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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 6

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PAGE IX TE CAADIANSTATSMAN BOWAU '1vTT.?.l U TzLAV D lT- Rh 1 1 Il. Eat More Fruit IT'S A HEALTHY HABIT Are you getting a real zest out of life? If you are flot it's probably because your diet does flot contain enough fruit. Ask your own doctor what he tell you that plenty of fruit is thinks about fruit, and he'l a valuable aid to better diges- tion, a clearer ski.n, and better health. Eat More Fruit - It's A Get it at J. Infautine FRUIT MERCHANT Phone 59 Bowmanville Gifts for June Brides, We have a carefuly select- ed and widely varied stock of gift rnercha.ndise for you from which to choose bridai gifts. These gifts are so numerous that we can only outline themn and suggest that you corne in and see them. Select your gift from our large stock o! glass and crystal ware, china, fancy vases, brassware, pictures, trays, etc. We know that you'Ill find something particularly appropriate here. A new ship- ment of English Chintz just arrived. And remember, too, that the charm of any gift is greatly enhanced by its wrapping. We now stock a special line of gift wrapping requirements. As about them. J 0.W0Jewell BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS Phone 30 SUMMER TERM Sbaw's Business Schoola now open. Enter any day and train for a place in Business. Mode] Office and Employment Bureau Service free to Graduates. Write for particulars. W. R. Shaw, Secretary, 1130 Bay St.- Toronto Smnart 5,v BY JANTZEN AN) Fine wools in waffle knits, and re -cross straps, halters, plain suni verY Ingenious an i chic. In black, red, green, orange, yellow, L inen Handsome suits in swagger style. Also the short length sway-backi natural linen finish. In sizes 14 i Swaggers at $6.95. S The Evlyn Corner of King and Silver KERSLAKE'S I OFFERS THESE EXCI Pinkham's IColgate's Compound Paste 87c 19c - 33c Castoria.....25cI Peroxide....15c Kelpo Malt Tabs $1.25 Crazy Crystals, Ironized Yeast . . 79C 1[I Scott's Emuls. Ige. 79c 2 Let us fit your eyes to Potter and Moore's New Ci Wampole's New Grape Sa] ,,MO" 49P.R. Cowlini Try our Developing and Perey Gilroy at his brother's, Mr. Anson Gilroy Mr. and Mrs. Wn IENFIELD Honey. Mifligan, at her mother's, ENNISKILLEN I -~Mrs. A. Jackson Miss E. Em- ~ Anniversary services will be held pringham. Markhain, with her sis- Mr. A. Taylor, Pr oe a here next Sunday. ter, Mrs. E. Underwood Mr. and getoMrS.Prt Hop, a Mrs.Fran GibertattndedtheMrs. Milton Plunkett and sons, Tor- geto r .Ptik Mrs.Fran GibertattndedtheMr. and Mrs. Albert Oke visited W. I. convention at Bowmanville. onto, at Mr. George Quantrill's . at Mr. m el',Trno Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs* Miss Mabel Seans, Bewdley, at Mr. Wm. a. BVe aeTron sto. Lloyd Ferguson on the brth of a Wesley Elliotts Mrs. Milton Dun- bar and son. Perry'town, and Miss ing Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison. andn Mrs. Haroe, Weir.sDon-aM. , ,,,- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Siemon, Tor- Mr.Blake.rat HrrolChas. ThDon- onto, ViSited at Mr. Hugh A.nnis'. ald and Irima. Owen Sound, visited son S Mr. and Mrs. Mlex Hoye Ms uryDrad omn at Mr. T. R. Bowman's. and family. Oshawa, at Mr. Anson vie ury HladBwmn Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCulloch Gilroy's Miss Ethel Boycl, New- vil ospital, is holidaying at home. and family spent Sunday with Mr. castle, at her mother's, Mrs. Jas. Mr. Orville Ashton, Miss Margaret Boyd The weede fmilyat te Datonvisited at Mr. C. Stainton's, and Mrs. Godfrey BowmanOw. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCully. Black- farm Mr. George Pope, Jr.. at Mrad rsRuel rihan water, Misses Marjorie and Irene Woodbridge and Toronto The M.adMs uslWih n Leask. Wlck, visited at Mr. L. C. Quantrili family at Mr. Cecil Quan- Dorthy Tyrone, visited at Mr. F. aces.trill's, Elizabethville Mrs. Howard Orhrd's. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Cunningham. Linton and Mrs. H. Cantrell, Orono, Rv n r.W.Pre ted Miss Evelyn Chapman, and Mr. Roy at Mrs. E. Underwood's. ed Conference at Peterboro and vis- KenndyBrusels spnt te wek-ited friends. KenndyBrusels spet te wek- __________- i Our Young People's mid-week end with Mr~. and Mrs. R. W. Pas-i service has been closed for the sum- coe. MAPLE GROVE mer months. An enjoyable afternoon was spent . Mr. and Mrs. J. McGregor and at the school on Friday when Miss Lorraine. Mr. Ajymer Herring, Osh- Ella Tamblyn entertained the mo- Miss Nellie Snowden, Lakehursýt. awa, visitei, Mr. Cyril Avery. thers of this section at a program agent the weekend at home. Gad to report Mrs. Jabez Moore and afternoon tea. Miss Susie Laird, Prince Abert, somewhat improved. Miss Ina Carr, spent the weekend at home. Gilford, is with Mrs. Moore. Miss Helen Metcalf recently visit- Mr. and Mrs. P. Patton and Car- HAYDON e isBtyPnlTWl man, Orono, Mrs. W. C. Hockridge, Mrs. H. A. Farrow, St. Catharines, Toronto, visited at Mr. Jas. Brad- i iiigMrs. J. D. Stevens. ley's. Church wili be withdrawn next Several from here attended Salem Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Preston and Sunday afternoon.i anniversary on Sunday and visited i amiîy, Mrs. Levi Brunt .visited at Miss Ursul McNeii has accepted a relatives and friends. Mr. R. Robinson's, Elizabethville. position in Orono. Svrlfo eeatne h Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilkinson, Fair- iMr. F. Cowling and son, Fred, vis- Hohtein picnic at Woodbridge. on port, N. Y., who have visiting Mr. D. î ited at Mr. R. McNeil's. Saturday and report a very enjoy- Burgmaster's, returned home with Mrs. C. Montgomery, Weston, is able time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker, Fairport. *visiting at Mr. H. Ashton's. Miss Elinor Sykes, H a ni p t o rn, Sunday evening service was con- * Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay and Bobbie, spent the weekend with Miss Betty ducted by Rev. W. Rackham of Oshawa, "visited at Mr. C. Gerrard's.1 Snowden and attended the Holstein Hampton. His subject was "The Mr. Arthur Trewin, Stephenson's picnic at Woodbridge on Saturday. Prodigal Son", which was very fine. Point, visited at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Mrs. Roy Metcalf and son pRev. Wm. Parker preached anni- Mr.andMrs T.Cowingandfar- oss Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Symons versary services at Zion. ily visited at Mr. J. Cowings', Sa- and son, visited the former's bro- ADratcCu wsognie lem. ther, Mr. Ross Trenouth, who i5s tillIAwîth t ficerubs Prsidt Misses Mabel and Ada Beech at-1 in Toronto hospital, but much im- Joh hnSieo; ces Pe'.ldPe; tended Janetville Field Day on Mon- 1 proved. es-da Wrgt Anivat day. Anniversary services will be held ionas dacceWtidto.presenvrtpay- Miss Mabel Beech visited at Mr. Ion Sunday. June 16th, at 2 and 7 ioJne ltas ct Scugog sand.u pa jAlymer Beech's and Mr. R. Griffin's, P.