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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 12

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PAG TWLVETHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVLL, THURSDAY, JUNE 6t, 1935 atAGEourTPak onJune t)n1plat rs m. Ba fr the lastOCk, ecutie bas decided to bave a Pic- ýyears. I A I ~~ ~~the best e der R rtin Clh b local iplat b n o o The Newcastle Independent sng.Hm~0l rRr Mrs. Nel s xisiting her niece. ection of Mrs. Percy Hare. Then Rchm nMy2.13.WS Mrs. C. R. Carveth. on June 3rd, Mesdames Percy Brownley Nelson. son of Mr. and Mrs. i Miss Ward, Walkerville. spent the and R. T. Rutherford took their cast Willîiam~ Fice. Taunton. and Elsa TidAna E. M. H. Ward.Prnia Daffy. They also presented. the Fan e tahe o Mr.anMr.hrd nni at ber daughýter-s Mrs. David Shaw.. eveniflg of tbis çweek. F1 n Ws.*k.-oin.FO. FrSae1 ot r-on Junior Farmers' Field Day,BetIiany 1ýoeài hath . BrdlIFRSAE- 1926 MODEL STAR POUND - A TRUCK TIRE. NEAR S traJn t,13 s . m uch0i P r ke r d in usiatb rom T h Bo rde Cap i es "Sar und er a D E A T H S car in good condition. Phone 423, B ow m anville. A pply B ox 103. S t r a q J n 5 h 9 q Toronto and er parents, Mr. andiTory Lady Is 87 Years Young, as.--<>ýBwnnil.2-*Bwavle.2- aet os ,tBi oraet Mrs. Walter Seldofi. vsted relatives a full colum n rite up of Mrs. El-_____________2 - o m nil.2- Girls' Sof t Bail Toura fi . BY'Sft aiTora et inea o WALSH -In Ooo. SnayPun.O SALE - GOLDEN MILLET LOST - WHITE GOLD BAR P IN Entries to sn Pr ope by a.m. nda rd .Jne l. 2ni Are eiltr. W lh ,wt q a ai e m n ofc .Gaies commence at 9.30 a .Sa d r i e inPtroo rBrit.Wnsr ohrb1ay5,in rn .R ,Boma et ot2,B .fr eUnt ttemf fie Miss E. L. Trenwith.went to Tor- .M c. W. H. Andersoni of this r village. w.A py .B n . fo eun oSaesoe ear n Grsa 23 -m onoon Tuesdaýy evening to attend' in recognition of ler 87th it a nrrdi rn eity RR.2Bomvle Lt2,.FSadrdEnsfrBO nurses' graduation exercises at Wes-i Mrs. Anderson has been an inali HANNA-At 1ow avs.e H sStaouth____Durham______ ton Saniarium. 1at the home of ber sister Miss Caro- Saturday. June lst, 1935. Alice E. FýRAE- ENATIONLCS OTPI FGASSES ALONG adBiGin5.0pm-NrhDhu Miss Minnie Pearce. Toronto, ac- lune Barrett. witb whoni their mo-i- Register; one J. &oJ.'Tae ONA'5CfSire- CbuArcb OFWeLligO Sre.Supper served in Orange Hall 5.00 to 7.30, at 30c per plate. ton Sanitarby i ssLe pette lorsie.lvrsne atf . la and Elleri E. Hanna. a- R gse;oe .&J alrr the epand bç i ss Lr ara e aentM thMs.e aso resid eever si nlathf a i ,li n d gher 3 o f ela te l- proof safe. J. B. M artyn, 2B-o ffindrpce laeat Staesm n H rd Bai2Gae-100Il 25c, 5th D a m s S uh Duh and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. personal f riend of evcry Conserva- LUTTRELL.-In Oshawa. on Wed- Fee 25c, 5;Bail tax.r Mrln r.J .Js n os ie premier since conferain nesday, May 29th, 1935. HelnM FOR SALE-~QUANTITY OF BUCK- LOST OR STRAYED-ONAdiso GunsAulS1,Zet MrrtbafnLongSault.buHcb 23-3 aeifesonsngt2vyar oldaabounpresient. dArCculural RPrelenata%. Miss Lorna Adamis and Misses Katie and among those sending ber con- George. widow of tbe late Davis wbeat, 50c per bu. Apply Bert day. May 29,roaLtn1.Co. . and Eileen Clark attendeil the Hol- gratulatiofla on ber recent birthday Luttreil, in bier 57th year. Inter- Rice. R. R. 1. Tyrone, ½ý mile Darlington, 9,l darkored1Durbham8 HARRY MeCAMUS, Ida E .SMES otHp Woodbridge, on Saturday. ceved over 25 gîf ta of floçers and FRSL-SOTOR BU. 750 ib. Phone 320r5 or rieGO EMcniGor'F. milrssocitin gation Leandaya vevi corei- fliamogthe er wereon .H. tv FOIAE SORH UL Sam Woodley, Tyrone. 