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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 1

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With Which -Is Incorporated The Bownanville News 'PETER LAMBROS S 1 How They Celebrate First Instalim'ent JOINT OWNER 0F of Taxes are Due e NEW GALT CFE~ TeGuiId" One of Ontario's Most V.~I m~v J.~ê Up-to-Date Cales Opened Wednsda Nexý'«Last Week Peter Lambros, enterprising pro- Discounts Are Allowed on prietor af the Olympia Cafe. has Prepayimt of Septem- apened a new restaurant in Gait. On Wednesday, May 29th. the Gaît ber aiid December l2th Daiy Reparter had a two page spc Paymeuts If Paid on June new enterrise. Toi mark the apen- ing on that evening. Open Hausel 12th was heid and hundreds of custam- ers were treated ta cake and ice: The firat instaliment of taxes in cream. The Reparter in a long! the town of Bwmanx ilie are due on story cavering the new venture, W.dnesday next, June i2th. The states that it is one o! the finest i second iist aliment is due an Sep- of its kind in the province. Over tember 12th. and the third and final $12,00 has been invested by the ln8taflment on December l2th. 0f- two proprietors, Mr. Lambros anid ficial natification af these facts is Mr. Louis Laskares. The cafe is . < .. l contained in an advertisement in compieteiy equipped with every thIù Issue over the signature of Fred modemn convenience inciuding elec- Pattinson, Tax Collectr. Ratepay- tric refrigeration, a magnificent1 el-s are urged by the counicil ta, make soda fountain, a modern kitchen, every effort to meet tax payments and- a candy making kitcheni. The as they f ail due. To encourage the cafe is ta be knawn as The Guild prepayment af taxes certain dis- and the whale interiar is carried out i counts have been arranged which in walnut and harmanizing tones.' wili mean a saving ta those who His miany friends in Bowmanville take advantage o! them. No dis- will not only af fer congratulations Durham County's orcharcis have S caunt is ailowed uon the ia-en n h penlng of this fine restaur-i this week been bowers o! white and the June 12th instalimeht, but if ant but will wish Mr. Lambros ev-, 1.t] tahd an Jeb l 2th a discaunt of ery success in this new venture. pink tinted biossams, which the av- paid on__________a discontof__ erage Durhamite take.s for granted t i1 % is allowed. and if the final0 andi which many f rom large cen-h insalmet s aidonWeneda ESTIMATES ARE WIDE tres would drive many miles ta see s nexta staigh disountof 3 iSif blossam time was given an ade-V allowed. For thase who finti it dif- APART FOR PAINTING 1 quate send-of f. Depicteti abave is aN f icuit ta pay their taxes in three lump sums the counicil has permit- HYDRO SHOP FRONT ted the partial payment in any am--____ aunt. but an effort must. be made ta 3. H. Abernethy Awarded Cantract -*I pay up the taxes in the current year Att5ri etngo tliis B wmanvimle Boy if penalties are ta be avoided. 1 Comuimssion1 MANY PRESENTATIONS Estimates ta give the front of thel Provincial Police MAE OPOULRHydr Shop three coats o a tvar-, LOCAL NEWLYWEDS men entered estiinates at the mon-~ In Darung Captureý ________ thly meeting of the Utilities Com-____ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoskin Honored mission an Tuesday afternoon. ThePrvnilC stbeRex By Ther Man Frieds At bids were for $30. $25, $18, and $15. Poica osal Ga theMnng La st Wee The contract for the job was given Ca rl ofLn n I- _______ Lat ee ,ta J. H. Abernethy of Bowmanviýe Cvry o odn I Mr. Wm. J. Hoskin. popular driver whose bld a! $15 was lowest. strurnental in Arresting wth the Garton Coach Lines, was.