~ m. standard time. Judge H. S. Oun Fîday Seveg Msayd. a Unio. Mtt.o! amiy rlaton our, T- Mr. E. J. Harrison's home. Enniskill- Mrs. Ridge, Miss Margaret Ridge, ronto. will be the spleaker. On Mon- en Young People who took part in Mr. Wm. DobEon, Toronto. visited day, June l7th. supper will be serv- ,~Civil Service" and their friends at Mr. J. Wright's., ed as usual. Particulars next week. were entertained to an "At Home" Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mounitjoy at- _______ ___- by the Play directors, Miss M. Dal- tended Salem anniversarY and visit-tcn and Mrs. E. J. Harrison. About ed Miss E. Rutledge.ISO IA2yon pepe atrdadte Mr. and Mrs. S. Woollinlgs' Tor -______22______eopl_ ______anth onto, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy, Is- - evening was spent in cards and linton viite atMr.H.Ashton's. Mr. Cecil Pascoe is sporting a new games. A bountiful luncheon was. lingloN. vsiedatlMr. adH . Er hvoe a.served. Mr. John Slemon on behaîf Kes.n.ed Hdaly, Mr. and Mrs. 1r h"rlt a.of the players thanked Miss Dalton Kenedyan f miy. r. ndMrs iMiss ýEvelyn Tink is visitiflg fri- and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison for the W. Star and f amily, Oshawa, visited ends at Peterboro and Hastings. enjoyable evening. Mr. Harrison on at Mr. D. Graham's. Deputy Reeve A. L. Pascoe is in behal! of the directors assured the Rev. Eugene L. Beech, Flinton, Cobourg attending County Council. Iplayers that it was a privilege to Miss Alice Ashton, Mr. Gordon; Mr. Alan McKessock. Thamesford, entertain them. Beech and Arthur Carrington. En- visited his mother, Mss. R. J. Mc- niskillen, visited at Mr. A. Beýech's. Kessock. over the weekend. _____ -~~ Ms. and Mss. Howard Couch. NE LTO Misses Marjory and Ileen. Bethesda, ET TO KENDAL visited at Mr. Jack Baker's. Mr. and Mss. Norval Wotten. Mr. Lewis Fallis suffesed a stroke Francis and Arnot, and Mrs. Levi recently. The Girls' S. S. Class spent an Arnot visited Cartwright friends. The Martin cottage has been op- evening at Mrs. Eber Luxons and A number o! the ladies from here ened for the summer. presented Mrs. Ed. White, a mnem- attended the Institute District An- Ms. George McLean, Toronto, is ber o! the class and recently mar- nual in Bowmanville on Friday. ili, and is not expected at his cot- ried, with a beautiful casserole. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howsam and tage this season. Miss Katie Stewart read the ad-, Mary visited at Mr. A. William 's Mr. Robert Dickey and Mr. John dress and presentation was made by' and Mr. Jack Rehder's. Port Ferry. Dickey have had electric lights in- 1 Miss Jennie Wright. stalled in their homes. a The Young Peoples League tooki nratlain to Mr. and Mss. Mr. and Mrp. .4rnest Stacey, Yel- ti servce1Sn aeF1.o ce on their recent marr- verton. are also among those visit- charge of the chusch srWe Sn iae wish them every happi- igfred nteWsenpoics day morning. Scripture reading ns Sympathyn istexWetenedrovicss was taken by Miss Katie Stewart, s.Smah setne oMs and a story given by Miss