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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR *THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. TmrRSDAY. JUNE 6ib 1935 Page of Interest to WomenUnvxCmr ta loyers and sweetbearts, but ta SPECIAL FILMS 15c ea. common people as well. A Complete Camera 6 pictures on Fr m a V m a ' \iw p i tAn excellent program of dernon- Vs-oktSz Fr m a W m n sV e p it i' strations is biIng arranged Vsforke Szethe ol ladies, and there will be interesting Univex Pictures Make Fine Enlargerneflts exhibits 'n other departments of the Shads aCollege, relating ta plant diseases, SPECIAL PRICES Sae0f Lilac! At least that iswhether the Soandsos are keeping a inseet andi weed pests, fertilizers, the order for Milady's gowns in the summer hotel or are just plain vic- farmn machinery, honey and dairy A lx é r g TUS- R -A. fashion world. Evening dresses are tims of-What shali I eall it? Im- produets, etc. MY KITCHEN fascinating in this deligbtfully f ra- position? Well, that seems ta fit Provision will be made for play- a Bu29 giealice igeog tkte m torand eart York bas ute about as well as any, for it is no- ing softbaîî and horseshoes late inpaw MneZa Buk 62o. 9e I lie akithenbigenogh ake thm t hert.Tea gowns in thing but an imposition ta descend, the afternoons. and there wifl be I L P 2or29 To hold a rocking-chair, a recent fashion show in New York f ull carload strong, on people who evening entertainments of music NM M R UJiH With Windows looking ta the suri, were also shown in this attractive have not been exeting visitors and ad dmti - JEpsomS2lt,1orb29c And flowers blooming tbere. shade. ta turn what should have been a Those Who have been at the Col- o h STARS, Kotex 19e 1 like bigcupboards y the wallday of 'rest and gladness" into one lege before will enioY it more than Tlu,1 z 7 That hold a lot of things, Finger - Printing of rush adwry ever, and those who go for the first odCem1lb58 The cups hung up on little hooks,1 Finger-Printing, by the way. bas I ran across a little story a while time "wil.l surely get an eyeful". Btig as19C -35e A elwbird that sings. 1 become quite a fad. A group ex drîxen ta country life because thie like to do my mending tbere. ampleeyit.h a msner-ptinten- father had lost bis job in the city I_______________ Where I can watch the road. neitain 0 a-bdn and they had to go on a small farm. WEDDINGS R A andregstratioofICEwCREAMn And see the teams corne plodding citîzenes for their own protection. where they were struggling to make ive- ------HUr O home Each registration of prints, namne, ends meet-put a stop to the Sun- the ig t A our of And ameII their fragrant load address and description was sent ta day incursions of friends (?) whoDon-MLuln 0f heavy sheaves at stacking time, the state identfication headquar- uere eating them "out f bouse and *' Bricks.. . . 25c Or bea the agonscreakters and each womnan received a home," by t.he simple expedient of Awdigto lc audy And groan beneath their golden copy of her prints on a smail per- putting a sign on the gate announc- June isi, at Blackstock, wben Miss Yu hîe0 lvr weight sonal identification card ta be car- jing 'Welcome Inne; Blue Plate Kaiherine McLaughlin, R. N., daugh- ~~kI Cem2c" When it is threshng week. ie ihatmbl iees el 1" Ater ecoth e f Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mc- Bulk ce Cer 5 t I lik t'ahavethe uppe ~rî was suggested that universal f inger- ithoughtless visitors bad been "nip- Luhibcm h rd fM. .-Cns ii us-5 1 iet aetespe n1CclDoWney, of Reaboro, son of 0 A And let it pimmer slow. printing is bound ta corne. ped" once the family was left isý Mrs Downey and the late Mr. With rich brown gravy bubbling up, d"hubls. tii otTonsDw.Rv . C. Har- Around the meat, you know- cgablsbth oesa. uetogtesesta s or fiitd h rd oe JR'tealoihuvbe Witb apple pie set out to cool, Here are twýýeIve general rules for caepr huhlsns htiscutofcae.TebiewreaEESbnipls uvbe Andflay nw-bkedbred, ccoking vegetables: at the back of this Sunday visiting gown of rosewood crepe with touches A ng a mule bu-me..