- Only routine business was trans Da honoreti three times during the past acteti at the meeting which was of! j gerous Escaped Con- week in recognition of his recent brief duration. Electric light lac-1 vict marriage. On Saturday night, a re- counits, which includes power bill ception was heiti for Mr. and Mrs. were passed tatailing $7729.07. and Hoskin at the home of his parents. water accaunts amounting ta $829.1 A Bawmanville boy. Provincial Mr. andi Mrs. James Hoskin. North 02, were alsa passed. Included inr Constable Rex Caverly o! London, Harmany, when about 50 attendeti. this latter sum is $558.24 which was , son a! Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Caverly, A very pleasant social evening, at in the nature o! a refund ta theI figured praminently in the coiumnis the close a! which refreshments Tawn of Bowmanville for equlpment Of metropolitian dailies last week, were served, was enjoyed by the said to have been turned over ta the due ta his spectacular work in the1 company. Commission when it took aover the capture o! A-chie Hyatt, Kingston On Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Densem, operation o! the water utility. desparado and fugitire near London, Church Street, entertained for the Arrangements were made at the Ont a odctn asn newlyweds, when about 25 !riends meeting ta have the Commissionat- yatt ad eencanctingwa ein- weepresent. Mr. andi Mrs. Hoskin tend the annuai Conventian o! the WsteanOnro andcim wave in were presented with a beautiful wal- Association o! Municipal Eiectrlc sleep between escapades when he nut fern stand an dfern. The ad- Utilities at Bigwin Inn, Muskoka, on wa surprxsed by Constable Caver- dress was read by Mrs. J. A. Cale July 4th, 5th and 6th. It is expected ly, who made the arrest. anti the presentation madie by Mrs. that the entire commission will at- Hyatt was armed with a single Densem. The evening was spent in tend. barrelleti shotgun and a .22 calibre progressive crokinole, cartis anti re--rilbt od.Regnzgth f reshments were served. i.. riebahlOtie. Reorzand the On Wednestiay îast employees aofbni' aOfie ael n i the Gartan Coach Lins gathered ta- COMING EVENTS 1 police chauffeur. rusheti the car. gether anti presenteti Mr. Haskin ..-_________ . Their arrivai awoke the fugitive who with an occasianai chair. The pre- however was overpowered before he sentation was matie by Miss Irene Reserve Friday, June 2lst, far the had any opportunity ta use his wea- Lamb wha has charge af the Osh- lawn suPper at St. Antirew's Church. pans. awaoffce.Home anti School Club Raliy in The Mail and Empire said on Fi- awaoffce. ________ Newcastle Cammunity Hall on Fi- day that "the arrest is regardeti as Mr. and Mrs. Clif! Caverly were day, June 7th. at 7.30 p. m. S.T. re!lecting great credit an Caveriy In Weston Wetinestiay afternaan at- Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, Provincial' anti his chauffeur Amey, andi on the tending the graduation exercises o! Presient. andi Mrs. Silcax will be whole strength o! the London Dlv- Weston Hospital where their daugh- the speakers. Gooti musical pragram. isian." ter, Miss Winona Caverly, was ane No charge, everybody welcome. Hyatt was wanted for Jail break- of the gratitates. Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer Anniversary, Sunday, ing robbery in Canada, and also in Douglas D. Barton and Ellenar, o! June 9th: Services at 10 a. m., 2 p. Virgnia for the sanie charges. Enniskillen, accomPanied them. m. anti 7 p. m. Rev. C. C. Washing-0 Attention! Al retaUl merchants o! ton a! Fairiawn United Church. Ta- TRINITY W. M. S. Bowmanville. Hon. H. H. Stevens ronto, will preach. The choir will TrntWoe'MiinaySc wil atdres te etal Mrchntso!be assisteti by Alan Balsan. Miss~ iety helti a very interesting meeting this province an Friday, June 7th. Lenore Reynolds, Mrs. Cecil DudleyITuesday afternoon. After regular at 8.15 