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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jun 1935, p. 1

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~be tanamn With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUIVE 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JIJNE 2Oth, 1935 NUMBER 2l Town Counci*l Boosts Transient Trader Fee To $300 Public School Bi In Declining [o Changes of P Board Turns Deaf Ear tc Public Appeal of Homt and School Club for Re. consideration of Propos. ed Changes The aPPearance of Miss Heler Morris, music supervisor of tht Public Schaol, and a letter frorn Principal J. H. Jahnston, asking thai the drastic cut in his salary be re. considered, failed ta impress tlt Public School Board at its specia session on Tuesday rugît. Th( Board refused ta recansider its ac. tion of the regular meeting, and lei the matter rest. Miss Marris drew the attention oi the Board ta the results abtained b3 her class in regular curriculunr wark. and also asked the Board t( cansider the success which las mel her efforts as Music Teacher. Mis. Marris pointed out that while it wa impossible ta judge a class f ronr year ta year, the steady gaad result abtained by her were wrtl con. sideratian. On the question of engaging ar autside teacher, Miss Marris stated that it was the department's orig- inal intention that a member of thE schoal staff take up this wark iii canjunctian with ber regular tea- dhing. Discussing her work ahi stated that the only subject whlcl she did flot teach was agriculture, whlch was taken by Principal John- stan and physical culture by Mr, Clark. She supplements the worl of aIl the other teachers taklng her class while she is absent teaching music in other classes. She drew the Board's attention ta the fact that both the Principal and the Schaol Inspectar had recommeq4ded the systêm at present in vogue. With regard ta the South Ward School, Miss Marris said that the Sclool was fortunate in laving teachers wlo were musical. and therefare the schoal did nat lack musical training. Clairman W. P. Carbett remarkec that the Board had made no effort previaus ta the other meeting tc engage a new music teacher. Con- tinuing Miss Morris stated that the intimate tauch witl the pupils, which the music teacher within the schaal bas. was invaluable ta the children in their music studies. Befare Miss Morris departed the chairman painteci aut that the Baards plans were flot settled, and that no arrangements bad yet been made. The secretary read a letter f ram the Home and School Club asking that Miss Morris' services as music teacher be retained. Despite a sym- pathetic suggestion from Chairinan Corbett that it wauld be wise ta hear the Home and School Club view. be- cause of their lnterest ln school aff airs. f ailed ta get any support from the Board, as a motion passed later in the meeting reveals. In the Approval Civen Durham Restri Special Meeting of Darling-' ton Township Farmersat Hampton Next Tuesday -Every Famer Urged to Support Movement At a meeting of interested parties f rom all aver Durham County, held at Newcastle an Manday approval e HRE NEXT SUNDAY PULCSHOBAR PRIMATE 0F CANADA oardUnanmousSCANS 230 APPLICATIONS TO SELECT ONE TEACHER I At their special meeting anM..... Tuesday nigît. the Publice. IReconsider the Schoola rd Ploe hrough mal teacher, an Central revio s M e tingSchaal staff. Fram tis vast corevionsio oMeetingue St.Jh' ....W n Donald Purdy, whase home is Johns A PA ansat Castleton, and wha at pres- e Counties Debating Trophy eMr Prdy ci nasesiahtn.0 St. Join's A. Y. P.A. ere award- a lst class certificate and las -ed the Deanery of Northumberland bad four years' experience. and urhm Deatig trpll onand is highly recanimended. and urim Dbatîg tapl anIt was a naticeable fact tiat Friday night, when they defeated Principal J. H. Jaînston was Brghton in the finals, befare an apparently not invited ta at- ýn audience of more than 200 ini St. I.ev. T.S. Boyle D. D, D. C. L. tend the meeting wlicl sel- Le Peter's Paris Hall at Cobourg. The etdamme fhssaf n final