- And lak newbakd bradSa. while the season is young, I'd of brown, with brown hat and ac- With golden syrup in a bowl 1. Freshen wilted vegetables infl' M asniotawrin atoecsrean osg fTlsa oon rbystgeow and olscreisars.w And .ielly brîght and red. cold water before cooking. lk asndotawrnn ot os esri e a cs agtenf Talisasoua b;tg dscensas 2. Serape and scrub vegetables who have formed the habit of "vis-roe.SewsaendbyMs. blend-applies more smoothly, sets £ like ta have the lamnps ashine rather than Peel themn. ta preserve iting" their country friends on Sun- Florence McLaughiin. more lustrously. In six fine shades, With yellow glowing light, mnricnet day.i from the delicate ta the, daring in And have the kitchen dlean and 3. CooalI eetabenl n Put yourselves in your friends' Dowsley-Thompson CLEAR or CREAM. Scien.tifically warm How would you like it if, perfected so as flot ta hpoel whn they corne in at nigendr.Doftltvetaestndi abcut the middle of afternoon your IDcrte ihpalms. ferns, h- crack, fade or sreak. And ecanomical Ta make a home so snug and dear. water-good food value Ls losi. quiet siesta vwss disturbed by a car- lacs and tulips, St. Paul's resby- -larger sîze boule, Iower price. PALMOLIVE SOAP 5. Cok il trog flvord vge-load from the country-People that terian Church, Port Hope. was the U L I ce.- cks~, tables 1 cbbage, cariifiower didî k any too well, per- scene of a military wedding June lst. O N GW5c a -5 aks 3 How Are W~e Organized ? tabls) cnabage aunflow tr haps-evidently came ta stay a- when Miss Marjory Jean Thompson, ALPLS 9 Are aur churches sa well organiz- uncovered ta prevent strong flavor, while? How would you like it, es- R. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ALP LS 9 ed that we could flot easily create disagreeable odor and colon. pecially. if you hadn't much in the James S. Tbompson, Port Hope, be- PRESCRIPTIONS a new auxiliary or any other organ- 6. Add no water ta spinach _ it icebox. if you bad been planning on came the bride of Major James Earl izat'an wthcut being out every cooks in the water clinging ta the a very ligbt meal-and had ta scur- Dowsley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo- ba nîgbt in the week, and afternoon ini leaves in 8 ta 10 minutes. ry around trying taJaebik g .Dwle fGnnqe e. I.. W. WORRALL, Optician the week? What, after aIl is the 7. Cook other green vegetabies in witbout straw", ta get up a supper Dr. K. H. Palmer officiated. at aur store NU Are e crryng n or baks he f wtercoveed a peseve h~ rd soul sty hme undas: ut Th brde wre gon a pont UTEDCIGR SOREe x M purpose of these organizations-for a large amount of water, covered, ta for five or six hungry marials? No. The bride was given away by ber Mondays 10 a. m.-f p. m. U social times and most of ail to raise preserve the green colon. you wouldn't like it ? father, and the wedding march was moneY. l okbesi alreaon 'm flot trying ta tel you YOU played by Mr. A. H. N. Snegrove. burden of toa mucb arganization- color. wguld suggest that, if you want ta d'esprit wiih silk net veil caugbt GNYPOE9 are we toa busy scurryng back and 9. Cook aIl other mild flavored go visiting, You make it a picnic and with orange blossoms. She carried AEC HN 2DIRU( forth. rusbing hither and yofl to vegetables carrots, poîaioes, etc. take ai least ssome of the "makings"' pink roses and forget-me-nots. The one Auxiliary tea a! ter another. un- in a srnall amaount of boiling wate'r for the meal.. maîron o! hor Mrs. Marion C. tiI we can no longer feel that the covered. Also, it migbt nat be a bad idea Smith of Toronto, sister o! the bride, churcb is the place for rest and 10. Add na water to tornatoes. to call the friend you intend ta visit wore red geargette witb black bat -.-. . prayer? Wby, if we are Christians. Avoid using soa and give a little warning. Phones and carried Talisman roses. The Everyihing was happy - the birds can we nat support aur churcb with- il. Use water from rnildly flavar- are always, or nearly always, availî best man was Capi. Kenneîh C. the hired man. I could hear him out this bustling that is sapping the ed vegetables for saups and gravies l. Tenouvit ilftcaeD ro! S tslan fOtDty I singing lustily. I was happy. I rat- energy of aur congregation? Why 12. Serve patatoes and ai îeast with such a sbock-and, if your îi-ite groom. As the couple left the î>_ __ __ __ tled the stovelids: Robert was hap- can we flot give ta aur church as two other vegetables every day for iended viciims happen ta want ta church. a guard a! honor was form- RAIN LAST NIGHT py. he banged tbe milk pails. Gad bas prospered us, in a way that goad healtb. go oui for the afternoon themselves. ed by the members o! ihe 3rd Artil- Patter, patter an the roof came is natural and wholesome? WbY The above information was ob- they can let you know sa that you lery o! Gananoque. By Wist-a-Wee the raindrops, waier trickled inta must we fool ourselves ia think- tandfa adnl ntitute, can line up anoiber. 