p. m. in Massey Hall. Tor- and Mrs. Vernon Ott. On Mantiay.I business, Mrs. Frank Jackman, onto. Al merchants who wish toi June ith, at 6 p. m. there will be a Temperance Secretary, read a spien- hear this autstanding speaker are league football game, Courtice vs did paper on "Give Goti a Chance." requestedt t notify either the Treas- Solina. At 7.30 p. m. at the church, Mrs. H. Foster taok charge a! the urer ar Secretary o! the local branch Ebenezer's successfui play "Sonry prograin: Hyrnn 'Hark the Song o! flot later than Thursday evefllng. Jane" will be presented. Everyone Jubiiee" was sung; prayer by Mrs. June 6th. W. Len. Eliott, Treasur- came and enloy our anniversary S. Wood; Mrs. Stocker read the de- er; C. Gardon Marris. Secretary. wth us. Standard time throughout. votionai leaflet "Circle a! Frienti- 1 chin- Mm M I ý,ar. lt.Z4I UUUL U LnipI Eigkt Women's Institutes Iiad.Splendid Seasons District Annual Meeting Told St. John's Parish Hall Was Scene of Large Gathering of Institute Members from West Durham - Mrs. Roy Langmaid of Solina la New District President Slins, Orono, Bowm a n v i 1 1 e,~ liampton, Victorian, Newtonville, -Tyrone anti Nestleton branches a! the Wamen's Institute were repre-j senteti at the District Annual meet-i ing helti in St. John's Parish Hall, on Friday. Mrs. Fred O. Baker. President o! Bowmanviile Branch, gave the address o! welcome ta the rnany who attentiet anti stresseti the neeti bar better homes anti better communities. Mrs .R. J. Hadgson, Tyrone. repiiedti t the addmess o! welcome. The financial repart wss most grstifyiflg with the statement for the District anti the eight branches as fllows: receipts-$12l4.25; ex- pend itu res-$926.94; balance o! $287.31. Reports of the vaiaus branches were f ull o! interest, anti indicative o! active, healthy organizatian work- lng for Home anti Country. Ail the branches reporteti splendid papersl anti atdresses tiuring year, exten-1 sive weifare work in the communityl anti in neetiy sections a! the Domin- ian. In variaus centres a llbrary has been built up; assistance In church decoratian; in keeplng in e-i pair parks anti monuments, ant iIn Mms. T. W. Cawker anti Mms. Elmo Anderson wha sang a duet "Beauti- fui Message"; a paper on "Love"~ which hati been given at the Branch meeting at Belleville was reati bY Mrs. B. M. Warnica; Mrs. J. H. H. Jury gave a very instructive anti helplul talk on the womk tione by same o! the women o! Indus. COUNTIES WARDEN caning for underprivilegeti chiltiren. Histarical research playeti an Im- portant part in the programs, as well as demonstratians, health talks anti other atidresses. Total attend- ance o! the District dumlng the year was 4,404 with an average member-, ship o! 376, an increase aver 1933- 34. A very appetizing dinner was ser- veti in the basement by Bowmanville ladies, anti a Question Box was one o! the features a! the a! ternoon. Numerous subi ects came tp for dis- cussion including the poblem o! the too-fre<iuent dumping system on aur side rostis. It was tiecideti that when the Cauncil will take no ac- t ion. the Women's Institute certain- ly shoulti. It was thought ativisable ta exchange gooti papers in te branches, anti the necesslty o! as- slsting in insurlng the health a! ReePre tno schaal chiltiren by vaccination antideePrc tno other measures was stresseti. Mrs. 0j' Mviiibrook, Wsrtien o! the Un- Alex Colville entertaineti in her itedi Counties of Durham anti Nom- piessing manner with twO vocal thumberlandi, who is preslding at solos.. the June session o! the Cauncil now jMrs. Foster Fergusan, District1 meeting in Cobourg. Among the IPresitient, stateti that evemY branc important items o! business ta be shoulti senti a delegate to the W. I. discusseti is the erection o! the new Hause o! Refuge