23-1 Sec. Treas. Durbam JunirFrnr'Ascain Rev. aS. M aena veis orPc e- agthoie lr er s on al.H.ySe 1year old. red. herd fully accred- -____________________________________ tureof te moe iportant phases ens and Hon. David OrQîl who, as, l~MMfI.îIie.H.EilObmR .4 and n e kn wB ow fan vl ho e 00 24 a leadin z personalities at t e BaY c vri n no s is not a conserva -P o e 3O r4 CfQit onference at Peterboro. tire. .______ VEALE-In loving memnocy of Ruby -23-M2ON. arm Apply P.DLE DawE Rer. . MaLean ame orne romGrace Veale who passed away FO AL ousekeper for adult family on a1 conference on Friday erefling. MaYl Lots of Base Bail Gaines .JnePA133Naltt.g O , t One MPINeI2ON, Bwafvle fi ted att eddiflgs. Mr. Mac- 1 There are rery few eveninga on , iec eie teris. Apply John Meagber, 92 __ _3- T A XESSi 3 at bth eents abchItereislnonaeaîl aine tO _ Mot er a . Li7ad Jo n Lean accompaflying a oheet. __c heei o algm o -Mte.Dd osadJh. Simacoe Street North,-,Osbawa. FARM WANTED TO BUY, EITHER T X S1 3 Georges C1hurchbail itwitb or without f arming ipe Maounda.D, eco . teami. If it is not badbIhtî memory of a FOR SAL ESH CAR LOAD 0F, ments. lire stock and crop. John Masn. MA.. B.itsuD., Rector sf al adec rwsisa-Fisher, Box 396, Bowmanville. WN 0 BO M N L E Joun t~ion; 9.45 8a. m.- Hoîdy softbail.ofansa. rw ts a- dear husbafd and f ateir. William 1 ç%ood aingles and cernent just ar- Phone 420. 2-- ON O OMNI L School; 1il a. .M ri Pae Last Wedn -daY eek the to 10- Griffin. who passedi away June 3.1i rived at Burketon elevator. Phone, --------____ EvnogadSro.tas ebr fte 1932.1 Bowninville 195r5. Port PerrY HELP WA EDTWO NEAT AP p. ~Eenon ad ermn. ca brdbal eammmer fte Gone fo tewrld of sorrow 1193r51.yeroud ok.odpaan Mr. W alter Blackburn is home on Leg . met for the first ture Dandun-cace No frNormal SbO.Peterbor.on hehoediamofld. the Box adHEINTZMANndwrk go py n bavig Goe tothelandon btghtandFOR SALEPANOS avncmn Wie C ra ison-I ai o haiý been recomm ended for bis Fact ory t a in under the manage- fair h a d o.M sn & ic ,N r e a v ne J N 2t o D;o i lst clasa certificate on bais year's ment of J. A .Smith, and the select- fesinreh ad htdi o.Msn& ic.Nrhi- er B, Bowmnanville. 23-1 First Instalent due UN olth - No/2% scout require tOaedeewheste teamunder te man-er. Price $95.CO and up, terms. a.deSP-1 work and vll not be their best ewatl ea ndrth an Apply John Meagher. 92 Sincoe WANTED- COTTAGE FOR RENT Second Insta.d eS P .lt /% Srigt wrtedearifenalexmiaton.U age. n fEltf Sin os.i Gone. .one dear father. gone to St. North, Oshawa. 2- tBwavleBahfrrot Newcatle C m ui h atrw nb o3 ilB u et of July, by f amily with no amall hrd Instalment due E . l t % S r i h bth comfrandtYh all i Thefatter or 4toh3.Sih Bta SdymEe Wif e and Family. 1 FOR SALE - WHITE LEGHORN ebjîdren. Write particulars to BayCik"rmM.dtse .F"c ttsa fie o-Rtpyr aeugdt aeavnaeo h haethe privilege of xinsig a and Tom Brown, catcher; w ile B b hcs fon bodt-e .F"c tts a fie o -d t a e a v n a eo h event of a knd hich neer before these f uctions are perf ormed chief - les eue rcsatrMy mnilOt 31Rtpy ieug bas been taged in the village wben y brSinas team wbich aeems to a reception was held at the home of 1.5 Phone Alvin Cleliens. Bow- mc-asp-sil on Friday erening the Home and lack a distinctive naine, by Geo. the brides parents. where the bride'a manviUle, near Hampton. 