1 A reeePtion was held ai the home We have had rain! AIl week bro- the cistern. I called Sally Briggs ing thai we are rigbt when we for- Guelph. And ii would flot be a bad nation of the bride's parents and laertetrRoeibsee takn ri adtaedfralanhujs a get the primary things o! Christs to give the Saandsos an occasianal couple le! t for a trip 1a Montreal, If ii wauld only ramn. The seede drink in with another the delight o! teaching in the scurry ta raise the Summer, the Time for Sunday Visits break by invitîng ibem in. Then. the bride travelling in a brown en- haven't been growing sa very much the new green and the peculiar odor Mar yu, e o fotassniiba u Na tat bef rsiis Ilauto!nexi urne you taok a notion ta drap semble. On their returil they will on accouni o! the severe winds and a!fnesb wasbed leaves and grass. the gnoundr?, w hatthe naastin shape int onhm yuwulnihaet ive in Gananoque. drying conditions. and te lasi ram I looked oui ibis marning-it was is unimportant ta arganize and to h runterod ngodsaesîep on your conscience sa bard. Anlong those f rom ibis com- I think was anound the first week misiy. but I could see the plants in bave ibese funictions. It is essential Ifor driving and spring - il may le be n salrgt u hr r uiy h teddtewdigi a.Adls ihti and ynwrc adnfarydikn that we organize, and ibat we hold surimmer by the lime ibis sees thewVistin is fl rigt t hee re ntyCol.and ed .L.T.heLwedig i a.Adhs ih i and iynwrckgre arydikn a f ew affairs ta swell the funds, but ligbt o! day - can be considered wylaniann dig .w r C oh n rsLT McLaugh-_____________and____________Mr.________ il s he w aganzeSOtht h ere. the urne bas corne again for Blin. Ms John Mcoaughlinand Mr.: detia hnllie f ngreg tatithn Sunday trips. MB. J. W.Lagh.lnd ! oMr.vill An-________________ dvtna vs oa aur cnr to ih ferahridlnho-Farni and Home Week at the Ms. A. Wr. AnsadM.Lv n are smoihered, and it is when we Ritafrahuielnce - Ontario Agrieultural CollegeniaTyoe muet hold the unusual ta draw thelinsamne cases, maybe, it's ight af -____ Young and the aId ta the cburcb -!ter a burried breakfast-a gaod Information. Inspiratian and Re- Fice-Westlake thenwe mst amit hat he c n any cars are brought out and awayj creatian wil feature the Farm andc thenwe ustadmt tat he on-go the families for a drive. SaineHome Week prograin ai the O. A. A very pretiy wedding took placec tact witb God is most assunedhy bro- .Îusî go driving, saine head for their C., June l7ih ta 2lst, and the many ai Hampton Parsaliage an Wednes- kh en bicals i w tawn ta summer camps, ta spend the afien- thausands of farm folks who visit day, May 29ih wheil Elsa Mae, only the ina ar lve an mi th fon; with others saime member ofi the College ai ibai time will be sure daugbter o! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cburcb? A bad af esarndsitC hs-. the famîily bas the brighi idea, lia find the usual hearty welcome. Wesilake. a! Salina, became the ians couhd right Ibis world's ilîs and L.tgouiadeeheSanos While pnobably mosi o! the visitons bride o! Nelson Wesley, yaunger son1 agan st i cr th rod t hapi-we havent been there for the long- wihl be able ta spend anly a day. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fice o! Taunt- agan et t n ie oadtahaoî-est time!" Sa ho! and awvay for the those who can should remain for iwo an. The ceremony was conducted neadsh' cup eapl ae la in fo r Sth oandscs'. iThe Soandsos, by the or- more days sa as ta absorb as much by Rev. W. Rackham. The bride tpfl'eaders- Htleran mitaibe ane way. live a few miles oui in thbelas possible of the ibree "atians" was gowned n white organdy trim- typeso!leiadership ithr.Saman country: and the visitors usua lyiY mentioned above, and ta do il with- med witb blue and mat.cbing acces- Musoini re gin the youtb o!f[manage ta arrive at iheir homne jus t oui burry or fatigue. The raoins are sories. and carried a bouquet of roses tenrsective cauntn:es? No. em- in r.