alice Hanna's condition. and Mrs. Frank Harris. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hyland, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mrs. Robt. Bell. Miss Pearl Bell, at. Wolfe are occupying their cottage, Mr. Lamne McGill's, Yelvertan 'Dahlia Del.*, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoskin and Several friends were entertained sans. Gardon and Kennetb, Mr. and at Mr. Gordon Brown's an Satumday Mrs. C. Hoskin, Oshawa, at Mr. nigbt for bis birtbday. Welsey Hoskin's,, Mr. D. Adams Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, Mrs. A. E. and family. Cobourg, at Mr. George McGilU, Mrs. E. Sanderson accamp- Bowers' Mr. and Mms. Rupert By- anied Mr. and Mrs. E. S. perguson ers and Yvonne Jackson at Mm. O. of Bowmanville on a visit with Mr. Graham's. Mr. Walter Yates, To- and Mrs.,W. C. Fergusan at North- ronto, witb Miss Lulu Wright port. and relatives at atbem centres. Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Bowers and fam- Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ferguson motor- ily at Mr. H. Trick's, Manvers Sta- ed on ta Ottawa. tion. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin and Mr. Jas. McKee's bouse caught on f amily at Mr. S. Woodley's, Tyrone f ire on Monday from a chimney D. and Mrs. J. Moore, Brooklin, spark. Fortunntely a large crowd at Mr. John Jobb's.. Mr. and Mrs. gathered and the fire was put out Harold Partridge and son, Mr. and before it had done much harm. Mrs. Fred Lucas and son. Toronto, Considerable damage was done ta with Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Harcourt. the roof: and ta other parts of the Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moody, Oshawa, bouse f rom water. at Mr. F. F. Willan's Mrs. Oakley Scripture at League an Thursday Carley. Cavanvulle, at Mr. S. Swain's was read by Miss Beth McQuade.. Mrs. R. J. Hooey. Estevan. Sask- Mrs. E. Sanderson took the Bible atchewan, with Mr. Ed. Galbraithb study. and Miss Annie Fallis was and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. in charge of the program wich con- Frank Wright and Elva. Mi-ss Effile1 sisted of Topic. "The Life cf Queen Wright and Miss Hazel Wright. St. Victoria." Mrs. H. J. Bell; vocal solo, Catharines, Mr. Arthur Wright, Osh- Mr. Roland Thompson: readings. by awAa. at Mr. Jabez Wright's and oth- Mr. Merlin Philp and Miss Helen ei relatives: Miss Annie Wright re- Fowler on "May." turned ta St. Catharines with tbemn Recent Visitors: Miss Helen Fowl- . Mr. and Mrs. Howard PhilP. er with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edgar, Brantford. with relatives Miss Bowmanville Beach Mr. and Mrs. Annie Wilkins, Mm. Harry Gay, Gardon Brown and son Ross, Mr. Courtice, Miss Jessie Knox, Hamp- Charles Henderson. Mm. Bill Proct- ton. Mr. Jos. Bradburn, witb Miss or. Toronto. at Mr. R. C. Brown's. Mable Argue. Miss Gertrude Joncs. Gravenhurst. < with her sister. Mrs. H. Muckle Miss Fern Tbompson, Agincourt. KENDAL witb her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. Davidsan. Mrs. L. McLaughlin. Mrs. D. C. Fergusan, Osbawa, M. S. Mr. Wm. Jackson is sporting a Smitb, Mr. Wm. Burley. Newton- new car. vile, Mr. F. R. Fergusan. Mr. and Mr. Aylward Little, Pete rboar o Mrs. P. Laing, Oono. with Mr. and Normal. spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. James Henry and Mr. Lorne Wm. Sulley. Mrs. Patterson. Oshawa, Henry, Toronto, spent the weekend Mr. Jas. Sulley. Caurtice. witb Mr. here. and Mrs. Jas Ginn Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Thas. Tweedle and family, Norman Pbilp and son Edward. To- Toronto, spent the weekend at the ronto, Miss Birdie Fallis. Oshawa, farm. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and 1 Mr. Wm. Christie, Toronto, has f amily, Janetville. at Mr. C. Fallis' 1 been visiting at Mr. Milton Robin- Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill at Mr.1 sons. Fred McGill's, Lotus.1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haney. Mili- -gan. were Sunday visitors at Mrs. A. 1 BLACKSTOCK 1 The countryside has been much refresbed by ram tbis week. A f ew friends were present at Mr, Oea. Forder's for his birthdlay on Sunday. Congratulations ta Miss Aileen Devitt on obtaining ber Interim Teacher's Certificate. The devotional at League on Wed- nesday nigbt was taken by Mr. El- don Eckel. President. Program. in charge of Miss Frances Mauntjoy, consisted of: Instrumental, Miss Muriel Mauntjoy; A. C. Benson's' -Hymn for Empire Day" read by Mr. Eldon Eckel; a piano solo. Miss Jessie Knox: and "'The *Lif e of Queen Victoria" told in a fascinat- ing manner by Mrs. H. J. Bell. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Harcourt en- tertained the A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Church an Wednesday night. An interesting debate "Resolved that modern canveniences are of more * benefit ta men than ta women." was 'held. with the affirmative being tak- en by Mr. Donald Clarke and Mr. Laverne Devitt. Mrs. Fred Hamil- ton and Mrs. Jack Rahm upbeld the negative, and won. The roll cal was answered by the name of a missionary and his or her station. Lunch was served. The twenty-fourth of May was fittingly observed at Blackstock. A baîl game was beld in tbe afternaon. with Salem boys winning 8-10 in a game with Blackstock. Maple Grove girls were also victoriaus in a gamel with local girls. The results of the races held in the Fair Grounds and in the Cammunity Park were as fol- lows: Girls. 5 and under-Lucille Farder; Boys, 5 and under-Harold Hamilton; Girls, 6, 7 and 8-Thelma Ferguson: Boys, 6. 7 and 8-Jim Marlow; Girls, 9 and lO--Verna Mc- Nally: Girls, il and 12-Gwen Mar- low: Boys. 9, 10 and il-Lloyd Wright; Relay race, boys and girls -Boys: Sack race, 8 and under- Merle VanCamp; Boys over 8 years -Lloyd Wright; Girls. 10 and under -Verna McNally: Wbeelbarrow race -John Werry and Dalton Dorrell; Wheelbarrow race-Verlia McNally; and Gwen Marlow; 3-Leg race-1 Stewart Dorrell and Arnold Taylor,1 Gwen Màrlow and Verna McNaly. Backward race, under 8-tewart Dorrell; over 8 years-John Werry; girls under 1l-Verna McNal; irls over 1li-Peari Wright;* Minute race (girls)-Mamion Hill; îbos) -How ard Farder. In tbe evening a boun- tiful supper was seved by the Unit- ed Church. and a play "Headstrang Joan" was presented by Newtonville Dramatic Club. Very enJoyable mu- sic and readings were given between acts. Recent Ouests: Mr. Alvin Bell. B. A., Ottawa, Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell Mr. and Mms. Edwin Lillicrap. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. John Lili- crap. Toronto, at Mr. John Hooey's and Mr. Herman SameUls Miss Florence McLaughlin, B. A., Toronto, Miss Kate McLaughlin, R. N., Peter- boro, with tbelr parents Mr. a.nd Mms. Herbert Hooey and Miss Norma Hooey with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Best, Omano .Mm. and Mrs. Harold Mr. Lamne Poster, Millbrook. is visiting witb bis grandmotber. Mrs. Chas. Tbompsan. Miss Annie Tbompson and Mr. Arthur Thompson visited fricnds at Perrytown and Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boyd and family, Toronto, were holiday visit- ors at bis brother's, Mr. Fred Bayd. Taking for bis text. "There is a lad bere," Rev. Mr. Wallace deliver- ed a splendid sermon Sunday marn- ing. Miss Mary McLean and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Philips. and Mr. and Mrs. Tbompson, Toronto, spent the week- end bere. On Thursday nigbt Mr. Robert Wragg spoke ta the Young People's Society on "Good Books," giving a splendid address. Miwses W il ma Carson and Bernice Langstaff sangi a beautiful duet "Jesus is my nexti door ncighbour." NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. A. Colin visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Colin, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smitb and Ms. Jas. Stone left tbis week ta visit f riends in tbe West. Sympathy of tbe community goes out ta, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reich- rath in the death o! their baby boy Victor Manley. aged 1 year and 15 days. Tbe funeral took place Mon- day afternoon f rom the home a! bis grandparents. Mr. and Mr. Oea. Law, Kingston Road, ta Newitonville' cemetery. Mr. Elmer Pollard was injured while playing bail May 24th drn the game between Newcastl an Newtonville. necessitating s e v e r a stitches in his upper lip. This mis- bap unfortunately prevented hlm f rom taking bis part in the play "Headstrong Joan" which aur young people presented at Blackstock on May 24tb. The annual 24th of May supper in the United Churcb basement was a splendid success. proceeds amount- ing to about $125. A most delicious supper was served consisting of cold bam, potato salads, cabbage salads, pickles. jellies, bread and butter. pies. tarts, cakes. etc., in