18-tfdscutbYpyiga School Clubs of the rural sections Graham. tbe Reeve's youngest bro- mother received guesta. wearing a --f o e round about w,,ill hold a grand rally. ther. and John Rickard. te ex- f rock of roal blue crepe with cape FOR SALE - THOROUGHBRED nw Mr. J. H. Jose as taken dOwn his 1Reeea son. iee nï ihlc.adcrae Hlti o fly crdtdPSUEFRCTL-APY barn near the lake and will have it On Tursday eening. the girls' of roses. The groomns mother wore federal blood îtested: aso Happy; to W. J. Williais, 17 Rose Street. net nayaon eevd re-erected on a concrete foundatiofi sof t bail season opened in Newcastle; black and white printed silk crepe Thoiight range. Apply W. Lukeý Oshawa.2-2Patl y adjo'niflg the bornm a nte wth the local team under the man- xwith corsage of roses.Ateter- Buttery, R. R. 6. Bowvmanville.1 Base Line. The foundation fromn agement of Geo. Crovvther lined Up ception M. and Mc. Reid lef t by Phone 219W. 2-* O EI-3ROSOE erald d xcag o whih te,ýldbar i bengreroed againt Oshawa. vvho in their smart motol' for easern ponts. the bride Etl OdrOfc.ApyH aret n ~hîchthe ld bcn i beifg _____FOR___ SALE___________ atons Ordr Ofice. Aand H.o offeca admirable :)ppotunities for suits. were too rnuch on this occas- travelling in a nary blue crepe suit. BRICK HOUSE- Kelly, Bowinanille. 23-2 sa e f r e el the ecectiofi f an ideal-r situated ion for the local girls, the scoe nary pol coat anid feli hat. On îy neVw city FOR SE-Nv E AR - __ _ __ _ __s.u f-Ofwc e ue nd p stg f 1e e summer apactment bouse. tanding 16 to 3. Newcastle teaiis their letuin rbey wili ces:de aI. rwo acres of cand.ver oi es and O1 R NT FOU RO M A AR Treo eýcse' otaret1badly in need of new uniformns and Starkville. bath . Sinail cash payment. bal- menty Geo. W. J, aes. Pone531 etl' nnimrods took a tr pn or heasterly is go ng o get them . T he ga mie w asl ane___5___________am______________WJa es._hon_53 abeeoiver. Aoodfiser r tetufln wit Aain neudayeein.Nw-SLden. Maple Grore. 22-2* iTO) RENT-SIX ROOMED HOUSE. Town Hall -Houî's: 9 - 12 a. in. - 2 - 5 P. M- Fb eR i e . At rA an o a u d y e e gNe- FAL E M al conv.efience. central location. C.R a re '-eFRomSALmoPA ieNew. SAiLEY aCa OR RENT-F.S.IX R.oeD1BRICK Tax Collctr their catch they - C. R Caeth. tonville teami of the four cocne'ced FrdFligg and Geo. C Wright. had loop visited Newcastle, but the gaine j isGlds Cann. Toron-o was an_____o._$5_0___ein2-t FE ney's and found that the ldoyer eral if the players coining froin the Maf.M aby. on sva rmaîed oc rlie ner. Aply bns OusRend arg, h veie 4 0 l b s . o f f i s h , m o s t l y b a s a a n d p i c - f a r m , a n d x li e n i l wi a s c a l l e d o n J ohF . a b y . o n s i u r n e ge c . 2 fmo r tee t s p l yh e a n dl g a M r aw l l c e B . B o w -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ kerel. ~~ ~~~account of darkness the two teamas iting at the Squaic ome. Jh ege.9 iceSre s pl SM"Dae ,Bw M. A. O. Parker was unab-- ec te.a- ac.M. and Mrs. Eart Pollard. To- Nrh saa __________ attend Confecence at Peterboro as j Beginning thia week Brown's sof t rente, spent the weekend vvitb bis --'SOR-T-RNT--STTEM- bis presence w as r i e n T r a t a , 'h J c ar o ng h s f t e , M . C ol r .F O R SALE - D EER IN O G R A I1 N 1 BS O R C) f R ENi I occup e by H Parker, underwent an oper'ation forbo and Matnard Clough receivlng. onto, is spending the week with ber separator: 1 Fleury plow No 212 Jmeo o. pl tts the remnoval of a cataact foin one wenýXt lown to the Lake Shore on uncle and aunt, Mr. and Ma. Len. wagon prings; Massey mower , 5 man Office. CTR TOW AE eye on May 27th, the second eye to Monday evening and trimmiedi their Richards. teu.ApyLR.WoKnTOEN OE OS0 be operated on later. Mc. H.E.