debate was used as an oppor- Examining Chaplam ta the Arcl- j etdamme flssaf t tune tiine ta gather tagether re- blslop of Toronto, and Hector of' -presentatives of all branches in the St. Peter's Clurdli, Cobourg, wlo Le Deanery. Mr. Keiti Long, Presi- will be the final guest speaker at F " ik otRvD.T. Owen D. D., D. C. L, i1 dent of the Local Counicil acted as the Centenary services in St. John's Flin B saop andflu ev Le clairman, and the program opened Clurdli an Sunday nigît. Dr. Boyle y'Arhbslop of Toronto and Pri- -witl the presentation of "The Sun- who lias spoken in Bawmanville n Form er ftector at mate of tle Clurdli of England in ,t shine Lady" a one act play staged numerous occasion was at one time Canada wlo is ta preacli on Sunday by four Bawmanville players, Miss acting rectr ofntis parish, for a St ohn s hurh in St. John's Clurdli when )fMary Wallace, Miss Violet McFeet- piodo i ots t o n sC u c ewl eiaeteHlirM ,ers, Tommy Dustan and phrleridO ____aial Windaw. He will be accarded nSpencer. It was directed by M R. ev A L DD civic reception by Mayor Ross ,()ForestA. illng.Rt.Rev A.L.Fleming, .. Strike at the Town Hall at 10.30 !t In the debate "Resalved that Spectacular Card Preached Forceful Ser- 1a:. m., this being tle rmt'frs ;s Christianity is the solution otahîe Lo smon a tJohn's CP=en-vaii tthamanile sfince il is Ls present world crisis". Brighton up- For L on-Bxig St, . P M *nin- alon h e ils fiei.i i leld the affirmative and Bawman- L 1AI5ry - ev C.P Muir- lur 5s ville, represented by Mrs. F. A. Dill- " ._________________ -ing and B. H. Mortlock upheld île W restling L.vCfl head rhd at Night negative, and were awarded île____ Canada's Flying Bishop. Rt. Hev. P sa evc a n verdict. The silver trophy was pre-P sa e vc a d sented ta the Bawmanville team by Big E vent of Friday Night AL. Feming. D. D., Lard Bîshop of -Mn. Keith Long. Mr. E. E. Staples n L.L'teAcijneonSdarute T pc r of amto ws oe f hejudes Brng O tstndngStrs elbrtin0f îhe Centenary ofS.0o f Splendid , fHmtnwse0 ie jde .nns~.u~aun .~sJohn's ClurcI. when le preached an n in the debate. of the Boxing and Wrest- inpressive sermon at the largely at- Rotary Club Talk lingWord toBow an-tended marning service. His Lord- ,e in Wod to ow a-slip selected for his text the 5th h meantime the letter was laid on the ville verse of the 77t1 psaîm 'I have con- Gordon Whitfieîd, W'hitby table.____ sidered tle days of old: and tle *jNo actian was taken on the re- Tamorrow, Friday. June 21st Baw- years that are past". Taday. like Postmaster, Vividly Por- kquest of Mss. E. Smith Ferguson. manville Lions Club makes its f irst the psalniist. le said. we are look- ir or seof shoo rom or usc bg efot t risefuns or tsing back, and we would consider the trayed Service Rendered teaching under the Bureau for Ad- cammunity work in the care of those in tely istory af 110 9vancenient of Music plan. afflicted with defective eyesiglit, smta fgithdepastr usforthe COfice yth Ps ýt The resignation of Miss Marion and in the interests of Boys Work 1 futur e. It Is 105 years ago since tis _Office ePickard as teacher of the South and Community Betierment. cnrgto a omd n 0 d Wad Shoo wa aceptd ad te Dffeingfron aýthng verbe-years ago since your first small The history and value of the Pas- i secretary instructed ta write Miss fore. attempted liere the Club is iwsoe 1Plckard in appreclation of lier ser- staging a tlrilling Baxing and church asopnt. I is 8(> years taI Service in Canada was ably pre- jl vices. Wrestling Show. in wlich the con- aga since the building in whicî you sented on Friday by Ratarian Gar- i tenders for honors will be out- are warshipping taday was erecied. don Whitfield. Postmaster of Whit- Her position will be offered ta, Miss . and it is 30 years aga since youn by and Secretary-Treasurer of tle eMargaret McGregor. ai present a standing men-including provincial beloved rectar was ardaîned inta the Pastmaster's Association of Ontario, supply teacher at a salary of $750 champions. sacred office of the priestlood. wien le addressed the regular meet-ý for the office