at Cobourg for (Contlnued an page 3) which tenders have been submitteti Apple Blossom Week in Other Centersl NEAT GARDENS 0F ISCHOOL STUDENTS scene in the North Central Wash- festivities anti a week o! gay cele- ington Apple Blossom Festival, wîth bratian attend the blossem time. the Queen o! the Blossoms anti hem iWith the isplay of a littie interest retinue o! beautiful girls shown as! anti initiative among grawers here, the Rayai gondola arrives at the such a festival. which woulti attract landing a!ter a trlumphant proces-, thousantis ta Durham, coulti quite sion up the canal. Not anly in easily be matie an annual affair, Washington, but in Virginia, in anti thus give widespreati pu'ulicity Nova Scatia anti elsewhere- great ta the lusclous apples of this caunty. DEOR'nNDAY IN Mayor to Attend 23 MeetingUE 2 Byodro! the Town Caun- M ayoral M e i cil. Sunday, J'Une 23mti. has been set apart for the annualhe r Decoation Day ceemonies at at Kitchen r oon1 Bowmanvilie Cemetémy. when____ citizens jain in paying tribute anti respect ta the departeti. Council Asks Mayor to At- The proceedings for this year tend Important Gather- will follaw along the line ofMetn pevious years. A parade will ing - RoutineMetn farmi at the Public School anti wiil march. ta music pravieti Held on Monday Night by the Legian Banti. ta the Cemetery wheme members o! Mayor W. Ross Strike was in- the Ministerial Association structedti t attend, if possible, the wiil conduct the service. A conference o! Ontario Mayors ta be speaker wiil also briefly ad- helti in Kitchener an June 12-13., tiress the gatheming. Cauncil- at June meeting o! council on Mon-, lom C. Gardon Marris, Chair- tiay night. At the conference it is man o! the Cenietemy Commit- plannedti t discuss unemploymnent tee. will reprea<ge the town in wark costs. new taxes, govenment the arrangements, anti the collection a! income taxes, anti a Ministerial Association will ar- hast of kindreti pressing topics. range fom the service.1 T. H. Knight anti Fred Cryder- -man, representing the Bawmanvhlle Rotary Club, requesteti the counicil ta consitier making a donation to- warti the upkeep anti improvement W estmount Co pl o Rotary Park on Queen anti Div- Coupleision Streets. with the Rotary Club. R eceived Gifts o ýPdciedtospedupnILCun pa sed a motion that they were not Silver Anniversary pr epamedti t make any grant taward lits upkeep, but would tiraw the at- ________tention o! the Welf are Boardt t the Mr. and Mrs. Luke Hilderly Park with the suggestion that they, gave any assistance they see lit. Presented With H a n d-1 Communication f!rom John Cox equesting a ebate on taxes on the some Gifts on Occasion building !ormerly occupieti by Bank of 25th Wedding Anni- af Commerce was eferredti t the, Court o! Revision. versa"y Accounts totalling $2008.37 weme _______atiapted. Mm. anti Mms. Luke Hiderly. West- J. B. Martyn reporteti that in moun, wee th recpiens may teepening his cellar the sewageý mon, ee h rcpisof drin ws nt satislactory. Reet beautiful gifts when their neighbams danwsn Z r joineti on Satumday in celebrating edt t Roads anti Streets Conittee. with them the 25th annivemsary of Leaking hydrants weme discussed their wedtiing. Sixteen guests sat but. counicil decitied . hat f aU anti tiown at the dinner party, after sping inspections were sufficient. which the foliowing address was reati: Mm. anti Mrs. Hildely:-We con- HOSPITAL DOLLAR gratulate you on the happy complet- DAY CONTRIBUTIONS ion o! twenty-five years o! marrieti 1f e. We sincerely wish you at least Bowmanville Hospital Board gmae anather twenty-five years a! loving fully acknawletiges receipt of these companicnship, with plenty o! joy luthem subscriptians ta its Dollar anti nat more than enaugh sarrow Day appeal: ta