abundance. Those taking part an the program weme served lunch after and still quantities o! baking were left. Rev. Thos. Wallace was chairman o! the progmam whicb was a! particular in- terest as several of cour own young people wbo made a splendid sbowing irn the recent Durham Music Festi- val in Port Hope belped ta entertain. These were Misses Wanda McKay and Betty Lockhart, Mm. Cleland Lane and Rowland Burley, each o! wbom sang a sala and encore. Miss Margaret Toms, Newcatk, enter- talned wth* several fine readings. and M. G. E. Mizen. Port Hope, played a number o! cornet solos. witb Mrs. George Campbell accom- panist. Holiday Visitors: Mrs. Wm. Jay- ries and Audrey, Lake Shore, and Mrs. Jas. Pollard, Newcastle, with Mms. Wm. Millîgan, Mrs. Smith, Helen and Carol, Belleville, with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce Miss Velma Cowan. Cowanville, with Miss Laumna Pearce . Mrs. John Reid, Port Hope. wth Mrs. Chas. Reli Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Alexander, Ma- ple. and Mrs. Harold Coucb, New- castle, with tbeir parents, Rev. and Mrs. Thos. Wallace M. and Mms. Harry Stone and Ethel. Toronto,' with Mrs. Frank Law . Mrs. Thos. Stapleton with Mrs. George Smitb, Stamkville ..Mr. Ray Soles and Miss Margaret Soles, Toronto, at Mrs. Bruce Elllott's.. Miss Marion Samis, nurse In traiilng at Bowman- ville Hospital, at home , Miss EI- een Jones, Orono, wth Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven ,Mr. and Mrs. Wl Chester, Oshawa, wit.h Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknapp. The Oil of Power. - It la not claimed for D. Thomas' Eclectric 011 that it wll remedy every 111, but Its uses are so varions that It may be looked upon as -a general pain killer. It has acbieved that great- ness for ltself and its excellence la known ta ail wbo have testd t virtues and learned by expemi. -0 Toronto, with bis mother. Mrs. An- ACE ANNOUNCER drew Harran Miss Mary Waddell I A1S.JLETONJZ and Mr. Froctor, Toronto, at "Bide- . . . -~a-Wee" Mr. and Mrs. Morley1 Leaue n te Uite ChrchwasGreaves, Lindsay, at Mr. Percy Ed- postponed on Friday night. gns MsMageteAm Mrs. 0. Brown bas returned f rom srng, Rosseau, with her parents, Por Pery osptalandis mprv-Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong Poting. optl n simrv Miss Ann Griffitb, Toronto, with ber Seerlatede Biydf 1Pe grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Sevra atened alyduf re- Bowles Mr. and Mrs. Merwin byterian Cburch anniversary on 1 Mouflioy, Mr. Arthur Stapleton, at Sunday. M.AvnMGl',Lts Shirley and .Janetville Leagues wjî r AvnMcilsLts be guests of tbe local League on Friday nigbt.. ASPIRATION Caesarea and otber points on the lake front were thronged wth vac- "Mortals must graitate Gadward. I *ý..« . ationists over the weekend. their affections and aims grow spir- .......------ ... Mr. Proctor. Toronto, was in itual,-they must near the broader I /- cbarge of the Bible Class in Caes- interpretations o! being, and gain area United Sunday Scbool on Sun- some proper sense of the mnflnite.- day. in order that sin and mortality may ' Mrs. S. McLaugblin, Mrs. Joh be put off."-Mary Baker Edd*y. Watson, and Miss Marie Proutt le! t "Whilst we converse witb what isI on Tuesday to spend tbe summer above us, we do flot grow old, but wth friends in Saskatcbewan. grow young."-Emerson. k------ -- .. Recent Visitors: Mr. Walter Veale, ,It is but a base. ignoble mind Toronto, at Mr. Fred Veale's, ,Mr.. tbat mounts no bigber than a bird Wm. Brown at Mr, Wm. Hamilton'S, can coar."--ShakesPeare. Pontypaol. Mr. and Mrs. Edward IlLif t thyself up, look around, and Charles Jennings Sheffield, Hollywood, California, Mr.. see sometbing bigher and brighter and Mrs. Wilton Creed and chlidren, than eartb, eartbworms and eartb- Canadian Radio Cammi s sio n's Evelyn and Emerson, Mr. Ward, îy darkness."-Ricbter. ace announcer who is perbaps bet- Barrie, at Mr. Malcolm Emerson's MissMyrte Bacoc. Tront, *ter known as the "Toronto Weatber MissMyrte Becock Tornto Reporter. " He is a former news- with her parents.. Miss Laura Miller's Worm Powders neyer fail. paperman, and joined the staff of Proutt, Toronto, at Mr. Gea. Proutt's They immediately attack the worms CKGW, with transmitter at Bow- .Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kinsman, and expel tbem !rom the system.1 manviille, in 1929. He later went ta Toronto, bave opened tbeir cottage: Tbey are complete in themselves, New York and returned to accept Miss Edna Kinsman spent tbe week- not onlY as a worm destroyer, but this position witb the Radio Com- end with ber parents . and as a highly beneficial medicine for ý mission. Mrs. L. B. Williams, Miss Lella hildren, correcting weak digestion' Williams, Toronto, at their cottage and restoring the debilitated system at. Caesarea Mr. and Mrs. Crof t. Ita bealthfulness. without whicb the "~What we truly and earnestly as- Mr. and Mrs. Barber. Toronto, ati grotb of the child will be retard- pire ta bel that we are."-Mrs. Jam- ther ottge Mr. Charlie Rives, ed and its constitution weakened. eson. He Feit Miserable After Meals Acute Indigestion Relieved by Kruschen Tbe treatment wbicb put this man right must surely be wartb try- ing in every case of indigestion. Read what be says: "Two years ago I sufered very much f rom indigestion, loss of ap- petite, and a most severe pain in my back. Food soured in my stomach. I f elt most miserable after meals, and had no desire or appetite for tbem. A friend advîsed meato tmy Kruscben Salts. I d4d so, and I am moat happy to tests! y that after a sbort time I f elt tbe greatest relief. I continued taking Kruschen till I felt myself quite better and a new man. I feel as ligbt-bearted as I did twenty yeams ago."ý-W. B. Wbat Kruscben did for hlm it will do for everybody else wbo suiffers fromn indigestion as be did. The fact is that "the little daily dose" of Kruscbcn first stimulates tbe flow o! gastric juices ta aid digestion, and then ensumes a complete. regu- lar and un! ailing elimination o! all waste matter every day. An Oil without Alcabol. - Some ails and many medicines bave al- cobol as a prominent ingredient. A judiciaus mingling o! six essential ails compose Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011, and there is no alcohol in it, s0 that its effects are lasting. turui Ail hé thes o00thir ....... . ..... . ..... Yes, Mr. Parker, Chevrolet Trucks Have a Habit of Staying "'On the Job!" <=.> We decided to let the OWNERS cf Chovrolot Trucks write thisa cdv.rtisemnent for un. Bocause whcat sways truck men more thon csnything else is THE EXPERIENCE L 0F OTHER opERATORs. Read these typical comments from moen who KNOW Chevro lot and Maple Leof Trucks. Compare thoir oxprionce with your own. Asic yours.lf, are YOU getting the satisfaction that Chevrolet and Maple Lecaf Trucks offor 1ix THE VERY LOWEST PRICE RANGE? And see your Chevrolot dealer beoro you spond a coppor for now truck equipment. A compldeefine of tuck.s from I/g to 2 tms oepàcity ... Genetal Moto", T4SieT qipuent inakes it possible to haul 5 tons at the u'oldIs lonesi opel'ating coous. Liberal new Owner Seivice Policy ... Low deivered prices and easy GACtems. eaus for about fifteen yeazm. Duing that period w. have nover had an unsatisfacomy Chevrolet. At the prement time we are opemating fifteen Chevrolets in aur different delivery systems. Unlil nmre faur or five years ago, il was necessary ta gather ceam in the(-R'I~W winter months by horse canveyances, but the power and stamina of the Chevrolet Trucks made il possible ta opomate for twelve months each yeazr." BROOKFIEL CREAMERY LIMlTD, Truro, N.S. CT-45A CHEVROLET and MAPLE LEAF TRUCKS. CORIEROY NICHOLS OMNIL NO0TI1C E CHANGE TO Nlght Delivery Patrons of Bowmanvifle Dalry are asked to note that we wIU revert to NIGHT DELIVERY on SUNDAY, JUNE 2nd. Customers are asked te, co- operate by seeing that thefr botiles are placed out before they retire. THANK YOU. Bowmanville Dairy Phone 446 or"703 Bowmanville W. H. BETTLES, -Proprietor. 'We had a contract hauling logs about thirty feot long, a foot at the amail end, taking about thilxty ta a locd, which welghed around moyen tons. Trailer, load and truck weighed about ton tons. How i. that f ot a Chevrolet motor? Every winter 1 have been bucking snow, rumning ta my camp, hauling cord wood-taking a cord and a half ta a load, weighing about tbm.. tons, up one long bW in extra low about a mile, making six and eight trips a day. Different people boe can't l ie undermand how this truck is standing up I . EDWARD WILLIS, N. Sydney, C.B. àmý . KM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA~VILLE. THURSDAY, MAY 3Oth, 1935 PAGE F'IVE 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 30th, 1935 PAGE PIVE "ý7

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