of Assistant Principal. One needs anly ta look over île Ihv e pivlgd h iso n fteîoayCu.M Iin charge of tle Souh Ward Shollist of boxers and wrestlers in the 1 ave bokn even iuieged.tBh png 0f theceentoiar Clb. tresponsible ta Principal Johnstan. Club's advertisement an page 9 t t said. tahknow seve oi 0fthie teis.nfild'sexetinn abudress redinot Drealize iow much quality i.s contain rcoswohv evdtl aiî al netiig u xednl Mr. Joînstan in a lengtly letter ed in ihase nine bouts. five boxingj and for 24 years I have been priv- educatianal in claracter. gave the Baard lis angle of the sit- and four wnestling. ileged ta worsiip with you in tuis i In intraducîng île speaker Ratar-1 euation neganding tle drastic cut of 0f particular intenest ta local dhurci.. ian Gea. W. James outlined briefly $ 25& in salary. Mn. Jainstan tbld o epewilî be île fight beiween Bislop Fleming paid a glowîng île post office histary of Bawman-1 tie success tiat lad attended hi eHowad Welr elvle n tribute ta Rev. C. R. Spencer for lis ville. In mare than ane lundred efforts as teacler and Principal lia owndlelnBlevle.adwark as rectar. He cangratulated yasBwavlelsldfv oi and mpieion na, fomer i Provincial tiecongregation and wardens an tle masters. Robent Fairbairn, who was neferaed tarîle severl m and teah1rs n. heelen ad i a formher improvements within and autside of appointed in 1829; lis son, J. B. care now principals or assistant prin- nati ward. Apart froru île faci bheacutiful n lar wntd ounvte iW . ing Jon îeMprtincM-o 1cipals of large schools elsewiere. that le cames f rom Bowmanville euilnwAtawnd ,uvilWCKngndhepsn ncm 1Mn. Joinstan asked île Board to is île fact of lis ouîsîanding recent ed ilhe Sunday previaus. Ibent 'of ilat office C. B. Kent. Dur- reconsider île drastic cut meied oui record. He las gained an enviable Dr. Fleming urged tle congregat- ing thase 106 years Bawmanvillef ta him by île Board ati us lasi meet- record in secuning four decisions in ion ta look back ia îlte past. back Post Office lias been located ai île ing. Wiih one eye an île press ne- lis lasi four fights. He fights unden one lundred years ago wlen île firsi back of wlai is now Clemens' Gar- presentative. île Board nefused ta the name "Dynamite" and is in the clurcl was built. Your hlstary will age, at île nonil west corner of dîscuss île principal's letier, and 125 lb or featlenweighi class.- teIl you, le said, ilaf ihis cangregat- King and Scugag Sis., Bucklen's immedlately instrucied it be ne- Among île champions wlo are ion was arganized by Missiananies store, wiere W. J. Bagnell's stare *ceived and fyled. 1 taking part will be Billy Humpînies, wlo were sent here frnm England is now locaied: île Siatesman Block: The Board alsa, unanimously de- Ontario 135 lb. champion, and sev- and whase expenses were paid larg- McGregon's Drug Store, Coudh John- lclined to even reconsider their ac- eral former clampions wlo are us- ely by île devout dhurci people of sion and Crydenman's Men's De- tian with regard ta Miss Morris and Ing this slow as a stepping stanel île Old Land. pariment. and île present site on the secretary was instructed ta not- ta future champlanshlp bouts. Stapping ta think aven wlaî ilese wiich île building was erected in îfy 1er of this faci. Hefenees will be Lau Marsli, sports Missionaries meant ta tis cdurci, 1903. editor of île Toronta Star, and Ray and wlat île interesi 0f tle people In opening lis splendid address, Smillie; Judges, Fred Nabert, super- of tle Matherland meant totais Mr. Whitfield said ilat le lad clos-i vison of Boxing for Ontanio, Major cangregation, we would be gnosslY en "Postal Service"' as a topic. since Art Dawson and Maicîmaker Char- unappreciative wene we not ta be as le considered ht an appropniate sub- lie Ring: Timekeepers. "Duke" Mc- tley were, missionany in spirit, ject upon whicl ta address Rotar- Pric wil b Materof ereonis. f Cris's hurh trouh astir- ervce" hesald, "nat for profit, On te westingcar wil beWal (Cntiuedon nte 0) hic isthesame as the Rotary dy Meyens, Ontario lightweight Club". ic e a tl r a champion; Ben