give relish ta the happiness. We Previously acknawledged $94.00 know that however long you are T. C. Jewell 1.00 spareti to each other, you wiil con- B. H. Fairbairn 1.00 tinue that lIfe o! service in yaur S. Cha-les Allun 1.00 community which prompts us, your R. M. Cale 1.00 neighboms. to present you this token Byron T. Moore 1.00 o! aur esteem. Garth Perett 1.00 Signeti: Mr. anti Mrs. B. E. Ing- Hamry Pry 1.00 ham, Mm. anti Mrs. T. H. Knight. Mr. anti Mrz. J. O'Neill 1.00 Miss Elizabeth Painton, Mm. antid020 Mms. F. C. Vanstane, Mrs. H. J. Total$120 iCnight. Mr. andi Mrs. Hiltierly were then HERE NEXT SUNDAY presenteti with a beautilul case a! silverware in a hantisome case. Mr. anti Mms. Hiltierly were also the e- cipients o! a colti meat fomk anti cheese server, a silver tiish, anti ather pleces o! sUlver, from frientis anti relatives. Mrs. Vanstane antid ~ .. Miss Bernice Gay weme winnems o! prizes in lnterestlng contests.. Mm. anti Mrs. Hildemly were mar- ieti in Surrey, Englanti, on June 4th, 1910. Mr. HI rl sred i wth His MaJesty's farces in Salonica, anti Mesopotamia durlng the great wam, serving in ail 7 years with the army. They have llved in Bawman- ville about seven years. They have one son Charles anti one daughter Rachel, both o! Bwmanviile. Mrs. Daniel Galbraith, Miss Mary Galbraith, Mrs. H. Murray anti tiaughters Janice anti Julie, Toronto, were Suntiay visitors with Misses Flora anti Belle Galbraith, Bowxnan- ville, anti Mm. anti Mrs. D. J. Glb- son anti Mm. anti Mrs. Duncan Gai- R.Re.A .Bvry .D braith, Newcastle. t e.AR.BvryD.. . Congratulations ta, Dr. Eartiley Su! fragan Bishop a! Toronto wh( .Aluin, son o! the late Dr. Edigar AI- will conduct the impressive servic( tlin. Etimonton ,Alta., who has comn- o! Confirmation, anti will unveil th4 epleteti his surgean's course In Lon- beautiful new Altar Wintoii l don Engianti, anti recelveti bis F.R. memory o! the late Dm. S. C. Hillier DC.S. Eng. degree. Hie 13 a nephew a! at the openlng services o! St. John1 iMiss Annie Alliai anti Messrs. A. H., Centenary on Sunday. Pull Partie rS. Chas. anti W. R .Allin, Bawman- ulars o! these services appear or ville, page ton. ATTRACT ATTENTION' Work o! Agricultural Class at Public Sehool Is Commendable If there are any citizens who would like ta secure a lesson in dlean and systematic gartiening,4, theyF shoulti pay a visit ta the Public Schoal gardens an Wellington Street, on the lot between the residences af Dr. R. W. Clark anti Mr. E. Os- borne. Here the youthfui agricul- turists ai the Public School under the direction a! Principal J. H. Jahnston are learning the rudiments af gooti gartiening anti learning them in a scientific manner. They0 learn the resuits o! certain actions by tiefinite proof. Far instance deep r seeding, shallow seetiing anti correcte seeding have been carrieti out so0 that the students may untierstand what effect improper seeding has an s the growth af plants.r The schaol receives special grants for its agricultural classes which are f rom the third anti !ourth forms, E anti ah manies receiveti are spent an this wark. Principal Johnstan taok a special twa season course in Agriculture at Guelph to, fit him. for the teaching o! agriculture in the school.f The effects o! fertilizers on the growth a! vegetables is aiso being studieti by the young f armers who enter enthusiasticaily int theirt work. Their plot is a pleasume to see, is free !ram weeds anti is well kept in every way. During the summer manths the classes will be permitted I o visit the garden each Tuestiay anti take ta their homes any o! the vegetables ready for home consumption. Prini- cipal Johnstan wili attend eacht Tuestiay for this purpase. BOYS' WORK BOARD TO OFFER HELP IN J PAYING CAMP FEES To Encourage Camping Wii Pay Part