- teain 39 f0 6. But their's being a MssTelaWercy- attended the ft et. wApplLe. .PWodng T RNTON7H S N HOR- Hancock, alternate del ee attend- nwtaiprbPust hasn't found nuss'gauaiat oot o ree5. Bwmni2e1Poe- sey Street, the "Battle Home"; new team, perhaps j nuMrMc. JohnhCaalagb an TprottWeH-s-oVn ue o WllngonSt, h witb Revcein om its tride yet and will ikely do a lot pital wben ler friend. Miss Inez -2- n os n W IlfgoiS. b edestonfeteece inh an "FarroweH o e." J. B . M artyn . S. MacLean~. d Bobxttm.MasnSuc e "aro o bettr nxt ime.Manon oucLuke gcduaed c Moday nedaygolf niatBulitgtofl Golf ~a ie O 1 United Churccb- Rev. S. Mac- did matorte pichn a u n rda S e n ol nnr'aiy. sec- Club Fr OR R vlEN 6RO M-2BIC Lean, B. A.. Pastor. Sunday, un Hendr3' the catching. Sna colanvra- e-ýCu FRRN OMDBIKFr th: Special services ini coniiectionI Next girls' sDft bail garre here is ' vices were beld on Sunday wben the!A nras foer$0Snablos.e-ic with the 101h anniveî'ay br! h ltt , wr. itb Port Hope ete'wsiel n ag O amount on deposit 10 the credit of conreniences, and garage. eta- Bnicn.,Rer. Hrol* J. ell. M.A..11 and evening. Mr. J. J. M e 1 or.lBowmvranville Public School Cbild- ly located. possession at once. A- a. M.anE8p.D.N GST.S t23-Pe ny Ba k a ndly DrF urT. BC o a tsle o B. ..Blaksock wIl recba i *Ccooked Creek. wa3 the speaker and cen in the Onta'OPnyBn t pyDae'T.Bwnnilo in. andt 2.8 p. mn. D .S.T. çundayDIN delireced t'. very fine addresaes. the end of April as compai'ed witb pbon e 30.231 Scbol a 2.3 . A .,Sîngng y th acoolwas ellren- the comparative figures foc a yeai' - ceertetetet nnvrar feced. and Miss Lillian Nayloc. Bow- 1 ago. is revealed in the curent ce- 1 HEATED APARTMENT TO RENT- n u o t unonat aJn e 0nlngforpptig on Kennedy-Lowry mnanville. sang a vry fine solo at port of the Bank. Bownmanville pu-1 Central location. 7 rooma. all mod- eac srvce wtbMc F Sttn.pils who o w rtie ei aemer conrefliences. fireplace in liv- special prograri il30beiog 40%nofdthea totalhcoil.;tbasrga.denutandgafoge.wopossessionears have spca rori s en rrne. A quiet bouse wedding was sol- Bowmaflrille. as accoinpaniSt. 0f- been depositing 10 the tune of about ing coom., electrie stove instaîled. um lt The farmera of this section. per- ennized at the resdence of the feinga wee about $35. 3't 0, ftettlrlhs gre n aae ossinT e d y hapa because of the abundant croPs brideas parents. Mc. and Mca. Thomi- Y .L etn ensa r jumnped now to 5017. Township Of June lat. Phone 388. ApPly Mrs. have.en .ng . m e2tianin on o. . bs 24 ofitspu- Archie Tait. 1 -fT tbey grow witout il. appai'entîy as J. Lowy, f ouctb concession of .l. oee ib te I l oi t i n . ha bank. ____of______pu- haeno intereatinacmeil Clarke Township, June lat, in the President conducting the o"enn"pl eoiin nti ak fertilizer. .A.nyway thece wece onlyýpeec of the immediate relatives., exercises. Mc. F. Cator led in____________________5 1__ five people at the meeting supsdwben Ms id el or e 10 be eld in the counil chamber came the bride of Mr. James Gas- ecandtg e t ingVice c. . e rry.S t r c a, u oMay 3Oth, including H. H. Han- wortby Kenniedy of Islington, Ont. cadgte ofollowiceg pr.grai.gnsed:,N0 nain, Gen. Secretal'y of the U.F.O., The bride was supported by ber . Biblte freading Misa L. esb: IN L15 'L Sele Our Windows for the Latest 1936 Styles v an.a nL > O flss -tib l r a d i g s , M i s L . Wl Sh :C H A N G E T O Ralph S.Staples. ton