Engblom, Ontario HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Canadian Service Started 1851 ctedlbCattampAoea and Ted McKin- Ars Until 1851," the speaker otn -_ley,__________________125 lb. champion. Miss Pauline E. Wagar was suc- ued. "there was no real postal ser- JimAlln, fomerOntario 145 lb. cesaful in passing 1er second yean vice in Canada. and île service tlat LEGONBA D T PAY champion. is also on the card whici Englisl and Hisiory in île Faculty was in fonce before tis date was un- 15INB N T L Y i made up of Ontaria's mosi pap-ofAt xmninsUivrtyf der the Postmasten Qeneral of Eng- AT CREAM 0F BARLEY ulan wrestlers. Toronto, standing eiglth in position land. At ihat time tiene wene two wiîltoohr tdns rates." le said, "an external nate SUNDAY AFTERNOON MORE CALLS EXPECTED In the Higi Scloal examination f nom England ta Halifax; ta send results published lasi week, the a letten would casi approximately 1 Band Staa'ed lis First Open Air Seven o'clock in île evening is so name slauld have been Doris Dud- shilling and 8 pence. There was al- Concert In Rotary Park Lat muci mare canvenient tian 8.30 ley, wio secuned Upper School Eng. so an intennal rate, and tle speaker Wek lealgPrgrm tiat long distance teleplone users Camp. and Eng., Lit.: and Middle taak as example, from Part Hope ta Week- Plasin Proram may be expected ta call far-away Schoal Anc. Hist., Geom.. Lai. York, (Taronto> whlcl wauld cost9 Was Presented friends more tian even. Nigît raies Auti., Lai. Camp.. Fr. Auil., Fn. fan a letter, sixpence. This", le said, 1 The Caflnian T.Rionn d tadnaw begin ai seven. 25-2 Camp., Gr. Auth.. Gr. Acc (Coniinued on page 6)c for île eradication of bovine tub- is finsi outdoar concert of tle sum- enculasis in Durham Caunty, and a mer season ai Rotary Park on program for bringing tic question Thunsday evening, wlen a large before île farmers of île caunîy number of citizens enjayed a splen- was planned. did program. Bandmaster R. Foun- Having given genenal approval fan tain was in charge. Among the in- tle entire caunty the individual teresiing numbers provided by île municipalities will now get under band wene tie Cointhian Polka by way witi their plans. Dalingion Losey, in whidl George Rowe Jr., Township will make its f irsi effort played a splendid solo. "A Hunting on Tuesday nexi wlen a general Scene" by Bucalossi was anoilex meeting will be leld at Hampton ai outstandlng number which tle aud- 8 p. m. Standard Time. E. A. Sunm- ience tlorauglly enjoyed, but per- mers will outline île benefit.s thai laps île Most popular af aIl was île wilU accrue ta Durham if île re- Operatic Qems of Sir Arthur Sul- strlcted area idea is adopted. livan. The rolllcklng lunes 0f ihese Two-tilrds of tle farmers in tle fine lighi operas, arranged by Les- caunîy must comply wih île terms ter Brockton, pnoved a tilbit wlldh upon whlch suchi an area would be drew plenty a! applause from île establlsled 10 make ht effective, audience. Anoiler solo number The Provincial Depaniment of whidh attradted atention was ilat Agriculture is considering some fanm by Fritz VanGunten, wlose excellent of ca-aperatian witl île Dontin- solo wark las been an autstandlng ton, but details are nai yet avail- feature of île band's performances able. Under île provisions o! tle in necent monils. projeci, no catile boughi autside On Sunday aftennoon, following île resinicted anea wvll le allowed t e service ai île Cemetery the band ta enter it wthout f irai being sub- wlll play at tle Crearu of Barley ject to a tuberculin test. Park, and Bandmaster Fountain .Reeve G. F. Annis 0f Dalingion cordlally Invites île public ta lear Township urges every fanmer toata- île dlverslfled pnognam whicl la le- tend tic meeting ai Hampton and lng pravided for ilat occasion. learn about île mavement when an0 Imniediate canvass of île farinera MrS. Annie Randall, Port Hope, will le underiaken. recently visited Mrs. F. M. Tamblyn. SCENE 0F DECORATION DAY CEREMONIES SUNDAY Above la plctured the beautiful aninual observance of Decoration jCau)c1lta Join in ti annuel recog- McGil Memorlal