of Fees for Boys Attend- 1 ing West York Camp In an effort ta encourage camp- ing amang boys o! Bowmanville, the1 Boys' Wamk Boardi has decideti to t aid several boys who came to attend the West York Summer Camps this year. This camp, one o! the best1 conducteti in the province o! On-1 taria, is under the direction o! the West York Boys anti Girls Wark Boards o! which G. E. Gardon Farbes is Chaimman. The camp is locateti on Lake Simcae anti camp- ing dates are for boys 12 ta 18 from July 3md ta lOth. andi for boys 9 ta 12, from July lOth ta l7th. The lo-cal Board will pay $1.00 an the fees o! any boy desiring ta attend this camp. This aller is open ta, any boy in Bowmanviile, but boys ma ttend without accepting this help il they so desime. Boys shoulti repart ta their baard representatives in each church: Dan. Williamns at St. Paul's, Alex Colville at Trinity; Dennis Fagan at St. Joseph's; Frank Mc1lveen at St. Andrew's; anti B. H. Momtiock at St. John's. The camp fees for the week are $5.00, anti with the grant f rom the Board this fee will be reducedti t $4.00. It is also hopeti to' arrange transportation to, !Toranto ta catch the camp bus. The Boardi also made a grant a! $10.00 ta the Cubs Camp at TYrone. Mr. anti Mrs. Lawmence Goddard, Mr. Ted Goddtarti, Miss Evelyn Godi- dard anti Miss Daisy Culley le!t Sat- umday an a two, weeks' trip arounti the Gaspe Peninsula. Funeral services for the late Mrs. F. C.* Leach, Whitby, formemlY of Bowmanville, were canducteti by R.ev. Mr. Toîl, fmam hem late resi- dence on Thumsday. Interment was matie at Bowmanvflle cemetery. Mrs. Leach was a member a! the United Church. Hem husband, one brother in Toronto. Mm. G. E. May- nard, anti sevemal nieces anti neph- ews survive. Fun, Frolic and Frivolity Reign Supreme Rotarians Entertained Daugkters Friday John Giordmaine, Noted Magician, Mystified Audience With Hia Magic - Daughters in Charge of Meeting and Put on Program Which Included Shower for Bride-to-be _____ The firma hand of femininity took in a month. Betty Morris and Ma- over the reins of contrai at the Rto- vis Gartan coilected the tickets. tary Club on Friday nlght. when The between courseis luils were members of the club entertained, enlved by community singing under their daughter or daughters of fr1- the capable and vivaclous leader- ends, at the club's f irst Father and ship of' Margaret Allun, whiie the Daughter Night. Whiie Rotarians ladies dlid have ta reiy on one man, were official hosts for the occasion, Dave Morrison, to preside at the the young ladies took campiete piano. charge of the pragram, and ruied Audrey Elott proposed the toast with grace, charm and severity un- ta The King, and for this ceremony der the guidance of the actinlg presi- Ruth James was f iag bearer. Dor- dent, Miss Agnes Vanstone. othy Stevens acted in the capaclty President Fred Crydermnan was in~ of secretary and cailed the rail. the chair far hall a minute ta open Between her glggles and raars of the meeting which was attended by laughter by the others she managed over 70. Ris authoritY hawever was to cali ail Rotarians, including her shartlived. for when he handed the own father and her awn employer. meeting aver ta the ladies to con- by their f irst names and get away duct the men became only naneflit- with it. les in the proceedings. President Presîdent Fred Cryderman return- Agnes proceeded immedlateiy after ed ta the speaker's table to briefiy grace had been said by Margaret but oordly weicome the youthfui Armstrong to mete out fines for Rotary Anns. Jean Morris extend- io minor offences. Her f irst vlctlm edi a welcome ta the young ladies ce was her own f ather wlio had ta paY who were guests but who were nat 'e for one of her indiscretions. Mar- daughters of Ratarians, whiie Hel- in