er Thelma and the grooms sister, comena o tMiesesetaknib aloi Hetherington, Bowmanville. Fac- Hazel Lilian Kennedy, while Joan M. lckburfl: on tb %ee f lloed ainFr o mecs wece to be advised and have a Lawence. the btides niece, was splendidaddr: enMca. W J i n urCot proposition laid before thein as to flowec girl. Mc. Walter' J. Bcooker, of etnv dilessh gare aW Jesry in- m at how tbey couîd save $8 10 $10 a ton Toronto, was groomainan. The cer- avsin couto eca cee n tnp UUlownc o YurO uFrITa o h i e tl z r r q i e e t eiony w s pe f r ed y Rv .S .O r L U I I L y D e l a e r Y L i e ra l ofo w an ce o n Y o u r O ldrF u Nwovlesang a solo and encore' fF ) 'Ei ade'W a Beebnreal'aing and produi-MaLa of Newcastle U n i t le d ing their pîsys at outside points. the Churcb. TMe beat wishes of their irfieSoicaisdW.Rikar. ew inernbera of two Newcastle casta many f iends accomfpany the young -asine ocdetedis an iamusiNein- have been keepirig long bours and couple f0 their home i i n song gamt e whic bc o n u ige e i Mnpl hvPsvdpl yaroaske o n e a iU putting in a busy lime in tcying t- îng toani cl. At ten e iet Mny ole sine ed a n tyncednd Iu r ii keep Up with theic egular home eAnnireisa inVîsitsaes: ReidwPerrIn . edrevert te uteasel.On May 315t, the «Y . P . L. t" h i l y A N oble j A p rett y- su m m er w ed d n g w as M i. J. J. B ell, B ase L n , w t c e w r e I H E I E YO p s t a n o a - o e o n a l i î Clarke United Church, when Grace'l Buttecy lat home Mc. and Mca. J. o ________________________ Edt b Emils' Pe~rin, eIder daughtec W. Lancaster and Mc. S. Lancaster. ear Wspilingi Clarke, formecly of Toronito. Was and family. Maple Gro'.e. Miss R. he taWrkndT- SUNDAY, jUNE 2nd. unifed in marciage to William AI- Bennett, Tow'n. with Mr. and mithing. and aIl our stock of fred Reid, son of Mr.s. Reid land the S. Butteryd Mr. and Mc. R. M. pipe and fitting, both galvan- Customei's are asked to co- go ne n le Swe c c ifo al . Mr. nd . M . B v a nd-ca. .1 BU ndO ba cka e on ae. o ttie ar e eplaced ou t b eore B O W M A N VL Le a OFIE2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GR.708Twatrebui PCAIO TOROTO and Mca. R. Langiiad andi fainily, Solîna. wth rc. and -c, G . ASI0OA.jgular 12e S~IL ~ Md C e. M i . RSSIN LA , eRW O IE C E MComedy --Cartoon - NIews 'no e E N E D Y o te h n , i d .J .M cal. F T am - S L E W O ' C R M atin e W ednesday at 4 p. m . pORT HO~~PE Office i lelWDEDA t ScbniM. J .Mio.Co eahwekforn.9 Ca. m. to 9 p. rm. Phone 248 ýblyn. 01-'ono, Mi-. andi Mc-. C. Bige- Served in our Ice Creamn Parlour. Drop in for a deliciotis eac wek f Vw. .rotMr. andi Mca. L. Colla- Sundae. We have a wicle variety of creations. priced most or .525.J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. ecctt anti faînily. Maple Grore, Mr. raoal.Slewo' cnb ucae nbcI arid Mis. L. Saery anti famil. bricks, dixie cups. and eskimo pies. i ShirlyTG pei:"U ITL IRL" Mc9p m odo . , .Talr r Maurice Chevalier in "FOLIES BERGERE" wekfoi9-.M-Ha. Fre@ rDetesla MssJoneorge Arliss in "CARDINAL RICHELIEU" H l.Mr. Kenneth Cain, 010d, andtaodBliIrg ts'W I N A ' .N A Weinshre il idl nk apittinsýr.F lbuM. nd wtMc.a.d A., o bB sIale yWill Rogers ifl "DOUBTINO THIOMAS" Weccy. Ebenezer. wit;A Wel h M c. and M cs.A. Phone 3 Dîstributors Dad's Cookles BownlanvilC "ROBERTA" - _ Mae West In 'GOING TO TOW" NOEVJee taifossbe kmindlYmakoapoln fEmnW M'. . Babinrwith Mr. and Mî'a 1 _______________________________ for exml.......L W. G. Wecry. _________________

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