îce time to be invmted ta stay comforîabîe, the meals good and the and lily-of-ibe-valley. She wasoai- phaiically not 'for an early tca. Ils flot ihat the cost veny how. iended by Miss Doris Pice, sister of If the Yautb a! the wxorld had Soandýos are expeciing thern, or In the daily parade o! fine lîve the groom, who wore a flawered 1 Christians ta fclow wbo could ex-. that they are especially glad ta see stock, the famous Clydesdale staîl- chiffon dress with bat ta match. srtroy ers ! trh eae arte to-daye- s can on te d? et me e. n Swa- 1io, Craigie Realizalion" recently The graom was attended by Mr. stryer ofword paceareto-ay ese an ne o? omeime th SO 1arrived from Scotland) will be an Tom Westlake, brother of the bride. exerting. ibis poar, wracked aId I andsos would nather not have thein. auistanding attraction since he is Aller the ceremony a rettepiion wan]d wauld be lunned Jnto a place1 The larder may not be any ioo full sad ta be the besi Clydesdale ever was beld ai the home o! the bride's FIVE ROSES D o! utten sweeiness. and pon Mrs. Soandsa bas ta rack broughl ta Canada, parents for the immediate relatives. R Why nat organize, not in the in- ber brain ta figure out a meal for There will be much o! inieresi in Tulips and narcissus made a T E A terests a! the dollar, but in the in- the invaders; but bospitality de- the field crop expeiment grounds preîty background for the tables FýA\CV QIA M IT%' teresis of our boys and aur girls?lmands t. and in the vegetable and fhower gar- which were nicely decorated in pink LU There is no need in putÉig off a-, In mny daily round it falîs ta me dens. and whie. Afier the receptian the u ganizatian o! ibis type wtb the pIes ta read the 'pensonals" f rom diffen- The campus, with uts broad stret- happy couple hefi aniid sbowers Of 24-lb. Bag 7-lb. Bag that it is flot needed. Tcday s the ent sections and I've naiiced quite ches o! smoatbshaven lawn, ils confetti for Niagara and other points u a F lime. Onganize in the inieresis o! frequently o! late that 'Mn. and beautiful trees and many kiilds o! west. The bride travel]lng in aC GLASSCO'S-Witmi AId bumanîty. Chrisiianiiy will outhasi Mrs. Soandso had as visitons on flawering sbrubs and uts many bun- blue ensemble wiih white accessOr- 5~Ras1 a million world diclatons, but noi Sunday-" then fallows a lisi that dreds o! varieiies o! bîaaming rases. ies. On tbeir return tbeY will reside g~Sr the bride was the recipieni o! many JM lc beautiful and use! ul gîfis. enLagBo Spicr-VîtueKETCHUP 191 A r ss Een A quiet wedding taok place on MATCHES 3 Ige. boxes 25g tbe bride. Tyrane. when Ruby AI- ICING SUGAR - 2 lbs. 15t berta, yaungest daugbier o! Mrs. Unequalled Value for Summer Smartnesa Laura Virtue and the laie John Vin- Libby's Preparcd Wom n'andMises'StyesArîh un arodinmarniage with ricesn effeci oMUSTARD - 9 oz. glass 104 Wo enaan Mses SyesSpir yourl-ngest son a!Mrs.---from uin efftho an te ewsee Sis naeral i aychcl unch was serve-d.--NEW sud plaids. Now Is the time to buy ! Plenty of lîght ,' bThe bidean gro o dwhereoy POTATOES fors 25 andth ne seerSwss atrias n gy heea b\Th be BwanvgromleonryereLbs 2or shades, hlgh colors and gay combinations. Sizes 14 to, 44. Li med. also honared them on May 31si,( NEW when the employées g,,Ihered to pie- FR lamp, and in a more humoraus vein HEADS WA LKR STRESwiih a miniature eradîe and doîl and an oversize roîling pin. PHONE 164UhlI ) BOWMANVILLE CLYÏrvodo nathing can exist wltbout a cause." Developing - Printing Enlarging .Copy ing and Colouring When you entrust your photo work to us you are aasured of the finest Possble results. Our work is unequalled here and unexcelled elsewhere. PROMPT SERVICEUM HE AOuUIE-DBNU F RE E LIFEBUOY SOAP with IFEBUOy SHAVJNG CREAM 1135C WAE Imm BLUE-JAY PLASTERS 8A SPECIALTY C egfo rj up the moisture. The neigbbor gar- den looked fine, the lady a! the bouse came oui and we cangratu- lated the worîd ai large for ils new appearance. For that maiter, why sbauld we flot? We bave had a miniature dust starm many a lime Ibesee lasit few weeks, and we are so deligbted 10 bave a few layers o! soil washed away. Robent says the seeds are îooking fine - the grass is taller, or is it aur imagunation - the rhubarb is oPened more. Isn't ibis a deligbifuh old worîd, espeiahly a!ter a ram! >UALITY FOODS at ýOMiNO ýed Package ish ded Calar ýberry, ewberry and k Currant pk. 39 Tin 17 32-joz. 3 1 c Calay Soap 3 cak-s14 CHRISTIE'S FANCY PEAKS BISCUITS lb. 25C 1 PAGE POUR .THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THUP-SDAY, JUNE 6th, 1935 m

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