Oates at Bow- Day wlll be held. Citizens and o r- nirtion of tIe dead. manville Cemetery where Sundayrs ganisations are invlted by the Town 1 Deco ration Day Next Sunday Unveil Crosses on Vets' Graves Annul Sevic of oni end. we lave in Jesus". The 9lsi memoatin Wll e Hlà I Psalm will be read nesponslvely, and memoatio Wil B, i a Chorus of maIe s'oices under Fran- on Sunday-Parade Will cis Suttan, Mus. Bac., will pravIde Leav Pulic c ~ , a choral number during the service. Leave Publc S h oo 1 0f special interestIis tle cenemony Grounds - Mayor to De- w vhich will be performed followlin liver Addresa afier the singing of tle National _______Anthem the Legion Band and meni- War Crosses will be placed on tle bers of the Legion will proceed to graves of former soldiers, wîose île graves of ex-service men, where graves are not already marked. b a bnief service will be held. The leadsianes, as a part of the De- finst grave decoraied will be that of donation Day Ceremonies on Sun- île late Bandmaster R. J. Lowens. day nexi. an whose grave a cross wlll be dedi- The observance wlll be muci the caied. Each cross of the seven ta same as in former years. The par- le unveiled will be covered wlth a ýade wtll form up ai Central Public Union Jack, and two Wolf Cubs wll Selool and Major H. D. Wightman, carry oui île unveiling ceremonies M. C. will act as marsiall of îhe at each grave. At ech grave, Parade. Tie Canadian Legion Band, whetler ornoaithe cross is unveiled under Bandmasier Richard Foun- île grave wlll be decorated with a tain, wll lead tic parade and wiîî Union Jack. The lasitat be unveil- provide music for tle lymns at tle ed near the Cemeiery gaies and at Cemetery service. the conclusion of île cerenrony tle Included in tle panade will be île Last Post and Reveille will le sound- Bowmanville Fine Brigade, Town ed by Bandmasîer Fountain. The Council and Civic Officlals, Canad- service a! dedicaion will be carrled Lan Legion, and Firsi Bowmanvllle oui by the Leglon Padre. Hev. C. R. Pack of Wolf Cubs. Otîer organ- Spencer asslsted by Pasi President, izatians are condially invited ta take R. M. Catton. part in île parade, Councillor C. G. The mankers to be unvelled are Morris, clairman of the Cemetery exact replicas a! War Crosses used Commlttee announced yesterday. in île Cemeteries of France and Ai île Cemetery île Ministerlal Belgium, durlng île war. A commit- Association wlll have charge o! île tee headed by Dr. V. H. Storey has service, wlth île president, Rev. C. been in charge of tudr preparation. R. Spencer, conducing the exer- Eacl cross wll be marked wiih tle cises. Rev. W. G. Blake, Hev. A. S. regimenial number, batiallon nuni Kerr, Hev. E. F. Armstrong, Rev. ber service unit, togeiler with tle Geo. Mason and Capi. J. Batten will date and deail of the ex-service take an active part in île service. man. Programs lave been prlnted and Tic Legion Is grateful ta one wlo will be distnibuied by Cubs ai the wlsles ta be unnamed for providlng Cemeiery. île crasses and ta Comnade Harold A brie! address will be dellvened Mases M. M., wlo made the crasses. by Mayor Ross Stnike durlng tle President L. A. Parker will have service. Hymns sung wl i nclude.1Icharge, o! île Legion section o! île "0 Ood Our Help in Ages Pst",IParade, and bereta, armbands and I'Ablde wlth Me", and "What a FPd- decorations will be worn. -.- Offl Special Session Passes Bylaw Protecting Local Merchants And Producers trom Peddlers Judg H. . Mot Spaker Penalties for Infraction of Maple Grove Anniversary From $35to $100 a i- Maple Grave Sunday School was -Frmn $35 icens$ of0FUait very fortunate in being privileged un -Lc seo Fri to again have His Honor Judge Peddlers Revoked a.n d Hawley S. Mott of Farnily Relations Court, Toronto. as the guest speaker Fees Are Retumned at the anniversary on Sunday. Fine weather and good crowds were also In an effort to pratect local their portion and the occasion pass- tradesmen and growers f rain the ed off splendidly. Mr. H. G. Free- unscrupulous opposition of the door man, superintendent, Preslded and ta door peddler