Annie Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blanchard and Mary Malcolm in the bereavement Thomson.A beautiful duet "Jesusý Arthur attended the Blanchard - on Monday o! her sister, Mrs. S. B. Thm es on. nihbr assn Andrews wedding in Oshawa Satur- Stade, Harriston. by Mismes Bernice Langstaf f and day afternoon. Several members from the Nestie- Wilma Carson, A splendid address Mrs. Geo. Howsam and Mr. Mel. ton Womnen's Institute attended the, on the subject o! "Prayer" was giv- Williams, Port Ferry, Mr. Walter District Annual held in St. John's en by Miss Nellie Hill. Reynolds, Utica, spent the weekend Parish Hall, Bowmanville, on Friday. Recent Visitors: Miss Helen Dar- at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Oshawa, con- lntnand Mr. Jack Glover, New- Mr. Ear] Hill. Cleveland, Ohio, ducted the service in the United trinville, at her mother's Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vice, Oshawa, Cuco! Snayi the Onai epr ne eesa- called on Mr. and Mrs. Nerval Wot-ofteOaroTmrnc ér- -. ten and other friends here. tion. Bethell League visited the local -~Mrs. Walter Parrander, Mrs. Har- League on Fslday evening, the for- i vey Hardy, Mrs. Chas. Howsam and mer presenting an instructive and IMary and Miss Vera Baker visited interesting program, including these in S u its at Mr. Walter Howsam's, Epsom. numbers: Topic "Conditions in Ab- Services here wi]l be held as us- yssinia", Mr. Merle Thompson; pia- 'D BALLANTYNE ual on Sunday morning at 10 and no solo, Miss Frances Graham; real botany wools in plain knits il o'clock. Rev. Lowrie of North- reading, "Sister's Beau", Miss Ruby minster Church, Oshawa, will Toms: vocal solo, Mrs. Henry Ma- backs, and shoulder ties. Ail ir peach. haf!y: reading. Mr. Merle Thomp- blue, brown and two- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and son. A social time, games and lunch tone effects. family vis ited at Mr. Wilbert Glas- were heartily enjoyed by over fi! ty Sl.95 te, S4.95 pell's, Uxbridge. Mrs. Jas. Hardy present. 1seturned home with them after a Recent Visitors: Miss G r a c e visit with relatives at Uxbridge. Crawford and friend, Toronto, with Remember the Division meeting her fathes, Mr. S. Crawford Mr. ~IUIVC ingJn 3hwenMs oi ar-da Mr. Aobert MFall's Missff C~~*i in the S. S. room Thursday even- adMs S uit S ~~ ~j vis of Palermo our G. W. P., will lie Beatrice Mountjoy, Kdowt present. AIl members please attend. Miss Rose Mountjoy Mr. and Mrs. es in short and long sleeves. The regular meeting o! the W. I. C. Souch, Hampton, Mrs. Pye, En- styles with short siceves. In will be held in the S. S. room Thurs- niskillen, at Mr. A. H. Veale's to 20. day afternoon, June 13th. Roll cal], Miss Lena Dickey, Manvers Station. Short Length at S5.95. Home Remedies for good health _ at Mr. John Dickey's Mr. and Al aiswelcome. iE . Gra- r. Wilton Creed, Barrie, at Mr. 1 ham. Public Health Nurse o! Bow- Malcolm Emesson's Mr. W. Camp- LADES S opmanville, will be the speaker. bell and Ms. R. Suggitt with Mr. Shop Thos. Suggitt, Uxbridge, where they PECIALTY teddteBsns e'Bil rStreets - Phone 594 i --e atnes h uins e' il Cas Mr. andl Mrs. Wilbert Mal- HAMPTON colmn, Howard, Murray and Dorothy. iYelverton, at Mr. Stanley Malcolm's. Recent Visitors:- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp, 1 Rev. Frank Cryerman, NwYrkToronto, at Mr. C.