ion Sieman as Sergeant-at-arms en Mason provided same of the best w, made a most efficient and persist- fun of the evenlng when she read i'sjent fine collectai, so efficient in the club announcements f ram "The c-fact that she collected more in fines Rotary Bluffer". A number of these )n during the evenlng than any maie Sergeant-at-arms has ever coilected1 (Continued an page 3) ialary Slashes and1 Raises Featured at Sckool Bd. Meet Principal Johnston's Salary Cornes Under the Axe - Other Teachers Get Srnall Raises - To Engage Out- side Music Teacher The Public School Board launched out Tuesday night mnta its stride o! what the Board consitiereti down- right camman sense, economy andi efficiency, with justice and fair play ao ail, which the members have threatened ta put into operatian since being electeti neariy six nonths aga. - Salaries were slàlThd andi boosted, bonuses handeti out, duties o! teach- ers adjustei, ane resignation accept- eti, plan ta engage an outside music supervisor anti add another maie teacher adopteti. and refused recam- mentiation o! the principal ta me- duce the teaching staff. AiU a! which wlll stir up mingleti feelings o! rejaicing and ill will. andi when boileti down ta a monetary basis, is guaranteed not ta minerease the individual ratepayem's taxes more than the price o! a package of gum. Ail trustees were present, with Chairman W. P. Corbett presiding. Principal's Salary Cut Principal J. H. Johnstan wfll be off emet a new cantract for next year wtth his salary metiuced fram $1950 ta $1700, while A. Bruce Clark will be off ered an assistant principal- ship with atiditional duties at a sal- ary o! $1200 an increase a! $200. Miss Minnie M. Jennings. foar for- ty years a teacher in Bawmanville Public School, presenteti her resig- natian by way o! letter. The trus- tees accepted the resignation, pay- ing high tribute ta her excellent me- cardi with the schaol. A suitable presentatian wili be matie ta Miss Jennings. Freed of Music Duties Miss Helen Marris, Music Super- visar, wiil be f reeti from ail music teaching activity in the schaol the Board decideti after much discus- sion. anti an outside instructor ap- pointedti t spend an allotteti amount o! time in each room each weelc. The Board emphasized that this was in no way a reflection on Miss Morris' ability or success as a teach- er of music, but that it was feit au outside instructar would prove more ativantageous. giving Miss Morris mare time with her own class work. Miss Marris will be off ered a con- tract with salamy decreased $155.00 to $970.00. It is expecteti a Music Supervisor wiil be obtained for $250. Ail teachers whose salaries have f or this year been $700 will be of- fereti contracts at $725. This wili affect Miss V. Powers. Miss Marjorie Cale anti Mis. Muriel Symons. Attendance Decreases Principal Johnston revealeti in bis repart that the attendance at the school had been steadiiy decreasing since 1927 when there were 614 pu- puls in the schaol, until today there are 551 pupils on the rail and a fur- ther diminution is expecteti for next year. Mr. Johnston suggestect the possiblity o! munning the schooi e!- ficlefltly with one leas teacher. mak- ing 13. The board decideti it nati- visable ta change for the comlng year. A male teacher wili be sought to take Miss Jennlngs' duties. when a salary o! $900 wlU be paiti. miss E. R. Grahamu, Public Health Nurse. reported a large number o! measies cases in town. The Ieaks in school- roof wlll be repaired, cast nat ta exceeti $20. Clinton Lunney, caretaker, was given a bonus o! $50 for exceptional service in the upkeep o! the school, anti his salary will be raised $100 per year, effective July lst, making tContinued an page '7)

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