who pays littie or no associated wîth him was the pastor, taxes, the Town Council at a spec- Rev. W. C. Smith, who assisted in ial meeting on Tuesday night a- the services. mended the Peddlers and Hawkers The singing by the school under Act, lmposing steeply graded license leadership of Mr. A. Laird with Miss fee.s. Edna Swallow at the piano, and It shoujd be noted the council lias members of the Maple Grave and made every effort ta protect the Io- South Darlington Schools. under cal merchant, withaut imposlng anY supervision of Miss Marion Orchard hardship on local growers, who are, and the teachers, Mr. W. Lycett and in any event pratected by provincial Miss Ruby Bragg. was especially statues. good and was highly commented on The new provisions passed by by ail who heard these Young peo- council are as follows:- ple. For the purpose of the bylaw those The address of the afternoon was. living within five miles of Bow- particularly directed ta the mem- manville are cansidered as re3idents. bers af the schaol when Judge Mott A resident, peddling fruit or veg- spake ta them on "Service". He ex- etables, with a pack, basket or hand- plainecl clearly the meaning of the bag. license $5.00; for non resident, term showing that ta serve another $25.00. meant sacrifice, hard work and love. A resident peddling fruit and veg- 0kd and yaung were greatly benefit- etables with a barrow or pushcart, ted by his practical advice. license $5.00; for non resident $50.- In the evenlng a fine audience 00. greeted Judge Mott and the 0f fic- For resident peddling fruit and ers, pastor and members of the vegetables with horse vehicle or school were again treated ta a prac- matar vehicle, license $10.00. for non tical address, "Be StiUl and Know." resident, license $300.00 wlth ad- He said in these daYs of depression ditional $50.00 for each helper. when everyone is looking for the aid The above sections do flot aply to times of prosperity ta return it was farmers and growers who sel!, their necessary for every active man and 1 own grown produce. woman ta go.aside and think before Ail selling of fruit and vegetables they acted. Whlle the aId days prohibited froan parked vehicles Or wauld neyer return as we once lad from baskets, etc., on the streets. themn owing to changing conditionis, New license for ail other wares, the need was ail the greater for men for non resident $300.00 and for res- and women ta take time ta think ident, $10-00. out their prablems before acting. Penalty for infractions of this by- He emphasized the thaught that we law have been incressed from a ail need to, 1ook at life f rom Gad's maximum fine of $35.00 ta a maxi- standpoint and ta cansider his de- mum fine of $100-00. mands befare aur awn sellish de- The clerk was instructed ta in- (Conntied on page 6) form Mr. Brown, Toronto. wha holds __________ - a license for peddling fruits and vegetables at the present-tinie, that Drowning at Lake Scugog j is license is revoked, and that the A tragic drawning occurred at f ee paid will be rettlrned in full. Pogne's Landing, Lake Scugog, on The only other business carried Sunday when Paul Formosa; aged 22 out by council at this meeting waS years, eldest sonl of Mr. and Mrs. the clerk's instructions ta request a Lewis Formosa, 569 Richmond St. meeting with Darlington Township West, Toronto, dived from a sinking Council and the Raads and Streets boat and was held under water by Cammittee of the Town Council to quicksand. He was one of a party extend the present agreement exlst- camprising Toronta Young people ing regarding the care and uplceèp who were at the lake for a picnic. of boundary roads between the two The boat was barrawed, and sank municipalities. rapidly a short distance f rom shore. -(D Two young men who were with the Messrs George and William Gra- victim were able ta escape. Dr. G. ham were weekend guests of their M. Hennie of Port Perry was sum- sister. Mrs. A. C. Brown, Toronto. moned but the youth could not be and attended the Gilchrlst and Lane revived. wedding.

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