-H. Porteous.q t.........50C -$1.00 o The aorite varieties. Some ad7p .Trn hi llfr mange] seed still in stock too. 23-1 nish special music. A play, "The Yong People's meeting on Friday Country Minister," wlll be presented nightwsn charge o! the president, on Monday, June l7th, by a cast g, Phm. B. WE DELIVER 'HaroldSaltetr, Devotional was taken f rom Claike Union. Admission 25c onc. y R. Johns; Tople presented by and 15c. , 23-2 1Printing just one.erald Black, piano solo by Doreen _______________Perrett; reading by Bessie Simîpson; F'irst Installment of taxes ls due address bX Rev. F. Cryderman. next Weqinesay. WHY IS AN &1eci4tc RANGE SAFER? Phong R MA BECAUSE... .there are no frumes, no flames, no destruction of ozy- gen in the kitchen, no mnatches. Inquisitive little fingers cannot endanger their lives, nor those o! the family if they tumn on a swltch accidentally. The heat- ing unit will glow . .. and that is ail. There is nothing to, bumn nor explode while you are rest- ing or away from home. r SPECIAL TERMS IF YOU PURCHASE NOW NOW you can enjoy ail the benefils $10.00 Allowance for Your of electric cooking. Hydro's New Pî'esent Cooking Stove. Plan brings this rnost worthwhile of S 15.OO Allowance on New ail electrical appliances within easy -Range Service for Electrce reach of housewives. Cooking. Libeî'al Allowance on Your Old Electric Range. Special Carrying Char'ges While Plan Is In Force. Dowmanville Public Utilitites ýe 192 Commission Bowmanville These Local Dealers Will Co-operate with the Above Plan: ICE & CO. W. L. ELLIOTT L. A. PARKER SON & DALE DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE Mr. Brenton F. Hazlewood, son of Whitby Public Library has a pat-1 A Chevrolet Coach, a $12 calf, set Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood u~- l'rage list of 14ý00 readers it was re- of dishes, and an oil stove are among awa, passed the fifth year examina- vealed in reports presented to the the prizes off ered at the Durham tions in Medicine.I Library Board. '-entral Agricultural Society's Street I Pair at Orono on July lth. THATl ARE REALLY WORTH WHILEr FA y LA V4 PERFECT STRIKE RED SOCKEYE TooSAILMON 2Tins 35e.Tin31. NECTAR Diendi Inia ~THE BETTER BRAN FLAKES l.45o EPKellogc'q :2 10oz OURcal leu NATURAL COLOR AND FLAFOR-LIBBY'S Mb.379. C tchup a2Bts. 250 BLUE LABEL AYLMER CHOICE Q(JALITF VLyOnsLAD 3k&Peaches B 17*Sua YLLOJ LABEL ,k COIJNTI KIST BRAND L ton pliCor olden 17Tor. 250 FIFWE O'CLOCK Co nCra Sye Tn ~lb. 45~ Coff e OChose andI1h _____45,c___ enhu Pha. Modein Or On Suligt Daery CLARKS....ITH CHILI SAUCE L- 3 , BajOr wtun5gsB&r Porlk C&Beams Ti.,.1 g siaut2b25 YUJKON DRY CHISIEBRWNGinger Aie s2 t..25e 2HRISIE BOJVN(Content@ only) ai TENDER-.. SOFTMEA TED AND FLAVORFUL %lCOMIK' Lamb Legsl.21 Lemnon 2b.9 CIOISM17o 1 Fronts lb. 12,c rwreamRolled if D,,ired _________EXTRA SPECIAL!-SMOKED BREAKFAST STYLE 'ALIFOR NIA VALENCIA Centre Cuis " the B a c o n~or Slced lb. #5 pi, b -23 IA NGES IFRESH SPRII'G(;FRYING SIZE SIZE350 ROIERS Ec ECE 5o OOmICAL C(JTS 0F A & P BEEF l, b 8 MIEDIMnz.2c Pot- Roa st "lb. 13. 'RESH CALIFORNIA B a e R a tM 4 Pea 3 be.25e Short Rib Roast lb. 15.e 3 ANA NAS FRESII GTLKNIGO 3 'bu. 19o Whlteflsh ib. i6 THOHE8 E .1 a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. PAGE SIX JUNE 6th. 1935 1

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